SYNTHESIS, CHARACTERIZATION AND ACTIVITY OF Al-MCM-41 CATALYST FOR HYDROXYALKYLATION OF EPOXIDES AZMI BIN MOHAMED UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA PSZ 19:16 (Pind. 1/97) UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA BORANG PENGESAHAN STATUS TESIS JUDUL: SYNTHESIS, CHARACTERIZATION AND ACTIVITY OF Al-MCM-41 CATALYST FOR HYDROXYALKYLATION OF EPOXIDES SESI PENGAJIAN: 2004 / 2005 AZMI BIN MOHAMED Saya _____ (HURUF BESAR) mengaku membenarkan tesis ini disimpan di Perpustakaan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dengan syarat-syarat kegunaan seperti berikut : 1. Hakmilik tesis adalah dibawah nama penulis melainkan penulisan sebagai projek bersama dan dibiayai oleh UTM, hakmiliknya adalah kepunyaan UTM. Naskah salinan di dalam bentuk kertas atau mikro hanya boleh dibuat dengan kebenaran bertulis daripada penulis. Perpustakaan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dibenarkan membuat salinan untuk tujuan pengajian sahaja. Tesis hanya boleh diterbitkan dengan kebenaran penulis. 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SYNTHESIS, CHARACTERIZATION AND ACTIVITY OF Al-MCM-41 CATALYST FOR HYDROXYALKYLATION OF EPOXIDES AZMI BIN MOHAMED A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Science (Chemistry) Faculty of Science Universiti Teknologi Malaysia APRIL 2005 ii I declare that this thesis entitled “Synthesis, Characterization and Activity of Al-MCM-41 Catalyst for Hydroxyalkylation of Epoxides” is the result of my own research except as cited in references. The thesis has not been accepted for any degree and is not concurrently submitted in candidature of any other degree. Signature : …………….……………… Name : Azmi bin Mohamed Date : 18 April 2005 iii Dedication to my beloved father, mother, family and friends… iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all, in a humble way I wish to give all the Praise to Allah, the Almighty God for with His mercy has given me the strength, keredhaanNya and time to complete this work. I am deeply indebted to Prof. Dr Halimaton Hamdan, my Supervisor, for her patience, supervision, encouragement and thoughtful guidance towards the completion of this thesis. I wish to express special appreciation to Assoc. Prof. Dr Salasiah Endud, Assoc. Prof Dr. Zainab Ramli, Assoc. Prof. Mohd Nazlan Mohd Muhid and Dr. Hadi Nur for their kindness and support. I also want to thank to all my colleagues in Zeolite and Porous Material Group for their help, support, interest and valuable hints. I am particularly grateful to Ibnu Sina Institute For Fundamental Science Studies, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA) for all facilities, study leave and financial support . Lastly, I would like to acknowledge my family; whose patient love enabled me to complete this research. Thank you. v ABSTRACT Perfumery chemicals and intermediates are produced on a large scale by Friedel Crafts alkylation or acylation of aromatic compounds in the presence of Lewis acid catalyst. However, problem in the industrial process of perfumery chemical and intermediate manufacture like toxity, corrosivity and production of pollutants, make convenient to change the conventional Lewis acid AlCl3 or FeCl3 catalysts by acid solid catalyst. Thus, Al-MCM-41 catalysts were prepared with various SiO2:Al2O3 ratios via direct and secondary syntheses using sodium aluminate as the aluminium source. Al-MCM-41 was characterized by X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Surface Area Analyzer Instrument and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). The results indicate that Al-MCM-41 sample with a uniform hexagonal pore structure and high surface area was synthesized. Structural studies by 27 Al and 29Si MAS NMR spectroscopy indicated that Al are in the tetrahedral form and located in the framework. The presence of distorted framework aluminium was also observed, more significantly in the secondary aluminated samples. Maximum amount of Al was incorporated by direct synthesis with SiO2:Al2O3 ratio of 10 and a calculated Si/Al ratio of 15.2. Acidity studies using Pyridine Desorption Measurement and Temperature Programmed Desorption of Ammonia (TPD-NH3) show that the acidity of Al-MCM-41 increases with increase in Al incorporation into the MCM-41 framework. The potential of H-Al-MCM-41; as a heterogeneous catalyst was studied in the hydroxyalkylation of benzene with propylene oxide as a model reaction. Favourable reaction conditions such as SiO2:Al2O3 ratios, temperature, time on stream, the reactant mole ratio and solvent have significant influence on the distribution of products. Gas chromatography analysis indicates that H-Al-MCM-41 with SiO2:Al2O3 ratio of 10 demonstrates the highest catalytic activity with a conversion of benzene and selectivity of 92.3% and 87.5% respectively. The formation of 2-phenyl-1-propanol was favourable occurred at a temperature of 393 K after 24 hours with propylene oxide to benzene mole ratio of 0.5 using nitrobenzene as the solvent. The activity enhancement for catalyst is associated with the presence of distorted tricoordinated aluminium as Lewis acid sites. The strength of Lewis acid sites was correlated to appropriate aluminium content, temperature, B/L ratio, crystallinity and surface area of sample which played a role in order to improve catalytic activity of Al-MCM-41. Aprotic dipolar solvent such as nitrobenzene stabilized the unstable intermediate of propoxy cations to prevent propylene oxides oligomerisation. The results indicate that instead of aluminium content, solvent and reactant mole ratio also play a role to give high conversion and selectivity of 2-phenyl-1-propanol. vi ABSTRAK Bahan kimia dan perantaraan pewangi biasanya dihasilkan pada skala yang besar melalui tindak balas pengalkilan dan pengasilan sebatian aromatik dengan mangkin asid Lewis. Masalah yang timbul dalam proses industri pengeluaran bahan kimia dan perantaraan pewangi seperti ketoksikan, kakisan dan penghasilan sisa adalah bertepatan dengan menggantikan mangkin asid Lewis konvensional AlCl3 atau FeCl3 kepada mangkin pepejal berasid. Maka, mangkin Al-MCM-41 disediakan dengan pelbagai nisbah SiO2:Al2O3 melalui sintesis terus dan sekunder menggunakan natrium aluminat sebagai sumber aluminium. Al-MCM-41 telah dicirikan menggunakan teknik Pembelauan Sinar-X (XRD), Analisis Luas Permukaan dan Spektroskopi Inframerah. Keputusan menunjukkan Al-MCM-41 mempamerkan struktur liang heksagon yang seragam dengan luas permukaan yang tinggi. Kajian struktur oleh Spektroskopi 27Al dan 29Si Putaran Sudut Ajaib-Resonans Magnet Nukleus (PSI-RMN) menunjukkan aluminium hadir dalam bentuk tetrahedral dan terletak dalam rangka struktur. Kehadiran rangka struktur aluminium terherot juga dapat diperhatikan lebih signifikan dalam sampel sintesis secara sekunder. Kandungan maksimum aluminium memasuki bingkaian dipamerkan oleh sampel dengan nisbah SiO2:Al2O3 bersamaan 10 dan Si/Al dihitung bersamaan 15.2. Kajian keasidan dijalankan menggunakan Penjerapan Piridina dan Penyahjerapan Ammonia Suhu Teraturcara (TPD-NH3) menunjukkan keasidan Al-MCM-41 meningkat dengan penambahan aluminium ke dalam bingkaian MCM-41. Maka, potensi mangkin H-Al-MCM-41 dalam tindak balas Friedel-Crafts diuji ke atas tindak balas penghidroksialkilan benzena dengan propilena oksida sebagai tindak balas model. Taburan hasil tindak balas didapati bergantung kepada keadaan terbaik tindak balas seperti nisbah SiO2:Al2O3, suhu tindak balas, masa tindak balas, nisbah mol reaktan dan pelarut. Analisis kromatografi gas menunjukkan H-Al-MCM-41 dengan nisbah SiO2:Al2O3 bersamaan 10 mempamerkan aktiviti permangkinan yang tinggi dengan darjah penukaran benzena dan kepilihan masing-masing 92.3% dan 87.5%. 2-fenil-1propanol terhasil pada kadar terbaik pada suhu 393 K selepas 24 jam dengan nisbah mol propilena oksida kepada benzena bersamaan 0.5 dengan nitrobenzena sebagai pelarut. Peningkatan aktiviti permangkinan sampel ini dikaitkan dengan kehadiran aluminium trikoordinatan terherot sebagai tapak asid Lewis. Kekuatan tapak asid Lewis dikaitkan dengan kandungan aluminium, suhu, nisbah B/L, kehabluran dan luas permukaan sampel yang berperanan meningkatkan aktiviti permangkinan AlMCM-41. Pelarut dwipolar aprotik seperti nitrobenzena dapat menstabilkan bahan perantaraan ion propoksi bagi mengelakkan pengoligomeran propilena oksida. Keputusan menunjukan selain daripada kandungan aluminium dalam sampel, pelarut dan nisbah reaktan juga memainkan peranan dalam meningkatkan darjah penukaran dan kepilihan 2-fenil-1-propanol. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 2 TITLE PAGE DECLARATION ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRACT v TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES xi LIST OF FIGURES xiii LIST OF SYMBOLS xvii LIST OF APPENDICES xviii INTRODUCTION 1.1 General Introduction 1 1.2 Research Background 2 1.3 Problem Statement 3 1.4 Research Objectives 5 1.5 Scope of Study 5 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Friedel Crafts Alkylation of Aromatic Compounds 6 2.2 Mesoporous Materials 8 2.2.1 Mesoporous MCM-41 Molecular Sieves 8 2.2.2 Mechanisms of Formation for MCM-41 11 2.3 Incorporation of Aluminium into MCM-41 12 viii 2.4 Catalytic Applications of MCM-41 2.5 Characterization Techniques 2.5.1 Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy 16 2.5.2 Powdered X-ray Diffraction Measurement 17 2.5.3 Magic Angle Spinning-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (MAS NMR) Spectroscopy 2.5.4 Temperature Programmed Desorption of Ammonia (TPD-NH3) 2.6.2 22 Pyridine Adsorption – Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy Measurement 23 Quantitative Analysis of Hydroxyalkylation of Benzene with Propylene Oxide 3 21 Surface Acidity Measurement 2.6.1 2.7 19 Nitrogen Adsorption and Desorption Measurement 2.6 15 25 EXPERIMENTAL 3.1 Synthesis of Mesoporous MCM-41 3.1.1 Synthesis of Purely Siliceous MCM-41 (Si-MCM-41) 3.1.2 3.1.3 Preparation of H-Al-MCM-41 28 29 Characterization of Mesoporous MCM-41 3.2.1 X-ray Diffraction Measurement 30 3.2.2 Surface Area Measurement 30 3.2.3 Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy 30 3.2.4 Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 3.3 27 Synthesis of Aluminated MCM-41 (Al-MCM-41) 3.2 27 31 Acidity Studies of Mesoporous MCM-41 3.3.1 Temperature Programmed Desorption of Ammonia 3.3.2 Pyridine Adsorption – Fourier Transformed 31 ix Infrared Spectroscopy Measurement 3.4 32 Catalytic Activity of Mesoporous MCM-41 in Hydroxyalkylation of Benzene with Propylene Oxide 3.5 3.4.1 Activation of Catalysts 32 3.4.2 33 Catalytic Reaction Procedure Most Favourable Condition of Model Reaction 34 3.5.1 SiO2:Al2O3 Ratio 34 3.5.2 Temperature 34 3.5.3 Time on Stream 34 3.5.4 Reactant Mole Ratio Composition 34 3.5.5 Solvent 36 3.5.6 36 Autoclave Reactor 3.6 Reusability of Catalysts 36 3.7 Characterization of Hydroxyalkylation of Benzene 36 with Propylene Oxide Reaction 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 X-ray Diffraction Analysis 38 4.2 Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectrum Analysis 43 4.3 Magic Angle Spinning Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (MAS NMR) 4.3.1. 27 Al MAS NMR 47 4.3.2 29 Si MAS NMR 49 4.4 Nitrogen Adsorption and Desorption Analysis 4.5 Pyridine Adsorption – Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy Measurement 4.6 4.9 61 Catalytic Activity of Mesoporous MCM-41 in Friedel Crafts Reaction 4.8 54 Temperature Programmed Desorption of Ammonia (TPD-NH3) 4.7 53 63 Determination of Amount of Desired Product (2-phenyl-1-propanol) 65 Effect of SiO2 : Al2O3 Ratios 66 x 4.10 Effect of Temperature 68 4.11 Effect of Propylene Oxide : Benzene Mole Ratio 70 4.12 Effect of Reaction Time 71 4.13 Effect of Solvent 73 4.14 Effect of Autogenous Pressure 74 4.15 Reusability of Al-MCM-41 75 4.16 Proposed Mechanism of Hydroxyalkylation of Benzene with Propylene Oxide Catalyzed Al-MCM-41 5 78 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Conclusions 81 5.2 Recommendations 83 REFERENCES 84 APPENDICES 91 xi LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE 2.1 Type of M41S mesoporous material 3.1 Sample Codes for Al-MCM-41 with different SiO2: Al2O3 ratios 3.2 Operation Parameters for Gas Chromatography Flame 4.3 40 Some properties of Si-MCM-41 and Al-MCM-41 Wave number (cm ) of IR spectra of Al-MCM-41 Si MAS NMR 54 Number of acid sites (µmol pyridine g-1) in H-Al-MCM-41 samples 4.8 51 Surface properties of Al-MCM-41 with various SiO2:Al2O3 ratios 4.7 49 Calculated peak distribution and Si/Al ratio from 29 4.6 45 Quantitative peak intensities of 27Al MAS NMR of Al-MCM-41 samples 4.5 42 -1 samples with various SiO2:Al2O3 ratios 4.4 37 The degree of crystallinity of samples with various SiO2:Al2O3 ratios 4.2 37 Operation Parameters for Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy (GC-MS) 4.1 9 29 Ionization Detector (GC-FID) 3.3 PAGE 60 Ratio of Brønsted (B) to Lewis (L) acidity in the H-Al-MCM-41samples at different desorption temperatures 60 4.9 Amount gas adsorbed of various H-Al-MCM-41 4.10 Gas Chromatography data for hydroxyalkylation of 61 xii propylene oxide with benzene 4.11 63 The effect of temperature on the conversion and yield of desired product using Dir-Al-MCM-41 (10) at constant parameter (Reactant Mole Ratio: 0.5; Time: 24 hours; Solvent: Nitrobenzene) 4.12 69 Effect of propylene oxide : benzene mole ratio on hydroxyalkylation of benzene with propylene oxides over Dir-Al-MCM-41 (10) at constant parameter (Temperature: 393 K; Time: 24 hours; Solvent: Nitrobenzene) 4.13 70 Effect of solvent on hydroxyalkylation of benzene with propylene oxides over Dir-Al-MCM-41 (10) at constant parameter (Temperature: 393 K; Reactant Mole Ratio: 0.5; Time: 24 hours) 4.14 74 Effect of autogenous pressure on hydroxylakylation of benzene with propylene oxide at 393 K over Dir-Al-MCM-41(10) at constant parameter (Temperature: 393 K; Reactant Mole Ratio: 0.5; Time: 24 hours; Solvent: Nitrobenzene) 4.15 75 Reusability of Dir-Al-MCM-41 (10) at 393 K at constant parameter (Temperature: 393 K; Reactant Mole Ratio: 0.5; Time: 24 hours; Solvent: Nitrobenzene) 76 xiii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 The mesoporous M41S family [30] 10 2.2 The structure of mesoporous MCM-41 material [33] 10 2.3 (1) Liquid crystal phase initiated and (2) silicate anion initiated [34] 2.4 11 Schematic presentation on the generation of Brønsted and Lewis acid sites with (a) Distorted framework Tricoordinated Aluminium (b) Extraframework Aluminum (EFAL) in Al-MCM-41 14 2.5 FTIR spectrum for purely siliceous Si-MCM-41 [53] 18 2.6 Graphical representation of the Bragg equation. The diffraction of x-rays is interpreted as the reflection on a set of planes ( h k l ) [51] 18 2.7 29 20 2.8 The most frequently found types of gas physisorption n Si chemical shifts of Q units in solid silicates [54] isotherms: na = amount adsorbed, ms = mass of solid adsorbent, p = equilibrium pressure, p0 = saturation vapour pressure [56] 22 2.9 Structure of (a) Pyridine and (b) Pyridinium Ion 23 3.1 Experiment set up for catalytic testing 33 3.2 Flow chart of determining the most favourable procedure for propylene oxide and benzene 4.1 XRD powder pattern of (a) calcined at 823 K (b) as synthesized Si-MCM-41 4.2 35 XRD powder pattern of Dir-Al-MCM41 (10) of 39 xiv (a) calcined (b) as synthesized samples 4.3 XRD powder pattern of Al-MCM-41 with various (SiO2:Al2O3) ratios 4.4 27 29 50 Nitrogen adsorption isotherm of (a) Dir-Al-MCM41 (10) (b) Sec-Al-MCM41(0.25 M) 4.11 48 Si MAS NMR spectra of Si-MCM-41 and Al-MCM-41 with various SiO2:Al2O3 ratio 4.10 46 Al MAS NMR spectra of Zeolite A and Al-MCM-41 samples with various SiO2:Al2O3 ratio 4.9 44 FTIR spectra of calcined Al-MCM-41 with various SiO2:Al2O3 ratios : (a) 10 (b) 20 (c) 40 (d) 80 4.8 44 FTIR spectra of Sec-Al-MCM-41 (a) after (b) before calcination at 823 K 4.7 42 FTIR spectra of Si-MCM-41 (a) after (b) before calcination at 823 K 4.6 41 XRD powder pattern of Sec-Al-MCM41 (0.25M) (a) calcined at 823 K (b) before calcination at 823 K 4.5 39 52 FTIR spectra of hydroxyl region of Dir-Al-MCM41 with SiO2:Al2O3 (a) 10 (b) 20 (c) 40 (d) 80 dehydrated at 673K under 10-5 mbar pressure 4.12 FTIR spectra of hydroxyl region of Sec-Al-MCM41(0.25 M) with dehydrated at 673K under 10-5 mbar pressure 4.13 55 55 FTIR