PSI Bericht Nr. 02-08 March 2002 ISSN 1019-0643 LA-UR-01-6941 General Energy Research Department, ENE Electrical-Generation Scenarios for China S. Kypreos and R. A. Krakowski1 1 On leave from the Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, 87545, USA 1 Acknowledgements The implementation of the CRETM model has been done within the ABB/AGS China Energy Technology Program 1999-2002 MIT/ETH/PSI. 2 Contents Abstract Executive Summary I. Introduction A. Background B. Goals C. Scope II. Approach A. Key Model Definers/Drivers B. Scenarios C. Data Requirements, Gaps, and Uncertainties D. Linear Optimization Model 1. Optimization versus Simulation Models 2. The China Regional Electricity Trade (Cost-Optimization) Model, CRETM III. Results A. Electricity Demand B. Baseline (BHC) Scenario C. Scenario Impacts 1. High Fuel-Price Scenario (BHH) 2. Carbon-Caps Scenarios (CHC, CHH) 3. Sulfur-Caps Scenarios (SHC, SHH) 4. Environmental (S + C Caps) Scenarios (EHC, EHH) 5. Scenario Summary D. Single-Point Parametric Studies 1. Exogenous Energy Demand 2. Discount Rate 3. Technology Costs of Nuclear Energy a. Impact of Nuclear-Energy Capital Costs on Market Share and Emissions b. Carbon Taxes, Caps, and the Cost of Nuclear Energy IV. Mainly Shandong Province V. Results Syntheses A. Scenario-Based Scatter Plots B. Discount-Rate Impacts C. Comparison with Other Studies 1. Comparisons with Studies Outside of CETP 2. Comparisons Between EEM and ESS Results VI. Main Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations A. Main Findings B. Conclusions D. Recommendations 3. Policy 4. Modeling Advances 3 REFERENCES NOMENCLATURE APPENDICES A. Summary of Key Data (Base Case BHC) Used by CRETM B. Overview of Scenario Analysis for the Chinese Energy System; Optimization versus Simulation Modeling Approaches C. Description of China Regional Energy Trade Model (CRETM) 4 Abstract The China Energy Technology Program (CETP) used both optimizing and simulation energyeconomic-environmental (E3) models to assess tradeoffs in the electricity-generation sector for a range of fuel, transport, generation, and distribution options. The CETP is composed of a range of technical tasks or activities, including Energy Economics Modeling (EEM, optimizations), Electric Sector Simulation (ESS, simulations), Life Cycle Analyses (LCA, externalization) of energy systems, and Multi-Criteria Decision Analyses (MCDA, integration). The scope of CETP is limited to one province (Shandong), to one economic sector (electricity), and to one energy sector (electricity). This document describes the methods, approaches, limitations, sample results, and future/needed work for the EEM (optimization-based modeling) task that supports the overall goal of CETP. An important tool used by the EEM task is based on a Linear Programming (LP) optimization model that considers 17 electricity-generation technologies utilizing 14 fuel forms (type, composition, source) in a 7-region transportation model of China's electricity demand and supply system over the period 2000-2030; Shandong is one of the seven regions modeled. The China Regional Electricity Trade Model (CRETM) is used to examine a set of energy-environment-economy E3-driven scenarios to quantify related policy implications. 3 The development of electricity production mixes that are optimized under realistically E constraints is determined through regional demands for electricity that respond to exogenous assumptions on income (GDP) and electricity prices through respective time-dependent elasticities. Constraints are applied to fuel prices, transportation limits, resource availability, introduction (penetration) rates of specific technology, and (where applicable) to local, regional, and countrywide emission rates of CO2, SO2 and NOX. Importantly, future interregional energy flows are optimized with respect to choices of either transporting fuel (i.e., road, rail, ship) or electricity (wire). Results from CRETM are expressed in terms of scenariobased "visions of the future". The scenarios considered in this ESS component of the CETP study are reference to this base line and divide according to whether the driving attributes derive from economic policy (e.g., demand growth, discount rate), environmental policy (e.g., emission taxes versus emission caps, reflecting roughly a free-market versus centrally planned economy), or technological policy (e.g., pricing and introduction rates that may favor specific technologies like Clean Coal Technologies (CCT) versus nuclear energy, versus renewable energy). The primary aim of this report is to describe in detail the analytic and databases of the CRETM and to present a series of scenario-based example results that illustrate a range of possible futures related to electricity generation in China in general and in Shandong Province specifically, over the next three decades. A detailed description of the CRETM and the supporting database is given; eight "strawman", broad-coverage scenarios are described and evaluated; interpretations of both countrywide and Shandong focused results are provided; and future work needed to assure an optimally integrated and policy-utilitarian product are prescribed. 5 6 Executive Summary China generated 1,350 TWeh of electricity in the year 2000; this generation translates into a 9.5%/yr rate of increase and an installed capacity of 316 GWe (>50% of US installed capacity). The reduced growth rates over the last few years cause by the Asian financial crisis of 1998 seem to be returning to stronger levels of growth, indicating a strong recovery of the national economy (Zhao, 2000): China's GDP rose by 8.2%/yr during the period January-June of 2000 (greater than the 7.8 %/yr for 1998 and 7.1%/yr for 1999). Even with any eventual tapering of these presently high GDP growth rates to still high growth rates of 4-5 %/yr, the demand for electric power is expected to nearly quadruple to ~4,000 TWeh/yr by the year 2030. Significant deterioration of already seriously degraded environmental (air and water) quality is expected if this growing demand for electrical energy is provided by coal at the present ~75% use rate. In examining options to such a future based on conventional use of coal, the China Energy Technology Program (CETP) used both optimizing and simulation energy-economic-environmental (E3) models to assess tradeoffs in the electricity-generation sector for a