1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.0 Introduction Malaysia has witnessed an explosive rise in the demand for transport vehicles in recent decades in conjunction with its rapid economic growth. Currently, the number of private own vehicles registered in Malaysia shows increasing trends. Malaysia’s national car projects also have played a role in motor vehicle growth by limiting the options available to the government. The public transport system in Malaysia is poor and hence, the private transport flourished increase in private transport usage between the years 1985-2005. Private vehicles today have become the main means of travel of urban living in developing countries. Consistent economic growth, rising incomes, and urbanization have led to rapid growth in vehicle ownership and usage hence increasing number of road accidents. Road accidents and injuries is a health problem worldwide. This trend is expected to increase as the world continues to motorize. Each year, the number of vehicles on our road is increasingly exponentially. In 2007, a total of 1 034 418 new vehicles were registered and making up of a total of 16 825 150 vehicles registered in Malaysia in which 44.3% were cars (RTD, 2007). The World Health Organization (WHO) report entitled World Report on Road Traffic Injury and Prevention estimated that traffic accidents are responsible for approximately 1.2 million deaths per year and 50 million injured people all over the world (WHO, 2004). Based on the current trend, projections estimated that these accidents will be the third most common cause of death by 2020 (Murray and Lopez 1996) in the world. 2 There are proven that Malaysia has one of the most modernized road infrastructures in this part of world. However, the injuries including road traffic accidents are third causes of admission and fifth cause of death in Malaysia government hospitals in 2003. In the year 2003 about 17 people are killed a day. (Health Facts, 2003). Figure 1.1: Statistics of population, vehicle registered and road accident vehicle registration (Department of Statistics Malaysia, 2011) 1.1 Background of Study 3 A road accident is recognized as a dominant cause of injury and death worldwide and Malaysia is no exception in this scenario. According to Figure 1.1, road accident is increase 17,091 from 2009 to 2010. There are many factors that contributed to road accident. The factor includes weather, vehicle condition, road structure and human factor. Government has taken many actions to prevent road accidents such improving road and highway, completed with digital signage to ensure road users be aware on the road, but the number of accidents keep increasing year to year. Time to time, half a million of Malaysians died because of road accidents and the highest cases of road accidents are caused by the drivers’ behavior, equipment failure and the road conditions and infrastructure. According to Road Transport department research (2002), accident casualty and deaths by vehicles for Malaysia 2000-2006, the number of road accidents increased to 400 cases and it decreased in 2006 that was only about 600 cases (21,600 cases) had been reported. The first thing that contributes to the reason for the road accidents that happen in Malaysia is the drivers’ behavior. Humans are always do mistake and not careful. When a problem or unwanted thing happens, they tend to blame somebody or something else for what they have done. Most people that get an accident believe the other party involved could have done something different to avoid the accident. According to The Royal Malaysian Police, PDRM (2006) report saying that 90% of accidents happen from this reason. 1.2 Problem Statement Malaysia’s accident rate is ranked as the one of the highest in the world. The bad habits of Malaysian drivers who like to speed without considering the risks is one of the contributory factors for the high accident rate in the country. On the average, there are 18 deaths each day due to road accidents and that 300 000 children are made orphans because this trend. This situation is very worrying and that the government is confident that the best way to handle the issue is to educate the public 4 and create awareness of the importance of road safety and road courtesy at grassroot levels. There are many causes of accidents. This includes dangerous driving, technical faults, weather, road signage and design of the roads. However, the improvements in term of automobile technology in term of safety have achieved certain level. Road signage and road designs have also being improved, where various blackspots have been identified and studies have been carried out to mitigate the causes of the road accidents. However, it was found that the accident rates still keep increasing year by year. Currently, most studies have proven that drivers are responsible for the main cause of accident. Most drivers tend to have the attitude of overestimating their own ability and the capability of their vehicles to react within the sufficient time to avoid crashes (e.g. the driver’s often follow too closely to the vehicles in front). Malaysians like to speed and a review of high-profile road accident cases indicate that the drivers were speeding at 160-180 km/hour (Ahmad Farhan, 2011). The driver’s attitude that leads to the road accidents has not been identified in most studies in Malaysia. Malaysian Government was more concentrating on the improvements in order to reduce the accident rate. Hence, in this study, identification of driver’s attitudes was carried out to understand the cause of road accident. At the same time, explored the possibility measures in curbing the road accidents. 1.3 Research Objectives This study is aimed to achieve the following objectives: i. To explore the drivers’ demographic and perception towards road safety issues. ii. To investigate the perception of the road user especially on various aspects of road safety, this includes speeding and aggressive. 5 iii. To suggest some possible solution this would eventually improve the road safety conscious among car drivers. 1.4 i. Research Questions Does the factor of drivers’ demographic have awareness towards road safety issues. ii. What is the perception of the road user especially on the various aspects of road safety, such speeding and aggressive? 1.5 Significant of the study This study can be useful to the law enforcement authority to come out with suitable measures in tighten up the enforcement especially in term of attitude of drivers in order to reduce the number of road accident in Malaysia. Besides, this research will serve as a reference for the future research. It is also beneficial for other researcher to study more deeply on the factor contribute to road accident in the future. 1.6 Scope of the Study Pasir Gudang, which becomes part of Johor Bharu had been chosen as the study area for this research due to several reasons. Firstly, Pasir Gudang had become one of the fastest growing areas in Johor Bharu due to its unrevealed potential. Secondly, under such a fast developing, the environmental quality of the housing area near to the city center had become main concern for transportation issues such accident. Therefore, it is best to study driver attitudes towards road safety in Pasir Gudang. Table 1.1 shows six residential areas that involved in this study. 6 Table 1.1: Residential area in Pasir Gudang (source: PBTPG) 1.7 No. Residential area 1. Taman Mawar 2. Taman Bukit Dahlia 3. Taman Air Biru 4. Taman Cendana 5. Taman Kota Masai 6. Taman Pasir Putih Limitation of the study The researcher may encounter problems in conducting this research study. Some limitation that involve in this study is lack of references. There were not many studies carried out on road accidents caused by drivers’ attitudes, especially in a developing country such as Malaysia. Currently, secondary data and literature review are mostly from studies done in overseas including United States, United Kingdom and Australia. Literature review and secondary information on this topic were found to be lacking. 1.8 Expected Contribution The findings of this study will contribute to the knowledge of drivers’ attitude, which lead to road accidents. Therefore, through the findings of this study, the characteristic of driving behavior that causes of accident and the target group for road safety campaigns would be identified. These finding would be useful for future research and policy-making for road safety issues.