spectra of pyridine desorbed on Dir-Al-MCM41 (10) under vacuum 10-5 mbar pressure at (a) 298K (b) 423K (c) 523K (d) 673K for every 1 hour 4.14 56 FTIR spectra of pyridine desorbed on Dir-Al-MCM41 (20) under vacuum 10-5 mbar pressure at (a) 298K (b) 423K (c) 523K (d) 673K for every 1 hour 4.15 56 FTIR spectra of pyridine desorbed on Dir-Al-MCM41 (40) under vacuum 10-5 mbar pressure at (a) 298K (b) 423K (c) 523K (d) 673K for every 1 hour 4.16 57 FTIR spectra of pyridine desorbed on Dir-Al-MCM41 (80) under vacuum 10-5 mbar pressure at (a) 298K (b) 423K (c) 523K (d) 673K for every 1 hour 57 xv 4.17 FTIR spectra of pyridine desorbed on Sec-Al-MCM-41 (0.25M) under vacuum 10-5 mbar pressure at (a) 298K (b) 423K (c) 523K (d) 673K for every 1 hour 4.18 58 Temperature Programmed Desorption of Ammonia (TPD-NH3) spectra of H-Al-MCM-41 of Dir-Al-MCM41 of (a) 10 (b) 20 (c) 40 (e) 80 (d) Sec-Al-MCM-41(0.25M) 4.19 Chromatogram of liquid product hydroxyalkylation of benzene with propylene oxide without catalyst at 363 K 4.20 62 64 Chromatogram of liquid product hydroxyalkylation of benzene with propylene oxide using Dir Al-MCM41 (10) at 363 K after 3 hours 4.21 Calibration Curve of Standard with Internal Standard (Toluene 2.0 M in Nitrobenzene) 4.22 64 65 Conversion of benzene and Selectivity of product (%) with various SiO2:Al2O3 ratio at constant parameter (Temperature: 363 K; Reactant Mole Ratio: 0.5; Time: 24 hours; Solvent: Nitrobenzene) 4.23 67 Amount of 2-phenyl-1-propanol (desired product) (mmol) with various SiO2:Al2O3 ratio at constant parameter (Temperature: 363 K; Reactant Mole Ratio: 0.5; Time: 24 hours; Solvent: Nitrobenzene) 4.24 68 Effect of temperature on the conversion and selectivity of product using Dir-Al-MCM41 (10) at constant parameter (Reactant Mole Ratio: 0.5; Time: 24 hours; Solvent: Nitrobenzene) 4.25 69 The effect of reaction time on benzene conversion over Dir-Al-MCM-41 (10) at constant parameter (Temperature: 393 K; Reactant Mole Ratio: 0.5; Solvent: Nitrobenzene) 4.26 72 The effect of reaction time on selectivity and oligomerisation of propylene oxides over Dir-Al-MCM-41 (10) at constant parameter (Temperature: 393 K; Reactant Mole Ratio: 0.5; Solvent: Nitrobenzene) 4.27 72 X-ray diffractogram patterns of H-Dir-Al-MCM41 (10) during three recycles 77 xvi 4.28 Proposed mechanism for Al-MCM-41 catalyzed hydroxyalkylation of aromatics with propylene oxides 79 xvii LIST OF SYMBOLS B/L ratio - Brønsted acid sites to Lewis acid sites ratio BET - Brunnauer, Emmett and Teller Cu Kα - X-ray diffraction from Copper K energy levels FTIR - Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy GC-MS - Gas Chromatography- Mass Spectroscopy h - Hour IS - Internal Standard IUPAC - International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry KBr - Potassium Bromide MAS NMR - Magic-Angle-Spinning Nuclear Magnetic Resonance N2 - Nitrogen OH - Hydroxyl P/Po - Relative pressure; obtained by forming the ratio of the equilibrium pressure and vapour pressure Po of the adsorbate at the temperature where the isotherm is measured SiO2: Al2O3 - Silica to Alumina ratio SiO4 - Siliceous; framework silicon in zeolite T - Reaction Temperature TO4 - Tetrahedral unit where T= Al or Si XRD - X-ray Diffraction technique λ - Wavelength 2θ - Bragg Angle xviii LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX TITLE A Mass spectra of 2-phenyl-1-propanol B Chromatograms of reactant (a) benzene (b) propylene PAGE 91 oxide (c) nitrobenzene as a solvent 92 C Nitrogen Adsorption Isotherm 94 D Calculation method of Conversion, Selectivity, Yield and Percentage of Oligomerisation 96 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 General Introduction The concept of catalysis was first discovered by Berzelius in 1836. The word catalysis came from combination of two Greek words, κατα (kata) and λυδειν (lysein) which was defined as ‘loosening down’ [1]. The phenomenon of catalysts has been extensively studied since the early decades of the 19th century, and used unconsciously for a much larger period. Nowadays, the catalyst market is seeing moderate growth especially in fine chemicals and environmental markets sectors which posesses higher perfoming. Meanwhile polymerization catalysts are growing at more moderate rate, whereas refining and petrochemical catalysts are experiencing low to flat growth. According to Comyns [2], the global catalyst market had a volume of $10.5 billion in 2001 and is expected to grow to almost $13.5 billion or 4.6% per year by 2007. Environmental catalysts are the biggest segment in the merchant, accounting for 27% of 2001 market. Polymerization catalysts are second with nearly 22%, followed by refining (21%), petrochemical (20%) and fine chemical and intermediates (10%). However, fine chemical and environmental sectors are expected to grow at near or above 8% per year for the next 6 years. The use of combinatorial catalyst for discovery and optimisation of catalytic performance is expected to have a significant effect on the rate at which new catalysts are 2 developed [3, 4]. Basically catalyst can be classified into two types which are homogeneous and heterogeneous catalyst. Homogeneous catalyst particularly Lewis acid catalyst is well known and has been applied in Friedel-Crafts alkylation and acylation reactions. However, new policies were introduced involving the applications of homogeneous catalysts as a result of the problems caused by them; such as corrosion, loss of catalyst and disrupting the environment [5]. The policies focused on environment protection and avoidance of unfriendly reactants and catalysts with better selectivity in order to minimize product waste and expensive separations and recycling [6]. Meanwhile, heterogeneous catalysts such as molecular sieves, zeolites and porous materials for liquid phase organic synthesis reactions can give a lot of benefits such as clean reaction product solution after filtration, ease of recovery and avoidance of corrosion. Therefore, development of efficient heterogeneous catalysts is interesting and useful especially in the production of fine chemical and intermediates. 1.2 Research Background Recently, many perfume chemical and intermediates are produced on a large scale by Friedel Crafts reactions. The reaction usually involves the alkylation or acylation of an aromatic compound in the presence of Lewis acid catalyst. For example, the Friedel Crafts alkylation of benzene with ethylene oxide is a commercial route to produce β-phenethyl alcohol or 2-phenyl-ethanol. 2-phenylethanol is an important intermediate which is used because of its exquisite odour of natural rose petal [7]. On the other hand, the alkylation of 2-methoxynapthalene with propylene oxide is the preferred method to produce a precursor for non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory agent naproxen [8, 9]. Basically, aluminium chloride is the most common catalyst in the Friedel Crafts alkylation instead of sulphuric acid, phosphoric acid, ferric chloride and boron trifluoride. The common alkylation agents are olefin, alkyl halide, alcohol and epoxides [10]. 3 The reaction of benzene or alkylbenzene with epoxides in the presence of some homogeneous Lewis acid was first reported by Hata et al. [11]. Next, Nakajima et al. [12] studied stereospecific Friedel-Crafts alkylation of benzene with propylene oxide by aluminium chloride as Lewis acid catalyst and stereochemistry of ring opening of epoxides. In 1970s, asymmetric induction in the Friedel-Crafts reaction of benzene with (+)-1, 2-epoxybutane was studied by Nakajima et al. [13]. Meanwhile, Inoue et al. [14] examined the reaction of toluene and anisole with 2-methoxyoxirane and 2, 3-dimethyloxirane in the presence of aluminum chloride as Lewis acid. Later, in the 80s, SnCl4 as catalyst on stereoselective Friedel-Crafts alkylation via epoxide transannular and cycloalkylation reactions were studied [15, 16]. 1.3 Problem Statement Basically, introduction of hydroxyl group into an aromatic compound using ethylene or propylene oxides are relatively well established in the presence of Lewis acid catalysts. However, the selectivity of hydroxyalkylated products were affected by side reactions such as epoxide oligomerisation or further reaction of the hydroxyalkylated intermediate with the starting reactant to yield bisarylalkane derivates. Hence, a cleaner alternative process which is truly catalytic is needed due to serious effluent problem associated with the use of a stoichiometric amount of AlCl3 and the corrosive reaction conditions. A lot of current processes in the production of fine chemicals and intermediates are using homogeneous catalyst. The manufacture of fine chemicals and intermediates involving the batch processes, are associated with the production of large quantities of toxic waste [17]. Homogeneous catalysts such as mineral acid, strong base and toxic metal reagent impose many drawback including handling difficulties, inorganic contamination of organic products, the formation of large volume of toxic waste and poor reaction selectivity leading to unwanted isomers and side products [18]. 4 In the hydroxyalkylation of aromatic with epoxides, the epoxides was added into a suspension of anhydrous AlCl3 in the aromatic subtracts [19]. The postulated mechanism of hydroxyalkylation proposed that aluminium chloride form an addition compound with the epoxide which preferably opens at the most substituted carbon atom [12]. As a result, a very reactive intermediate forms and reacts rapidly with the aromatic and another molecule of epoxide. In this reaction, the tendency of epoxide oligomerisation decreases due to dilution of epoxide [11]. The attack of the aromatic gives rise to the formation of an alcohol-AlCl3 complex [20]. The complex is generally soluble in the aromatic and is therefore more available than the unreacted suspended AlCl3. The alcohol-AlCl3 complex becomes an increasingly important negative factor since it is a polymerization catalyst for the epoxide [7]. Therefore, a stoichiometric amount or excess of aluminium chloride and large excess of the aromatic are needed to prevent oligomerisation of the epoxide. The complex has to be decomposed with water in order to obtain the desired product. The reaction and work-up also should occur below 25ºC; otherwise the alcohol-AlCl3 complex will react further with another aromatic molecule to afford 1, 2-diaryalkanes [21]. Furthermore, AlCl3 catalyzed hydroxyalkylation requires a hydrolysis step resulting in a hydrated AlCl3 waste stream. As a result, the catalyst is not reusable [14]. Extensive studies were conducted on alkylation and hydroxyalkylation of aromatic using heterogeneous catalyst as a model reaction [22-26]. However, zeolites such as H-ZSM-5, modernite, H-Beta and ZnNaY catalysed intermolecular hydroxyalkylation of epoxides are very difficult because of competing epoxide oligomerisation and rearrangement [21]. The main limitation of zeolites is the range of pore sizes available. The small pore size of zeolites prevent it from being useful in new applications with bulky and large molecule such as polymerization. Besides, the cations present inside the structure may in some cases obstruct the pore apertures and limit the rate of reactions [27]. In some cases for example, the formation of coke which is deposited inside the pore of zeolite can hinder the normal diffusion of reactants and products in and out of the catalyst [28, 29]. For this reason, in the past, efforts were directed towards the synthesis of similar structures which led to the discovery of MCM-41 [30]. Thus, the recent synthesis of mesoporous molecular sieves MCM-41 has expanded the capabilities of heterogeneous catalyst. Compared to zeolites, mesoporous MCM-41 materials is a useful candidate. 5 1.4 Research Objectives The objectives of this research are: 1. To synthesize and characterize mesoporous Al-MCM-41 with different SiO2:Al2O3 ratios through direct and secondary synthesis. 2. To study acidity properties of aluminium containing MCM-41. 3. To investigate the catalytic activity of hydroxyalkylation of benzene with propylene oxide as a model reaction. 1.5 Scope of Study In this research, Al-MCM-41 was synthesized by direct and secondary means using sodium aluminate as the source of aluminium. Through both methods of syntheses, aluminium was substituted for silicon in the framework and on the surface. The insertion of aluminium into the framework of MCM-41 creates acid sites. The structure and physical properties of catalyst were studied by X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Magic Angle Spinning Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, (27Al and 29 27 Al and 29 Si Si MAS NMR), Nitrogen Adsorption and Surface Area Analyzer. The acid properties of catalyst were characterized using Temperature Programmed Desorption of Ammonia (TPD-NH3) and Pyridine Adsorption Measurement. Al-MCM-41 was tested to catalyse the hydroxyalkylation of benzene and propylene oxide; chosen as a model reaction, to produce 2-phenyl-1-propanol. The testing of desired catalyst on the hydroxyalkylation of ethylene oxide and benzene could not be carried out due to the current strict regulation on the import of ethylene oxide. The Friedel-Crafts reactions were carried out which include six main parameters, namely SiO2:Al2O3 ratios, temperature, time on stream, reactant mole ratio composition, solvent and autoclave reactor effect. The products will be characterized by Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectroscopy techniques. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Friedel Crafts Alkylation of Aromatic Compounds Friedel-Crafts reaction was discovered by French chemist, Charles Friedel and his co-worker, James Crafts in the late 1800. According to Neckers and Doyle [31], Friedel-Crafts alkylation reaction is the only substitution reaction that directly introduces an activating group to the benzene ring. Through that reaction, a hydrogen atom (or other substituted group) of an aromatic nucleus is replaced by an alkyl group through the interaction of an alkylating agent in the presence of a FriedelCrafts catalyst. Lewis acid type catalysts for aromatic alkylation include aluminium chloride, ferric chloride, boron trifluoride, antimony pentachloride, zinc chloride and titanium chloride. Instead of Lewis acid, Brønsted acid type also plays important role as the catalyst such as HF, H2SO4 and H3PO4. Friedel-Crafts reactions are usually rapid at room temperature and in most cases, must be controlled by a cooling bath. The most frequently used alkylating agents are alkyl halides, alkenes, ethers, epoxides and alcohols. Certain types of ether and epoxides can be used as an alkylating agent for aromatic compounds in the presence of Friedel-Crafts catalyst. Examples are diethyl ether, diisopropyl, and di-n-butyl ethers which react with benzene and its homologues to give alkylated products [10]. The condensation of 7 ethyl benzene ether with benzene and aluminium chloride gives a mixture of ethyl benzene, biphenyl methane and m- and p-dibenzylbenzene [20]. Ethylene oxide, an epoxide, normally condenses with aromatic compounds to yield β-phenethyl alcohol. The condensation of ethylene oxide and benzene to β-phenethyl alcohol, a synthetic ingredient of rose perfume, is catalysed by aluminium chloride. Instead of producing β-phenethyl alcohol, ethylene oxide is also partly converted into dibenzyl [7]. Ethylene, propylene and butylene oxides also react with aromatic hydrocarbons in the presence of BF3 to form aromatic alcohols [31]. The possibility of alkylating aromatic hydrocarbons with ethers in the presence of boron fluoride is attributed to the property of these ethers to form coordination compounds with BF3. Upon heating, ethers split up into olefins and alcohol. The alkylations of benzene with diethyl, diisopropyl, diisoamyl, isopropyl, phenyl, ethyl, n-propyl, benzyl, and dibenzyl ethers have been studied. The overall reactions of alkyl halides, alcohols, alkenes and epoxides acting as alkylating agents in the presence of aluminium chloride can be summarised as follows: AlCl3 Ar-H + RX Ar-R + HX (2.1) AlCl3 Ar-H + ROH Ar-R + H2O (2.2) R-CH-CH3 (2.3) AlCl3 Ar-H + R-CH=CH2 Ar Ar-H + CH2CH2O AlCl3 Ar-CH2-CH2-OH (2.4) 8 2.2 Mesoporous Materials International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) classifies three categories for pore sizes in solids. Pore size distributions larger than 500 Å are macroporous. Materials having pores between 20 Å to 500 Å represent mesoporous material. Materials with pore size distribution less than 20 Å are related to microporous materials. Mesoporous materials belong to a new family of material with sizes intermediate to those usually studied by chemists and material scientist, and therefore mesoporous materials pose new challenge in their synthesis and characterization. The first report on the formation of ‘low bulk density silica’ was reported by Chiola et al. [32]. The findings were filed as a patent for Sylvania Electric Product Inc. According to their research, the silica is obtained through the reaction of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide and tetraethylorthosilicates. Nevertheless, the discovery did not emphasize on the silica characterization. In 1992, researchers at the Mobil Oil Company reported a novel family of materials called M41S [30, 33-34]. The breakthrough assures a bright future due to their properties with a well-defined pore size between 15-100Å. With the discovery of this new type of material, the pore size constraint of microporous materials, with pore diameter smaller than 15Å, was overcome. 