range of fuel, transport, generation, and distribution options. Reported herein are methods and results associated with electric-sector optimization modeling of both China and the focus of CETP – Shandong Province. The Energy-Economic Modeling (EEM) component of the CETP study reported herein uses a Linear Programming (LP) optimization model, considers 17 generation technologies utilizing 14 fuel forms (type, composition, source) in a 7-region transportation model of China's (electricity) demand and supply system over the period 2000-2030. The China Regional Electricity Trade Model (CRETM) is used to examine a set of E3-driven scenarios to quantify related policy implications. The CRETM is an adaptation and extension of an earlier Harvard University energy model (Rogers, 1999) that has been obtained through the Tsinghua University. This model is similar in form to that used in a recent PNNL study (Chandler, 1999), which provides much of the initial, regionalized database necessary to evaluate models of this kind. While Shandong province in northeastern China is the focus of CETP, the CRETM allows this focus to be constructed in a countrywide context insofar as energy resource, transportation, and environmental impact, as related to electricity generation, is concerned. The development of electricity production under the constrained optimum conditions is determined through regional demands for electricity that respond to exogenous assumptions on income (GDP) and electricity prices through respective time-dependent elasticities. Constraints are applied to fuel prices, transportation limits, resource availability, rates of introduction (penetration) of specific technology, and (where applicable) to local, regional, and countrywide emission rates of CO2 and SO2. Future inter-regional energy flows are optimized according to choice of either transporting fuel (i.e., road, rail, ship) or electricity (wire). Because of the dominance for China's coal resource, the mining, pre-combustion cleaning, transport, and "end-of'-pipe" cleanup operations for this fuel are described in some detail by CRETM. Results from CRETM are expressed in terms of scenario-based "visions of the future", all of which are described relative to a "business-as-usual:" (BAU) "point-of-departure" (POD) or baseline case. While commonly used for these kinds of studies, the descriptor "BAU" scenario is anything but appropriate for describing the highly dynamic economic and political system that is China today; generally, the descriptors BAU, POD, or Baseline are used to designate a condition that is absent of any direct or overt environmental and/or economic 7 policy having specific goals. The scenarios considered in this study are reference to this baseline and divide according to whether the driving attributes derive from economic policy (e.g., demand growth, discount rate), environmental policy (e.g., emission taxes versus emission caps, reflecting a free-market versus command and control economy), or technological policy (e.g., pricing and introduction rates that may favor specific technologies like Clean Coal Technologies (CCT) versus nuclear energy, versus renewable energy). Furthermore, a concerted effort has been made to interpret the results from this constrained (economic) optimization model in terms of similar results for similar scenarios derived from non-optimizing, but technologically and operationally more detailed, Electric Sector Simulation (ESS) models. The primary aim of this report is to describe the analytic models and supporting databases of CRETM and to present a series of scenario-based example results that show a range of possible futures related to electricity generation in China in general and in Shandong Province specifically. To the extent that the sample results presented herein are not yet integrated with and/or adjusted to other key components of the CETP (e.g., detailed but un-optimized electric sector simulations, life-cycle analyses, multi-criteria decision analyses, etc.), these results should be viewed as interim. These results, nonetheless, are crucial to an understanding of options and impacts available to China's electricity sector in the 2000-2030 time frame examined. Most importantly, this report is intended to communicate in concrete terms the capabilities, limitations, and the directions of the EEM task of the CETP, with the aim of setting realistic goals and expectations for any subsequent integration with other key components of this project. Lastly, this document is intended to be a vehicle for communicating EEM activities to both CETP stakeholders and those outside of but having interest in this project. The annual technical Annex of the General Energy Department for the year 2000 gives a short description of CRETM and a summary of interim results obtained (Kypreos, 2000b). On the basis of the CRETM–based modeling efforts, the following general Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations result: General Findings: Ø Coal as a Primary Fuel: China will rely on coal for electricity production, independent of environmental policies. Ø Advanced Generation and Emissions: Chinese RD&D on advanced generation technology, along with integrated foreign investments, can improve energy efficiency and, through reduced emissions, the environment. Ø Coupled Sulfur and Carbon Emissions: Pollution related to SO2 emissions can be reduced for moderate investments by introducing scrubbers and/or advanced-coal technology; some reductions in CO2 automatically accompany these SO2 emission reductions. Ø Significant Investment to Reduce Carbon Emissions: Significant carbon-emission reduction needs significant investments in reduced- or carbon-free generation technologies; this policy improves local environments through reduces SO2 emissions (secondary benefits). 