EVALUATING TSUNAMI HAZARDS FROM DEBRIS FLOWS J. S. WALDER US Geological Survey, Cascades Volcano Observatory, 1300 Southeast Cardinal Court, Building 10, Suite 100, Vancouver, Washington, USA 98683 P. WATTS Applied Fluids Engineering, Inc., 5710 East 7th Street, Private Mail Box #237, Long Beach, California, USA 90803 Abstract Characteristics of water waves caused by subaerially generated debris flows vary with distance from the debris-flow entry point. Three hydrodynamically distinct regions (splash zone, near field, and far field) may be identified. Experiments demonstrate that characteristics of the near-field water wave--the only coherent wave to emerge from the splash zone--depend primarily on submerged volume and submerged travel time of the debris flow and on water depth where debris-flow motion stops. Near-field wave characteristics commonly may be used as a proxy source for computational tsunami propagation. An example application explores hazards associated with potential debris flows entering a reservoir. Keywords: Debris flow, tsunami, modeling, scaling relations 1. Introduction Geophysical mass flows of all types can generate hazardous water waves. Tsunamis generated by submarine mass flows have recently received increased attention (e.g., Tappin et al., 1999, 2001). Destructive water waves generated by mass failure also strike mountainous and alpine environments (e.g., Plafker & Eyzaguirre, 1979; Fritz et al., 2001). For brevity, we will refer to all such waves as tsunamis and to all wave sources as debris flows or “wavemakers”, the terminology of the coastal-engineering literature (e.g., Dean & Dalrymple, 1991). We restrict our attention to tsunamis generated by debris flows of subaerial origin. A variety of methods have been applied to investigate debris-flow generated tsunamis. Physical scale models have been constructed for a few case studies (e.g., Pugh & Harris, 1982), but this approach is expensive and requires special laboratory facilities, making it impractical as a general method; moreover, this approach does not elucidate general physical principles. Theoretical studies have generally been of two sorts. A number of investigators have considered the tsunami source only to the extent that it acts to displace water, with coupling between the source and the water ignored. Various idealized sources have been considered in this way (e.g., Das & Wiegel, 1972; Noda, 1971; Hunt, 1988). Other investigators have considered coupling between wavemaker and water, with the wavemaker having an assumed rheology (e.g., Norem et al., 1990; Imamura & Imteaz, 1995; Assier Rzadkiewicz et al., 1997). These rheological assumptions are, however, called into question by recent work on debris-flow mechanics (Iverson & Denlinger, 2001; Iverson & Vallance, 2001). There have also 155 156 Walder and Watts been attempts to combine scaling analysis with experimental results to develop predictive equations (e.g., Kamphuis & Bowering, 1972; Huber, 1980; Slingerland & Voight, 1982. We have built upon recent work by Walder et al. (in press), who showed that experiments with solid-block wavemakers can properly scale the key physics. Walder et al. developed curve fits for tsunami amplitude and wavelength as functions of wavemaker volume, wavemaker travel time, and water depth, and showed that these curve fits do a good job of fitting data for experiments with diverse wavemaker shapes and materials. 2. Spatial Domains In Tsunami Generation And Propagation We consider a two-dimensional geometry (Fig. 1). The splash zone, where motion of the debris flow and water are coupled, extends as far as the debris flow travels. The near field is defined as the region beyond the splash zone yet before the kinetic- and potential energy of the wave train approach asymptotic values. The extent of the near field remains somewhat uncertain; Watts (2000) found that the far field began at a distance of about three wavelengths beyond the splash zone for linear (small amplitude) water waves generated by subaqueous block landslides. The near field is also the domain where a coherent water wave can first be recognized, yet close enough to shore that propagation effects have not yet altered the waveform substantially. Walder et al. (in press) showed that a tsunami has well-defined characteristics in the near field, which can therefore serve as a proxy source for computational wave-propagation purposes. In other words, as long as the splash zone is small compared to the overall region of interest, tsunami propagation can be computationally simulated without explicitly computing splash-zone dynamics. This is a powerful methodological conclusion that greatly simplifies computational modeling of wave propagation and inundation. Figure 1. Sketch illustrating separation of splash zone, near field and far field. The water surface in the splash zone is highly irregular. In the near field, water displaced by the debris flow has organized itself into a coherent waveform, with the leading wave commonly being a broad hump of width [x] and amplitude η ′ relative to the ambient water surface. In the far field, dispersive effects can become important. The size of the splash zone as well as the tsunami amplitude and wavelength depend on the submerged debris-flow motion. A full treatment of this problem should arguably implement a description of the wavemaker as a deforming two-phase granular mass (Iverson & Denlinger, 2001). We can get some insight into factors that control wavemaker motion by considering center-of-gravity motion of a block landslide moving Evaluating tsunami hazards from debris flows 157 down a plane sloped at an angle 2. An approximate equation of motion is (cf. Watts et al., 2000; Walder et al., in press) C s d 2s s C ds s γ + m 2 = (γ − 1) gχ + γχg 1 − − d L dt L L 2 L dt 2 (1) where s(t) is distance (measured along the