1 B009 REDUCED-ORDER OPTIMAL CONTROL OF WATERFLOODING USING POD * * J. VAN DOREN , R. MARKOVINOVIû AND J.D. JANSEN *+ * Delft University of Technology, Dept. of Geotechnology PO box 5028, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands + Shell International Exploration and Production, Exploratory Research, PO box 60, 2280 AB Rijswijk, The Netherlands Abstract Model-based optimal control of water flooding generally involves multiple reservoir simulations which makes it into a time-consuming process. Furthermore, if the optimization is combined with inversion, i.e. with updating of the reservoir model using production data, some form of regularization is required to cope with the ill-posedness of the inversion problem. A potential way to address these issues is through the use of Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD). POD is a model reduction technique to generate low-order models using “snapshots” from a forward simulation with the original high-order model. In this work we addressed the scope to speed up optimization of water flooding a heterogeneous reservoir with multiple injectors and producers. We used an adjoint-based optimal control algorithm which requires multiple passes of forward simulation of the reservoir model and backward simulation of an adjoint system of equations. We developed a nested approach in which POD was first used to reduce the state space dimensions of both the forward model and the adjoint system. After obtaining an optimized injection and production strategy using the reduced-order system, we verified the results using the original, high-order model. If necessary we repeated the optimization cycle using new reduced-order systems based on snapshots from the verification run. We tested the algorithm on a reservoir model with 4050 states (2025 pressures, 2025 saturations) and an adjoint model of 4050 states (Lagrange multipliers). We obtained reduced-order models with 20 to 100 states only, which produced almost identical optimized flooding strategies as compared to those obtained using the high-order models. The resulting reduction in computing time was between 30% and 60%. Introduction Modeling water flooding in a hydrocarbon reservoir is frequently used to determine how to develop and manage the reservoir. One creates a model of the oil reservoir, based on geological, petrophysical and seismic data, introduces wells at the desired locations and numerically simulates the response of the reservoir to the injected water. With increasing computer capacities reservoir models have become more complex and consist of an increasing number of variables (typically in the order of 104 - 106). Maximizing hydrocarbon production and minimizing water production of a reservoir can be done in a smart field with optimal control theory (OCT) [14]. Calculating the optimal valve settings using OCT requires several passes of forward simulation of the reservoir model and backward simulation of an adjoint system of equations. The time needed to calculate optimized controls increases with the number of grid blocks and the complexity of the reservoir model. Reduced-order modelling and reduced-order control may provide an alternative to this [57]. Parameters and variables of the model can be updated with history matching. In this process output from the real reservoir is compared to output from the model. With an objective function the model parameters are updated and the discrepancy between the outputs is minimized. A problem with history matching, however, is the ill-posedness, even if the correct model is assumed. There are usually more parameters and variables that can be tuned in order to reach the same result. Normally one tries to overcome this 9th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery — Cannes, France, 30 August - 2 September 2004 2 problem by constraining the solution space for the model parameters through the addition of regularization terms to the objective function. Reduced-order models may also provide an alternative to this process. The present work concentrates, however, on the aspect of using reduced-order models for increased computational efficiency. We will use proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) for reducedorder optimal control of water flooding. POD is a frequently used tool for model reduction but only recently it has also been used for control applications [812]. We will design and implement a nested