A JOINT PROGRAM TO IMPROVE PIV PERFORMANCE FOR INDUSTRY AND RESEARCH EUROPIV 2 PROJECT N°: Coordinator : Pr Stanislas LML URA CNRS 1441 Bv Paul Langevin, Cité scientifique F 59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex GRD1-1999-10835 Tel: (33) 03 20 33 71 70 Fax: (33) 03 20 33 71 69 Email: stanislas@ec-lille.fr http : www.univ-lille1.fr/europiv Publishable Summary December 2003 LML URA CNRS 1441 EADS DASSAULT AVIATION CIRA DLR ISL NLR ONERA ITAP F D F IT D F/D NL F D Delft University of Technology Madrid University Carlos III Oldenburg University Rome University La Sapienza CORIA UMR CNRS 6614 St Etienne University Zaragoza University DNW NL SP D IT F F SP NL 1. Introduction Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) is a unique, optical, non intrusive method to capture whole velocity fields in flows in a very short time. It is suited especially to help the design of modern aircraft by improving the outputs of industrial wind tunnel tests. PIV provides much more information in much less time than point measurement techniques, giving a deeper insight in the flow physics, helping to understand complex flows and reducing significantly wind tunnel costs. The EUROPIV 2 project was firstly aimed at improving the PIV technique in its ability to resolve near wall flows, to assess turbulence and to capture vortices. It was also aimed at demonstrating the usefulness of the method on three aeronautical problems of interest. It had finally the target of preparing the future of the method by developing advanced research. The work program of EUROPIV 2 was divided into 5 work packages (Table 1) and extended over 3 years starting in April 2000. It was concluded by an open workshop which took place in Zaragoza on March 31st and April 1st . The detailed results of the project were presented at this workshop, together with some significant research going on outside the EUROPIV consortium. The proceedings of this workshop are published by Springer Verlag. The aim of the present summary is to synthetise some significant results obtained by the EUROPIV 2 consortium. Table 1 : work program organisation WP WP 1 WP 2 WP 3 Title Turbulence & Assessment of vortical structures Full Scale Industrial Tests DLR DASA Near wall flow DELFT Manager Task T 1.1 T 1.2 T 2.1 T 2.2 T 3.1 T 3.2 T3.3 T3.4 Title Turbulence Near wall flows Seeding behaviour Vorticity estimation DASA Numerical simulations Modane DNW LST DELFT DLR DLR DASA DASSAULT ONERA Manager CORIA 1 W/T S2 NLR Europiv publishable summary December 2003 Table 1 : work program organisation (continued) 2. WP WP 4 WP 5 Title Advanced PIV Developments Management & Exploitation Manager ISL LML Task T4.1 T4.2 T5.1 T5.2 Title Advanced PIV techniques & algorithms Holographic PIV Management. Explotation. Manager MADRID ISL LML DLR WP1 ASSESSMENT OF TURBULENCE AND NEAR WALL FLOWS The main objectives of this work package were to assess the capability of PIV to measure turbulent flow and to explore the capabilities of taking PIV measurements in near-wall turbulent flows. 1.E-02 36 x 36 interrogation windows 1.E-03 1.E-04 3 2 E11 (m /s ) As far as turbulent flows are concerned, PIV is bringing a new insight by providing the instantaneous spatial velocity distribution. As a recent measurement technique, its dynamic range, accuracy and spectral response have to be characterised in detail and compared to more standard tools such as hot wire anemometry. Several teams of the EUROPIV 2 consortium did work on this problem, using both real and synthetic images. LML did work on real images and could provide a model of the PIV spectrum [4] (see Figure 1). CORIA did use synthetic images generated from DNS data to characterise in detail the improvement brought by advanced PIV algorithms based on image deformation [1] (see Figure 2). 1.E-05 HWA spectrum PIV spectrum Model 1.E-06 1.E-07 kmin 1.E-08 1 10 100 kc 1000 10000 k (rad/m) Figure 1 : Comparison of turbulence spectrum obtained from HWA and PIV. The PIV interrogation has been optimised using the proposed model [4]. Figure 2 : Probability density function of the v velocity component, obtained by the analysis of synthetic images of isotropic turbulence with three different PIV algorithms : conventional sub-pixel method (CPIV), continuous window shifting (CWS), Multi-grid continuous window shifting technique with image distortion (MDPIV). The results are compared to the DNS data. The peak locking effect is clearly visible in the first case. 2 December 2003 Beside the work on synthetic images, a detailed experiment was performed on grid turbulence by CIRA. This was done in order to assess experimentally the accuracy of the measurement of turbulence statistics with PIV. Tests were performed behind different grids, with different measurement techniques (PIV, LDA & HWA). The results obtained are detailed in the Zaragoza proceedings [39]. Figure 3 illustrates the effect of the time separation between the two exposures and of the number of samples on the mean error on the turbulence intensity. mean error % Europiv publishable summary 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 100 Dt=70E-6 s Dt=90E-6 s Dt=110E-6 s Dt=45E-6 s - Re=6000 300 500 700 number of analized images 900 Figure 3 : Mean error on the turbulence intensity as a function of the number of samples for different time separations. A detailed study of the assessment of lagrangian statistics with Particle tracking was performed by Rome University (see Zaragoza proceedings [39]). The relation between results on real and synthetic images both in a turbulent channel flow with both a classical Particle Tracking Velocimetry (PTV) algorithm and an advanced PTV using Feature Tracking was studied. Beside the experimental assessment, a Synthetic Image Generator was