Forest Ecology and Management 109 (1998) 187±195 Effects of above- and below-ground competition of shrubs and grass on Calophyllum brasiliense (Camb.) seedling growth in abandoned tropical pasture Karen D. Holl* Environmental Studies Department, University of California, Santa Cruz CA 95064, USA Received 11 November 1997; accepted 6 January 1998 Abstract Early-successional vegetation is often a major factor that limits recovery of tropical forest in abandoned pastures by outcompeting seedlings of forest trees. The goal of this study was to compare the effects of above- and below-ground competition of pasture grasses and shrubs on the growth of tree seedlings in abandoned tropical pasture in Costa Rica. Seedlings of Calophyllum brasiliense were planted in areas of dense pasture grass and below shrub patches. In each vegetation type seedlings were subjected to one of four treatments: control, root trenching, above-ground clearing, or trenching and clearing. Seedling height was measured and above- and below-ground biomass was harvested after one year. Seedling height and biomass were higher for seedlings grown under grass than under shrubs. Above-ground clearing had a strong positive effect on seedling height and all biomass measurements (stem, leaves, tap root, and ®ne roots). Trenching had a signi®cant effect on height and all biomass measurements except tap root mass; however, trenching had a weaker effect on plant growth than above-ground clearing. Root:shoot ratios were signi®cantly affected by trenching. These results suggest that both pasture grasses and early-colonizing shrubs may slow succession of forest in abandoned pasture. Moreover, the results highlight the importance of reducing above-ground competition to improve the success of reforestation efforts. # 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. Keywords: Light; Reforestation; Roots; Succession 1. Introduction Tropical forests are being destroyed at an unprecedented rate. For example, in Costa Rica, forest cover has dropped from 80 to 25% in the past 50 years (Hartshorn, 1982). In Latin America, much of the *Corresponding author. Tel.: 00 1 408 459 3668; fax: 00 1 408 459 4015; e-mail: 0378-1127/98/$19.00 # 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII S0378-1127(98)00248-5 forest is cleared for agricultural purposes, in particular to create pasture land for cattle grazing (Amelung and Diehl, 1992; Fearnside, 1993). These agricultural lands are increasingly being abandoned due to declining productivity and changing economic incentives (Aide et al., 1995; Uhl et al., 1988). This process of clearing and abandonment has led to large areas of highly degraded lands that are often slow to recover, particularly in areas of intense disturbance with agricultural machinery (Buschbacher et al., 1988). In 188 K.D. Holl / Forest Ecology and Management 109 (1998) 187±195 recent years, there has been increasing interest in understanding factors limiting recovery, in order to develop strategies to facilitate forest succession (Holl, 1997). There has been an increase in efforts to reforest these areas with native species in order to facilitate forest recovery and to provide income to land owners from future logging (Butter®eld and Fisher, 1994; Guariguata et al., 1995; Lugo et al., 1993; Montagnini and Sancho, 1990). One of the primary factors (reviewed in Holl, 1997) that limits recovery of tropical forest in abandoned pasture is existing vegetation; however, the effects of different types of vegetation (e.g. grasses and shrubs) are not well-understood. Tropical pastures are often planted or seeded with aggressive, non-native pasture grasses. A number of studies suggest that above- and below-ground competition with pasture grasses is major factor that limits growth of tree seedlings in tropical pastures (GonzaÂlez Montagut, 1996; Guariguata et al., 1995; Nepstad et al., 1991; Sun and Dickinson, 1996; Sun et al., 1995). However, results of other studies suggest that grasses may have some positive effects on woody plant establishment by moderating stressful microclimatic conditions (Aide and Cavelier, 1994; Holl, in press). Abandoned pastures are often rapidly colonized by shrubs (Aide et al., 1995, 1996; Nepstad et al., 1990; Vieira et al., 1994). These authors suggest that shrubs facilitate forest succession in abandoned pasture. For example, research by Vieira et al. (1994) in Brazil suggests that