algorithm, where in the inner iterative loop of the algorithm we use a truncated basis of POD functions to calculate optimized injection and production rates. After convergence in this loop we will simulate in the outer loop the original, high-order model with the optimized rates and subsequently adapt the basis and the truncation of the POD functions. They will be used in the next inner loop to calculate new optimized injection and production rates. To test the algorithm we will use a 2-dimensional, 2-phase reservoir model and compare full-order optimal control with reduced-order optimal control. High-order reservoir model To generate a reduced-order model with POD we first need to run a full-order simulation and produce snapshots. For the full-order model we use a 2-dimensional, 2-phase reservoir simulator, developed inhouse and written in MATLAB [13]. Spatial discretization of the original partial differential equations yields the following state-space ordinary differential equation in continuous time t: x t f x t , u t A c x x t B c x u t , Ac 1 ª¬ V x t Ȍ x t º¼ T x t , B c (1) 1 Ȍ x t , (2) where x is the state vector containing oil pressures po and water saturations Sw for each grid block, V is a diagonal mass matrix with entries that are a function of grid block volume and fluid densities, Ȍ is a block diagonal matrix with entries that are primarily a function of compressibility and porosity, T is a block penta-diagonal matrix containing the transmissibilities for oil and water and u is the input vector containing oil and water rates qo and qw [14, 15]. We chose not to use a well model, but to use rateconstrained injectors and producers. Ac and Bc are actually not explicit functions of state but functions of state-dependent parameters. The closure equations for each grid block are So + Sw = 1 and po – pw = pcow, where So is the oil saturation, pw the water pressure and pcow(Sw) the capillary pressure. The initial conditions are specified as x 0 x 0 . Semi-implicit Euler discretization by treating the state and input vectors implicitly, but the matrix coefficients explicitly can be written as, x (k + 1) x (k ) %t = A c (x (k )) x (k + 1) + B c (x (k )) u (k + 1) , (3) resulting in x (k + 1) = f d (x (k ), u (k + 1)) = A d (x (k )) x (k ) + B d ( x (k )) u (k + 1) , (4) where k is discrete time and where the time step-dependent matrices Ad and Bd have now been defined as 1 A d (x (k )) = ¡ I %tA c (x (k ))¯° , B d (x (k )) = %tA d (x (k )) B c (x (k )) . (5) ¢ ± In our numerical implementation, the matrix inverses in Eq. (5) are not computed, since it is more efficient to solve the equivalent system of linear equations I %tA (x (k ))¯ x (k + 1) = x (k ) + %tB (x (k )) u (k + 1) c c ¢¡ ±° for the unknown state x(k+1). (6) 3 Proper orthogonal decomposition POD has been developed in fluid mechanics and is a mathematical technique to describe ‘coherent structures’ which represent low-order dynamics in turbulent flow8,9. An approximation of the system dynamics is obtained by projecting the original n-dimensional state space onto a l-dimensional subspace, where l << n. First, during simulation of an n-dimensional discrete-time model we record a total of ț snapshots for the oil pressure state xp and the water saturation state xs. In our case the dimension n will be equal to twice the number of grid blocks. If we have a reservoir model with one horizontal layer of m u n grid blocks, the vectors xp and xs will have mn elements each, and therefore the full state vector x will have length n = 2mn . We keep the pressure and the saturation states segregated because they correspond to different physical processes and will consequently generate different dominant structures. It is also useful because we can better control which pressure and saturation POD basis functions should be truncated respectively. In the following we will use the subscript r { p, s} to indicate the oil pressure po or the water saturation Sw. After subtracting the means xr N 1 N ¦ i 1 xr i from the snapshots, we construct two data matrices: Xcr = ª¬ xcr 1 , xcr 2 , ..., xcr N º¼ ª¬ x r 1 - xr , x r 2 - xr , ..., x r N - xr º¼ . (7) The goal of POD is, given the data matrices, to find orthogonal projections xcr ĭ r z r rr , where ) is a transformation matrix, zr are reduced state vectors of length lr and rr are residuals, such that the residuals minimized. This can be achieved through solving for the eigenvectors of Xcr Xcr T , which is