developed jointly by Delft University, CORIA and Madrid University. This generator allows the production of realistic synthetic PIV images from a known velocity field. It works both in the standard and stereoscopic PIV configurations. This appeared a very useful tool to test the performances of the different algorithms. Bias écart moyenne-solution exacte erreur rms 0.15 0.03 0.02 0.12 0.01 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 0 -0.2 0 -0.01 0.2 -0.02 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 cas_opt(w=0) w=1 pix w=2 pix w=3 pix w=4 pix w=5 pix cas_opt(w=0) w=1 pix w=2 pix w=3 pix w=4 pix w=5 pix 0.09 0.06 0.03 0 -1 -0.03 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 u_exact(pixels) u_exact(pixels) Figure 4 : bias and rms error due to the out of plane component in PIV analysis (LML). This SIG was used by CORIA to generate images from DNS velocity fields (see Figure 2 and WP4). It has also been used extensively by LML to test the effect of various parameters in the bias and the rms error of cross-correlation algorithms. The detailed results were presented in Zaragoza (see the proceedings [39]). Figure 4 illustrates the effect of the out of plane component on the bias and the rms errors and figure 5 shows the reduction of the peak locking brought by sub-pixel shifting techniques. 0.6 HWA Integer shift Whittaker 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 Beside this characterisation of PIV algorithms, u/u' Delft and Madrid University have tried to define some design rules in order to keep the PIV accuracy Figure 5 : reduction of peak locking effect by the use of a within acceptable limits. For example, Madrid sub-pixel interpolation algorithm on PIV images from a University has identified a new source of peak real turbulent boundary layer (LML). locking related to the window size [2]. This team has also worked on the data validation, interpolation and signal to noise ratio improvement [3]. Figures 6 gives an example of the study by Madrid of different advanced algorithms and of their effect on the RMS error. 3 Europiv publishable summary December 2003 Concerning near wall flows, LML has performed a stereo PIV experiment which allowed to put 10 PIV planes parallel to the wall in the buffer layer of the LML boundary layer wind tunnel. The results of this experiment are under analysis in order to characterise quantitatively the turbulent production mechanism in the near wall region. Work was also performed by DLR to minimise laser light diffusion by the model surface in industrial wind tunnels. This was successfully used in the test campaign performed in EADS Bremen wind tunnel in the frame of WP3.1. Madrid University did finally Figure 6 : Comparison by Madrid of the performances of different PIV show the ability of advanced LFCPIV algorithms on synthetic images as a function of the spatial wavelength. algorithms to resolve accurately the velocity gradients very near the wall (see Figure 7), opening the possibility of assessing the wall friction from the linear part of the velocity profile. Viscous sublayer (157 profiles average) Distance to the wall [pixels] 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Displacement [pixels/∆ t] Figure 7 : Profile obtained by averaging the 157 profiles corresponding to the vectors of the thirteen lines closer to the wall in an analysis with a grid distance of 8 pixels of a single image from the LML turbulent boundary layer (Madrid). To summarize, at the end of the project, the assessment of turbulence by PIV is better characterized. The accuracy and spectral response of both standard and advanced PIV algorithms have been characterized. Design rules for good PIV experiments in turbulent flows have been proposed. The development of the SIG has been of great help to characterize both standard and stereoscopic PIV. Also, some improvements have been proposed for the measurement near wall, both on the recording and processing sides. DLR has shown how to reduce wall diffusion in an industrial experiment, Delft did the same for laboratory experiments in water. Madrid and CORIA have worked on the analysis side, showing that advanced algorithms do bring improvements in the near wall region and that specific procedures can be used to cope with arbitrary curved boundaries. 3. WP2 ASSESSMENT OF VORTICAL STRUCTURES The objective of this work package was to study problems associated with the application of PIV in vortical flows, to develop and improve the seeding and evaluation methods, and to assess the results obtained for future investigations of vortical flows. 4 Europiv publishable summary December 2003 As far as seeding is concerned, a very detailed study of seeding generators based on Laskin nozzles was performed by DLR. This study led to a best practice guide, which was published in a scientific Journal [8,14]. Figure 8 shows a visualisation of the bubbly flow inside a transparent aerosol generator in optimal configuration. Figure 8 : Left: Laser light-sheet visualization of an air jet interacting with the liquid inside an aerosol generator for tracer particle generation (p=1 bar). Center: detail picture of particle-filled air bubbles immediately behind the nozzle exit. Right: detail picture of particle-filled air bubbles above the liquid surface (DLR). Theoretical and numerical studies were also performed by Madrid University on the behaviour of seeding particles in vortical flows [9,10]. Figure 9 shows the result of a simulation performed by Madrid on an Oseen vortex. Figure 9. Azimuthal velocities (in m s−1) obtained applying PIV to synthetic images for (a) homogeneous seeding and (b) vortex-induced inhomogeneous seeding (Madrid). As far as the post processing is concerned, LML and Madrid University have investigated the possibilities of assessing the vortical structures present in industrial PIV images [6, 7, 11, 12]. A database was constructed with images from DLR, NLR and LML containing large coherent vortices. Different vortical filters were tested and discussed by both LML and Madrid. Figure 10, 11 and 12 give some samples of results. The problem of 5 Europiv publishable summary December 2003 the best-suited filter with respect to noise and accuracy has been addressed. A report was published giving some guidelines. 