8 Ø Added Cost of Sustainable Energy Less Than Cost of Pollution: The cumulative discounted power-production cost for a more sustainable path for electricity generation in China increases by 2-6 %/yr over the 2000-2030 time frame for the high discount rates (RATE = 10%/yr) investigated, but these added costs needed to reduce emissions remain below the damage cost attributed to pollution in China. Ø Wide Differences in Energy Costs Across Scenarios: Differences in non-discounted cost that appear across the range of scenarios examined are high, reaching levels of around 20-30% at the end of time horizon (2030) examined. Ø Electricity Transmission Across Regions Makes Economic and Environmental Sense: Transmitting electricity between regions within China in general terms presents an economic option, according to the CRETM analyses, while inter-regional transmitting also reduces local pollution. General Conclusion: Ø Increased Power Demand: The demand for electrical power in China will increase four-fold by 2030; similar demand growths are expected in Shandong Province; Ø Pollution Control: Annual pollution cost to the Chinese economy varies anywhere from 3-8% of GDP; ecological damage is estimated to cost potentially another 5–14% of GDP; environmental damage roughly cancels annual economic growth; initiating policies with region-specific emission caps and/or a sulfur-emissions permit system across regions and economic sectors is the most efficient way to control future emissions; Ø Clean Coal Technologies: CRETM identifies the need to start reducing local emissions by improving the performance of pulverized coal systems and by introducing coal washing and/or sulfur scrubbing, while continuing with the adoption of advanced coal systems (IGCC, supercritical steam coal); Ø Advanced Coal-Fired Systems: Advanced coal-fired systems can be competitive with conventional Chinese coal technology, when these advance technologies are manufactured in China or under conditions of high coal prices and transportation cost; Ø Fuel and Technology Diversification: Oil and gas supply options must be improved to reduce the dependency on coal in China, especially in the coastal Provinces. The most promising substitutes for coal are advanced gas combined cycle systems followed by the appropriate contribution of hydropower, nuclear energy, and renewable energy sources based on wind and small hydroelectric units; Ø Competitive Nuclear Power: Nuclear power can be competitive in a scenario where reactors are fabricated in China, the construction time is below 5 years, and capital costs are at or below 1,500 $/kWe for the high discount rates assumed (10%/yr). Nuclear energy is competitive at discount rates of ~ 5%/yr or at higher discount rates when regional and global externalities are addressed at even moderate tax levels. The importance of nuclear energy becomes apparent only when coal becomes more expensive, as when placed under a carbon control policy. Without a significant share of nuclear energy, the marginal costs of carbon control in China move to extreme and 9 almost forbidden cost ranges, weakening the hope of having China participating to international carbon-emissions-control protocols. General Recommendations: Suggestions for important directions for formulating long-term energy policy for China are made based on these findings and conclusions: Ø Improve performance of clean coal technology; Ø Introduce scrubbers and IGCC systems; Ø Diversify supply by opting for gas, nuclear energy, wind, and small hydroelectric; Ø Continue reforms to make greater use of market forces, especially in the gas and electricity sector; Ø Participate to Kyoto-type Protocols with commitments for carbon emissions reduction to facilitate technology transfer, international R&DD cooperation and CDM projects. Recommendations are also made for improving the fidelity of the CRETM-type of models used to generate these findings, conclusions, and policy recommendations. 10 I. Introduction A. Background China's economy has expanded at an average rate of over 9% each year for the past two decades, but this expansion has decreased to a still impressive 7.1%/yr in 1999 (Zhao, 2000). Recent reports indicate that China generated 625.6 TWeh of electricity in the first half of 2000, which corresponds to an annualized growth of 10.6%. Experts claim (Zhao, 2000) that this largest electricity growth since 1998 indeed is clear evidence that the national economy is in a strong recovery mode. Strong growth is occurring in the southern and coastal regions of China, with the strong demand deriving primarily by the industrial sectors (mainly steel output, rolled steel, pig iron, and cement) along with some growth in the residential (air conditioners, electric water heaters, home machinery and appliances) sector. Somewhat abnormal weather (colder winters, drier and hotter summers) has also contributed to the increased demand for energy (heating, irrigation, air conditioning, etc.). Additionally, while recent over-capacity is vanishing, a new kind of privatized electrical energy market seems to be emerging (Sharp, 2000). In short, the energy picture in magnitude and at sectoral levels is dynamic, which strong industrial growth, shifts towards satisfying consumer needs, and a real acting out of electric-sector privatization, along with increased energy efficiencies as total capacity exceeds 300 GWe (50% of US) (Sharp, 2000). This unprecedented string of GDP and electrical-energy expansion years, however, has occurred with a growth in primary energy consumption that was only half that of the productivity (GDP) growth; the primary energy required to produce a unit of GDP actually decreased as a result of increased end-use efficiency. Air and water quality have been the primary casualties of this growth in productivity and energy consumption. Continuing this rapid economic expansion while simultaneously implementing effective pollution control policies presents China with an urgent challenge. In building on significant previous work in this area (McElroy, et al., 1999; Yu, et al., 1998; Chandler et al. 1998; Dadi, et al., 2000; Levine, et al., 1994), the present study seeks to define the least-cost combination of technologies and policies for China's electric power sector, which represents an essential element in and a major driver of that country's economy. China’s energy sector is distinctive for its heavy reliance on coal, as is indicated in an early (1990), comprehensive global comparison given on Table I (Nakicenovic, 1998). In 1996 coal amounted to nearly 75 percent of primary energy consumption (Chandler 1998; Ni and Nien, 1999). Additionally, large percentages of both industrial energy consumption and urban household energy use in China are provided by coal; China leads the world in both the production and consumption (1.2 BtonneC/yr) of coal. This consumption both has fueled the economic growth in China over the past two decades and, being converted to secondary energy at low efficiency with little or no emission control, has caused serious environmental degradation both within and outside of China. 