DEVELOPMENT OF NEW SYSTEMATIC TECHNIQUES FOR RETROFIT OF WATER NETWORK TAN YIN LING UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA PSZ 19:16 (Pind. 1/97) UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA BORANG PENGESAHAN STATUS TESIS♦ JUDUL: DEVELOPMENT OF NEW SYSTEMATIC TECHNIQUES FOR RETROFIT OF WATER NETWORK SESI PENGAJIAN : 2004/2005 Saya TAN YIN LING (HURUF BESAR) mengaku membenarkan tesis (PSM/Sarjana/Doktor Falsafah)* ini disimpan di Perpustakaan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dengan syarat-syarat kegunaan seperti berikut : 1. 2. Tesis adalah hakmilik Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Perpustakaan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dibenarkan membuat salinan untuk tujuan pengajian sahaja. Perpustakaan dibenarkan membuat salinan tesis ini sebagai bahan pertukaran antara institusi pengajian tinggi. **Sila tandakan (P ) 3. 4. P SULIT (Mengandungi maklumat yang berdarjah keselamatan atau kepentingan Malaysia seperti yang termaktub di dalam AKTA RAHSIA RASMI 1972) TERHAD (Mengandungi maklumat TERHAD yang telah ditentukan oleh organisasi/badan di mana penyelidikan dijalankan) TIDAK TERHAD Disahkan oleh (TANDATANGAN PENULIS) (TANDATANGAN PENYELIA) Alamat Tetap: 14-D, LORONG PULAU TIKUS, 10350 PULAU PINANG. 13 June 2005 Tarikh: CATATAN: * ** ® P. M. DR. ZAINUDDIN ABDUL MANAN Nama Penyelia Tarikh: 13 June 2005 Potong yang tidak berkenaan. Jika tesis ini SULIT atau TERHAD, sila lampirkan surat daripada pihak berkuasa/organisasi berkenaan dengan menyatakan sekali sebab dan tempoh tesis ini perlu dikelaskan sebagai SULIT atau TERHAD. Tesis dimaksudkan sebagai tesis bagi Ijazah Doktor Falsafah dan Sarjana secara penyelidikan, atau disertasi bagi pengajian secara kerja kursus dan penyelidikan, atau Laporan Projek Sarjana Muda (PSM). “I hereby declare that I have read this thesis and in my opinion this thesis is sufficient in terms of scope and quality for the award of the degree of Master of Engineering (Chemical)” Signature : Name of Supervisor : P. M. DR. ZAINUDDIN ABDUL MANAN Date 13 June 2005 : DEVELOPMENT OF NEW SYSTEMATIC TECHNIQUES FOR RETROFIT OF WATER NETWORK TAN YIN LING A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Engineering (Chemical) Faculty of Chemical and Natural Resources Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia JUNE 2005 ii I declare that this thesis entitle “Development of New Systematic Techniques for Retrofit of Water Network ” is the result of my own research except as cited in the references. This thesis has not been accepted for any degree and is not concurrently submitted in candidature of any other degree. Signature : Name : TAN YIN LING Date : 13 June 2005 iii To my beloved parents, brother and Derek iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Firstly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Associate Professor Dr. Zainuddin Abdul Manan, the current Head of Chemical Engineering Department, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), for his dedication, support and guidance throughout the whole period of this research work. I also appreciate his guidance on the research and the freedom tha t he had given me in exploring the scope of my research. My sincere thank is also directed to Mr. Dominic Foo Chwan Yee for his thought and insight of the research project. I am grateful to Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment for providing National Science Fellowship (NSF) scholarship for this project. Finally, I would like to thank my parents, brother and Soh Chze Min Derek for their support and understanding during my difficulties. I also appreciate my fellow friends who have directly and indirectly contribute to the success of this project. v ABSTRACT Grassroots synthesis of maximum water recovery network based on Pinch Analysis has been rather well established. In contrast, less work has been done on retrofit of water network. There is a clear need to develop procedures to retrofit an existing water network. Four new systematic techniques for retrofit of water network based on Pinch Analysis concept have been developed in this work, i.e. retrofit of water network for mass transfer-based operations; retrofit of water network for nonmass transfer-based operations; retrofit of water network with regeneration unit(s) optimisation; retrofit of water network with the addition of new regeneration unit(s). Retrofit technique for water network with mass transfer-based operations involves two key steps namely utility targeting and network design. During targeting, utility and capital cost targets were determined for a particular capital expenditure. Lastly, the existing network was retrofitted to meet the targets. Retrofit method for nonmass transfer-based operations precludes targeting and only requires retrofit design. A new graphical tool called concentration block diagram (CBD) has been introduced to diagnose, retrofit and evolve the existing water network. The new techniques proposed for retrofit of water network with existing regeneration unit(s) optimisation/ additional new regeneration unit(s) consist of two stages. The first stage locates the various retrofit targets, where utility savings and capital investment were determined for a range of process parameters (i.e. total flowrate and/or outlet concentration of the regeneration unit). Next, the existing water network was redesigned to achieve the chosen targets. Application of the new retrofit techniques on paper mill plants proves that the techniques are both highly interactive as well as viable for implementation. vi ABSTRAK Sintesis asas bagi rangkaian perolehan air yang maksimum berdasarkan Analisis Pinch telah banyak diterokai. Sebaliknya, hanya sedikit kajian yang telah dilakukan terhadap pengubahsuaian rangkaian air. Ini jelas menunjukkan bahawa prosedur pengubahsuaian rangkaian air amat diperlukan. Empat teknik baru yang sistematik bagi pengubahsuaian rangkaian air telah dibangunkan, khususnya, pengubahsuaian rangkaian air bagi operasi yang melibatkan pindah jisim; pengubahsuaian rangkaian air bagi operasi yang tidak melibatkan pindah jisim; pengubahsuaian rangkaian air dengan pengoptimuman unit penjanaan semula; pengubahsuaian rangkaian air dengan penambahan unit penjanaan semula. Teknik pengubahsuaian rangkaian air bagi operasi yang melibatkan pindah jisim melibatkan dua langkah utama iaitu penetapan sasaran dan rekadentuk rangkaian air. Semasa penetapan sasaran, sasaran utility dan kos modal telah diperolehi berdasarkan pelaburan yang tetap. Akhirnya, rangkaian yang sedia ada diubahsuai untuk mencapai sasaran yang ditetapkan. Pengubahsuaian rangkaian air bagi operasi yang tidak melibatkan pindah jisim hanya memerlukan pengubahsuaian rangkaian. Gambar rajah blok kepekatan telah diperkenalkan untuk menganalisis, mengubahsuai dan membangunkan rangkaian air yang sedia ada. Teknik-teknik baru yang dicadangkan bagi pengubahsuaian rangkaian air dengan pengoptimuman unit penjanaan semula/ penambahan unit penjanaan semula melibatkan dua peringkat. Dalam peringkat pertama, beberapa sasaran pengubahsuaian termasuk pengurangan utiliti dan pelaburan telah diperolehi bagi satu lingkungan parameter proses. Seterusnya, rangkaian air yang sedia ada diubahsuai bagi mencapai sasaran yang telah ditetapkan. Penggunaan teknik-teknik pengubahsuaian baru ini ke atas beberapa kajian kes kilang kertas telah membuktikan bahawa teknik-teknik ini adalah ama t interaktif dan praktikal untuk dilaksanakan. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 TITLE PAGE DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES xiii LIST OF FIGURES xiv LIST OF SYMBOLS xx INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Problem Background 1 1.2 The Water Management Hierarchy 4 1.3 Problem Statement 5 1.4 Objectives 6 1.5 Scopes of Research 6 1.6 Research Contribution 7 1.7 Summary of This Thesis 8 viii 2 FUNDAMENTAL THEORY 11 2.1 Introduction 11 2.2 Process Synthesis 11 2.3 Pinch Analysis 13 2.4 Retrofit of Heat Exchange Network Using Pinch 14 Analysis 2.5 Mass Exchange Network 16 2.5.1 What is a Mass Exchanger? 16 2.5.2 Sizing and Costing of Mass Exchanger 17 Unit 2.5.3 Grassroots Synthesis of Mass Exchange 23 Network The Targeting Approach for 24 Mass Exchange Networks 2.5.4 Network Design Retrofit Synthesis of Mass Exchange 29 32 Network 2.6 Water Pinch Analysis 33 2.6.1 Water Pinch Analysis Concept 33 2.6.2 Types of Water-using Operations 34 34 Mass Transfer-based Waterusing Operations Non-mass Transfer-based 36 Water-using Operations 2.6.3 Targeting Approach for Maximum 37 Recovery Network through Reuse and Recycle Limiting Composite Curve 37 Water Surplus Diagram 38 Water Cascade Analysis 41 ix 2.6.4 Targeting Approach for Maximum 46 Recovery Network through Reuse, Recycle and Regeneration Limiting Composite Curve 47 Water Surplus Diagram and 49 Water Cascade Analysis 2.6.5 Network Design 50 Grid Diagram 50 Network Design through 52 Source and Demand Approach 2.6.6 3 Water Network Retrofit Constraints 54 LITERATURE REVIEW 55 3.1 Introduction 55 3.2 Heat Exchange Network Retrofit 56 3.3 Mass Exchange Network 58 3.3.1 58 Grassroots Synthesis of Mass Exchange Network 3.3.2 3.4 Mass Exchange Network Retrofit 60 Water Pinch Analysis 61 3.4.1 61 Grassroots Synthesis of Water Recovery Network Using Pinch Analysis Grassroots Synthesis for 62 Maximum Recovery Network through Reuse and Recycle Grassroots Synthesis for 63 Maximum Recovery Network through Reuse, Recycle and Regeneration 3.4.2 Retrofit of Water Network 65 x 3.5 The State-of-the-art on Water Network 66 Retrofit Addressing the Research Gap 4 METHODLOGY 68 4.1 Introduction 68 4.2 Retrofit of Water Network with Reuse 68 and Recycling 4.3 Retrofit of Water Network with Reuse, 72 Recycling and Regeneration 4.3.1 Retrofit of Water Network with 72 Regeneration Units Optimisation 4.3.2 Retrofit of Water Network with the 75 Additional of New Regeneration Units 4.4 5 Chapter Summary 78 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 79 5.1 79 Retrofit of Water Network for Mass Transferbased Operations 5.1.1 Problem Statement and Assumptions 79 5.1.2 Case Study 1 80 5.1.3 Retrofit Targeting 81 Minimum Fresh Water Target 82 Number of Tray Target 83 Nstages versus FW plot 88 5.1.4 Retrofit Design 92 5.1.5 Summary of the Developed Water 96 Network Retrofit for Mass Transferbased Operations 5.2 Retrofit of Water Network for Non- mass Transfer based Operations 97 xi 5.2.1 Problem Statement and Assumptions 97 5.2.2 Case Study 2 98 5.2.3 Retrofit Design 101 5.2.4 Summary of the Developed Water 108 Network Retrofit for Non- mass Transfer-based Operations 5.3 Retrofit of Water Network with Regeneration 108 Units Optimisation 5.3.1 Problem Statement and Assumptions 108 5.3.2 Case Study 3 109 5.3.3 Selection of Optimisation Parameter for 114 Existing Regeneration Units 5.3.4 Retrofit Targeting 117 117 Comparison of Estimated Investment Costs Optimisation of SDF2 with 119 Increased Freg Optimisation of DAF with 123 Lowered Cout Discussion 128 5.3.5 Retrofit Design 129 5.3.6 Summary of the Developed Water 135 Network Retrofit with Regeneration Units Optimisation 5.4 Retrofit of Water Network with the Additional of 136 New Regeneration Units 5.4.1 Problem Statement and Assumptions 136 5.4.2 Case Study 4 136 5.4.3 Retrofit Targeting 137 139 Case 1: Vary Freg with Fixed Cout xii Case 2: Vary Cout with Fixed 147 Freg Case 3: Vary Cout and Freg 151 Discussions 155 5.4.4 Retrofit Design 155 5.4.5 Summary of the Developed Water 161 Network Retrofit with the Additional of New Regeneration Units 6 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORKS 162 6.1 Summary and Significance 162 6.2 Future Works 163 REFERENCES 165 xiii LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 Interval water balance table 42 2.2 Water cascade table 46 5.1 Stream data for case study 1 81 5.2 Limiting water data with ε = 0.00021 kmol 83 SO2 /kmol water 5.3 WCT with e = 0.00021 for case study 1 83 5.4 X-Y Table for case study 1 85 5.5 Summary of tray contributions for each gas 87 stream and the total number of trays above and below the pinch regions for case study 1 5.6 Water demands and sources for case study 2 100 5.7 WCT for case study 2 102 5.8 Comparison of fresh water consumption and 106 Wastewater generation before and after retrofit 5.9 Limiting water data for case study 3 113 5.10 Economic data for regeneration units 113 5.11 WCT for case study 3 in grassroots design mode 115 5.12 WCT for case study 3 with Fupgrade of 290.4 ton/h 126 5.13 WCT for case study 3 with Fupgrade of 435.6 ton/h 130 5.14 Economic data for regeneration units 138 5.15 WCT with 620.9 ton/h of Freg with 30ppm of Cout 141 xiv LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 1.1 The water resources of the earth 2 1.2 Global water use 2 1.3 Contribution of main industrial sectors to the 3 production of organic water pollutants (a) high- income countries (b) low income countries 1.4 A holistic approach for water minimization 5 through ZM Water Management Hierarchy 1.5 A flow diagram illustrating the conceptual 10 link between the chapters 2.1 The onion diagram for process design 13 2.2 Area versus energy diagram 15 2.3 Savings versus investment diagram 15 2.4 A schematic representation of a mass 17 exchanger 2.5 The McCabe Thiele diagram 18 2.6 Schematic representation of the MEN 24 synthesis problem 2.7 Establishing the corresponding composition 25 scales 2.8 Construction of the rich composite curve 27 2.9 Construction of the lean composite curve 28 2.10 Mass composite curves 28 xv 2.11 A mass exchange match show on a grid 30 Diagram 2.12 (a) Match feasibility immediately above the 31 pinch (b) Match feasibility immediately below the pinch 2.13 Stage versus mass load diagram 33 2.14 Mass transfer-based water-using operations: 35 (a) Vessel washing (b) Sour gas absorption where water demand and water source exist 2.15 (a) A mass transfer-based water-using process 35 (b) Limiting water profile 2.16 Non-mass transfer-based water-using 36 operations: (a) a reactor hat consumes water in aniline production (b) a reactor that reduces water as a byproduct in acrylonitrile (AN) production 2.17 Two other common types of the non- mass 36 transfer-based water- using operations: (a) cooling tower make up (b) boiler blow-down 2.18 Construction of the limiting composite curve 38 (a) Limiting water profile (b) Limiting composite curve (c) Matching the water supply line to determine the minimum targets 2.19 Source and demand composite 39 2.20 The surpluses and deficits are plotted to form 40 the water surplus diagram xvi 2.21 Summary of targeting procedure by water 41 surplus diagram 2.22 (a) Water cascade diagram with an assumed 43 fresh water flowrate of 0 ton/h (b) Pure water cascade is used to check the feasibility of the water cascade (c) Interval fresh water demand to determine the fresh water amount needed in each purity interval 2.23 A feasible water cascade 45 2.24 Regeneration of water below the pinch for 47 regeneration reuse 2.25 Regeneration of water at the pinch for 48 regeneration reuse 2.26 Regeneration recycling represented on 49 limiting composite curve 2.27 (a) Grid diagram for water network with three 50 loops (b) Conventional flowsheet for simplified design (after loop breaking) 2.28 Network design with maximum driving force 51 2.29 Network design with minimum number of 52 water sources 2.30 Network design by source and demand 53 approach 4.1 Overview of the four methodologies 69 developed in this work 4.2 Flow diagram for retrofit of water network for 71 mass transfer-based operations 4.3 Flow diagram for retrofit of water network for non- mass transfer-based operations 72 xvii 4.4 Retrofit targeting flow diagram for retrofit of 74 water network with regeneration units optimisation 4.5 Retrofit design flow diagram for retrofit of 75 water network with regeneration units optimisation 4.6 Retrofit targeting flow diagram for retrofit of 77 water network with the additional of new regeneration units 4.7 Retrofit targeting flow diagram for retrofit of 78 water network with the additional of new regeneration units 5.1 Existing conventional flowsheet for case 80 study 1 5.2 (a) An absorption column (counter-current 84 mass exchanger) (b) absorption column represented on X-Y diagram 5.3 Nstages versus FWmin plot for case study 1 88 5.4 Nstages versus FW plot for case study 1 89 5.5 Savings versus investment plot for cases 91 study 1 5.6 Existing water network for case study 1 93 5.7 Existing water network for case study 1 with 94 eliminated cross-pinch exchangers 5.8 Retrofitted water network for case study 1 95 5.9 Conventional flowsheet for the retrofitted 96 network for case study 1 5.10 Existing water network for case study 2 99 5.11 Existing water network in CBD form for case 103 study 2 5.12 Identified cross-pinch stream for case study 2 104 5.13 Preliminary retrofit design for case study 2 105 xviii 5.14 Final retrofit design for case study 2 106 5.15 Conventional flowsheet for the retrofitted 107 network for case study 2 5.16 Existing water network for case study 3 110 5.17 FFW versus ∆Freg plot for optimisation of 120 SDF2 through increasing Freg 5.18 Savings versus investment plot for 122 optimisation of SDF 2 through increasing Freg 5.19 FFW versus Fupgrade for optimisation of SDF1 124 and DAF through upgrading Cout 5.20 FFW versus ∆Cout for optimisation of DAF 125 through upgrading Cout 5.21 Savings versus investment for optimisation of 127 DAF through upgrading Cout 5.22 Two kinds of retrofit profiles (a) curve paths 128 (b) straight paths 5.23 Existing water network for case study 3 in 131 CBD 5.24 Existing water network in CBD with 132 optimised regeneration units for case study 3 5.25 Final retrofit design for case study 3 133 5.26 Conventional flowsheet for the retrofitted 134 network for case study 3 5.27 FFW versus Freg (Case 1) 140 5.28 Two kinds of retrofit profiles (case 1) (a) 142 curve paths (b) straight paths 5.29 FFW versus Freg plot with constant a (Case 1) 144 5.30 Savings versus investment plot for DAF 145 (Case 1) 5.31 Savings versus investment plot for SDF 146 (Case 1) 5.32 Two kinds of retrofit profiles (case 2) (a) curve paths (b) straight paths 148 xix 5.33 FFW versus Cout plot with constant a (Case 2) 149 5.34 Savings versus investment plot for DAF 150 (Case 2) 5.35 Savings versus investment plot for SDF 151 (Case 2) 5.36 FFW, min versus Cout (Case 3) 152 5.37 FFW versus Cout plot with new Cout boundary 153 (Case 3) 5.38 Savings versus investment plot for DAF 154 (Case 3) 5.39 Savings versus investment plot for SDF 154 (Case 3) 5.40 Existing water network for case study 4 in 157 CBD with identified streams for regeneration 5.41 Preliminary retrofit design for case study 4 158 5.42 Final retrofit design for case study 4 159 5.43 Conventional flowsheet for the retrofitted 160 network for case study 4 xx LIST OF SYMBOLS SYMBOLS AF - Approach flow bj - Intercept of equilibrium line for the j th MSA C - Contaminant concentration Ci - Contaminant concentration of source i Cmax,j - Maximum acceptable concentration of demand j Cn - Contaminant concentration CPROC,IN - Inlet concentration of process stream CPROC,OUT - Outlet concentration of process stream CW,IN - Inlet concentration of water stream CW,OUT - Outlet concentration of water stream (C W,IN)max - Maximum inlet concentration of water stream (C W,OUT )max - Maximum outlet concentration of water stream CW in - Inlet concentration of water stream CWout - Outlet concentration of water stream CIT - Composite interval table D - Diameter of a column DAF - Dissolved air flotation DIP - De-inking pulper f - Flowrate fc - Total flowrate F - Flowrate Fc - Cumulative net water source or demand for a process xxi FD,j - Total flowrate of demand at each concentration Fi - Total flowrate available from source i Fj - Total flowrate required by demand j FS,i - Total flowrate of source at each concentration FFW - Total flowrate of fresh water FWW - Total flowrate of wastewater Gi - Rich (waste) stream flowrate h - hour H - Height of a column HEN - Heat exchange networks HENs - Heat exc hange networks synthesis HTUx - Overall height of transfer units on the lean phase HTUy - Overall height of transfer units on the rich phase i - Source j - Demand k - Interval kg - Kilogram kmol - Kilo mole Lj - Lean (waste) stream flowrate Lcj - Maximum flowrate of MSA M - Mass Load mc - Total mass load mj - Slope of equilibrium line of component in lean stream j MSA - Mass separating agents MEN - Mass exchange networks MENS - Mass exchange networks synthesis Nr - Number of real trays NR - Number of rich (waste) streams NS - Number of lean (MSA) streams NSE - Number of external MSAs streams NSP - Number of internal MSAs streams xxii Nunit,pinch - Minimum number of mass exchange units NAP - Number of actual plate NTP - Total number of plate NTUx - Overall number of transfer units on the lean phase NTUy - Overall number of transfer units on the rich phase optimum - Optimum condition P - Purity ppm - Parts per million R - Set of rich streams RTD - Retrofit thermodynamic diagram s - second S - Set of lean streams S - Tray spacing ST - Stream ton - Tonne X - Limiting water composition x sj - Supply (inlet) composition of lean (MSA) stream x tj - Target (outlet) composition of lena (MSA) stream x*j - Maximum theoretically attainable composition of the MSA x jin - Inlet composition of lean (MSA) stream x jout - Outlet composition of lean (MSA) stream x jout,* - Maximum theoretically attainable outlet composition of the MSA yr - Year yi - Rich (waste) stream composition ysi - Supply (inlet) composition of rich (waste) stream yti - Target (outlet) composition of rich (waste) stream yiin - Inlet composition of rich (waste) stream yj out - Outlet composition of rich (waste) stream yintexisting - Intermediate composition of the rich stream leaving the existing column xxiii yintnew - Intermediate composition of the rich stream leaving the new column youtMEN - Outlet composition of mass exchange network GREEK LETTERS α - Total efficiency u - Velocity ? - Density ω - Trade off composition difference ε - Minimum allowable composition difference ηo - Overall exchanger efficiency ηy - Stage efficiency for the rich phase ? - Difference ∑ - Summation SUBSCRIPTS D - Water demand existing - Existing column i - Rich (waste) stream IN - Inlet j - Lean (MSA) stream l - liquid max - Maximum Mass Load - Total mass load accumulated MEN - Mass exchange networks xxiv new - New column o - Initial OUT - Outlet PROC - Process R - Rich streams Regen - Regeneration S - Water demand S - Lean streams SE - External MSA streams SR - Internal MSA streams Stages - Number of stages in a column v - vapour W - Water x - Lean phase y - Rich phase c - Maximum in - Inlet int - Intermediate NTP - Total number of plate out s t - Outlet - Supply - Target W - Water SUPERSCRIPTS CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Problem background Water is largely taken for granted as it is perceived as the most widely occurring substance in the Earth. It is reported that 2.5 % of world water is freshwater while the rest is salt. However, only 0.3 % of the world’s freshwater is available in rivers or lake. Almost all the rest is held up by icecaps and glaciers or buried deep in underground aquifers (Figure 1.1) (Shiklomanov, 1999). Global freshwater consumption raised six fold between 1990 and 1995, which is more than twice the rate of population growth. Thus, about one-third of the world’s population already lives in countries with moderate to high water stress (UNEP, 1999). Current predictions are that by 2050 at least one in four people is likely to live in countries affected by chronic or recurring shortages of freshwater (World Water Assessment Programme, WWAP, 2000). 2 Figure 1.1: The water resources of earth (Shiklomanov, 1999) Demands for water come not only from the need to drink and the need to deal with waste. The primary consumers of water include industry as well as agriculture sectors (Figure 1.2). Consequently, water pollution created from these demands has significantly contributed towards the scarcity of freshwater in the world. About two million tons of waste is dumped everyday into rivers, lakes and streams, with one litre of wastes sufficient to pollute about eight litre of water (WWAP, 2000). Industry (22%) Domestic (8%) Agriculture (70%) Figure 1.2: Global water use (UNEP, 1999) UNEP has also stated that industrial wastes are significant sources of water pollution. Industrial wastes often give rise to contaminant with heavy metals and persistent organic compounds. Some 300-500 million tons of heavy metals, solvent, toxic sludge and other wastes accumulate each year from industry (United Nations 3 Industrial Development Organisation, UNIDO, 1998). Figure 1.3 shows the global estimates of emissions of organic water pollutants by different industry sector (World Bank, 2001). A study of 15 Japanese cities showed that 30 % of all groundwater supplies are contaminated by chlorinated solvents from industry. In some cases, the solvents from spills travelled as far as 10 km from the source of pollution. As a result, strict enforcement of environmental regulations has been carried out to minimise the water pollution. (a) (b) Figure 1.3: Contributions of main industrial sectors to the production of organic water pollutants (a) high- income countries (b) low- income countries In most countries, industrial water tariff has been increasing from time to time. One of the main reasons that causes this is the current inflation level, which resulted in higher chemical cost, labour cost and construction cost. Besides, the need for more advanced wastewater treatment techniques with higher wastewater treatment costs to treat highly polluted water has also become one of the driving forces towards water tariff increment. The need to fund addition of water utility to meet rising demand for clean fresh water has also causes water supply companies to increase the water tariff. Therefore, rising cost of industrial freshwater and stringent environmental regulations have been functional to reduce the water requirement from the industry. Thus, it became necessary for the industries to look for better water management 4 system to reduce their freshwater consumption and wastewater generation. To solve this problem, many companies have applied the systematic technique based on water pinch analysis (WPA) through efficient water utilisation. Our experience and analysis have shown that WPA is well suited for grassroots design but has limitations when applied to existing processes. This is mainly caused by the existence of numerous constraints and problems related to the operability of an existing plant. Consequently, there is a need of new systematic techniques for retrofit of water network. 1.2 The Water Management Hierarchy It is quite common to find the environmental issue considered during the last stage of process design. Wastewater produced often goes through the end-of-pipe treatment where wastewater is treated with treatment processes such as biological treatment, filtration, membranes, etc. to a form suitable for discharged to the environment. Over the past decade, water minimisation through WPA has become an important issue in the chemical process industries to achieve optimum water utility network. This approach does achieve beneficial goals such as reducing the water utility, bigger process throughput, lower capital and operating costs as well as improving the public perception towards the company. To obtain the optimum water utility design for a water network, Manan et al., (2004b) established a hierarchical approach for fresh water conservation called ZM water management hierarchy (Figure 1.4). This is a general guideline for fresh water conservation. The hierarchy consists of five levels, namely source elimination, source reduction, direct reuse, reclamation, and discharge after treatment. Each level represents various water management options. The levels are arranged in order of preference, from the most preferred option at the top of the hierarchy (level 1) to the 5 least preferred at the bottom (level 5). Water minimisation is concerned with the first to the fourth level of the hierarchy. Source elimination and source reduction at the top of the hierarchy is concerned with the complete avoidance of fresh water usage. When it is not possible to eliminate or reduce fresh water at source, wastewater recycling and regeneration should be considered. Discharge after treatment should only be considered when wastewater cannot be recycled. Through the ZM water management hierarchy, the end-of-pipe treatment may not be eliminated, but it will become economically legitimate. Source Elimination Source Reduction Reuse Regeneration Reuse Discharge after Treatment Figure 1.4: A holistic approach for water minimisation through the ZM Water Management Hierarchy (Manan et al., 2004b) 1.3 Problem Statement Water is used in the process industry for a wide range of applications. Increased cost of wastewater treatment and rising demand for high quality industrial water have created a pressing need for efficient water utilisation and wastewater reuse. The synthesis of optimal water utilisation networks has dealt with grass-root design, where the emphasis is on the minimisation of raw water and maximisation of 6 water reuse and regeneration. To date, very little has been accomplished on the use of heuristic techniques for the retrofit of existing water network in contrast to the work done on grassroots designs. There is a clear need to develop systematic techniques for water network retrofit with and without regeneration to help achieve water savings for existing processes. The water network retrofit problem is summarised as follows: Given a set of mass transfer-based and/or non- mass transfer-based water-using processes, with/without a set of treatment processes, it is desired to perform retrofit synthesis on the existing water network with/without integration of new treatment process(es) or optimisation of existing treatment process(es). The various streams in the process are re-structured to simultaneously accomplish the best savings in operating costs, subject to a minimum payback period or/and maximum capital expenditure. 1.4 Objective The main objective of this research is to develop new systematic techniques for the retrofit of water network with and without regene ration that includes utility targeting and/or network design. 