Dear Parent or Guardian:

Dear Parent or Guardian:
This year at our school, we have a new program that will benefit your child. This
program, Project CLASS, will help your child learn and use Social Skills.
Children who use good social skills will:
 Make better grades.
 Have fewer behavior problems.
 Get along better with adults.
 Have more friends and be a better friend.
Our goal is for all students in our class to be able to succeed when they go to Middle
School, High School, and beyond. Social Skills lay the foundation for life success.
We definitely need your help in reinforcing the student’s learning and use of Social Skills.
Each week, we will send home specific information about what the student will be
learning that week. There will also be activities and assignments that are done at home,
so you can be an active part of the learning process.
Throughout this learning process, and beyond, you can help by doing three things:
 Recognize the good things your child does, and praise your child for them.
 Give your child positive attention (a smile, pat on the back, hug or any other
physical gesture that makes your child feel good). Listening to your child is
another way of giving positive attention.
 Ask your child what they learned about social skills each day.
A few facts about praise and positive attention:
 Praise is the best way to get your child to do what you want him or her to do.
 Praise your child can be done in less than three seconds.
 Praise and positive attention will improve your relationship with your child.
 Children who hear praise from their parents have fewer behavior problems.
We are excited about this program and know that these Social Skills will help our
students in all areas. If you have any questions, or want more information, please call
the school.