2.2.1 Mesoporous MCM-41 Molecular Sieves The family of mesoporous M41S material consists of three types, as summarized in Table 2.1: 9 Table 2.1: Type of M41S mesoporous material Family Type Structure MCM-41 Hexagonal MCM-48 Cubic MCM-50 Lamellar MCM-41 is one of the most studied and promising member of the M41S family. MCM-41 is the abbreviation for Mobil Crystalline Material. These mesoporous material presents regular arrays of uniform channels. By choosing adequate reactants and reaction conditions, it is possible to tailor the channel dimension in the range of 15-100Å or even larger. However, as the pore size increases, the regularity of the structure is affected. The BET (Brunauer-EmmetTeller) surface area is typically over 1000 m2/g [33, 34]. The pore is usually between 0.7 and 1.2 cm3/g. The adsorption capacity is exceptionally high (more than 50 wt% for cyclohexane at 40 Torr, 67 wt% for benzene at 50 Torr). MCM-41 possesses excellent thermal and hydrothermal stability (up to 800°C). It is relatively stable in acidic medium (pH 2) [35]. However, it is destroyed in a basic medium (pH12). MCM-41 is composed of silica framework, which is almost catalytically inactive. However, the isomorphous substitution of silicon by a variety of metals gives rise to acidic properties (Al, Ga, Fe) [36]. The possibility of using the pore channels of MCM-41 as a support for existing catalysts has also been considered [3, 4]. 10 Figure 2.1 Figure 2.2 The mesoporous M41S family [30] The structure of mesoporous MCM-41 material [33] 11 2.2.2 Mechanisms of Formation for MCM-41 According to Tanev et al. [37], the synthesis of MCM-41 consists of four complementary routes: i. S+I-: direct co-condensation of anionic inorganic silicate species (I-) with a cationic surfactant (S+) ii. S-I+: direct co-condensation of cationic inorganic silicate species (I+) with an anionic surfactant (S-) iii. S+X-I+: counter-ion mediated assembly where X-= Cl- or Br- iv. S-M+I-: counter-ion mediated assembly where M+= Na+ or K+ The routes are based on ion pairing between ionic silicon species and surfactants. There is also a neutral route, which is based on hydrogen bonding between neutral silicates species and neutral surfactant (S0I0). Basically the synthesis of MCM-41 always involves a liquid template mechanism which contains two-steps. The mechanism is summarised in Figure 2.3. Surfactant Micelle Hexagonal Array Micellar Rod Silicate Calcination 1 2 Figure 2.3 Silicate MCM-41 (1) Liquid crystal phase initiated and (2) silicate anion initiated [34] 12 The first step is the co-condensation of inorganic silicon species with organic surfactant. In this early step, there are three possible mechanisms. In the first mechanism, hexagonal arrangements of micellar rods exist prior to the polymerisation of the silicate species at the surface of the rods. Then, micellar rods are encapsulated into 2-3 monolayers of silica. Subsequently, these rods interact to form hexagonal arrangements. In the third mechanism, the hexagonal arrangement is formed through the interaction of the surfactants with the silicate species. The silicate species screen the charge of the surfactants, which renders possible the agglomeration of micellar rods. Nevertheless, the real mechanism depends on the reaction conditions. Finally, mesoporous MCM-41 is obtained through the removal of surfactant from the structure. This may proceed via calcination or via solventextraction. 2.3 Incorporation of Aluminium into MCM-41 Purely siliceous Si-MCM-41 does not possess acidity. Thus, it is difficult to introduce and apply it as a solid acid. Incorporation of metal such as aluminium [38], titanium and zirconium [39] into the mesoporous structure have been investigated and it was found to possess acidity. Basically, the incorporation of aluminium into mesoporous materials is particularly important since it forms solid acid catalyst possessing acid sites. The acidity generated is associated with the presence of aluminium in the framework. The first detailed report on synthesis and characterization of aluminium incorporated mesoporous materials was studied by Corma et al. [38]. The aluminium containing MCM-41 can be synthesized by both direct and secondary synthesis using a wide range of Si: Al ratios, depending on the surfactant and synthetic conditions [40]. The typical characteristic of Al-MCM-41 with highly ordered mesoporosity, large surface area, high thermal stability and some acidity, allude to the possibility of applying these materials as catalyst in the synthesis and conversion of large molecules. 13 Basically, the catalytic activity of protonic aluminium containing MCM-41 is attributed to the presence of acidic sites arising from the AlO4 tetrahedral units in the framework. These acid sites may be Brønsted or Lewis in character. A purely siliceous framework is electronically neutral due to +4 charge of Si and four -1 charges from oxygen atoms. However, the substitution of another element such as aluminium atom affects the charge density of the framework. As a result, purely siliceous MCM-41 loses neutrality when lattice Si4+ cations are replaced by Al3+ cations. This requires the Al atoms to be tetracoordinated and consequently becomes negatively charged. The distribution of tetrahedral Si and Al atoms in the framework is generally, governed by Loewenstein’s rule [41]. The rule suggests that AlO4 tetrahedral in aluminosilicate networks do not share oxygen atoms. Thus, according to that (AlOAl) avoidance principle, Al-MCM-41 is composed of alternating silicon and aluminium atoms and imposes an overall negative charge. The negatively charged framework is balanced by Na+ ions present in the system. Thus, in order to form acidic mesoporous materials, ion exchange with ammonium nitrate is carried out followed by thermal decomposition of the NH4+ cations into protons and ammonia. The Brønsted acid sites are protons loosely attached to lattice oxygen atoms in the vicinity of aluminium. A scheme for the formation of these sites is shown in Figure 2.4. Further heating removes water from the Brønsted site, exposing a distorted tricoordinated Al ion. The sites have an electron-pair acceptor property which is identified as a Lewis acid site (Figure 2.4a). According to Uytteroeen et al. [42], the presence of Lewis acid sites is associated with both octahedral and tetrahedral extra framework Al (EFAL) species, created by dehydroxylation of hydrogen forms of mesoporous materials (Figure 2.4b). The surface of aluminium containing MCM-41 can thus display either Brønsted or Lewis acid sites, or both depending on how the sample is prepared. 14 O O Si Na+ _ O Al O O Si O O O O Na+ O Si O O O _ Al O O O Si O O O Ion exchange with NH4NO3 solution at 363 K O O Si NH4+ _ O Al O O Si O O O O O NH4+ Si O O O _ Al O O O Si O O O Calcination at 673 K for 4 hours O O Si H Brønsted acid form of Al-MCM-41 H O O O Al O Si O O O O O Si O O Al O O O Si O O O -H2O (a) O O Si O _ O Al O O O + Si O O O Al O O Si O O O Lewis acid form of Al-MCM-41 or (b) O O Si O AlO+ _ O Al O O O Si O O O Si O O O Figure 2.4 Scheme for the generation of Brønsted and Lewis acid sites with (a) Distorted Framework Tricoordinated Aluminium (b) Extra framework Aluminum (EFAL) in Al-MCM-41 15 2.4 Catalytic Applications of MCM-41 The discovery of mesoporous MCM-41 family having a regular pore distribution between 20-100Å has opened up new possibilities in the field of heterogeneous catalysis. Al-MCM-41 is a potential heterogeneous catalyst in organic reactions such as Friedel-Crafts reaction, epoxidation and Diels-Alder reaction. Friedel Crafts reaction which involves acid catalysed reaction such as alkylation or acylation, rearrangement and isomerization cracking are important processes in organic synthesis, fine chemical production as well as in petrochemical industry [43]. In recent years, zeolite and molecular sieve play important role as solid acid catalysts and are replacing the conventional homogeneous mineral acid catalyst [44]. Since siliceous MCM-41 does not possess acidity, it is difficult to use as synthesized mesoporous material as a catalyst. Therefore, incorporation of metals such as aluminium, titanium and iron into mesoporous structure have been investigated in order to enable MCM-41 to be used as solid acid catalysts [3, 4, 38-39]. MCM-41 incorporated with various metals has been studied in alkylation; as a replacement to AlCl3, HF and H2SO4, the environmentally hazardous Friedel Craft catalysts. The combinations of large pores and mild acidity in catalyst have shown positive results in Friedel Craft alkylation and acylation. For example, the acylation of 2-metoxynaphthalene could produce different positional isomers with different ratios, depending on the reaction conditions. Most desirable product is 2-acetyl-6methoxynaphthalene, used in the synthesis of anti-inflammatory drug 2-(6-methoxy2-naphthyl) propionic acid (Naproxen). Through acylation of naphthalene with acetic anhydride by using mesoporous acidic Al-MCM-41, almost exclusive acylation of 1position occurred. Meanwhile, the replacement of acetyl chloride as acylating agent and Lewis acid with Zn-MCM-41 achieved the desired 2-acetyl-6- methoxynaphthalene [45]. Recently, aromatic alkylation on mesoporous Al-MCM-41 has been the subject of several studies leading to industrially relevant results such as the production of ethylbenzene and cumene. The most recent example is the synthesis of 2, 6-dialkyllnaphthalene (2-DIPN) via selective transalkylation of alcohol and polymethylated aromatics catalysed by Al-MCM-41 [46, 47]. 16 Next, the synthesis potential of carbonyl compounds has been explored over acidic Al-MCM-41 under extremely different experimental conditions. The synthesis of jasminaldehyde (α-η-amylcinnamaldehyde) and alkyl glucosides are revealing examples of the roles of Al-MCM-41 as catalyst in reactions involving carbonyl compounds. In the traditional aldol condensation of 1-heptanal with benzaldehyde on acid catalyst, the yield of jasminaldehyde was often lowered by side reactions of both aldehydes. However, Al-MCM-41 has been proved to be preferable for the reaction. Through the reaction, the acetal gradually released 1-heptanal on the surface of the catalyst, allowing the aldolic condensation with benzaldehyde to occur. At the same time, self condensation favoured by high local concentration of n-heptanal was minimized, enhancing the yields with selectivity of up to 90% at 80% conversion; comparable to those produced using homogeneous catalysts [48]. 2.5 Characterization Techniques 2.5.1 Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Infrared Spectroscopy is an important method of structure characterization. In this research, information about the samples is given by lattices coupling, electrostatic and other effects. The KBr pellet technique is frequently used for investigation of vibrations of the framework. The frequencies between 1500 cm-1 and 400 cm-1 provide structural information on the composition and the manner in which the individual SiO4 tetrahedra are linked. Assignments of the spectra are classified into two classes of absorption [49]: 1. Internal vibration of the TO4, (T= Si or Al) tetrahedra which are the primary units of the structure. These are not sensitive to structural variations. Vibration observed in this class are the asymmetric O-T-O stretch (1250-900 cm-1), symmetric O-T-O stretch (720-650 cm-1) and T-O bend (500-420 cm-1). 17 2. External linkages between tetrahedra, and so are sensitive to framework composition and topology. In this group are the double ring vibration (580610 cm-1) due to external vibrations of double 4 and 6 membered rings, pore opening vibration (300-400 cm-1) due to breathing motion of large rings, symmetric stretch (750-820 cm-1) and asymmetric stretch (1150-1050 cm-1). 2.5.2 Powdered X-ray Diffraction Measurement Powdered X-ray Diffraction technique is most commonly used as a “fingerprint” in the identification of a crystalline material. It provides a lot of informations about unit cell dimensions, phase impurity and crystal structure [50]. All the informations are in a pattern which is a plot of the intensity of the diffraction beams as a function of 2θ. The X-ray wavelength commonly employed is the characteristic Kα radiation, λ = 1.5418 Å, emitted by copper. When samples diffract X-rays, the atoms or ions, which act as secondary point sources, scatter the X-rays. According to Bragg, crystals are built up in layers or planes such that each acts as a semi-transparent-mirror. Some of the X-rays are reflected off a plane with the angle of reflection equal to the angle of incidence, but the rest are transmitted to be subsequently reflected by succeeding planes [51]. All characteristics must obey the Bragg law which is nλ = 2 d sin θ (2.5) where λ is the wavelength of the X-rays, d is the distance between planes, and the θ is the angle of incidence of the X-ray beam to the plane [52]. The spacing of planes (hkl) or Miller indices is related to the unit cell parameters of lattices. The Miller indices are reflections contributing to composite peak scattered by each set of lattice planes of randomly distributed crystallites at the appropriate 2θ angle. During the measurement, the XRD technique presents only an averaged view of the structure. Changes in the distance of the framework affect the position of the peaks in the diffractogram. For example, replacement of Al-O bonds (1.69Å) by the shorter Si-O % Transmitance 18 2 1 1. not sensitive 2. sensitive 2 1200 2 1 1 1300.0 1 1100 1000 900 800 -1 700 600 500 400.0 Wave number cm Figure 2.5 FTIR spectrum for purely siliceous Si-MCM-41 [53] θ θ θ θ d Figure 2.6 Graphical representation of the Bragg equation. The diffraction of x-rays is interpreted as the reflection on a set of planes (h k l) [51] 19 bonds (1.61Å) causes the unit cell to contract, decrease in the d-spacing and shifts of the diffraction peaks towards higher 2θ values. The unit cell parameters of MCM-41 can be calculated from interplanar spacing using the formula: ao = 2d100 / √3 (2.6) The measured widths of diffraction peaks carry informations on the dimensions of the crystallite size of samples. For amorphous phase and small particles, either broad and weak diffraction lines or no diffraction at all is observed. Consequently, if a catalyst contains particles with a distribution of size, XRD may only detect the larger ones. 2.5.3 Magic-Angle-Spinning Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (MAS NMR) Spectroscopy 29 Si MAS NMR 29 Si MAS NMR structural studies on mesoporous material rely on the local environment of SiO4 which can be affected by the chemical shift of the central Si atom. In order to determine the shift of SiO4 group, two features namely the number of SiOT bridges formed by the given SiO4 tetrahedron (degree of polymerisation) and the number of Si or Al atoms in the second coordination sphere of the central silicon with a given number of SiOT bridges (degree of tetrahedral Al substituted) are used [54]. Qn notation is commonly adopted in order to present the structure of building units or silicate anion. In this notation, Q represents a silicon atom bonded to four oxygen atoms forming a tetrahedron. The superscript n indicates the connectivity, i.e. the number of other Q units attached to the SiO4 tetrahedron under study. Thus, Q0 denotes the monomeric orthosilicates anion SiO44-, Q1 end-groups of chains, Q2 middle groups in chains or cycles, Q3 chain branching sites and Q4 three dimensionally cross-linked groups. 