INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS PUBLISHING MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Meas. Sci. Technol. 13 (2002) 1020–1028 PII: S0957-0233(02)31771-5 Simulation of particle trajectories in a vortex-induced flow: application to seed-dependent flow measurement techniques A Lecuona, U Ruiz-Rivas1 and J Nogueira Escuela Politécnica Superior, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Leganés, Spain E-mail: Received 10 December 2001, in final form 19 April 2002, accepted for publication 23 April 2002 Published 20 June 2002 Online at Abstract The trajectories of heavy particles (ρparticle /ρfluid 1) are simulated in a two-dimensional free vortex flow. The results show that heavy particles, even with small diameters, cannot properly trace the fluid and develop a centrifugal motion. This behaviour leads to a rapid depletion of particles in the vortex core, which, in seed-dependent measurements such as particle image velocimetry (PIV) or laser Doppler velocimetry, produces a marked increase in measurement errors. Some examples are given and the evolution of the local concentration of particles is simulated. Synthetic images have been generated using the information about its motion in a two-dimensional free vortex flow. A wing-tip vortex is simulated, showing good agreement with experimental results present in the literature. Standard PIV measurements have been performed over the synthetic images, showing the effect of core depletion of particles on the incidence of erroneous measurements. Keywords: fluid flow velocity, PIV, wing-tip vortices (Some figures in this article are in colour only in the electronic version) 1. Introduction The dynamics of a particle embedded in a fluid flow has gathered constant attention over the last two decades. The precise determination of the particle motion is of paramount importance over a wide range of particle-laden flows that can be found in nature and it is also of importance in engineering applications. Moreover, the study of particle motion is relevant to the implementation of flow measurement techniques such as laser Doppler velocimetry (LDV) and particle image velocimetry (PIV). These techniques rely on the motion of seeded particles, and therefore their reliability is based on the capability of the particles to accurately follow the flow. 1 Address for correspondence: Avda de la Universidad 30, 28911 Leganés, Spain. 0957-0233/02/071020+09$30.00 © 2002 IOP Publishing Ltd In PIV, particles seeded in the flow are illuminated with two pulses of a pulsed laser sheet, separated by a small time interval. The particle reflections are focused on a CCD sensor, giving two separate images per particle, with a small displacement between them. Both particle tracking and image correlation techniques are used to measure the displacement between the two images. Therefore, individual particle images are required for these methods. The CCD pixel size provides a lower limit for the particle image size. Moreover, the light scattering cross section of the particle decreases rapidly with particle size, giving a lower limit for the particle size. On the other hand, a smaller particle will follow the flow better and a higher number of particles can be obtained per interrogation area. These opposing requirements must be studied in order to know, among other issues, when a PIV measurement is prone Printed in the UK 1020 Simulation of particle trajectories in a vortex-induced flow to fail. If, for any reason, particles concentrate on a region of the imaged flow, migrating from other regions, measurement difficulties can also arise, not only because of the particle concentration inhomogeneities, but also for the lack of particles in other regions. LDV relies in the assumption of homogeneous fluid seeding and on a perfect flow tracing by the seeding particles. Any deviation from these assumptions leads to non-recoverable measurement errors. Smaller particles better follow the flow, but could pass undetected by the apparatus. Therefore, the circumstances over which the measurement might fail must be described. In this paper, we will analyse the dynamics of a tracer particle in a vortical flow. Flows with strong vortices are also widely present in nature and engineering applications (i.e. the Karman Vortex Street, aircraft wing-tip vortices, the mixing layer