1000 0.2 0.18 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 -0.02 900 800 700 y 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 500 x 1000 Figure 10 : PIV image in the wake of a model of aircraft and corresponding vorticity map deduced by LML from the PIV analysis with a 4th order Richardson extrapolation scheme which is optimum to extract the main vortex. Figure 11 : PIV image in the wake of a model of aircraft and corresponding vorticity map deduced by Madrid from the PIV analysis with the LFC PIV software. Small scale vorticity is detected. Figure 12 : Vorticity map deduced by Madrid with the LFCPIV software from a PIV record of the EADS Bremen test campaign, showing the vortex shedding in the wake of the leading edge slat. Finally, NLR has investigated the differences in wake vortices assessment by PIV and 5 holes probes. The experiment performed in WP3 was analysed in detail on this point of view and the results are reported in the Zaragoza proceedings [39]. To conclude on this work package, the aerosol generators as utilized in wind tunnels have been improved in order to be capable of generating particles with diameters smaller than 1 m which exhibit better flow following properties in case of strong velocity gradients (vortices). During this work the understanding of how aerosol generators for PIV really work has been considerably improved. In addition, a numerical simulation has been carried out to study the velocity lag of tracer particles in case of given experimental conditions and seeding particles. The simulated PIV recordings agree well with the real PIV recordings showing that the particle following behavior in vortices has been correctly modeled. Another objective of EUROPIV 2 was to provide PIV users with advanced estimators for the calculation of important fluid mechanical quantities such as vorticity, together with some estimation of the accuracy . This work has been performed carefully and in detail, leading to a number of publications at conferences and in scientific journals. The findings are important for wake vortex related projects such as AWIATOR. In order to provide the end-user of measurement techniques in wind tunnels or in industry with state-of-the art 6 Europiv publishable summary December 2003 knowledge about methods to measure velocity in vortical flows, the performance of stereoscopic PIV and fivehole probes has been assessed in a survey of steady and unsteady 3D flow fields of trailing vortices behind a civil aircraft model. The results clearly showed the intrusive effect of the five-hole probes and the necessity to utilize stereoscopic PIV in cases where vortical structures are fluctuating in space and time. The technical and scientific output is of high quality. The results are presently used at the application of PIV to study the wake vortices behind large transport aircraft in wind tunnels, water towing tanks and in catapult facilities within international industrial projects. 4. WP3 FULL SCALE INDUSTRIAL TESTS The aim of this work package was three fold: - firstly, to demonstrate the maturity of the PIV method for application in large industrial facilities; - secondly to provide useful data for three problems of present interest for aircraft design : high lift configuration, wakes and transonic flows and - thirdly to investigate the potential of detailed comparison and validation of CFD results with PIV data. For these purposes, three wind tunnel tests were performed. The first test was performed jointly by DLR and EADS in the EADS Bremen wind tunnel [16, 17, 38]. The model was a 2D wing model, in high lift configuration with slat and flap, designed and manufactured by ONERA. Figure 13 shows the model in the test section. An extensive test campaign, with a multiple camera PIV set-up, allowed to obtain detailed velocity maps both in the slat and in the flap region simultaneously and this for various angles of attack. Figures 14 and 15 show samples of mean velocity fields, for an angle of attack of 12°, respectively around the leading and the trailing edges of the model. U∞ Y / cm X / cm Figure 14 : Example of mean velocity field obtained around the leading edge for set-up 2, = 12° (DLR). Figure 13 shows the 2.1 m span model as it was installed in the wind tunnel. For the PIV experiment, four PCO cameras (1000 x 1300) were used simultaneously, together with two Nd-YAG laser systems. Figures 14 and 15 give some samples of results from two set-ups. In figure 14, the stagnation point on the slat, the separation bubble between the slat and the main body and the acceleration on the main body are clearly visible. Figure 15 shows in more detail the mean flow above the flap at = 19°. The wake of the main body is clearly detectable and the efficiency of the slat gap is also visible with the thin layer of high velocity adjacent to the wall. The full database was processed in order to allow detailed comparisons with computations performed by Dassault Aviation. These computations were performed on the basis of the test parameters investigated during the test campaign. Comparisons were performed between the pressure distribution obtained from a RANS solver and the experimental 7 cm Figure 13 : High lift wing model in the EADS Bremen wind tunnel. U∞ cm