1.5 Scope of Research The scopes of this work include: 7 • Analysis of the state-of-art technique It involved analysis of the previous approach for retrofit, their advantages and disadvantages and the improvements required. • Development of retrofit targeting techniques Three new systematic targeting techniques for water network with and/or without regeneration have been established. These procedures are used according to different types of water network. Capital and operating costs as well as piping cost estimations are taken into consideration in these targeting procedures. • Establishment of retrofit design procedure A systematic retrofit design methodology has been introduced to meet the retrofit targets. This methodology is also applicable for cases without retrofit targeting procedure. 1.6 Research Contributions The main contributions of this research are summarised as follows: i. As far as it can be found in the literature, this is the first work on the Water Cascade Analysis (WCA)-based water network retrofit synthesis. The basic concept of pinch analysis for heat exchange network, mass exchange network and water network are the basic of this work. ii. A new systematic retrofit technique for water network with mass transferbased operations involving two key steps namely utility (water) targeting and network design has been established. In the targeting stage, fresh water and wastewater targets, and capital cost targets were determined for a particular capital expenditure. retrofitted to meet the targets. Lastly the existing network was 8 iii. A new systematic retrofit design methodology for non- mass transferbased operations has been established. A new graphical tool called concentratio n block diagram (CBD) has been introduced to diagnose, retrofit and evolve the existing water network. iv. A new two-stage systematic technique for the retrofit of water network with existing regeneration unit(s) optimisation has been developed. The first stage of the retrofit task was to locate the various retrofit targets, where utility savings and capital investment were determined for a range of process parameters (flowrate increment or outlet concentration reduction of the existing regeneration unit). Next, the existing water network was re-designed to achieve the chosen targets. v. A new systematic retrofit methodology, which incorporates new regeneration unit(s) into water network retrofit has been developed. In the targeting stage, retrofit targets (utility savings and capital investment) were determined for a range of process parameters (total flowrate and/or outlet concentration of the new regeneration unit) to obtain a savings versus investment curve. Lastly the existing network was retrofitted to meet the targets. 1.7 Summary of This Thesis In this thesis, a set of new systematic targeting and design techniques for the retrofit of water network have been developed. The basic concept of pinch technology utilised for retrofit of heat integration and mass integration has been extended to retrofit of water network. Chapter 2 provides a review of the relevant theories of this thesis related to the development in pinch technology for heat exchange network, mass exchange network and water network. 9 A review of the relevant literatures of this thesis is provided in Chapter 3. The development of pinch technology for heat exchange network, mass exchange network and water network are reviewed. Mathematical approaches for heat integration are also covered in these chapters. Chapter 4 gives an overview of the new retrofit methodologies for water network developed in this work. Two new methods for retrofit water network are discussed. These involve retrofit with mass transfer-based and of non- mass transferbased operations. Retrofit targeting and design procedure for water network with mass transfer-based operations, which includes capital and operating costs constraints are presented. For water network with non- mass transfer-based operations, only network design is described since no equipment investment other than those for pipework modifications is usually required during retrofit. The methodologies for water network retrofit with optimisation of existing regeneration units and addition of new regeneration units are also discussed in Chapter 4. During retrofit targeting, various retrofit alternatives based on the different combinations of constraints to establish the optimum retrofit targets are examined. To achieve the targets, retrofit design is then conducted. The detailed methodologies for retrofit of water network as well as the analysis and discussions of the results of applying the systematic retrofit techniques on different case studies are presented in Chapter 5. Chapter 6 concluded the thesis by summarising the main points and contributions discussed and exploring the potential area for future development for water network retrofit. 10 THESIS INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 2 & 3: FUNDAMENTAL THEORY AND LITERATURE REVIEW A review and analysis work on: § Heat exchange network retrofit § Mass exchange network synthesis and retrofit § Water pinch analysis CHAPTER 4 & 5: METHODOLOGY DEVELOPMENT AND DISCUSSION § Retrofit water network with reuse and recycling o Retrofit of water network with mass transferbased operations o Retrofit of water network with non-mass transfer-based operations § Retrofit of water network with regeneration units optimisation § Retrofit of water network with the addition of new regeneration units CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORKS Figure 1.5: A flow diagram illustrating the conceptual link between the chapters CHAPTER 2 FUNDAMENTAL THEORY 2.1 Introduction Pinch technology was initially developed for the optimal synthesis of heat exchange network (HEN). Since its establishment in 1970’s, its application in heat exchange network synthesis (HENS) for grassroots and retrofit design has become well developed. During late 1980’s, the concept of HENs has been successfully applied for mass exchange networks (MENs). In mid 1990’s, Water Pinch Analysis (WPA), which is a special case of MENs was introduced. However, there are still rooms for improvement in the WPA, particularly for retrofit problems. This chapter begins with the description of the fundamental theory for HEN retrofit. The extension of Pinch Analysis principles for MENs synthesis and retrofit is reviewed next. The last part of this chapter focuses on the established principles of WPA techniques. 2.2 Process Synthesis Process synthesis may be defined as (Westerberg, 1987): “ the discrete decision- making activities of conjecturing which of the many available component parts one should use, and how they should be interconnected to structure the optimal solution to a given design problem.” Therefore, process synthesis involves activities 12 in which the process elements are integrated and the flowsheet of the system is generated to meet certain objectives. Without a systematic approach of process synthesis, a designer normally synthesise process alternatives based on experience and corporate preference. The designer will select the flowsheet with the most promising economic potential and used it as the ‘optimum’ solution of the problem. By doing this, a designer risk missing the true optimal design of a problem. Two main synthesis approaches which can be applied to determine the optimum solution (El- Halwagi, 1997) are the structure- independent and structurebased techniques. The structure-independent, also known as targeting approach is based on tackling the synthesis task in a sequence of stages. Within each stage, a design target is identified and being used in subsequent stages. This approach reduces the problem dimensionality to a manageable size and also offers valuable insights into the system performance and characteristics. The second category of process synthesis strategy is structure-based. It involves the development of a framework that embeds on potential configuration of interest. Examples of this framework include process graph, state-space representations and superstructures. A hierarchical approach of process design cycle will be a useful tool to obtain the optimum design for a flowsheet. Smith (1995) established another hierarchical approach of process design called the Onion Model (Figure 2.1). The process design begins from the reactor, which is position in the centre of the onion. The optimum reactor design strongly depends on the optimisation of reactor yield and conversion. The reactor design influences the recycle and separation structure of the flowsheet. The heat exchanger network is designed after the reactor, recycle and separation system design are fixed. In the last stage, process utility system is designed to provide additional heating and cooling requirements that cannot be satisfied through heat recovery. 13 Reactor Separation and Recycle System Heat Exchanger Networks Utilities Figure 2.1: The onion diagram for process design (Smith, 1995) 2.3 Pinch Analysis Pinch analysis was initiated for HENS in the late 1970s. Application of pinch analysis has been well-established for HENS as well as mass exchange network synthesis (MENS). In the former, transfer of energy from a set of hot streams to a set of cold streams is optimised in order to maximise the heat recovery and energy efficiency in a process plant (Linnhoff et al., 1982). MENS on the other hand is concerned with gene ration of a cost effective network of mass exchangers. In the mid 1990s, water minimisation or water pinch analysis (WPA), a special case of MENS was introduced. WPA is a systematic procedure to achieve maximum water recovery through water reuse, recycle and regeneration. The role of WPA is to efficient use of water through minimum water consumption. 14 2.4 Retrofit of Heat Exchange Network Using Pinch Analysis A systematic technique for HEN retrofit using pinch analysis was first introduced by Tjoe and Linnhoff (1986). The objective is to make use of the existing area in the most efficient manner. This retrofit method consists of two stages, namely targeting and network design. In the targeting stage, the optimal level of heat recovery and the total area required for a range of ∆Tmin is achieved via heat composite curves and are targeting methods. Doing this, an area versus energy recovery diagram can be formed (Figure 2.2). A retrofit path in this diagram can be constructed based on the concept of surface area efficiency, a which is defined as Areat arg et α Area = Area existing Energy (2.1) where the energy consumption is attained with the existing area, Aexsiting in the network, but could have been obtained with the area according to target, Atarget. However, when a is very low (i.e. a < 0.9), the usage of an incremental value of ∆a = 1 is recommended (Ahmad and Polley, 1990). ∆a is defined as: ∆Area t arg et ∆α Area = ∆ Area existing ∆ Energy' (2.2) where ∆Areaexisting is the new area installed in retrofit for reducing the energy consumption by ∆Energy and ∆Areatarget is the minimum targeted new area needed to reduce energy by ∆Energy. 15 Targeted retrofit design with constant a Targeted retrofit design with ∆a = 1 Area ∆Area Optimum grassroots design ∆Energy Existing design Energy Figure 2.2: Area versus energy diagram As can be seen in Figure 2.2, the energy consumption is reduced and additional area is added when we move towards the left of this diagram. A savings versus investment plot (Figure 2.3) can be attained by converting the additional area into capital investment cost and the reduction of energy consumption into savings in the operating cost for every point on the retrofit profile. By specifying an acceptable payback period or investment limit, a global ∆Tmin in accordance with these economic criteria can be determined (Tjoe and Linnhoff, 1986). Payback period 1 year 2 years 5 years Saving per year Best retrofit Investment Figure 2.3: Savings versus investment diagram 16 During retrofit, it is desired to achieve a network structure that meets the economics targets. Firstly, the existing network is drawn on grid diagram using the identified ∆Tmin from the targeting stage. Using this diagram, heat exchangers crossing the pinch are eliminated. Next, the network is retrofitted by reusing the existing exchangers eliminated in the pervious step and positioning new exchangers to meet the targeted heat recovery. Lastly, the network is improved via heat loadloops and paths. During network design, one will have to make use of the existing area and new heat exchangers as efficiently as possible. It is also proposed that the surface area efficiency of the resulting design should not be poorer than the original surface area efficiency. 2.5 Mass Exchange Network 2.5.1 What is A Mass Exchanger? A mass exchanger is any direct contact mass transfer unit that uses a mass separating agent (MSA) (or a lean phase) to selectively remove certain components from the waste streams (or a rich phase). The MSA should be partially or totally immiscible in the rich phase. Whe n the two phases are in intimate contact, the solute are redistributed between the two phases and causes depletion in the rich phase and enrichment in the lean phase (El- Halwagi, 1997). Figure 2.4 shows a rich (waste) stream, i, with a flowrate Gi. Its content of the pollutant must be reduced from an inlet composition, yin i to an outlet composition, youti. An MSA (lean stream), j (whose flowrate is Lj, inlet composition is x in j and outlet composition is x outj) flows countercurrently to selectively remove the pollutant. 17 Rich (Waste) Stream Flowrate : Gi Inlet composition : yi in Outlet composition : yj out Mass Exchanger Lean (MSA) Stream Flowrate : Lj Inlet composition : xj in Outlet composition : xi out Figure 2.4: A schematic representation of a mass exchanger Various flow configurations may be adopted but emphasis will be given to the countercurrent system because of its efficiency and industrial importance. Separation systems that fall under the category of mass exchange operations include adsorption, absorption, extraction, ion exchange, leaching and stripping. 2.5.2 Sizing and Costing of Mass Exchanger Unit The main objective of a mass exchanger is to provide adequate surface contact for the rich and the lean phases. Such contact can be accomplished by using various types of mass exchanger units and internals. In particular, there are two primary categories of mass exchange devices: multistage and differential contactors. In multistage mass exchanger, each stage provides intimate contact between the rich and lean phases followed by phase separation. With sufficient mixing time, the two phrases leaving a stage are essentially in equilibrium. In order to determine the size of a multi-stage mass exchanger, one should consider the isothermal mass exchanger (Figure 2.4). One way of calculating the number of equilibrium stages (or number of theoretical plates, NTP) for a mass exchanger is the graphical McCabe-Thiele method. To illustrate this procedure, let’s assume that over the operating range of composition, the equilibrium relation governing the transfer of the pollutant from the rich stream to the MSA can be presented by the linear expression described by the following equation: 18 yi = mj x*j + bj, (2.3) Equation 2.3 indicates that for a waste stream of composition yi, the maximum theoretically attainable composition of the MSA is x*j. A material balance on the pollutant that is transferred from the waste rich stream to the MSA may be expressed as Gi (yiin – yiout) = Lj (xjout – x jin ) (2.4) On a y- x (McCabe-Thiele) diagram, this equation represents the operating line which extends between the points (yiin , x jout) and (yiout, x jin ) and has a slope of Lj/Gi, as shown in Figure 2.5. Furthermore, each theoretical stage can be represented by a step between the operating line and the equilibrium line. Hence, NTP can be determined by “stepping off” stages between the two ends of the exchanger. yi,in y Operating line Equilibrium line yi,out xj,in xj,out x Figure 2.5: The McCabe Thiele diagram Alternatively, for the case of isothermal, dilute mass exchange with linear equilibrium, NTP can be determined through the Kremser (1930) equation: m j Gi yiin − m j x inj − b j out ln 1 − L − m j xinj − b j j yi NTP = L ln j m jGi m jGi + L j (2.5) 19 Equation 2.6 represents another form of the Kremser equation: ,* L xiin − x out L j + j ln 1 − j out out ,* m j Gi x j − x j m jGi NTP = m G ln j i Lj (2.6) where x out ,* j = yiin − b j mj (2.7) Also, Lj = yiout − m j xinj − b j m j Gi yi − m j x j − b j in out NTP (2.8) If contact time is not enough for each stage to reach equilibrium, one way to calculate the number of actual plates “NAP” is by incorporating contacting efficiency. Two principal types of efficiency may be employed: i.e. overall efficiency and stage efficiency. The overall exchanger efficiency, ηo , can be used to relate NAP and NTP as follows: NAP = NTP ηo (2.9) The stage efficiency may be defined based on the rich phase or the lean phase. For instance, when the stage efficiency is defined for the rich phase, ηy, Equation 2.5 becomes m G yiin − m j x inj − b j m jGi + ln 1 − j i out L j yi − m j xinj − b j L j NTP = m G − ln 1 + η y j i − 1 L j (2.10) 20 The second type of mass-exchange units is the differential (or continuous) contactor. In this category, the two phases flow through the exchanger in continuous contact without intermediate phase separation and re-contacting. Examples of differential contactors include packed columns, spray towers and mechanically agitated units. The height of a differential contactor, H, may be estimated as follows: H = HTUyNTUy (2.11) = HTUxNTUx (2.12) where HTUy and HTUx are the overall height of transfer units based on the rich and lean phases, respectively, while NTUy and NTUx are the overall number of transfer units based on the rich and lean phases, respectively. The overall height of a transfer unit may be provided by the packing (or unit) manufacturer or estimated using empirical correlations (typically by dividing superficial velocity of one phase by overall mass transfer coefficient). On the other hand, the number of transfer units can be theoretically estimated for the case of isothermal, dilute mass exchangers with linear equilibrium as follows: NTPy = yiin − y iout ( yi − yi* ) logmean (2.13a) where ( y i − yi* ) logmean = out ( yiin − m j x out − m j xinj − b j ) j − b j ) − ( yi yiin − m j x out j − bj ln out y − m x in − b j j j i (2.13b) and NTPx = x inj − x out j ( x j − x *j ) logmean (2.14a) 21 where y ini − b j in yiout − b j out − x − x − j m j m j j * ( x j − x j ) logmean = yiin − b j out x j − m j ln out in yi − b j x j − m j (3.14b) If the terminal compositions or Lj /Gi are unknown, it is convenient to use the following form: m G yiin − m j x inj − b j ln 1 − j i out L j yi − m j xinj − b j NTP = mG 1 − j i Lj m jGi + L j (2.15) The column diameter depends on the flowrate and properties of the streams passing through it. Each column should be wide enough for the vapour velocity to be below that would cause excessive liquid entrainment or high pressure drop. The following equation is determined to estimate the maximum allowable gas velocity, umax, u max = ( −0.171S 2 + 0.27 S − 0.047 ) ρl − ρv ρv (2.16) where S is the tray spacing (m) and ?l and ?v are liquid and vapour density (kg/m3 ), respectively. The actual gas velocity, uv is taken as 80% of umax. The diameter of the column is presented as: 22 D= 4Gm πρv u v (2.17) where Gm refers to the gas flowrate in kg per second. The tray spacing, S (m) which normally depends on the column diameter (m) is recommended as (Ulrich, 1984), S=1 S = 0.5D0.3 for 0 < D < 1 (2.18a) for D = 1 (2.18b) The column height, H is determined by multiplying the number of real trays, Nr by the tray spacing, S and adding and inactive height of 3m to account for vapour disengagement space and liquid sump (Ulrich 1984) as presented by the following equation, H = (Nr * S) + 3 (2.19) The capital cost of a column is related to the shell and trays of the column. The shell and trays are cost separately depending on the column’s height and diameter. The following are the equations for column capital cost (Caulson, 1993). Capital cost for shell = £ 6400 H0.95 D0.6 (2.20) Capital cost for each tray = £ 304e0.8 D (2.21) 23 2.5.3 Grassroots Synthesis of Mass Exchange Network In many industrial situations, there are several rich streams (sources) from which mass has to be removed, and many mass separating agents (MSAs) that can be used for removing the targeted species. The problem of selecting, designing and operating a mass exchange system should not be confined to assessing the performance of individual mass excha nger. Therefore, a mass exchange system is selected and designed by screening all candidate mass exchange operations to identify the optimum system with significant technical and economical benefits. The problem of synthesising MENs can be stated as follows (El-Halwagi, 1997): Given a number NR of waste (rich) streams (Sources) and a number NS of MSAs (lean streams), it is desired to synthesise a cost-effective network of mass exchangers that can preferentially transfer certain undesirable species from the waste streams to the MSAs. Given also are the flowrate of each waste stream, Gi, its supply (inlet) composition ysi, and its target composition yti, where i = 1,2,…,NR. In addition, the supply and target compositions, x sj and x tj, are given for each MSA, where j = 1,2,…, NS . The flowrate of each MSA is unknown and is to be determined so as minimise the network cost. Figure 2.6 is a schematic representation of the problem statement. The candidate lean streams can be classified into NSP process MSAs and NSE external MSAs (where NSP + NSE = NS ). The process MSAs already exists on plant site and can be used for removal of the undesirable species at a very low cost (virtually free). The flowrate of each process MSA that can be used for mass exchange is bounded by its availability in the plant and may not exceed Lcj. On the other hand, the external MSAs can be purchased from the market. This flowrate are to be determined according to the overall economic considerations of the MEN. 24 MSA (Lean Streams) In Waste (Rich) Streams (Sources) In Mass Exchange Network Waste (Rich) Streams (Sources) Out MSA (Lean Streams) Out Figure 2.6: Schematic representation of the MEN synthesis problem The target composition of the undesirable species in each MSA is obtained based on the specific circumstances of the application. The nature of the circumstances may be physical (e.g. maximum solubility of the pollutant in the MSA), technical (e.g. to avoid excessive corrosion, viscosity or fouling), environmental (e.g. to comply with environmental regulations), safety (e.g. to stay away from flammability limits), or economic (e.g. to optimise the cost of subsequent regeneration of the MSA). In this proposal, several mass exchange operations will be considered simultaneously. It is emphasised that the terminology used is the same as in ElHalwagi (1997) where y always refers to the composition in the rich streams and x always refers to the composition in the lean streams. The Targeting Approach for Mass Exchange Network In MENs synthesis, two useful targets had been established. These are the minimum cost of MSAs and minimum number of mass exchangers units. El-Halwagi and Manousiothakis (1989a) developed minimum cost of MSAs targeting approach which is analogous to the minimum energy target in HENS. In order to minimise the cost of MSAs, it is important to make maximum use of process 25 MSAs before considering the application of external MSAs. The MENs targeting can be carried out graphically using the “pinch diagram”. The thermodynamic limitations of mass exchange must be considered in the application of the process MSAs and this is accounted in this targeting approach. The initial step in constructing the pinch diagram is to specify the minimum allowable composition difference, ε. This is important to ensure feasible mass transfer throughout the networks and it is similar to ∆Tmin used in HENs. Let us consider a mass exchanger for which the equilibrium relation governing the transfer of pollutant from the waste stream, i, to MSA, j, is given by the linear expression yi = mj x*j + bj, (2.22) which indicates that for a waste stream of composition yi, the maximum theoretically attainable composition of the MSA is x*j. By using a minimum allowable composition difference of ε j, one can draw a “practical- feasibility line” that is parallel to the equilibrium line but offset to its left by a distance ε j (Figure 2.7). y Practical Feasibility Region Practical Feasibility Line εj εj Equilibrium Line x*j = (y – b j ) / mj xj Figure 2.7: Establishing the corresponding composition scales 26 It is important to derive the mathematical expression relating yi and x j on the practical feasibility line. For a given yi, the value of x j can be obtained by evaluating x*j that is equilibrium with yi then subtracting ε j, x j = x*j – ε j (2.23) Substituting (2.23) into (2.22), one obtains yi = mj (x j – ε j) + bj, (2.24a) or xj = yi − b j mj −ε j (2.24b) Equation (2.24) can be used to generate a one-to-one correspondence among all composition scales for which mass exchange is feasible. According to El- Halwagi (1997), since most environmental applications involve dilute systems, one can assume that these systems behave ideally. Hence, the transfer of pollutant is different to the existence of other species in the waste stream. It is assumed that the stream flowrates remain constant in MENs. This assumption is reasonable when relatively small composition changes are required or if some counter diffusion is assumed to happen (El- Halwagi and Manousiouthakis, 1989a). However, for cases where the flowrate do change significantly, one should use the flowrate and the composition of the inert (non-transferred) components in each stream instead of the whole stream. The initial step in constructing the pinch diagram is to create a global representation for all the rich streams. This global representation is accomplished by plotting the mass exchanged by each rich stream versus its composition. Having the representation the individual rich streams, one can now construct the rich composite stream. A rich composite stream represents the cumulative mass of the pollutant loss 27 by all the rich streams and is obtained by applying linear superposition to all the rich streams (Figure 2.8). y y R1 R2 R1 R1 + R2 R1 Mass Mass Figure 2.8: Construction of the rich composite curve Construction of the lean composite curve is not as straighfoward. Because each MSA has its own equilibrium relation, the lean stream composites are not equivalent. El-Halwagi and Manousiouthakis (1989a) introduced the concept of corresponding composite scales in order to consider all MSAs on a basis. This tool established a one-to-one correspondence among the compositions of all streams for which mass transfer is thermodynamically feasible. This correspondence depends on the equilibrium relation and ε value for each MSA. As shown in Figure 2.9, each MSA composition, x j is mapped as a corresponding y value and this allow all MSAs to be represented on the same plot. Note that this accounts for driving force considerations since ε values are included in this transformation. For this purpose, the MSA flowrates are initially set at their maximum values, Lcj. Next, both composite curves are plotted on the same set of axes. The lean composite curve is shifted horizontally until it touches the rich composite curve (see Figure 2.10). The point where the two composite curves touch is called mass transfer pinch and it is the thermodynamic bottleneck for mass transfer between process streams. 