between parallel streams, etc). We will consider a small spherical particle embedded in a two-dimensional, isolated vortex. The particle diameters will vary around 1 µm and the density ratio between fluid and particle is of the order of 10−3 . This is typical for tracers such as oil drops or solid particles in airflows. Throughout this paper we will consider that the particle motion does not affect the fluid flow, an assumption based on the small particle dimensions and the moderate number of particles embedded in the flow. This is, of course, a general assumption taken in the generality of seed-dependent measurement techniques. Also, the separation between particles is commonly several orders of magnitude larger than the particle diameter, so that each particle can be considered as isolated. This means that the diffusion of particles, collisions between particles and particle breaking processes will not be considered. Finally, for the case of liquid seeds, the vapour pressure of the oils used for seeding is so low at the usual working conditions that evaporation is negligible. 2. Equation of motion The general form of the equation of motion for a small rigid sphere was proposed by Maxey and Riley (1982) and is generally accepted. It considered the effect of five forces acting over the particle: the steady state drag force, the gravitational force, the added (or virtual) mass effect, the fluid acceleration at the particle location (pressure gradient) and the Basset force (considering the time history of the particle). This equation of motion is then given by the formula dv ∗ 18µc 1 2 ∗2 ∗ ρc Du∗ ∗ ∗ = u − v + ∇ u D + dt ∗ D 2 ρp 24 ρp Dt ∗ ρc 1 ρc d 1 2 ∗2 ∗ ∗ ∗ + + g∗ 1 − u − v + ∇ u D ρp 2 ρp dt ∗ 40 t∗ 1 2 ∗2 ∗ d 9 ρc ν c ∗ ∗ u − v + ∇ u D + D ρp π 0 dt ∗ 24 × (t ∗ − τ )−0.5 dτ (1) where D is the particle diameter, µ, ν and ρ are, respectively, the dynamic and kinematic viscosity and the mass density (denoted p or c to distinguish between particle and continuum fluid), g is the acceleration vector of gravity, u is the velocity vector of the flow at the particle location and v is the particle velocity vector. The operator d/dt denotes time derivatives following the particle and the operator D/Dt is a time derivative following the fluid. The ∇ 2 u terms are the Faxen correction for the non-uniformity of the flow. The asterisk (∗) over a symbol indicates that it is a dimensional quantity, while its dimensionless form will be written without it. The vortex characteristic radius Ro and velocity Uo define, respectively, the length and velocity scales of the flow. Therefore, we can introduce the dimensionless variables: x= x∗ Ro u= u∗ Uo t= t ∗ Uo . Ro (2) In dimensionless form, equation (1) becomes dv 1 ε 1 2 2 Du = u−v+ δ ∇ u + dt St (1 − ε/2) 24 1 − ε/2 Dt 1 − 3ε/2 1 2 2 ε/2 d u−v+ +g + δ ∇ u 1 − ε/2 1 − ε/2 dt 40 t 1 2 2 ε d 3 u−v+ δ ∇ u + 1 − ε/2 2π St 0 dt 24 × (t − τ )−0.5 dτ. (3) Four dimensionless parameters appear in equation (3): a Stokes number, a density ratio, a length scale ratio between the particle dimensions and the characteristic flow scale (the vortex radius) and a gravity coefficient: St = Uo D 2 18ενc Ro D δ= Ro ε= ρc ρp + ρc /2 Ro g ∗ g= Uo2 (4) where the Stokes number (St) is the viscous time divided by the characteristic time scale of the vortex flow, Ro /Uo . Note that the density ratio has been defined taking into account the effect of the added mass. The Faxen corrections in equation (2) can be neglected for a tracer particle in an airflow, as δ ∼ O(10−5 ). Lasheras and Tio (1994) have carried out the asymptotic study of the resulting equation, using a modified Rankine vortex to model the flow field. Their modification of the Rankine vortex is performed to avoid the discontinuity of the derivative in r = 1. In terms of a cylindrical coordinate system, the (dimensionless) fluid velocity and vorticity for this axisymmetric vortex are given by u= 2r eθ 1 + r2 ω= 4 ez . (1 + r 2 )2 (5) In figure 1 we show the velocity and the vorticity fields. The asymptotic analysis of Lasheras and Tio was carried out for three different regions of the flow field, defined by the order of magnitude of the position: x ∼ O(St), O(1) and O(St −1 ). Let us examine the orders of the different parameters involved in the dynamics of a tracing particle in a large-scale airflow. The particle diameters for a good