Galway Dance Artist in Residence presents Galway Dance Days festival CORP_REAL international symposium 28-30 March 2014 a universe in movement look feel think talk be D A N C E Galway Dance Artist in Residence, presents three days of dance & multi-disciplinary international Ríonach Ní Néill premieres & performances symposium Corp_Real International Symposium brings together artists, academics and researchers whose practices converge on the body, action and movement. A public forum of interviews, debates, workshops, film screenings & performances. Responding to current concerns, the 2014 symposium focuses on questions of feminism and gender in Ireland, the environment, activism and social engagement, and the contribution of body-based practices to these issues. Conveners: Dr Aoife McGrath (Queens), Dr Ríonach Ní Néill, Dr Finola Cronin (UCD) Showcasing some of the most exciting new works coming out of Ireland, Galway Dance Days presents World and Galway premieres throughout the city. BOOKING INFORMATION Tickets: €16/13. All-in Festival ticket: €39/30. Symposium €5/day. Booking at Full programme details at for updates and special offers, follow us on www.Facebook/Galwaydancedays Corp_Real is a partner symposium to 'Lifeworlds: Space, Place & Irish Culture' international conference, 28-29 March, hosted by Ómós Áite and the Centre for Irish Studies, NUI Galway. Full details on GALWAY DANCE DAYS/Corp-Real International Symposium is the public programme of Galway Dance Artist in Residence, Ríonach Ní Néill, supported by The Arts Council, Galway County Council, Galway City Council, Town Hall Theatre, Ealaín na Gaeltachta, Galway Arts Centre & National University of Ireland Galway, affiliated with the Ómós Áite: Space/Place Research Network, Centre for Irish Studies, NUI Galway . Additional partners Dance Ireland, Dance Limerick, Internationelle Dansprogrammet Sweden. Rachel Sweeney Friday March 28 CORP_REAL international symposium BODY & ENVIRONMENT 2pm – 6pm Bailey Allen Hall, NUI Galway Rachel Sweeney (Liverpool Hope University): Sandskin I Bloodwater; tracing topographies in flooded environs Gwen McHale (movement artist/therapist): Landscape: a dance of deep ecology Korina Biggs (Alexander Tech/somatic movement teacher): Soma in the city Emma Meehan (Coventry University): Immersive Environments: Joan Davis, Space and Somatic Engagement In conversation: Carola Wingren (Landscape Architecture, University of Sweden) with Ríonach Ní Néill on Vattnet Kommer/– a landscape architecture & dance project on sea-level rising Workshops 12.30 - 2pm Bernadette Divilly (dance artist/therapist): Gait-ways : A Pedestrian Field trip to Woodquay 4-7pm Ella Clarke (Meath Dance Artist in Residence): RIOT CHOREOGRAPHY (2-session workshop, Friday 28 & Sat 29) Workshop bookings: PERFORMANCE FOUNDER premiere choreographed & composed by Maria Nilsson Waller (Sweden) 8pm. Fairgreen House, Fairgreen Road, Galway We know more about the surface of the moon and Mars than we know about the bottom of the deep ocean. … Maria's choreography brings nature into the performance space, mapping vast territories in human movement and voice, transforming the raw concrete of a vacant office space into a world resonating with the wonders of the sea. Sample works at Maria Nilsson Waller Saturday March 29 CORP_REAL international symposium PERFORMING THE BODY 10am – 1pm Bailey Allen Hall, NUI Galway Performances, discussions & screenings on the convergence of dance, visual, performance art and film, on the body. Chair: Finola Cronin (School of English, Drama & Film UCD) Hilary Eliott (University of Huddersfield): Experienced Space Fergus Byrne Jacintha Murphy (independent artist): Becoming Bodily: The Subversive Presence of the Bodily Grotesque in Modern and Contemporary Visual Culture Carolyn Collier (visual artist): A figure in the landscape Judith Bernhardt (visual & performance artist):TRACES – A Performance Drawing Thomas Conway (Director in Residence, NUI Galway): Sem/antics of writing bodies: the collaborations of Junk Ensemble and brokentalkers Úna Quigley (film artist): Directing the Gest Fergus Byrne: (independent) Untitled Sculpture workshop 1 – 2pm Korina Biggs Soma in the City How do you relate to urban space? This session will take you on a journey outdoors. Listening and responding to a recording you'll be invited to heighten your sensual, perceptual and creative experiences. There will be a chance to further engage with those experiences indoors. workshop booking: Korina Biggs MY METHYL a Corp_Real commission Michelle Browne & Emma Martin 2pm – 2.45pm, Eyre Square Shopping Centre Award-winning choreographer Emma Martin and internationally renowned visual artist Michelle Browne come together in this short-term collaboration to explore the cross over between their two practices based in action and movement. My Methyl refers to research carried out by scientists looking at mutations in genetic material, which found that mothers' behaviour could alter the genetic function of their offspring, and of further generations. Martin and Browne's shared