Two Uses of Local Studies • Studying communi6es (residen6al pa:erns and the community as a variable) • Individual communi6es may have included some interes6ng ques6ons that could become academic research JEWISH COMMUNITIES AS AN OBJECT OF STUDY EXAMPLE 1: Residen6al Pa:erns Ethnic and Racial Minori6es in Los Angeles have dis6nct residen6al pa:erns. In addi6on to historic Chinatown, the Chinese in LA County are concentrated in par6cular communi6es in the San Gabriel Valley A new model for understanding Los Angeles residen6al pa:erns in the 21st Century….. The “ethnoburb” This is what sociologists typically think of when they use the term “ethno‐burb: Encino, CA. “Funny, you don’t like an ethno‐burb” Could this also be what an ethno‐burb looks like? (Highland Park) Jewish Density, 1997 LA County Jews have dis6nct residen6al concentra6ons In the 1960s sociologists such as Marshall Sklare thought affluent suburbs would be the most likely place to find Jewish assimila6on. The current term for this is “spa6al assimila6on.” Highland Park, the “Lakeville” studied by Marshall Sklare is one of the “North Shore Suburbs” The North Shore suburbs are the most expensive The North Shore Suburbs also have the highest Jewish densi6es Jewish Density Geographic Area 1990 2000 North Shore Suburbs 18.6% 16.5% Near North Suburbs 15.9% 10.9% City North 16.0% 7.6% Rest of Chicago 1.8% 2.1% North West Suburbs 4.6% 5.4% West Suburbs 1.9% 1.4% South Suburbs 5.4% 2.2% TOTAL 6.6% 5.1% The North Shore suburbs are also the most Jewish in terms of % of household repor6ng a synagogue membership 1981 1990 2000 North Shore Suburbs 56% 61% 57% Near North Suburbs 48% 49% 45% Southern suburbs 54% 36% 40% City North 38% 36% 36% Rest of Chicago 31% 29% 35% Northwest Suburbs 38% 32% 35% Western Suburbs 32% 33% 27% Total 44% 42% 41% North shore suburbs also have the lowest % of all married couples that are intermarriages BUT WHAT ABOUT LOS ANGELES? A CITY VERY MUCH UNLIKE CHICAGO In Los Angeles, West LA and the Valley Hills (aka Hebrew Hills) are in top 3 most expensive areas. The Northern Valleys (Simi & Santa Clarita) are the least expensive Median Home Value, 2000 $500,000 $450,000 $400,000 $350,000 $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 $0 Northern Valleys Valley Flats Urban Core Conejo Valley Valley Hills Coastline West LA The most affluent areas have the highest Jewish density, and the least affluent have the lowest Jewish density. % Jewish 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Northern Valleys Urban Core Valley Flats Coastline Conejo Valley West LA Valley Hills The most expensive areas have the highest Jewish density, while the least expensive areas have the lowest Jewish density. % Jewish 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Northern Valleys Urban Core Valley Flats Coastline Conejo Valley West LA Valley Hills Defying the expecta6ons of the 1960s, the most affluent Jewish suburbs in Los Angeles are also the most Jewish (as measured by endogamy and synagogue membership) % Endogamous 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Northern Valleys Valley Flats Coastline Urban Core Conejo Valley West LA Valley Hills JEWISH COMMUNITIES AS AN OBJECT OF STUDY EXAMPLE 2: The Community as a Variable THE COMMUNITY AS A VARIABLE: Do the size and growth rate influence the affilia6on pa:erns of recent in‐migrants? COMMUNITY GROWTH COMMUNITIES STABLE (or declining) SIZE (double digit growth over 10 years previous to study) (<10% growth over previous 10 years) Large Community (100,000+) Intermediate (20,000-99,000) Atlanta (2005) Recent Migrants Population !0 year growth Community Recent Migrants Population !0 year growth 15% 120,000 56% Chicago (2001) 14% 273,000 5% SF (2004) 20% 227,000 36% Los Angeles (1997) 7% 540,000 4% San Diego (2003) 16% 89,000 27% Baltimore (1999) 7% 91,000 3% Pittsburgh (2002) 7% 42,000 -4% Phoenix (2002) 19% 83,000 47% Synagogue Membership is lower for new migrants in rapid growth Jewish communi6es Synagogue Membership is higher in intermediate sized Jewish communi6es Logisi6c Regression Predic6ng Synagogue Membership Variable (Reference Category) Years lived in community B S.E. Wald Sig. Exp(B) 0.174 0.022 65.408 0 1.191 Large (intermediate) -0.453 0.057 63.295 0 0.636 Growth (stable) -0.192 0.056 11.999 0.001 0.825 Children in hh (no children) 0.574 0.062 85.14 0 1.775 In-married (intermarried) 1.782 0.08 496.355 0 5.939 Single (intermarried) 0.681 0.086 62.164 0 1.976 Orthodox (secular or Just Jewish) 2.605 0.136 367.543 0 13.527 Conservative (secular or Just Jewish) 1.682 0.084 399.721 0 5.377 Reform ( (secular or Just Jewish) 1.163 0.078 221.94 0 3.2 -0.001 0.001 1.393 0.238 0.999 0.228 0.02 125.457 0 1.256 -2.851 0.217 172.484 0 0.058 Education Income Constant Some local studies have asked ques6ons about specific topics of possible research interest • Do day schools compete with local school districts? (LA) • Why do Jews move to Jewish areas? (Chicago) • Spirituality (Boston, Sea:le, Los Angeles) Los Angeles: Jews in low performing LAUSD are more likely to a:end day school Age of Child 6-12 Type of School Attended 13-17 Other LAUSD district Other LAUSD district Public 57 82 68 81 Private 17 11 18 10 Day School 26 8 14 9 100 100 100 100 Total Logis6c Regression predic6ng day school enrollment Variable (& reference category) B S.E. Wald df Sig. Exp(B) Orthodox (no denomination) 4.40 0.07 4,202 1 0.000 81.5 In-married (intermarried) 3.77 0.09 1,784 1 0.000 43.2 Single Parent (intermarried) 2.36 0.09 676 1 0.000 10.6 In LAUSD (some other school district) 1.58 0.04 1,898 1 0.000 4.8 Conservative (no denomination) 0.37 0.04 82 1 0.000 1.4 Income (4 categories) 0.18 0.02 110 1 0.000 1.2 Child is 13-17 (child is younger) -1.15 0.03 1,637 1 0.000 0.3 Reform (No denomination) -1.26 0.04 794 1 0.000 0.3 Constant -4.89 0.11 1,973 1 0.000 0.0 SELF SELECTION: Jews in High Density Suburbs said it was important to live near a Jewish community How important to you was the availability or nearness of a Jewish community in deciding to move/stay to where you live now? Very important Somewhat important Not too important Not at all Total City North 22 25 16 37 100 Rest of Chicago 10 14 17 58 100 Near North Suburb 38 29 13 20 100 North Shore Suburb 44 26 11 19 100 North West suburbs 28 22 19 31 100 Western suburbs 4 20 12 65 100 Southern suburbs 22 14 18 46 100 All 27 23 15 34 100 Ques6ons on Spirituality Boston “How important to you is the spiritual side of your life?” Sea:le “To what extent is the spiritual side of your life important to you ?” Los Angeles “To what extent is the spiritual side of your life important to you ?”