28 x2 x1 y x2 x1 y S2 S2 S1 + S2 S1 S1 Mass Mass Figure 2.9: Construction of the lean composite curve The vertical overlap between the composite curves shows the maximum amount of pollutants that can be transfered from the rich streams to the process MSAs. The horizontal distance of the lean composite curve which extends past the rich composite curve represents the excess capacity of the process MSAs. It corresponds to the capacity of the process MSAs to remove pollutants that cannot be used due to thermodynamic infeasibility. This can be overcomed by lowering the flowrate and/or composition of the one or more process MSAs. The distance by which the rich composite curve extends past the lean composite curve shows the mass that needs to be removed by an external MSA. This quantity can then be used to give the minimum cost of MSAs required. Excess capacity of process MSAs x2 x1 y Rich composite curve Mass transfer pinch Lean composite curve Load for external MSA Mass Figure 2.10: Mass composite curves 29 The mass transfer pinch decompose the synthesis problem into two regions: above the pinch (containing all streams or parts of streams richer that the pinch composition) and below the pinch (containing all streams or parts of streamd leaner that the pinch composition). Above the pinch, only process MSAs are required. However, external MSAs are needed below the pinch. In order to meet the minimum MSA target, no mass should be transferred across the pinch. In other words, external MSAs should not be used above the pinch. Another useful target in MENs synthesis is the minimum number of mass exchanger units. In order to be consistent with the minimum MSA target, the pinch division is taken into account. That is: N units, pinch = (S’ – 1) Above pinch + (S’ – 1) Below pinch (2.25) where S’ now refers to the total number of rich and lean streams (including external MSAs). According to El- Halwagi and Manousiouthakis (1989a), this target attempts to minimise indirectly the capital cost of the network, since the cost of each mass exchanger is usually a function of the unit size. It is also desirable from a practical point of view. Network Design For MENs, network design is carried out using a grid diagram (El- Halwagi and Manousiouthakis, 1989a). An example is presented in Figure 2.11. Rich streams are drawn running from right to left and lean streams the opposite way. Stream flowrates and equilibrium constants are also shown. Composition (mass fractions in this case) are shown above each stream. Exchangers are represented as a pair of joined circles with the amount of mass 30 transferred shown below. Notice that the lean stream compositions at the pinch are different due to the inequality of the equilibrium relations. Flowrate (kg/s) Pinch 0.01 0.0168 0.006 0.0168 0.05 1 0.03 R1 2 R2 1 mj S1 0.005 S2 S3 0 0.0074 0.015 0.01 0.03 0.0132 0.01 5 2 2.08 1.53 0.1133 0.02 Figure 2.11: A mass exchange match show on a grid diagram In order to meet the minimum MSA target, the region above and below the pinch are designed separately with no mass being transferred across the pinch. Design should start at the pinch and move away from it as the pinch is the most constrained part of the network. Matches made at the pinch have a driving force equal to ε j. There are two feasibility criteria for matching streams at the pinch. They are: 1. Stream population Immediately above the pinch, NR, above pinch ≤ NS, below pinch (2.26) and immediately below the pinch, NR, above pinch ≥ NS, below pinch (2.27) 31 2. Operating line versus equilibrium line Consider a match made immediately above the pinch. An example is shown as an operating line in Figure 2.12 (a). The relevant equilibrium line is also shown. Now, at the pinch, the composition difference is exactly ε j. If this is to be the minimum driving force, the operating line and equilibrium line must diverge away from the pinch. Thus the slope of the operating line should be greater than or equal to the slope of the equilibrium line or: (Lj / mj) above pinch ≤ Gi, above pinch (2.28) Immediately below the pinch, the opposite must be true (Figure 2.12b): (Lj / mj) above pinch ≥ Gi, above pinch y yi,in (2.29) y Operating line Slope = Lj /Gi yi,in εj Operating line Slope = Lj /Gi Equilibrium line Slope = mj yi,out εj xj,in Equilibrium line Slope = mj yi,out Pinch xj,out (a) x Pinch xj,in xj,out x (b) Figure 2.12: (a) Match feasibility immediately above the pinch (b) Match feasibility immediately below the pinch 32 2.5.4 Retrofit Synthesis of Mass Exchange Network During early 2000’s, the concept of HENs retrofit has been successfully applied for MENs retrofit (Fraser and Hallale, 2000). With this adaptation, achieving the best savings in operating costs, subject to a minimum payback period or a minimum capital expenditure has became the aim for the retrofit of MENs. Retrofit of MENs also consists of two stages. In the targeting stage, the established grassroot methods for MENs to determine utility (MSA) targets (ElHalwagi and Manousiouthakis, 1989) and number of stages (Hallale and Fraser, 1989a) are applied. The savings versus investment curve for MEN retrofit is desired from the stage versus load plot (Figure 2.13) which is the analog of the area versus energy plot. Figure 2.13 shows total number of stages versus the mass load of the external MSA. In the stages versus load diagram, a retrofit path is then chosen, which allows one to determine the savings achieved for an increment in mass exchanger size. This retrofit path is constructed from the plant current design by assuming a constant stage efficiency, a stage between the plant design and the target. astage is defined as, Staget arg et α Stage = Stageexisting MassLoad (2.30) Costing this yields the same savings versus investment diagram as in the case of HENs retrofit. Lastly, elimination of cross-pinc h mass exchangers and appropriate use of driving force are utilised as the key principles for the retrofit design stage. 33 Targeted retrofit design with constant a Optimum grassroots design Stage Existing design Mass Load Figure 2.13: Stage versus mass load diagram 2.6 Water Pinch Analysis 2.6.1 Water Pinch Analysis Concept The process industry contributes substantially to the world economy with annual production exceeding $5 trillion, creating a significant economical and environmental incentive for promoting water reuse and wastewater minimisation in this industry (Mann and Liu, 1999). Water is mainly used for process uses and utility uses in a manufacturing facility. Currently, it is quite common to segregate wastewater streams and treat each one separately with the most effective technique in a distributed effluenttreatment system to a form suitable for discharge to the environment. Water pinch technology represents a systematic approach for the optimisation of industrial water reuse, wastewater minimisation and effluenttreatment system design. The technology comprises three areas: 34 (1) Water-pinch Analysis – Identifying, a priori, targets for minimum fresh water consumption and minimum wastewater generation in water- using operations. (2) Water-pinch Synthesis – Designing a water-using network that achieves these targets through water reuse, regeneration and recycle. (3) Water-pinch Retrofit – Modifying an existing water-using network to maximise water reuse and minimise wastewater generation through effective process changes. 2.6.2 Types of Water-using Operations Water-using operations in chemical process plants can be classified into two main categories. The first category is the mass transfer-based water- using operations and the second group is the non- mass transfer-based water- using operations. Mass Transfer-based Water-using Operations A mass transfer-based water-using operation is characterised by the preferential transfer of species from a rich stream to water, which is being utilised as a lean stream or a mass separating agent (MSA) (Manan et al., 2004a). A typical example of such operation is the cleaning of a process vessel using fresh or recycle water. During cleaning, water is fed into the vessel (as a demand) while wastewater is generated (as a source) as shown in Figure 2.14 (a). Another example of the mass transfer-based water-using operation is the absorption process where water is the MSA used to remove contaminants such as H2 S and SO2 from a sour gas stream ( Figure 2.14b). 35 Water for vessel washing Sweetened gas Water as absorption solvent Wastewater generated from Vessel vessel washing Absorption column Sour gas Water to regeneration unit (a) (b) Figure 2.14: Mass transfer-based water- using operations : (a) Vessel washing; (b) Sour gas absorption where water demand and water source exist For a given set of constraints on water reuse, one can identify the minimum fresh water flowrate for this operation by using the limiting water profile, through a plot of contaminant versus mass load. In order to maximise the possibility of water reuse from other operations, one needs to specify water with the highest possible inlet and outlet concentration. Figure 2.15 (b) represents the limiting water profile for a mass transfer-based water-using process in Figure 2.15 (a). Any water supply line, which is below the limiting water profile will meet the requirements of the process. C CPROC,IN CPROC,OUT PROCESS CPROC,OUT CPROC,IN (CW,OUT)max PROCESS CW,IN CW,OUT (CW,IN)max (a) Limiting Water Profile (b) Figure 2.15: (a) A mass transfer-based water- using process (b) Limiting water profile m 36 Non-mass Transfer-based Water-using Operations The non-mass transfer-based water- using operation covers functions of water other than as a mass separating agent (Manan et al., 2004a). A typical example includes water being fed as a raw material, or being withdrawn as a product or a byproduct in a chemical reaction (Figure 2.16). The non- mass transfer-based operation also covers cases where water is being utilised as heating or cooling media. For such operations, usually, only water demands or water sources exist as shown in Figure 2.17. Note that, for the non- mass transfer-based water-using operations, the water flowrate is more important than the amount of contaminant accumulated. O2 C6 H5NO2 Fe C6 H5NH2 + Fe 3 O4 NH3 AN + H 2 O C3 H6 H2 O (a) (b) Figure 2.16: Non- mass transfer-based water-using operations: (a) a reactor that consumes water in aniline production; (b) a reactor that produces water as a byproduct in acrylonitrile (AN) production Cooling tower make-up water Cooling tower Boiler (a) (b) Boiler blowdown Figure 2.17: Two other common types of the non-mass transfer-based water- using operations: (a) cooling tower make up; (b) boiler blow-down 37 2.6.3 Targeting Approach for Maximum Recovery Network through Reuse and Recycle There are a few WPA targeting approaches for maximum water recovery through reuse and recycle. They include limiting composite curve by Wang and Smith (1994), water surplus diagram by Hallale (2002) and Water Cascade Analysis by Manan et al. (2004a). The details about these approaches will be discussed. Limiting Composite Curve Limiting composite curve is a graphical targeting approach used to determine the minimum fresh water requirements for a water system via reuse and recycle (Wang and Smith, 1994). The basic concept underlying this approach is that the water-using processes are modelled as mass transfer operations. To construct a limiting composite curve, all the water using operations is plotted individually on a contaminant concentration (C) versus mass load (m) graph according to their inlet and outlet concentration and mass load removed (see Figure 2.18a). By drawing horizontal lines at the inlet and outlet concentrations for each operation, the contaminant concentration (y-axis) is divided into intervals. Next, the mass loads of all water-using operations present between concentration intervals are summed to draw a composite line corresponding to the sum of all water using operations which exists between the intervals in question. By repeating this step for all the other concentration intervals and connecting them together, the limiting composit e curve is constructed (Figure 2.18b). 38 C Concentration interval C C pinch Water supply line m (a) m (b) m (c) Figure 2.18: Construction of the limiting composite curve (a) Limiting water profile (b) Limiting composite curve (c) Matching the water supply line to determine the minimum targets Figure 2.18 (c) shows the water supply line touches against the limiting composite curve and create a pinch in the design. The water supply line must lie below the limiting composite curve so that there is always a contaminant concentration differential that will allow for mass transfer of the contaminant from the process stream to the water stream. The starting point of the water supply line is zero as fresh water is utilised. To achieve minimum fresh water consumption and wastewater generated, the outlet concentration of the water supply line is maximised. Water Surplus Diagram Water surplus diagram is another graphical tool that considers water reuse and recycle to target the minimum fresh water consumption and wastewater generation in a water recovery network (Hallale, 2002). This tool can be used for water-using processes that are modelled as mass transfer operations and also waterusing processes that are modelled as non- mass transfer operations. However, it is a trial-an-error method. 39 The first step of this tool is to plot the demand and source composite curves with the water purity as the y-axis and the flowrate as the x-axis using the limiting water data (Figure 2.19). An initial value of fresh water flowrate has been assumed and is included in the source composite curve. Guess a fresh water value Water Purity Demand composite curve Source composite curve Surplus Deficit Flowrate Figure 2.19: Source and demand composite Next, two criteria for feasibility of the assumed fresh water flowrate are tested. The first is that the total water sources flowrate should be equal or greater than the total flowrate of water demands. This can be achieved by inspecting the source and demand composite curve in Figure 2.19. As shown, the source composite extend to the right of the demand composite which meet the first criterion. The other criterion is to ensure sufficient pure water at all points in the water network. To test this criterion, the water surplus diagram is needed. To construct water surplus diagram, it should be noticed that there are regions (rectangles) where the composite curves are above or below one another in Figure 2.19. When the source composite is above the demand composite, this is a region with a surplus of pure water as indicated by a positive sign. On the other hand, there is a deficit of pure water in a region when the source composite is above the demand composite (negative sign). The pure water surplus and deficit in each region can be determined by calculating the area enclosed by each rectangle. 40 The calculated pure water surplus and deficit values are then plotted against the water purity to form the water surplus diagram (Figure 2.20). If the water surplus diagram touches the y-axis, it means that the initial value of fresh water flowrate is the minimum fresh water target. However, if part of the water surplus diagram falls on the negative region, there is not sufficient water purity in the network and more fresh water must be added. On the other hand, if the water surplus diagram falls on the positive region without touching the y-axis, it shows that there is surplus of fresh water in the network and less fresh water is required. Therefore, when the water surplus diagram with the initial water flowrate does not touch the y-axis, all the above steps have to be repeated for different fresh water flowrate. The summary of the graphical targeting procedure by water surplus diagram is presented in Figure 2.21. Figure 2.20: The surpluses and deficits are plotted to form the water surplus diagram 41 Estimate an external fresh water flowrate Draw the water demand and source composite curves Calculate the area between two composite curves Draw the water surplus diagram Does the water surplus diagram touch the y-axis ? Yes The estimated fresh water flowrate is the minimum va lue No Need a smaller fresh water flowrate Need a larger fresh water flowrate Yes No Does the water surplus diagram appear in the region to the right of yaxis? Figure 2.21: Summary of targeting procedure by water surplus diagram Water Cascade Analysis In order to eliminate the trial-an-error steps and compliment the graphical method, a numerical equivalent of the water surplus diagram similar to the composition interval table in mass integration known as Water Cascade Analysis (WCA) has been developed (Manan et al., 2004a). The first step in the WCA is to set up the interval water balance table (Table 2.1) to determine the net water source or water demand at each purity level. The first column of Table 2.1 contains the contaminant concentration levels (C) arranged in ascending order. Each concentration level is expressed in terms of the water purity (P) in the second column. With the concentration of pure water set at one million ppm, the fraction of pure water in a contaminated stream, or the water purity, can be expressed as: Purity, P = 1000000 − C 1000000 (2.31) 42 where: C = contaminant concentration in ppm. The number of purity intervals (n) equals the number of water demands (ND) and the number of water sources (NS) minus any duplicate purity (NDP ): n = ND + NS – NDP (2.32) Next the water purity difference (∆P) in Column 3 of Table 2.1 is calculated as the difference between purity level at intervals k and k+1, as follow: ∆P = Pn – Pn+ 1 (2.33) Table 2.1: Interval water balance table Concentration Cn (ppm) Purity, Pn 0 1.000000 ∆P ΣFD, j (ton/h) ΣFS, i ΣFD, j + ΣFS, i Net water source / demand (ton/h) (ton/h) 0 - -435.6 Demand 0.000020 20 0.999980 -435.6 0.000080 100 0.999900 150 0.999850 -169.2 169.2 0 - -1130.4 1566 435.6 Source 0.000050 0.000010 160 0.999840 -1332 1332 0 - 250 0.999750 -68.4 68.4 0 - 1000000 0 Columns 4 and 5 contain the flowrates for the water demands ( ∑ FD, j ) and j water sources ( ∑ FS, i ) at their corresponding purity levels. The flowrate of water i demand is fixed as negative, and the water source positive. These flowrates are summed up at each purity level to give the net interval water flowrate, ∑F D, j j + ∑ FS, i , column 6); (+) representing net water source, (-) net water demand i (column 7). 43 The next key step in the WCA is to establish the fresh water and waste water targets for the process. In doing so, it is important to consider both the water flowrate balance and the concentration driving force (water purity) so that the true minimum water targets can be obtained. The water flowrate balance involves using the water cascade diagram shown (Figure 2.22) to get the cumulative net water source/demand for a process (FC). Figure 2.22: (a) Water cascade diagram with an assumed fresh water flowrate of 0 ton/h (b) Pure water cascade is used to check the feasibility of the water cascade (c) Interval fresh water demand to determine the fresh water amount needed in each purity interval For the water cascade diagram in Figure 2.22 (a), a fresh water flowrate (FFW ) of 0 kg/s is assumed. Here, the net water demand of -435.6 ton/h at the second purity level is cascaded to the forth purity level to meet another water source of 435.6 ton/h, giving a cumulative net of 0 ton/h. This cumulative value is cascaded to yield wastewater flowrate (FWW ), of 0 ton/h at the lowest purity level of the water cascade diagram. The cumulative net water source/demand for the process (FC) at each purity interval forms the net interval water cascade diagram. The water cascade diagram is similar to the interval heat balance table for the problem table algorithm 44 in heat integration (Linnhoff et al., 1982) and the table of exchangeable loads for mass exchange cascade diagram in mass integration (El-Halwagi, 1997). The water cascade diagram depicting the preliminary water balance (i.e., with FFW = 0 kg/s) is essential as a basis to generate a feasible water cascade, and ultimately, the true minimum water targets. Note again that, in addition to considering the water flowrate balance, the true minimum targets can only be realised by also taking into account the pure water surplus or deficit, which is a product of the cumulative net water source/demand (FC) and the purity difference (∆P) across three purity levels (Figure 2.22b). A pure water surplus (+) means that water is available with purity higher than what is required in this region. On the other hand, a pure water deficit (-) means that water of higher purity than those available is required (Hallale, 2002). Cascading the pure water surplus/deficit down the purity intervals yields the pure water cascade that represents the cumulative amount of pure water surplus/deficit (Figure 2.22b). The cumulative pure water surplus/deficit at each purity level is a numerical representation of the water surplus diagram introduced by Hallale (2002). Notice that all the purity levels (i.e. P1 , P2 and P3 ) of the pure water cascade in Figure 2.22 (b) consist of cumulative pure water deficits. The deficits on the pure water cascade, which correspond to the negative region of water surplus diagram, indicate that the pure water cascade is “infeasible”. These deficits mean that there is insufficient fresh water in the network and are the result of assuming zero fresh water flowrate (FFW ) during water cascading. Thus, additional fresh water should be supplied to remove all pure water deficits and yield a feasible pure water cascade. Fresh (or pure) water is to be supplied at the highest purity level. To minimize fresh water, it is necessary to determine the minimum flowrate of fresh water, or, the interval fresh water demand that will satisfy the total water requirement at each purity level. The interval fresh water demand will restore a feasible pure water cascade throughout the entire water network. Figure 2.22 (c) shows that the cumulative fresh water flowrate (FFW,cum ) for each purity k is obtained 45 by dividing the cumulative pure water surplus/deficit by the contaminant concentration, 1 – P as follows, FFW, cum = cumulative pure water surplus/de ficit 1- P (2.34) Referring to Figure 2.22 (c), a negative FFW,cum means that there is insufficient fresh water whereas a positive FFW,cum means that there is excess fresh water at the given purity level. In order to ensure that there is sufficient fresh water at all points in the network, a fresh water flowrate (FFW ) of exactly the same magnitude as the absolute value of the largest negative FFW,cum should be supplied at the highest purity level of a feasible water cascade (Figure 2.23). FFW,cum of -377.52 ton/h found at the forth purity level (P4 ) of the cumulative fresh water cascade in Figure 2.22 (b) is the largest negative FFW,cum . This quantity of fresh water is added at the highest purity level of the feasible water cascade in Figure 2.23. Note that a feasible water cascade is the one that results in positive, or at least, zero cumulative pure water surplus value in the pure water cascade. The feasible water cascade yields the true minimum fresh water flowrate target of 377.52 ton/h and exactly the same amount wastewater flowrate target of 377.52 ton/h. Figure 2.23: A feasible water cascade 46 At the fourth purity level (P = 0.999850) where there is zero cumulative pure water surplus, there exists the pinch for the paper mill problem. The pinch is the most constrained part of the ne twork that results in maximum water recovery. Note that through the WCA, we have obtained the utility targets ahead of design. The water cascade and the pure water surplus cascade diagrams can be integrated with the interval water balance table to form the water cascade table (WCT) (Table 2.2). Table 2.2: Water cascade table 2.6.4 Targeting Approach for Maximum Recovery Network through Reuse, Recycle and Regeneration By coupling reuse and recycle strategies with regeneration, further reduction of fresh water consumption and wastewater generation in a water network is possible. Many types of process can be used to regenerate wastewater, e.g. gravity settling, filtration, membranes etc. A few WPA targeting approach related to regeneration has been developed. Here, further discussions will be focused on the notions of limiting composite curve, water surplus diagram and water cascade analysis with regeneration. 47 Limiting Composite Curve Through limiting composite curve, the minimum water utility targets which distinguish between regeneration reuse and regeneration recycling cases can be determined. First consider the placement of regeneration process involving water reuse, which obviously represents a reduction in fresh water flowrate (Figure 2.24a). As shown water supply line is taken to concentration CREGEN and dropped to Co after regeneration. It is assumed that the water flowrate before and after regeneration remains unchanged. This is evident from the same slope of water supply line before and after regeneration. However, to determine whether the fresh water is minimised a composite of the water supply lines before and after regeneration is matched against the limiting composite curve (see Figure 2.24b). C C PINCH PINCH CPINCH CREGEN CPINCH CREGEN Regeneration CREGEN to Co Co Co Water supply line Water supply line m (a) m (b) Figure 2.24: Regeneration of water below the pinch for regeneration reuse Figure 2.25 (a) illustrates the same limiting composite curve from Figure 2.24 except that the water reaches the pinch concentration before regeneration. This figure seems to be infeasible as the water supply line crosses the limiting composite curve. However, the overall feasibility is determined by the composite water supply line before and after regeneration, which is shown in Figure 2.25 (b). Therefore, the placement of regeneration at pinch concentration is feasible and fresh water is minimised. 48 When one make comparison on the slope of water before regeneration in Figure 2.24 (a) and Figure 2.25 (a), it can be seen that the slope of water before regeneration in Figure 2.25 (a) is steeper than the one in Figure 2.24 (a). This has proven that regeneration of water at the pinch reduces more fresh water compared to regeneration of water below the pinch. Therefore, by allowing the water supply line to achieve pinch concentration before regeneration, a process is able to achieve the minimum fresh water flowrate and minimum concentration reduction during regeneration process. C C PINCH PINCH CPINCH CPINCH Regeneration Co Co Water supply line Water supply line m (a) m (b) Figure 2.25: Regeneration of water at the pinch for regeneration reuse If recycling is allowed, the fresh water flowrate can be further reduced compared to if only reuse was considered. The slope of limiting composite curve below Co represents the fresh water flowrate requirement for regeneration cases with recycling (Figure 2.26a). If this fresh water flowrate reaches pinch concentration and being regenerated, there is insufficient water to satisfy the limiting composite curve after regeneration. This is because the slope of water supply line before regeneration is steeper than after regeneration, which indicates that more water flowrate is required after regeneration. Therefore, the water flowrate after regeneration have to be increased and can only be done through recycling (Figure 2.26b). The total flowrate of water being rege nerated refers to the slope of the water supply after regeneration. 49 C C PINCH PINCH CPINCH Co Regeneration CPINCH Water supply line with unrecycle + recycle water m (a) Co Water supply line with fresh water + unrecycle + recycle water m (b) Figure 2.26: Regeneration recycling represented on limiting composite curve Water Surplus Diagram and Water Cascade Analysis The fresh water and wastewater targets for processes with regeneration unit can also be attained through water surplus diagram or WCA. However, these methods are different from limiting composite curve as they consider water reuse and recycling simultaneously and are not limited to mass transfer-based operations. Water surplus diagram and WCA approaches have proven that regeneration placement above or across the pinch enable water utility reduction. This is because the region above the pinch is the most constrained in term of purity and thus increasing either the purity or amount of water available in this region reduces water utility consumption. Regeneration across the pinch will be the best option as water is taken from a region of surplus into a region with deficit of pure water. 50 2.6.5 Network Design For water recovery network with and without regeneration, network design can be carried out using a grid diagram and a network design by source and demand approach. Grid Diagram Network design of water-using processes can be represented by using the grid diagram which can be simplified by the conventional flowsheet (Figure 2.27). Two different approaches through grid diagram are possible that achieve different objectives, whilst both allowing minimum utility targets to be achieved in the design. The network design obtained from both approaches can then be simplified by breaking the loop in the network (Figure 2.27). Loop 1 Fresh water 60 ton/h Process 1 2 3 4 Process 2 Process 3 Process 3 Process 4 W Wastewater 60 ton/h (a) ( b Figure 2.27: (a) Grid diagram for water network with three loops (b) Conventional flowsheet for simplified design (after loop breaking) 51 The first approach maximises the driving force in the resulting design. The limiting composite curve is divided vertically to form mass load intervals (see Figure 2.28). Wherever there is a change in slope on the limiting composite curve, a mass load interval occurs. Then, network design is conducted according to these intervals. C (ppm) 800 Mass load interval 400 100 50 41 9 m (kg/h) 4 3 2 1 11.25 ton/h FW 72 ton/h 58.25 ton/h 90 ton/h 22.5 ton/h 18 ton/h Figure 2.28: Network design with maximum driving force In network design, it is also important to ensure minimum matches are made. Therefore, the second approach enables a designer to achieve the minimum number of water matches in network design. Instead of following mass load interval, concentration interval is followed (Figure 2.29). Only sufficient water is used in each match to maintain network feasibility. Excess water supply will be bypassed for later use when it is more than required. For this approach, bypassing and mixing are required to achieve the water targets. 52 C (ppm) 800 44.2 ton/h Concentration interval 400 4 100 3 50 20 ton/h 2 1 9 20 ton/h m (kg/h) 41 50 ton/h FW 90 ton/h Figure 2.29: Network design with minimum number of water sources Network Design through Source and Demand Approach In order to achieve the flowrate targets, it is necessary to observe the pinch division. This means that water sources above the pinch (including fresh water) may not feed demands below the pinch, and may also may not be mixed with sources that are below the pinch concentration. The source at the pinch concentration is an exception, as part of it belongs to the region below the pinch. This guideline must be observed during the network design. Other constraints for network design between water source i and demand j are stated as follows: (a) Demands (i) Flowrate ∑F i,j = Fj i where Fj is the flowrate required by Demand j. (2.35) 53 (ii) Concentration ∑F C ∑F i, j i i ≤ Cmax, j i, j (2.36) i where Cj is the contaminant concentration of source i and Cmax,j is the maximum acceptable contaminant concentration of demand j. The constraints can be written in terms of water purity, in which case the inequality sign would be reversed. (b) Sources (i) Flowrate ∑F i, j ≤ Fi (2.37) i where Fi is the total flowrate available from source i. Figure 2.30 shows one possible network design by source and demand. It is emphasised that this is only one of the many possible solutions that can achieve the target. A designer can influence the solution by imposing other constraints such as forbidden or forced connection for safety or geographic reasons. Maximum or minimum constraints may also be set. However, these additional constraints can sometimes result in water penalty. Fresh water 30 ton/h Fresh water 35 ton/h D1 20 ton/h S1 Fresh water 5 ton/h D2 30 ton/h D4 D3 35 ton/h 65 ton/h 10 ton/h S2 60 ton/h 10 ton/h S3 S4 Figure 2.30: Network design by source and demand approach 50 ton/h 54 2.6.6 Water Network Retrofit Constraints The retrofit synthesis of water recovery network can be very complex. It may involve various kinds of constraints as well as cost implications including the need to re-pipe stream to reduce the utility requirement, optimisation of existing equipment, installation and materials of construction for the new equipment, . Therefore it is important to identify and evaluate retrofit constraints that limit water reuse/recycling in an existing water network. This can be achieved through determination and evaluation of the specific contaminants present in each water source, together with the physical, chemical and biological water quality factors that influence water reuse/recycling in the existing water network. In other words, this may involve making a complete inventory of water flowrates and qualities for each water stream. Furthermore, the physical location of each water stream within the plant and the corresponding pipework requirements for reuse/recycle the also needed to be recognised. Other retrofit constraints that may limit water reuse/recyc ling in the existing water network, such as regulatory issues, resource limitations, economic considerations, public perception and environmental stewardship should also be considered. Detailed description of these constraints is presented in Byers et al. (1995). CHAPTER 3 LITERATURE REVIEW 3.1 Introduction Most process plants undergo at least one major revamp in their lifetime to take advantage of the advances in process technology, to improve utility efficiency, or to increase the plant production. During such revamps, retrofit of process heat exchanger network (HEN), mass exchange network (MEN) and water network are needed to ensure that the processes are attained under new operating conditions. A designer need to produce several alternative designs by varying among other things, the capital and operating costs in order to achieve the new operating requirements. Then, the final design is selected from the alternatives. To date, researches have been focused on retrofit of HENs and MENs. However no work on retrofit of water network has been developed. The aim of this research is to develop methodologies to perform retrofit for water network focuses with and without regeneration. So, it is important to have a firm grasp of the HEN and MEN retrofit concepts. This chapter will therefore begin by presenting the early developments made for HENs retrofit. It will then discuss the extension to MENs grassroots and retrofit synthesis that has been made up to date. The development of grassroots WPA with reuse, recycle and regeneration will also be presented. 