UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON SYSTEM ADMINISTRATIVE MEMORANDUM SECTION: General Administration AREA: Administrative Guide SUBJECT: Board of Regents Policy Development 1. 2. 3. NUMBER: 01.A.03 PURPOSE 1.1. The policies of the Board of Regents are uniformly applicable to all component universities and, in compliance with federal and state law, supersede all other institutional rules. 1.2. This administrative memorandum describes the administrative process for the preparation, review, approval, and distribution of new Board of Regents policies and the substantive modification of existing policies initiated by members of the University community other than Board members. BOARD ACTION 2.1. Notwithstanding anything in this administrative memorandum, the Board may promulgate new policies or substantive modification of existing policies without utilizing the following procedures. 2.2. No new policy or substantive modification of existing policy becomes effective until Board action is taken adopting the new policy or modifying the existing policy. 2.3. Except as outlined in 2.1. above, proposed new policies and substantive modification of existing policies are presented to the Board for action through the Chancellor. PROCEDURES 3.1. The Chancellor may initiate proposals for new policies or substantive modification of existing policies, may delegate the authority to initiate such proposals, or may accept proposals from any source in the University community. August 13, 1993; Revised January 31, 2009 Page 1 of 3 AM No. 01.A.03 3.2. 3.3. The normal process for the consideration of a new policy or the substantive modification of an existing policy is as follows: a. A member of any component university who wishes to propose a new policy or a substantive modification (more than just grammatical changes) of an existing policy must send the proposal to the Executive Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance through the Office of the President of that component university. b. A member of the System Administration who wishes to propose a new policy or a substantive modification of an existing policy must send the proposal to the Executive Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance through the office of the appropriate vice chancellor. c. The Executive Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance will ensure that the subject matter is appropriate for Board policy and is presented in appropriate Board policy format. When the proposed policy meets all criteria, the Executive Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance will forward the proposed policy to the System General Counsel for review. d. The General Counsel will review the proposed policy for compliance with state and federal law, Board bylaws, and other Board policies. If revisions are necessary to ensure compliance, the General Counsel will so notify the Executive Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance. When all criteria are met, the General Counsel will verify to the Executive Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance that the proposed policy is cleared for transmittal to the Chancellor. e. All proposed Board policies, other than those initiated through action of a Regent, must be reviewed by the Chancellor/President’s Cabinet which will advise the Chancellor on policy matters recommended for Board action. The review of other appropriate groups and individuals may also be sought by the Cabinet or the Chancellor. f. Except in the case of those policies initiated through action of a Regent, the Chancellor will recommend all policies be adopted by the Board. Normally, a proposed policy will be reviewed by the appropriate Board standing committee before formal Board action. In the case of an emergency or other sufficient reason, the normal procedure outlined in this administrative memorandum may be shortened to a review by the Chancellor, the Executive Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance, and the General Counsel before recommendation to the Board. August 13, 1993; Revised January 31, 2009 Page 2 of 3 AM No. 01.A.03 4. DISTRIBUTION New policies and substantive modifications of existing policy will be disseminated by the Office of the Board of Regents. 5. 6. REVIEW AND RESPONSIBILITY Responsible Party: Executive Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance Review: Every two years, on or before March 1 APPROVAL Approved: Carl P. Carlucci Executive Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance Renu Khator Chancellor Date: June 9, 2009 August 13, 1993; Revised January 31, 2009 Page 3 of 3