Pert. 9. Lingkungan strategi IS/IT • Model sederhana IS/IT Industry, business and organization impact potential BUSINESS STRATEGY Business decisions Objectives and direction Change Supports business Where is the business going and why Direction for business IS STRATEGY Business based Demand oriented Application focused Insfrastructure and sevices What is required Needs and priorities IS STRATEGY Activity based Supply orientated Technology focused How it can be delivered Figure.1.6. The relationship between business, IS and IT strategis Pert. 9. Lingkungan strategi IS/IT • Analisis yang lebih komprehensif Pert. 9. Tantangan merencanakan strategi saat ini Gambar 3.3. Model lengkap perencanaan strategis IS/IT Pert. 9. Tantangan merencanakan strategis saat ini • Lihat table 3.2; 3.3 dan 3.4 pada halaman 128 dan 129 Pert. 9. Tantangan merencanakan strategis saat ini Pert. 9. Tantangan merencanakan strategis saat ini Pert. 9. Menetapkan proses strategis IS/IT 1. A Continuous Process Once a strategic perspective on IS/IT is established and a strategy process is instituted, it should become a continuously evolving process, where the strategies and plans are refreshed regularly and even frequently, according to external forces, business needs and opportunities, the planning timetable, culture of the organization, and the benefits delivered by implementation of the strategy. Pert. 9. Menetapkan proses strategis IS/IT 2. A Learning Process Strategic IS planning is also a learning process. Both IS specialists and business people are becoming more aware of business and technology issues, and learning to identify and exploit opportunities within a cooperative environment. Pert. 9. Menetapkan proses strategis IS/IT 3. Initiating the Strategy Cycle See box 3.1 that contains a list of questions that require answering before embarking on IS/IT strategy process. • Pert. 9. Menetapkan proses strategis IS/IT Insert box 3.1. Pert. 9. Menetapkan proses strategis IS/IT • Insert box 3.1. Pert. 9. Menetapkan proses strategis IS/IT 4. Establishing Success Criteria The impact of an IS/IT strategy is not instantaneous, and it may, in fact, take some time-often two or more years-between embarking on an IS/IT strategy formulation and planning process. The success criteria can be: a. Improving the contribution of IS/IT to the performance of the organization; b. Extent of alignment of IT investment with the business strategy Pert. 9. Menetapkan proses strategis IS/IT c. Gaining competitive advantage through deployment of IS/IT d. Identifying new and higher payback apllications e. Identifying strategic applications f. Increasing top management commitment g. Improving communication with users h. etc. Pert. 9. Menetapkan proses strategis IS/IT 5. Menetapkan kriteria keberhasilan Pert. 9. Menetapkan proses strategis IS/IT • Resource efficiency (Efisiensi sumber daya) Refers to the efficient use and management of input to the process or resources required for the process. • Enrichment (pengkayaan) Process oriented and refers to the improvement, enhancement and adaptability of the IS/IT strategy process, enabling it to be responsive to continuous changes in the environment and to produce incremental learning. Pert. 9. Menetapkan proses strategis IS/IT • Effectiveness Output oriented and refers to the effectiveness of the IS/IT strategy process in meeting the intend goals.