56 3.2 Heat Exchanger Networks Retrofit Several methods and approaches have been developed for the grassroots design of HENs. However, these methods are not directly applicable for retrofit situations. In retrofit of HENs, the relative importance of various parameters is different than in grassroots design, so different approaches are necessary. A few methods for HENs retrofit design have been proposed. HENs retrofit design using pinch methods consists of two stages. The first stage is the targeting stage, where optimal targets for heat recovery and exchanger requirement are obtained. The second stage involves retrofitting HENs to achieve the target obtained from the first stage using a set of rules and design tools. The first method for the retrofit of HENs based on pinch technology was presented by Tjoe and Linnhoff (1986). In the targeting stage, the utility demands and area requirement are determined for each global ∆Tmin less than the existing one. These results are compared to the existing utility demands and area to obtain an investment versus savings plot. With a specific payback period for investment, a global ∆Tmin in accordance with these economic criteria is identified. In the design stage, it is desired to design a network that achieves the retrofit targets established during the first stage. The area efficiency as defied in the previous chapter for the resulting design should not be lower than the original area efficiency in order to enable further heat recovery (Tjoe and Linnhoff, 1986). Later, the initial targeting procedure for suitable ∆Tmin was improved by Polley and Panjeh Shahi (1990) by including a relationship between pressure drop and heat transfer coefficient in order to obtain more accurate area calculations. This method is mainly applicable for uniform processes where area is the dominating cost and heat exchangers can be relocated between different positions in a network. The major drawback of this approach is the temperature driving forces for heat exchange between the streams are considered as the main factor influencing the economy. This means that other parameters such as piping or types of heat exchangers cannot 57 be taken into account. And in many cases, these parameters may have a greater influence on the economics of the HENs than the heat exchanger area. Carlsson et al. (1993) established a HENs retrofit method based on pinch technology, which aim to minimise the total cost of the network instead as opposed to the total area of the network. The methodology consists of a cost matrix, constructed using the cost of exchanger area, piping and auxiliary equipment, pumping and maintenance associated with each other potential match. The cost matrix is then used together with a set of rules to perform the design. There is no targeting stage for this approach. The capital-energy trade-off is evaluated by producing several designs at various heat recovery levels. Even though this approach do take in consideration of the cost of structural changes implemented in the retrofit design, but its dependence on accurate piping and other cost data for each potential match could in some cases make it impractical. Recently, Reisen et al. (1995) introduced a method for decomposition of the original HENs into a number of sub-networks. This enables the size of the design problem to reduce and favour the generation of simple retrofit designs. Each of the sub- networks generated by decomposition is screened using pinch targeting technique to identify the sub- networks, which would yield the most cost-effective retrofit. The sub- networks thus identified then become the subject of retrofit design to which any of the previously discussed design methods can be applied. This decomposition method could help reduce the time required to generate pinch designs, but the effort required to investiga te the alternative sub-network could be considerable where large HENs are involved. 58 3.3 Mass exchange network 3.3.1 Grassroots Synthesis of Mass Exchange Network The problem of separation system synthesis has been the subject of rigorous research effort due to the significant capital and operating cost associated with the separating processes used in chemical plants. However, these researches have a common limitation as they have not addressed the problem of minimising the cost of MSA’s subject to the thermodynamic constraints imposed by the phrase-equilibrium relations. This serious limitation can be mitigated by introducing the notion of mass exchange network synthesis (MENS). El-Halwagi and Manousiouthakis (1989) addressed the problem of synthesising MENs considering thermodynamic feasibility of mass exchange and economics. Using pinch technology principles, they assume linear equilibrium relations to develop a Composition Interval Table (CIT), analogous to the Temperature Interval Table of the HENS problem. A minimum allowable composition difference between rich and lean streams, ε, is introduced. Minimum cost of Mass Separating Agents (MSA) is determined subject to the thermodynamic constraints which are imposed by the equilibrium relations. The Composite Curve concept is also adopted and based on the identifications of the pinch a number of rules are developed for the deviation of the network. Although useful guidelines are provided, the proposed approach assumes decomposition of the original network is not derived through a systematic procedure. Later, these authors suggested using the minimum number of units as an attempt to minimise the capital cost in MENs (El-Halwagi and Manousiouthakis, 1989, 1990). However this is not always sufficient since the size of the exchangers are also important. They also observed that ε is an optimisable parameter for MENs. Increasing ε increases the cost of utilities, but results in lower capital costs. As a result, the annualised total cost of a network would pass through a minimum, which corresponds to the optimal value of ε. Nevertheless, there was no way knowing the capital costs until the network was designed and the optimisation could only be done 59 by carrying out many repeated designs. The absence of capital cost target also meant that there was no guarantee that the capital cost of a network was the minimum attainable for a specific value of ε. El-Halwagi and Manousiouthakis (1990a) introduced an automated synthesis procedure. This procedure first used linear programming to determine the pinch points and minimum utility targets. MILP was then used to synthesise all possible networks featuring the minimum number of units. The complete network was then cost and the one featuring the lowest cost was selected. The main shortcoming of this procedure is that the capital and operating costs are not considered simultaneously. Another limitation is that it apparently considers only networks featuring the minimum number of units, which does not necessary achieve the minimum capital cost. El-Halwagi and Manousiouthakis (1990b) proposed a simultaneous synthesis of mass exchange network and regeneration networks. CIDs are developed for both networks and feasibility criteria for mass exchange above and below the pinch are introduced. Based on these criteria a MINLP formulation is developed for the identification of the MEN-pinch among a number of candidates. This MINLP problem results in the minimum MSA cost for both primary and regeneration network. In the sequel, the classical MILP transhipment model is solved to determine the minimum number of units, whereas no systematic methods are provided for the derivation of the network configuration. It should be noted that the whole venture cost is dependent on the initial selection of ε. Within the same scope, El-Hawagi and Srinivas (1992) addressed a number of specialised problems, as dephenalisation networks and reactive mass exchange networks, where the appropriate equilibrium relations are derived. Flower et al. (1993) established a graphical means to represent the total mass balance of the process and several process blocks as an aid to the engineer at the preliminary design stages for waste minimisation. Papalexandri et al. (1994) applied MINLP to the MENS problem and they attempted to optimise capital and operating costs simultaneously by considering a 60 network hyperstructure where all mass exchange alternatives are taken into account. However, a great amount of computational effort is required to set up and optimise the network hyperstructure. Furthermore, the designer is removed from the important decision-making and his/her input is limited. Hallale and Fraser (1998) proved that minimising the number of units in MENs do not necessarily minimise the capital cost of the network. These authors developed a first known targeting method for the minimum number of trays in the network based on a specified ε, which is then translated into a capital cost target. Besides that, they also performed optimisation before designing the network by trading off between capital and operating costs. This method was focused on the special case of water minimisation and it can be further extended to absorbents and generalised to other mass exchange networks. 3.3.2 Mass Exchange Networks Retrofit The synthesis of optimal MENs deals with identification of a cost effective network of mass exchangers that preferentially transfer certain species from rich streams to lean streams. MENs has mainly dealt with grassroots design and very little work has been focused on MENs retrofit. The first approach on retrofit of MENs was recommended by Fraser and Hallale (2000) by using the work of Tjoe and Linnhoff (1986) as a basis. They demonstrated that the pinch technology approach for the retrofit of HENs can be successfully applied for the retrofit of MENs. The aim of retrofit by this approach is to achieve the best savings in operating costs, subject to a minimum payback period or a minimum capital expenditure. In the targeting stage, the established grassroots methods for MENs to determine utility (MSA) targets and equipment cost targets. The saving versus investment curve for MEN retrofit is developed from a stage-load plot representing the total number of stages versus the mass load of the external MSA. In the size- load 61 diagram, a retrofit path is then chosen, which allows one to determine the savings achieved for extra size. Costing this yields the saving versus investment diagram. Lastly, elimination of cross-pinch transfer and appropriate use of driving force are used as the key principles in the retrofit design stage. Alfadala et al. (2001) developed another methodology fo r retrofit of MENs. Firstly, the alternative of series and parallel structural configurations of interest through heuristics are identified. Then, the retrofitting strategies, those restricted by no capital expenditure and those involving capital expenditure are the main focus. When no capital expenditure is involved, the performance of the current system is enhanced with substituting solvent. The capital expenditure alternative will have additional new equipment. A new type of mass-pinch analysis is developed to maximise the utilisation of existing capital while reconciling added capital with operating cost. Then, different process alternatives are considered and screened to attain the final design. 3.4 Water Recovery Network 3.4.1 Grassroots Synthe sis of Water Recovery Network Using Pinch Analysis Water is one of the most highly used commodities in industry. Its scarcity, rising energy costs and stricter environmental regulations on industrial effluents has created different views on water usage in the last few years. The water allocation problem consists of finding the minimum amount of fresh water that each waterusing process needs, together with the maximum amount of water effluent from these processes that can be reused in other processes. Many innovative solutions to these problems have been published via water pinch analysis (WPA). 62 Grassroots Synthesis for Maximum Recovery Network through Reuse and Recycle The first attempt achieving maximum recovery network by maximising water reuse and recycling was developed by Wang and Smith (1994). They presented a graphical approach that was adapted from heat integration using pinch technology. By plotting the limiting composite curves versus the limiting composition interval, one can locate the minimum fresh water and wastewater flowrates prior to any network design. A systematic network design procedure, which allowed the targets to be met, is also presented. However, the assumption of water utilisation process as a mass transfer operation incurs some major drawbacks in the analysis. Dhole et al. (1996) correctly stated that some unit operations such as reactors, cooling towers and boilers could not be adequately modelled as mass transfer operations. They in turn proposed a water source and demand composite curves to be used to locate the minimum fresh water consumption and wastewater generation. They also showed that proper mixing and bypassing could further reduce the fresh water consumption. However, it is later pointed out that unless the correct stream mixing system is identified, the apparent targets could be substantially higher than the true minimum fresh water and wastewater targets (Polley and Polley, 2000). The Evolutionary Table was developed by Sorin and Bedard (1996) to target the minimum fresh water and wastewater numerically. However, Hallale (2002) showed that the Evolutionary Table failed to locate the correct pinch points when more than one global pinch points occurred in a water- using process. Hallale (2002) pointed out that the water source and demand composite curves do not give a clear picture of the analysis. The targets obtained may not be a true solution, as they strongly depend on the mixing patterns of the process streams. In turn, he presented a water surplus diagram in targeting the minimum fresh water and wastewater. It is similar to the water source and demand composite curves proposed by Dhole et al. (1996), thereby overcoming the limitations in the mass transfer-based approach. Furthermore, this new representation automatically builds 63 in all mixing possibilities in order to determine the true pinch point and the reuse target. More recently, a tabulated approach by using Water Cascade Analysis (WCA) is developed by Manan et al. (2004a) to eliminate the tedious graphical drawing and the trial-an-error method of water surplus diagram. WCA is able to solve problem involving multiple pinch accurately. Furthermore, the WCA feature has been integrated into computer software called Heat-MATRIX (Manan et al., 2003). Grassroots Synthesis for Maximum Recovery Network through Reuse, Recycle and Regeneration A number of methods related to synthesis of grassroots maximum recovery network involving reuse, recycle and regeneration have been published. Methods published for water regeneration may be classified into two groups. The first group of methods are those based on WPA while the second group are those based on a mathematical optimisation approach. Wang and Smith (1994) proposed the first pinch-based water regeneration reuse and recycling method. They introduced the concept of limiting composite curve with regeneration to generate the minimum water targets prior to network design. This regeneration approach is able to distinguish between regeneration reuse and regeneration recycling cases. However, Kuo and Smith (1998) later pointed out that this approach fails to obtain the true targets when the pinch points were relocated after regeneration. In return, they developed a new methodology where the minimum water targets are refined by migrating streams that have been classified. Targeting the number of regeneration and final effluent treatment units were also added in their approach. 64 Castro et al. (1999) next extended the regeneration reuse algorithm to take into consideration of the multiple pinch points in the water network. Minimum fresh water and regenerated water targets are achieved by using water source diagram. However, the network achieved mostly does not contain the minimum number of units due to splitting of operations. To overcome this problem, a heuristic rule is added to their approach, i.e. with additional fresh water consumption. Yet, the major drawback in the above- mentioned approaches is the assumption of water utilisation process as a mass transfer operation. Water as cooling and heating media in cooling towers and boilers, and as a reactant may not be appropriately represented as mass transfer operation (Manan et al., 2004a). To overcome the limitations, Hallale (2002) established the water surplus diagram which is not restricted to mass transfer-based operations. This approach targets the minimum fresh water and wastewater for problems with regeneration. Some guidelines are given for the placement of regeneration units to obtain the biggest savings in both fresh water and wastewater. A numerical tabular approach known as Water Cascade Analysis (WCA) was recently introduced by Manan et al. (2004a) to eliminate the tedious graphical approach of water surplus diagram. Regeneration and process changes were also assessed based on the principles of water surplus diagram. On the other hand, the first mathematical optimisation approach for water regeneration was introduced by Takama et al. (1980). They addressed the problem of optimal water recovery network in a petroleum refinery by generating a superstructure of all possible re- use and regeneration opportunities. Optimisation is then performed on the superstructure to remove the uneconomic features of the design. Alva-Argáez et al. (1998) proposed an automated optimisation approach for the synthesis of water recovery network based on superstructure decomposition method. All possibilities for water reuse, regeneration reuse and regeneration recycling are considered in the model. The network produced features minimum 65 total annual costs with constraints e.g. geographical, control or safety included. Moreover, the designer is able to be in-charge of the intricacy of the network design. Benkó et al. (2000) presented an alternative superstructure-based “Cover and Eliminate” approach with NLP. This approach formulates the design of water recovery network mathematically with minimum fresh water consumption and regeneration flowrate as well as minimum number of treatment systems. Bagajewicz and Savelski (2001) introduced a series of linear programming (LP) and MILP formulation with regeneration to determine the optimal water utilisation design. With this approach, several alternative designs are produced and a procedure is presented to select the most cost optimum water recovery network. Xu et al. (2003) developed a sequential three-step programming method to target the minimum fresh water and regeneration water flowrates. The problems were modelled as MINLP before they were solved. The authors argued that the common believe where water regeneration at the pinch point in the pinch-based approach (Wang & Smith, 1994; Kuo & Smith, 1998) may not necessarily achieve the minimum fresh water target. 3.4.2 Retrofit of Water Network A few methods for water network retrofit have been proposed. However, these methods are basically based on the use of mathematical programming methods. By formulating the water network retrofit problem as a mathematical model using a set of equations or constraints including an objective function, these mathematical programming methods transform the water network retrofit problem into optimisation task. Jödicke et al. (2001) developed a MILP model that required easily accessible data such as process location and holding tanks and considered expensive piping needs to generate the wastewater reuse designs. This approach performed as a 66 screening tool to achieve wastewater network design with minimum total cost (operating costs and investment costs) for a certain time horizon. Regeneration is also included into the model. Another mathematical programming model established by Huang et al. (1999) can be conceivably applied to the preliminary grassroots design or to retrofit an existing process. This model consists of design equations of all wastewater treatments units to generate minimum fresh water usage and minimum wastewater treatment capacity. Other works on mathematical programming for water network retrofit problems were mainly based on grassroots synthesis approaches. These include the work of Parthasarathy and Krishnagopalan (2001); Jacob et al. (2002); Thevendiraraj et al. (2003) and Koppol et al. (2003). In these work, the main focus was given towards the minimisation of utility (fresh water and wastewater flowrates) consumption. 3.5 The State-of-the-art on Water Network Retrofit – Addressing the Research Gap From the studies associated with the retrofit techniques for water network previously mentioned, we observed a number of issues remain unsolved. 1. The current water network retrofit approaches are generally focused on mathematical optimisation methods. The main limitations of mathematical approaches are the lack of user involvement in decision- making due to their “black box” nature, and the relative difficulty of using and mastering these programmes. These factors remain the major causes of its low acceptance by the industry. In addition, the computing cost may be more expensive and users needed to be well trained with the features of the programmes`. 67 2. Most work on mathematical programming for water network retrofit problems were mainly based on grassroots synthesis approaches. However, it is quite impossible to achieve an optimal retrofit without taking into consideration of the various process and equipment design constraints. This may cause major modification with long payback period in some cases. A good retrofit approach should exploit opportunities to maximise usage for existing facilities while trying to minimise utility cost. This often makes a retrofitted network looks quite different from the optimum grassroots design (Tjoe and Linnhoff, 1986). 3. Installation of new regeneration units has become the main focus in most existing water network retrofit works. However, it is important to realise that optimisation of existing water regeneration units play an important role during the revamp of water network. Beneficial goals such as elimination of capital cost due to new regeneration unit(s) installation, reduced operating cost as well as minimisation of fresh water consumption and wastewater generation can be achieved. Moreover, optimisation of existing regeneration units may also achieve the same water utility savings as in the cases of new regeneration unit(s) installation. Therefore, the urge for a friendly, practical and systematic water network retrofit approach based on WPA has motivated this work. We hereby introduce a few novel water network retrofit techniques based on WPA, i.e.: § water network retrofit for mass transfer-based operations § water network retrofit for non- mass transfer based operations § water network retrofit with integration of existing regeneration unit(s) optimisation. § water network retrofit with integration of new regeneration unit(s) CHAPTER 4 METHODOLOGY 4.1 Introduction Four new systematic methodologies for retrofit of water network based on Pinch Analysis concept have been developed in this work, i.e. retrofit of water network for mass transfer-based operations; retrofit of water network for non- mass transfer-based operations; retrofit of water network with regeneration unit(s) optimisation; retrofit of water network with the addition of new regeneration unit(s). Figure 4.1 gives an overview of the water network retrofit techniques developed in this work. 4.2 Retrofit of Water Network with Reuse and Recycling Water-using operations in a process plant can generally be classified into mass transfer-based and non-mass transfer-based operations, as described in sections and For mass transfer-based operations, the driving force involve equilibrium relationships and the design is more complex than non- mass transfer based operations. The amount of contaminant accumulated is the main concern for mass transfer-based operations while for non-mass transfer-based operations, water flowrate is more important. As a result, water flowrate fed to mass transfer-based operations are not necessarily the same amount as water flowrate in the limiting data WATER NETWORK RETROFIT Retrofit of Water Network with Reuse & Recycling Retrofit of Water Network for Mass Transfer-based Operations Retrofit of Water Network for Non- mass Transferbased Operation Retrofit of Water Network with Reuse, Recycling &Regeneration Retrofit of Water Network with Regeneration Units Optimisation Figure 4.1: Overview of the four methodologies developed in this work Retrofit of Water Network with the Additional of New Regeneration Units 70 as long as the desired mass load is accumulated. However, for non- mass transferbased operations, water flowrate fed must be the same as water flowrate in the limiting data. During retrofit, capital investment required can be determined by the size of the equipment. Among the most common mass transfer-based equipment is stage column with number of stages as the main sizing parameter. On the other hand, sizing of non- mass trans fer-based operations relies on the feed water flowrate. Since water flowrate fed to non- mass transfer processes is always constant, no capital investment is required due to no changes in the size of these operations. Therefore, it is important to develop different retrofit methods for water network with mass transfer-based and water network with non- mass transfer-based water- using operations. Two different techniques have been developed for retrofit of water network with reuse and recycling for different types of water- using operations. Retrofit technique for water network with mass transfer-based operations involves two key steps namely utility targeting and network design. During retrofit targeting, FFW, min and Nstages targets for a range of e were set. Two retrofit profiles were introduced to select the retrofit targets based on a minimum payback period. During network design, cross pinch exchangers were eliminated before retrofitting the existing network to achieve the retrofit targets. Retrofit method for non-mass transfer-based operations precludes targeting and only requires retrofit design. A new graphical tool called concentration block diagram (CBD) has been introduced to diagnose, retrofit and evolve the existing water network. Retrofit was performed after elimination of all cross pinch streams which results in excessive use of existing water utility. Figures 4.2 and 4.3 represent the flow diagram for the retrofit techniques developed with reuse and recycling. 