20 - OOSi OO- OOSiOSi O- OSiOSiOSi O- - Q0 Q1 Si O SiOSiOSi O- Q2 Si O SiOSiOSi O Si Q3 Q4 Q0 Q1 Q1 (<SiOSi = 180º) Q2 Q3 Q4 -60 Figure 2.7 -70 29 -80 -90 δ, ppm -100 -110 -120 Si chemical shifts of Qn units in solid silicates [54] Figure 2.7 shows the range of 29 Si chemical shifts of Qn units in solid silicates. The replacement of one or more Si atoms by Al atoms in the outer coordination sphere of a Qn unit results in significant low field shifts which is of less negative δ values. In general, each Si-O-Si Æ Si-O-Al substitution brings about a deshielding of the chemical shift anisotropy to 5 ppm for the central silicon atom. 27 Al MAS NMR 27 Al nucleus is favourable in NMR due to the 100% natural abundance of the nuclei and the fast relaxation which is generally observed for quadrupolar nuclei. 27 Al has a nuclear spin I = 5 / 2 and therefore a nuclear quadrupole moment, which raises additional complications at the experimental and theoretical level. The technique conducted at high magnetic field, produces good quality spectra with relatively high signal-to-noise ratios and can normally be obtained within comparatively short measurement times. Basically 27 Al MAS NMR chemical shifts are dominated by the following structural features [54]: i. the coordination number of the T atom in the TOn polyhedra 21 ii. the number and kind of atoms connected directly with the basic TO4 tetrahedra in the silicate or aluminosilicates framework iii. the bonding geometry around the T atom (TOT bond angles, TO bond length and the type and location of non framework cations) The 27 Al MAS NMR technique is able to distinguish between tetrahedrally (framework Al) and octahedrally (non-framework Al) coordinated aluminium by clearly separated shifts ranges of about +50 to +80 ppm for AlO4 and about -10 to +20 ppm for AlO6. 2.5.4 Nitrogen Adsorption and Desorption Measurement Gas adsorption measurements are widely used for determining the surface area and pore size distribution of a variety of different solid material such as industrial adsorbents, catalyst and pigments. Sorption capacity measurement provides one of the simplest and most direct ways of characterizing zeolitic materials [55]. According to Sing et al. [56], adsorption is the enrichment of one or more components in an interfacial layer. The relationship between the amount adsorbed and the equilibrium pressure (or relative pressure) at a known temperature are defined as adsorption isotherm. The isotherm is usually illustrated in graphical form of na plotted against p or p/p0. According to IUPAC isotherm shape can be classified to four types which is shown in Figure 2.8. Based on the figure, reversible isotherm of type II is the normal form given by a nonporous or macroporous adsorbent. The shape is indicative of unrestricted monolayer-multilayer adsorption up to high p/p0. Meanwhile, type I isotherm is also reversible, but exhibits a distinctive plateau so that na approaches a limiting value as p/p0 become 1. Type I isotherms are given by microporous catalysts such as molecular sieve zeolites and activated carbon. The limiting uptake is governed by the accessible pore volume. The most striking feature of the type IV isotherm are the hysteresis loop and the plateau at high p/p0. Isotherms of this type are typical of mesoporous adsorbents such as silica gels, M41S family and some other oxide catalysts. 22 Figure 2.8 The most frequently found types of gas physisorption isotherms: a n = amount adsorbed, ms = mass of solid adsorbent, p = equilibrium pressure, po = saturation vapour pressure [56] 2.6 Surface Acidity Measurement 2.6.1 Temperature Programmed Desorption of Ammonia (TPD-NH3) Temperature programmed desorption of simple bases are widely used in order to assess the total number and strength of acid sites [57]. For example TPD-NH3 has been employed to characterize the acidity of ZSM-5 [58], modernite [59] and zeolite Y [60]. In a typical TPD experiment, catalyst is retained in a reactor that can be heated at linear rate. After pre-treatment, the catalyst is saturated with a probe molecule under well defined adsorption conditions. After the excess gas is flushed out of the reactor, the sample is heated in a flowing inert gas stream. Temperature- 23 programmed reaction studies are conducted by replacing the inert gas with a reactive gas feed to the reactor. A thermocouple inserted in the catalyst measures the temperature and a detector downstream measures the effluent gas composition. The concentration of the desorbing gas in the effluent gas is monitored by thermal conductivity, flame ionization or mass spectroscopy. 2.6.2 Pyridine Adsorption – Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy Measurement Numerous authors studied the acidity of mesoporous Al-MCM-41 aluminosilicates via Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy [61-63]. The nature of acid sites was investigated using pyridine as the probe molecule. Pyridine (pKb = 8.8) is chosen as probe molecule since it enables a clear distinction between Lewis and Brønsted type acid sites [64]. In addition, demonstrates that pyridine is more easily protonated than ammonia and that the pyridinium ion is thermally more stable than the ammonium ion. In any case, pyridine is to be classified as a relatively hard base. The molecular size of molecule may give rise to steric hindrance in intermolecular interactions. a) .. N N H Figure 2.9 b) N H+ Structure of (a) Pyridine and (b) Pyridinium Ion 24 The pyridine molecule can undergo coordination to aprotic sites, in which it can be protonated to form the pyridinium ion, PyH+ on acidic OH and undergo H-bonding with less acidic groups. Corma et al. [38] studied the acidity and the catalytic activity of Al-MCM-41 respectively. The following bands are present in the FTIR spectra of pyridine-adsorbed samples: i. 1620 cm-1 and 1455 cm-1: (Pyridine coordinated to Lewis acid sites) L ii. 1570 cm-1 : (Hydrogen bonded pyridine) H iii. 1640 cm-1 and 1456 cm-1 : (Pyridine protonated by Brønsted acid sites Pyridinium ions) B iv. 1490 cm-1: (Pyridine associated with both Brønsted and Lewis acid sites) B+L According to Hughes and White [65], the measurement provides information about the number of Brønsted and Lewis acid sites which can be calculated by measuring the intensity of those bands and from the values of the extinction coefficient. The amount of pyridine in µmole per g sample is calculated using the following Equation 2.7: Adsorbed pyridine (µmol) = B (cm-1) x sample surface area (cm2) ( 2.7 ) Adsorption Coefficient (cm µmole-1) x weight (g) B (band area) = Imax x ∆1/2 Imax is the intensity of the band (in absorbance unit) ∆1/2, half width at half height. In this measurement, the band area is determined using computer program of the FTIR instrument. The pellet is of 13 mm in diameter and 10 mg in weight. The sample surface area which is transferred by the radiation is 0.7857 cm-2 (from only 10 mm exposed to the FTIR radiation) on a 5.92 mg sample weight. The adsorption coefficient values which are involved: Brønsted = 3.03 ± 0.01 (2.8) Lewis = 3.80 ± 0.01 (2.9) 25 Therefore, the amount of pyridine adsorbed is calculated as follows: Brønsted acidity = B (cm-1) x 43.80 (cm µmol g-1) (2.10) Lewis acidity = B (cm-1) x 34.93 (cm µmol g-1) (2.11) 2.7 Quantitative Analysis of Hydroxyalkylation of Benzene with Propylene Oxide Basically, the quantitative analysis estimates of the mass of particular solute present in a sample are obtained from either peak height or peak area of Gas Chromatography. Then, the values obtained are compared with peak height or area of reference solute present in the sample at a known concentration or mass. In this research, the main task is to determine the concentration of desired component which 2-phenyl-1-propanol in a mixture of sample. 2-phenyl-1-propanol was quantitatively measured through Internal-Standardization technique Calibration-Curve Method. The use of an internal standard probably gives the most accurate quantitative results [66]. The requirements for a suitable internal standard are as follows: i. The internal standard must be a compound which is well separated from all components in the mixture being analyzed under the existing operation conditions. ii. The internal standard shall not react with any component of the sample, nor should it influence the physical properties of the other samples e.g. their volatility. iii. The amount of internal standard to be added should be comparable to the content of the sample component to be determined. Internal-Standardization technique Calibration-Curve Method is based on the preparation of a series of known solutions varying in concentration of the component to be determined with known amounts of standard added. Hence, calibration curve was plotted between the ratio of standard and internal standard (peak area) against the concentration of standard. The calibration curve should be linear with slopes 26 equal to the terms (Standard/Internal Standard) peak area ratio and concentration of standard. The curve also should cross the origin of the coordinate system. The concentrations of the component are determined through the ratio of the amounts of internal standard and sample injected. In principle, this ratio can be determined prior to injection into the instrument, so that the absolute amounts injected need not be measured. This is the principle in which the technique of internal standardization is based [67]. Thus, internal standardization technique plays a role to give accurate concentration of the desired product. The main advantage of the internal standard technique is the ability to determine the component in question without knowing the absolute amount of sample injected. Another major advantage of the internal standard technique is that both the components to be determined and the standard are introduced into the instrument by a single injection. Under such conditions, it is easily ensured that the bands of the component analyzed and of the standard are eluted and recorded under the same conditions. However, the necessity of adding to the sample analyzed an extraneous admixture in these technique may become a source of difficulties. Thus, the technique can not be used if there is no free space in the chromatogram for the peak of standard. The standard must be a compound which is well separated from all components of the mixture analyzed under existing operating conditions. Lastly, the standard also shall not react with any component of the sample, nor should it influence the physical properties of other compound. CHAPTER 3 EXPERIMENTAL 3.1 Synthesis of Mesoporous MCM-41 In this research, purely siliceous MCM-41 (Si-MCM-41) and aluminosilicate MCM-41 (Al-MCM-41) have been synthesized using Ludox as a silica source [68]. Al-MCM-41 with various SiO2:Al2O3 ratios were synthesized by direct synthesis (Dir) and secondary (Sec) syntheses. 3.1.1 Synthesis of Purely Siliceous MCM-41 (Si-MCM-41) A clear solution of sodium silicate with a Na / Si ratio of 0.5 was prepared by combining aqueous NaOH (23.5 g, 1.0 M) solution with a colloidal silica (9.415 g), Ludox (SiO2 Aldrich 30 wt%) and heating the resulting gel mixture with stirring for 2 hours at 353 K. The sodium silicate solution was added dropwise into a polypropylene bottle containing a mixture of 0.16 g of 25 wt% aqueous NH3, 2.86 g cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB Fluka 99%) and 6.0 g H2O, with vigorous stirring at room temperature. The resulting gel mixture in the bottle has a molar composition: 28 5.9 SiO2 : 1 CTAB : 1.5 Na2O : 0.15 (NH4)2O : 250 H2O After stirring for 2 hours, the gel mixture was heated to 370 K for 1 day. The mixture was then cooled to room temperature. Subsequently, pH of the reaction mixture was adjusted to 10.2 by dropwise addition of 25 wt% acetic acid with vigorous stirring. After the pH adjustment the reaction mixture was heated again to 370 K for 1 day. The pH adjustment to 10.2 and subsequent heating for 1 day was repeated twice. The precipitated product, Si-MCM-41 with CTAB template was filtered, washed with doubly distilled water and dried in an oven at 370 K. The SiMCM-41 was calcined in air under static conditions using a furnace Nabertherm model L5/S27. The calcination temperature was increased from room temperature to 823 K over 10 hours and maintained at 823 K for 4 hours. 3.1.2 Synthesis of Aluminated MCM-41 (Al-MCM-41) Synthesis of Al-MCM-41 was carried out following two techniques: a) Direct synthesis (Dir) b) Secondary synthesis or post-synthesis alumination (Sec) (a) Direct synthesis The procedure is almost the same as the synthesis of Si-MCM-41 except in the second part where aluminium source was added to the mixture. The aluminium source used in this study is sodium aluminate, NaAlO2 (Riedel-de Häer Al2O3 5056%). Different amount of sodium aluminate was added by varying the SiO2:Al2O3 ratio of the solution as listed in Table 3.1. The molar composition of Al-MCM-41 is 5.9 SiO2: (0.07-0.59) Al2O3 :1 CTAB : 1.5 Na2O : 0.15 (NH4)2O : 250 H2O 29 Table 3.1: Sample Codes for Al-MCM-41 with different SiO2:Al2O3 ratios Al-MCM-41 Direct Synthesis SiO2:Al2O3 ratio Sample Code (b) 10 Dir-Al-MCM-41(10) 20 Dir-Al-MCM-41(20) 40 Dir-Al-MCM-41(40) 80 Dir-Al-MCM-41(80) Secondary Synthesis Calcined sample of Si-MCM-41 (1 g) was stirred with 50 mL 0.25 M sodium aluminate solution, in a tightly closed polyethylene bottle at 333 K for 3 hours. The sample was filtered and washed with distilled water. Secondary Al-MCM-41 sample was obtained after calcination in air at 823 K for 3 hours. The sample is labeled as Sec-Al-MCM41-(0.25M) 3.1.3 Preparation of H-Al-MCM-41 H-Al-MCM-41 samples were prepared by using ion exchange technique. Calcined Al-MCM-41 (1 g) sample was ion exchanged with 50 mL ammonium nitrate solution (NH4NO3 Riedel-de Häer 99%) 1.0 M with vigorous stirring at 363 K overnight. The protonic form of Al-MCM-41 was obtained by deammoniating the NH4-AlMCM-41 sample at 673 K for 2 hours. 30 3.2 Characterization of Mesoporous MCM-41 3.2.1 X-ray Diffraction Measurement The sample was carefully ground to a fine powder using the mortar and pestle before mounting it on the sample holder. Then, sample was lightly pressed between two glass slides to get a thin layer. X-ray diffraction were acquired using Bruker D8 Advance with Cu Kα radiation with λ = 1.5418 Å at 40 kV and 40 mA. Samples were measured in the range of 2θ = 1.5-10º, with step interval of 0.02º step size and 1 second step time. 3.2.2 Surface Area Measurement Surface area and pore volume of Dir-Al-MCM-41(10) and Sec-Al-MCM41- (0.25M) samples were analysed using ASAP 2000 Micromeritics apparatus with nitrogen as adsorbate at 77K, whereas Dir-Al-MCM41-(20), Dir-Al-MCM41-(40) and Dir-Al-MCM41-(80) samples were measured using Surface Area Analyser instrument (Thermo Finnigan Qsurf Analyser) by single point BET technique. The technique assumes that intercept of single point equation is zero since the slope is always so much larger than the intercept. 3.2.3 Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy 25 mg of the sample was diluted with 300 mg of dry KBr and ground to a finely divided powder, loaded into a 13 mm die, and pressed under 10 tons pressure for 5 minutes to obtain a self supporting pellet. This technique avoids excessive grinding which might cause structural degradation. All measurements were performed at ambient temperature to keep the hydration state of the samples constant and to minimize any structural changes. The spectra were recorded in the range of 1500 cm-1 – 400 cm-1 with 4 cm-1 resolution using a Shidmadzu Fourier-Transform Infrared FTIR-8300 Spectrometer. 31 3.2.4 Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Solid state NMR spetra were carried out using a Bruker Ultrashield 400 NMR Spectrometer. 