equivalent to determining the singular value decomposition (SVD) of Xcr : Xcr Pr Ȉ r QTr , (8) where Pr is an orthogonal matrix of size mn u mn , Qr is an orthogonal matrix of size N u N , and Ȉr is a matrix of size mn u N given by Ȉr 0 ªV r ,1 « 0 V r ,2 « « # # « 0 « 0 « # # « 0 0 ¬« " " % " % " 0 º 0 »» # » » , V r ,N » # » » 0 ¼» (9) where V r ,1 t V r ,2 t ... t V r ,N t 0 are called the singular values of Xcr . The total amount of relative energy present in the snapshots can be expressed as Er ,tot ¦ N V r2,i . The number of POD basis functions lr we i 1 want to keep, in order to project the high-order system equations on to them, is then determined by lr 2 ¦ V r ,i Er i 1 Er ,tot dD , (10) where D denotes the fraction of relative energy we want to be captured. The transformation matrix ĭ r is now defined as the first lr columns of the matrix Pr, where lr << nm . We combine ĭ p and ĭ s to a single transformation matrix ĭ with a total of l = lp + ls columns and n rows. Reduced-order reservoir model After determining transformation matrix ĭ the normalized state vector xc x x of the original problem is projected on the axes in the reduced space, z k 1 ĭT f ĭz k , u k 1 . 9th (11) European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery — Cannes, France, 30 August - 2 September 2004 4 As described in reference [6] it may appear at first sight as if the reduced-order model does not lead to a reduction in simulation time. If we compute z(k+1) explicitly we even obtain a slight increase in simulation time, because every time step we have to perform two additional transformations (from z to x and back) because we need the original state vector x to compute the functions f. However, if we consider implicit or semi-implicit computation of z(k+1), and if f(x) can be written in the form of matrices with coefficients that are functions of x, a considerable efficiency gain may be achieved. Applying the transformation ĭ to Eq. (6), we obtain I %tA (ĭz (k ))¯ ĭz (k + 1) = ĭz (k ) + %tB (ĭz (k )) u (k + 1) . c c ¢¡ ±° In our implementation we successfully used ĭT ¡ I %tA c (ĭz (k ))°¯ ĭ z (k + 1) = z (k ) + ĭT %tB c (ĭz (k )) u (k + 1) , ¢ ± (12) (13) lxl which is obtained from equation (12) by premultiplying with )T. The number of state variables is thus reduced from originally n 2mn to l. The matrix dimensions are consequently reduced from n u n to l u l. The simulation time of the reduced-order model using semi-implicit discretization is decreased because we have to solve l equations instead of n equations in the full-order model, where l << n. For fully-implicit simulation where more than one systems of equations have to be solved during every timestep the decrease in simulation time is expected to be even higher. Unfortunately, the original pentadiagonal matrix structure (hepta-diagonal for 3-dimensional systems) is changed to a full matrix, because we multiply the penta-diagonal matrix with a full matrix ĭ from the left side and from the right side. This counteracts the computational advantage obtained by reducing the size of the state vector. In our numerical implementation we solved Eq. (13) with LU-decomposition. It is known from literature that when we simulate reduced-order reservoir models with the same controls as the original full-order models we can obtain almost identical states, as long as a sufficient fraction of the relative energy of the full-order model is preserved. However, if we alter the controls, and therefore the structures of the states, we experience difficulties reproducing the states of the full-order model with the reduced-order model. Apparently we cannot reproduce structures that are not represented in the data, and it is difficult to extrapolate to flows of a different nature [12]. We will use this information when designing the optimization reduced-order algorithm. Reduced-order optimal control To compute the optimized injection and production rates for an oil reservoir, optimal control theory (OCT) can be applied [14]. This is a gradient-based optimization technique, where the gradients are obtained with the aid of an adjoint equation in terms of Lagrange multipliers O. The multipliers represent the objective functions’s sensitivities to changes in the state variables and originate from adding the dynamic system as a constraint to the objective function. We use an objective function $ k $ x k , u k which represents NPV. Following the derivation in reference [1], the adjoint equation can be written as in discrete time as T § wg k 1 · Ȝ k ¨¨ ¸¸ © wx k ¹ where g x k 1 , x k , u k 1 0 ª w$ k w$ k 1 º T wg k « Ȝ k 1 » , wx k wx k wx k ¼» ¬« (14) is the implicit form of system equations (4). For our implementation, instead of the full-order model we added the reduced-order model as a constraint to the objective function $ k with the aid of a set of low-order Lagrange multipliers µ: K 1 $ red ¦ ª¬$ ĭz k , u k µ k 1 k 0 T ĭT g ĭz k 1 , ĭz k , u k º . ¼ (15) 5 Taking the first variation of Eq. 15, and reworking the results, we obtain a reduced-order equation in terms of reduced-order Lagrange multipliers: ª º « » · § · w w k k g $ T § (16) « µ k 1 ¨¨ ĭT ĭ ¸¸ ¨¨ ĭT µ k ¸¸ » , wx k ¹ © wx k ¹ » « © » «¬ lxl lxl 1 xl ¼ T Starting from the final condition µ(K) = 0 it can be integrated backward in time. Because the derivatives in Eq. (16) consist of state-dependent parameters we first calculate the full-order derivatives. They are then transformed and reduced by projecting them on the axes of the low-order model. After calculating µ every timestep we can calculate: T § T wg k 1 · ĭ ¸¸ ¨¨ ĭ wx k © ¹ w k wu k red w$ k T ĭT red µ k 1 wu k lx1 ­° T wg k ½° ®ĭ ¾. wu k ¿° ¯° (17) lx1 We u new compute improved controls using a steepest ascend method according to u old H ªw ¬ red k wu k º¼ where İ is a weighting factor determined according to reference [1]. The computational advantage of using reduced-order models in OCT is that the system of equations involves only l unknowns, whereas the original system involved n 2mn unknowns. This decreases the simulation time considerably, especially for large systems where l << n. Unfortunately, the original block wg k 1 wg k and the block-diagonal matrix structure of are penta-diagonal matrix structure of wx k wx k changed to full matrices, because we multiply them with a full matrices ĭ and ĭT . This counteracts the computational advantage obtained by using reduced-order optimal control. Algorithm description The implementation of the full-order OCT algorithm for water flooding was described in reference [1]. In reducedorder optimal control based on POD (see Fig. 1) we first simulate the dynamical behavior of the system over time interval 0 to K with an initial choice of u and compute the NPV. We store ț snapshots of pressures and saturations and calculate POD transformation matrix ). Now instead of using the full-order derivatives of the system we use the reduced-order derivatives for the backward calculation and calculate P with Eq. (16). Based on the derivatives computed with Eq. (17) we compute new controls and use them for the next reduced-order forward simulation. For this simulation we use the same transformation matrix ). This means that the computational ‘overhead’ of calculating ) is shared by multiple runs of the reducedorder model. To determine convergence of the inner loop we use a convergence criterion c. The inner loop has converged when the NPV of the last reduced-order forward simulation is less than the c times the NPV of the previous reduced-order simulation. Entering the outer loop again we use the improved controls in a full-order forward simulation and calculate the NPV. The previous transformation matrix ) is replaced with a new ) that reflects the altered dynamics. The algorithm has 9th START Apply initial input u Simulate full forward model Calculate NPV full model Yes DONE Full NPV converged? No Calculate (truncated) transformation matrix ) Substitute x = )z into the Hamiltonian and run the reduced adjoint Produce optimized input Simulate reduced forward model Calculate NPV reduced model No Reduced NPV converged? Yes Fig. 1 – Algorithm outline for reducedorder OCT for water flooding. European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery — Cannes, France, 30 August - 2 September 2004 6 converged when the NPV of the last forward simulation is less than the NPV of the previous forward simulation. The advantage of the algorithm is that we use reduced-order forward simulations and reducedorder optimal control, which have a shorter simulation time. A disadvantage of the algorithm is that an improved control of the reduced-order model is not necessarily an improved control for the full-order model. In the numerical example below we will see that in our example this is however the case. Numerical example To test the algorithm described earlier we used a 2-dimensional model with 2025 (45x45) grid blocks, which