Figure 15 : Mean velocity field behind the trailing edge of the main body, above the flap. Set-up 4, = 19° (DLR). Europiv publishable summary December 2003 results. The agreement is fairly good as illustrated by figure 16 which gives the pressure distribution on the three components of the wing for four different angles of attack. Except at 6° (where it is 2°), a correction of angle of attack of 4° is applied uniformly due to the effect of the side walls. A more detailed comparison was performed on the mean velocity fields around the model, as provided by PIV and by the RANS computations [39]. Figure 17 shows two examples of this comparison, under the leading edge slat and above the trailing edge flap for an angle of attack of 12°. The global agreement is quite good, even in the separated regions. Discrepancies appear above the suction side, in the region of mixing of the slat wake and the main body Figure 16 : Pressure distribution on the RA16SC1 wing in high boundary layer, where the RANS models are lift configuration. Comparison between the computations with a known to be deficient, and also at higher RANS solver and the experimental results (DASSAULT). angle of attack where some 3D effect appear in the experiments due to the lateral walls. Figure 17 : Mean velocity modulus under the slat (left) and over the flap (right) for between computations and PIV data (DASSAULT). = 12°. Comparison b - Instantaneous streamlines obtained from the Navier a - Experimental instantaneous streamlines provided by Stokes simulation. PIV. Figure 18 : Comparison of the instantaneous results provided by PIV with the unsteady computations performed by DASSAULT near the trailing edge of the flap. 8 Europiv publishable summary December 2003 Beside these steady computations, DASSAULT AVIATION did also perform unsteady RANS computation in order to assess the ability of PIV to provide some hints on the unsteady aspects of the flow. The unsteady version of the Aether code was used, which is derived from the steady version with a special attention to the time resolution in order to have a more accurate time prediction (second order accurate in time). Figure 18 gives some examples of instantaneous streamline patterns derived from individual PIV records near the trailing edge of the flap, compared with a short time series from the computation. The experimental results did show that, although a small separation appeared on the mean flow, some large unsteady separation was occurring from time to time in this region. This phenomenon was qualitatively confirmed by the computation as clearly illustrated by figure 18. In fact, both computation and experiment have revealed similar behaviour of the unsteady flow in three regions where separation exists (under the slat, in the main body cove region and over the flap). By this way, a detailed study of flow characteristics has been possible. This analysis allows to improve the understanding of physics of the complex flow surrounding typical high lift configurations and therefore contributes to enhance our capability to predict this kind of flow. The second industrial demonstration was performed by ONERA and DLR in the ONERA S2MA transonic wind tunnel [15, 38]. The aim was to demonstrate the possibility of making PIV measurement in a large transonic facility and, in particular, to assess the specific seeding problems involved in this type of facility. S2MA is a continuous pressurized transonic and supersonic wind tunnel with a test section of 1.5 x 1.5 m2. The OAT15 model was provided by ONERA. It is a half model of a swept transonic wing. The wingspan is 1.28 m and the aerodynamic chord length at the position of the PIV measurements was 0.354 m. Figure 19 shows a photograph of the model installed in the test section. Figure 20 shows the experimental set-up used for the PIV measurements. The Figure 19 : Photograph of the model. YAG laser was placed on the top of the wind tunnel, out of the pressurised envelop. The laser beam was introduced into the test section through the ceiling by means of three reflecting mirrors. It was then expanded into a light sheet by means of an optical set-up made of a cylindrical and a spherical lenses. The sheet was perpendicular to the wing and parallel to the main flow. The tracers used were DEHS droplets with a nominal size of one micron. They were produced by four Laskin nozzle generators and were injected into the wind tunnel through a grid, at the entrance of the settling chamber. To record the images, a high resolution CCD camera (1280×1024 pixels), was set behind the large lateral window of the Mirror test section inside the pressure shell of X95-2m rail X95-0.5m rail X 100 cube the wind tunnel. A special a constant pressure enclosure was designed to protect the camera from the pressure X95-0.75m rail variations that occur at wind tunnel start and stop. The CCD sensor was activated Ceiling of the test section at a rate of 3 frames per second. Measurements were performed on the Wind suction side of the wing, in a vertical Light sheet plane parallel to the free stream. This Y plane was set at 480 mm from the X O Model Test section axis fuselage. Figures 21 and 22 show an example of the results obtained during this Figure 20 : Experimental set-up for PIV measurements in the S2MA campaign. The mean velocity maps of the longitudinal component at the 2 transonic wind tunnel. different angles of attack are given. Each map is obtained by averaging 80 instantaneous maps and contains 2900 velocity vectors. The results show a strong influence of the angle of attack of the model. At = 3.7°, a shock wave can easily be located on the map with a typical lambda shape caused by the shock-boundary layer interaction. At = 4.5°, the velocity close to the model has