29Si MAS NMR spectra were measured at spectral frequency of 79 MHz using 4 mm zirconia double bearing rotor with recycle time delay of 600 s and spinning rate of 10 kHz with 45º pulses. Chemical shifts were given in ppm from external tetramethylsilane (TMS). 27 Al MAS NMR spectra were measured at 104.2 MHz, spinning rate of 7000Hz, 1.9 µsec pulses and 2 s recycle time delay. Each spectrum was obtained with 6000 scans. The chemical shift of 27 Al were reported relative to Al(H2O)63+ as the reference. 3.3 Acidity Studies of Mesoporous MCM-41 3.3.1 Temperature Programmed Desorption of Ammonia Acidity measurement of mesoporous MCM-41 was carried out using Temperature-Programmed Desorption (TPD) with ammonia (NH3) as an adsorbed molecule. All samples were measured on TPDRO 1100 of Thermoquest. For pre-treatment, samples were purged at 383 K in a nitrogen stream for 2.5 hours. Then, ammonia was adsorbed at 353 K for 0.5 hour. In the analysis step, decomposition of the NH4+ form or desorption of NH3 were initiated by continuous heating of sample in a 30 ccm/min flow of helium up to 873 K at a heating rate of 15 K/min. The desorbed amount of NH3 was recorded continuously using a thermal conductivity cell. 32 3.3.2 Pyridine Adsorption – Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy Measurement The system consists of an IR cell, vacuum line, and pyridine as an adsorbate. Self supporting thin wafers of 13 mm diameter was made by pressing about 10 mg of sample between 2 steel die under 5 tons of pressure for 10 seconds. The wafer was placed in a ring type sample holder and transferred into IR cell equipped with CaF2 window. The IR cell containing the sample wafer was attached to the vacuum line and dehydrated at 673 K and 10-5 m bar for 8 hours. The IR spectrum of dehydrated sample was then measured at room temperature. Pyridine was adsorbed into sample at room temperature and allowed to interact for a few seconds. Weakly adsorbed pyridine species were removed by evacuation under vacuum at 10-5 m bar at room temperature, 423 K, 523 K and 673 K for every 1 hour. 3.4 Catalytic Activity of Mesoporous MCM-41 in Hydroxyalkylation of Benzene with Propylene Oxide 3.4.1 Activation of Catalysts 250 mg of H-Al-MCM-41 sample was activated in a tube furnace before adding into the reaction mixture. The catalyst was placed in a sintered glass tube in nitrogen gas flow and heated at 673 K for 2 hours. Subsequently, H-Al-MCM-41 sample was kept in a desiccator filled with silica gel. 33 3.4.2 Catalytic Reaction Procedure 0.25 g catalyst was added to a reaction vessel containing (5.59mL) 80 mmol of propylene oxide (Merck, 99%) and (14.5mL) 160 mmol of benzene (Merck,99%) in the presence of 10 mL of nitrobenzene (J.T. Baker, 99%) as solvent. The reaction was magnetically stirred for 24 hours at 363 K. Blank runs were also carried out for this system. The effluents were collected in closed vials after 24 hours. A sample of the liquid product was taken manually and analyzed by Gas Chromatography (HP 5890 Series II: Carbowax20M-FID) water out water in Temperature controller Benzene + Propylene Oxide + Solvent H-Al-MCM-41 Silicone Oil bath Power Supply Magnetic Stirrer Figure 3.1 Experiment set up for catalytic testing 34 3.5 Most Favourable Condition of Model Reaction As a model reaction, propylene oxide was reacted with benzene using various parameters. In this reaction, six parameters were chosen in order to investigate the effect on the distribution of products. The procedure for favourable condition of hydroxyalkylation of benzene with propylene oxide is summarized in Figure 3.2. 3.5.1 SiO2:Al2O3 Ratio In catalytic testing, catalysts with different SiO2:Al2O3 ratios were applied. The reactions were carried out at 363 K for 24 hours. The performance of catalyst was measured according to the conversion of benzene and selectivity of the desired product. 3.5.2 Temperature Hydroxyalkylation of benzene with propylene oxides were carried out at five different temperatures which are 333 K, 363 K, 393 K, 423 K and 453 K for 24 hours. The catalyst showing the best efficiency in part 3.5.1 was used. 3.5.3 Time on Stream In order to observe the trend of conversion and selectivity of desired product, effluent samples were collected in closed vials at 1, 2, 3, 4, 24 and 28 hours. 3.5.4 Reactant Mole Ratio Composition Reactant mole ratio composition was carried in order to investigate the influence of the amount of propylene oxide on the yield of desired product. 35 PROPYLENE OXIDE + BENZENE MOST FAVORABLE CONDITION SiO2 : Al2O3 RATIO EFFECT TEMPERATURE EFFECT REACTANT MOLE RATIO TIME ON STREAM EFFECT SOLVENT EFFECT AUTOCLAVE REACTOR TECHNIQUE THE MOST FAVORABLE CONDITION Figure 3.2 Flow chart of determining the most favorable procedure for propylene oxide and benzene 36 3.5.5 Solvent The effect of solvent in hydroxyalkylation reaction was studied using three different solvents: nitrobenzene, cycloctene and dichloromethane. 3.5.6 Autoclave Reactor Instead of using the reflux technique, hydroxyakylation of benzene with propylene oxides were carried out in two types of autoclave: Teflon line autoclave and stainless steel autoclave. 3.6 Reusability of Catalysts In order to investigate the reusability of aluminium containing MCM-41, the catalyst with SiO2:Al2O3 ratio of 10 was reused three times. After each run, the catalyst was thoroughly washed with dichloromethane and dried in oven at 370 K for 2 hours. The catalyst was calcined at 823 K for 6 hours. 3.7 Characterization of Hydroxyalkylation of Benzene with Propylene Oxide Reaction The residue was characterized by using Gas Chromatography- Flame Ionization Detector (GC-FID) model Hewlett Packard series 5890II and Gas Chromatography -Mass Spectroscopy (GC-MS) (Agilent 6890N-5973 Network Mass Selective Detector) technique. Operation parameters for GC-FID ad GC-MS are shown in Tables 3.2 and 3.3. 37 Table 3.2: Operation Parameters for Gas Chromatography Flame Ionization Detector (GC-FID) Parameter Properties Column Carbowax-2M Carrier Gas Hydrogen Temperature Programming 313-473 K Initial Time 5 min Hold Time 5 min Temperature Rate 10 K / min Sample Injection Volume 1.0 µL Table 3.3: Operation Parameters for Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy (GC-MS) Parameter Properties Column HP-5-MS Carrier Gas Helium Temperature Programming 313-473 K Initial Time 5 min Hold Time 5 min Temperature Rate 10 K / min Sample Injection Volume 1.0 µL CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 X-ray Diffraction Analysis Figure 4.1 shows the powder X-ray Diffraction pattern of Si-MCM-41 sample. The XRD pattern of the as-synthesized Si-MCM-41 exhibits an intense peak and two additional peaks showing d spacings corresponding to hexagonal lattice. Upon calcination at room temperature to 823 K for over 10 hours and maintained at 823 K for 4 hours, the intensity of the XRD peaks increased by about 2.7 times (Figure 4.1a). These results reflect that the degree of ordering was dramatically improved by removal of surfactant. The result indicates that Si-MCM-41 with a high degree of long range ordering and well formed hexagonal structure was prepared. Meanwhile, the X-ray diffraction data of Dir-Al-MCM-41(10) is shown in Figure 4.2. The calcined sample (Figure 4.2a) has four peaks that can be indexed on a hexagonal lattice as (100), (110), (200) and (210). XRD patterns of as-synthesized Dir-Al-MCM-41(10) samples (Figure 4.2b) also show the characteristic peaks. After calcination, the intensity of the peak increases and 2θ shifts to a higher value indicating contraction of the lattice. Contraction of the lattice is caused by the removal of template and subsequent condensation of silanol (Si-OH) groups. Relative Intensity 39 Calcined Si-MCM-41 hkl d(Å) 100 40.01 110 22.45 200 18.68 210 14.21 (100) As synthesized Si-MCM-41 hkl d(Å) 100 41.60 110 23.56 200 18.68 (a) (110) (200) (210) (b) 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2-Theta - Scale Figure 4.1 XRD powder pattern of (a) calcined at 823 K (b) as-synthesized Si-MCM-41 Calcined Al-MCM-41 hkl d(Å) 100 37.07 110 21.26 200 18.45 210 13.88 Relative Intensity (100) (a) (110) (200) (210) As synthesized Al-MCM-41 hkl d(Å) 100 41.29 110 24.07 200 20.87 210 15.73 (b) 1.6 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2-Theta-Scale Figure 4.2 XRD powder pattern of Dir-Al-MCM41(10) of (a) calcined (b) as synthesized samples 40 Figure 4.3 shows the XRD powder patterns of Al-MCM-41 samples with various SiO2:Al2O3 ratios prepared by direct and secondary synthesis. The intensity of the 3 main peaks which are (100), (110) and (200) increased gradually with increasing aluminium content. In general, the main peak which is narrow and most intense, indicates higher crystallinity of the sample. In order to investigate the correlation of XRD data to crystallinity of sample, the crystallinity of samples were calculated by comparing the intensity of the strong XRD peak (100) with Si-MCM41 sample. The degree of crystallinity data of Al-MCM-41 samples is summarized in Table 4.1. The result demonstrates that the crystallinity of samples increased with increasing aluminium content in the MCM-41 framework. Dir-Al-MCM-41(10) sample possesses the highest crystallinity of 83.6%; meanwhile Dir-Al-MCM41-(80) shows the lowest degree of crystallinity of 18.1%. It is expected that the decrease in crystallinity is due to the destruction of pore walls related to the presence of unreacted colloidal silica and some amorphous solid in the Al-MCM-41 framework. It is also clearly observed that Sec-Al-MCM-41(0.25M) possesses a higher degree of crystallinity compared to Dir-Al-MCM-41(80). The results indicate a distortion of the long range ordering of the Dir-Al-MCM-41(80) structure as a consequence of imperfectly built hexagonal arrays. As a result, structural irregularity of the silicate wall occurred after secondary incorporation of aluminium. Table 4.1: The degree of crystallinity of samples with various SiO2:Al2O3 ratios Sample Degree of Crystallinity (a) (%) Dir-Al-MCM-41(10) 83.6 Dir-Al-MCM-41(20) 74.5 Dir-Al-MCM-41(40) 58.1 Dir-Al-MCM-41(80) 18.1 Sec-Al-MCM-41(0.25M) 49.0 (a) Comparison to Si-MCM-41 at (100) peak 41 Relative Intensity Dir-Al-MCM-41(10) Dir-Al-MCM-41(20) Dir-Al-MCM-41(40) Sec-Al-MCM-41(0.25M) Dir-Al-MCM-41(80) 0 1.6 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2-Theta- Scale Figure 4.3 XRD powder pattern of Al-MCM-41 with various (SiO2:Al2O3) ratios Relative Intensity 42 (a) (b) 0 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2-Theta - Scale Figure 4.4 XRD powder pattern of Sec-AlMCM-41(0.25M) (a) calcined at 823 K (b) before calcination at 823 K Table 4.2: Some properties of Si-MCM-41 and Al-MCM-41 Sample Si-MCM-41 As Synthesized d100(Å) a0(Å) 41.60 48.03 Calcined d100(Å) a0(Å) 40.01 46.20 Dir- Al-MCM-41(10) 41.29 47.68 37.07 42.80 Dir- Al-MCM-41(20) 41.72 48.17 38.18 44.08 Dir- Al-MCM-41(40) 42.13 48.65 38.95 44.97 Dir- Al-MCM-41(80) 42.29 48.83 40.33 46.56 Sec-Al-MCM-41(0.25M) 41.76 48.22 39.60 45.72 43 Table 4.2 shows the d spacings of (100) peak and lattice parameters a0 for as synthesized and calcined Si-MCM-41 and Al-MCM-41 samples with various SiO2:Al2O3 ratios. Accordingly, all calcined samples exhibit peak with lower d spacings compared to as-synthesized samples; indicating a lattice contraction of about 10 %. This lattice contraction is due to condensation of Si-OH group in the meso structure. Figure 4.4 shows the powder XRD pattern of secondary synthesized Al-MCM-41(0.25 M) before and after calcination. The XRD pattern of secondary Al-MCM-41 prepared with 0.25 M sodium aluminate (NaAlO2) consists of three peaks; with the strongest peak at low 2θ (100) and two weak peaks at higher 2θ ((110) and (200)). The intensity of the (100) peak also increased after calcination. 4.2 Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectrum Analysis Figure 4.5 shows the FTIR spectra of Si-MCM-41 before and after calcination at 823 K in the wavenumber region of 1300-400cm-1. Based on the spectrum of calcined samples, there are two intense bands (ν1 and v2) at 1236 and 1094 cm-1 which are assigned to the asymmetric T-O-T (T= Si or Al) stretching vibration. The band at 799 cm-1 (ν4) is associated with symmetric T-O-T (T= Si or Al) stretching and the band at 468 cm-1 (ν5) is assigned to a TO4 bending mode. The silanol group stretching vibration (ν3) occurs at 965 cm-1. For as synthesized SiMCM-41 sample, a similar vibration band with low intensities are observed. The bands at 720.4 cm-1 and 673.2 cm-1 are associated with vibrations by the organic template. Infrared spectrum of Sec-Al-MCM-41 (0.25 M) before and after calcination at 823 K in the wavenumber region of 1300-400 cm-1 is illustrated in Figure 4.6. The spectrum clearly shows a low intense peak at 959 cm-1, assigned to Si-O-H or Si-OH vibrations. The result is due to the generation of extra framework aluminium species (EFAL). The AlO+ was generated through interaction between silanol group and 44 Relative Transmittance (%) (a) ν4 ν3 (b) ν1 ν5 ν2 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 Wave number cm-1 Figure 4.5 FTIR spectra of Si-MCM-41 (a) after (b) before calcination at 823 K (a) ν4 ν3 Relative Transmitance (%T) ν1 ν5 ν2 (b) 1300.0 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 Wavenumber cm-1 600 500 Figure 4.6 FTIR spectra of Sec-Al-MCM-41(0.25M) (a) after (b) before calcination at 823 K 45 extra framework aluminium. The spectrum also shows a decrease in wavenumber from 1099 cm-1 to 1089 cm-1 due to the rearrangement of amorphous silicate wall in the precursor species. Figure 4.7 shows the FTIR spectra of the calcined Al-MCM-41 samples with various SiO2:Al2O3 ratios. The IR data of the sample (wave number) are summarized in Table 4.3. The FTIR spectra of all Al-MCM-41 samples are quite similar to Si-MCM-41. The substitution of silicon by aluminium causes a shift of the lattice vibration band to a lower wave number. These shifts are due to the increase of the mean T-O distances in the wall. In this case, it is caused by the substitution of the small silicon atom (r Si4+ = 0.26 Å) by the larger aluminium atom (r Al3+ =0.39Å). Table 4.3: Wave number (cm-1) of IR spectra of Al-MCM-41 samples with various SiO2:Al2O3 ratios Samples Wave number (cm-1) ν1 ν2 ν3 ν4 ν5 Si-MCM-41 1236 1094 965 799 468 Dir-Al-MCM-41(10) 1218 1055 912 768 457 Dir-Al-MCM-41(20) 1229 1064 960 787 455 Dir-Al-MCM-41(40) 1225 1074 949 790 458 Dir-Al-MCM-41(80) 1233 1088 956 801 465 Sec-Al-MCM-41(0.25M) 1234 1089 959 804 463 46 (d) Relative Transmittance (%T) (c) (b) (a) ν3 ν4 ν1 ν5 ν2 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 Wave number cm-1 Figure 4.7 FTIR spectra of calcined Al-MCM-41 with various SiO2:Al2O3 ratios : (a) 10 (b) 20 (c) 40 (d) 80 47 4.3 Magic Angle Spinning Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (MAS NMR) 4.3.1 27 Al MAS NMR 27 Al MAS NMR is able to distinguish between tetrahedrally and octahedrally coordinated aluminium. Therefore it makes it possible to establish the degree of aluminium substitution in the silica framework; since framework Al is associated with tetrahedral sites. Figure 4.8 shows 27Al MAS NMR spectra of zeolite A and AlMCM-41 samples with various SiO2:Al2O3 ratios by direct and secondary syntheses. It is observed that among Al-MCM-41 samples, Dir-Al-MCM-41(10) possesses the highest intensity at - 56 ppm which is characteristic of tetrahedrally coordinated framework aluminium sites [69]. Meanwhile Dir-Al-MCM-41(80) exhibits the lowest intensity at - 50 ppm. The result is in agreement with XRD data which was mentioned previously. Thus, Dir-Al-MCM-41 (10) with highly crystallinity and well ordered properties exhibits well resolved peak, meanwhile Dir-Al-MCM41 (80) sample which is partially amorphous was characterized by low intense and broad peak. It can be expected that the amorphous phase in Al-MCM-41 framework is due to the destruction of pore walls and the presence of unreacted colloidal silica. As can be seen from Figure 4.8, all samples retain aluminium in the tetrahedral framework position even after calcination. In other words, the aluminium does not dislodge from the framework during template removal. However, the main signals of Dir-Al-MCM-41(40), Dir-Al-MCM-41(80) and Sec-Al-MCM-41(0.25M) samples are shifted about 2-6 ppm towards high fields, indicating a distortion of the framework aluminium. This could also possibly be due to the fact that during aluminium incorporation in the tetrahedral silicate matrix, some of the trivalent aluminium are anchored on the surface of the framework structure of MCM-41 owing to the ease in the dissolution and incorporation of reactive monomeric Al(OH)4- species [70]. Distortion of aluminium in the framework results in less homogeneous and unsymmetrical environment as evidenced by the broadening and shifting of the peak. Incorporation of aluminium into tetrahedral framework via various means results in imperfect aluminium sites. Since the concentration of aluminium in the sample is proportional to the intensities Relative Intensity 48 Zeolite A - 56 ppm Dir-Al-MCM-41 (10) Dir-Al-MCM-41 (20) Dir-Al-MCM-41 (40) Sec-Al-MCM-41 (0.25M) Dir-Al-MCM-41 (80) - 100 - 50 0 ppm Al(H2O)63+ Figure 4.8 27Al MAS NMR spectra of Zeolite A and Al-MCM-41 samples with various SiO2:Al2O3 ratios 49 Table 4.4: Quantitative peak intensities of 27Al MAS NMR of Al-MCM-41 samples Sample Relative Intensity of Peak Dir-Al-MCM-41(10) 15.2 Dir-Al-MCM-41(20) 33.2 Dir-Al-MCM-41(40) 52.4 Dir-Al-MCM-41(80) 88.7 Sec-Al-MCM-41(0.25M) 62.6 of Al peak, quantitative study of peak intensity of spectra was carried out and shown in Table 4.4. The relative intensities were calculated by comparing the tetrahedrally coordinated aluminium peak intensities with that of (Si/Al=1) zeolite A. Dir-AlMCM-41(10) sample possesses the lowest Si/Al ratio of 15.2 and Dir-Al-MCM41(80) show the highest Si/Al ratio of 88.7. The data also revealed that Sec-AlMCM-41(0.25M) sample contains higher aluminium content (lower Si/Al ratio) compared to Dir-Al-MCM-41(80). It is expected that more aluminium are incorporated during the secondary synthesis of Al-MCM-41. However, the incorporated aluminium atoms exist as distorted framework aluminium as discussed earlier. The distorted framework aluminium also shows enhancement at higher Si/Al ratio. 