is the same model as used in reference [1]. The dimensions of the reservoir were 450x450x10m and the permeability field is shown in Fig. 2. Initially the reservoir is completely saturated with oil. We assigned liquid compressibilities of 1*10-10 Pa-1 to both water and oil. At the left side of the reservoir we introduced one horizontal water injector divided in 45 segments by interval control valves (ICV). At the right side we introduced one horizontal producer, also divided in 45 segments. The wells were operated without well model under rate-constraint: the liquid rate in an injection segment was equal to the water rate, and in a production segment Fig. 2 – Permeability field (m2). the rate was equal to the sum of water rate and oil rate. The total production and injection rates were equal to each other during the WATER entire simulation time. During optimization the flow rates were redistributed maintaining a constant total sum of the rates. In the NPV calculation we used for the oil price ro $80 per m3 and the OIL produced water cost rw $20 per m3. We compared the NPV obtained with the reduced-order and full-order optimal control algorithms with the NPV of a reference case. In the reference case the injection and production rates were constant over time and a function of water and oil mobility, reflecting a conventional water flood where the wells are operated on constant well bore pressure. Fig. 3 –Final water saturation after 1 We simulated the reservoir model for 949 days with variable time PV production for the reference step size and in this period we injected and produced one pore case. volume of liquid. We obtained a saturation profile as depicted in Fig. 3. The total NPV for the reference case is $ 10.1 million. Full-order optimal control example Starting from the reference case we ran the full-order control algorithm. With a 2.4 Gh Pentium 4 processor and 1 Gb RAM memory it took 8701 s (148 minutes) to run the full-order algorithm. We reached convergence after 19 full-order forward simulations and 18 full-order backward simulations. 5 0.8 10 0.7 15 0.6 20 0.5 25 30 35 0.3 40 0.2 45 5 injection rates (m3/d) vs time for all wells 35 5 100 60 25 40 well number well number 20 30 35 40 45 0 0.7 WATER 0.6 20 20 0.5 20 25 25 15 30 40 40 0.8 15 45 cum. time (d) 0.4 30 10 35 0.3 5 40 0.2 0 45 20 cum. time (d) 25 OIL 5 25 35 35 45 20 30 15 80 30 15 10 10 10 15 10 production rates (m3/d) vs time for all wells 5 5 10 15 0.4 20 25 30 35 40 45 0.1 Fig. 4 – Optimized production rates (left), injection rates (middle) in m3/d vs. the simulation time, calculated with full-order control algorithm. The picture in the right depicts the f inal oil/water saturation distribution for full-order optimal control. 7 The average simulation time for the full-order forward simulation was 144 s and for the full-order backward simulation 266 s. The resulting optimized rates are given in the two most left pictures of Fig. 4, which correspond to a final saturation profile as depicted in the right picture of Fig. 4. Reduced-order optimal control example For reduced-order optimal control we used the algorithm as depicted in Fig. 1. We choose to use an energy level of 0.999 as cut-off criterion for POD. With an energy level of 0.999 we obtained a final NPV of $19.8 million. This is an increase of 96% with respect to the reference case. The maximum NPV obtained with reduced-order control approached the NPV obtained with full-order optimal control to within 97%. We reached convergence in 4949 s, which is 43% faster than the full-order optimal control. In this example we needed 10 full-order forward simulations, which took on average 156 s per simulation, and we needed 9 reduced-order forward simulations, which took on average 114 s per simulation. The reduction in simulation time for the reduced-order forward simulation was 30%. Furthermore we needed 9 reduced-order backward simulations, which took on average 187 s per simulation. The reduction in simulation time for the reduced-order backward model was 30% (where the full-order backward simulation took on average 266 s per simulation). In order to maintain an energy level of 0.999 we would need for the reference case in total 30 POD basis functions. For the optimal case we used 49 POD basis functions. The number of POD basis functions increased when we used improved controls. This speaks in favor of our nested approach where we adapt the transformation matrix after