Table 1. Molecular markers (including antigens and transcription factors) for identifying differentiated cell types as well as neural stem/ progenitor cells. Antigen/Transcription Factor Neuronal Markers Beta tubulin III (TuJ1) MAP2 Description TOAD64 Presenilin Doublecortin Neuron specific-enolase SCG10 (superior cervical ganglion) Hu GAP43 (growth associated protein) immature and mature neurons a: later than p14, b: mature, c: immature to mature mature neurons L: immature neuron, M and H: postmitotic neuron newly postmitotic neurons postmitotic neuron and other cells migrating neuron relatively immature and postmitotic neuron mature neuron, related to regeneration neuron-specific RNA binding protein growth cone, related to growth and regeneration Transcription Factors Neurogenin1/2 NeuroD Mash1 Math2 Tbr1 Hoxa2,b2 Phox2b Nkx2.2 Pax6/7 FGF8 Wnt1/Lmx1b Dlx5/6 cortical neuroblast pyramidal neuron neuroblast to Interneuron neuroblast postmitotic neurons in cerebral cortex rostral hindbrain central and peripheral autonomic nervous system neuroblast to interneuron neuroblast to pyramidal neuron isthmus isthmus GABAergic interneuron NeuN Neurofilament Synapse-related Synaptophysin Synaptotagmin1 Synapsin1 Neurabin SNAP(synaptosomal associated protein) 25 Synaptobrevin Syntaxin membrane of synaptic vesicle, endocrine cell presynaptic vesicle membrane of synaptic vesicle synapse in postmitotic neuron plasmamembrane synaptic vesicle plasmamembrane Table 1. (cont.) Molecular markers (including antigens and transcription factors) for identifying differentiated cell types as well as neural stem/ progenitor cells. Antigen/Transcription Factor Description Astrocyte Markers GFAP S100b Vimentin Nestin astrocyte, radial glia, stem/progenitor cell astrocyte, ependymal cell, some neuron glial progenitor, radial glia, immature astrocyte immature astrocyte, stem cell, muscle Radial Glial Markers BLBP (brain-lipid binding protein) Vimentin GFAP GLAST RC1/2 Nestin REST (RE1-silencing transcription factor) Oligodendrocyte Markers PLP/DM20 CNPase Myelin-associated/ oligodendrocytic basic protein (MOBP) GalC (galactocerebroside) Myelin basic protein (MBP) Myelin associated glycoprotein (MAG) Claudin11 / OSP NOGO (neurite outgrowth inhibitor) Transcription factors Olig1/2 radial glia, multipotent progenitor glial progenitor, radial glia, immature astrocyte radial glia, astrocyte, stem/progenitor cell radial glia to postmitotic astrocyte radial glia immature astrocyte, stem cell, muscle nonneuronal progenitor perinuclear and processes of mature oligodendrocyte (myelin) membrane of CNS myelin oligodendrocyte (myelin) mature oligodendrocyte, not in O2A processes of mature oligodendrocyte (myelin), bone marrow, immune system oligodendrocyte (myelin) immature to mature oligodendrocyte oligodendrocytes, endoplasmic reticulum of CNS myelin, not in Schwann cell oligodendrocyte lineage, some subtypes of neuron Table 1. (cont.) Molecular markers (including antigens and transcription factors) for identifying differentiated cell types as well as neural stem/ progenitor cells. Antigen/Transcription Factor Description Other cell types Ependymal/choroid plexus TTR Noggin S100b epithelial cell of choroid plexus ependymal and early neuron astrocyte, ependymal cell, some neurons Smooth muscle SMA Microglia lectin CD68 CD11c Multipotent Stem/Progenitor Markers Nestin immature astrocyte, all dividing neural stem cell, muscle Msi1 immature progenitor, neural stem cell, some astrocyte GFAP radial glia, astrocyte, stem/progenitor cell Notch1 immature cell, SVZ in adult brain, many tissues in embryo gp130 (granulocyte glycoprotein) many tissues in embryo Nucleostemin dividing stem cell Sox1/2 neuroepithelium, neural stem cell, less in progenitor Telomerase activity/TERT embryonic, hematopoietic, and neural stem cell, some in progenitor ABCG2 (BCRP1) hematopoietic stem cell, myogenic progenitor, nestin positive pancreastic cell EGFR widely in embryo FGFR widely in embryo Lex1 embryonic and adult neural stem cell, some differentiated cell type CD133/CD34 hematopoietic and neural stem cell Table 1. (cont.) Molecular markers (including antigens and transcription factors) for identifying differentiated cell types as well as neural stem/ progenitor cells. Antigen/Transcription Factor Commited Progenitor Markers A2B5 O4 PSA-NCAM Beta tubulin III (TuJ1) Description oligodendrocyte progenitor, glial progenitor, early oligodendrocyte (not mature) immature oligodendrocyte progenitor, oligodendrocyte, Schwann cell cortical progenitor, ependymal cell, glial restricted progenitor, neuronal progenitors immature neuroblast, mature neuron