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Howstuffworks "How Home Networking Works"
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How Home Networking
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by Jeff Tyson
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Introduction to How Home Networking Works
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If you own multiple PCs, you have probably thought about how great it would be if your
computers could talk to each other. With your computers connected, you could:
Share a single printer between computers
Share a single Internet connection among all the computers in your home
Access shared files such as photographs, MP3s, spreadsheets and documents on
any computer in the house
Play games that allow multiple users at different computers
Send the output of a device like a DVD player or Webcam to your other
Reference Links
In this article, we'll look at all of the different methods you can use to create a home
network. Be sure to read the companion articles about power-line networking, wireless
networking and phone-line networking. This specialized information, including our own (1 of 3)7/28/2005 7:34:17 PM
Howstuffworks "How Home Networking Works"
> Computer Rental
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> Inside Halo 2 Networks
experiences with different networking solutions, can help you decide which method is right
for your home.
At the moment, wireless networking appears to be the easiest and one of the least
expensive options. You can buy an 802.11b or 802.11g access point, connect it to your
cable modem or DSL modem in a few minutes, and have all your computers talking on a
network very quickly. See How WiFi Works for details.
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Lowest Price
1. D-Link DFE-690TXD Network Adapter
2. Intel PRO/1000 MT (PWLA8492MT) Network Adapter
3. Belkin Ethernet (F5D5050) USB 1.1 Network Adapter
4. NetGear FA511 Network Adapter
5. D-Link DGE 550T (DGE-550T) Network Adapter
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Howstuffworks "How Home Networking Works"
Table of Contents:
› Introduction to How Home Networking Works
› Ways to Connect
› Networking Basics
› Easy Networking
› Networking Basics: File Sharing
› Networking Basics: File Sharing Security
› Networking Basics: Printers
› Networking Basics: Internet
› Networking Basics: Routers
› Networking Basics: Firewalls
› Building a Network
› What You Need for Ethernet
› Other Types of Home Networks
› Lots More Information
› Compare Prices for Home Networking
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