shrubs may accelerate recovery by increasing seed dispersal, elevating soil nutrients, and creating more favorable microclimatic conditions. However, research in the temperate zone suggests that early-successional shrubs may inhibit the growth of trees (Niering et al., 1986; Meilleur et al., 1994; Putz and Canham, 1992). There has been very little research comparing the roles of above- and belowground competition on succession in abandoned tropical pastures. The goal of this research was to determine (1) which of grasses or shrubs provide a stronger impediment to growth of woody seedlings in abandoned tropical pastures and (2) whether competition is stronger above- or below-ground. Understanding the effect of existing vegetation on the growth of woody seedlings is essential for designing restoration and reforestation plans in these degraded lands. 2. Methods 2.1. Site description This study was conducted in abandoned pasture adjacent to the Las Alturas Biological Station in southern Costa Rica (88570 N, 828500 W, 1500 m elev.). The 5 ha pasture where the study was conducted is part of a mosaic of agricultural land uses covering 2500 ha. The pasture where the study was conducted was cleared 25 years ago using heavy machinery. The land was used for 15 years for the cultivation of coffee and for the subsequent 10 years for cattle grazing. Cattle were removed from the pasture in February 1995. At that time, the pasture vegetation consisted predominantly of two non-native grasses, Axonopus scoparius (FluÈgge) Kuhlm. and Melinus minuti¯ora Beauv. At the time of pasture abandonment there were few shrubs present because the land owner regularly cut shrubs in order to maintain open pastures for grazing. However, shrubs quickly re-grew from the base after pasture abandonment. A survey of the pasture in February 1996, one year after abandonment and four months prior to the initiation of this study, indicated that there were a total of 151 shrub patches >1 m2; these patches covered 2.4% of the pasture. The most common species of shrubs and small trees were Inga spp., Piper arboreum Aubl., Rubus spp., Solanum spp., Tournefortia glabra L., and Vernonia patens H.B.K. Average annual rainfall at the site is 3000 mm, more than 95% of which normally falls between April and December (Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad, unpublished data). Average annual maximum and minimum temperatures are 24.6 and 13.28C, respectively (Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad, unpublished data). Previous research at this site suggests that soil moisture does not limit plant growth during the dry season (Holl, in press). The soils are volcanic in origin. Surface soil samples (0±5 cm) were taken in February 1997 and were processed at the Soils Laboratory of the College of Agriculture at the University of Costa Rica following standard methods currently used by soil testing laboratories in the country (DõÂaz-Romeu and Hunter, 1978). These methods are detailed in Holl (in press). Levels of Ca, Mg, and CECe were signi®cantly higher under K.D. Holl / Forest Ecology and Management 109 (1998) 187±195 Table 1 Soil nutrients in grass and in shrubs at 0±5 cm depth a Soil character Grass Shrub Sig pH (in H2O) Ca (cmol/kg) Mg (cmol/kg) K (cmol/kg) Acidity (cmol/kg) CECe (cmol/kg) OM (%) N (%) P (mg/kg) 5.70.03 6.40.6 2.20.3 0.330.04 0.710.08 9.60.7 22.21.6 0.840.04 4.20.2 5.60.04 10.21.4 3.80.4 0.540.13 0.610.08 15.11.8 22.51.3 0.920.05 4.20.2 NS * ** NS NS * NS NS NS a CECeEffective cation exchange capacity; OMOrganic matter. Values are means1 SE. N11 for each vegetation type. Values in different habitats in each layer were compared using a t-test. NS not significant; * P<0.05; ** P<0.01. shrubs (Table 1). However, P, the most likely limiting nutrient (Holl, in press), did not differ signi®cantly between the vegetation types. 