11 Table I. Comparison of Global Primary Energy Consumption Patterns and Related Patterns in 1990 (Nakicenovic, 1998). NA (North America); LAM (Latin America and the Caribbean); AFR (Sub-Saharan Africa); MEA (Middle East and North Africa); WEU (West Europe); EEU (Central & Eastern Europe); FSU (New States & Former Soviet Union; CPA (Centrally planned Asia and China; SAS (South Asia); PAS (Other Pacific Asia); PAO (Pacific OECD) GDP values are expressed in market-exchanged rates or in purchasing power parity (PPP), when in parenthesis. Region World NA LAM AFR MEA WEU EEU FSU CPA SAS PAS PAO World NA LAM AFR MEA WEU EEU FSU CPA SAS PAS PAO Population GDP Primary Energy Billion t$/yr EJ/yr 5.26 20.9(25.7) 377.2 0.28 6.07(5.91) 91.7 0.43 1.09(2.03) 25.5 0.49 0.27(0.65) 12.1 0.27 0.57(1.14) 14.4 0.43 7.01(5.74) 61.1 0.12 0.30(0.71) 14.2 0.29 0.79(1.84) 58.9 1.24 0.47(2.44) 39.7 1.13 0.38(1.36) 18.6 0.43 0.66(1.51) 17.8 0.14 3.28(2.41) 22.8 k$/cap/yr GJ/cap/yr 3.9(4.9) 71.7 21.6(21.1) 327.5 2.5(4.7) 59.3 0.55(1.3) 24.7 2.1(4.2) 53.3 16.3(6.6) 142.1 2.5(6.0) 118.3 2.7(6.3) 203.1 0.38(2.0) 32 0.33(1.2) 16.5 1.5(3.6) 41.4 23.4(17.2) 162.9 Coal % 24.3 22 3.5 29.2 1.7 21.7 47.2 20.3 58.9 24.3 10.9 20.4 MJ/$ 18.2 15.1 23.4 44.8 25.3 4.4 47.3 74.6 84.5 48.9 27 7 Oil % 34.1 38.2 40.1 14.3 58.6 41.5 23.4 29.2 13.4 16.9 38.4 52.5 Gas % 18.7 22.7 12.8 1.4 31.9 15.7 19.6 40.8 1.4 5.6 7.1 11.4 12 Nuclear % 5 7 0.5 0.7 0 11.4 3.7 3.4 0 0.2 4.5 8.3 Renew. % 17.9 10.1 53.1 54.4 7.8 9.6 5.6 6.4 26.1 52.7 39.2 7.4 kgC/GJ 16.5 17.5 11.8 11.6 20.8 16.9 19.7 17.5 17.6 10.2 12.3 16.2 C Emissions S Emissions GtonneC/yr MtonneS/yr 6.23 59 1.6 11 0.3 2 0.14 2 0.3 2 1.03 9 0.28 5 1.03 10 0.7 11 0.19 2 0.22 3 0.37 1 tonneC/cap/yr kgS/cap/yr 1.18 11.2 5.71 39.3 0.7 4.7 0.29 4.1 1.11 7.4 2.4 2.1 2.33 41.7 3.55 34.5 0.61 8.9 0.17 8 0.51 7 2.64 7.1 Because the low efficiencies of many coal-fired power plants in China, with much of the coal being burned in these relatively low-capacity plants having high sulfur and ash contents, carbon and sulfur dioxide, as well as particulate, emissions per unit of electrical energy generated are high. The deployment of electric generation technologies that are reduced in or relatively free of these waste products, such as advance fossil-fuel (clean-coal, natural gas) technologies, hydroelectric, nuclear, or solar (photovoltaic or wind generators) can alleviate these problems. These reductions in waste production, however, do not occur without injecting other environmental and economic risks, constraints, and tradeoffs into long-term strategic energy planning (Dadi, 2000; Chandler, 1999; McEloy, 1998): a) advance fossil technologies require both advanced fuel forms and capital-intensive plant; b) the construction of hydroelectric plants requires the resettlement of large numbers of people, as well as having many potentially negative impacts on local ecosystems; c) present-day nuclear-electric systems bring issues related primary to (capital) cost and to the disposal/containment of radioactive waste; and d) land-use, power distribution, and cost issues are underlying issues for other renewable technologies. Furthermore, the present electrical infrastructure in China adds concern related to high rates of power failures, caused by excess of demand over supply, and to poor operations and maintenance practices. B. Goals The goal of this study is to provide several traceable and transparent recommendations to identify a more sustainable course for the Chinese electric power industry, while meeting rapidly growing power needs. Although the focus of CETP is on electricity production in Shandong Province, the present modeling activity broadens that focus into an overall, countrywide context. The countrywide results presented herein are compared to and generally elaborate and amplify those made by the aforementioned studies (Dadi, 2000; McElroy, et al., 1999; Yu, et al., 1998; Chandler et al. 1998, Levine, et al., 1994). This study first projects power demands through the year 2030 using a seven-region model of material and energy flows related to electricity generation within China. As in these earlier studies, the regionalized demands for electrical energy remain exogenous in the spirit of a simplified nonequilibrium approach. Price and income elasticities are used to adjust these otherwise externally impose (regional) demands, as is described below. As for the studies reported by Chandler et al. (1998) and by Yu et al. (1998), a linear-programming (LP) optimization model is used to determine which combination of technologies can supply this power for the lowest overall total present-value cost incurred over a 30-year planning horizon. The model used in the present study is an extension and elaboration of the Harvard University China Energy and Environmental Model, (Murray, 1998; Rogers, 1999). This multi-regional LP model of the China electrical power system in a less-elaborated form was used by the Environmental Resources Management (ERM) (Yu, 1998) and the Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL) (Chandler, 1998) China study groups. The "Harvard China Energy Model", as elaborated by workers at the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) and hereafter referred to as the China Regional Electricity Trade Model (CRETM), is described in Sec. II.A. The main change made to the original Harvard University model relates to the introduction of a partial equilibrium formulation of the electricity demand based on the use of price and income elasticities; simultaneously, an endogenous "learning-bydoing" concept (Kypreos, 2000) was introduced into CRETM. As for most energyenvironment-economics (E3) planning and polity studies of this kind, a range of relatively "surprise-free" futures (out to the year 2030, in the present case) are explored in the form of 13 scenarios by which the economic and environmental implications of a range of interconnected policy and technology choices are examined. As is also "standard" for studies of this kind, a "point-of'-departure" case provides a reference to a generally "policy-free" or Business-asUsual" (BAU) view of the future. Several other scenarios related to the control of sulfur, nitrogen, and carbon atmospheric emissions