4.3.2 29 Si MAS NMR The 29 Si MAS NMR results for Si-MCM-41 and Al-MCM-41 with various SiO2:Al2O3 ratios are shown in Figure 4.9. For the Si-MCM-41 sample, well resolved peaks at -108 ppm and -101 ppm are observed. The peak at ca. -108 ppm is attributed to Q4 which corresponds to Si(4OSi) structural units, and the peak at ca. -101 ppm is due to Q3 silicons in Si(3OSi)OH sites [71, 72]. However, the peaks in spectra are broadened and shifted to lower field after incorporation of aluminium with decreasing of peak Q4. The appearance of peaks at ca. -99 ppm and -95 ppm were observed in Dir-Al-MCM-41 (10), Dir-Al-MCM-41 (20) and Dir-Al-MCM-41 (40) 50 Q4 - 108 ppm Si O Si O Si O H O Si Si O Si O Si O Si O Si Q3 - 101 ppm Si-MCM-41 Dir-Al-MCM-41 (80) Sec-Al-MCM-41 (0.25M) Dir-Al-MCM-41 (40) Si O Si O Si O Al O Si Q Q3 2- 99 ppm Dir-Al-MCM-41 (20) - 95 ppm Si O Al O Si O Al O Si - 70 - 80 Dir-Al-MCM-41 (10) - 90 -100 -110 -120 ppm TMS Figure 4.9 29 Si MAS NMR spectra of Si-MCM-41 and Al-MCM-41 with various SiO2:Al2O3 ratio 51 samples. The peaks have been assigned to Si(3OSi,1Al) respectively. The results confirm the findings from 27 and Si(2OSi,2Al) Al MAS NMR spectra that aluminium has been incorporated into MCM-41 framework. It can be seen that SecAl-MCM41 (0.25M) sample contains a broader peak at - 99 ppm with decreasing of peak Q4 (-107 ppm) compared to Dir-Al-MCM-41(80) sample indicating the presence of higher quantity of tetrahedral aluminium incorporated into Sec-AlMCM41(0.25M) framework. The result indicates that Dir-Al-MCM-41(80) sample contains lower aluminium content analogous to the high degree of amorphosity compared to Sec-AlMCM-41(0.25M). The data are in agreement with calculated XRD measurements. As a comparison, the Si/Al framework of Dir-Al-MCM-41(10), Dir-Al-MCM-41(80) and Sec-Al-MCM-41(0.25M) samples were calculated by Equation 4.1 and summarized in Table 4.5: (Si / Al)NMR = I4 + I3 + I2 + I1 + I0 (4.1) I4 + 0.75 I3 + 0.50 I2 + 0.25I1 where I is the calculated phase area of the NMR signal attributable to Si(nAl) units, (n = 1,2, 3, 4) indicates the coordinated Al atoms for a given peak. Table 4.5: Calculated peak distribution and Si/Al ratio from 29Si MAS NMR Si(4Al) Si(3Al) Si(2Al) Si(1Al) Si(0Al) Si/Al I4 I3 I2 I1 I0 (NMR) Dir-AlMCM-41(10) - - 28.5 54.5 271.0 12.7 Dir-AlMCM-41(80) - - - 16.0 348.5 91.1 Sec-AlMCM-41(0.25M) - - - 25.5 322.0 54.5 Sample The data in Table 4.5 show that the calculated Si/Al ratios from 29Si MAS NMR is consistently higher than the corresponding ratio value of as-synthesized sample. The data confirm that more aluminium atoms are incorporated into the framework of SecAl-MCM-41(0.25M) compared to Dir-AlMCM-41(80). The discrepancy of the result is due to a lower proportion of total framework aluminium and distorted framework aluminium as a result of loss in crystallinity. 3 Volume Absorbed cm /g STP 52 (a) 500 450 400 350 300 Desorption 250 Adsorption 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Relative Pressure (P/P0) (b) Volume Absorbed cm 3/g STP 450 400 350 300 250 Desorption 200 Adsorption 150 100 50 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Relative Pressure (P/P0) Figure 4.10 Nitrogen adsorption isotherm of (a) Dir-Al-MCM-41 (10) (b) Sec-AlMCM-41 (0.25 M) 53 4.4 Nitrogen Adsorption and Desorption Analysis Nitrogen adsorption isotherms of Al-MCM-41 by direct and secondary synthesis are presented in Figure 4.10. At p/p0 = 0.5, the accessible pores are totally filled with adsorbate and the isotherm reaches a plateau that remains fairly invariant as p/p0 approaches unity. Both the nitrogen sorption isotherms show that the AlMCM-41 structure is of type IV; typically observed in mesoporous materials [33, 34]. The total mesopore volume was calculated from the amount of vapour adsorbed at p/p0 = 0.50; assuming that Al-MCM-41 were then filled with condensed liquid nitrogen in the normal liquid state. Adsorption at low pressure (p/p0 < 0.25) is accounted for by monolayer-multilayer adsorption of N2 on the wall of mesopores. The figures show a sharp step capillary condensation in mesopores region (p/p0) = 0.3-0.4, suggesting a narrow pore distribution. Hysteresis in both the lower (p/p0 =0.1-0.4) H2 hysteresis and higher (p/p0 =0.9-1.0) H3 hysteresis pressure region is caused by particles porosity or by significant larger pores called macropores. The absence of this hysteresis loops in the capillary condensation range is an indication that the material possesses pores in a lower mesopore range. The effect of aluminium insertion into the mesoporous silicate framework is well illustrated. Table 4.6 shows the measurement of the BET surface area and pore volume of Al-MCM-41 samples. As can be seen, Dir-Al-MCM-41(10) sample contains the highest surface area and pore volume. Surface area of Al-MCM-41 sample after modification also remained higher with a percentage decrease of 3-16%, indicating that incorporation of aluminium provides higher stability to the sample. Meanwhile, surface area and pore volume of Dir-Al-MCM41(80) is significantly lower than Sec-Al-MCM41(0.25M). The data are in agreement with those previously calculated from XRD measurement. The result indicates that the existence of high amorphous phase in Dir-Al-MCM-41(80) sample blocked the pore structure of sample to give lower pore volume. The increment of surface area was expected due to formation of defect sites on the surface of the sample [69, 70]. Therefore, AlMCM-41 samples with high crystallinity and large surface area (> 700m2g-1), are potential efficient catalysts for Friedel-Crafts reaction. 54 Table 4.6: Surface properties of Al-MCM-41 with various SiO2:Al2O3 ratios BET Surface Surface Area (m2/g) Pore Volume Area (m2/g) (H-form) (cm3/g) Dir-Al-MCM-41(10) 1040.2 1000.5 0.73 Dir-Al-MCM-41(20) 917.4 775.1 0.68 Dir-Al-MCM-41(40) 931.0 822.4 0.59 Dir-Al-MCM-41(80) 984.5 845.6 0.40 997.6 901.5 0.45 Sample Sec-Al-MCM-41(0.25M) 4.5 Pyridine Adsorption – Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy Measurement In order to determine the type of acid sites on Al-MCM-41, samples were measured using adsorption of pyridine as a probe molecule at room temperature and desorption of pyridine molecule at different temperature under vacuum. Acidity of samples with various SiO2:Al2O3 were characterized by Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) in the 4000-3300 cm-1 region for hydroxyl groups stretching and 1800-1300 cm-1 for pyridine molecule stretching. Before adsorption of pyridine, protonic Al-MCM-41 samples were dehydrated under vacuum at 673 K under 10-5 m bar pressure for 8 hours. Figures 4.11 and 4.12 show highly intense bands at 3740 cm-1 for all H-AlMCM-41 samples. The band can be assigned to the non-acidic silanol (Si-OH) groups. The silanol groups at 3740 cm-1 are located inside the channels of MCM-41 with and without strong hydrogen-bonding interactions. It is apparent that incorporation of higher aluminium content into MCM-41 framework leads to an increase in the intensity of band assigned to terminal hydroxyls. The increment is probably due to the presence of lateral interaction of silanol groups. 55 3.0 2.0 (a) (b) (c) 1.0 (d) 0.0 4000.0 3900.0 3800.0 3700.0 3600.0 3500.0 3400.0 3300.0 Figure 4.11 FTIR spectra of hydroxyl region of Dir-Al-MCM-41 with SiO2:Al2O3 (a) 10 (b) 20 (c) 40 (d) 80 dehydrated at 673K under 10-5 mbar pressure 1.5 ABS 1.0 0.5 0.0 4000.0 3900.0 3800.0 3700.0 3600.0 3500.0 3400.0 3300.0 Figure 4.12 FTIR spectra of hydroxyl region of Sec-Al-MCM-41 (0.25M) with dehydrated at 673K under 10-5 mbar pressure 56 3.0 H ABS 2.0 B L (a) 1.0 0.0 1800.0 L B B+L (b) (c) (d) 1750.0 1700.0 1650.0 1600.0 1550.0 1500.0 1450.0 1400.0 1350.0 1300.0 1/cm Figure 4.13 FTIR spectra of pyridine desorbed on Dir-Al-MCM-41(10) under vacuum 10-5 mbar pressure at (a) 298K (b) 423K (c) 523K (d) 673K for every 1 hour 2.0 H ABS L 1.5 BL 1.0 (a) B B+L (b) 0.5 0.0 1800.0 (c) (d) 1750.0 1700.0 1650.0 1600.0 1550.0 1500.0 1450.0 1400.0 1350.0 1300.0 Figure 4.14 FTIR spectra of pyridine desorbed on Dir-Al-MCM-41(20) under vacuum 10-5 mbar pressure at (a) 298K (b) 423K (c) 523K (d) 673K for every 1 hour 57 1.5 H ABS 1.25 a) 1.0 b) L B L B B+L c) 0.75 d) 0.5 1800.0 1750.0 1700.0 1650.0 1600.0 1550.0 1500.0 1450.0 1400.0 1350.0 1300.0 1/cm Figure 4.15 FTIR spectra of pyridine desorbed on Dir-Al-MCM-41(40) under vacuum 10-5 mbar pressure at (a) 298K (b) 423K (c) 523K (d) 673K for every 1 hour 3.0 ABS 2.0 1.0 B (a) (b) L H L B B+L 1550.0 1500.0 (c) (d) 0.0 1800.0 1750.0 1700.0 1650.0 1600.0 1450.0 1400.0 1350.0 1300.0 Figure 4.16 FTIR spectra of pyridine desorbed on Dir-Al-MCM-41(80) under vacuum 10-5 mbar pressure at (a) 298K (b) 423K (c) 523K (d) 673K for every 1 hour 58 a) B L H B 2.0 B+L L ABS b) 1.0 c) d) 0.0 1800.0 1750.0 1700.0 1650.0 1600.0 1550.0 1500.0 1450.0 1400.0 1350.0 1300.0 1/cm Figure 4.17 FTIR spectra of pyridine desorbed on Sec-Al-MCM-41(0.25M) under vacuum 10-5 mbar pressure at (a) 298K (b) 423K (c) 523K (d) 673K for every 1 hour Figures 4.13 - 4.17 show the infrared spectra of pyridine in the 1300-1800 cm-1 region desorbed on the H-Al-MCM-41 at various temperatures. These thermal treatments were carried out at 298 K, 323 K, 523 K and 673 K under 10-5 m bar pressure for every one hour. All the samples possess six main peaks which can be classified into 4 main categories which are: i. 1450 and 1620 cm-1 (Lewis acid sites) ii. 1550 and 1640 cm-1 (Brønsted acid sites) iii. 1490 cm-1 (Brønsted and Lewis acid sites ) iv. 1590 cm-1 (Hydrogen bonded pyridine) The generation of Lewis acid sites in the samples were contributed by extra framework aluminium species (EFAL) or distorted framework aluminium present in the form of Al3+, AlO+, Al(OH)2+ or charged AlxOyn+ clusters . Therefore, the band at 1450 and 1620 cm-1 occurred due to pyridine coordinated with extra framework (EFAL) or distorted framework aluminium in the protonic Al-MCM-41. Meanwhile, Brønsted acid sites in the samples are referred to aluminium in the framework in which the pyridine was protonated to pyridinium ion form. It can be seen that with 59 increase of evacuation temperature, the intensity of main peak slightly decreases. Tables 4.7 illustrate the relative concentration of Brønsted and Lewis acid sites in (µmol/g) the samples with different SiO2:Al2O3 ratios. The results reveal that with increasing SiO2:Al2O3 ratios, the amount of acid sites slightly decrease. According to Hughes and White [65], the higher relative concentration (µmol/g sample) of these acid sites will give stronger acid sites in the samples. Therefore, the results evidently demonstrate that acidic Dir-Al-MCM-41(10) provides the highest acidity among the samples. The data also shows that Sec-Al-MCM-41(0.25M) possesses a higher number of acid sites compared with Dir-Al-MCM-41(80). This is probably related to higher aluminium incorporation and crystallinity in the Sec-Al-MCM-41(0.25M) framework. It is clear from Table 4.7 that as the desorption temperature increased from 298-673 K, the number of acid sites decreased, correspondingly to the decrease in crystallinity of the sample. Consequently, the results suggest that the presence of amorphous phase in sample caused a decrease in the thermal stability of Al-MCM41, more significantly in sample with lower aluminium content [35]. In order to estimate quantitatively the ratio of the Brønsted to Lewis (B/L) site for Al-MCM-41 at various temperatures, the approach by Chakraborty et al. [64] was adopted. The approach assumed that the ratio of the molar extinction coefficients, εB/εL remain the same in the temperature range of 323-573 K. Thus, the values of integrated molar extinction coefficient for Brønsted and Lewis sites chosen are 1.67 and 2.22 cm/µmol, respectively. From Table 4.8, the relative distribution of acid sites (B/L ratio) for Dir-Al-MCM-41(10) at different temperature is in the 0.23 – 0.26 range. The result indicates that with high aluminium content and degree of crystallinity, the ratio of both Lewis and Brønsted remained low even at high temperature. Thus, samples with higher aluminium content provide higher thermal stability and more Lewis acid sites. In contrast, in the 298–523 K temperature range, the B/L acid site ratio of Sec-Al-MCM-41(0.25M) sample decrease with increasing of desorption temperature. The decreasing of B/L ratio corresponds to the increment of distorted tricoordinated aluminium formation which are anchored on the surface of the framework structure of MCM-41. It is believed that the location and environment of aluminium atom within the wall controls the acid strength. The closer the aluminium atoms to the wall surface, the greater is their acid strength [74]. 