increased; the shock wave has slightly moved downstream and is stronger, leading to a more violent YAG Laser Pressurised wall Support 9 Europiv publishable summary December 2003 25 25 0 0 Y (mm) Y (mm) shock-boundary layer interaction: the lambda shock has moved upstream, and the area of the shock boundary layer interaction is larger. -25 -50 -25 -50 U (m/s): 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 125 150 175 Mach 0.82 - 3.7° 200 225 U (m/s): 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 250 125 X (mm) 150 175 Mach 0.82 - 4.5° 200 225 250 X (mm) Figure 21 : Average velocity map at 3.7°. Figure 22 : Average velocity map at 4.5°. Significant difficulties were encountered during this experiment, such as facility vibrations, seeding problems, light reflections on the model, and pressure and temperature variations. Last but not least, a fairly precise optical set-up had to be installed on the roof of the wind tunnel: this was seen as a big challenge because of the wind tunnel vibrations. However, all these problems were solved, and this campaign demonstrates that PIV measurements are possible in large industrial wind tunnel facility, and more particularly in transonic flows. This campaign was a success in European co-operation too; both DLR and ONERA PIV teams could easily work together owing to the compatibility of their equipment. The last experiment of this work package was performed by NLR and DNW in the DNW-LST wind tunnel [39]. The aim of this experiment was to compare the data provided by stereo PIV and 5-hole probe rake on the far wake of aircraft. This was the first test in Europe of a stereo PIV system in a large industrial facility. The DNW-LST low speed wind tunnel has a cross section of 3.0 x 2.25 m2 and a test section length of 8.75 m with excellent visual accessibility through removable transparent side panels. This low speed wind tunnel is known to have a remarkably low free stream turbulence of only 0.025%. The maximum wind speed is 80 m/s. An F29-1-2 generic civil aircraft full-span model was used with fuselage and wings only. The model was equipped with inboard and outboard flaps and slats. Figure 23 shows a sketch of wing geometry and the flap and slat system. The measurements concentrated on the vortex emanating from a 35o deflected inboard flap. Two model configurations were tested: - No slats mounted, inboard flap deflection Figure 23 : Sketch of the wing with available high lift devices. 35-10/0 , outer flap deflection 5 , = 7o. - Inner slat deflection 10 , outer slat deflection 20 , inner flap deflection 35-10/0 , outer flap deflection 15 , α = 18o. Figure 24 shows a photograph of the model in the wind tunnel, together with the 5 holes probe rake usually used in such a facility to characterise the wake of the model. For conventional measurements, NLR designed and built a rake equipped with 18 miniature 5-hole probes with spherical heads (Ø 2.5 mm, probe pitch of 15 mm). The rake sting was mounted on a streamlined horizontal strut (Ø 70 mm) and fixed to a Y-Z traversing mechanism (see figure 24). The rake was continuously traversed in the spanwise Y-direction (traversing speed 5 mm/s), while taking measurements every second. With two intermediate traverses a measurement grid of ∆Y∆Z = 5 5 mm2 was obtained. 10 Europiv publishable summary December 2003 For PIV, a double cavity 2 380 mJ 10 Hz Quantel YAGlaser was used. The laser light sheet was inserted into the test section from above. Two PCO SensiCam PIV cameras of 1280 1024 pixel resolution were used for recording (Figure 25). The sampling rate of the velocity was 6 Hz. For each PIV camera a Scheimpflug adapter (from DLR) was used to compensate for left-right variations in depth of field. For cross correlation of the images the PIVview software package, developed by DLR, was applied. The stereoscopic reconstruction was realised by a DLR and DNW developed software. This experiment shows that both completely different Figure 24 : Model and 5-hole probe with attach- measurement techniques S-PIV and 5-hole probe give comparable results for the steady flow field. Getting into ment rod in DNW-LST. details, there was evidence that S-PIV provides more accurate and smoother results than 5-hole probe, which show rake-related artefacts. Applying S-PIV it was feasible to measure the intrusive effects of the 5-hole probe: clear evidence was found for the introduction of a vertical offset in the flow field introduced by the downstream horizontal strut of the 5-hole probe system. Concerning the unsteady characteristics of the flow field, interesting dynamic features of the wake vortex were found, such as a direction of preference for the vortex core vibration and a double peak in the flow lag of the vortex core perpendicular to the vortex core vibration. This is clearly illustrated by figure 26 which compares the out of plane velocity component distribution obtained just by spatial averaging the PIV data (as is done with the 5-hole probes) and by taking the vortex center of each instantaneous map as origin before the averaging procedure. Free flow = 60 m/s 1975 mm 1025 mm PIV camera f = 85 mm PIV camera f = 100 mm F29-1-2 2 18 0m m 1500 mm MRP 8 24 1500 mm XB 0m m tunnel wall 5 hole probe Figure 25 : Example of wind tunnel set-up showing the model, the PIV and the 5-hole probe set-up. As a final remark, although not being as accurate as S-PIV, the 5-hole probe has the advantages that the set-up and also the processing is performed more quickly, while a large flow field can be measured in a single run. Contrary, S-PIV is limited to smaller flow fields. So both measurement techniques can be considered complementary in usage: first, one measures the complete field by 5-hole probe rake, to find the most interesting areas, after which those areas of highest interest can be investigated in more detail and more accurately by (stereoscopic) PIV. 11 Europiv publishable summary December 2003 Figure 26 : Surface plot of the out-of-plane velocity component for configuration 5, measured by S-PIV, timeaveraged (left) and core position aligned (right). As a conclusion, this work package did successfully demonstrate the robustness and reliability of the PIV technique as a tool to investigate the flow field around complex models in all types of industrial wind tunnels. As a consequence, PIV is used now in many important European aeronautical programs. It can be said that EUROPIV 2 has given confidence to the end users in the reliability and the interest of the method. This was one of the most important goals of the project and it can be considered as fully satisfied. 