associated with electric energy generation are posited under conditions that reflect the operation of either a centrally planned economy (e.g., direct emission constraints are imposed) or a (generally) free-market economy (e.g., respective emission taxation rates are imposed on a time-varying $/tonne basis). A carbon-reduction scenario is also described. The impact of a set of technology-based assumptions on the implications revealed by the former set of environmentally driven scenarios are also examined. These technology-driven scenarios consider the effects of changing costs of natural gas and related generation technologies. Additionally, the impact on (electrical) generation mixes and atmospheric-emission burdens of varying capital and operating (both fixed and variable) costs associated with relatively emission-free technologies (e.g., nuclear, and solar electric) are examined. Section II.B describes the bases, rationale, and interconnectivities of the menu of scenarios chosen to illuminate possible E3-related policy options in China. C. Scope Section III presents results from scenario-based projections of China's electricity demand through the year 2030 at five-year intervals that start with the base year of 1995. The CRETM divides China into seven regions according to population density, energy-resource availability, level of economic development and related conditions, and the regional urgency of impending environmental conditions. This division follows the traditional regionalization of the country and also takes into consideration the goals and interests of the CETP. All of these scenariodefining attributes to varying degrees are related, albeit the procedure used for analytic implementation appears to be linear. The results of single-point parameter variations for the BAU point-of-departure case are first reported in Sec. III.A. The sensitivity and "robustness" of the BAU scenario to changes in fundamental drivers (e.g., basic capital costs, discount rates, and other generally economic parameters that largely are held fixed for the subsequent environmental- and technology-driven scenario variations) are examined. The environmental and energy-mix impact of each of these carefully controlled scenarios are reported in Sec. III.B. Finally, after providing a concise cost summary of each scenario, the inter-dependencies of each are discussed in Sec. IV, as they point to possible policy and planning choices for steering the enormous energy embodied in a growing China towards a direction of sustainable development, as well as understanding the impact that such a coarse might have on other countries that are interconnected through a shared, global economy in search of common goals. 14 II. Approach The studies performed under the EEM component of CETP use an LP model and a scenariobuilding approach to identify and examine sensitivities of a range of cost-optimized material (e.g., fuel, technologies, emissions) and electrical energy flows in a transport-connected seven-region model of China. The E3 Technology constraints under which these optimum material and energy flows occur over the 30-year time horizon being considered essentially define any given scenario, as well as the overall scenario taxonomy that defines the overall study. The description of study approach given in this section, therefore, divides naturally into first a description of the scenarios being considered, which is then followed by a description of the LP model per se. In that specifications of both scenario and model have minimum data requirements, this section includes a summary description of these data requirements and related uncertainties, gaps, and limitations. That this study is restricted to energy use, and that the optimizations are confined to electricity markets, must be stressed. Within this contextual limitation, therefore, this model does not include conflicts and competitions related to fuels demands for heating in either industrial, residential, or commercial sectors, nor are the demands from the transportation sector reflected in the optimization of fuel and technology use to meet the demands for electrical energy. Although inter-regional transportation of fuel is communicated to the optimization through appropriate costs, the impact of energy used in the course of that transport process is not included; efficiency losses are included, but the emissions associated with actual coal transport are not. Additionally, the distribution of electrical energy to the final users, as well as the networking and linking of networks, remains unaccounted in the CRETM electricalenergy sector model; this level of detail is left to the modeling activities of the University of Tokyo CETP team members (Yamaji, 2000). Finally, and most importantly, price feedback on electrical energy demand is only approximately accounted at the present level of analysis through the use of elasticities (both price and income) to set the otherwise exogenously determined, regional demands for electrical energy. Feedback between the electricity-sector costs and the overall economic activity is not modeled. Within these limitations, the scenario, data, and modeling requirements of this study are elaborated in the following sections. A capability to model overall energy-to-economy feedback, however, is provided by the MARKAL model (Fishbone, 1981) used also by the EEM task at both countrywide and (Shandong) provincial levels (Eliasson, 2002). A. Key Model Definers/Drivers The China Regional Electricity Trade Model (CRETM) uses LP optimization techniques to determine the mix of electricity-generation technologies needed to satisfy and exogenously specified demand under scenario-constrained conditions. At the most simplified level, three variables can be identified as essential to setting a constrained and optimal energy mix: • fuel availability and prices (coal, oil, gas, and uranium, in the present case); • environmental policies created and implemented to constrain local (particulates, SO2, NOX); regional (SO2, NOX) , and global (CO2, NOX, CH4) emissions; 15 • technology innovation and diffusion, including through Clean Development Mechanisms (CDMs), generally resulting in reductions of technology costs. These three "top-level" variables combine with a set of assumptions related to demand growth (price and income elasticities), discount rates (long-term cost of capital), and