development economic and conservation of resources The economic development of the countries of the South is often achieved partly through conversion of tropical rainforests into areas for agriculture (pasture, food crops and plantations) or mining. Is this development compatible with conservation of the forest environment? While deforestation appears already to have destroyed 60% of the tropical forests, an alliance between the issues involved by development and those associated with forest environmental conservation, as part of an innovation management system, has become a major research challenge. With the support of scientists, sustainable development strategies which aim to reconcile exploitation of resources and preservation of tropical rainforests are now becoming more diverse: implementation of a wood certification system, promotion of reasoned sustainable logging, agroforestry, crop cultivation under vegetation cover, the development of sustainable sectors for ligneous and non-ligneous forest products (resin, fruit, game and so on). Conversion of forest areas into extensive pasture in the Amazon. Decentralising forest management In Madagascar, scientists are studying ways of setting up a system of sustained management and viable utilisation of forest resources with local communities. This project aims in particular to develop commercial channels for value-added products such as construction timber, charcoal, raffia or essential oils. Drying resin collected from an Indonesian agroforest. Preparation of raffia fibres (Raphia farinifera) in Madagascar. Did you know? Certain kinds of wood in the tropical forest are certified under a labelling system. The labels displayed for consumers ensure that the forests of origin of the products are managed under a sustainable system: marking the desired species and trees, regulated felling, restrictions on loading and unloading tracks and sites • Reconciling commercial operations and forest conservation: a challenge for research 21 MINISTÈRE DES AFFAIRES ÉTRANGÈRES ET EUROPÉENNES FTH/en - 2011