tracer are D ∼ O(10−6 ) m. Air tracers are commonly oil drops or solid particles (Al2 O3 or similar), for which ρp ∼ O(103 ) kg m−3 . The vortex parameters (Uo , Ro ) can be assumed to be ∼O(10) m s−1 and ∼O(10−1 ) m, 1021 A Lecuona et al (Dimensionless) Azimuthal Velocity, u 1 4 0.8 3 0.6 2 0.4 1 0.2 0 (Dimensionless) Axial Vorticity, w 5 1.2 0 (Dimensionless) Radial Coordinate, r Figure 1. The velocity and vorticity fields of a modified Rankine vortex. (Dimensionless) Radial Velocity / Stokes Number, v r /St 1.2 1 1 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 (Dimensionless) Azimuthal Velocity, vθ 1.2 1.4 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 (Dimensionless) Radial Coordinate, r Figure 2. Components of the velocity of a rigid spherical particle embedded in a modified Rankine vortex. The error bars (indistinguishable for the azimuthal component) show the error margin allowed in the asymptotic study. The radial velocity is shown divided by the Stokes number. respectively (for example, for an aircraft model in a large wind tunnel). With such conditions, the dimensionless parameters of equation (4) are St ∼ O(10−3 ) ε ∼ O(10−3 ) δ ∼ O(10−5 ) g ∼ O(10−2 ). 1022 2 3 u (r) ε−1 − θ − gr (θ ) + O(St 3/2 ) 2 r (7) vθ (r, θ ) = uθ (r) − gθ (θ )St 23 ε − 1 + O(St 3/2 ). vr (r, θ ) = St With these values it seems reasonable to disregard the asymptotic analysis for x ∼ O(St) and O(St −1 ) in a practical evaluation of seeding dynamics. Therefore, the only region of interest is x ∼ O(1), where, according to the asymptotic analysis of Lasheras and Tio, the particle velocity is given by v = u + St ( 23 ε − 1)(u · ∇ u − g ) + O(St 3/2 ). Now, let us separate the two components of the particle velocity in cylindrical coordinates: (6) Consider the equation for the azimuthal particle velocity, vθ . The terms on the right-hand side of the equation have the following orders of magnitude: uθ ∼ O(1), the effect of gravity is of order O(10−2 )×O(10−3 ) ∼ O(10−5 ) and the error assumed in the asymptotic analysis is O(10−4 ). Therefore the tracer particles can be considered to follow quite accurately the azimuthal fluid motion. On the other hand, if we consider the equation for the radial particle velocity vr , it shows that the centrifugal term is of order O(10−3 ), the effect of gravity is of order O(10−5 ) and the error assumed in the asymptotic Simulation of particle trajectories in a vortex-induced flow (Dimensionless) Radial Coordinate, r 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.1 1 10 100 (Dimensionless) Time · Stokes Number, t·St Figure 4. Radial motion of the particle versus time. Figure 3. Trajectory of a rigid spherical particle embedded in a modified Rankine vortex. analysis is O(10−4 ). Note that here, as the fluid flow radial velocity is zero, the centrifugal term cannot be neglected and the tracer particles will experience a radial motion. Hence, the particle velocity can be calculated as a function only of the radial coordinate from the following equations: 2 3 u (r) ε−1 − θ + O(10−4 ) vr (r) = St 2 r (8) vθ (r) = uθ (r) + O(10−4 ). vθ (r, θ) = 2r − gθ (θ)St ( 23 ε − 1) + O(St 5/2 ). t d (r = 2) 3.5 3 2.5 2 t d (r = 1) t d (r = 0.5) 1.5 1 0.5 t d (r = 0.25) 0 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 (Dimensionless) Initial Radial Position, r o In figure 2 we plot the two components field (for ε = 10−3 ). In the following we will consider that the particles will range over a region of interest that extends from r ∼ O(St) to O(10). As has been said before, Lasheras and Tio (1994) defined three regions in their asymptotic analysis of the equation of motion of a heavy particle embedded in a flow: x ∼ O(St), O(1) and O(St −1 ). Being in our case St ∼ O(10−3 ), the outer region is of no importance in our study, but we should consider the inner region. Nevertheless, the analysis of Lasheras and Tio shows that, for this inner region, vr (r, θ) = St ( 23 ε − 1)(−4r − gr (θ )) + O(St 5/2 ) (Dimensionless) Time · Stokes Number, t d ·St 4 (9) Equations (9) and (7) are quite similar, as, for r ∼ O(St), equation (5) gives uθ ∼ 2r and u2θ /r ∼ 4r within the error of the analysis. The difference here is that in equations (9) the gravity effects are much more important than in equations (7). In equations (9), the radial velocity of the particle depends on 4rSt ∼ O(10−6 ) and gr St ∼ O(10−5 ), while the azimuthal velocity of the particle depends on 2r ∼ O(10−3 ) and gθ St ∼ O(10−5 ). This means that the azimuthal velocity of the particle is still well defined by the local azimuthal flow velocity, while the effect of gravity is of paramount importance in the radial velocity of the particle. Nevertheless, this second conclusion needs further attention. If we consider just the effect of gravity in the radial velocity of the particle, the radial motion of the Figure 5. Time for a particle to escape from the vortex core, td . particle becomes periodic, moving inwards for 0 < θ < π and outwards for π < θ < 2π (with the same instant radial velocity in each position and identical time lapse to advance in both semi-periods). Hence, although the effect of gravity in the motion of the particle will produce larger displacements than the centrifugal effect (4r), it is this last one that is responsible for the ultimate tendency to escape the vortex core. Therefore, in the calculations that follow, the gravity term will not be considered, as it will not produce any global motion but just a periodic motion of small amplitude. Finally, some error is due to the variation of the term (4r) during the motion of the particle on a cycle. This error can be estimated considering the ratio between radial and azimuthal velocities in equations (9): vr /vθ ∼ O(10−2 ) and therefore the change in radial position during a cycle will be r ∼ O(10−5 ), being r ∼ O(10−3 ). Hence, the radial velocity error is within the error of the asymptotic analysis and equations (9) (neglecting the gravity terms) become vr (r) = St ( 23 ε − 1)(−4r) + O(10−7 ) vθ (r) = 2r + O(10−7 ). (10) Note that these last equations are equivalent to equations (8), but with a smaller error. The use of equations (8) to obtain the global displacement can therefore be accepted in the region between r ∼ O(St) and O(1). 1023 A Lecuona et al 1.6 Particle Concentration (arbitrary units) Particle Concentration (arbitrary units) 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.07 0.17 0.6 0.27 0.37 0.4 0.47 0.57 0.2 0.77 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.01 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.13 0.24 0.38 0.58 1.00 0.6 0.4 0.2 1.00 0 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 (Dimensionless) Radial Coordinate, r a 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 (Dimensionless) Radial Coordinate, r b Figure 6. Concentration C of particles as a function of radial location and for different times (in s) in a Rankine vortex with Uo = 25 m s−1 and Ro = 0.05 m for particles with ε = 10−3 and diameters: (a) 0.5 µm; (b) 1.5 µm. 3. Results The analysis mentioned seems to be relevant to the implementation and normal use of the measurement techniques that rely on the visualization of a tracer, such as PIV or LDV. The relevant fact is not that the velocity obtained by looking at the tracer does not coincide with the fluid velocity. This error is small in the azimuthal velocity, which is generally the important magnitude. Also, the vorticity calculation is not affected by the particle’s inability to trace the flow, as the radial velocity is a function of the radial coordinate and thus is irrotational. The problem is the possibility of finding large regions in the vortex core where no particle remains, thus rendering the measurement impossible. Some experimental results (for example, Kompenhans and Stanislas (2000)) have shown that the inner zones of strong vortices get depleted of tracers, making the measurement very difficult or impossible. In the following we will try to state the major characteristics of this phenomenon. According to equation (8), a good tracer embedded in a Rankine vortex will deviate from the flow motion in the radial direction. Therefore, the particle will follow a spiral path instead of following the circular streamlines of the flow. This behaviour can be observed in figure 3. From equation (8) we can also obtain the radial position of the particle versus time. This has to be implemented avoiding the singularity in the vortex centre (a particle located in the centre of the vortex will not move from its equilibrium position). We have considered an initial position (t = 0) at r = St. Figure 4 shows a plot of the dimensionless quantities. Logarithmic scale is used to show the behaviour for small