LESSONS FROM SEA-FLOOR AND SUBSEA-FLOOR IMAGERY OF THE BIG’95 DEBRIS FLOW SCAR AND DEPOSIT G. LASTRAS, M. CANALS, R. URGELES GRC Geociències Marines, Dept. d’Estratigrafia, Paleontologia i Geociències Marines, Universitat de Barcelona, E-08028, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain Abstract Sea-floor (multibeam bathymetry, multibeam-derived backscattering, and side-scan sonar data) and subsea-floor (very-high-resolution seismic reflection profiles) imagery has been obtained in a series of surveys from the BIG’95 debris flow source area and deposit in the Ebro continental slope and rise, Northwestern Mediterranean sea. Side-scan sonar imagery provides valuable information on the morphology of the headwall scar, bathymetry and backscattering are useful for imaging the deposit, while seismics show the internal structure and relationship with the underlying sediments. Together with cores obtained in the area, the existing data set for the BIG’95 is a powerful tool for the study of the morphology and dynamics of debris flows and for their further modelisation. Keywords: Debris flow, swath bathymetry, seismics, sidescan, Northwestern Mediterranean 1. Introduction A 2,000 km2 sedimentary deposit of mostly transparent seismic facies covers part of the southern Ebro continental slope and base-of-slope at depths ranging from 600 to almost 2,000 m (Lastras et al., 2002). Named BIG’95 after the survey in which it was discovered, it was attributed to a debris flow deposit following Mulder and Cochonat’s (1996) criteria. It represents the largest mass-wasting deposit in the Ebro margin, and one of the largest in the Western Mediterranean, together with the western Gulf of Lions debris flow (Canals, 1985; Berné et al., 1999), the Rhone deep-sea fan debris flow (Droz, 1983) and the Balearic abyssal plain mega-turbidite (Rothwell et al., 1998). It is overlying the PlioceneQuaternary sequence, thus representing the youngest sedimentary event of the margin. It is located offshore the city of Castelló and off the volcanic Columbretes Islets, between 39º30’N and 40º10’N, and 0º55’E and 1º55’E, amounting up 2,200 km2 of affected seafloor (Fig. 1). The volume of the deposit has been estimated to be at least 26 km3. Accelerator mass spectrometer 14C dating of the debris flow deposit yields a consistent minimum age of ca. 11,500 cal. yr. B.P. (Lastras et al., 2002). This paper presents part of the study of the data set obtained from the BIG’95 debris flow source area and deposit, focused on side-scan sonar imagery, along with swath bathymetry and seismic records, which provide important insights on the dynamics of debris flows in river-fed margins such as the Ebro continental slope. 425 426 Lastras et al. 1.1 DATA SET Five surveys have been carried out up to date to study the BIG’95 debris flow area: BIG-95 (R/V Hesperides, 1995), CALMAR (R/V L’Atalante, 1997), MATER-2 (R/V Hesperides, 1999), TTR-11 BIGIMAGES (R/V Professor Logachev, 2001) and GMO-2 (R/V Le Suroit, 2002). Data used in this study includes swath bathymetry, obtained using EM-12S in 1995, EM12Dual in 1997, EM-1002 in 1999 and EM-300 in 2002, and covering more than 13,000 km2 of the seafloor. Side-scan sonar data were obtained using 30 kHz TOBI in 1995 and 30 kHz MAK-1M in 2001, for a total coverage of 4000 km2. Very-high resolution seismic data were obtained in 1995 and 1999 (3.5 kHz TOPAS), 1997 (3.5 kHz mud penetrator), and also by means of integrated deep-towed chirp systems (7 kHz and 5 kHz records for TOBI and MAK-1M respectively), totalising more than 5,000 km of profiles. 1.2 GEOLOGICAL SETTING The Valencia Trough extensional basin developed in the Late Oligocene-Early Miocene and was almost completely opened at 10 Ma (Fernandez et al., 1995; Gueguen et al., 1998). It is bounded by the Balearic Islands to the southeast, the Ibiza promontory to the south and the Catalan and Ebro continental margin to the northwest; and it opens to the northeast to the Provençal Basin (Fig. 1). At present, the Valencia Trough is incised in its axis by the Valencia Channel (Canals et al., 2000). The siliciclastic, passive, Ebro continental margin displays a 70 km wide shelf and a 10 km narrow slope with a mean gradient of 4º, its shelf break being located at a mean depth of 130 m (Dañobeitia et al., 1990). Its growth patterns during Late Pleistocene-Quaternary were controlled by