vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER TITLE PAGE DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES xii LIST OF FIGURES xiii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xiv LIST OF SYMBOLS xvii 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background 1 2 1.1.1 Floating, Production, Storage and Offloading 2 1.1.2 Life Cycle Cost Analysis 7 1.2 Problem Statement 8 1.3 Research Objectives 8 1.4 Research Questions 9 1.5 Research Scope 9 1.6 Significance of Findings 10 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction 11 11 viii 2.2 Floating Production Storage Offloading 11 2.3 FPSO Cost Elements 14 2.4 Life Cycle Cost Analysis 16 2.5 Lifecycle Cost Analysis Models 20 2.6 Core Stages of Lifecycle Cost Analysis 27 2.7 Definitions 29 2.8 Main Purpose of Lifecycle Cost Analysis 31 2.9 Scope of Lifecycle Cost Analysis 32 2.10 Period of Analysis 35 2.11 Methods of Economic Evaluation 37 2.11.1 Net Present Value (NPV) 41 2.11.2 Net Present Cost (NPC) 42 2.11.3 Payback Period (PB) 42 2.11.4 Net Savings (NS) or Net Benefit (NB) 42 2.11.5 Savings on Investment Ratio (SIR) 43 2.11.6 Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 43 2.11.7 Adjusted Internal Rate of Return (AIRR) 43 2.11.8 Annual Equivalent Value (AEV) 43 2.11.9 Cost per Standard Barrel of Oil 44 2.11.10 Taxation Issues 2.12 2.13 45 Asset Requirements 45 2.12.1 Purpose 45 2.12.2 Functionality 45 2.12.3 Key Physical Characteristics 46 2.12.4 Project Scope 47 2.12.5 Project Constraints 48 2.12.6 Project Budget 49 2.12.7 Project Schedule and Execution 49 2.12.8 Intangible Considerations 50 Cost and Time Data Assembly 50 2.13.1 Purpose 50 2.13.2 Relevant Cost 51 2.13.3 Cost Classification 53 ix 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.13.4 Time Profile 54 2.13.5 Data Source 54 Economic Evaluation 55 2.14.1 Purpose 55 2.14.2 Software Tool 55 2.14.3 Lifecycle Cost Modeling Process 56 Sensitivity Analysis 57 2.15.1 Purpose 57 2.15.2 Sensitivity Analysis Framework 57 Results Interpretation and Analysis 58 2.16.1 Purpose 58 2.16.2 Format and Extent of Analysis 58 2.16.3 Analysis and Interpretation of Results 60 2.16.4 Judgment 60 3 METHODOLOGY 62 3.1 Introduction 62 3.2 Data Collection 64 3.3 3.2.1 Literature Sources 64 3.2.2 Expert Interviews 65 Conceptual Lifecycle Costing Model 66 3.3.1 Capital Expenditure Cost 66 Vessel Acquisition 67 Existing Vessel versus Newbuild 67 Steel Renewal 67 Vessel Refurbishment and Conversion 70 Mooring Equipment 79 Topsides Equipment 81 Project Execution 83 Insurance 84 Classification 84 Finance and Legal 85 Installation 85 x 3.3.2 Operating Expenditure 86 3.3.3 Salvage 89 3.3.4 Discount Rate 91 3.3.5 Sensitivity Analysis 91 4 RESULTS 92 4.1 Introduction 92 4.2 Methodology 92 4.3 Main Purpose 93 4.4 Scope 93 4.5 Period of Analysis 93 4.6 Method of Economic Evaluation 94 4.7 Project Requirements 94 4.7.1 Field Parameters 94 4.7.2 FPSO Parameters 95 4.7.3 LCCA Parameters 95 4.8 Cost Estimation 95 4.8.1 Capital Expenditure 95 Vessel Acquisition 96 Steel Renewal 96 Vessel Refurbishment and 97 Conversion Topsides 98 Mooring System 98 Total Asset Cost 99 Project Execution 99 Insurance 99 Classification 100 Finance and Legal 100 Installation 100 Total Capital Expenditure 101 4.8.2 Operating Expenditure 101 4.8.3 Salvage Cost 104 xi 4.9 Residual Cost 104 Decommissioning Cost 104 Total Salvage Cost 105 Economic Evaluation 105 4.9.1 Net Present Value 105 4.9.2 Cost per Standard Barrel of Oil 106 4.10 Revenue 109 4.11 Sensitivity Analysis 110 5 DISCUSSION 115 5.1 Introduction 115 5.2 Discussion of Research Findings 115 5.3 Future Work 119 6 CONCLUSION REFERENCES 120 124 xii LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 VLCC Tanker Average Sale Price (source: Biasotto et al, 16 2005) 2.2 LCCA Core Stages 28 2.3 LCCA Definitions 29 2.4 Definitions of Life Terminology 36 2.5 Effect of Discount Rate 38 2.6 Key Factors of Discount Rate Selection 40 2.7 Generic Cost Classification 51 3.1 Comparison of Topsides Characteristics (SBM) 4.1 Operational Expenditure 103 4.2 LCCA Economic Evaluation 108 Equipment Weight and 82 xiii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 3.1 Flowchart of Research Methodology 63 3.2 Decommissioning Cost Breakdown 90 4.1 Typical Operating Expenditure Breakdown 102 4.2 NPV vs. Discount Rate 110 4.3 NPV vs. Analysis Period 111 4.4 NPV vs. Conversion Cost 112 4.5 NPV vs. Topsides Cost 