71 Retrofit Targeting Select an εn value where 0 < εn = ε existing Calculate the limiting data for ε n through equilibrium equation Target the minimum utility (FFW,min & FWW,min) and the total number of stages (Nstages) for εn Does n > 20? No Yes Plot Nstages versus FFW graph of grassroots design and retrofit profile Calculate the utility savings and capital investment for each εn Plot savings versus investment graph Select a preferred payback period Obtain retrofit target, ε target Retrofit Design Draw the existing water network with ε target Identify and eliminate cross-pinch mass exchangers Retrofit the water network to achieve final design Figure 4.2: Flow diagram for retrofit of water network for mass transfer-based operations 72 Retrofit Design Draw the existing water network in concentration block diagram Identify and eliminate cross-pinch streams Retrofit the water network to achieve preliminary design Reusing the wastewater in the water network to achieve final design Figure 4.3: Flow diagram for retrofit of water network for non- mass transfer-based operations 4.3 Retrofit of Water Network with Reuse, Recycling and Regeneration 4.3.1 Retrofit of Water Network with Regeneration Units Optimisation Water regeneration and reuse thus has become a common practise in process industry. A water regeneration unit can be defined as any process unit that is used to partially purify process effluent for in-plant reuse and recycle. However, most regeneration units operate at lower performance than what it can actually achieve in practise. It is also observed that when a retrofit project is carried out to debottleneck an existing water network, optimisation of existing water regeneration units is often overlooked. Hence, installation of new regeneration units has become the main focus in most water network retrofit works. This practise is often associated with capital investment due to the purchase of new water regeneration units. However, it is important to realise that optimisation of existing water regeneration units play an important role during the revamp of water network. As will be shown in this chapter, beneficial goals such as elimination of capital cost due 73 to new units installation, reduced operating cost as well as the minimisation of fresh water consumption and wastewater generation can be simultaneously achieved. Moreover, optimisation of existing regeneration units may also achieve same water utility savings as in the cases of new regeneration unit(s) installation. Therefore, optimisation should firstly be considered during any retrofit project of existing water network. The new techniques proposed for retrofit of water network with existing regeneration unit(s) optimisation consist of two stages. In the first stage, various network retrofit targets are established prior to detailed network design. This includes utility savings and capital investment, that were determined for a range of optimised process parameters of the exiting regeneration unit(s) (i.e. total flowrate and/or outlet concentration of the regeneration unit). The water network is next redesigned (retrofitted) to meet the established targets. This methodology has successfully achieved the retrofit targets prior to design and further minimise fresh water consumption and wastewater generation in an existing water network. Figures 4.4 and 4.5 represent the retrofit targeting and retrofit design flow diagram for water network with regeneration units optimisation. 74 Retrofit Targeting Selection of optimisation parameters for existing regeneration units (Freg and/or Cout ) Calculation of estimated increment cost for optimisation parameters (∆CostFreg & ∆CostCout) Yes Does ∆CostFreg = ∆CostCout No Optimisation with ∆Freg Optimisation with ∆Cout Select existing regeneration unit(s) for optimisation with ∆Freg Obtain Fupgrade,min Select existing regeneration unit(s) for optimisation with ∆Cout Obtain ∆Freg,max for the selected existing regeneration unit(s) Obtain ∆Cout,ma x for the selected existing regeneration unit(s) Target the minimum utility for various ∆Freg where 0 = ∆Freg = ∆Freg,max Target the minimum utility for various ∆Cout where 0 = ∆Cout = ∆Cout,max Plot FFW versus ∆Freg graph of grassroots design and retrofit profiles Plot FFW versus ∆Cout graph of grassroots design and retrofit profiles Calculate the utility savings and capital investment for each ∆Freg Plot savings versus investment graph Calculate the utility savings and capital investment for each ∆Cout Select a preferred payback period Plot savings versus investment graph Obtain retrofit target, ∆Freg,optimum Select a preferred payback period Have achieve ∆Freg,optimum& ∆Cout,optimum? Yes Retrofit Design Obtain retrofit target, ∆Cout,optimum No No Have achieve ∆Freg,optimum& ∆Cout,optimum? Yes Figure 4.4: Retrofit targeting flow diagram for retrofit of water network with regeneration units optimisation 75 Retrofit Design Draw the existing water network in concentration block diagram Optimise the existing regeneration units in the network according to retrofit targets Identify and eliminate cross-pinch streams Retrofit the water network to achieve preliminary design Reusing the wastewater in the water network to achieve final design Figure 4.5: Retrofit design flow diagram for retrofit of water network with regeneration units optimisation 4.3.2 Retrofit of Water Network with the Additional of New Regeneration Units The amount of utility reduction through reuse/recycle is rather restricted. By coupling reuse/recycle strategy with regeneration, a further reduction of utility consumption in a water network is possible. Nevertheless, most of the work incorporating regeneration strategy has been focused on the development of grassroots design. These approaches may not be applicable for retrofit since various constraints (e.g. equipment layout, piping constraints) on the existing site needed to be taken into consideration during retrofit. Besides, economics performance is a key criterion during water network retrofit project. To achieve larger water savings for existing processes, there is a clear need to develop a systematic technique for water network retrofit with regeneration strategy that incorporates economic criterion. 76 As mentioned in the previous chapter, optimisation of existing regeneration units should firstly be considered during retrofit of water network. However, in cases where the existing regeneration units are performing at the ir optimum conditions or no regeneration unit exist, one should consider the additional of new regeneration units for further utility reduction. Beneficial goals such as reduction in operating cost as well as the minimisation of fresh water consumption and wastewater generation can be achieved with the installation of new regeneration units. A new two-stage retrofit technique has been proposed for water network with the additional new regeneration unit(s). The optimum design of the new regeneration unit was based on two process parameters, i.e. regeneration flowrate and/or the outlet concentration. The first stage locates the various retrofit targets, where utility savings and capital investment were determined for a range of process parameters. Given a fixed payback period or capital expenditure, the retrofit targets were determined from the saving versus investment diagram. During the network design, the existing water network was revamped according to pinch design rules to meet the established retrofit targets. This methodology has successfully achieved the retrofit targets prior to design and further minimise fresh water consumption and wastewater generation in an existing water network. Figures 4.6 and 4.7 represent the flow diagram for the retrofit techniques developed with reuse and recycling. Retrofit Targeting Case 1: Vary Freg with Fixed Cout Case 2: Vary Cout with Fixed Freg Case 3: Vary Freg & Cout Obtain Freg,max, Cout,min, & Cout,max Obtain Freg,max, Cout,min, & Cout,max Obtain Cout,min, & Cout,max Target the minimum utility for various Freg where 0 = Freg = Freg,max Target the minimum utility for various Cout where Cout,min = Cout = Cout,max Obtain Freg,max for various Cout where Cout,min = Cout = Cout,max Plot FFW versus Freg graph of grassroots design and retrofit profiles Plot FFW versus Cout graph of grassroots design and retrofit profiles Target the minimum utility for various Cout with Freg,max where Cout,min = Cout = Cout,max Calculate the utility savings and capital investment for each Freg Calculate the utility savings and capital investment for each Cout Plot FFW versus Cout graph of grassroots design and retrofit profiles Plot savings versus investment graph Plot savings versus investment graph Calculate the utility savings and capital investment for each pair of Cout & Freg,max Select a preferred payback period Select a preferred payback period Plot savings versus investment graph Obtain retrofit target, Freg,optimum Obtain retrofit target, Cout,optimum Select a preferred payback period Obtain retrofit target, Freg,optimum & Cout,optimum Retrofit Design Figure 4.6: Retrofit targeting flow diagram for retrofit of water network with the additional of new regeneration units 78 Retrofit Design Draw the existing water network in concentration block diagram Add the targeted new regeneration units in the network according to retrofit targets Identify and eliminate cross-pinch streams Retrofit the water network to achieve preliminary design Reusing the wastewater in the water network to achieve final design Figure 4.7: Retrofit targeting flow diagram for retrofit of water network with the additional of new regeneration units 4.4 Chapter Summary Four different types of water network retrofit methodology has been presented. This include retrofit of water network with mass transfer-based operations, retrofit of water network with non- mass transfer-based operations, retrofit of water network with regeneration unit optimisation, and retrofit of water network with the addition of new regeneration unit have been developed. In order to demonstrate the applicability of these techniques, four case studies have been utilised and discussed in the next chapter. CHAPTER 5 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 5.1 Retrofit of Water Network for Mass Transfer-based Water-using Operations 5.1.1 Problem Statement and Assumptions The problem of retrofitting water network for mass transfer-based processes can generally be stated as follows: Given a set of mass transfer-based water-using processes, it is desired to retrofit an existing water distribution network through re-structuring of process streams and most effective use of existing process units to accomplish the best savings in operating costs, subject to a minimum payback period or/and a maximum capital expenditure. The following assumptions were made in developing the retrofit procedure: 1. The system operates as a single contaminant system. 2. The system operates isothermally. 3. Reuse / recycling are allowed in the system. 80 5.1.2 Case Study 1 The case study involving the removal of sulphur dioxide (SO2 ) from four gaseous process streams from Hallale and Fraser (1998) was used as the example for this study. The process uses stage columns to absorb SO2 from the process streams using water as an external MSA. Figure 5.1 shows the existing schematic flowsheet for case study 1 with the minimum composition difference, e of 0.00027 kmol SO2 /kmol water. The existing flowsheet consumes 3360.7 kmol/h of fresh water and generates 3360.7 kmol/h of wastewater. A total of 20 stages are used to absorb SO2 in the existing water network. Wastewater 3360.7 kmol/h PROCESS 4 (3 stages) PROCESS 1 (5 stages) 1161.3 kmol/h PROCESS 3 (2 stages) PROCESS 2 (5 stages) 1006.6 kmol/h PROCESS 3 (5 stages) 1192.8 kmol/h Freshwater 3360.7 kmol/h Figure 5.1: Existing schematic flowsheet for case study 1 Data for these streams are listed in Table 5.1. It is assumed that the gas stream mainly consists of air, along with a small amount of other gases. However, only SO2 is absorbed into water. Note that, the gas flowrates, G are expressed on SO2-free basis. These flowrates remain unchanged as SO2 is absorbed. The composition of SO2 in the gas streams is expressed as a molar ratio, Y. Each stream 81 is supplied with a feed composition of Ys and is required to reach an equilibrium composition of Yt. The gas streams and water are all at 20o C. Table 5.1: Stream data for case study 1 Gas stream 1 Flowrate, G Ys Yt (kmol/h) (kmol SO 2 /kmol inert gas) (kmol SO 2 /kmol inert gas) 50 0.01 0.004 2 60 0.01 0.005 3 40 0.02 0.005 4 30 0.02 0.015 Cost data used in this case study has been adapted from Coulson et al. (1993) by Hallale (2002), as presented in section 2.5.2. The capital investment of a column is made up of the cost of column shell and stages. These costing equations assume carbon steel as the construction material and sieve stages as the type of stage used. A total of 8600 annual operating hours was assumed. Fresh water cost is $0.34/ton (Coulson et al., 1993). A payback period six months was selected. 5.1.3 Retrofit Targeting A common misconception is that the best retrofit should accomplish the optimum grassroots design. In practice, achieving the optimum grassroots design would be impractical and uneconomical as many constraints may be imposed on an existing network during retrofit. The objective of retrofit in this research is to use the existing units more effectively. To achieve the retrofit targets for mass transferbased operations, Water Cascade Analysis (WCA) technique by Manan et al. (2004a) and the capital cost targeting approach by Hallale and Fraser (1998) were utilised. 82 Minimum Fresh Water Target Firstly, we need to obtain the minimum fresh water, FFW, min requirement for case study 1 for a given value of minimum composition difference, e. This can be achieved using WCA technique by Manan et al. (2004a). In order to use WCA technique, the data in Table 5.1 has to be converted to limiting water data. This can be achieved by applying the equilibrium equation for the range of composition involved. The limiting water composition corresponding to each gas stream can be determined using equation 2.3 in Chapter 2. The equilibrium relation for SO2 removal for this case study is as follow (Perry, 1984), X in max Y t − (−0.00326 ) = −ε 26.1 (5.1a) Y s − ( −0.00326) −ε 26.1 (5.1b) out X max = where Y* is the composition of SO2 in gas stream (molar ratio), X is the composition of SO2 in water (molar ratio), Table 5.2 presents the limiting water data with e of 0.00021 kmolSO2 /kmolwater. With the limiting water data, WCA can be used to get FFW, min target. WCA results for the limiting water data with e = 0.00021 kmolSO2 /kmolwater is illustrated in Table 5.3. As can be seen, the FFW, min for the case study is 2688.8 kmol/h. The pinch point occurs at 0.000298 kmol SO2 /kmol water which is corresponds to 0.01 kmol SO2 /kmol inert gas. 83 Table 5.2: Limiting water data with ε = 0.00021 kmol SO2 /kmol water Xinmax Gas stream Load removed (kmol SO 2 /hr) (kmol SO 2 /kmol water) 1 0.3 0.000068 Xout max (kmol SO 2 /kmol water) 0.000298 2 0.3 0.000106 0.000298 3 0.6 0.000106 0.000681 4 0.15 0.000490 0.000681 Table 5.3: WCT with e = 0.00021 kmolSO2 /kmolwater for case study 1 Concentration ΣFD, j ΣFS, I (kmol SO 2 / (kmol/h) (kmol/h) kmol water) ΣFD, j + ΣFS, i (kmol/h) FC , (kmol/h) Pure water surplus (kmol/h) Cumulative pure water surplus (kmol/h) 2688.83 0 0 0.000068 0.000106 -1305 0.00049 1383.83 0.0000001 -1226.17 -0.0000002 1644.83 0.0000003 0.0000002 -2610 2871 -783 0.000681 0.0000002 -1305 -2610 0.000298 2688.83 0.0000002 2871 0 -783 1827 1000000 0.0000003 861.83 0.0000002 2688.83 2688.825198 1827 0.0000005 2688.8252 Number of Stage Target Next, target for the minimum number of stages was established. This was done using the number of stages targeting method for grassroots design initiated by Hallale and Fraser (1998). To understand the method for targeting the number of stages, let us first consider the design of a column (Treybal, 1981). Figure 5.2 (a) shows a column with gas and water streams where mass is transferred in a countercurrent manner. Column compositions can be shown on X-Y plot depicting (Figure 5.2b) column 84 equilibrium and operating lines. Note that the operating line is a straight line with a slope equal to the ratio of water flowrate to the gas flowrate in the column (L/G). Thus, the operating line must be located above and to the left of the equilibrium line to have a finite driving force and enable mass to be transferred from the gas stream to the water stream. With the X-Y plot, the number of equilibrium stages, N can be achieved by stepping down ‘step’ between the operating and equilibrium lines (Figure 5.2b). Y L, Xin G, Yout Yin Operating line Absorption Column G, Yin Equilibrium line Y* = mX + b Stepping off the number of stages out out L, X Slope = L/G Y Xin Xout X Figure 5.2: (a) An absorption column (counter-current mass exchanger); (b) absorption column represented on X-Y diagram As the operating and equilibrium lines are further apart, less number of equilibrium stages is required. On the other hand, an infinite number of stages results when the operating line touches the equilibrium line. Therefore, e plays an important role to avoid the limiting conditions during the design of a column. Since the operating and equilibrium lines for this case study are straight lines, N can also be computed through Kremser equation as given by equation 2.6 in section 2.5.2 (Treybal, 1980). In order to solve equation 2.6, the changes in water composition throughout the system are required. To obtain this, X-Y table 85 established by Hallale and Fraser (1998) is used. Table 5.4 demonstrates the X-Y table with e = 0.00021 kmolSO2 /kmolwater for case study 1. Table 5.4: X-Y Table for case study 1 The first targeting step is to arrange Y in ascending order in column 1. Column 2 represents the gas streams in each interval. Column 3 contains the cumulative value of G, (ΣG)k at each interval. The ratio between cumulative gas flowrate at each interval, (Σ G)k and the total flowrate of solute- free water that remained constant at the targeted freshwater value, (ΣL)k is calculated in the next column. (ΣL)k for this case stud y is maintained at 2688.8 kmol/h. Next, a mass balance equation on SO2 for each interval is utilised to calculate the SO2 composition difference, ∆Xk and is expressed as follows: ∆X k = ∆ Yk ( Σ G k ) ( Σ Lk ) (5.2) Column 6 shows the direction of FFW flowrate. Note that X which is located in column 7 starts at zero as FFW is supplied. These values increase over each interval k by the value of ∆Xk. It is observed from Table 5.4 that X increases as Y decreases. This is due to the countercurrent operation of the column. Note also that the final composition of 0.000503 kmol SO2 /kmol water for the freshwater used is also shown in the same table. 86 With the data presented from in Table 5.4, the number of equilibrium stages for each interval, Nk is directly achieved through equation 2.6 as shown in the last column of the table. Table 5.4 also shows the pinch location obtained from WCA and illustrates how it divides the problem into regions above and below the pinch. However, the number of stages from each composition interval does not represent the total number of stages target. Each interval consists of a certain number of streams. This should be considered during the estimation of the number of stages for the system. Therefore, the target for the total number of stages is determined by summing the contributions from each gas stream across the composition intervals in which the stream exists (Hallale and Fraser, 1998): Ni = βi ∑N k =αi k (5.3) where ai is the interval where gas stream i starts and ßi is the interval where it ends. To prevent any inaccurate capital cost target, this is performed separately for regions above and below the pinch. The results from equation 5.3 represent the number of equilibrium stages for regions above and below the pinch and have to be converted to the number of actual stages. Thus, by dividing the number of equilibrium stages with an overall column efficiency, Eoc the number of real stages contributed by gas streams, Nr, i can be determined. The equation is presented as follows: N r ,i = Ni Eoc (5.4) where Eoc is approximately 20% of the system efficiency for case study 1 (O’Connell’s correlation in Treybal, 1981). 87 Then, the actual number of stages for regions above and below the pinch is rounded up to the nearest integer. The target for the total number of stages, Nr, tot is as follows: N r, tot = ∑[ N r,i ] (5.5) i Finally, the number of stages for regions above and below the pinch is summed up to yield the targeted minimum number of stages, Nstages for a given e value: N stages = ∑ [ N r, i ] AbovePinch + ∑ [N r ,i ]BelowPinch i (5.6) i Table 5.5 summarised the stage contributions for each gas stream and the total number of stages for regions above, [Nr,i]Above Pinch and below the pinch [Nr,i]Below Pinch for case study 1. Hallale and Fraser (1998) concluded that the targeted number of stages for regions above and below the pinch have to be computed separately to ensure that the capital cost target achieved in the network design section is consistent with the minimum water target. They also prove that a slight underestimation of Nstages will result for cases where the pinch regions are ignored. Table 5.5: Summary of stage contributions for each gas stream and the total number of stages regions above and below the pinch for case study 1 Gas stream [Nr, i ]Below Pinch [Nr, i ]Above Pinch 1 6 0 2 5 0 3 5 5 4 0 3 Total 16 8 88 Nstages versus FFW Plot By repeating the targeting for FFW, min and Nstages over a range of e value, an Nstages versus FFW, min plot can be construc ted. Figure 5.3 illustrates the Nstages versus FFW, min plot for case study 1. The next step is to estimate the achievable FFW savings for various levels of capital investments. As aforementioned, the retrofitted network is predicted to use stages as efficient as the existing network. The analogy of HEN retrofit approach is used as the basic framework for this approach. 140 120 Optimum grassroots design Nstages 100 80 60 40 20 0 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 F FW,min (kmol/hr) Figure 5.3: Nstages versus FFW, min plot for case study 1 Following the analogy of HEN retrofit, two retrofit profiles which starts from the existing utility consumption is presented in Figure 5.4. The curve that moves towards the reduction of utility with an incremental Nstages is typically the best retrofit curve. Note that capital investment is determined by Nstages; and the reduction of FFW consumption (represented by x-axis) also presenting the simultaneous reduction of wastewater, which can be directly transformed into utility cost savings. 89 100 Retrofit target with a = 0.95 90 80 Retrofit target with ∆a = 1 70 N stages 60 Optimum grassroots design 50 40 30 20 10 Existing network 0 1600 2000 2400 2800 (kmol/hr) FFW FW (kmol/h) Figure 5.4: Nstages versus FFW plot for case study 1 3200 3600 90 A retrofit profile which is calculated via stage efficiency, astages is defined as the ratio between the number of stages target for a grassroots design, Ntarget to the number of stages for an existing network, Nexisting, for a given value of FFW , N target α stages = N existing FFW (5.7) The astages value indicated how close Nexisting as compared Ntarget . Note that in equation 5.7, astages is conducted for a specific FFW value instead of MSA load. This is because the utility costs for a water network can be represented by FFW consumption and wastewater generation. The incremental value of α stages, ∆α stages is defined as another retrofit profile according to the analogy of ∆aArea,. ∆α is described as the ratio between an increase in the targeted number of stages in a grassroots design, ∆Ntarget to that of an existing network, ∆Nexisting, for a given decrease in freshwater flowrate, ∆FFW as shown in equation 5.8: ∆N target ∆α stages = ∆N existing ∆ F FW (5.8) Equations 5.7 and 5.8 represent two possible paths for retrofit of an existing water network with mass transfer-based operations. The path selection is based on the one that is leading to the optimum grassroots design. For case study 1, the calculated value of α stages and ∆α stages values are 0.95 and 1.00 respectively. One will need to choose a retrofit profile that is leading to the optimum grassroots design. A constant α value may be too conservative (Silangwa, 1986; Shenoy, 1995; Polley, 2000). Hence retrofit path with ∆α = 1 was preferred as a better option for this case study. This was proven through the achievement of retrofit targets during network design in the next section. 91 As we move towards the upper left portion of Figure 5.4, FFW is reduced and additional Nstages are added towards the left of the plot from the existing point. A savings versus investment plot can be attained by converting the increased Nstages into capital investment and the reduction of fresh water consumption as well as wastewater generation into savings in operating cost for various e in the retrofit profile. Equations 2.16 to 2.18 in section 2.5.2 are applied to predict the column diameter and stage spacing and ultimately, the capital investment for the increased Nstages for every e in the retrofit profile. The results are then applied to equation 2.19 and 2.20 to obtain the capital cost for column shell and stages. Figure 5.5 shows the savings versus investment plot with lines identifying various payback periods for the SO2 example. It has been mentioned that a payback less than six months is preferred for case study 1. Therefore, the point where 0.45 years (6 months) payback line crosses the savings versus investment plot was selected as the retrofit target for case study 1. The targeted e value is 0.00021 kmol SO2 /kmol water with $37,500/yr of savings and $16,500 of investment. 100,000 6 months 1 year Saving ($/yr) 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 0 50,000 100,000 Investment ($) 150,000 Figure 5.5: Savings versus investment plot for case study 1 200,000 92 5.1.4 Retrofit Design Now we will prove that the targets established in the pervious section are achievable in network design. The method used in this section is similar to the retrofit design for MEN proposed by Fraser and Hallale (2000) since water network with mass transfer based processes also consists of a network of mass exchangers. The first step in water network retrofit is to draw the existing network using limiting water data with targeted e value, 0.00021 kmol SO2 /kmol water as demonstrated in Figure 5.6. This diagram is similar to the network design proposed by Wang and Smith (1994). It represents the entire network with the existing mass exchangers. The dotted horizontal lines represent the composition intervals of the water network. The water composition values shown on the left of the intervals are obtained from the last column of X-Y table (see column 7 of Table 5.4, page 85). The vertical arrows show the process streams (1-4) and freshwater streams (FW) in the network while the solid horizontal and slanted lines represent mass exchangers involved in mass transfer between the process streams and fresh water streams. Note that the pinch point which occurs at interval 0.000298 kmol SO2 /kmol water divides the water network into regions above and below the pinch. The cross pinch mass exchangers are shown by the solid lines crossing the pinch interval in Figure 5.6. 93 0.000503 3 stages 0.000373 4 3 2 5 stages 5 stages 1161.3 0.000068 2 stages 5 stages 0.000298 (PINCH) 0.000106 Cross pinch exchangers 1 LEGEND 1 Processes Water streams Mass exchangers 1006.6 1192.8 FW Concentration interval boundaries Concentration pinch point Figure 5.6: Existing water network for case study 1 The second step is to eliminate all exchangers that are transferring mass across the pinch. It can be seen in Figure 5.6 that there are three exchangers transferring mass across the pinch. These exchangers have to be eliminated as they cause additional fresh water usage in the network. The network with the cross-pinch exchangers eliminated is shown in Figure 5.7. 94 0.000503 3 stages 0.000373 4 0.000298 (PINCH) 0.000106 3 2 0.000068 5 stages 1 LEGEND 1 Processes Water streams Mass exchangers FW Concentration interval boundaries Concentration pinch point Figure 5.7: Existing water network for case study 1 with eliminated cross-pinch exchangers Since the water network was formed by mass exchangers transferring mass load to water streams, retrofit was performed next on the water network according to the design rules developed by Wang and Smith (1994). According to these authors, network design starts with fresh water from the bottom of the network where the lowest composition interval exists. The mass exchanger matches between process and fresh water streams were defined based on the composition intervals. In each match, only sufficient fresh water was used to maintain the feasibility of the network. If more water was available that required, any excess was bypassed to be mixed and used in the later intervals. These rules were applied to ensure that the fresh water and capital cost targets were achieved. Figure 5.8 illustrates the water network after retrofit. Note that in Figure 5.8, the existing mass exchanger for process 1 located between interval 1 and 2 remain unchanged. Only sufficient water was utilised to maintain feasibility of the network. Therefore, fresh water requirement for this exchanger was reduced to 1006.6 ton/h with an increment of 1 stage in the unit. Process 2, which exists in interval 2 remain unchanged. The remaining fresh water was bypassed to be used later by exchanger 3 95 in interval 2 and 3. Finally, in the last two intervals process 3 and 4 exist. The total water flowrate was split between these two processes. As only sufficient water i.e. 671 kmol/h was fed to exchanger 4, the total number of stages had been increased from 3 to 5 stages after retrofit. 0.000503 3 stages 0.000373 4 2+3 stages 5 stages 0.000298 (PINCH) 0.000106 274.52 5 stages 3 2 5+1 stages 1006.6 0.000068 1 LEGEND 1 Processes Water streams Mass exchangers 1006.6 671.0 FW Concentration interval boundaries Concentration pinch point Figure 5.8: Retrofitted water network for case study 1 Finally, mass exchangers in the retrofitted design are evaluated. This is due to the retrofit targets achieved in the targeting section that take into consideration of reusing the existing mass exchangers. To do this, the Nstages of the new installed mass exchangers is compared with the eliminated mass exchangers. When we compared Figure 5.9 with Figure 5.1, note that three of the eliminated existing mass exchangers can still be reused. An additional of 3 extra stages need to be installed in exchanger 4 and 1 new stage must be added to exchanger 1 in the existing water network to achieve the retrofit targets. 96 Wastewater 2684.2 kmol/h PROCESS 3 (2+3 stages) PROCESS 4 (3 stages) PROCESS 1 (5+1 stages) PROCESS 2 (5 stages) 1006.6 kmol/h 1006.6 kmol/h PROCESS 3 (5 stages) 671.0 kmol/h Freshwater 2684.2 kmol/h Figure 5.9: Conventional flowsheet for the retrofitted network for case study 1 After retrofit, the total fresh water consumption for the example has been reduced to 2684.2 kmol/h. This corresponds to an operating cost savings of $37,500/yr. The capital investment needed to achieve the final design is $19,000 which is slightly higher than the target. The resulting payback period from the estimated savings and investment is 0.5 year. 5.1.5 Summary of the Developed Water Network Retrofit for Mass Transferbased Operations This section has shown that MEN retrofit approach can be effectively applied for retrofit of water network with mass transfer-based operations. The methodology developed enables designer to obtain retrofit targets prior to network design. The retrofit targets, which include fresh water flowrate and the number of stages for the mass exchangers were achieved through WPA grassroots targeting techniques. These targets were then used to plot Nstages versus FFW diagram where a retrofit path was formed by comparing the existing design with the targets. With the specification 97 of an acceptable payback period or investment limit, a global e in accordance with these economic criteria was determined. In the retrofit stage, elimination of crosspinch mass exchangers and retrofit of the existing water network through Wang and Smith (1994) design rules were conducted to achieve efficient usage of the existing stages. Through the example studied, this methodology has proven that the network design was able to achieve the retrofit targets. 