specific technology characteristics (including construction times, operational life, economic life, fixed and variable O&M charges, conversion efficiencies, annual load factors, etc.), and a myriad of material-flow and environmental constraints define the scenarios to be evaluated, as elaborated below. While endogenous learning is an available option (Kypreos, 2000a), the impacts of technology innovation and diffusion are not applied directly in the study reported herein as an endogenous formulation, but is indirectly applied as an exogenous time sequence of specified technology costs in a way that suggests possible impacts of technology innovation/diffusion. The results of single-point sensitivity studies of key variable like economic growth rates, discount rates, and technology costs are reported in Sec. III.D. B. Scenarios Table II describes a taxonomy of the scenario structure adopted for this study. All cases examined are referenced to a baseline or "point-of-departure" (POD) case that sometimes is loosely referred to as a "business-as-usual" (BAU) scenario. This BAU, point-of-departure, or base-case scenario assumes nominal technological advances, related technology price reductions, and conventional assumptions on resource utilization that are not necessarily limited by environmental or non-market (supply-demand) constraints. Furthermore, no unusual (e.g., non-BAU) advances in demand-side management (e.g., efficiency gains, lifestyle changes, etc.) are assumed in formulating the BAU scenario(s). The three E3 dimensions of Table II [Environmental, Economic, and Energy (Technologies)] form a kind of three-dimensional matrix in which specific scenarios can be defined, although the membership of a given attribute with any one of these three dimensions in some cases is not uniquely ascribed. Furthermore, the forcing or implementation of any given attribute often occurs through a policy dimension, the attributes of which are also included in Table II. Although not without ambiguity, the policy-driven three-dimensional scenario structure suggested in Table II is useful in describing the specific (and countable) scenarios adopted by this study, as well as possible policies needed to implement the respective combination of scenario attributes. The scenario taxonomy described in Table II is applied in the context of the present study in Table III, wherein a hierarchy of 12 specific scenarios is chartered for detailed analysis using the LP-optimizing CRETM. At the top of this hierarchy is the policy attribute (e.g., the fourth dimension in Table II) that determines whether the exogenous demand for electricity is "high" (H) "medium" (M), or "low" (L). For each of these possible conditions for (regional) electricity demand, the discount rate (considered here as an economic attribute) is either "high" (H), "medium" (M), or "low" (L). Whether emissions controls are imposed on SO2, CO2, or SO2 + CO2 (NOX control is not considered in this study), and whether these controls are imposed through a centralized (caps) or a market-control (taxes) mechanism determines the two primary environmental attributes used in this study. The remaining economic attribute determines the price of natural gas, and the only technology attribute used in the present study establishes the viability of either of two advanced technologies, nuclear or solar photovoltaic (PV), albeit the latter (technology attribute) is 16 Table II. Taxonomy of Scenarios Used to Describe Possible "Surprise-Free" Futures. Scenario Attributes Descriptions No environmental constraints or emission limits; no or Baseline ,Business-As Usual nominal price controls; nominal technological (BAU), or Point-Of-Departure advances. Case(s) Environmental Sulfur Dioxide Control; Limits (caps) imposed on sulfur emissions and/or apply sulfur emission fees/taxes Nitrogen Oxide(s) Control; Limits (caps) imposed on NOX emissions and/or apply NOX emission fees/taxes Carbon Dioxide Control; Limits (caps) imposed on CO2 emissions and/or apply CO2 fees/taxes. Restrictions on Land and/or Limitations imposed on the maximum percent of Water Usage; exploitable land and/or water use to be used Economic Natural Gas Policy; Vary natural gas prices and gas technology costs. Other Resource Prices; Vary prices of imported uranium or oil Discount Rates (Risks) per Vary discount rates used, depending on time, Technology; technology, and installed capacity Plant Construction and Life Vary both parameters in conjunction with assumed Times; technological advances for specific technologies. Technological Advanced Coal, Nuclear, and/or Model accelerated technology development by lowering Renewable Energy Technologies; capital costs after 2005 for a range of advanced-fossil, nuclear, and renewable energy technologies. Advances in End-Use Energy Vary the ratio of electrical energy demand to economic Efficiencies; productivity. Technology Introduction, Vary constraints related to kinds and introduction rates Diffusion; of generation technologies allowed. Specific Technology Advances; Vary operational conversion efficiencies, system availability, specific waste-generation characteristics, life-extension capabilities. Policy Population Growth; Productivity (real GDP) Growth; Resource Allocation (Land, Water); Import/Export Controls, Taxation, Tariffs; Level of External Cost Valuation; Technology Costs (Subsidies), Rates of Advancement/Change; Market Form (Centrally Controlled versus Free, DemandSide versus Supply-side Management, Degree and Kind of Price Regulation; 17 established largely through an economic setting. The 12 scenarios listed on Table III are less than the 64 possible for the attributes identified. A "Global" identification (ID) system is suggested on Table III, although for the purposes of the results presented herein the shortened "Local" ID system also defined on Table III is used. The embryonic scenario mapping/identification systems suggested in Table III also provides a basis for connecting and benchmarking results from the present optimization model with results from simulation model used by other CETP team members (Schenler, 1998) contributing to the ESS task, as described below in Sec. II.D.1. As suggested in Table III, fully half of the 12 scenarios deal with control over the environmental attribute, and, for all cases reported herein, apply only for the carbon, sulfur, or carbon + sulfur caps (e.g., roughly, the caps are assumed to apply to centrally planned economies versus taxes for a free-market environment). To date, these respective environmental constraints (caps) have been applied as maximum regional (in the case of SO2) or countrywide (in the case of CO2) emission rates, and the marginal costs when each is met are indicate as an effective tax schedule on Table IV. It is the natural result of these LP optimizations that the same scenario (e.g., technology mixes, total present-value of electricgeneration costs, atmospheric emission rates, etc.) results are achieved whether the emission rate is explicitly constrained (as is done here), or a carbon and/or sulfur tax of magnitude and schedule indicated on Table IV is applied (e.g., without an explicit cap on specific emissions). Table IV also re-states the definition of the Local IDs used to present a limited set of results in Sec. III.C. 18 Table III. Specific Scenarios Adopted in the Present Study of Cost Optimal Electrical Generation Mixes for China. Scenario Definition Scenario Attribute Business as Usual 1 Business as Usual 2 Sulfur Dioxide Control 1 Sulfur Dioxide Control 2 Carbon Dioxide Control 1 Carbon Dioxide Control 2 Sulfur + Carbon Dioxide Control 1 Sulfur + Carbon Dioxide Control 2 Enhanced Methane Use 1 Enhanced Methane Use 2 Advanced (Nuclear) Technology Use 1 Advanced (Solar PV) Technology Use 2 Ident ifiers Global ID BHMOONN BHLMHONN SHMOONN SHMHONT CHMOONN CHMHONT EHMOONN ELLHONT GHMOONN GHMH0NN NHMOONN PHMOONN Local ID BHC BHH SHC SHH CHC CHH EHC EHH Demand Discount Fuel Technol. Emission Level Rate Prices Costs Cap Policy Economic Economic Technol. Environ. H H O(C) O N H H H O N H H O(C) O C H H OH O C H H O(C) O C H H H O C H H O(C) O C H H H O C H H O(L CH4) O N H H H((L CH4) O N H H O O(L Nucl) N H H O O(L SolPV) N Scenario Attribute Designations C = Cap, Constant, or Carbon H = High L = Low M = Medium N = None O = 'Ordinary' (Baseline) P = SolarPV T = Tax 19 Controls Tax Environ. N N N N N N N N N N N N Table IV. Scenario Identification Scheme for Case Reported Using ‘Local’ ID (Table III). Scenario Demand Price SO2 Cap CO2 Cap C+S Cap BHC H C BHH H H CHC H C C CHH H H C EHC H C C S EHH H H C S SHC H C S SHH H H S CO2 marginal cost profiles, $/tonneCO2 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 BHC 0 0 0 0 0 BHH 0 0 0 0 0 CHC 0 0 0 0 0 CHH 0 0 0 0 0 EHC 0 0 0 0 0 EHH 0 0 0 0 0 SHC 0 0 0 0 0 SHH 0 0 0 0 0 SO2 marginal cost profiles, $/tonneSO2 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 BHC 0 0 0 0 0 BHH 0 0 0 0 0 CHC 0 0 0 0 0 CHH 0 0 0 0 0 EHC 0 0 0 35.45 26.09 EHH 0 0 31.31 54.55 0 SHC 0 0 26.09 64.64 66.84 SHH 0 0 31.31 70.19 97.66 B = BAU; H = High Demand and/or High (Double) Price; C = Constant Price and/or Carbon Cap; S = Sulfur Cap; E = S + C Cap 2020 0 0 46.18 34.94 44.07 34.94 0 0 2025 0 0 62.8 41.21 62.7 39.8 0 0 2030 0 0 32.4 24.95 32.4 25.04 0 0 2020 0 0 0 0 0 0 88.07 116.3 2025 0 0 0 0 0 0 98.08 116.42 2030 0 0 0 0 0 0 133.37 0 C. Data Requirements, Gaps, and Uncertainties Whether a simulation (Schenler 1998) or an optimization (Kypreos, 1996; Chandler, 1996; Murray, 1998; Rogers, 1999) model is used, the data requirement for these kinds of studies is enormous and rarely is fully satisfied. A "top-level" indication of these data requirements is given in Table V, which is organized along the scenario attributes described in the previous section (e.g., Environmental, Economic, Technological, and Policy; Tables II and III). As is the case for the scenario attributes, the boundaries between these four data-related attributes are not without ambiguity and free of subjective judgment. The specific data needs of CRETM as applied to this study are given in Appendix A, with the data summaries given in the PNNL study (Chandler 1996) providing an excellent start on this ongoing task of data acquisition and evaluation. The data needs listed in Appendix A largely reflect conditions used to compute the baseline BHC scenario (Table III or IV). 20 Table V. Typical Data Requirements of Energy Flow Model to be Resolved on a Temporal and Regional Basis. Environmental Data Effectiveness of flue-gas cleanup systems Desirable/goal emission caps for particulates, SO2, NOX, CO2 Consequences/costs of acid rain to plants and people Environmental costs of large-scale versus small(er)-scale hydroelectric plants External costs of coal mining, power plant emissions (particulates, SO2, NOX, CO2), and other fuels and land uses. Economic (Cost) Data Resource extraction costs versus depletion Resource (coal) ash, sulfur, and energy (GJ/tonne) contents Capital, fixed, and variable costs of domestic generation technologies Costs of imported fuels (oil, gas, uranium) Costs of imported advanced technologies (Advance Coal Conversion, NPP SolarPV, wind turbines, combustion turbines, etc. ) Cost of coal washing/cleaning Cost of flue-gas cleanup systems (ESP, FGD, etc.) Cost of electricity transmission and distribution Discount rate(s) per technology Fuel transport costs by region and mode (rail, road, ship, pipeline, wire) Cost of large-scale versus small(er)-scale hydroelectric plants Technological Data Fuel specific heating values (GJ/tonne) Thermal-to-electric conversion efficiencies per technology Availability (time, price) of advanced coal cleanup technologies Availability (time, price) of advanced conversion technologies (PFVC, IGCC, NPP, FC, SolarPV, etc.) Availability (time, price) of advanced post-combustion technologies (ESP, FGD, FGS, etc.) Availability (time, price) of high-voltage AC and DC electrical transmission systems Plant construction and life times Policy-Related Data Population and growth rates Real GDP and growth rates Electric power consumption and growth Sectoral (economic) structure of energy demand Price and income elasticities of (electrical) energy demand Resource availability, extraction constraints Installed and installable/exploitable hydroelectric resource FC Fuel Cell (included, not used) ESP Electrostatic Precipitator FGD Flue Gas Desulfurization FGS Flue Gas Scrubber IGCC Integrated Gas Combined Cycle NPP Nuclear Power Plant PFBC Pressurized Fluidized Bed (coal) Cumbustor PV Photovoltaic 21 D. Linear Optimization Model 1. Optimization versus Simulation Models The application reported here ideally should adjust total demand according to changes in energy prices or environmental conditions. Additionally and