112 4.6 NPV vs. Operating Cost 113 4.7 Spider Diagram - Comparison of NPV and Input 114 Variables xiv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AC - Air Conditioning AEV - Annual Equivalent Value AHU - Air Handling Unit AIRR - Adjusted Internal Rate of Return BOA - Bill of Activities BOM - Bill of Material CALM - Catenary Anchor Leg Mooring CAPEX - Capital Expenditure CBS - Cost Breakdown System CCR - Central Control Room CCTV - Closed Circuit Television CER - Cost Estimation Relationship COPT - Cargo Oil Pump Turbine COW - Crude Oil Washing DOE - Department of Energy DP - Dynamic Positioning E&I - Electrical & Instrument ECR - Engine Control Room EU - European Union FEMP - Federal Energy Management Program FPSO - Floating Production Storage Offloading FSO - Floating Storage Offloading GMDSS - Global Maritime Distress and Safety System HFO - Heavy Fuel Oil HOSCO - Hebei Ocean Shipping Company HSE - Health, Safety & Environment xv HVAC - Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning ICPP - Impressed Current Cathodic Protection IG - Inert Gas IMO - International Maritime Organization INMARSAT - International Maritime Satellite Organization IRR - Internal Rate of Return ISO - International Standards Organization ISPS - International Ship and Port Facility Security LCCA - Life Cycle Cost Analysis LAN - Local Area Network MGO - Marine Gas Oil NB - Net Benefit NIST - National Institute of Standards and Technology NPC - Net Present Cost NS - Net Saving OOL - Oil Offloading Line OP - Operation Profile OPEX - Operating Expenditure P&I - Protection & Indemnity P/V - Pressure / vacuum PABX - Private Automatic Branch Exchange PAGA - Public Address/General Alarm PB - Payback POB - Personnel on Board PV - Present Value ROI - Return on Investment SBM - Single Buoy Mooring SCCS - Standard Cost Coding System SIR - Saving to Investment Ratio SURF - Subsea, Umbilical Riser and Flowline TEG - Triethylene Glycol TLP - Tension Leg Platform UPS - Uninterruptible Power Supply xvi UWILD - Underwater Inspection in Lieu of Dry-docking VELPA - Vertically Loaded Plate Anchor VLCC - Very Large Crude Carrier VSAT - Very Small Aperture Terminal WBS - Work Breakdown System xvii LIST OF SYMBOLS CII-1 - Acquisition or procurement cost CII-2 - Initial logistic cost CII-3 - Recurring cost CIII-1 - Research and development cost CIII-2 - Cost of associated systems CIII-3 - Investment cost CIII-4 - Termination cost CIII-5 - Operating and support cost CVI-1 - Research and development cost CVI-2 - Investment cost CVI-3 - Operating and support cost CADF - Activity definition CADV - Activity driver Ccapex - Capital expenditure cost CCDV - Cost driver Ccls - Classification cost Ccomm - Communication cost Ccons - Consumables cost Cconv - Conversion cost Ccp - Conceptual phase cost Cctrg - Catering cost Cdcm - Decommissioning cost Cdemo - Demolition cost Cdp - Definition phase cost Cfc - Fuel cost Cfl - Finance & legal cost xviii CIA - Initial acquisition cost Cins - Insurance cost CIS - Initial spares cost Cistl - Installation cost Cl/o - Lube oil cost Clbr - Labor cost Clfext - Life extension cost Clog - Logistic cost CM - Maintenance cost Cmaint - Maintenance and repair cost Cme - Mooring equipment cost Cmh - Maintenance healthcare cost Cmo - Major overhaul cost Cmr - Major repair cost Cnb - Newbuild vessel cost Cnm - Normal maintenance cost Cnr - Normal repair cost Copex - Operating expenditure cost Cops - Operating cost Cops - Operational phase cost Cos - Operation and support cost COV - Overhaul cost Cpc - Production and construction cost Cpe - Project execution cost Cpp - Procurement phase cost Crc - Vessel refurbishment & conversion cost CRD - Resource driver Crd - Research and development cost Cre - Rental equipment cost CriskEX_A - Accident risk expenditure CriskEX_F - Failure risk expenditure Crpr - Repair cost Crsdl - Residual cost xix Crt - Retirement and disposal cost Csb - Shore base cost Cscrp - Scrap cost Cslv - Salvage cost Cspr - Spares cost Csr - Vessel steel renewal cost Cte - Topsides equipment cost Ctl - Tool cost Ctrn - Transport cost Ctrv - Travel cost Cva - Vessel acquisition cost E - Energy cost I - Investment cost LCC - Lifecycle cost NRC - Operating expenditure cost OM&R - Non-fuel operating, maintenance & repair cost RC - Capital expenditure cost REPL - Capital replacement cost RES - Residual value less disposal cost RI - Revenue impact Wa - Water cost