60 Meanwhile, Dir-Al-MCM-41(20) and Dir-Al-MCM-41(40) samples, the desorption temperature generate an increase in B/L ratio, implying an increase in Brønsted acidity. Loss in Lewis acidity have been attributed to removal of distorted tricoordinated removal during calcination. Thus, in mesostructure Dir-Al-MCM41(20) and Dir-Al-MCM-41(40), Si-O(H)-Al sites are believed to be prefentially located at or near the wall surface [36]. Table 4.7: Number of acid sites (µmol pyridine g-1) in H-Al-MCM-41 samples µmol pyridine g-1 Sample BrÅ‘nsted acid sites Lewis acid sites 298K 423K 523K 673K 298K 423K 523K 673K Dir-AlMCM-41(10) 48.9 37.9 21.1 14.7 108.6 93.1 52.2 36.8 Dir-AlMCM-41(20) 31.1 25.8 16.5 12.5 75.1 57.6 26.1 15.2 Dir-AlMCM-41(40) 25.4 23.3 13.4 9.6 56.2 43.7 21.0 8.5 Dir-AlMCM-41(80) 14.3 7.7 5.3 2.8 27.3 22.9 14.1 6.2 Sec-AlMCM-41(0.25M) 19.6 9.3 7.2 5.7 49.1 36.5 27.4 12.5 Table 4.8: Ratio of Brønsted (B) to Lewis (L) acidity in the H-Al-MCM-41 samples at different desorption temperatures Sample B/L ratio 298K 423K 523K 673K Dir-AlMCM-41(10) 0.26 0.24 0.24 0.23 Dir-AlMCM-41(20) 0.25 0.32 0.37 0.48 Dir-AlMCM-41(40) 0.27 0.31 0.38 0.69 Dir-AlMCM-41(80) 0.31 0.20 0.22 0.27 Sec-AlMCM-41(0.25M) 0.23 0.14 0.14 0.26 61 4.6 Temperature Programmed Desorption of Ammonia (TPD-NH3) Temperature Programmed Desorption spectra of ammonia (TPD-NH3) on the the H-Al-MCM-41 with various SiO2:Al2O3 ratios are depicted in Figure 4.18. The amount of desorbed ammonia (µmol/g) which corresponds to the integral intensity of the desorption curves recorded in the temperature range of 353-873 K is given in Table 4.9. Dir-Al-MCM-41(10) has the largest number of strong adsorption sites for ammonia. As shown in Figure 4.18, the desorption curve of this sample consists of a low temperature peak with a maximum at 423K. The ammonia desorption at 423 K is related to the low temperature peak value which corresponds to weak acid sites. The medium temperature is overlapped by the large low temperature peak of desorption, which is commonly assigned to Lewis and Brønsted sites of weak acidity strength [73, 74]. Data in Table 4.9, shows that with increasing aluminium content in the catalyst, the amount of gas absorbed is increased. The result indicates that Al-MCM41 has a moderate acidity and the acidity of catalyst increases with increasing aluminium in the MCM-41 framework. Table 4.9: Amount gas adsorbed of various H-Al-MCM-41 Dir-AlMCM-41(10) Amount of desorbed ammonia ( µmol/g) 399.2 Dir-AlMCM-41(20) 237.3 Dir-AlMCM-41(40) 207.7 Dir-AlMCM-41(80) 167.6 Sec-Al-MCM-41(0.25M) 192.8 Sample 62 423 K Relative Signal (mV) (a) (b) b) (c) (d) (e) 0 373 473 573 673 773 873 Temperature (K) Figure 4.18 Temperature Programmed Desorption of Ammonia (TPD-NH3) spectra of H-Al-MCM-41 of Dir-Al-MCM-41 of (a) 10 (b) 20 (c) 40 (e) 80 (d) Sec-AlMCM-41(0.25M) 63 4.7 Catalytic Activity of Mesoporous MCM-41 in Friedel Crafts Reaction The catalytic activities of mesoporous MCM-41 as heterogeneous catalyst were applied in hydroxyalkylation of benzene with propylene oxides. The investigations are focused on optimization of the model reaction in order to get an optimum parameter in the production of 2-phenyl-1-propanol. Figures 4.19 and 4.20 show the chromatograms of liquid sample of hydroxyalkylation of benzene with propylene oxides without catalyst and after being catalyzed by mesoporous H-AlMCM-41 at 363 K for 3 hours. Analysis by gas chromatography indicates 5 main peaks with different retention times, tR (min); identified and listed in Table 4.10. Sampling at different parameters such as temperature, time, reactant / reactant mole ratio give the same chromatogram. The results indicate that all the reactions give the same product but different composition and yield. The 2 main peaks with retention times, tR= 3.22 min and tR= 6.89 are assigned to reactant peak for propylene oxide and benzene respectively. The peak with tR= 23.9 is assigned to 2-phenyl-1-propanol. Table 4.10: Gas Chromatography data for hydroxyalkylation of propylene oxide with benzene Rt ( min) Molecular Weight Formula Compound 3.22 59 C3H7O Propylene Oxide 6.89 78 C6H6 Benzene 9.35 92 C6H5CH3 Toluene (IS) 22.0 123 C6H5NO2 Nitrobenzene 23.9 136 C6H5C3H6OH 2-phenyl-1-propanol Toluene Nitrobenzene 20.522 15.053 15.977 3.691 3.224 Propylene Oxide 22.043 Benzene 9.353 6.897 64 22.048 Toluene 6.826 Benzene 9.355 6.907 Figure 4.19 Chromatogram of liquid product hydroxyalkylation of benzene with propylene oxide without catalyst at 363 K Nitrobenzene Propylene Oxide 23.937 22.620 20.617 8.980 3.701 19.331 3.228 2-phenyl-1-propanol Figure 4.20 Chromatogram of liquid product hydroxyalkylation of benzene with propylene oxide using Dir-Al-MCM-41(10) at 363 K after 3 hours 65 4.8 Determination of Amount of Desired Product ( 2-phenyl-1-propanol) In order to investigate the amount of desired product which is 2 phenyl-1-propanol, calibration-curve method was employed. In this technique, a plot of the amount of the standard injected (peak area)/ internal standard (peak area) against the various concentration of the standard were constructed. In this research, toluene (2.0 M) in nitrobenzene was chosen as the Internal Standard. The plot is shown in Figure 4.21. Thus, the concentrations of desired product are determined from the corresponding value of y / 0.9001 according to the respective calibration curve. Calibration Curve 5 y = 0.9001x R2 = 0.9958 Standard / Internal Standard 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 Standard Concentration (M) 4 4.5 5 5.5 Figure 4.21 Calibration Curve of Standard with Internal Standard (2.0 M Toluene in Nitrobenzene) 66 4.9 Effect of SiO2 : Al2O3 Ratios The catalytic activity of aluminium containing MCM-41 has been investigated for Friedel Crafts reaction for hydroxyalkylation of benzene with propylene oxides as a model reaction. Figures 4.22 and 4.23 show that in the absence of catalyst the performance of reaction was very low with 8.2% conversion of benzene and no desired product (2-phenyl-1-propanol) was obtained. Hence, in order to study the effect of aluminium content in mesoporous MCM-41 to catalytic performance, Al-MCM-41 prepared with various SiO2 : Al2O3 ratios were tested in the hydroxyalkylation of benzene with propylene oxide at 363 K. Figure 4.22 shows the conversion of benzene and selectivity of the product at various SiO2:Al2O3 ratios. The catalyst with SiO2:Al2O3 ratio of 10 (Dir-Al-MCM-41(10)) gives the highest conversion and selectivity of benzene which are 74.5% and 63.9% respectively while the catalyst with SiO2:Al2O3 ratio of 80 (Dir-Al-MCM-41(80)) gives the lowest conversion and selectivity of benzene of 17.1% and 13.3% respectively. Both results show that benzene conversion and selectivity of the product increase with increasing framework aluminium content. Meanwhile, the same trend also occurred to the amount of desired product obtained as shown in Figure 4.23. 2-phenyl-1-propanol was obtained at the highest amount of 2.49 mmol using SiO2:Al2O3 ratio of 10 (Dir-Al-MCM-41(10)) and lowest amount of 0.14 mmol by SiO2:Al2O3 ratio of 80(Dir-Al-MCM-41(80)). The result is in a similar order of acidity; measured by Temperature Programmed Desorption of Ammonia (TPD-NH3). It indicates a relationship between acidity and Friedel Craft reaction [59, 64]. Dir-Al-MCM-41(10) gave the highest total amount of acidity, whereas that prepared with lowest aluminium content, Dir-Al-MCM-41(80), gave the lowest acidity. Such poor performance is expected since the catalyst is almost amorphous with smaller pore volume. It is known from literature that framework of aluminium rich molecular sieves are generally less stable than those of the silicon rich ones [42]. However, appropriate aluminium content create high acid sites depend on location and environment of aluminium atom within the wall. In addition, crystallinity of sample, surface area and B/L ratio also play a role in order to improve catalytic activity of Al-MCM-41. It is evident from the data observed that maximum 67 catalytic activity is observed in samples not only with high aluminium content, but high degree of crystallinity and large surface area. Sample Dir-Al-MCM-41(10) is observed as the most active since it has high crystallinity and surface area which was evidenced by XRD and Nitrogen Adsorption measurement. In contrast, Sec-Al-MCM-41(0.25M) having the same order of magnitude of selectivity as Dir-Al-MCM-41(40) gave much less product than the latter. The increment of selectivity is due to the low B/L ratio in the Sec-Al-MCM-41(0.25M) compared to Dir-Al-MCM-41(40). The B/L acid site ratio of Sec-Al-MCM41(0.25M) sample between 298 K to 423 K decreases dramatically with increasing of desorption temperature. The decreasing of B/L ratio corresponds to the increment of distorted tricoordinated aluminium formation which is anchored on the surface of the framework structure of MCM-41. However, the amount of acid Lewis in the sample is not good enough to convert all reactant. Thus, the conversion of benzene is still lower compared to Dir-Al-MCM-41(40). In addition, Sec-Al-MCM-41(0.25M) is less crystalline, rendering it less stable at high temperature. 80 Conversion Selectivity % (Percentage) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 without catalyst 10 20 40 Catalyst (SiO2/Al 2 O3 ) 80 secAlMCM41 Figure 4.22 Conversion of benzene and selectivity of product (%) with various SiO2:Al2O3 ratio at constant parameter (Temperature: 363 K; Reactant Mole Ratio: 0.5; Time: 24 hours; Solvent: Nitrobenzene) Amount of desired product (mmol) 68 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 without catalyst 10 20 40 Catalyst (SiO2:Al2O3) 80 secAlMCM41 Figure 4.23 Amount of 2-phenyl-1-propanol (desired product) (mmol) with various SiO2:Al2O3 ratio at constant parameter (Temperature: 363 K; Reactant Mole Ratio: 0.5; Time: 24 hours; Solvent: Nitrobenzene) 4.10 Effect of Temperature The effect of reaction temperature on the conversion of benzene, selectivity and the amount of desired product which is 2-phenyl-1-propanol is shown in Table 4.11 and Figure 4.24. In this reaction, Dir-Al-MCM-41(10) was selected due to good conversion of benzene, selectivity and higher amount of 2-phenyl-propanol obtained. In order to improve the benzene conversion with high yield of product, the reactions were carried out at different temperatures which are in the range of 333-453 K. During the first stage, the general trend for hydroxyalkylation of benzene with propylene oxide reaction was that the conversion and selectivity of the product increased with increasing temperature. However, after 393 K, the data observed that the conversion of benzene was significantly decreased. The result revealed that alkylation of benzene is also affected by temperature. The lower conversion obtained can be attributed to the decrease in crystallinity and number of acid sites. Meanwhile, selectivity of 2-phenyl-1-propanol 69 after 393 K decreased slightly with temperature, which maybe correlated to nonselective reactions taking place on the external acid surface on the catalyst or to the weaker steric hindrance in pores of MCM-41 [70]. Another possible reason is due to the stability of Brønsted acid sites at high temperature, enabling the catalyst to further creates dehydroxylation of product to give 2-phenyl-propene. Thus, the result proved that the reaction reached an optimum condition at the temperature of 393 K. Table 4.11: The effect of temperature on the conversion, selectivity and yield of desired product using Dir-Al-MCM-41(10) at constant parameter (Reactant Mole Ratio: 0.5; Time: 24 hours; Solvent: Nitrobenzene) Temperature Conversion of Selectivity Product obtained (K) benzene (%) (%) (mmol) 333 67.4 56.9 1.46 363 74.5 63.9 2.49 393 92.3 87.5 3.91 423 22.9 81.0 0.58 453 11.3 82.2 0.39 100 % Percentage 90 80 70 Conversion of benzene Selectivity 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 333 363 393 423 453 Temperature (K) Figure 4.24 Effect of temperature on the conversion and selectivity of product using Dir-Al-MCM-41(10) at constant parameter (Reactant Mole Ratio: 0.5; Time: 24 hours; Solvent: Nitrobenzene) 70 4.11 Effect of Propylene Oxide: Benzene Mole Ratio The effect of varying the propylene oxide : benzene mol ratio on benzene conversion, selectivity and amount of desired product at 393 K over Dir-Al-MCM41(10) after 24 hours is illustrated in Table 4.12. It is observed that the benzene conversion, selectivity and the amount of desired product increased with decrease in the propylene oxide: benzene mol ratio. At the lowest ratio of 0.5, propylene oxide was the limiting reactant and exhibited the highest selectivity of 87.5% and amount of desired product obtained (3.91 mmol). Whereas the mol ratio of 2.0 shows the lowest selectivity of 27.7% and amount of desired product of 1.51 mmol. Meanwhile, at the ratios of 1.0 and 2.0, propylene oxide became an excess reactant so that the benzene exhibited a lower conversion and least amount of desired product. The result revealed that non-stoichoimetric reaction occurred with lower amount of propylene oxide was needed. The decrease in conversion and selectivity were probably due to the formation of propylene oxide oligomers which blocked the active sites of catalyst [12, 21]. Table 4.12: Effect of propylene oxide: benzene mole ratio on hydroxyalkylation of benzene with propylene oxides over Dir-Al-MCM-41(10) at constant parameter (Temperature: 393 K; Time: 24 hours; Solvent: Nitrobenzene) (Propylene Benzene Selectivity of Amount of desired Oxides: Benzene) Conversion 2-phenyl -1-propanol product obtained mole ratio (%) (%) (mmol) 0.5 92.3 87.5 3.91 1.0 77.3 33.4 2.23 2.0 56.4 27.7 1.51 71 4.12 Effect of Reaction Time The effect of reaction period on the hydroxyalkylation of benzene with propylene oxides was studied using Dir-Al-MCM-41(10) at 393 K and reactant mole ratio of 0.5. Figure 4.25 shows the conversion of benzene was increased from 26.9% for a reaction time of one hour to a maximum of 92.3 % for a reaction period of 24 hours. Beyond this period the conversion started to decrease to about 16.8% after 28 hours. At the early stage, the data revealed that higher amount of Lewis acid sites in Dir-Al-MCM-41(10) started to interact with both reactants. However, after 24 hours, the benzene conversion decreased significantly, due to deactivation and saturation of Lewis acid sites in catalyst. Basically, deactivations of catalyst are related to the decrease in number and quality of acid sites. Furthermore, the formation of new product located at the surrounding of active sites, prevent the accessibility of existing reactant to react with the remaining Lewis acid sites in a Al-MCM-41 pore [43]. Meanwhile, the selectivity of 2-phenyl-1-propanol follows the same trend as the conversion which is depicted in Figure 4.26. After 3 hours of reaction, there is a significant increase in selectivity which reached a maximum of 87.5% at 24 hours. Selectivity of 2-phenyl-1propanol is decreased due to the presence of side reaction. Instead of Lewis acid sites, the appearance of Brønsted acid sites in catalyst at high temperature probably enhances further dehydroxylation of 2-phenyl-1-propanol to 2phenyl-1propene. The result was evidenced through the appearance of additional peak in gas chromatogram. The percentage of oligomerisation of propylene oxides shows a gradual decrease from 25.4% at one hour of reaction to 4.6% after 28 hours. Basically, the oligomeric products were formed from the oligomerisation of propylene oxide on the basis of gas chromatography study [21]. The reduction of oligomers product provides lower steric hindrance and both of reactant can diffuse and react with acid sites without great difficulty. Conversion of benzene (%) 72 100.0 90.0 80.0 70.0 60.0 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 1 2 3 4 20 24 28 Time (hour) Percentage (%) Figure 4.25 The effect of reaction time on benzene conversion over Dir-Al-MCM-41(10) at constant parameter (Temperature: 393 K; Reactant Mole Ratio: 0.5; Solvent: Nitrobenzene) 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 Selectivity Oligomerisation 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 20 24 28 Time (hour) Figure 4.26 The effect of reaction time on selectivity and oligomerisation of propylene oxides over Dir-Al-MCM-41(10) at constant parameter (Temperature: 393 K; Reactant Mole Ratio: 0.5; Solvent: Nitrobenzene) 73 4.13 Effect of Solvent To understand the role of solvent in hydroxyalkylation of benzene with propylene oxide, the reaction was carried out using 3 different solvents: nitrobenzene, cyclooctene and dichloromethane. In order to investigate and compare the performance of Friedel-Crafts reaction, non-solvent reaction also was carried out as a blank. The reaction conditions and the results of hydroxyalkylation of benzene with propylene oxides are presented in Table 4.13. The data show that in the absence of solvent the catalytic activity of reaction was very low with 24.3 % conversion of benzene and 0.21 mmol of 2-phenyl-1-propanol was obtained. It was observed that the highest quantity of 2-phenyl-1-propanol was formed when nitrobenzene was used as the solvent. The activity of catalyst increased considerably in the presence of aprotic solvent due to interaction of negative charge or electron lone pair of solvent with an intermediate of epoxy cations [25]. Through the interaction, an intermediate of epoxy cations became stable and subsequently attacked by electrophiles on aromatic cycle. The stable intermediate prevented oligomerisation from occurring in Friedel Crafts reaction [26]. Thus, it is clearly observed that high degree of oligomerisation of propylene oxide occurred in non-solvent reaction. Meanwhile, dichloromethane possesses lower conversion and amount of 2phenyl-1-propanol compared to nitrobenzene. The observation was related to the degree of polarity of solvent. According to Reichardt, nitrobenzene was classified as Aprotic Highly Dipolar (AHD), meanwhile dichloromethane was classified as Aprotic Dipolar (AD) [75]. The activity of the catalyst decreased considerably in the presence of cyclooctene. The result was expected since cyclooctene provide nonpolar properties. Thus, the lower interaction of solvent with epoxy cations provides higher formation of oligomerisation of propylene oxide. It was observed that the catalytic activity of hydroxyalkylation of benzene with propylene oxide increases in the following order: cyclooctene < dichloromethane < nitrobenzene. The results indicate that in the presence of nitrobenzene as a solvent, the degree of oligomerisation was minimized by the dilution effect and thus the reaction was enhanced. 