5.2 Retrofit of Water Network for Non-mass Transfer-based Operations 5.2.1 Problem Statement and Assumptions The problem of retrofitting water network for non- mass transfer-based processes can generally be stated as follows: Given a set of non- mass transfer-based water-using processes, it is desired to retrofit an existing water distribution network through re-structuring of process streams to accomplish the best savings in operating costs. The following assumptions were made in developing the retrofit procedure: 1. The system operates as a single contaminant system. 2. The system operates isothermally. 3. Regeneration reuse / recycling are allowed in the systems. 5.2.2 Case Study 2 98 Reuse/recycling of water in paper mills is considered to be a universal practice of recovering valuable paper fibres from a paper machine’s excess water (Wiseman and Ogden, 1996). Apart from operating cost savings and reduction in the environmental impact of the process, water reuse and recycling can recover expensive raw materials from the water network. A paper making process case study produces paper from old newspapers and magazines was utilised to demonstrate the developed methodology. Its raw water treatment plant receives river water with high content of suspended solids and dissolved solids with a operating cost of $0.043/m3 . The mill water and wastewater system is served by a complex water network with a fresh water consumption of 1989.1 ton/h and wastewater generation of 1680.3 ton/h. A simplified version of the existing water network for case study 2 is presented in Figure 5.10. In this paper making process, the used papers are fed to the pulpers where they are blended with dilution water and chemicals to form pulp slurry called stock. The paper sheet formation begins when the stock from pulpers is sent to the forming section of the paper machine. During paper sheet formation in the paper machine, water is removed from the stock in the forming as well as the pressing sections. As shown in Figure 5.10, a total of 986.52 ton/h of fresh water is fed to the paper machine via streams 1 and 2 to remove any debris in the forming and pressing sections of the paper machine. Part of these water sources (streams 5 and 6) are then sent to the white water tank along with recycled water (stream 9) from other processes in De- inking pulper (others). In order to remove printing ink from the main stock, De- inking pulper (DIP) receives 751.32 ton of fresh water (stream 3) and 398.5 ton/h of reused water from white water tank (stream 8). 54 ton/h of this source (stream 12) is then mixed with 14.7 ton/h of freshwater (stream 11) to dilute the stock being pumped to the deculator in the approach flow system (AF). 99 Fresh water 1989.06 ton/h 10 11 34.68 ton/h 14.7 ton/h Paper Machine 1 155.4 ton/h Pres sing Sect 5 155.4 ton/h 100 ppm 6 41.28 ton/h White Water Tank 8 201.84 ton/h CP 170 ppm 230 ppm 2 831.12 ton/h 9 1264.5 ton/h Forming Section 230 ppm 7 398.5 ton/h 170 ppm 3 751.32 ton/h DIP 1254 ton/h 250 ppm 4 201.84 ton/h Others AF 13415.8 ton/h 250 ppm Figure 5.10: Existing water network for case study 2 Wastewater 1680.3 ton/h 100 Fresh water (stream 10) is also used to dilute de- inking chemicals (CP) sent to DIP to assist the ink removal process. In addition, other process in DIP (others) also receives 201.84 ton/h of fresh water (stream 4). As for the wastewater collected from the paper machine and DIP (stream 7 and 13), it is sent to the effluent treatment plant before being discharged into the river. The effluent treatment plant operating cost is $0.295/m3 as specifiied by the plant. Total suspended solids (TSS) is taken as the main water quality parameter in considering water reuse and recycling for this process. Table 5.6 summarises the water demand and source data for this case study. Water demand refers to the water requirement of a water-using operation while water source refers to effluent stream leaving a water-using operation that can be considered for reuse and recycle. Table 5.6: Water demands and sources for case study 2 Water Water Process Flowrate, Concentration, Flowrate, Concentration, C (ppm) C (ppm) Description Demand F (ton/h) Source F (ton/h) Pressing Showers 1 155.40 20 1 155.40 100 Forming Showers 2 831.12 80 2 1305.78 230 Other Processes in DIP (Others) 3 201.84 100 3 201.84 170 DIP 4 1149.84 200 4 469.80 250 Chemical Preparation (CP) 5 34.68 20 Approach Flow (AF) 6 68.70 200 101 5.2.3 Retrofit Design The methodology for retrofit of water network consists of three ma in steps. The first step is to diagnose the existing water network using a new tool, called Concentration Block Diagram (CBD). CBD provides a clear view of the existing water network in the context of contaminant concentration. It consists of concentration- interval boundaries, water using operations, water streams with their flowrate in ton per hour and contaminant concentration in ppm. CBD divides the existing water network into regions above and below the pinch. Therefore, the minimum targets should be established before CBD can be developed. With the limiting data, the minimum water targets can be obtained easily by using water cascade analysis (WCA) technique developed by Manan et al. (2004a). Table 5.7 shows the results obtained from WCA with the water pinch at 170 ppm. CBD for case study 2 is presented in Figure 5.11. 102 Table 5.7: Water cascade table (WCT) for case study 2 Interval Concentration n Cn (ppm) Purity, Pn ΣFD, j (ton/h) ΣFS, I (ton/h) ΣFD, j + ΣFS, i (ton/h) FC , (ton/h) Pure water surplus (ton/h) Cumulative pure water surplus (ton/h) 848.12 1 0 1 2 20 0.99998 3 4 5 6 80 100 170 200 0.99992 0.99990 0 -190.08 -831.12 -201.84 0.99983 0.99980 848.12 0.016962 658.04 0.039482 -173.08 -0.003462 -219.52 -0.015366 -17.68 -0.000530 -1236.22 -0.037087 -190.08 0.016962 -831.12 155.40 201.84 -1218.54 0.056445 -46.44 0.052983 201.84 0.037617 -1218.54 7 230 0.99977 1305.78 1305.78 8 250 0.99975 469.80 469.80 0.037087 0 69.56 0.001391 539.36 539.226030 0.001391 539.227420 103 C(ppm) 0 20 155.4 (0) 80 Pressing Showers 100 170 200 230 250 1264.5 (230) 155.4 (100) 831.12 (0) Forming Showers 201.84(0) Other 41.28 (230) 201.84(170) White Water Tank 398.52 (170) 751.32 (0) DIP 14.7 (0) 54 (250) 34.68 (0) 415.8 (250) AF Chemical Preparation LEGEND Water-using operation number Stream flowrate (ton/hr) Water streams (number) Stream Concentration Concentration pinch point (ppm) Concentration interval boundaries Figure 5.11: Existing water network in CBD form for case study 2 The next part of network diagnosis is to identify and eliminate the crosspinch streams. A cross-pinch stream is any stream that crosses the water pinch in the existing water network thereby resulting in excessive use of fresh water. For case study 2, there is only one cross-pinch stream. This is the wastewater stream leaving DIP that is fed to AF (Figure 5.12). Next, the cross-pinch streams are eliminated because water sources above the pinch (including fresh water) should not be feed to demands below the pinch (Hallale, 2002). Therefore, the wastewater stream leaving DIP that is fed to AF is eliminated. 104 C(ppm) 0 20 155.4 (0) 80 Pressing Showers 100 170 200 230 250 1264.5 (230) 155.4 (100) 831.12 (0) Forming Showers 201.84(0) Other 41.28 (230) 201.84(170) White Water Tank 398.52 (170) DIP 751.32 (0) 54 (250) 14.7 (0) 34.68 (0) 415.8 (250) AF Chemical Preparation LEGEND Water-using operation number Stream flowrate (ton/hr) Water streams (number) Stream Concentration Concentration pinch point (ppm) Concentration interval boundaries Figure 5.12: Identified cross-pinch stream for case study 2 The second step of this technique is network retrofit. At this stage, the existing water network was completed using the design rules developed by Hallale (2002) presented in chapter 2. The preliminary retrofit scheme of case study 2 is presented in Figure 5.13. Due to the eliminated cross-pinch stream, the demand for AF was satisfied by the wastewater from Forming Showers. The wastewater leaving Forming Showers can be fed to regions above and below the pinch as it was at the pinch concentration. 105 C(ppm) 0 20 155.4 (0) 80 Pressing Showers 100 170 200 230 250 1210.5 (230) 155.4 (100) 831.12 (0) Forming Showers 201.84(0) Other 41.28 (230) 201.84 (170) White Water Tank 398.52 (170) DIP 751.32 (0) 469.8 (250) 54 (230) 14.7 (0) 34.68 (0) AF Chemical Preparation LEGEND Water-using operation number Stream flowrate (ton/hr) Water streams (number) Stream Concentration Concentration pinch point (ppm) Concentration interval boundaries Figure 5.13: Preliminary retrofit design for case study 2 In the final step, the preliminary retrofit design of the existing water network was optimised to reduce the total cost required to retrofit the existing water network. This was done by reusing the wastewater from Forming Showers in the preliminary retrofit design. As the wastewater stream for case study 2 appears at the water pinch, the wastewater can be reused in the regions above and below the pinch (Hallale, 2002). Figure 5.14 illustrates the final retrofit design for case study 2 after reusing the wastewater from Forming Showers while Figure 5.15 presents the conventional flowsheet for the retrofitted network for case study 2. 106 C(ppm) 0 20 80 100 141.89 (0) Pressing Showers 542.03 (0) 13.51 (230) 170 200 230 250 106.9 (250) 155.4 (100) Forming Showers 289.09 (230) 114.08(0) Other 87.76 (230) 41.28 (230) 201.84 (170) White Water Tank 398.52 (170) 705.3 (230) 46.02 (0) 3.01 (230) 8.96 (0) 31.67 (0) 469.8 (250) DIP 59.74 (230) AF Chemical Preparation LEGEND Water-using operation number Stream flowrate (ton/hr) Water streams (number) Stream Concentration Concentration pinch point (ppm) Concentration interval boundaries Figure 5.14: Final retrofit design for case study 2 After retrofit of case study 2, the total consumption of fresh water and generation of wastewater was reduced 55.5% and 65.7% respectively. Table 5.8 represents the comparison of fresh water usage and wastewater generation before and after retrofit for case study 2 with the total cost savings. Table 5.8: Comparison of fresh water consumption and wastewater generation before and after retrofit. Fresh water consumption Wastewater generation Before retrofit (ton/h) After retrofit (ton/h) Flowrate reduction (ton/h) % savings Total savings ($/yr) 1989.06 884.65 1104.41 55.5 % 376,000 1680.30 575.89 1104.41 65.7 % 2,593,000 107 Fresh water 884.65 ton/h 10 11 31.67 ton/h 8.96 ton/h Paper Machine 1 141.89 ton/h 5 155.4 ton/h Pres sing Sect R1 13.51 ton/h 230 ppm 230 ppm 2 542.03 ton/h 8 201.84 ton/h White Water Tank 100 ppm 6 147.37 ton/h CP 170 ppm 7 398.52 ton/h R6 3.01 ton/h 9 106.09 ton/h 170 ppm Forming Section 230 ppm 230 ppm R2 289.09 ton/h R3 705.3 ton/h R4 87.76 230 ppm 230 ppm ton/h R5 59.74. ton/h 230 ppm 230 ppm 3 46.02 ton/h DIP 1254 ton/h 250 ppm 4 114.08 ton/h Others AF 13469.8 ton/h 250 ppm Figure 5.15: Conventional flowsheet for the retrofitted network for case study 2 Wastewater 575.89 ton/h 108 5.2.4 Summary of the Developed Water Network Retrofit Technique for Nonmass Transfer-based Water–using Operations A retrofit design procedure for an existing non- mass transfer-based water network has been developed. In this section, it has been shown that this method is quick and simple to use for retrofit purposes and is able to reduce the total fresh water consumption and wastewater generation in an existing water network. This technique consists of three steps: Network Diagnosis, Network Retrofit and Network Evolution. In the diagnosis stage, CBD was introduced to represent the existing water network. Next, modifications based on a set of rules were performed on the existing water network to obtain the preliminary retrofit scheme. The final part of retrofit was network evolution, which involved wastewater reuse to achieve the final retrofit scheme. Case study 2 was utilised to demonstrate the impact of this procedure. It was that the methodology developed has managed to reduce 55.5% of fresh water consumption and 65.7% wastewater generation for case study 2. 5.3 Retrofit of Water Network with Regeneration Units Optimisation 5.3.1 Problem Statement and Basic Assumptions The problem of retrofitting water network with regeneration units optimisation can generally be stated as follows: Given a set of mass transfer-based and non-mass transfer-based water- using processes with a set of regeneration units, it is desired to retrofit an existing water distribution network by optimising one or more treatment process(es) to restructure process streams and more effective use of existing process units to accomplish the best savings in operating costs, subject to a minimum payback period or/and a maximum capital expenditure. 109 The following assumptions were made in developing the retrofit procedure: 1. The system operates as a single contaminant system. 2. The system operates isothermally. 3. Regeneration reuse / recycling are allowed in the system. 5.3.2 Case Study 3 Pulp and paper industry is one of the many process industries that is currently under regulatory pressure to reduce the volume and toxicity of its wastewater. Efforts have been made to reduce water utility through wastewater reuse, recycling and regeneration (Tripathi, 1996; Jacob et al., 2002; Parthasarathy and Krishnagopalan, 2001). A paper making process with existing regeneration units is now utilised to illustrate the newly proposed methodology. A simplified diagram of the existing water network for case study 3 is shown in Figure 5.16. The mill currently treats river water with high content of suspended solids and dissolved solids to fulfil its fresh water demand. As shown in Figure 5.16, the existing water network is highly integrated and the mill is currently consuming 435.6 ton/h of fresh water and generating an equal amount of wastewater. In the paper mill, the waste papers are blended with dilution water and chemicals in the pulpers to form pulp slurry called stock. The stock is then sent to the forming section of the paper machine for paper sheet formation. The paper machine receives 180 ton/h of fresh water via streams 1 and 2 as well as recycle water from second saveall disc filter, SDF2 (via stream 10) and clarified water tower, CWT (streams 3 and 4). These water sources are used to eliminate any debris in the forming and pressing sections of the paper machine. Besides, water is removed from the stock in the forming and pressing sections of the paper machine. 110 Fresh Water 15 18 ton/h 435.6 ton/h Paper Machine 1 54 ton/h 6 68.4 ton/h For min g Saveall Disc Filter 1 2800ppm 7 169.2 ton/h 2800ppm 2 126 ton/h 12 68.4 ton/h Pressing Section 8 1130.4 ton/h 4 154.8 ton/h 676.8 160ppm ton/h 18 201.6 ton/h 36 ton/h 250ppm Saveall Disc Filter 2 19 16 190.8 ton/h 104.4 ton/h 177ppm 160ppm 13 1130.4 ton/h Saveall Disc Filter 3 Clarified Water Tower 150ppm 2800ppm 3 Deculator 17 10 169.2 ton/h 100ppm 160ppm 11 396 ton/h 5 1245.6 ton/h 730ppm 160ppm 9 813.6 ton/h 1063ppm Chemical Preparation DIP 14 244.8 ton/h 1063ppm Figure 5.16: Existing water network for case study 3 RCF DAF Wastewater 20 435.6 ton/h 150 ppm 111 Water leaving the paper machine is mixed with recycled water (stream 5) from de- inking pulper (DIP) before it is sent to a series of SDFs for fibers recovery (streams 6, 7 and 8). Part of the mixed water is also sent to the recycled fiber plant (RCF) for cleaner stock production (via stream 14) while the rest is recycled to the DIP for main stock ink removal (stream 9). Recovered fiber from SDF and RCF is sent to the paper machine for reuse (not shown in Figure 5.16). Effluent from SDF1 and CWT (streams 12 and 16) are sent for reuse in the deculator, while the remaining water required by the deculator is supplemented with fresh water (stream 15). Water fed to the deculator is used to flush away contaminants that are heavier than fibers. Upon the completion of deculation process, its effluent is sent to the RCF unit (stream 19). CWT on the other hand receives filtered water from SDF3 via stream 13 and freshwater via stream 17. The huge quantity of water in the clarifier prevents fibers from settling to the bottom of the tower. Fresh water is used to dilute deinking chemicals during chemical preparation (stream 18). In addition, DIP received water discharged from CWT via stream 11. Finally, effluent from the RCF unit is sent to a dissolved air flotation (DAF) unit for suspended solids removal. Solids from the DAF unit are returned to slud ge tanks whereas clear water is sent the effluent treatment plant before being discharged to the environment (stream 20). A closer observation indicates that there are four process equipment that are functioning as regeneration units in the existing water network, i.e. the DAF unit and three SDFs. DAF is a commonly used water purification technique to remove suspended solids (TSS) from the process streams. This separation process is operated by introducing fine gas (usually air) bubbles into the wastewater to attach and lift the particles to the water surface for TSS removal. Hence, wastewater leaves the unit with higher purity. During operation, a portion of the DAF tank effluent is normally recycled, pressurised and semi-saturated with air before re-entering the tank. The efficiency of a DAF tank can be improved by adding flocculating chemicals into the effluent before it is mixed with pressurised recycle (Eckenfelder, 2000). 112 On the other hand, SDF is widely used as thickening device in the pulp and paper industry to remove solids from wastewater. It is operated by passing the wastewater stream through filter mediums supported by disks. The solid content of the wastewater will be trapped by the filter mediums and finally disposed off. Prior to the development of polymer-type flocculants, disc filters operate in a 100% submergence mode (Rousseau, 1987). Therefore, the efficiency of SDF can be improved by the addition of polymer-type flocculants into its effluent. From the above description, it is clear that that both DAF and SDFs units are functioning as water regeneration units that partially purify water streams for reuse and recycle in the water network. These existing regeneration units should be optimised to achieve further water utility saving before any new regeneration unit is installed during any water retrofit work. Table 5.9 summarise the limiting data of the water demands and sources for the case study. Water demand refers to the water requirement in a water- using operation while water source refers to the effluent streams from a water- using operation. The most significant water quality factor in a paper mill, i.e. the total suspended solid (TSS) was taken as the main factor considering water reuse and recycle in this work. The economic data associated with regeneration units of DAF tank and SDFs for optimisation study are summarised in Table 5.10. These data are extracted from various literature sources (Arundel, 2000; Koppol et al., 2003; Perry and Green, 1997; Peter and Timmerhaus, 1980; Intelligen, 2000; Tchobanoglaus and Burton, 1991; Wiseman and Ogden, 1996). 113 Table 5.9: Limiting water data for case study 3 Process Description Water Demand Flowrate, F (ton/h) Concentration, C (ppm) Pressing 1 1 126.0 20 Forming 1 2 54.0 20 Deculator 1 3 18.0 20 CP 4 36.0 20 CWT 1 7 201.6 20 Pressing 2 8 169.2 100 CWT 2 9 1130.4 150 Pressing 3 10 676.8 160 Forming 2 11 154.8 160 Deculator 2 12 104.4 160 DIP 13 396.0 160 Deculator 3 14 68.4 250 Process Description Water Source Flowrate, F (ton/h) Concentration, C (ppm) SDF 2 1 169.2 100 DAF 2 435.6 150 SDF 3 3 1130.4 150 CWT 4 1332.0 160 SDF 1 5 68.4 250 Table 5.10: Economic data for regeneration units Dissolved air flotation (DAF) Saveall disc filter (SDF) Cout,min 30 ppm 30 ppm Hydraulic loading rate 20 m3 /m2 /day 6 m3 /m2 /day Existing operating cost $ 0.131 /ton $ 0.174 /ton Operating cost (30 ppm) $ 0.150 /ton $ 0.179 /ton Costing equation C = 2,310.6A + 260,292 C = 63,300*(A/9.3)0.48 Maximum area per unit 400 m2 140 m2 Recycle flowrate 50 % - Piping estimation 16% of capital investment 16% of capital investment 114 5.3.3 Selection of Optimisation Parameter for Existing Regeneration Units When more than one regeneration units are found in a water network, like in case study 3, one will have to choose to start optimisation with either one of these units. However, a better means to start the optimisation study is to determine the process parameter that will have greater impact on the overall network utility consumption. Feng and Chu (2004) pointed out that two process parameters for optimising a regeneration unit are the regeneration flowrate and the regenerator outlet concentration. Later in this chapter, it will be shown that the choice of optimisation parameters is governed by the purity of the regeneration units outlet streams (source) relative to the pinch purity. In order to optimise an existing regeneration unit in a water network, we begin by establishing the utility targets and the pinch point for the problem. This will allow us to identify the source locations of these units relative to the pinch, and enable determination of the optimisation parameters leading to the overall utility reduction of the network. Identification of the regio ns above and below the pinch through WCA is important to assess the integration of existing regeneration units for the case study. Since a regeneration unit functions to purify a process stream, its outlet (source) concentration must be lower than its inlet (demand) concentration. Hence a regeneration unit which draws water from above the pinch can discharge its source to the same region but at a lower concentration level. On the other hand, a regeneration unit which draws water demands from below the pinch can discharge its water source back to the same region (at a lower concentration), or at the pinch purity or to the region above the pinch. Referring to the WCT (Table 5.11) for this case study, SDF2 draws its water demand and return its source to the same region, i.e. to the region above the pinch. On the other hand, SDF1, SDF3 and DAF units draw their demands from region below the pinch, SDF3 and DAF return their sources at the pinch purity, while SDF1 sends its source to the region below the pinch. 115 Table 5.11: WCT for case study 3 in grassroots design mode Cumulativ Level k Concentration Ck Purity, (ppm) Pk Σ FD, j (ton/h) Σ FS, i (ton/h) ΣFD, j + ΣFS, i (ton/h) Pure e flowrate, FC , water surplus (ton/h) (ton/h) Cumulative pure water surplus (ton/h) 377.52 0 1 0 1.000000 2 20 0.999980 -435.6 3 100 0.999900 -169.2 169.2 0 4 150 0.999850 -1130.4 1566 435.6 5 160 0.999840 -1332 1332 0 6 250 0.999750 -68.4 68.4 0 7 1000000 0 377.52 0.00755 -435.6 0.0075504 -58.08 -0.004646 0.002904 -58.08 -0.002904 0 377.52 0.003775 0.0037752 377.52 0.033977 0.037752 377.52 377.4256 377.463372 116 For regeneration units that produce sources in the region above the pinch (i.e. SDF2), optimisation should be preformed by increasing its regeneration flowrate and/or by upgrading its purity. This is due to the region above the pinch being the most constrained region terms of water purity (Hallale, 2002). Thus larger amount of water source (with purity higher than the pinch purity) is needed in this region. In other words, the ability to produce purer water source can lead to significant reduction in the amount of fresh water needed in the network. Therefore, SDF2 in this case study can be optimised by increasing regeneration flowrate and/or upgrading the outlet water purity. On the other hand, one should only optimise existing regeneration units that generate water sources in the region below the pinch (SDF1) by upgrading its purity. To ensure water utility reduction, the source from these units should be purified (or upgraded) at least to the pinch purity, or preferable higher than the pinch purity. Note that if the water source of a regeneration unit is purified to below the pinch purity, the overall water utility requirement will not be affected as water is taken from a region with surplus of water and is returned to the same region (Hallale, 2002). Note also that it would be point lass to increase the regeneration flowrate for regeneration units located below the pinch since this does not reduce the utility requirement. In conclusion, it would be only beneficial to optimise SDF1 by upgrading its outlet concentration to 150 ppm or lower. For regeneration units with water sources located at the pinch purity (the pinch-causing sources) such as for DAF and SDF3, a portion of these sources belongs to the region above the pinch, while the rest in the region below the pinch. The source location of these regeneration units was identified and optimised independently depending on where they exist relative to the pinch. For the portion above the pinch, optimisation in terms of quality (purity) and quantity (flowrate) can be carried out. However for the portion of the source which exists below the pinch, optimisation by upgrading the outlet purity should be carried out. Note from Table 5.11 that most of the flowrate of the source for DAF exist below the pinch while the source from SDF3 has been directly used to satisfy the demand at the pinch purity. 117 Thus optimisation should only be focused on upgrading the outlet purity of DAF source. 5.3.4 Retrofit Targeting This section presents the technique to integrate optimisation of regeneration units into a water network retrofit project. Although water regeneration is a common practice, however, most regeneration units are usually not operating at its maximum capacity and/or minimum outlet concentration. There are often rooms for optimising the process parameters to further reduce the utility consumption during water network retrofit. For instance, a regeneration unit (with a source stream located in the region above the pinch) that is operated at 80% of its maximum capacity can consider flowrate increment. This generates a larger amount of water at higher purity for reuse/recycle in the network. Consequently, further utility savings can be achieved. Similarly, regeneration units should always be considered to operate at the lowest possible (minimum) outlet concentration, Cout,min to produce water of higher quality and include further savings in utility consumption. For case study 3, all existing regeneration units (DAF tank and SDFs) were observed to operate at 80% their maximum capacity. Besides, these units were also observed to operate at a lower outlet concentration as opposed to their minimum outlet concentration of 30 ppm (Table 5.10). Note that, all retrofit targets were determined based on a limit on payback period of 2 years. Comparison of Estimated Incremental Cost Optimisation of a regeneration unit involves the search for the unit’s optimum regeneration flowrate (Freg) and outlet concentration (Cout ). Often, deviations exist between the design and the operating parameters of a regeneration unit. For regeneration, a flowrate deviation of ∆Freg is the difference between the optimised 118 regeneration flowrate and the existing flowrate. Similarly, a deviation of ∆Cout is the difference between the optimised and the existing outlet concentration of the regeneration unit. For ease of analysis, an initial comparison was made between the estimated incremental costs for these process variables. The estimated incremental cost refers to the additional operating cost requirement when optimisation is performed on the existing regeneration units. It plays an important role in assisting a designer to make decision on which process parameter to be optimised first and provide quick cost estimation associated with these process changes. When an existing regeneration unit purify a larger quantity of water at a fixed outlet concentration, Cout,existing more water treatment chemicals are required. Therefore, the estimated cost increment is attributed to the increase in operating cost due to higher regeneration flowrate. The total operating cost for all regeneration units ∆Cost Freg was calculated as the sum of the individual regeneration unit’s incremental cost, as follows: ∆Cost Freg = ∑ (Cost F , i ∆Freg,max, i ) (5.9) i where Cost F, i ($/ton) is the operating cost of regeneration unit i with Cout,existing and ∆Freg,max,i (ton/h) is the maximum regeneration flowrate increment for regeneration unit i. On the other hand, upgrading the outlet purity (Cout ) of an existing regeneration unit requires a higher amount of water treatment chemicals to remove additional mass load, ∆M. The resulting incremental cost for optimisation by upgrading the outlet purity, for all regeneration units was defined as the sum of incremental operating cost for all the individual regeneration units, as follows, ∆Cost C o u t = ∑ (Cost M , i ∆M reg, max, i ) i (5.10) 119 where Cost M, i is the operating cost of regeneration unit i based on total mass load removed ($/kg), and ∆Mreg,max,i is the maximum additional mass load removed by regeneration unit i (kg/h). Comparison between the estimated cost increment calculated from equations 5.9 and 5.10 enables a designer to begin an optimisation study based on the cheaper retrofit option. Recall that, SDF2 was optimised by increasing Freg and lowering Cout , while SDF1 and DAF were optimised by lowering Cout . The maximum regeneration flowrate ∆Freg,max,i for SDF2 was 42.3 ton/h, based on an existing regeneration capacity of 80% (169.2 ton/h; Table 5.9). On the other hand, the maximum additional mass load removal (∆Mreg,max,i ) for SDF1, SDF2 and DAF were 15.05 kg/h, 11.84 kg/h and 52.27 kg/h respectively (based on a maximum Cout of 30 ppm). Using equations 5.9 and 5.10, ∆Cost Freg and ∆Cost Cout for case study 3 were $ 18,314/yr and $ 623,030/yr respectively. Therefore, optimisation of regeneration units for this case study should first consider the option of increasing Freg, due to the lower incremental cost. Once the Freg option has been considered, one can then explore the option of lowering Cout . Optimisation of SDF2 with Increased Freg Utility consumption of a water network si expected to reduce due to the increased flowrate in a regeneration unit. However, for case study 3 the optimum regeneration flowrate, i.e. ∆Freg,optimum for SDF2 should only fall within the range of 0 = ∆Freg = 42.3 ton/h. Figure 5.17 shows the FFW (fresh water flowrate) target versus ∆Freg plot for the grassroots water network obtained using the WCA technique (Manan et al., 2004a). This plot shows a constant reduction in fresh water consumption with the increase of ∆Freg value for optimum grassroots design. Note however, that due to the various constraints present in an existing process, the grassroots target may not be achievable during retrofit. 