5. WP4 ADVANCED PIV DEVELOPMENTS The purpose of this work package was to look at some advanced developments such as new algorithms and stereoscopic PIV in order to improve the performances of the method. A second objective was to look at some optical extensions of PIV such as ESPI and holography. The development of advanced PIV algorithms has been pursued mainly by CORIA [38] and Madrid [19, 21, 22, 27, 28, 30, 34, 36]. CORIA has developed an advanced algorithm based on interrogation window deformation and has started to validate it with synthetic images generated from DNS (figure 27). For that purpose, the EUROPIV Synthetic Image Generator was used extensively. Madrid did also take into account a compensation of the particle pattern deformation in the LFCPIV software. Test have been performed on synthetic images in a vortex core, as illustrated by figure 28. Conventional PIV (32x32) PIV with distortion (8x8 pixels) Figure 27 : Comparison by CORIA of the results obtained with a conventional algorithm and an advanced algorithm with window deformation on synthetic images generated from a DNS with the EUROPIV Synthetic Image Generator. 12 Europiv publishable summary December 2003 Signal peak − Average value S/N= Highest noise peak − Average value a b Figure 28 : S/N ratio before and after compensation of the particle pattern deformation in a vortex core. (Code for grey levels : S/N >2 - White; S/N from 2 to 1 - Grey; S/N < 1 - Black) (a) Only discrete offset of interrogation windows. (b) Compensation of the particle pattern deformation (Madrid). Tests were also performed by Madrid on images coming from the industrial experiments from WP 3. Figure 29 shows an example of the improvement brought by an advanced processing method such as LFCPIV on the assessment of the small scale vorticity in the wake of the slat of the EADS Bremen experiment on a wing in high lift configuration. Figure 29. Comparison of application of conventional PIV and LFC-PIV to a real image from an industrial facility. Dark grey is solid objects; light grey means places where reflections and shadows suppress all data. a) Vorticity plot obtained from conventional PIV data. b) Vorticity plot obtained from LFC-PIV (Madrid). As far as stereo PIV is concerned, a model has been introduced by CORIA and Delft in the EUROPIV SIG [39]. This model allows the simulation of all stereoscopic configurations. Figure 30 illustrates one of those configurations. Figure 31 gives samples of synthetic images together with the reconstructed velocity field for a simulation of a pipe flow. Such a model was used by Delft, in conjunction with a laminar pipe flow experiment, to study the accuracy of stereo PIV [39]. It is a useful tool to help the preparation of an experiment by optimising the stereo PIV parameters. It is distributed freely with the Zaragoza proceedings and through the PIVNET 2 thematic network. Delft University did also look at the accurate determination of the position of the light sheet with respect to the calibration target in a real PIV experiment [39]. Tests were performed in a laminar pipe flow by scanning the calibration target in depth accurately. Figure 32 shows the experimental set-up used and figure 33 illustrates the results obtained. This problem of stereoscopic calibration was also addressed by LML, who did compare different stereoscopic reconstruction algorithms on a calibration experiment [39], and by St Etienne University [25, 38], who also did study a specific telecentric stereoscopic set-up [18, 20, 23, 26]. At the end of the project, St Etienne did look at a method allowing the calibration to be performed without knowing a priori the position of the target [39]. 13 Europiv publishable summary December 2003 Stereo PIV images Figure 30 : Schematic with all the conventions used by SIG to recreate a stereoscopic angular PIV system with cameras in opposite views and laser sheet perpendicular to the main flow direction (Delft). Reconstructed velocity field Figure 32 : Specific calibration system Figure 31 : Example of synthetic stereoscopic PIV images as designed to study the accuracy of generated by the EUROPIV Synthetic Image Generator developed positioning of the calibration target with by Delft, CORIA and Madrid. respect to the light sheet (Delft). As far as optical extensions of PIV are concerned, Zaragoza University and ITAP did a thorough study of the ESPI (Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry) method as a substitute to stereoscopy in difficult optical conditions [29, 33, 37, 38]. A successful joint experiment was performed by Zaragoza University and LML in the LML Boundary Layer wind tunnel [29, 38]. The aim of the experiment was to validate the ability of ESPI to measure the out of plane component by comparing the results with a standard stereoscopic PIV set-up. Figure 34 shows the experimental setup in the wind tunnel. Four PCO cameras were used, together with a specific four YAG Lasers system. This allowed the simultaneous recording of a stereoscopic PIV velocity field in the best stereo configuration (90° between the two camera axis) and a joint PIV/ESPI recording giving also the three velocity components in the field of view. Figure 35 gives an example of comparison of both records. Figure 33 : Accurate determination of the position in depth of the light sheet (Delft). 