2.2. Experimental design To determine the effects of above- and belowground competition of shrubs and pasture grass on the growth of tree seedlings, 1-year seedlings of Calophyllum brasiliense Camb. were planted in areas of grass and under mixed-species shrub patches (monospeci®c shrub patches do not exist in the pasture). Shrub patches were selected that were comprised of a mixture of the most common species (listed above). Shrub height ranged from 1±5 m. Grass areas were predominantly covered by the two pasture grasses (listed above), ranging from 0.75±1.5 m in height. Calophyllum brasiliense was chosen as it is a tree species present in the nearby primary forest, it naturally establishes in pastures, and is often planted in reforestation efforts (Francis, 1995; Guariguata et al., 1995; Nichols and GonzaÂlez, 1991). It is a wide ranging species found from sea level to 1500 m in much of Central America and the Carribean (Nichols and GonzaÂlez, 1991). It fruits in June/July in the vicinity of the study site and the seeds germinate immediately after dispersal. Seeds were collected within 5 km of the study site, and seedlings were grown in a nursery located 1 km from the study site. 189 Four C. brasiliense seedlings were planted in each of 11 shrub patches and an area of grass adjacent to each shrub patch in June 1996. Mean seedling height was 21 cm (range 11±35 cm). Within each patch, seedlings were randomly assigned to one of four treatments: reduction of root competition, reduction of above-ground competition, reduction of both above- and below-ground competition, and a control. Seedlings within a patch were separated by a minimum of 2 m. Below-ground competition between existing vegetation and seedlings was reduced by cutting a deep circular trench (30±40 cm deep and 0.75 m diameter). To prevent roots from encroaching into this area, a double layer of 6 mil plastic was placed in the trench before back®lling. Excavation of plastic at the end of the study showed that no roots penetrated the plastic. Above-ground competition of grass was reduced by clearing grass in an 0.75 m diameter circle surrounding seedlings with a mechanical trimmer every two months. Shading of seedlings by shrubs was reduced by tying back large branches and by clearing small branches with a mechanical trimmer or machete every two months. Trenched plots were weeded monthly to remove herbaceous seedlings that were rooted within the 0.75 m circle. In trenched but not cleared plots, grass and shrubs rooted outside the trench shaded the seedlings. Before the initiation of the study herbaceous cover was measured in a 1 m2 quadrat centered at the location where each seedling would be planted. Shrub canopy cover directly over seedlings was estimated at the beginning and end of the experiment with a spherical densiometer. Values reported are averages for these two measurements. Calophyllum brasiliense seedlings were fenced with 22 cm diameter45 cm tall chicken wire to prevent rabbit herbivory, which is a major cause of seedling mortality at the site (Holl and Quiros Nietzen, in press); fences did not appear to reduce seedling growth. Immediately after planting and applying treatments, seedling heights were measured. Analysis of initial seedling heights indicated that there were no signi®cant differences by treatments. Therefore, ®nal measurements of height and biomass are reported rather than changes in these values over time. Seedling heights were measured every two months until the termination of this study at the beginning of July 1997. At that time, plant roots were carefully 190 K.D. Holl / Forest Ecology and Management 109 (1998) 187±195 excavated with small spades, knives, forks, and ®ngers. Roots were washed using a 0.27% solution of sodium pyrophosphate (BoÈhm, 1979) to disperse soil particles. Both above- and below-ground biomass were dried at 708C to constant mass; stems, leaves, tap roots, and ®ne roots were each weighed separately. In order to test (1) whether root trenching around target seedlings was effective in reducing root biomass of shrubs and grass and (2) whether above-ground clearing affected below-ground biomass of shrubs and grass, root biomass of existing vegetation was measured near all tree seedlings at the end of the study. A 7.4 cm diameter core was taken at a depth of 0±5 cm within the 0.75 m diameter circle surrounding each seedling. Roots were only sampled in the top 5 cm because samples taken from the control sites at three depths indicated that very ®ne roots, which are most important to nutrient uptake, were concentrated in the top 5 cm (grass ± 0±5 cm: 87.713.4, 5±10 cm: 33.9 4.5, 10±15 cm: 23.05.6; shrub: 0±5 cm: 40.76.9, 5±10 cm: 16.61.7, 10±15 cm: 15.52.2; units g/m2). After removing roots of C. brasiliense remaining roots were separated from soil by washing with a 0.27% solution of sodium pyrophosphate followed by passage through a 0.5 mm2 sieve. Roots were separated into three diameter classes (<0.5 mm, 0.5±2 mm, and >2 mm) and were oven-dried at 708C to constant mass. Root biomass has been shown to be highly correlated with root length within the three root classes separated (Flietner, 1987). 