slope) traveled from shore; • is the specific gravity of the block; L is block length; g is acceleration due to gravity; χ = sin θ − cos θ tan ϕ , with • being the angle of bed friction; Cm is the added-mass coefficient, and Cd is the form-drag coefficient (Batchelor, 1967). The various coefficients may be considered constants as a first approximation. Terms on the righthand side of Equation (1) represents, respectively, friction on the submerged portion of the block, friction on the subaerial portion, and hydrodynamic drag. The submergence coefficient s/L becomes equal to 1 once the block is fully submerged. We will denote total distance traveled from the shoreline by s*, and the time for the block to stop after hitting the water as t*. Equation (1) is usefully recast in dimensionless form by scaling distance with [s ] = L and time with [t ] = L / g (cf. Savage and Hutter, 198x), where the square brackets denote characteristic values. We find, after some algebra, (γ + C m s ) d 2s dt 2 = χ (γ − s ) − C d ds 2 dt 2 (2) where s and t should now be interpreted as dimensionless variables. Any dimensionless measure of wavemaker motion depends in general on the dimensionless coefficients in Equation (3), so t*/[t] and s*/[s] are in general functions of &m, and Cd.. The definitions of [s] and [t] moreover tell us that submerged block motion depends on the length scale L . Because &m, and Cd are all of order unity, the characteristics of motion are fairly insensitive to their numerical values (Watts, 1998, 2000). Friction DQJOH YDULHVZLWKLQUHODWLYHO\QDUURZERXQGVDQG LVERWK VLWH-specific and unlikely to vary greatly. Thus we might expect that t* ≈ k L / g , where k is a constant of order unity. This is in fact the result found empirically by Walder et al. (in press). As runout distance and duration of motion both depend on wavemaker length, data collected from case studies must be carefully applied. Runout distance and time of motion determined from any given case study apply only for the corresponding value of L. A different value of L for some other, hypothetical event will induce changes in runout distance and duration of motion. If the relative change in length is known, then the definitions of [s] and [t] show how runout distance and time of motion should change. Obviously, if L varies by an order of magnitude or more, the effect on time of motion and runout can be quite pronounced. 3. Tsunami Features in the Near Field Walder et al. (in press) conducted flume experiments with solid-block wavemakers either released from rest at the shoreline or entering the water with non-zero velocity. They described the near-field wave form by the function 158 Walder and Watts ( η (x ) ≈ η ′ sech 2 x λo ) (3) where η ′ and λ 0 should be understood simply as fitting parameters. The water wave represented by Equation (3) is the single significant and only coherent water wave to emerge from the splash zone. The “wavelength” was found to be λo ≅ 0.27 t * g h. (4) The same functional form was proposed by Watts (1998, 2000) in connection with tsunamis generated by submarine landslides. Wave amplitude 00 is well described by * t g h3 η ′ ≈ 1.32 h Vw −0.68 (5) for (t * / Vw ) gh 3 varying from about 2 to 100. The quantity (t * / Vw ) gh 3 may be interpreted as a dimensionless measure of the wavemaker travel time per unit volume, where Vw is the wavemaker volume per unit width along the shoreline and h is the water depth near the end of debris-flow motion. The influence of t* on η’has been recognized with regards to tsunamis generated by earthquakes (Hammack, 1973) and submarine mass flows (Watts, 1997, 1998, 2000), but has not previously been considered in discussions of tsunamis generated by subaerial mass flows. Equation (5) also does a good job of fitting data for previous experiments for which t* may be inferred (Bowering, 1970; Huber, 1980). For (t * / Vw ) gh 3 less than about 2, the asymptotic limit η ’≈ 0.85 h is reached for the given depth h (Dean and Dalrymple, 1991). An intriguing consequence of Equation (5) is that η ’ is practically independent of h, making wave generation very nearly a function only of debris-flow volume and the duration of submerged debris-flow motion. 4. Computing tsunami effects: modeling approach and some results The experimental work of Walder et al. (in press) was done in a flume, which is rarely a reasonable representation of actual water bodies. One must generally account for lateral spreading of the wavefront as the debris flow submerges. We have done this by incorporating the results presented in Equations (3) through (5) into a software package called the Tsunami Open and Progressive Initial Conditions System (TOPICS). The output of TOPICS is the free-surface profile of the near-field wave corrected for geometrical spreading. This profile is used as the initial condition in a tsunamipropagation model. In other words, the initial condition for wave-propagation purposes corresponds not to the moment at which the debris flow impacts the water, but rather to the moment at which debris-flow motion stops. Evaluating tsunami hazards from debris flows 159 All pertinent experimental studies show that water waves generated by debris flows commonly have a wavelength of about 5 to 10 times h in the near field. Such waves are dispersive and moderately to strongly nonlinear, as indicated by values of the Ursell parameter η ′λ20 / h 3 commonly in the range 1 to 100 (cf. Dean and Dalrymple, 1991). A Boussinesq model, rather than a shallow-water model (in which horizontal velocity is assumed uniform over depth), is an appropriate tool for simulating wave propagation and inundation. We have used the Boussinesq model Geowave to illustrate the significance and hazards of debris-flow generated tsunamis for a specific scenario of a debris flow entering a lake. Geowave is based on the public-domain software