120 450 Existing network Retrofit profile with ∆a ∆F = 1 Doubtful Economic F FW (ton/h) 430 Retrofit profile with a ∆F = 0.8713 410 Economical Project Optimum grassroots design 390 370 Infeasible 350 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 ∆F reg (ton/h) Figure 5.17: FFW versus ∆Freg plot for optimisation of SDF2 through increasing Freg For optimisation of regeneration units, a new retrofit parameter called the “fresh water efficiency”, a ∆F is defined as follows: F α ∆F = FW, target FFW,existing ∆Freg (5.11) For a fixed ∆Freg, the FFW, target and FFW, existing refer to the fresh water target for grassroots design and the existing network respectively. a ∆F value is a measure of the proximity of an existing fresh water consumption to the targeted fresh water in a grassroots design. An α ∆F value of unity means that the existing water network has matched the utility targets in a grassroots design. For case study 3, an α ∆F = 0.8713 was obtained. Following the analogy of ∆aArea (Silangwa, 1986; Shenoy, 1995; Polley, 2000), an alternative definition of fresh water efficiency for a given value of flowrate increment of existing regeneration unit, ∆(∆Freg) can be defined. α ∆F can be 121 alternatively defined as the ratio between the fresh water target reduction in a grassroots design, ∆FFW, target to that for an existing network, ∆FFW, existing, as follow: ∆FFW, target ∆α ∆F = ∆ F FW, existing ∆ (∆Freg ) (5.12) Figure 5.17 also shows a retrofit profile that was plotted using the calculated α∆F value of 0.8713 and ∆α ∆F value of 1.0000, based on an existing utility consumption of 435.6 ton/h. As shown, retrofit path with the constant α F value of 0.4264 proven to be a better choice, since it approaches the utility targets of an ideal grassroots design. The plot also shows constant utility reduction with ∆Freg until an Freg,max value of 42.3 ton/h. Note that the utility cost savings is based on the equal reduction of fresh water (represented by y-axis) as well as wastewater. Meanwhile, capital investment was based on cost estimation (see data given in Table 5.10). Figure 5.17 resembles the retrofit profiles for heat integration (Tjoe and Linnhoff, 1986) and mass integration (Fraser and Hallale, 2000) problems. The retrofit profile (Figure 5.17) consists of three main regions. For an α ∆F value of 0.8713, the region below the optimum grassroots design curve is an infeasible region since it is impossible to achieve a utility consumption lower than that of the optimum grassroots design. The region between the optimum grassroots design and the retrofit profile is term as the economical design region where the desired retrofit targets may exist. Finally, it is uneconomical to achieve retrofit targets in the region above the retrofit profile as no savings can be achieved. The economics of the retrofit option is assessed next. This includes cost savings in fresh water and wastewater utilities as well as capital investment during retrofit. The next utility savings during water network retrofit was calculated based on the difference between the total savings from reduction in water utilities and the operating cost increment from ∆Freg. On the other hand, the required capital investment covers the cost of piping investment for network modifications, which was estimated from the capital investment of a newly installed regeneration unit(s). 122 For most regeneration units, capital investment is estimated based on the size of regeneration unit as follows: Size of regenerati on unit = Maximum regenerati on flowrate Hydraulic loading rate (5.13) The retrofit economics can be better assessed through the savings versus investment plot which shows the potential utility savings for a given capital investment. Figure 5.18 shows such plot for the optimisation of SDF2 with increased Freg. As shown, the plot appears as a vertical straight line with a fixed capital investment as a result of the independence on piping investment. With the total savings of $ 4,400/yr and an investment of $ 152,200, the payback period for the project was calculated at 34.5 years. Note that the high cost of piping investment was due to high capital cost of the existing SDF2. The long payback period achieved obviously does not fulfil the 2 years economic criteria for this case study. Hence, optimisation of SDF2 by increasing Freg had proven to be an uneconomical retrofit option and would not be implemented for this case study. The option of lowering Cout was explored next. 34.5 years 4,000 2,000 Savings ($/yr) 0 0 -2,000 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 Investment ($) -4,000 -6,000 -8,000 -10,000 Figure 5.18: Savings versus investment plot for optimisation of SDF 2 through increasing Freg 123 Note that the poor economics in this case study may not necessary apply for other retrofit cases. Cases exists where Freg increment may be economical and fulfilling the desired retrofit targets. When this happens, one may either choose to proceed with optimisation of existing regeneration units by lowering Cout or proceed to the network design stage. Optimisation of DAF with Lowered Cout Since it is uneconomical to retrofit case study 3 through Freg, we will now focus on lowering Cout to produce water for reuse/recycle in the network. For the existing regeneration unit, it is also necessary to target the optimum outlet concentration reduction, ∆Cout, optimum that lies within the range of the existing and the minimum outlet concentration reduction, i.e. 0 = ∆Cout,optimum = ∆Cout,max . Options for optimisation exist due to the existence of multiple units in a network. Choosing to optimise either a single regeneration unit or a combination of units will result in different outcomes. Individual optimisation of the regeneration units to an outlet (minimum) concentration of 30 ppm yields grassroots fresh water targets of 322.8 ton/h, 298.56 ton/h and 145.2 ton/h, for the optimisation of SDF1, SDF2 and DAF units respectively. Note that the source for SDF3 has been used to satisfy another water demand at the pinch purity and hence, not considered in the optimisation study. The preceding results show that a regeneration unit with higher regeneration flowrate (i.e. DAF) enable bigger utility savings in a water network. However, as shown by Koppol et al. (2003) water utility of a network will remain unchanged after a portion of regenerated water is reused and/or recycled in a network. This is due to the water network reaching its reuse/recycling bottleneck. Hence, it is important to locate the minimum upgrade flowrate, Fupgrade,min that defined the boundary for optimisation. 124 To determine the value of Fupgrade,min , a FFW versus Fupgrade plot was constructed in Figure 5.19. Figure 5.19 shows that for a grassroots water network, fresh water utility reduces steadily with the reuse/recycle of regenerated water until the Fupgrade,min value of 290.4 ton/h is reached. This corresponds to the minimum fresh water flowrate of 145.2 ton/h (equals the fresh water target with DAF tank optimisation). This means that the minimum limit for optimisation of the regeneration unit is at 290.4 ton/h to enable maximum utility savings. Out of the three regeneration units of SDF1, SDF2 and DAF, the only unit which can handle this amount of regeneration flowrate is the DAF unit. Hence, optimisation is only needed for DAF as it process as water flowrate higher than the Fupgrade,min value (435.6 ton/h). Next, we consider the option to lower Cout . 400 350 300 F FW (ton/h) 250 200 150 Fupgrade,min 100 50 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 F upgrade (ton/h) Figure 5.19: FFW versus Fupgrade for optimisation of SDF1 and DAF through upgrading Cout To determine the value of ∆Cout,optimum another tool called FFW, min versus ∆Cout plot is needed. Such a plot is shown in Figure 5.20, where various FFW, min targets were determined for a grassroots water network when DAF was optimised for various ∆Cout value, in the range of ∆Cout,max . The ∆Cout,max value which was the difference between the existing outlet concentration Cout,existing (150 ppm) and Cout,min 125 (30 ppm) for DAF unit was calculated as 120 ppm. Note that less fresh water is consumed due to higher purity of regenerated water in the water network. Note also that the curved shape of the plot in Figure 5.20 is due to the existence of multiple pinches in the water network (refer to the WCT in Table 5.12). 450 Doubtful Economic Retrofit profile with a ∆C = 0.7410 400 Economic Project 350 F FW (ton/h) 300 Optimum grassroots design 250 200 150 Infeasible 100 50 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 ∆ C out (ppm ) Figure 5.20: FFW versus ∆Cout for optimisation of DAF through upgrading Cout As in the case of Freg optimisation, for a fixed value of ∆Cout , the “fresh water efficiency, a∆C” is defined to establish the capital investment target. Equation 5.14 is a new a∆C value defined as the ratio between fresh water targets in a grassroots design, FFW, target to that in an existing network, FFW, existing , for a fixed ∆Cout . FFW,target α?C = F FW,existing ∆C o u t (5.14) a ∆C value is a measure of the proximity of an existing fresh water consumption to the targeted fresh water in a grassroots design. An a∆C equal of unity means that the existing water network has matched the utility targets in a grassroots design. For case study 3, an a∆C = 0.7410 was attained. 126 Table 5.12: WCT for case study 3 with F upgrade of 290.4 ton/h Level k Concentration Ck (ppm) Purity, Pk Σ FD, j (ton/h) Σ FS, i (ton/h) ΣFD, j + ΣFS, i (ton/h) Cumulativ Pure Cumulative e flowrate, FC water surplus pure water surplus (ton/h) (ton/h) (ton/h) 145.2 1 0 1.000000 2 20 0.999980 3 30 0.999970 4 100 0.999900 5 150 6 0 145.2 -435.6 0.002904 -435.6 0.0029040 -290.4 290.4 290.4 -169.2 169.2 0 0.999850 -1130.4 1566 213.6 160 0.999840 -1332 1332 0 7 250 0.999750 -68.4 8 1000000 0 -0.002904 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 213.6 0.002136 0.0021360 213.6 0.019224 -68.4 0.0213600 145.2 145.1637 145.185060 127 A retrofit profile for DAF optimisation is shown in Figure 5.20 based on the calculated α ∆C value of 0.7410. As shown, fresh water consumption is reduced with the increase of ∆Cout value. The retrofit path with a constant α ∆C value is a reasonable and conservative retrofit choice. As in the case of Figure 5.17, Figure 5.20 also consists of three main regions: the infeasible design region, the region for economical designs and the region with doubtful economics. Next, a savings versus investment plot for optimisation of DAF by lowering Cout plotted in Figure 5.21. Note that due to the independent of piping cost, Figure 5.21 appears to be a vertically straight line with a fixed capital cost investment. The point where 0.57 years payback line touches the savings versus investment plot with $ 0.37M capital investment and $ 0.66M savings determines the retrofit target for optimisation of DAF by lowering Cout . Cout,optimum corresponds to this optimum point is determined as 30 ppm. Hence it can be concluded that the economically feasible optimisation option for this case study is achieved via the optimisation by lowering Cout . 0.57 year 700,000 600,000 Savings ($/yr) 500,000 1 year 400,000 300,000 1.5 years 200,000 100,000 0 0 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 Investment ($) Figure 5.21: Savings versus investment for optimisation of DAF through upgrading Cout 128 Discussion It should also be noted that selection of optimisation parameter (regeneration flowrate and/or its outlet concentration) is strongly depending on the existing operating range of regeneration units. If the existing regeneration units are not operating at their maximum capacity, flowrate optimisation shall be conducted. For regeneration units that do not produce water at its minimum outlet concentration Cout,min , lowering of Cout is needed. For regeneration units that do not operate at their maximum capacity and minimum outlet concentration, optimisation of both process parameters can be considered. Note also that in water network retrofit, besides the straight line retrofit path (Figure 5.22a), a curved retrofit path (Figure 5.22b) similar to those found in conventional heat and mass integration problems may also exist particularly for water network problems involving multiple pinches. Existing design Existing design Targeted retrofit design with ∆a = 1 Targeted retrofit design with ∆a = 1 Targeted retrofit design with constant a Targeted retrofit design with constant a FFW FFW Optimum grassroots design Optimum grassroots design ∆ Freg ∆ Freg (a) (b) Figure 5.22: Two kinds of retrofit profiles (a) curve paths (b) straight paths 129 5.3.5 Retrofit Design Prior to retrofit of water network to achieve the established utility targets, the pinch location(s) for an existing water network must be identified. The pinch location divides water network into regions above and below the pinch. Various network design procedures can be applied independently in these regions to achieve the retrofit targets. To obtain the pinch point(s), the limiting data with optimised parameter (Cout of 30 ppm) for DAF were incorporated into WCA targeting technique (Manan et al., 2004a). Table 5.13 shows the WCT for the case study. The water pinch for this retrofitted network occurs at the third purity level of the WCT i.e. at 30 ppm. Hence, retrofit design will be carried out independently in both regions above and below the pinch purity of 30 ppm. Concentration block diagram (CBD) presented in section 5.2.3 was used to represent the existing water network of case study 3 which involved non- mass transfer-based processes. CBD enables the existing water network to be view in the context of the water flowrate as well as contaminant concentration. Figure 5.23 shows the CBD for case study 3. The concentration interval boundaries are represented by the vertical dashed lines. These lines correspond to a fixed limiting inlet or outlet concentration. The boxes represent water-using operations according to their inlet and outlet concentrations. The arrows in the diagram indicate the water streams of the existing water network with streams flowrate in ton/h and contaminant concentration in ppm (shown in parathesis). 130 Table 5.13: WCT for case study 3 with F upgrade of 435.6 ton/h Level k Concentration Ck (ppm) Purity, Pk Σ FD, j (ton/h) Σ FS, i (ton/h) ΣFD, j + ΣFS, i (ton/h) Cumulati Pure ve flowrate, FC water surplus (ton/h) (ton/h) Cumulative pure water surplus (ton/h) 145.2 1 0 1.000000 2 20 0.999980 3 30 0.999970 4 100 0.999900 0 145.2 -435.6 0.002904 -290.4 5 6 7 8 150 160 250 1000000 0.999850 0.999840 0.999750 0 -169.2 -1130.4 -1332 -68.4 0.002904 -435.6 435.6 435.6 169.2 0 1130.4 1332 68.4 -0.002904 0 145.2 0.010164 145.2 0.00726 145.2 0.002136 145.2 0.013068 145.2 145.1637 0.010164 0 0.017424 0 0.018876 0 0.031944 145.195644 131 C(ppm) 0 126(0) 20 100 150 160 177 250 730 2800 Pressing 1 Pressing 2 169.2 (100) Pressing 3 54(0) Forming 1 Forming 2 SDF 2 676.8 (160) 154.8 (160) SDF 1 SDF 3 18(0) Deculator 1 1130.4 (150) 6 8 . Deculator 2 104.4 (160) CWT 2 Deculator 3 201.6(0) CWT 1 192.4 (160) 201.6 (160) 36(0) DIP CP 435.6 (150) DAF LEGEND Water-using operation number Stream flowrate (ton/h) Water streams Concentration pinch point Concentration interval boundaries (number) Stream Concentration (ppm) Figure 5.23: Existing water network for case study 3 in CBD Next, regeneration units identified for optimisation during the targeting stage was re-designed according to the retrofit targets. Cout value for DAF was lowered to the targeted outlet concentration of 30 ppm (Figure 5.24). After optimisation, the water sources for DAF unit exist at the pinch point. This means that these sources can be used in the regions above as well as below the pinch. 132 C(ppm) 0 126(0) 20 30 100 150 160 177 250 730 2800 Pressing 1 Pressing 2 169.2 (100) Pressing 3 676.8 (160) Forming 1 5 4 Forming 2 154.8 (160) SDF 2 SDF 1 SDF 3 1 8 Deculator 1 1130.4 (150) Deculator 2 CWT 2 104.4 (160) Deculator 3 201.6(0) CWT 1 201.6 (160) 36(0) 6 8 . 192.4 (160) DIP CP 435.6 (30) DAF LEGEND Water-using operation Water streams number Stream flowrate (ton/h) (number) Stream Concentration (ppm) Concentration pinch point Concentration interval boundaries Figure 5.24: Existing water network in CBD with optimised regeneration units for case study 3 Then, one can begin retrofit of the existing water network to accomplish the preliminary retrofit design. Firstly, cross-pinch streams in the water network were eliminated. Note from Figure 5.24 that there is no cross-pinch stream in the network. Therefore, the existing network was maintained. In the final stage of this design, reuse/recycle of water network was conducted to reduce the existing water utility. The final retrofit design of case study 3 after reusing wastewater from DAF is shown in Figure 5.25. Note that, the cleaner sources from DAF were fed to 4 process units, i.e. Pressing1, Forming1, Deculator1, CWT1 and the remaining to CP (Figure 5.25). These flowrates agree with the water 133 allocation targets identified in WCT. Figure 5.26 presents the conventional flowsheet for the retrofitted network for case study 3. After retrofit, the utility consumption of the existing water network has been reduced by 66.7% to 145.2 ton/h. In this case study, the water utility after retrofit has achieved the grassroots targets. However, this is a rare situation as most retrofit projects do not achieve the grassroots targets (Tjoe and Linnhoff, 1986). C(ppm) 0 42(0) 20 30 100 150 160 177 250 730 2800 Pressing 1 Pressing 2 84 (30) 169.2 (100) Pressing 3 676.8 (160) Forming 1 1 8 Forming 2 154.8 (160) SDF 2 36 (30) SDF 1 SDF 3 6 ( Deculator 1 1130.4 (150) 12 (30) 104.4 (160) Deculator 3 CWT 1 CP 2 4 Deculator 2 CWT 2 67.2(0) 12(0) 6 8 . 134.4 (30) 201.6 (160) 192.4 (160) DIP DAF 145.2 (30) LEGEND Water-using operation Water streams Concentration pinch point number Stream flowrate (ton/h) (number) Stream Concentration (ppm) Concentration interval boundaries Figure 5.25: Final retrofit design for case study 3 134 Fresh Water 15 6 ton/h 145.2 ton/h Paper Machine 1 18 ton/h 6 68.4 ton/h For min g 12 68.4 ton/h Saveall Disc Filter 1 2800ppm 7 169.2 ton/h Pressing Section 8 1130.4 ton/h Saveall Disc Filter 2 4 154.8 ton/h 676.8 ton/h 160ppm 19 16 190.8 ton/h 104.4 ton/h 177ppm 160ppm 13 1130.4 ton/h Saveall Disc Filter 3 150ppm 2800ppm 3 18 67.2 ton/h 12 ton/h 250ppm 2800ppm 2 42 ton/h Deculator 17 R4 10 169.2 ton/h Clarified Water Tower 12 ton/h 100ppm R5 30ppm 160ppm 134.4 ton/h 11 396 ton/h 5 1245.6 ton/h 730ppm R1 36 ton/h 30ppm R2 84 ton/h 30ppm 30ppm 160ppm 9 813.6 ton/h 1063ppm Chemical Preparation DIP 14 244.8 ton/h 1063ppm RCF R3 24 ton/h 30ppm Figure 5.26: Conventional flowsheet for the retrofitted network for case study 3 DAF Wastewater 20 145.2 ton/h 150 ppm 135 A total partial savings of $ 0.72M is achievable with an investment of $ 0.37M for optimisation of DAF to 30 ppm in the existing water network. The resulting payback period is 0.53 year which is slightly lower than the target (0.57 year). Note that the final retrofit design shown is one of the few possible retrofit solutions that can be generated using this methodology. One may also include other process constraints to achieve different network designs. 5.3.6 Summary of the Developed Water Network Retrofit with Regeneration Units Optimisation Optimisation of existing regeneration unit(s) provide opportunity to further reduce utility saving before the installation of new regeneration unit. Hence, this retrofit option possesses the advantage of low capital investment and minor process changes over other retrofit approaches. A new two-stage approach based on pinch analysis for retrofit of water network with the integration of existing regeneration unit(s) optimisation has been presented. In the first stage, retrofit targets (utility savings and capital investment) were determined for a range of total flowrate and/or outlet concentration of the regeneration unit. Given a fixed payback period or capital expenditure, the retrofit targets were determined from the saving versus investment diagram. Once the retrofit targets were identified, the existing water network was redesigned to meet the established targets. This methodology has successfully achieved the retrofit targets prior to design and further minimise fresh water consumption and wastewater generation in an existing water network. 136 5.4 Retrofit of Water Network with the Additional of New Regeneration Units 5.4.1 Problem Statement and Basic Assumptions The problem statement of retrofitting water network with regeneration can generally be stated as follows: Given a set of mass transfer-based and non-mass transfer-based water- using processes, it is desired to retrofit an existing water distribution network by adding one or more treatment process(es) to restructure process streams and make more effective use of existing process units to accomplish the best savings in operating costs, subject to a minimum payback period or/and a maximum capital expenditure. The following assumptions were made in developing the retrofit procedure: 1. The system operates as a single contaminant system. 2. The system operates isothermally. 3. Regeneration reuse / recycling are allowed in the system. 4. Single type of regeneration treatment. 5.4.2 Case Study 4 Reuse/recycling of water in paper mills is considered to be a universal practice of recovering valuable paper fibres from a paper machine’s excess water (Wiseman and Ogden, 1996). Water reuse and recycling can recover expensive raw materials from the water network as well as operating cost savings and reduction in the environmental impact of the process. 137 Case study 2 from section 5.3.2 is utilised to demonstrate the newly developed methodology. A simplified version of the existing water network for this case study is illustrated according to flowrate and contaminant concentration in Figure 5.10. Total suspended solid (TSS) is also taken as the main factor in considering water reuse and recycling in this case study. Table 4.6 summarises the water demand and source data for this case study. 5.4.3 Retrofit Targeting In this section, a new technique to incorporate regeneration units into water network retrofit is presented. Two typical physical treatments that were suggested to purify water (by recovering fibre from the excess water of paper machines) are dissolved air flotation (DAF) tank and saveall disc filter (SDF). Table 5.14 shows the economic data associated with DAF tank and SDF that is extracted from various literature sources (Arundel, 2000; Koppol et al., 2003; Perry and Green, 1997; Peter and Timmerhaus, 1980; Intelligen, 2000; Tchobanoglaus & Burton, 1991; Wiseman & Ogden, 1996). DAF tank is a unit operation that removes suspended solids (TSS) from wastewater and other industrial process streams. DAF tank is commonly used as wastewater pre-treatment, product recovery and thickening of biological solids in industries i.e. food processing, pulp and papers and petrochemicals. This separation process is operated by introducing fine gas (usually air) bubbles into the wastewater to attach and lift the particles to the water surface to be removed. Hence, wastewater leaves the unit at higher purity. A portion of the DAF tank effluent is recycled, pressurised and semi-saturated with air before re-entering the tank. 138 Table 5.14: Economic data for regeneration units Dissolved air flotation (DAF) Saveall disc filter (SDF) Cout,min 30 ppm 30 ppm Hydraulic loading rate 20 m3 /m2 /day 6 m3 /m2 /day Existing operating cost $ 0.131 /ton $ 0.174 /ton Operating cost (30 ppm) $ 0.150 /ton $ 0.179 /ton Costing equation C = 2,310.6A + 260,292 C = 63,300*(A/9.3)0.48 Maximum area per unit 400 m2 140 m2 Recycle flowrate 50 % - Piping estimation 16% of capital investment 16% of capital investment On the other hand, SDF is widely used as thickening device in the pulp and paper industry to remove solids from wastewater. It is operated by passing the wastewater stream through filter mediums supported by disks. The solid content of the wastewater will be trapped by the filter mediums and finally disposed off. This leaves the wastewater in higher quality. Both regeneration units will be assessed in the retrofit situation. Feng and Chu (2004) stated that the capital and operating costs of a regeneration unit are normally a function of regeneration flowrate (Freg) and the outlet concentration (Cout ). By studying the effects of these variables on the added regeneration unit, several retrofit cases can be explored in combination to target the optimum retrofit design with the addition of regeneration unit. Three cases considered in this work include: (i) Vary Freg with fixed Cout (ii) Vary Cout with fixed Freg (iii) Vary both Freg and Cout Each case is applicable for a specific situation. Case (i) involves a situation where a fixed Cout is required from a regeneration unit. Case (ii) applies for situations where a fixed amount of regenerated water is needed in certain processes. Case (iii) applies when there are no preferable Cout and Freg values during the retrofit 139 situation. To yield a specific retrofit target, it is necessary to select a reasonable payback period for investment for each case. For case study 4, the minimum achievable outlet composition, Cout,min for both types of regeneration units (DAF tank and SDF) was set at 30 ppm (Wiseman and Ogden, 1996). On the other hand, there is virtually no limitation for the value of Freg for each regeneration unit, since this value will only affect the number of newly installed regeneration unit(s) in the network. On the economic criterion, maximum saving is highly preferable, while the maximum payback period was set for 2 years. Application of the above-mentioned cases on case study 4 is described next. Case 1: Vary Freg with Fixed Cout For Case 1, the minimum outlet concentration for the regeneration unit, Cout,min was fixed at 30 ppm while the regeneration flowrate, Freg was varied. The objective of this case was to search for the optimum regeneration flowrate, Freg, optimum for the newly added regene ration unit(s). When a new regeneration unit was installed in an existing water network, Freg amount of water at lower quality was regenerated to a higher quality for reuse/recycle, thereby reducing the utility targets of the network. Consequently, a bigger regeneration unit with a higher Freg enabled further utility savings. However, as will be shown in the later section, utility savings for the network tends to level off after a certain amount of regenerated water has been reused or recycled in the network. We term this maximum regeneration flowrate to be Freg,max . Hence, the optimum regeneration flowrate, Freg,optimum will fall in the range of 0 = Freg,optimum = Freg,max . To acquire the value of Freg,max, a plot of fresh water flowrate (FFW ) target versus Freg was generated for a grassroots design in Figure 5.27, utilising the WCA targeting technique developed by Manan et al. (2004a). An example of the results with Freg of 620.27 ton/h at Cout,min = 30 ppm is shown in water cascade table (WCT) in Table 5.15. As shown in Figure 5.27, the fresh water target starts to level off at 140 the Freg,max of 620.27 ton/h. This is due to the water network having reached its limitation in terms of reusing/recycling of the regenerated water. 2000 Retrofit profile with ∆αF = 1.0000 1800 1600 F FW (ton/h) 1400 1200 Best retrofit with α F = 0.4264 1000 Various retrofit paths 800 600 Optimum grassroots design 400 200 Freg, max = 620.27 ton/h 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 F reg (ton/h) Figure 5.27: FFW versus Freg (Case 1) Ideally, it is desirable to retrofit an existing network to achieve the minimum utility targets identified in a grassroots design. Nevertheless, this is always not possible as various process constraints in an existing network may exist during retrofit. Hence, we make use of the analogy of HEN and MEN retrofit approaches as the basic framework for this newly proposed water network retrofit approach. However, instead of adding more exchanger areas/stages (such as in the case of HEN and MEN retrofit works), capital investments were allocated on new regeneration units installation to further reduce the utility targets, apart from modifications of existing network structure. 