3. Results Before clearing treatments, herbaceous cover in all grass plots was 100%, whereas in shrub plots herbaceous cover was only 111%. In grass plots cover remained nearly 100% in uncleared plots through the study; cleared plots had no cover. In shrub patches that were not cleared canopy cover was 951%; average canopy cover in cleared plots was 214%. Only four of the 88 plants died over the 1-year study period. Three died due to unknown causes; each of these plants was in a different treatment combination suggesting that there was no effect of treatment on survival. One plant died because the cage was knocked over by a falling shrub limb and the stem was subsequently cut by rabbits. Plant biomass and height were signi®cantly higher for seedlings grown in grass than under shrubs (Fig. 1; Table 2). Above-ground clearing had a strong positive effect on seedling height and all biomass measurements. Trenching had a signi®cant effect on height and all biomass measurements except tap root mass. Root : shoot ratio was signi®cantly lower in plots that had been trenched. There were no signi®cant interactions between the three main effects (vegetation type, trenching, and clearing) on height or any of the biomass measurements. As expected, trenching had a strongly signi®cant effect on the biomass of roots of plants other than 2.3. Statistical analysis Treatment effects were assessed using analysis of variance with a split-plot model. The whole plot effect was each shrub or grass block. Clearing and trenching treatments were randomized within each block. The effect of vegetation type was tested using the block within vegetation type error term. The other main effects and interactions were tested using the residual error term. Data were log transformed when necessary to meet assumptions of normality and homoscedasticity. Only ®nal height measurements are reported since trends in height growth by treatment were consistent through the study. Throughout this paper, means and standard errors are reported and p<0.05 is considered signi®cant. Fig. 1. Total above-and below-ground seedling biomass for seedlings grown in grass or shrubs with trenching (Tr) and/or clearing (Cl) treatments. All treatments had a significant effect on total biomass (veg ± p<0.01, clear ± p<0.01, trench ± p<0.01), but no interaction terms were significant. K.D. Holl / Forest Ecology and Management 109 (1998) 187±195 191 Table 2 Seedling biomass (g), root: shoot ratio, and final height (cm) of seedlings grown in shrubs or grass receiving trenching and clearing treatments a Habitat Treatment Tap root Fine root Stem Leaves Root:shoot Height Grass Control Trench Clear Trench/Clear 2.10.3 2.50.2 3.70.6 4.30.7 0.70.1 1.10.1 1.30.2 1.80.2 2.60.3 3.40.4 4.18.0 7.01.2 3.60.5 5.50.5 6.51.0 10.61.7 0.810.07 0.700.02 0.770.02 0.630.05 39.73.9 54.04.1 51.46.4 67.88.1 Shrub Control Trench Clear Trench/Clear 2.00.3 2.00.2 2.70.4 3.20.6 0.90.5 0.50.1 0.70.1 1.60.5 1.80.4 2.00.4 3.40.7 4.60.9 3.00.5 3.90.6 4.91.0 7.31.0 0.800.04 0.760.06 0.720.05 0.700.04 32.23.1 40.24.2 46.25.3 57.45.6 Effects Veg Trench Clear * NS *** ** * *** ** ** *** NS * NS * *** *** ** *** *** a Values are means1 SE. N10 or 11 for each treatment. NSnot significant. *P<0.05. **P<0.01. ***P<0.001. C. brasiliense in all size-classes, whereas clearing had no effect on root biomass in any size-class (Table 3). There was a signi®cant vegetationtrenching interaction term for all but the ®ne roots. For very ®ne roots, the interaction term re¯ects the fact that ®ne root biomass was much higher under grass than shrubs in the non-trenched plots, but was similar in the trenched plots. For the coarse roots, biomass was higher under shrubs than under grass in non-trenched plots, but was similar in trenched plots. Table 3 Root biomass (g/m2) in abandoned pasture below grass and shrubs for three root diameter classes at 0±5 cm depth a Root diameter class (mm) Habitat Treatment Very fine (<0.5) Fine (0.5±2.0) Coarse (>2.0) Total Grass Control Clear Trench Trench/Clear 87.713.4 84.014.2 15.55.2 18.26.3 51.010.1 39.27.4 5.71.9 6.82.3 19.99.7 11.13.4 0.20.2 0.50.4 158.625.1 134.319.6 21.46.2 25.68.0 Shrub Control Clear Trench Trench/Clear 40.76.9 35.45.0 15.16.1 16.62.2 24.54.2 25.68.7 6.13.6 