14 Europiv publishable summary December 2003 Figure 34 : Joint stereo PIV and ESPI/PIV set-up. Cameras 1 & 2 record the stereo PIV images. Camera 3 records a standard PIV image. Camera 4 records the ESPI Speckle pattern. A reference beam is needed for Interferometry (Zaragoza/LML). a) b) Figure 35 : 3-C velocity measurements from the experiments at the LML wind tunnel; the vector fields represent the in-plane components, while the colour contour maps represent the out-ofplane component. a) Data from stereo PIV; b) Data from ESPI&PIV (Zaragoza/LML). The holographic approach to PIV in a large scale facility was studied by ISL. Two holographic set-ups were realised and successfully characterised in the laboratory [39]. A joint full scale experiment was performed with LML and ONERA in the LML wind tunnel [39] to compare the holographic and standard stereoscopic approaches. The main conclusion was that, in the present state of the art, the stereo PIV approach using CCD cameras is much more flexible and effective around a large facility. Air-foil object Measurement volume Reference beam generation Holographic plate Object illumination Dual beam Nd:YAG laser Figure 36 : Experimental set-up used by Oldenburg and DLR to record LiF holograms in the DLR wind tunnel. 15 Europiv publishable summary December 2003 A second holographic approach, the Light in Flight holography, was studied by Oldenburg University [22, 25, 31, 32, 38]. Again the method was first developed and characterised at the lab level. Then, a large scale experiment was performed jointly by Oldenburg University and DLR in a DLR subsonic blow down wind tunnel. The flow under study was the wake of an airfoil. Figure 36 shows the optical set-up used for these experiments. A specific reconstruction set-up (not shown) was developed to process the holograms automatically. Several sets of holograms were recorded during this test campaign. These holograms were difficult to analyse as the concentration of bright particle images was fairly low (due to the large cross-section of the illuminated area). Figure 37 gives an example of the results obtained with the best set recorded. The conclusions were comparable to those obtained from the ISL/LML experiment. Holography is not mature enough for routine application in large scale facilities, due mainly to the lack of a suitable recording medium. The potential of the method is high, nice results can be obtained at the laboratory level and a lot of developments are still needed at this stage before the method can be transposed to industrial facilities for routine applications such as those performed nowadays by standard PIV. 20 Z / mm 15 10 5 0 5 10 Y/m m 15 0 20 10 Z 0 X / mm X Y Figure 37 : Evaluated wind tunnel flow, 16.640 vectors have been obtained by three-dimensional grey-value correlation. The plane-like distribution of the vectors is a result of a relatively large separation between adjacent image slices, from which 128 enter in each correlation (Oldenburg). As a conclusion, a lot of high level research work has been performed in this work package by the EUROPIV 2 consortium. This has been done on many aspects of the method and validated by a good deal of scientific publications. Improvements have been brought mainly to the stereoscopic recording and to the advanced algorithms. The interest of ESPI has been demonstrated. Also, the possibilities of holographic PIV have been assessed. Most of these results are presented in the Zaragoza proceedings. Some of them have opened new routes of research for the future. 6. CONCLUSION The main objective of the EUROPIV and EUROPIV 2 projects was to speed up the transfer of the PIV technique to the European industrial wind tunnel for Aeronautics. At the beginning of EUROPIV in 1995, CCD PIV was at an early stage of development and the method was mainly applied in research facilities. At the end of EUROPIV 2, less than 10 years later, the method is routinely 16 Europiv publishable summary December 2003 applied in most of the big facilities in Europe. The EUROPIV consortium has made several successful demonstrations in various European wind tunnel (AIRBUS Bremen wind tunnel, ONERA Modane S2 transonic wind tunnel, DNW-LST wind tunnel with stereo PIV), which have given confidence to both the users and the wind tunnel operators. If one compares to the Laser Doppler Velocimetry technique, this is a great success. DNW and the EREA have now PIV teams which are operational, cooperating and able to set-up state of the art PIV experiments in any European wind tunnel. The method has been , is and will be used in many important European projects such as APIAN, AEROMEMS I & II, C-Wake, S-Wake, TILTAERO, EUROLIFT, HELIFLOW, AWIATOR, DESIDER.. Besides, the PIV data recorded by the EUROPIV consortium (notably on the high lift configuration in the Bremen wind tunnel) has been found of valuable scientific interest and are used for comparison with advanced CFD approaches. The advanced PIV measurement technique has shown its usefulness to get a detailed view to the flow field around a complex high lift system. The detailed knowledge of this flow field is today necessary to understand high lift configurations and to improve them. The PIVnet European network, which originates from the EUROPIV consortium has been and is still very active in transferring the method toward industrial