CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Problem background Water is largely taken for granted as it is perceived as the most widely occurring substance in the Earth. It is reported that 2.5 % of world water is freshwater while the rest is salt. However, only 0.3 % of the world’s freshwater is available in rivers or lake. Almost all the rest is held up by icecaps and glaciers or buried deep in underground aquifers (Figure 1.1) (Shiklomanov, 1999). Global freshwater consumption raised six fold between 1990 and 1995, which is more than twice the rate of population growth. Thus, about one-third of the world’s population already lives in countries with moderate to high water stress (UNEP, 1999). Current predictions are that by 2050 at least one in four people is likely to live in countries affected by chronic or recurring shortages of freshwater (World Water Assessment Programme, WWAP, 2000). 2 Figure 1.1: The water resources of earth (Shiklomanov, 1999) Demands for water come not only from the need to drink and the need to deal with waste. The primary consumers of water include industry as well as agriculture sectors (Figure 1.2). Consequently, water pollution created from these demands has significantly contributed towards the scarcity of freshwater in the world. About two million tons of waste is dumped everyday into rivers, lakes and streams, with one litre of wastes sufficient to pollute about eight litre of water (WWAP, 2000). Industry (22%) Domestic (8%) Agriculture (70%) Figure 1.2: Global water use (UNEP, 1999) UNEP has also stated that industrial wastes are significant sources of water pollution. Industrial wastes often give rise to contaminant with heavy metals and persistent organic compounds. Some 300-500 million tons of heavy metals, solvent, toxic sludge and other wastes accumulate each year from industry (United Nations 3 Industrial Development Organisation, UNIDO, 1998). Figure 1.3 shows the global estimates of emissions of organic water pollutants by different industry sector (World Bank, 2001). A study of 15 Japanese cities showed that 30 % of all groundwater supplies are contaminated by chlorinated solvents from industry. In some cases, the solvents from spills travelled as far as 10 km from the source of pollution. As a result, strict enforcement of environmental regulations has been carried out to minimise the water pollution. (a) (b) Figure 1.3: Contributions of main industrial sectors to the production of organic water pollutants (a) high- income countries (b) low- income countries In most countries, industrial water tariff has been increasing from time to time. One of the main reasons that causes this is the current inflation level, which resulted in higher chemical cost, labour cost and construction cost. Besides, the need for more advanced wastewater treatment techniques with higher wastewater treatment costs to treat highly polluted water has also become one of the driving forces towards water tariff increment. The need to fund addition of water utility to meet rising demand for clean fresh water has also causes water supply companies to increase the water tariff. Therefore, rising cost of industrial freshwater and stringent environmental regulations have been functional to reduce the water requirement from the industry. Thus, it became necessary for the industries to look for better water management 4 system to reduce their freshwater consumption and wastewater generation. To solve this problem, many companies have applied the systematic technique based on water pinch analysis (WPA) through efficient water utilisation. Our experience and analysis have shown that WPA is well suited for grassroots design but has limitations when applied to existing processes. This is mainly caused by the existence of numerous constraints and problems related to the operability of an existing plant. Consequently, there is a need of new systematic techniques for retrofit of water network. 1.2 The Water Management Hierarchy It is quite common to find the environmental issue considered during the last stage of process design. Wastewater produced often goes through the end-of-pipe treatment where wastewater is treated with treatment processes such as biological treatment, filtration, membranes, etc. to a form suitable for discharged to the environment. Over the past decade, water minimisation through WPA has become an important issue in the chemical process industries to achieve optimum water utility network. This approach does achieve beneficial goals such as reducing the water utility, bigger process throughput, lower capital and operating costs as well as improving the public perception towards the company. To obtain the optimum water utility design for a water network, Manan et al., (2004b) established a hierarchical approach for fresh water conservation called ZM water management hierarchy (Figure 1.4). This is a general guideline for fresh water conservation. The hierarchy consists of five levels, namely source elimination, source reduction, direct reuse, reclamation, and discharge after treatment. Each level represents various water management options. The levels are arranged in order of preference, from the most preferred option at the top of the hierarchy (level 1) to the 5 least preferred at the bottom (level 5). Water minimisation is concerned with the first to the fourth level of the hierarchy. Source elimination and source reduction at the top of the hierarchy is concerned with the complete avoidance of fresh water usage. When it is not possible to eliminate or reduce fresh water at source, wastewater recycling and regeneration should be considered. Discharge after treatment should only be considered when wastewater cannot be recycled. Through the ZM water management hierarchy, the end-of-pipe treatment may not be eliminated, but it will become economically legitimate. Source Elimination Source Reduction Reuse Regeneration Reuse Discharge after Treatment Figure 1.4: A holistic approach for water minimisation through the ZM Water Management Hierarchy (Manan et al., 2004b) 1.3 Problem Statement Water is used in the process industry for a wide range of applications. Increased cost of wastewater treatment and rising demand for high quality industrial water have created a pressing need for efficient water utilisation and wastewater reuse. The synthesis of optimal water utilisation networks has dealt with grass-root design, where the emphasis is on the minimisation of raw water and maximisation of 6 water reuse and regeneration. To date, very little has been accomplished on the use of heuristic techniques for the retrofit of existing water network in contrast to the work done on grassroots designs. There is a clear need to develop systematic techniques for water network retrofit with and without regeneration to help achieve water savings for existing processes. The water network retrofit problem is summarised as follows: Given a set of mass transfer-based and/or non- mass transfer-based water-using processes, with/without a set of treatment processes, it is desired to perform retrofit synthesis on the existing water network with/without integration of new treatment process(es) or optimisation of existing treatment process(es). The various streams in the process are re-structured to simultaneously accomplish the best savings in operating costs, subject to a minimum payback period or/and maximum capital expenditure. 