EAST EARLY COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL BUSINESS COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS I Ms. E. White, Instructor Course Syllabus Welcome and it is a pleasure to have you explore with me business applications, concepts and software in the course of Business Computer Information Systems. Purpose This course is designed to improve students’ technological productivity utilizing the Microsoft Office Suite: Microsoft Word, Excel, Publisher, PowerPoint, and Access. Students will develop skills for success in the workplace as they are expected to: (A) locate and interpret written information; (B) incorporate supplementary resources and references; (C) demonstrate active listening through oral and written feedback; (D) demonstrate productive work habits and attitudes, for example, dependability and punctuality; and (E) organize ideas logically and sequentially. BCIS Course Description BCIS I prepares students to apply technology skills to personal and workplace business situations focused on word processing, spreadsheet, database, telecommunications, desktop publishing, presentation management, networking, operating systems, and emerging technologies. ***********Students are required to complete the course with a certification in the Microsoft Office Skills Suite. Supplies Required Folder (Portfolio with notes Every DAY 1 Flash Drive Pen/Black or Blue (NO colored ink on assignment to be turned in) Access to internet OUTSIDE OF CLASS ****SCHOOL LAB IS OPEN AFTER SCHOOL******* Grading All objectives and tasks are weighted as follows: Assessments/Exams 25% Projects/Portfolio 20% Quizzes 20% Home learning 15% Application Labs 10% Class work/Class participation 10% Total 100% Active Participation Students must complete Home Learning assignments in order to participation and be successful in the class. Students are expected to complete the video training at home writing notes as they go so that they gain a clear understanding. Videos are discussed during class collaborations and all students are expected to participate. Feedback All students are expected to visit Grade Speed to inquire about anything related to their class or grades. Students can discuss with me their grades AFTER they have visited Grade speed. Students who are ABSENT on the day an assignment is due will be required to submit assignment the following class. All students are allowed to view their students class folders (work is kept here) Calls will be made to parents as needed if work is continuously not completed. Communication and Contact Information Student and Parent(s)/Guardian(s), please feel free to contact me at anytime. I am looking forward to our journey together through the Business Computer Information Systems 1 (BCIS I) course. Have a PRODUCTIVE year! Contact Information Ms. E. White Email Work – East Early College High School ewhite3@houstonisd.org (713) 847-4809