radii. We can thus calculate the time that a tracer needs to depart from the vortex core, td . Figure 5 shows, using dimensionless variables, the time that a particle, located in a certain initial position, needs to arrive at certain characteristic radial positions (0.25Ro , 0.5Ro , Ro and 2Ro ). For example, a vortex of Uo = 25 m s−1 and Ro = 0.05 m seeded with oil drops of 1.5 µm of diameter (St = 3.4×10−3 ) will have its core (r < Ro ) practically depleted of particles in approximately 0.3 s, which seems a small elapsed time. These values are typical for an Airbus model with a wingspan of 1 m tested in a wind tunnel, flying at 60 m s−1 . The time of depletion will represent a travelling distance of the order of 20 wingspans. 1024 More detailed information can be given. The evolution in time and space of the concentration of particles can be obtained solving the continuity equation for the radial particle concentration C = dN/(2π r drl) for an axisymmetric flow: ∂C 1 ∂(rCvr ) = 0. + r ∂r ∂t (11) We have considered a uniform distribution of particles as initial condition (C = 1 in arbitrary units). The boundary condition should state that the solution is finite at the vortex axis. For simplicity, we have defined C = 2π rlC. Thus, equation (11) becomes ∂C ∂(C vr ) + =0 ∂t ∂r (12) with an initial condition of the form C = 2π rl and a boundary condition of the form C (r = 0, t) = 0. With such conditions, equation (12) can be easily integrated numerically. We have performed this integration using the MatLab ODE 45 Integrator for the time derivative and a first-order central finite difference scheme for the spatial derivative. The MatLab DE 45 Integrator uses a Runge–Kutta–Fehlberg algorithm (an adaptive stepsize integrator of fourth order). Figure 6 shows the concentration (C) evolution for tracer particles of diameters 0.5 and 1.5 µm in the vortex already mentioned. The smaller particles show a slower tendency to be depleted from the vortex core. As the residence time goes inversely with the Stokes number, which goes with D 2 , the time behaviour of the two types of particles differ by a factor of 9. Note that, in addition to the reduction of particle concentration in the vortex core, there is an increase at higher radii: this effect can also damage the acquisition of good measurements in such zones. All this information has been implemented in a computer program that shows the evolution of seeding particles in a PIV recording as time increases. Figure 7 shows several images obtained for a Rankine vortex seeded with 1.5 µm particles. Note that, even for small times the vortex core is strongly depleted of particles, thus rendering the measurement impossible using any seed-dependent technique. The accumulation of particles in an annular region outside the Simulation of particle trajectories in a vortex-induced flow t = 0s t = 0.1s t = 0.3s t = 0.7s t = 1.0s Figure 7. Evolution of tracer particles of 1 µm of diameter in a Rankine vortex (indicated by the black circle) with Uo = 25 m s−1 and Ro = 0.05 m and for particles with ε = 10−3 . 1.E+07 Experimental Data Rossin Rambler Gamma Log Normal 1.E+06 PDF vortex core can be observed in the images for larger times. This effect may induce a bias error in the measurements. The parameters involved in this behaviour are, as has been shown, the vortex parameters, the fluid viscosity and the particle diameter and density. The first three are given by the experiment and generally they cannot be changed, while the particle density cannot be changed by any large amount. Therefore, to avoid this problem, the use of smaller particles seems customary. Nevertheless, the use of small particles has its drawbacks, as the ratio between the wavelength of the illuminating light and the particle diameter decreases, thus reducing its light scattering efficiency (besides that, its geometrical cross section is reduced). Another problem is that the usual equipment for seeding oil particles in air experiences difficulties at producing large quantities of particles of diameters smaller than 1 µm, as stated by Kähler et al (2001). Nevertheless, the seeding is not monodispersed and particles smaller than 1 µm are seeded in the flow. To take this effect into account, we have considered a particle generator that produces particles with the distribution shown in figure 8, obtained using a modified Laskin nozzle (Kähler et al 2001). The distribution can be modelled using a log– normal, Rossin-Rambler or gamma distribution. Here we have chosen a gamma distribution because it provides better fits for both the smaller and the larger particles, as can be seen in the graph. (Note that the experimental measurement for the smaller diameter might be over-dimensioned, carrying information of the smallest particles, due to the problems existing in measuring such tiny particles.) 