74 Table 4.13: Effect of solvent on hydroxyalkylation of benzene with propylene oxides over Dir-Al-MCM-41 (10) at constant parameter (Temperature: 393 K; Reactant Mole Ratio: 0.5; Time: 24 hours) Benzene Oligomerisation Amount of 2-phenyl- Conversion (%) (%) 1-propanol (mmol) Non - solvent 24.3 70.24 0.21 Nitrobenzene 92.3 4.89 3.91 Dichloromethane 69.4 25.43 2.54 Cyclooctene 48.9 50.75 0.95 Solvent 4.14 Effect of Autogenous Pressure Basically, reflux is a technique used in chemistry to apply energy to reactions over an extended period of time. Through this technique, a liquid reaction mixture is placed in a vessel open only at the top. The vessel is connected to a vertical condenser, such that any vapors given off are cooled back to liquid, and fall back into the reaction vessel. The vessel is then heated vigorously during the course of the reaction. Meanwhile, the autogenous pressure method has recently been extended from zeolite synthesis to the formation of condensed inorganic solids, which find uses in diverse areas due to properties such as low thermal expansion in closed system [1, 7]. Thus, in order to investigate the effect of autogenous pressure compared to reflux technique in hydroxyalkylation of benzene with propylene oxide, the reaction was carried out using an autoclave or pressurized reactor. Two types of autoclaves were used: i. Teflon ii. Stainless steel 75 The effects of autogenous pressure on the reaction are given in Table 4.14. The reaction was carried out at 393 K with propylene oxide: benzene mol ratio = 0.5 over Dir-Al-MCM-41(10). The result shows that Teflon autoclave gave a higher benzene conversion compared to stainless steel. Meanwhile the selectivity of desired product using stainless steel was 11.7 %, which is higher than the selectivity produced using Teflon autoclave. There is no appreciable difference in conversion and selectivity of product using Teflon or stainless steel reactors. However the conversion and selectivity of product are still inferior to those obtained using the reflux technique. In addition, another advantage of reflux technique is that it can be left for a long period of time without the need to add more solvent or fear of the reaction vessel boiling dry. Table 4.14: Effect of autogenous pressure on hydroxyalkylation of benzene with propylene oxide at 393 K over Dir-Al-MCM-41(10) at constant parameter (Temperature: 393 K; Reactant Mole Ratio: 0.5; Time: 24 hours; Solvent: Nitrobenzene) Benzene Autoclave Type Conversion Selectivity of Amount of 2-phenyl-1-propanol 2-phenyl-1-propanol (%) (%) (mmol) Stainless steel 25.1 11.7 2.2 Teflon 28.4 10.2 2.3 Reflux technique 92.3 87.5 3.9 4.15 Reusability of Al-MCM-41 In order to investigate the reusability of aluminium containing MCM-41, the application of Dir-Al-MCM-41(10) catalyst was recycled three times. After each run, 76 the catalyst was thoroughly washed with dichloromethane and dried in oven at 370 K for 2 hours. The catalyst was calcined at 823 K for 6 hours. The data given in Table 4.15, indicate that selectivity of 2-phenyl-1-propanol was retained with a slightl decrease even after the second repetitions. Meanwhile, the conversion of benzene significantly decreased. The observation was correlated to the increase of deactivation of catalyst factor. This factor occurred due to decrease in number of acid sites. However, the conversion of benzene and product selectivity decreased significantly after the third recycle, due to loss of catalyst during filtration. Considering that, therefore, there is no loss in activity on the unit weight basis. The structure and crystallinity of catalyst remained intact throughout all reactions as proven by the XRD patterns in Figure 4.27. The results clearly suggest that the catalyst is stable and provides a moderate regenerability. Table 4.15: Reusability of Dir-Al-MCM-41(10) at 393 K at constant parameter (Temperature: 393 K; Reactant Mole Ratio: 0.5; Time: 24 hours; Solvent: Nitrobenzene) Reaction Catalyst Conversion (Time Run) Weight (g) (%) 1 0.250 92.3 87.5 2 0.237 69.4 80.3 3 0.229 45.1 62.9 Selectivity (%) 77 Relative Intensity First run Second run Third run 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2-Theta - Scale Figure 4.27 X-ray diffractogram patterns of H-Dir-Al-MCM-41(10) during three recycles 78 4.16 Proposed Mechanism of Hydroxyalkylation of Benzene with Propylene Oxide Catalyzed Al-MCM-41 The main product of hydroxyalkylation of benzene with propylene oxide as the alkylating agent was 2-phenyl-1-propanol. The proposed reaction mechanism for the formation of the main product over Al-MCM-41 is depicted in Figure 4.28. The conversion and selectivity of reaction were influenced by various reaction parameters such as SiO2: Al2O3 ratios, temperature, reactant ratios and types of solvent. In this reaction, propylene oxide being a more polar molecule than benzene was preferentially adsorbed on the Lewis acid sites. Basically, competitive adsorption between benzene and propylene oxide always occur in Friedel-Crafts reaction. However, the adsorption of alkylating agent on protonated surface like Al-MCM-41 is much stronger than that of benzene [24-26]. Al-MCM-41 generally possesses weak and mild acidity. However, the acidity which was measured by TPD-NH3 and Pyridine Adsorption showed an increase in acidity with increasing aluminium content. In this reaction, distorted tricoordinated aluminium plays a roles Lewis acid sites interact with propylene oxide to produce propoxy cations. However, the strength of Lewis acid sites still depends on appropriate aluminium content, location and environment of aluminium atom with in the wall. In addition, crystallinity of sample and surface area also play a role in order to improve catalytic activity of Al-MCM-41. The results were evidenced by XRD and Nitrogen Adsorption measurement in previous discussion. Thus, higher surface area and larger pore size increase accessibility of alkylating agent (propylene oxide) to interact further Lewis acid sites to produce propoxy cations. These intermediate were stabilized through the presence of aprotic dipolar solvent. Otherwise the unstable intermediate of propoxy cations will react further to produce propylene oxides oligomer. The reduction of oligomers product provide lower steric hindrance and both of reactant can diffuse and react with acid sites with out great difficulty. Therefore, The results indicate that instead of aluminium content, solvent and reactant mole ratio also play a role to give high conversion and selectivity of 79 H3C + O O O Si + Al Si OO OO O O O H3C δ+ O O Si + O δ- Al Si OO OO O O O H3C + O O Si δ + O - Al Si OO OO O O O H3C CH3 OH H + + O O O Si O + δ- Al OO O Si OO O O Si O O + Al OO O Si OO O Figure 4.28 Proposed mechanism for Al-MCM-41 catalyzed hydroxyalkylation of aromatics with propylene oxides 80 2-phenyl-1-propanol. Then, the propoxy cations are subsequently attacked by electrophiles on the aromatic cycle by interacting with a positively charged site. The result also reveal that alkylation of benzene also is affected by temperature and B/L ratio. Dir-Al-MCM-41(10) catalyst contains the highest acidity with low Brønsted : Lewis acid sites. The decreasing of B/L ratio at high temperature corresponds to the increment of distorted tricoordinated aluminium formation which are anchored on the surface of the framework structure of MCM-41. Thus, the quantity of Lewis acid sites evidently affect the propoxy cations formation and consequently the conversion of benzene and selectivity of main product. It’s observed that at high temperature, selectivity of 2-phenyl-1-propanol decreased slightly with temperature, correlated to non-selective reactions due to existence of Brønsted acid site in catalyst which creates further dehydroxylation of desired product to give 2-phenyl-propene. Previous works have demonstrated that highly acidic zeolites such as H-ZSM-5, modernite, H-Beta and ZnNaY show low conversions and selectivity of desired product [20,21]. Low Lewis acidity and restricted pore dimension are the possible reasons for their low activities. On the other hand, Al-MCM-41 with larger surface and pore size and higher Lewis acid sites, allows the reactant to pass through the channels and enhance the formation of propoxy cations desired for the reaction to take place. It is proposed that Lewis acids are desired if the reaction was to proceed. This study has proven that Al-MCM-41 is a suitable catalyst for hydroxyalkylation of benzene with propylene oxide CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Conclusions The thesis describes the potential of aluminium containing MCM-41 as a heterogeneous catalyst on a Friedel-Crafts reaction. Hydroxyalkylation of benzene with propylene oxide was chosen as a model reaction. Al-MCM-41 with various SiO2:Al2O3 mole ratios were successfully prepared by direct and secondary syntheses. Sodium aluminate was used as the aluminium source in the reactant mixture of the following composition: 5.9 SiO2: (0.07-0.59) Al2O3 :1 CTAB : 1.5 Na2O : 0.15 (NH4)2O : 250 H2O The results of XRD, FTIR and Nitrogen Adsorption-Desorption analysis indicate that Al-MCM-41 sample prepared by both methods consist of a uniform hexagonal pore volume of (0.40 – 0.73 cm3g-1) range with highly mesoporous surface area (917-1040 m2g-1). The 27Al MAS NMR spectra support the insertion of aluminium into the framework. The incorporation of aluminium into MCM-41 was evidenced by the highly intense signal at 56 pm which is characteristic of tetrahedrally coordinated aluminum sites. Directly synthesized sample with SiO2:Al2O3 ratio of 10 was found to contain the highest framework Al with 82 calculated Si/Al ratio of 15.2. 27 Al MAS NMR and 29 Si MAS NMR data strongly support the presence of distorted tetrahedral aluminium which are possible source of Lewis acidity. The acidity of Al-MCM-41 were analyzed using Pyridine Adsorption – Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy Measurement and Temperature Programmed Desorption of ammonia (TPD-NH3). The acidity measurement by Pyridine Adsorption – Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy Measurement evidenced that Al-MCM-41 generates both Brønsted and Lewis acid sites. The generation of Lewis acid sites in the samples were attributed to framework distorted aluminium rather than extra framework Al (EFAL). Meanwhile, Brønsted acid sites in the samples are referred to aluminium in the framework in which pyridine was protonated to pyridinium ion form. The result indicates that Lewis acid sites dominate the acidity instead of Brønsted acid sites and the acidity of catalyst increased with increasing aluminium in MCM-41 framework. The results also reveal that at high aluminium content, the B/L ratio remained with lower decrease although at high temperature. Thus, samples with higher aluminium content provide higher thermal stability and more Lewis acid sites. The decreasing of B/L ratio corresponds to the increment of distorted tricoordinated aluminium formation which are anchored on the surface of the framework structure of MCM-41. It is believed that the location and environment of aluminium atom with in the wall controls acids strength. The closer the aluminium atoms to the wall surface, the greater their acid site strength. The catalytic study of hydroxyalkylation of benzene with propylene indicates that Dir-Al-MCM-41(10) produces the highest catalytic activity with a conversion of benzene of 92.3% and selectivity of 87.5% respectively. The formation of 2-phenyl1-propanol was occurred at favorable condition with a temperature of 393 K and 24 hours of run with propylene oxide: benzene mole ratio of 0.5 using nitrobenzene as the solvent. Through the reaction, tricoordinated aluminium plays a roles Lewis acid sites interact with propylene oxide to produce propoxy cations. However, the main factor to determine the strength of Lewis acid sites including appropriate aluminium content, location and environment of aluminium atom with in the wall. In addition, 83 crystallinity of sample and surface area also play a role in order to improve catalytic activity of Al-MCM-41. The higher surface area and larger pore size of catalyst increase accessibility of alkylating agent (propylene oxide) to interact further Lewis acid sites to produce propoxy cations. These intermediate were stabilized through the presence of aprotic dipolar solvent. Otherwise the unstable intermediate of propoxy cations will react further to produce propylene oxides oligomer. The reduction of oligomers product became important due to provide lower steric hindrance. Thus, both of reactant can diffuse and react with acid sites with out great difficulty. 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Nitrogen Adsorption Isotherm Data of Dir-Al-MCM41 (10) Desorption Adsorption P/P0 4.853x10-5 3.269x10-4 0.0012 0.0043 0.0100 0.0274 0.0303 0.0625 0.0846 0.0996 0.1192 0.1391 0.1587 0.1780 0.1967 0.2322 0.2465 0.2731 0.2937 0.3387 0.3503 0.4106 0.4638 0.4985 0.5499 0.5999 0.6498 0.6998 0.7497 0.7997 0.8199 0.8499 0.8762 0.8996 0.9243 0.9488 0.9722 0.9808 0.9882 0.9941 Volume Adsorbed (cm3g-1) 41.90 67.13 90.89 116.39 135.67 162.57 165.71 190.88 203.79 211.55 221.12 230.30 239.42 248.82 259.19 287.76 304.49 340.50 366.06 396.99 399.54 406.10 410.20 412.48 415.38 417.82 420.01 422.05 424.07 426.23 427.22 428.79 430.35 432.28 434.85 438.87 446.48 451.58 459.94 471.19 P/P0 Volume Adsorbed (cm3g-1) 0.9820 0.9710 0.9441 0.9124 0.8841 0.8581 0.8501 0.8236 0.8000 0.7496 0.6997 0.6497 0.5997 0.5498 0.5002 0.4555 0.3942 0.3544 0.3048 0.2831 0.2647 0.2483 0.2285 0.1988 0.1438 462.69 454.88 444.66 439.56 436.94 435.10 434.50 433.08 431.92 429.73 427.70 425.70 423.65 421.47 418.78 411.26 404.48 400.04 378.12 354.81 330.51 307.76 284.32 260.20 231.84 95 2. Nitrogen Adsorption Isotherm Data of Sec-Al-MCM41 (0.25 M) Adsorption P/P0 5.770x10-5 1.415x10-4 0.0008 0.0038 0.0097 0.0257 0.0300 0.0559 0.0589 0.0794 0.0988 0.1182 0.1374 0.1566 0.1759 0.1951 0.2410 0.2615 0.3118 0.3601 0.4167 0.4494 0.5003 0.5500 0.6001 0.6501 0.7001 0.7500 0.8001 0.8200 0.8504 0.8749 0.9001 0.9249 0.9498 0.9737 0.9808 0.9898 0.9946 Volume Adsorbed (cm3g-1) 36.16 63.04 95.45 126.97 150.13 179.28 184.70 209.72 212.20 227.82 241.93 255.79 269.88 284.32 299.38 314.97 349.66 359.86 369.84 373.66 377.03 378.78 381.08 383.11 384.97 386.70 388.38 390.07 391.74 392.54 393.61 394.57 395.72 397.23 399.40 403.94 406.74 412.65 418.89 Desorption P/P0 Volume Adsorbed (cm3g-1) 0.9765 0.9612 0.9357 0.9087 0.8827 0.8573 0.8312 0.8254 0.7996 0.7511 0.7002 0.6501 0.6002 0.5503 0.5002 0.4519 0.3981 0.3510 0.3011 0.2549 0.2109 0.1975 0.1679 0.1390 412.70 406.80 401.45 398.59 396.89 395.67 394.71 394.35 393.56 392.12 390.57 389.00 387.37 385.58 383.67 379.63 376.10 373.03 368.74 357.81 329.04 317.92 293.43 271.05 96 APPENDIX D Calculation Method of Conversion, Selectivity, Yield and Percentage of Oligomerisation 1. Conversion of Benzene (%) = C (before reaction) – C’ (after reaction) X 100% C (before reaction) C = Peak area of benzene / Peak area of internal standard 2. Selectivity of 2-phenyl-1-propanol (%) = S’ X 100% S (Total) S = Peak area of 2-phenyl-1-propanol / Peak area of internal standard STotal = Total of (Peak area of product/ peak area of internal standard) 3. Yield of product (mmol) Concentration of 2-phenyl-propanol, Y = S / (0.9001) (Refer Figure 4.21) = (X) mM x Amount of Solvent (mL) 1000 = (Z) mmol 4. Percentage of Oligomerisation (%) Percentage of Oligomerisation, = P’ after reaction – P before reaction X 100% P before reaction P – Peak area of propylene oxide oligomer / Peak area of Internal Standard