7.54.3 34.612.8 18.87.1 0.40.4 00 99.814.2 79.814.2 21.64.9 24.15.0 Effects Veg Trench Clear Veg*Trench NS *** NS *** NS *** NS NS a Values are means1 SE. N11 for each vegetation type. NSnot significant. *P<0.05. **P<0.01. ***P<0.001. NS *** NS * NS *** NS ** 192 K.D. Holl / Forest Ecology and Management 109 (1998) 187±195 4. Discussion These results, along with previous studies (Gerhardt and Fredrikkson, 1995; GonzaÂlez Montagut, 1996; Guariguata et al., 1995; Sun and Dickinson, 1996; Sun et al., 1995), clearly demonstrate that competition with grasses strongly limits tree seedling growth in abandoned tropical pastures. Little previous research has compared the effect of pasture grasses and colonizing shrubs on seedling growth in abandoned tropical pastures. Gerhardt and Fredrikkson (1995), working in tropical dry forest, reported higher growth rates of Swietenia macrophylla (mahogany) seedlings in pasture compared to that in patches of secondary tropical dry forest in Costa Rica. These results agree with the results of the current study that, across all treatments, seedling growth was slightly higher in areas of pasture grass than in areas of shrubs. There are several possible explanations for this result. First, some shrub species may have allelopathic effects on tree seedling growth. A few previous studies suggest that a number of tropical shrubs and trees emit chemicals that inhibit seed germination and radicle elongation (Anaya Lang, 1976a; Anaya Lang, 1976b, b; Campbell et al., 1989). However, there has been little research on the potential for allelopathic chemical reduction of seedling growth in the tropics. It is an area that requires further research. A second possible explanation for the higher growth of seedlings in grass may result from differences in rooting depths. It has been suggested that plants that have different rooting depths may exhibit higher productivity when grown together than species that exploit the same rooting depth (Berendse, 1981; Ewel et al., 1982; Wilson, 1988). At the present study site, grass roots are predominantly concentrated in the ®rst 5 cm of soil, whereas roots of C. brasiliense and shrubs exploit a wider range of depths (Holl, pers. obs.). This difference in rooting depths might explain higher growth rates of C. brasiliense in the grass control and cleared treatments, but would not explain this trend in the sites where root competition was reduced. Higher growth in grass compared to shrubs cannot be explained by differences in soil nutrients or root density. Some nutrients (Mg and Ca) were actually higher under shrubs, and the nutrient most likely to be limiting tree growth, P, did not differ between the two vegetation types. Very ®ne root density was higher under grasses. Smaller diameter roots are comparatively more ef®cient in the uptake of nutrients due to a larger surface area to biomass ratio (Ewel et al., 1982; Jungk, 1991). Therefore, these results suggest higher root competition for seedlings planted in grass without the trenching treatment. Presumably, higher root competition would result in reduced growth rates for seedlings planted under grass than under shrubs, but the reverse was observed. However, differences in root physiology (e.g. absorptivity, mycorrhizal associations) among species may be more important to nutrient and water uptake than the actual number of roots, so it is dif®cult to draw conclusions from root biomass or root length measurements alone. It is also unlikely that the differences in growth rates could be explained by water stress during the dry season since gravimetric water content in areas of cleared grass in February 1997 were well above 0.31 (Holl, in press), the level at which water potential for this soil reached ÿ1.5 MPa, which is commonly considered to be permanent wilting point (Taiz and Zeiger, 1991). In other words, soil moisture did not appear to be limiting during the study period. Although both above- and below-ground competition reduced seedling height and biomass, aboveground competition appeared to have a stronger overall effect. Previous studies in tropical forest clearly demonstrate that many forest trees grow faster when exposed to higher light levels (e.g. Augspurger, 1984; Butter®eld and Fisher, 1994). However, there have been few previous studies comparing above- and below-ground competition in pastures. Two studies in tropical secondary forests (Gerhardt and Fredrikkson, 