141 Table 5.15: WCT with 620.27 ton/hr of Freg with 30 ppm Cout Interval n Concentration Cn (ppm) 0 1 20 0.99998 30 0.99997 Purity, Pn Σ FD, j (ton/h) Σ FS, i (ton/h) ΣFD, j + ΣFS, i (ton/h) FC , (ton/h) Pure water surplus (ton/h) Cumulative pure water surplus (ton/h) 308.76 0 0.00002 308.76 -190.08 0.00001 620.27 0.99992 -831.12 0.9999 -201.84 155.40 0.99983 201.84 0.9998 -1218.5 0.99977 1155.31 0.99977 0.03695 -92.17 -0.00180 -138.61 -0.00970 63.23 0.00190 -1155.30 -0.03470 0 0 0.00736 0.04431 0.04247 0.03276 -1218.50 0.00003 230 738.95 201.84 0.00003 200 0.00119 -46.44 0.00007 170 118.68 -831.12 0.00002 100 0.00618 620.27 0.00005 80 0.00618 -190.08 0.03466 1155.31 0 0 142 Figure 5.28 shows a few possible water network retrofit profiles for this case. It is obvious that the retrofit profile for water network was not exactly similar to the retrofit profiles in HEN and MEN problems. In the case of water network retrofit, the profiles originate from the utility consumption (fresh water flowrate) of the existing network at the upper left portion of the FFW versus Freg plot and moves towards the lower right portion of the plot. The best retrofit curve is typically the curve that moves towards the utility targets of the grassroots network. Note that the reduction of fresh water consumption (represented by y-axis) also leads to the simultaneous reduction of wastewater flowrate. Existing design Targeted retrofit design with ∆a F = 1 Targeted retrofit design with constant a F FFW Existing design Targeted retrofit design with ∆a F = 1 Targeted retrofit design with constant a F FFW Optimum grassroots design Optimum grassroots design Freg (a) Freg (b) Figure 5.28: Two kinds of retrofit profiles (case 1) (a) curve paths (b) straight paths We next define a new retrofit parameter called the “fresh water efficiency”, α F. For a fixed regeneration flowrate (Freg), α F is defined as the ratio between fresh water target for a grassroots design (FFW,target ) to the fresh water consumption of an existing network (FFW,existing), as given in equation 5.15: FFW, target α F = F FW, existing Freg 5.15) The α F value indicates how close the fresh water consumption in an existing network as compared to that in a grassroots design. A value of unity for α F means 143 that the existing water network has achieved the utility targets in a grassroots design. This is however almost impossible for most retrofit cases. Following the analogy of ∆α Area (Silangwa, 1986; Shenoy, 1995; Polley, 2000), one may also define the “incremental value of fresh water efficiency”, ∆α F for an increment of regeneration flowrate, ∆Freg. ∆α F can be defined as the ratio between the decrease in fresh water target in grassroots design (∆FFW,target ) to that of the decrease in fresh water consumption in an existing network (∆FFW ,existing), as shown in equation 5.16: ∆FFW, target ∆α F = ∆ F FW, existing ∆Freg (5.16) Following equation 5.15 and 5.16, α F and ∆α F values for this case study were calculated as 0.4264 and 1.0000 respectively. Two possible paths for retrofitting the water network using the calculated α F and ∆α F values are shown in Figure 5.27. As shown, retrofit path with the constant α F value of 0.4264 proven to be a better choice, since it approaches the utility targets of an ideal grassroots design. It should also be noted that two general types of retrofit profiles may exist in water networks, i.e. a curved path which is similar to the conventional profiles for heat and mass integration (Figure 5.28a) and a linear retrofit path (Figure 5.28b). The curved path occurs for problems with multiple pinches while the linear profile is most commonly found in most water network problems involving a single pinch point, such as the one for this case study. We will limit our discussion to the linear retrofit profile for the remaining of the text. Figure 5.29 focuses on the left portion of Figure 5.27, i.e. portion where the FFW versus Freg plot levels off at Freg,max = 620.27 ton/h. For the ease of demonstration, only the retrofit profile of α F = 0.4264 was shown. The graph can now be divided into three main regions. The area below the optimum grassroots design is termed as the infeasible region since it is impossible to achieve utility reductions lower than that for the optimum grassroots design. The region in between 144 the optimum grassroots design and the retrofit profile is term as the economical design region where the desired retrofit targets will possibly fall. Finally, it is uneconomical to achieve retrofit targets in the region above the retrofit profile since no savings can be achieved. 2500 Existing design Targeted retrofit design with a = 0.4264 2000 F FW (ton/h) Doubtful Economics 1500 Optimum grassroots design 1000 Economic Project 500 Infeasible 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 F reg (ton/h) Figure 5.29: FFW versus Freg plot with constant a (Case 1) We next determine the economic performance of this retrofit case, via the use of savings versus investment plot. This includes the determination of savings for both fresh water and wastewater utilities as well as the capital expenditure during the retrofit work. Utility savings achieved during water network retrofit can be calculated based on the difference between the total savings of water utility reduction and the increment in operating cost due to the Freg. On the other hand, the capital investment required during network retrofit covers the capital investment of a newly installed regeneration unit(s) and piping modifications. For most regeneration units, an estimation of the size of a regeneration unit can be made using the following equation (Tchobanoglaus and Burton, 1991): 145 Size of regenerati on unit = Total regenerati on flowrate Hydraulic loading rate (5.17) Due to the difference in capital and operating cost, different savings versus investment plots are needed to assess the two proposed regeneration units, i.e. DAF tank and SDF. Figure 5.30 and Figure 5.31 illustrate the savings versus investment plot for DAF tank and SDF respectively. As shown in Figure 5.30, there are three different segment s of savings versus investment plot for the DAF tank. Each of these segments represents the desired number of units based on the size calculated at different Freg value. Payback period lines were also identified in the diagram to enable designer to choose the optimum retrofit targets. A targeted investment limit of 1.68 years (below 2 years with maximum utility savings) was identified for a capital investment $3.91M and savings of $2.30M. Three DAF tanks are therefore required to achieve this target. 2,500,000 1.7 years Segment 3 2 years Savings ($/yr) 2,000,000 1,500,000 Segment 2 Payback lines 1,000,000 Segment 1 500,000 0 0 1,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 4,000,000 Investment ($) Figure 5.30: Savings versus investment plot for DAF (Case 1) Besides, the savings versus investment plot for SDF is shown in Figure 5.31. A targeted investment limit of 1.92 years (below 2 years with maximum utility savings) was identified for a capital investment and savings of $4.83M and $2.52M 146 respectively. However, the installation of 18 units of SDF was required to achieve this target. 3,000,000 2,500,000 Savings ($/yr) 2,000,000 1,500,000 2 years 1.92 years 1,000,000 500,000 Payback lines 0 0 500,000 1,000,000 1,500,000 2,000,000 2,500,000 3,000,000 3,500,000 4,000,000 4,500,000 5,000,000 Investment ($) Figure 5.31: Savings versus investment plot for SDF (Case 1) It is also worth to point out that Figure 5.30 and Figure 5.31 are unlike the retrofit situation in heat and mass integration where the total area or number of stages is the only parameter to decide the retrofit option. However, there are more factors to be considered in this work. For instance, installing 18 units of SDF may not be a practical retrofit option for the case study, since a large area is required for all of these regeneration units. Hence, it is up to the designer to decide which regeneration units are to be chosen during network retrofit. In any case, the value of Freg,optimum corresponding to both retrofit options is 620.27 ton/h. 147 Case 2: Vary Cout with Fixed Freg For the second case of network retrofit, Freg was fixed at Freg,max while the outlet concentration of the regeneration unit, Cout was varied. The objective of this case was to determine the optimum outlet concentration of the regeneration unit, Cout,optimum , which lies in the range of Cout,min = Cout,optimum = Cout,max . Table 5.14 indicates that the Cout,min for both regeneration units in this case study were fixed at 30 ppm. On the other hand, Cout,max could be based on the highest concentration among the sources available in the water network. This is a reasonable basis since no water shall be regenerated “dirtier” than the available water sources in an existing network. From Table 5.6, Cout,max was identified at 250 ppm, i.e. Cout for source 4. The next step in this case involved the determination of Freg,max for the water network, such as that performed in Case 1. Since the same case study was used, Freg,max was fixed at 620.27 ton/h. Note also that in Case 1, this flowrate was also determined to be the optimal regeneration flowrate (Freg,optimum ) when Cout was fixed at Cout,min . Hence Freg in this case was fixed at 620.27 ton/h, while Cout for the unit was varied. Next, WCA technique (Manan et al., 2004a) was used to locate the various FFW,min target for the grassroots water network when a regeneration unit with fixed Freg,max and various Cout is added. Figure 5.32 shows two different kinds of FFW,min versus Cout plot, i.e. a curve path such as with conventional heat and mass integration profile (Figure 5.32a) or a straight retrofit path (Figure 5.32b). These plots reveal that for an optimum grassroots design, a regeneration unit with lower Cout would consume less fresh water as a result of cleaner regenerated water that could be reused/recycled in the water network. 148 Targeted retrofit design with ∆a = 1 Existing design Targeted retrofit design with constant a Targeted retrofit design with constant a FFW Existing design Targeted retrofit design with ∆a = 1 FFW Optimum grassroots design Optimum grassroots design Cout Cout (a) (b) Figure 5.32: Two kinds of retrofit profiles (case 2) (a) curve paths (b) straight paths One would expect a similar trend for an existing water network. However, during retrofit, some capital investment would be needed for newly installed regeneration unit(s) as well as for existing network modifications. We hence define another retrofit parameter i.e. “fresh water efficiency”, aC as follows: FFW, target αC = F FW, existing Co u t (5.18) where FFW,target and FFW,existing are respectively the fresh water target for grassroots design and the existing network, for a given Cout value for a regeneration unit. The α c value provides a comparison of the existing fresh water consumption to the minimum fresh water targets in a grassroots design. As in the case of equation 5.15, an α c?of unity means that the existing water network has achieved the grassroots utility targets. Again, this is impractical for most retrofit cases. Alternatively, an “incremental value of fresh water efficiency”, ∆α c may also be defined as the ratio between a decrease of fresh water target in grassroots design, ∆FFW,target to that of the decrease in fresh water consumption in an existing network, ∆FFW,existing, for a given decrease of outlet concentration of regeneration unit, ∆Cout , as shown in equation 5.19: 149 ∆FFW,target ∆α C ∆F FW, existing ∆C o u t (5.19) Figure 5.33 represents the two retrofit profiles for Case 2, which was plotted using the fresh water efficiency values calculated using equation 5.18 and 5.19. This corresponds to the values of α c = 0.4264 and ∆α c = 1.0000. Note from Figure 5.33 that these retrofit profiles originated from the utility target of the existing network at the upper right portion of the FFW,min versus Cout plot. Fresh water usage was reduced with a decrease in outlet concentration of the regeneration unit. A feasible retrofit path is the one leading to the optimum grassroots design, i.e. towards the lower left portion of the graph. As shown in Figure 5.33, a retrofit path with a constant α value would be a better choice. This resembles the situation in Case 1. Figure 5.33 also shows that this retrofit diagram can be partitioned into three main regions, based on the retrofit profile of α C = 0.4264, i.e. an infeasible design region, an economical design region and an uneconomic design region. Targeted retrofit design with α = 0.4264 Retrofit profile with ∆α = 1.0000 2000 Doubtful Economic Existing design 1500 F FW (ton/h) Doubtful Economic Optimum grassroots design 1000 Economic Project 500 Infeasible Cout,min 0 0 50 100 150 200 C out (ppm) Figure 5.33: FFW versus Cout plot with constant a (Case 2) 250 300 150 Next, the savings achieved and the capital investment (due to new regeneration unit placement) at each point in Figure 5.33 was calculated based on the economics data in Table 5.14. The savings versus investment plot for DAF tank and SDF are shown in Figure 5.34 and Figure 5.35 respectively. As shown in Figure 5.34, an investment of $3.91M was needed for the installation of three new DAF tanks to achieve an annual saving of $ 2.30M. This corresponds to the payback period of 1.7 years. On the other hand, capital investment of $4.83M is needed for the installation of 18 new SDF units. Annual saving achieved in this alternative was targeted at $2.52M. This leads to a payback period of 1.92 years. Note also that due to the fixed value of Freg in this case, both savings versus investment diagrams in Figure 5.34 and Figure 5.35 appear to be a vertically straight line with a fixed capital cost investment. Finally, Cout,optimum corresponds to both regeneration units is determined at 30 ppm. 2,500,000 1.7 years 2 years 2,000,000 Savings ($/yr) Payback lines 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 0 0 1,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 Investment ($) Figure 5.34: Savings versus investment plot for DAF (Case 2) 4,000,000 151 3,000,000 1.92 years 2,500,000 2 years Payback lines Savings ($/yr) 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 0 0 1,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 4,000,000 5,000,000 6,000,000 Investment ($) Figure 5.35: Savings versus investment plot for SDF (Case 2) Case 3: Vary Cout and Freg For Case 3, both Freg and Cout were varied. The objective of this case was to target both the optimum operating parameters of the newly added regeneration unit(s), i.e. Freg,optimum and Cout,optimum . The first step in this case was to identify the boundary for Cout,optimum of this case. Since the same case study and regeneration units were used, Cout,min of 30 ppm and Cout,max of 250 ppm were chosen. With the identification of the boundary of Cout,optimum , the value of Freg,max can be determined for various Cout as done in Case 1. Figure 5.36 shows the FFW versus Cout plot for a grassroots network, calculated using the WCA technique (Manan et al., 2004a). As shown, fresh water consumption remains unchanged at 308.76 ton/h when the regeneration unit produces regenerated water lower than the Cout of 95 ppm. However, beyond the Cout of 95 ppm, a larger amount of fresh water was required in the network, due to the lower quality of regenerated water. Note that the increase of fresh water also means the increase of wastewater generation from the network. 152 1000 900 800 F FW, min (ton/h) 700 600 500 400 300 200 95 ppm 100 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 C out (ppm) Figure 3.36: FFW, min versus Cout (Case 3) Our objective was to target the utility reduction when regeneration unit(s) was installed into an existing water network. It is therefore necessary to focus on the constant fresh water region of the grassroots FFW versus Cout plot (i.e. Cout = 95 ppm) where the minimum utility targets were achieved. As a result, the boundary of Cout,max was shifted from 250 ppm to 95 ppm. Figure 5.37 focuses the FFW versus Cout plot with the newly defined Cout boundary at 95 ppm (from Figure 5.36). This plot consists of the optimum grassroots design and a newly added retrofit profile for the existing network, with α calculated at 0.4264 (following equation 6.18). Note also that α was selected instead of ∆α in this case. This was due to the optimum grassroots plot being a horizontal straight line, and hence no profile of ∆α can be plotted. Similar to the previous cases, regions of infeasible design, economical design and an uneconomic design exist in this case. 153 1200 Targeted retrofit design with α = 0.4264 1000 Doubtful Economic F FW (ton/h) 800 600 Economic Project Optimum grassroots design 400 200 Infeasible Infeasible 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 C out (ppm) Figure 5.37: FFW versus Cout plot with new Cout boundary (Case 3) The savings in the operating cost and capital investment were calculated next to assess the economics of this case. Figure 5.38 and Figure 5.39 illustrate the savings versus investment plot for DAF tank and SDF respectively. A targeted investment limit of 1.7 years (below 2 years with maximum utility savings) was identified for DAF tank for a capital investment of $3.91M and savings of $2.30M. Three DAF tank were required to achieve this target. On the other hand, 18 units of SDF were needed to achieve the established targets. This corresponds to the capital investment of $4.83M, annual savings of $2.52M and a payback time of 1.92 years. Cout,optimum and Freg,optimum corresponds to both regeneration units were 30 ppm and 620.27 ton/h. 154 2,350,000 1.7 years 2 years 2,300,000 Savings ($yr) 2,250,000 2,200,000 2,150,000 2,100,000 2,050,000 Payback lines 2,000,000 3,500,000 4,000,000 4,500,000 5,000,000 5,500,000 6,000,000 Investment ($) Figure 5.38: Savings versus investment plot for DAF (Case 3) 2,550,000 1.92 years 2 years 2,525,000 Savings ($/yr) 2,500,000 2,475,000 2,450,000 2,425,000 Payback lines 2,400,000 4,500,000 5,000,000 5,500,000 6,000,000 6,500,000 7,000,000 Investment ($) Figure 5.39: Savings versus investment plot for SDF (Case 3) 7,500,000 155 Discussions It has been shown that three cases achieved the same retrofit targets (Cout,optimum and Freg,optimum ) for this case study. This is mainly due to the selection of fixed Cout and Freg variables in the first two cases. If a different Cout and/or Freg and different payback period were specified for Case 1 and/or Case 2, different retrofit targets would have resulted. Therefore, it can be concluded that retrofit targets depend on Cout and Freg, as well as on the payback period specifications. Although Cout,optimum and/or Freg,optimum attained to design both regeneration units are 30 ppm and 620.27 ton/h respectively, selection of DAF tanks as new regeneration units will be a better choice to perform the retrofit for all three cases for this case study. This is due to the more reasonable targeted number of DAF tanks as compared to SDF. Nevertheless, one can still consider installing SDF in this case study if the maximum water utility savings constraint is neglected. For instance, by installing 5 units of SDF with a total Freg of 139 ton/h and Cout of 30 ppm, a payback time of 1.91 years can be achieved. All the retrofit targets achieved in this section were merely based on the problem data for the case study and is independent of any network design. In order for these targets to be meaningful and effective, a network design technique that can lead to the retrofit targets is needed. This is described in the next section. 5.4.4 Retrofit Design In the design of a maximum water recovery network for grassroots design, the pinch point(s) play an important role to ensure the established utility targets are realised. Water network is normally divided into regions above and below the pinch during the design stage. Network design is then carried out independently in these regions using various network design procedures (e.g. Wang and Smith, 1994; Feng and Seider, 2001; Prakash & Shenoy, 2004). Similarly, getting the pinch location(s) for an existing water network is also essential before any retrofit design is carried out. 156 To determine the pinch points, we rely again on the WCA technique developed by Manan et al., (2004a). Utility targeting was performed for a grassroots network based on the water demands and sources data (Table 5.6) along with the Freg,optimum and Cout,optimum of the regeneration unit(s) identified earlier. Table 5.15 shows the resulting WCT for the grassroots network. The water pinch for this grassroots network exists at the lowest concentration level (230 ppm) where there is zero cumulative pure water surplus (Table 5.15). Water pinch at this location indicates that all sources and demands appear at the region above the pinch and hence a zero discharge process (no wastewater generation) can be achieved. However, in revamping an existing water network, achieving the targets as in the grassroots design is not always possible. For retrofitting water network involving non- mass transfer processes, such as for this case study, many network design techniques may be used. These include the source sink mapping diagram (El-Halwagi, 1997; Dunn and Wenzel, 2001), sinksource allocation (Prakash and Shenoy, 2004) or concentration block diagram described in section 5.2.3. In this work, we utilise the concentration block diagram (CBD) to represent the existing water network. CBD provides a clear representation of the existing water network in terms of the water flowrate as well as contaminant concentration. CBD of case study 4 is presented in Figure 5.40. The vertical dashed lines represent the concentration- interval boundaries which correspond to a distinct limiting inlet or outlet concentration. The water using operations are presented by rectangles correspond to their inlet and outlet concentration. The arrows in the diagram indicate the water streams of the existing water network with the stream flowrate in ton/h and contaminant concentration in ppm (figures in parenthesis). 157 C(ppm) 0 20 155.4 (0) 80 Pressing Showers 100 170 200 230 155.4 (100) 250 1264.5 (230) 150.47 (230) 831.12 (0) Forming Showers 201.84(100) Others Users 41.28 (230) 201.84(170) 150.47 (230) White Water Tank 398.52 (170) DIP 751.32 (0) 415.8 (250) 54 (250) 14.7 (0) AF 34.68 (0) CP LEGEND Water-using operation Water streams Concentration interval boundaries number Stream flowrate (ton/hr) (number) Stream Concentration (ppm) Figure 5.40: Existing water network for case study 4 in CBD with identified streams for regeneration The next step in the retrofit design stage is to identify the streams for regeneration. Sources at the highest concentration are always preferred as this reduces the mass load accumulated in wastewater produced. From Figure 5.40, one noticed that, at the highest concentration of 250 ppm, 469.8 ton/h of wastewater is available from the source 4, i.e. the water source of DIP. However, the targeted Freg,max that was identified in the earlier stage amounts to 620.27 ton/h. This means that part of the wastewater discharged from Forming Showers (at second highest concentration) was chosen to satisfy the remaining Freg amount fed to the DAF tanks. The dotted lines in Figure 5.40 show the streams which are identified for regeneration. 54 ton/h of water produced from DIP was originally sent to DAF tanks instead of being reused in AF. 158 The existing water network was next redesigned to meet the established retrofit targets. This involved sending the identified streams to the regeneration unit (DAF tanks) and feeding the purified source to the water-using operations to reduce fresh water intake. The preliminary retrofit design is presented in Figure 5.41. As shown, 54 ton/h of water source is now sent to AF unit from the DAF tanks instead of feeding from the DIP unit directly. The remaining regenerated water from the DAF tanks are also sent to the Pressing Showers, Forming Showers and for Chemical Preparation. C(ppm) 0 20 51.8 (0) 30 80 100 170 200 230 250 Pressing Showers 103.6 (30) 155.4 (100) 391.57 (0) 1114.03 (230) Forming Showers 439.55 (30) 201.84(100) Others 41.28 (230) 201.84(170) White Water Tank 398.52 (170) DIP 751.32 (0) 469.8 (250) DAF tanks 150.47 (230) 54 (30) 14.7 (0) AF 11.56 (0) CP 23.12 (30) LEGEND Water-using operation number Water streams Concentration interval boundaries (number) Stream Concentration (ppm) Stream flowrate (ton/hr) Figure 5.41: Preliminary retrofit design for case study 4 The final step of the retrofit design stage involves optimisatio n of the preliminary retrofitted network for further utility reduction. To achieve this, opportunity for further reuse and/or recycle of wastewater sources in the preliminary 159 retrofit design was explored. One option in this effort is to reuse and recycle the effluent from Forming Showers back to its own water demands as well as to other water-using processes. The final retrofit design and the conventional flowsheet for the retrofitted network for case study 4 are shown in Figure 5.42 and Figure 5.43 respectively. It is shown that after retrofit, the fresh water consumption has been reduced by 80% to 401.82 ton/h while the wastewater generation has been reduced by 95% to 92.52 ton/h. Utility savings achieved through this methodology are much higher as compared to utility savings attained by retrofit methodology without regeneration in section 5.2.3 (55.5% fresh water reduction and 65.7% wastewater elimination). This has proven that water network retrofit with regeneration strategy enable larger water savings for existing processes. C(ppm) 0 20 51.8 (0) 30 80 Pressing Showers 103.6 (30) 100 170 200 230 250 92.52 (230) 155.4 (100) 177.82 (0) Forming Showers 439.55 (30) 114.08 (100) Other 213.75 (230) 87.76 (230) White Water Tank 398.52 (170) 46.02(0) 41.28 (230) 201.84(170) 705.3 (230) DIP 469.8 (250) Regeneration Unit 54 (30) 11.56 (0) 14.7 (230) AF 150.47 (230) CP 23.12 (30) LEGEND Water-using operation Water streams number Stream flowrate (ton/hr) (number) Stream Concentration (ppm) Concentration interval boundaries Figure 5.42: Final retrofit design for case study 4 160 Fresh water 401.82 ton/h 9 Paper Machine 1 51.8 ton/h 5 155.4 ton/h Pres sing Sect 11.56 ton/h 8 201.84 ton/h White Water Tank 100 ppm 6 41.28 ton/h 170 ppm CP 230 ppm 2 177.82 ton/h Forming Section Wastewater R3 R4 213.75 ton/h 705.3 ton/h R1103.6 ton/h 30 ppm 230 ppm R2439.55 ton/h 230 ppm R5 R7 R8 87.76 ton/h 150.47 ton/h 23.12 ton/h 230 ppm 230 ppm 30 ppm R10 14.7 ton/h 230 ppm 30 ppm 7 398.5 ton/h 170 ppm 3 46.02 ton/h 4 114.08 ton/h DAF Tanks R6 469.8 ton/h DIP 250 ppm Others Figure 5.43: Conventional flowsheet for the retrofitted network for case study 4 R954 ton/h 30 ppm AF 92.52 ton/h Economic calculations show that a total savings of $3.16M has been achieved with this final network, with the installation of three new DAF tanks. Though the savings had slightly surpassed the targeted value ($0.86M), however the capital investment of $3.91M remained within target. The resulting payback period of 1.24 years is slightly better as compared to the targeted value of 1.7 years. Finally, note that the retrofit design presented above is one of the many possible solutions that can achieve the retrofit target. Often, different network design configurations can be achieved with the use of different network design techniques (El-Halwagi, 1997; Dunn and Wenzel, 2001; Prakash and Shenoy, 2004). 5.4.5 Summary of the Developed Water Network Retrofit with The Additional of New Regeneration Units Optimisation of existing regeneration unit(s) provide opportunity to further reduce utility saving before the installation of new regeneration unit. Hence, this retrofit option possesses the advantage of low capital investment and minor process changes over other retrofit approaches. A new two-stage approach based on pinch analysis for retrofit of water network with the integration of existing regeneration unit(s) optimisation has been presented. In the first stage, retrofit targets (utility savings and capital investment) were determined for a range of total flowrate and/or outlet concentration of the regeneration unit. Given a fixed payback period or capital expenditure, the retrofit targets were determined from the saving versus investment diagram. Once the retrofit targets were identified, the existing water network was redesigned to meet the established targets. This methodology has successfully achieved the retrofit targets prior to design and further minimise fresh water consumption and wastewater generation in an existing water network. CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORKS 6.1 Summary and significance The work in this thesis offers some major contributions in the area of retrofit synthesis of water network. Four new techniques on water network retrofit have been developed. These include retrofit of water network with mass transfer-based operations, retrofit of water network with non- mass transfer-based operations, retrofit of water network with regeneration unit optimisation, and retrofit of water network with the addition of new regeneration unit. The retrofit synthesis task was based on the pinch analysis concept. Retrofit technique for water network with mass transfer-based operations involving two stages namely utility (water) targeting and network design has been established. During the targeting stage, fresh water and wastewater savings, and capital investment target were determined for a particular capital expenditure. Lastly the existing network was retrofitted to meet the targets. For water network with non- mass transfer-based operations, a retrofit design methodology has been established. To diagnose, retrofit and evolve the existing water network, a new graphical tool called concentration block diagram (CBD) has been introduced. 163 A new systematic technique for retrofit of water network with integration of existing regeneration unit(s) optimisation has been developed. In the targeting stage, retrofit targets, where utility savings and capital investment were determined for a range of process parameters (flowrate increment or outlet concentration reduction of the existing regeneration unit). Next, the existing water network was re-designed to meet the chosen targets. To incorporate new regeneration unit(s) into water network, a new systematic retrofit methodology has been presented. The first stage of the retrofit task was to identify various retrofit targets (utility savings and capital investment) for a range of process parameters (total flowrate and/or outlet concentration of the regeneration unit) to obtain a savings versus investment curve. Lastly the existing network was retrofitted to achieve the targets. 6.2 Future works Since the work on water network retrofit is relative new, three main areas for future development can be identified: i. Batch process system In various industrial sectors, such as food, pharmaceutical, biochemical manufacturing, processes are commonly operated in batch mode. To date, there has been very few work done on water network retrofit for batch process systems. The development of retrofit synthesis for batch water networks which are industrially very common as well as important is therefore required. ii. Multiple contaminants problem So far, we have only dealt with water network retrofit problem involving single contaminant. However, it is often necessary to consider cases with 164 multiple contaminants since they are the more common in industry. 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