glacioeustatic sea-level oscillations, subsidence and changes in sediment supply (Farran and Maldonado, 1990). The Ebro slope is cut by several submarine canyons often slightly incised into the shelf (Fig. 1). The base of slope is occupied by channel-levee complexes, inter-channel areas, and debris flow and apron deposits, forming the Ebro Turbidite System (Nelson and Maldonado, 1988; Field and Gardner, 1990). There are several volcanic structures in the region (i.e., Ryan et al., 1973), including the Columbretes Islets (Fig. 1), a volcanic archipelago in the Ebro outer shelf, which is the topographic expression of a large, mostly buried volcanic field (Maillard and Mauffret, 1993). 2. Results Based on swath bathymetry data and TOPAS profiles, Lastras et al. (2002) distinguished four regions within the debris flow: the source area, the proximal depositional area, the intermediate blocky depositional area and the distal depositional area. TOBI side-scan sonographs cover most of the source area and parts of the other three regions (Fig. 1), while MAK-1M sonographs image the headwall scar almost completely (Fig. 2). Lessons from BIG’95 debris flow imagery 427 Figure 1. Bathymetric map (contours every 50 m) showing location of BIG’95 debris flow in the Nortwestern Mediterranean (inset) and coverage of 1995 TOBI survey. Dashed line limits debris flow deposit. Location of Columbretes Islets, Balearic slope and Valencia Channel is also labelled. Note the morphology of the margin, with submarine canyons incised into the outer shelf, channel-levee complexes and inter-channel areas. 2.1 SOURCE AREA The source area, at water depths from 600 to 1,200 m, is located between two prominent canyon-channel systems in a segment of the Ebro slope apparently rejuvenated compared to the rest of the margin. Within the source area, the BIG’95 debris flow headwall scar and other secondary scars can be identified, each of them displaying different characteristics. The headwall scar has a straight total length of about 20 km, it is up to 200 m high and has a mean slope angle of 17º. It displays a SE-opened horseshoe shape, with its south-western end being less prominent than the north-eastern one. Both TOBI and MAK-1M sonographs image in detail the morphology of the headwall scar, and how it changes with height and average slope of each section of the scar (Figs. 2 and 3). In its easternmost section, the headwall scar displays a staircase morphology, where the height jump is resolved by several up to 10 m high single steps, usually between 6 and 12 of them, their number decreasing to the east. In its central section it is made of a single smooth and regular slope. This section includes an abrupt change in the geometry of the scar, with an up to 100 m high promontory at about 1º00’E, also displaying a regular slope. The linking between the middle regular and the eastern staircase section is a mixed section where the upper part of the scar is made of 3 to 10 high single steps and the lower one is made of a regular slope (Fig. 3). Finally, the westernmost section, where total height decreases, consists of two to three single steps <50 m high. The changes in scar morphology probably reflect the amount of failure, related to the relative orientation of the scar compared to the direction of the flow. In the western section, flow direction was almost perpendicular to the scar and thus sediment was easily detached 428 Lastras et al. Figure 2. Mosaic of TOBI side-scan sonographs in the headwall scar area. Note the staircase morphology of the scar east of 1º30’E. Northeast trending stripes are acquisition artifacts. Arrows show ensonification direction, and dashed lines show where this direction changes. Light areas represent reflections whereas dark areas are shadows. from it, while in the eastern section, where the flow direction was oblique, some failed blocks remained attached to it. In the central section, where the scar is steeper and higher, further processes of instability (i.e., Fig. 2 at 1º00’E) have reworked the scar, smoothing it to its present morphology. These processes have also affected partially the eastern section. High resolution 5 kHz profiles clearly show the debris flow deposit as a surficial transparent unit with a variable thickness of 6 to 20 m with irregular surface relief overlapping a unit made of a series of parallel continuous reflectors