applications, in the field of Aeronautics , but also to a broader spectrum (Naval, Household appliances, Car Industry…). The second objective of this project was to support the European community in PIV, which is very active, in its research to develop the method. Several of the leading teams in Europe are in the consortium and it was of interest to develop a synergy between them. This again has worked quite well. A friendly and fruitful cooperation was developed, which was extended through the PIVnet network and which will last long after the project. From this cooperation, some significant results have been obtained : - a standard Synthetic Image Generator (SIG) has been developed and extensively used by the consortium. It will be made available with the proceedings of the Zaragoza workshop and advertised through the PIVnet2 thematic network to push it as an international standard. The performances and accuracy of the standard PIV techniques have been better assessed and improved by the individual and cooperative work of several teams of the consortium. The SIG has helped significantly to these research. The PIV seeding of wind tunnels has been improved and characterized quantitatively, so that a best practice guide has been realized and published in an international journal and is provided in the Zaragoza proceedings. The assessment of vortices from PIV velocity maps has been thoroughly studied by LML, Madrid and NLR, both on the theoretical and practical points of view, providing clear guidelines for extracting the right intensity of large vortical structures such as those encountered in wake flows and in turbulence. Significant contributions have been given on advanced PIV methods, including holographic approaches. Both the recording set-ups and the advanced processing software have been studied, leading to some significant improvements : standard stereoscopic systems have been characterized and a specific Sheimpflug mount has been designed and manufactured with a SME. Telecentric lenses approaches have been characterized. Advanced PIV software based on interrogation window filtering (LFCPIV) or image deformation have been developed and extensively characterized. Original holographic PIV set-ups have been designed and tested allowing to investigate the advantages and drawbacks of this approach. Finally, the most significant results have been presented in a workshop in Zaragoza in Spring 2003, which has gathered most of the European specialists of the method and has led to about 30 original contributions. The proceedings of this workshop, which was of good scientific level, are published by Springer Verlag [39] in order to make the acquired knowledge available to the scientific community. References [1] B. Lecordier, D. Demare, L.Vervisch, J. Réveillon, M. Trinité, Estimation of the accuracy of PIV treatments for turbulent flow studies by direct numerical simulation of multi-phase flows. Meas. Sci. Technol. 12 (2001) 1– 10. [2] J. Nogueira, A. Lecuona, P. A. 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Zaragoza (Spain), March the 31st – April the 1st 2003. Editors : M. Stanislas, J. Westerweel, J. Kompenhans. Springer Verlag. Contact points Pr. M. Stanislas Laboratoire de Mécanique de Lille URA 1441 Bd Paul Langevin, Cité Scientifique 59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq cedex, France Phone: 33 (0)3 20 33 71 70 Fax: 33 (0)3 20 33 71 69 Email: stanislas@ec-lille.fr Dr. K.P. Neitzke Abteilung EGXG AIRBUS Deutschland GmbH Hünefeldsr.1-5 28199 Bremen, Germany Phone: 49 421 538 4704 Fax: 49 421 538 5034 Email: Klaus-Peter.Nietzke@airbus.com Mr. Tran Dac N. Dassault Aviation SA 78 quai Marcel Dassault 92552 St Cloud, France Phone: 33 (0)1 47 11 35 09 Fax: 33 (0)1 47 11 45 35 Email: dac.tran@dassault-aviation.fr Mr. F. De Gregorio CIRA Via Maiorise 81043 Capua, Italy Phone: 39 0823 62 3721 Fax: 39 0823 96 9272 Email: f.degregorio@cira.i Dr. J. Kompenhans DLR Bunsenstrasse 10 37073 Göttingen, Germany Phone: 49 551 709 22 52 Fax: 49 551 709 28 30 Email: juergen.kompenhans@dlr.de Mr. H.P.J Veerman NLR (EI) Anthony Fokkerweg2 1059 CM Amsterdam, PO Box 90502 1006 BM Amsterdam, The Netherlands Phone: 31 20 511 36 77 Fax: 31 20 511 3210 Email: veerman@nlr.nl Dr. J-C. Monnier ONERA Centre de Lille 5 Bd Paul Painlevé 59045 Lille Cedex, France Phone: 33 (0)3 20 49 69 43 Fax: 33 (0)3 20 49 69 53 Email: monnier@imf-lille.fr Pr. J.Westerweel Delft University of Technology Laboratory for Aero & Hydrodynamics Leeghwaterstraat 21, 2628 CA Delft, the Netherlands Phone: 31 15-278-6887 Fax: 31 15-278-2947 Email: J.Westerweel@wbmt.tudelft.nl Pr. A. Lecuona Univ. Carlos III Escuela Politécnica Superior Calle Butarque 15 28911 Leganés Madrid, Spain Phone: 34 (9)1 624 94 75 Fax: 34 (9)1 624 94 30 Email: lecuona@ing.uc3m.es Pr. K. D. Hinsch Carl v. Ossietzky University Oldenburg Physics Department/ Applied Optics 26111 Oldenburg, Germany Phone: 49 441 798 3510 Fax: 49 441 798 3576 Email: klaus.hinsch@uni-oldenburg.de Pr. Cenedese Dept. of Idraulica, transporti e strade, “La Sapienza” University, Via Eudossiana 18 00184 Roma, Italy Phone: 39 06 44 58 50 33 Fax: 39 06 44 58 094 Email: antonio.cenedese@uniroma1.it Dr. B. Lecordier UMR CNRS 6614 CORIA Site Universitaire du Madrillet 76801 St Etienne du Rouvray Cedex Phone: 33 (0)2 32 95 36 81 Fax: 33 (0)2 32 91 04 85 Email: bertrand.lecordier@coria.fr Dr. T. Fournel Laboratoire TSI Université Jean Monnet 23 rue du Dr P. Michelon 42023 St Etienne Cedex 2, France Phone: 33 (0)4 77 48 51 77 Fax: 33 (0)4 77 48 51 20 Email: fournel@univ-st-etienne.fr Pr. Pilar Arroyo Universidad de Zaragoza Departamento de Fisica Aplicada C/Pedro Cerbuna 12 Facultad de Ciencias, 50009 Zaragoza, Spain Phone: 34 9 76 76 24 41 Fax: 34 9 76 76 1233 Email: arroyo@posta.unizar.es 20