1995; Pinard et al., in press) reported that reducing canopy cover signi®cantly increased seedling growth, but that root trenching did not have a signi®cant effect. Gerwing (1995) reported that the relative effect of above- and below-ground competition on the growth of two species of Piper in primary tropical forest depended on the morphology of the tree species under which they were grown. In the temperate zone, results of studies comparing the relative effects of above- and below-ground competition are equally variable. In a review of competition experiments, predominantly on temperate herbaceous species, Wilson (1988) concluded that in the majority of experiments below-ground compe- K.D. Holl / Forest Ecology and Management 109 (1998) 187±195 tition was important, but that there were studies in which the effects of above-ground competition were overriding. Research in temperate old ®elds suggests that the relative importance of below-ground competition increases with decreasing soil fertility and moisture (Putz and Canham, 1992). Clearly, the relative importance of above- and below-ground competition is highly site- and species-speci®c. Therefore, more research in the tropics is necessary before generalizations can be made. Not surprisingly, root:shoot ratios were lower for trenched plants. Previous studies have clearly demonstrated reduced allocation to roots when there is less competition for nutrients (Berendse, 1981; Gerhardt and Fredrikkson, 1995). Growth of C. brasiliense was fairly slow (25 cm/ year overall) even in plots with reduced competition. Seedling height increases at the current study site were much lower than the values reported for lowland regions of Costa Rica, where C. brasiliense grew 1.5 m/year. (Butter®eld and Espinoza, 1995; Guariguata et al., 1995). In contrast, Kellman (1985) reported growth rates of only 5 cm/year for C. brasiliense grown in a savanna in Belize. These differences in growth rates are likely due to a combination of differences in temperature (largely due to elevation), rainfall, and soil fertility at the various sites. A number of researchers have suggested that rapidly colonizing shrubs have positive effects on succession in abandoned tropical pastures (Aide et al., 1995, 1996; Nepstad et al., 1990; Vieira et al., 1994). Vieira et al. (1994) suggest that one strategy for facilitating recovery might be to introduce early-successional shrubs. Results reported here show that shrubs may have negative effects on some stages of succession. Previous research, predominantly in the temperate zone, has demonstrated that complex combinations of negative and positive interactions exist in many plant communities (Callaway and Walker, 1997). It is clear that more research on the role of shrubs in succession is needed before shrubs are introduced on a wide-scale to help restore abandoned pastures. Results of this study highlight the importance of reducing above-ground competition to increase the growth of young tree seedlings planted as part of reforestation projects. In Costa Rica, land-owners usually clear grass around seedlings 4±8 times per 193 year for the ®rst year or two after planting (Montagnini and Sancho, 1990; Butter®eld, 1995). Another method that has been recommended for reducing competition is burning in order to reduce grass competition before planting (Nepstad et al., 1990). Although these techniques add costs to reforestation programs, they are clearly necessary to ensure rapid seedling growth. Acknowledgements This research was supported in part by a Global Change Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship sponsored by the US Department of Energy, Of®ce of Health and Environmental Research. Additional funding was provided by grants from the American Philosophical Society, Earthwatch and its Research Corps, and the National Science Foundation (Grant DEB-9508683).This project could not have been completed without the ®eld assistance of N. Messmore, E. Quiros Nietzen, J. Small, and 21 enthusiastic Earthwatch volunteers. I appreciate the helpful comments of G. Hayes, B. Lindh, M. Loik, and F. Rein. References Aide, T.M., Cavelier, J., 1994. Barriers to lowland tropical forest restoration in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. Restoration Ecology 2(4), 219±229. Aide, T.M., Zimmerman, J.K., Herrera, L., Rosario, M., Serrano, M., 1995. 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