1.E+05 1.E+04 1.E-07 1.E-06 1.E-05 Particle Size (m) Figure 8. Particle size distribution of a typical oil droplet generator. The process to obtain the images in figure 7 can be repeated with the information on the particle size distribution. In figure 9 we have plotted the results. A comparison between the images of figures 7 and 9 shows, for the larger times, a less dramatic depletion of the core in the second case. But for smaller times the effect is the opposite. The generator distribution for figure 9 is centred on the particle diameter used for figure 7. Then, for small times, when the particles of figure 7 have not got the time to leave the vortex, the higher-diameter particles of the distribution used for the results in figure 9 would have left the centre. For larger 1025 A Lecuona et al t = 0s t = 0.1s t = 0.7s t = 0.3s t = 1.0s Figure 9. Evolution of tracer particles from the data shown in figure 8 (mean diameter 1 µm) in a Rankine vortex with Uo = 25 m s−1 and Ro = 0.05 m and for particles with ε = 10−3 . times, we observe the smaller particles of the generator in the zone where, in figure 7, the particles have already been depleted. Nevertheless, the use of smaller particles to soften the depletion effect is questionable. The scattering cross section of a particle goes as D 2 and thus the intensity of the image of the particle decreases very rapidly, reducing the signal to noise ratio. Moreover, when the size of the particle image is smaller than the pixel size, peak locking appears and increases the measurement uncertainty. Finally, when the ratio (particle diameter)/(light wavelength) reaches πD/λ < 1, the scattering mode changes to Rayleigh scattering and the scattering cross section decreases even more rapidly. The images of figures 7 and 9 have been obtained, for clarity purposes, with low particle density (the mean distance between particles is around 4 pixels), while PIV images can reach far larger densities (mean particle distance around 1 pixel). In order to approach real conditions, random background noise (with a mean value of 5% of the image range) has been added to the images. As a check, we have compared our synthetic images with an experimental image obtained in a large-scale aerodynamic facility. The image corresponds to the core of a wing-tip vortex generated in the DNW wind tunnel with a fixed model of half a wing of an airplane, corresponding to a wingspan of 3.5 m. More information can be found in Kompenhans and Stanislas (2000). The comparison is shown in figure 10. The images here are not the negatives, as in figures 7 and 9, for 1026 clarity purposes. No attempt has been made to precisely match the real image appearance with the synthetic one, as there are many influencing factors, such as the optics and CCD response to the laser scattered light. The more relevant parameters are the particle concentration and the average particle image size, which is 1.5 pixels in the synthetic images. We have applied a standard correlation PIV algorithm over synthetic images, similar to the one shown in figure 10. This algorithm uses a three-point Gaussian peak fitting (in the two directions) to detect the maximum correlation, a 32 × 32 pixel interrogation window and a 75% window overlapping. No window shift has been applied, so that a slight peak locking must be present. Figure 11 shows the results as compared with the exact solution given by equation (5). Case (a) corresponds to an image with homogeneous seeding, in order to compare it with case (b), where the image was obtained considering a time lapse of 0.002 s for the depletion process. The PIV synthetic images have been obtained with a time interval of 10−5 s to avoid PIV malfunctions due to the high vorticity. Nevertheless, this is still present near the vortex axis in case (a). The obvious erroneous vectors in case (b) are shown as zero velocity instead of its