with high amplitude, frequency and lateral continuity (Fig. 4). The debris flow deposit partially ponds the depressions originated by the scar. 2.2 DEPOSITIONAL AREAS MAK 1-M side-scan sonar mosaics of the intermediate depositional area of the BIG’95 display a pattern of linear depressed areas surrounding topographically elevated blocks (Fig. 5), as shown also in swath bathymetry backscatter maps (Lastras et al., 2002). Blocks have an irregular morphology, whereas depressed areas are flat-bottomed. Blocks appear as piles or lumps of sediment partially remoulded but still keeping part of their internal coherence compared to the material in the depressions, which was totally remoulded and probably liquefied during downslope transport. This is also shown in TOBI sonographs, where the block and depression pattern can be observed in the southeastern line (Fig. 1), although the fact that only one line was obtained in this area makes its interpretation difficult. Lessons from BIG’95 debris flow imagery Figure 3 Mosaic of MAK-1M side-scan sonographs from the headwall scar. Different morphologies explained in the text are labelled. East trending stripes are acquisition artifacts. Black arrows show ensonification direction, dotted lines show where the direction changes. Light areas Figure 4. 5 kHz sub-bottom profile across the BIG’95 debris flow headwall scar. Note that, due to the shape of the scar, the profile crosses it three times (bold arrows). Transparent unit at the top is labelled T. Location in Fig. 3. 429 430 Lastras et al. Two kinds of material (sediment forming the blocks and sediment forming the depressions) are then present in the depositional area of the BIG’95 debris flow, apparently of different mechanical properties and also with different granulometries (Lastras et al., 2002). The presence of these two materials is determined by the existence of two different particular source areas, and the pattern that these materials show was determined by the dynamics of the debris flow and their specific sedimentological and geotechnical properties (Urgeles et al., 2002). TOBI records in the upper Valencia Channel show how it becomes less incised and almost vanishes (Fig. 1), while 7 kHz profiles image a transparent unit covering it where affected by the distal depositional area of the BIG’95 debris flow deposit. Figure 5. Mosaic of MAK-1M side-scan sonographs in the intermediate blocky depositional area. Blocks and depressions are clearly imaged, as explained in the text. East trending stripes are acquisition artifacts. Arrows show ensonification direction, dotted line show where the direction changes. Light areas represent reflections whereas dark areas are shadows. Location in Fig. 1. 3. Conclusions TOBI and MAK-1M side-scan sonars and integrated deep-towed chirp systems are useful tools to image the BIG’95 debris flow scar and deposit at different scales and resolutions. Interpretation of the images yield important insights on the slided mass from its release to its final deposition. In particular, sonograph mosaics from the headwall scar area allow to distinguish different sections showing a variety of morphologies in the scar. Information provided by these systems, along with sedimentological and geotechnical data are to be integrated and used to verify numerical models on debris flow dynamics. Lessons from BIG’95 debris flow imagery 431 4. Acknowledgements This study was supported by projects COSTA (EVK3-1999-00028) and GRANDES (MAR98-0347), Generalitat de Catalunya grant 2001 SGR-00076, and by a Spanish MECD fellowship (Galderic Lastras). The manuscript benefited from revisions by M. de Batist and J. Locat. 5. References Berné, S., Loubrieu, B., and l’équipe Calmar embarquée, 1999. Canyons et processus sédimentaires récents sur la marge occidentale du golfe du Lion : Premiers résultats de la campagne Calmar. Comptes Rendus Académie des Sciences de Paris, Sciences de la Terre et des Planètes, 328: 471-477. Canals, M., 1985. Estructura sedimentaria y evolución morfológica del talud y glacis cotinentales del Golfo de León: enómenos de desestabilización de la cobertura sedimentaria plio-cuaternaria. Ph.D. Thesis, Universitat de Barcelona, 618 p. Canals, M., Casamor, J.L., Urgeles, R., Lastras, G., Calafat, A.M., Masson, D., Berné, S., Alonso, B., and De Batist, M., 2000. 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