interest in their own changing roles and behaviours as mothers will inform their collaboration. and CORP_REAL international symposium 3-4pm Site-specific Galway city: location given on confirmation of ticket booking CHOREOGRAPHING FEMINIST POLITICS IN IRELAND This panel brings together a group of artists that have created works that tackle issues of body politics and women’s experiences in Irish society. If choreography is considered as a practice that puts problems into motion, how do choreographies that engage with feminist politics create sites that question difficult realities and suggest alternative futures? Chair: Aoife McGrath (Queens) Panellists: Emma Fitzgerald, Aoife McAtamney, Emma Martin PERFORMANCES 4.30 – 6pm, Fairgreen House, Fairgreen Road, Galway SOFTER SWELLS choreographed by Aoife McAtamney Disjointed, both in structure and content, illustrating a landscape of rapidly shifting memories, incorporating Irish cultural references to gender and sexual attitudes. The first chance for Galway to see this captivating solo, chosen for the prestigious Aerowaves international tour. “utterly spellbinding” sample works at THESE MOMENTS (a Corp_Real commission), choreographed by Judith Sibley for Chrysalis Dance Chrysalis Dance uncover the wonder of the instant, the immediate, the hidden seconds in between the ordinary, in a new and evocative work, continuing Sibley's pushing of the boundaries of classical dance. Chrysalis Dance THE SEA AND THE SHAPE OF MY HEART choreographed by Emma Fitzgerald Following Fitzgerald & Stapleton's sold-out performance at GDD 13, Emma Fitzgerald returns with an intimate solo. Inspired by her research into female biography and the social pressures which censor the telling of womens' lives, Fitzgerald talks about her experience of rape, creates spontaneous poetry and makes a public service announcement. Sample works at www.fitzgerald& GRACE choreographed by Úna Little Grace whispers a Magdalen history of rigidity, fear, vulnerability and loss. This solo locates the moral sensibilities of Magdalene Ireland beneath rough skin and brittle bones. Emma Fitzgerald ANTI-CAPITALISM: THE MUSICAL! World premiere choreographed & composed by Deirdre Murphy 29 March 8pm, The Cube, Bailey Allen Building, NUI Galway A fairytale of musical theatre, using circus, song, and dance to create a near-future political reality similar to our own. A large scale theatrical narrative with a cast of 15 dancers, singers, circus performers, actors and a live band, it uses acrobatics, plot twists, assassinations, and intrigue to tell the tale of a heroic group of everyday acrobats, aided by the Greek-chorus style narrations of a powerful triumvirate of fairy godmothers. “Social criticism wrapped in wit, glee and stunning physical & vocal performance “ Sunday March 30 CORP_REAL international symposium BODY, ACTIVISM & ENGAGEMENT 10.30am– 4pm Bailey Allen Hall, NUI Galway Is it possible for humans to create a system which improves the quality of our lives and is more equal? How can we organise to make such a thing possible? What can artists do to contribute? How are we using our bodies to express resistance, hope, change? Chair: John Bisset Virginia Farman (University of Chichester) :”Everyday Hero” lecture presentation on integrated practices with VIP dancers. Michelle Cahill (independent): Tiago Gambogi's Project Trans-Amazonia :A Brazillan Odessey. One Road, One Forest. One Man. Lots of Encounters. Nick Bryson (dance artist) A Model of ‘Enlightened SelfInterest’ & ‘Open Participatory Budgeting’ in Contemporary Dance Projects, subjectively placed in an Irish/UK Context Helga Deasy (dance artist): Freedom to move, freedom to stop: A somatic approach to empowerment in community dance Beatrice Jarvis PhD candidate, University of Ulster and Kingston University): Performing Practice. The Choreography of Research. The Sociological Dimension of Choreography as framework for progression of social reconciliation. Perform I. Agents. Siobhan Clancy (visual artist) An investigation into bodily autonomy, decision-making, stigma and social reproduction Cindy Cummings (dance artist in residence, UCD), in conversation with Finola Cronin Anti-Capitalism: The Panel! A panel of speakers from various backgrounds lead an open discussion on issues raised by Anti-Capitalism: the Musical! Since the financial crash of 2008 the world has entered into a new depression. While some in the top 1% have remained comfortable, the .01% of the richest in the population have become much richer. At the same time that the broad mass of the population is struggling to make ends meet. Unemployment, underemployment, emigration and the misuse of internships are serious problems. Climate change and other environmental problems which at one time seemed to be on the agenda have disappeared from public discourse. chair: Gavin Mendel-Gleason: Deirdre Murphy, Ella Clarke & others CLOSING ROUNDTABLE Michelle Browne PERFORMANCE ANTI-CAPITALISM: THE MUSICAL! choreographed & composed by Deirdre Murphy 30 March, 7pm, The Cube, Bailey Allen building, NUI Galway