out-of-range value in the horizontal axis. The results in figure 11 show that the depletion process produces a clear increment in the incidence of erroneous vectors in the vortex core. In this region, seeding particles are few and of small diameter. Therefore, the signal to noise ratio in the zone will be low and erroneous vectors appear, even in the case when there would be some seeding particles present in the zone. Simulation of particle trajectories in a vortex-induced flow Ro Synthetic image Experimental image (Kompenhans and Stanislas 2000) Figure 10. Comparison of a synthetic image, obtained by computing the particle trajectories with equation (8) and an experimental image obtained for a wing-tip vortex in a large wind tunnel. The images are 200 × 200 pixels (26 mm × 26 mm). The vortex model was defined by a radius Ro = 9 mm (shown on the left side) and a maximum velocity Uo = 60 m s−1 . 70 (Dimensional) Azimuthal Velocity (m/s) (Dimensional) Azimuthal Velocity (m/s) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 (Dimensionless) Radial Coordinate, r (Dimensionless) Radial Coordinate, r a) Homogeneous seeding (t = 0s) b) t = 0.002s .5 Figure 11. Azimuthal velocities (in m s−1 ) obtained applying PIV to synthetic images for (a) homogeneous seeding and (b) vortex-induced inhomogeneous seeding. 4. Conclusions The evolution of heavy particles in a flow has been studied and applied to seeding particles for LDV or PIV measurements in airflows. The results show that strong vortices are depleted of seeding particles, while an increase in particles occurs simultaneously in an annular zone outside the vortex core. The effect is less rigorous for smaller particle diameters (td ∼ D 2 ). Particles around 1 µm will be depleted from the core of a strong vortex (for example, an aircraft wing-tip vortex) in less than 1 s. The effect is studied and its main characteristics are pointed out. The use of poly-dispersed seeding seems to mitigate the problem, as a considerable amount of particles have diameters smaller than 1 µm. Nevertheless, particles with diameters smaller than a micron have other well known drawbacks, and relying on them for PIV measurements seems problematic, with the available laser power and image sensor resolution. The basic equations that run these processes have been implemented in a program that synthesizes images for PIV measurements. We have used a standard correlation PIV algorithm, and it shows that the process of seeding depletion has a direct effect in the incidence of erroneous vectors. PIV techniques that use image distortion, such as LFC–PIV (Nogueira et al 1999), could considerably improve the correct vector yield. 1027 A Lecuona et al Acknowledgments References This work has been partially funded by the Spanish Research Agency grant DGICYT TAP96-1808-CE, PB95-0150-CO202 and under the EUROPIV 2 project (A joint program to improve PIV performance for industry and research) which is a collaboration between LML URA CNRS 1441, DASSAULT AVIATION, DASA, ITAP, CIRA, DLR, ISL, NLR, ONERA, DNW and the Universities of Delft, Madrid (Carlos III), Oldenburg, Rome, Rouen (CORIA URA CNRS 230), St Etienne (TSI URA CNRS 842) and Zaragoza. The project is managed by LML URA CNRS 1441 and is funded by the CEC under the IMT initiative (contract no: GRD11999-10835). The authors would also like to thank Dr Carlos Martı́nezBazán and Mr Javier Rodrı́guez Rodrı́guez for useful comments and discussion. Kompenhans J and Stanislas M 2000 Application of the PIV measurement technique for aerodynamic research in ec projects Workshop on European Research on Aerodynamic Engine/Airframe Integration for Transport Aircraft, (Braunschweig, Germany, Sept. 2000) (DLR) (also available at Kähler C J, Sammler B and Kompenhans J 2001 Generation and control of particle size distributions for optical velocity measurement techniques in fluid mechanics Proc. 4th Int. Symp. Particle Image Velocimetry (Göttingen,Germany) (DLR) (also available at Lasheras J and Tio K-K 1994 Dynamics of a small spherical particle in steady two-dimensional vortex flows Appl. Mech. Rev. 47 S61–9 Maxey M and Riley J 1982 Equation of motion for a small rigid sphere in a nonuniform flow Phys. Fluids 26 883–9 Nogueira J, Lecuona A and Rodrı́guez P 1999 Local field correction PIV: on the increase of accuracy of digital PIV systems Exp. Fluids 27 107–16 1028