FUNWAVE (Wei et al., 1995; Wei & Kirby, 1995). The code is fully nonlinear and handles dispersion in a manner that correctly simulates deep-water waves. Geowave takes the surface elevation from TOPICS and inputs this as an initial condition into FUNWAVE at the characteristic time t* after debris-flow impact. We have modeled a hypothetical tsunami generated by a debris flow entering Baker Lake, a reservoir on the flanks of Mount Baker, which is an active volcano in northern Washington, USA, that last erupted about 150 years ago. Baker Lake is an important resource for both hydropower generation and recreation. We used Geowave to model wave inundation at the shoreline for a range of debris-flow volumes. We used topographic- and bathymetric data from the U.S. Geological Survey, and established a simulation grid (with a grid spacing of 15 m) using Surfer software. Results for one simulation, for a debris-flow volume of 107 m3, are shown in Fig. 2. The model does not account for bathymetric changes owing to sedimentation. As the modeled debris-flow volume is only about 2% of the capacity of Baker Lake, assuming constant bathymetry is unlikely to introduce significant error. However, modeling the effect of, say, a 108 m3 debris flow—about the largest plausible flow, based on geologic evidence (Gardner et al., 1995)—would entail accounting for bathymetric changes as the debris flow enters the lake. Sufficiently large debris flows would likely create a blockage splitting Baker Lake in half, in which case the simulation process, which does not account for bathymetric changes caused by sedimentation, would not be meaningful. We suggest that the Fig. 2 simulation provides a reasonable, effective benchmark for assessing effects of tsunamis generated by volcanogenic debris flows from Mount Baker. One important result from this simulation is that the wave height at the dam would be just enough to overtop the dam if the water in the reservoir were at the normal operating level. Some further remarks about inundation effects are in order. In water of constant depth, a wave front will spread and the wave amplitude will decrease with distance from the source even in the absence of dissipation (Mei, 1983). Owing to wave refraction over a sloping bottom, wave fronts converge at bathymetric highs, causing an increase in wave amplitude. Conversely, relatively deep water near the shoreline will tend to reduce the impact of a tsunami owing to wave-front divergence. Many of the patterns that appear in Fig. 2 can therefore be attributed solely to bathymetry. Water entering an embayment may be confined if the embayment narrows, thereby forcing the entering water to build in amplitude. 160 Walder and Watts Figure 2. Maximum water-surface elevation of Baker Lake, relative to ambient water level, in meters, following entry of a 107 m3 debris flow at local coordinates easting ≈ 3000 m, northing ≈ 8000 m. The local origin is at UTM zone 10 coordinates (594950, 5388000). We assumed that the debris flow would overtop its subaerial banks and enter the lake over a broad front of about 2 km. The duration of submerged motion was estimated to be 44 s, using the empirical scaling relation of Walder et al. (in press). Characteristic near-field water depth was chosen as 20 m based on measured bathymetry. Inferred values for “wavelength” and maximum amplitude of the near-field wave are 154 m and 12.7 m, respectively The solid line is the shoreline at an ambient water level of 220 m a.s.l. The elliptical mound of high water in the center of the lake opposite the point of debris-flow entry reflects the initial condition for wave propagation given by TOPICS. This effect may be responsible for the increased modeled wave amplitude near the dam. There are two significant wave fronts in our simulations: the first is due to the debris flow entering the lake, the second to reflections from shore. The second wave front is nearly as strong as the first wave front. Any enclosed or semi-enclosed body of water will have resonance characteristics determined by the shape of the shoreline and the bathymetry (Mei, 1983). One result of our computations not shown here is that debrisflow generated tsunamis in Baker Lake appear to set several inlets into resonance, as indicated by raising and lowering of much of the water in a consistent fashion. Although we have not modeled long-term behavior in this work, it would not be surprising for resonance to set in and to persist for hours. Evaluating tsunami hazards from debris flows 161 Dark stripes that parallel the shoreline in Fig. 2 represent the effect of edge waves, which are highly dispersive waves formed when energy is trapped along a sloping shore and travels parallel to the shoreline (Liu et al., 1998). Edge waves in fact produce many of the largest values of inundation in the simulations, and can be highly nonlinear. 5. Conclusions Experimental studies and scaling analyses lead to the important conclusion that numerical models of tsunami propagation, for the case of debris-flow generated tsunamis, can be carried out independently of the complicated exercise of computing splash-zone dynamics, as long as the splash zone is much smaller than the overall region of interest. This greatly simplifies computational modeling of wave propagation and inundation. The effective initial condition for computational wave propagation is defined by the “near-field” water wave, the only coherent water wave that emerges from the splash zone. Amplitude and wavelength of this near-field wave depend primarily on debris-flow volume, debris-flow time of motion, and the water depth at the point where debris-flow motion stops. 6. Acknowledgments Mention of trade names is for identification only does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. Geological Survey. 7. 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