a full-order forward simulation. The resulting rates for this case are given in the two most left pictures of Fig. 5, which correspond to a final saturation profile as in the right picture of Fig. 5. The resulting rates and the final saturation profile obtained with reduced-order optimal control differed from the resulting rates and final saturation profile obtained with full-order optimal control. Apparently we ended up in two different local optima. production rates (m3/d) vs time for all wells injection rates (m3/d) vs time for all wells 70 5 OIL 5 5 60 0.8 60 10 10 10 0.7 50 50 15 40 20 25 30 20 40 0.5 30 10 45 40 45 cum. time (d) 0.4 20 35 0.3 10 40 0.2 0 45 35 40 WATER 30 20 35 20 25 25 30 30 15 0.6 well number well number 15 cum. time (d) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0.1 Fig. 5 – Optimized production rates (left), injection rates (middle) in m3/d vs. simulation time calculated with reduced-order control algorithm. Energy level is 0.999. The picture in the right depicts the final oil/water saturation distribution. Conclusion In the example discussed, and in several others not discussed, we found that reduced-order optimal control of water flooding using POD improved the NPV with respect to an uncontrolled reference case. Within shorter simulation time the NPV obtained by the full-order optimal control algorithm was approached closely by the NPV obtained by the reduced-order algorithm. The increase in computational efficiency was achieved by reducing the number of states in the forward and backward simulations considerably and consequently the number of equations that needed to be solved every time step. Considering a reservoir model with 4050 states (2025 pressures, 2025 saturations) and an adjoint model of 4050 states (Lagrange multipliers) we obtained reduced-order models with 20 to 100 states only. The NPV obtained by reduced-order optimal control was approached to within 97% of the NPV obtained by full-order optimal control. In the various examples investigated, the resulting reduction in computing time was between 30% and 60%. In general, the number of POD basis functions preserving a certain fixed level of relative energy increases during optimization, which speaks in favor of our nested reduced-order optimal control algorithm where we adapt the transformation matrix after simulating the full-order reservoir model with improved controls. The potential benefit of reduced-order models in history matching, where they may form an alternative to regularization, is part of ongoing research. 9th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery — Cannes, France, 30 August - 2 September 2004 8 Nomenclature A B c E f g k K l $ = = = = = = = = = = = system matrix input matrix convergence criterion in inner loop relative energy present in snapshots nonlinear system function vector, explicit form nonlinear system function vector, implicit form Hamiltonian, $ discrete time step counter, or permeability, m2 total number of time steps total number of preserved POD basis functions objective function, $ m = number of grid blocks in x direction n = = N = p = p = P = q = q = Q = r = R = t = S = T = u = V = n system order number of grid blocks in y direction number of wells pressure, m/(L t2), Pa pressure vector orthogonal matrix in SVD flow rate, L3/t, m3/s flow rate vector orthogonal matrix in SVD price per unit volume, $/m3 covariance matrix time, s saturation transmissibility matrix input vector mass matrix x X z z Į İ ț Ȝ µ ı Ȉ ij ĭ Ȍ = = = = = = = = = = = = = = state vector data matrix, containing state vectors transformed state variable transformed state vector fraction of relative energy weighting factor number of snapshots in POD vector of Lagrange multipliers vector of reduced-order Lagrange multipliers singular value diagonal matrix of singular values eigen function transformation matrix compressibility/porosity matrix Subscripts c d i o p r red s tot w = = = = = = = = = = continuous discrete counter oil pressure state variable specification, r { p , s} reduced saturation total water References [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] Brouwer, D.R, and Jansen, J.D.: “Dynamic optimisation of water flooding with smart wells using optimal control theory”, paper SPE 78178 presented at the 13th European Petroleum Conference, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK (2002) 29-31 October. 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