A mega-evaluation of a mega-experiment Towards a comprehensive evaluation of Taglit Erik H. Cohen School of Education - Bar Ilan University Brandeis University May, 2012 People Madrichim Applicants’ parents Diaspora community leaders and educators Israeli public Organizations Jewish federations Synagogues Youth movements Members of relevant Israeli government committees 40% of Taglit participants come from outside North America Europe, South America, South Africa, Australia-New Zealand Still a vast population of individuals do not apply. What are the reasons for this? Are they ideological, religious, cultural, social, logistical? Six months after applying, non-participants displayed a distinct decline in their attitudes regarding various aspects of Jewish identity In 2002-2003, Orthodox youth made up over a third of the participants, since 2008, less than 5%. 32.4% of denominational shifting in six months: particularly, towards secularism What are the large benefits of Taglit for the Jewish people as a whole? What other settings of Jewish education in the Diaspora can learn from Taglit? Thank you for your attention 2008 Taglit-Birthright Trip A Facet theory analysis Erik H. Cohen School of Education - Bar Ilan University Brandeis University May, 2012 The surveyed populations The internal analyzed items The external analyzed items The two structural hypotheses Assessment of the structural hypotheses Further analyses There are different ways of being Jewish. For you personally, how much does being Jewish involve… Not at all, A little, Somewhat, Very much Celebrating Jewish holidays? Caring about Israel? Supporting Jewish organizations? Working for social justice? Attending synagogue? Remembering the Holocaust? Countering anti-Semitism? Volunteering to help those in need? How important is each of the following to you personally in your life? Not important, A little important, Somewhat important, Very important Being Jewish Dating someone Jewish Marrying someone Jewish Raising your children Jewish To what extent do you... Not at all, A little, Somewhat, Very much Feel a connection to Jewish history? Feel a connection to Israel? Feel part of a worldwide Jewish community? Feel a connection to the Jewish community where you live? Feel a connection to Jewish traditions and customs? Feel a connection to your Jewish peers? SSA Assessment of first hypothesis Do you CURRENTLY consider yourself to be? Secular/Culturally Jewish Just Jewish Reform Conservative Reconstructionist Orthodox No religion Other. Please specify First Questionnaire No religion 3% Reconstruc 1% Orthodox 2% Other 3% Secular 16% Conservative 18% Just Jewish 26% Reform 31% Second Questionnaire No religion Orthodox Reconstruc 3% 3% Other 4% 1% Secular 25% Conservative 17% Just Jewish 21% Reform 26% Have you encourage friends, siblings and others to participate in future Taglit-Birthright Israel trips? No Yes, once or twice Yes, a few times Yes, "talk it up" all the time Are your parents Jewish now? Father No Yes Mother No Yes Overall, for me, the trip felt like… Not at all, A little, Somewhat, Very much A fun vacation A learning experience A religious pilgrimage A journey to my Jewish roots An encounter with the real Israel Too much for ten days A group Jewish experience A life changing experience A disappointment NonParticipants Participants Whole population -.11 -.01 -.04 -.09 .02 .01 -.20 -.11 -.14 -.13 -.03 -.06 Corresponding items PRE & POST Working for social justice Countering anti-Semitism Volunteering to help those in need MEAN NonParticipants Participants Whole population -.20 .14 .05 -.19 -.05 -.09 -.03 .13 .08 -.08 .57 .40 -.04 .34 .24 -.11 +.23 .14 Corresponding items PRE & POST Caring about Israel Supporting Jewish organizations Feel a connection to Jewish history Feel a connection to Israel Feel part of a worldwide Jewish community MEAN NonParticipants Participants Whole population -.14 .00 -.04 -.08 .03 .00 -.11 .08 .03 -.14 .03 -.02 -.12 -.06 -.08 -.10 -.15 -.14 -.09 -.12 -.11 -.11 .00 -.03 -.11 .01 -.02 -.13 -.02 -.05 Corresponding items PRE & POST Being Jewish Feel a connection to Jewish traditions and customs Feel a connection to your Jewish peers Raising your children Jewish Feel a connection to the Jewish community where you live Celebrating Jewish holidays Attending synagogue Marrying someone Jewish Dating someone Jewish MEAN NonParticipants Participants Whole population -.14 -.03 -.06 Corresponding items PRE & POST Remembering the Holocaust