1.4 Objective The main objective of this research is to develop new systematic techniques for the retrofit of water network with and without regene ration that includes utility targeting and/or network design. 1.5 Scope of Research The scopes of this work include: 7 • Analysis of the state-of-art technique It involved analysis of the previous approach for retrofit, their advantages and disadvantages and the improvements required. • Development of retrofit targeting techniques Three new systematic targeting techniques for water network with and/or without regeneration have been established. These procedures are used according to different types of water network. Capital and operating costs as well as piping cost estimations are taken into consideration in these targeting procedures. • Establishment of retrofit design procedure A systematic retrofit design methodology has been introduced to meet the retrofit targets. This methodology is also applicable for cases without retrofit targeting procedure. 1.6 Research Contributions The main contributions of this research are summarised as follows: i. As far as it can be found in the literature, this is the first work on the Water Cascade Analysis (WCA)-based water network retrofit synthesis. The basic concept of pinch analysis for heat exchange network, mass exchange network and water network are the basic of this work. ii. A new systematic retrofit technique for water network with mass transferbased operations involving two key steps namely utility (water) targeting and network design has been established. In the targeting stage, fresh water and wastewater targets, and capital cost targets were determined for a particular capital expenditure. retrofitted to meet the targets. Lastly the existing network was 8 iii. A new systematic retrofit design methodology for non- mass transferbased operations has been established. A new graphical tool called concentratio n block diagram (CBD) has been introduced to diagnose, retrofit and evolve the existing water network. iv. A new two-stage systematic technique for the retrofit of water network with existing regeneration unit(s) optimisation has been developed. The first stage of the retrofit task was to locate the various retrofit targets, where utility savings and capital investment were determined for a range of process parameters (flowrate increment or outlet concentration reduction of the existing regeneration unit). Next, the existing water network was re-designed to achieve the chosen targets. v. A new systematic retrofit methodology, which incorporates new regeneration unit(s) into water network retrofit has been developed. In the targeting stage, retrofit targets (utility savings and capital investment) were determined for a range of process parameters (total flowrate and/or outlet concentration of the new regeneration unit) to obtain a savings versus investment curve. Lastly the existing network was retrofitted to meet the targets. 1.7 Summary of This Thesis In this thesis, a set of new systematic targeting and design techniques for the retrofit of water network have been developed. The basic concept of pinch technology utilised for retrofit of heat integration and mass integration has been extended to retrofit of water network. Chapter 2 provides a review of the relevant theories of this thesis related to the development in pinch technology for heat exchange network, mass exchange network and water network. 9 A review of the relevant literatures of this thesis is provided in Chapter 3. The development of pinch technology for heat exchange network, mass exchange network and water network are reviewed. Mathematical approaches for heat integration are also covered in these chapters. Chapter 4 gives an overview of the new retrofit methodologies for water network developed in this work. Two new methods for retrofit water network are discussed. These involve retrofit with mass transfer-based and of non- mass transferbased operations. Retrofit targeting and design procedure for water network with mass transfer-based operations, which includes capital and operating costs constraints are presented. For water network with non- mass transfer-based operations, only network design is described since no equipment investment other than those for pipework modifications is usually required during retrofit. The methodologies for water network retrofit with optimisation of existing regeneration units and addition of new regeneration units are also discussed in Chapter 4. During retrofit targeting, various retrofit alternatives based on the different combinations of constraints to establish the optimum retrofit targets are examined. To achieve the targets, retrofit design is then conducted. The detailed methodologies for retrofit of water network as well as the analysis and discussions of the results of applying the systematic retrofit techniques on different case studies are presented in Chapter 5. Chapter 6 concluded the thesis by summarising the main points and contributions discussed and exploring the potential area for future development for water network retrofit. 10 THESIS INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 2 & 3: FUNDAMENTAL THEORY AND LITERATURE REVIEW A review and analysis work on: § Heat exchange network retrofit § Mass exchange network synthesis and retrofit § Water pinch analysis CHAPTER 4 & 5: METHODOLOGY DEVELOPMENT AND DISCUSSION § Retrofit water network with reuse and recycling o Retrofit of water network with mass transferbased operations o Retrofit of water network with non-mass transfer-based operations § Retrofit of water network with regeneration units optimisation § Retrofit of water network with the addition of new regeneration units CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORKS Figure 1.5: A flow diagram illustrating the conceptual link between the chapters