ideally, the model should take risk aversion into consideration in making decisions under conditions of uncertainty; these methodologies should then consider the distribution of possible outcomes and impacts and factor these probabilities into generation of final results. While a useful tool for exploring policy options in and between (electrical) power and environmental sectors, such a model would be nonlinear, or require the use of linearized NLP methods, and, therefore, is not within the scope of the present study. Under present circumstances, the regional demand for electrical energy is scaled in time with exogenously input growths in GDP and fuel prices. The resulting model remains linear and amenable to rapid solution using standard LP optimization algorithm (ILOG, 1997; Brookes, 1998). The analysis of constrained energy and material flows in the seven-region CRETM is based on an optimization of total levelized energy costs incurred in five-year increments during the time frame of the analysis (1995-2030). In exchange for this more restricted view of energy and material flows and the associated environmental impacts, CRETM offers a multi-regional view of these flows against which the impact of policy decisions on a provincial (e.g., Shandong) level can be assessed. Furthermore, while the LP optimization provides a measure of departures from the (cost-) optimum energy mix and associated environmental economic impacts through the reporting of marginal costs, the nature of the LP modeling approach limits the study of strong departures from the reported optimum to carefully constrained sensitivity studies. Additionally, sensitivity studies that actually vary the objective function used in the LP optimization may also be required to satisfy "stakeholders" who may have interests or concerns that are not easily reduced to purely economic terms. Many of these limitations associated with the LP optimization are addressed by models based on the (also) "bottom-up" simulation paradigm (Schenler, 1998), wherein electricity production costs are computed according to methods used by (electric) utilities to dispatch a spectrum of generating plants (on an hour-by-hour basis) in a way that minimizes electricity production costs. Like the optimization modeling approach followed in CRETM, generation, emissions, and costs are computed within the simulation model, with electricity demand and fuel prices being exogenous to the modeling computations per se. While these utility dispatching models are also capable of optimizing the way in which a utility allocates electrical generation stocks that have a range of variable costs [e.g., putting the least costly (to operate) systems on line first, followed by more expensive generators as the demand increases throughout the day], as used in the context of the present study (Connors, 1999), this dispatching model is applied as a modeling "engine" to create repetitively thousands of scenarios based on combining a large number of detailed strategies with an equally large number of uncertainty measures. Hence, while assessing the problem of electric-generation mix at a much deeper (temporally and sectorally more detailed) level of engineering-economic analysis than used in the MARKAL model or the simpler CRETM, the simulation modeling approach uses judgments, opinions, views and impressions of "stakeholder" groups to shape these thousands of strategy-based, uncertainty-adjusted scenarios into a "tradeoff frontier" (e.g., minimum cost of electricity versus a range of CO2 emission rates). A single "optimum" 22 is not produced, but instead a range of energy mixes or choices are presented that satisfy a given ensemble of "stakeholders" views and concerns. Appendix B elaborates on the essential differences, similarities, and symbioses of these two (simulation versus optimization) modeling approaches. Developing an appreciation of these differences is crucial to interpreting and making connections between results from both, as they are used to shape useful policy options and directions in CETP. These two modeling philosophies and approaches are complimentary, but the capabilities and assumptions that drive both can strongly impact the analytic results produced by both. In presenting and comparing results from the optimization and the simulation models, it becomes crucial that the scenario used for the former can be mapped into those used in the latter, and that comparisons are made under conditions where similar objective functions (real in the case of the optimization model; virtual in the case of the simulation model) are being optimized. This single, but parallel, requirement (e.g., similar scenario being optimized using a similar objective function) presents a challenge to this multi-model CETP study. Section III.E presents preliminary CRETM results that have been cast into a form that ultimately can lead to the required quantitative communication between these two different, but important, approaches to assessing possible futures for China's electrical generation system(s). 2. The China Regional Electricity Trade (Cost Optimization) Model, CRETM The Linear-Programming (LP) optimization model is described in this subsection, with quantitative details given in Appendix C. The LP approach to optimization allows flexibility in estimating the least-cost combination of power sources that will meet overall demand, while considering a variety of constraints arising from energy supply or environmental limitations. As discussed previously and in Appendix C, a model of limited scope that focuses on single, object-function-dependent optima must be broadly evaluated in a carefully structured scenario context and in comparison and symbiosis with other kinds of models having other strengths and weaknesses (Appendix A). The CRETM model is an optimization model based on LP methods (Williams, 1999). While limited to the electrical energy sector, compared to full-energy-sector models like MARKAL (Fishbone, 1981; Kypreos, 1996; Goldstein, 1995), the main attraction of CRETM is the ability to follow inter-regional allocation and transport of fuels within the seven-region model of China, as is illustrated schematically in Fig. 1. Like the earlier version of the Harvard University energy model, the PSI-modified CRETM model minimizes the total cost of the electrical system, including all costs associated with generation per se (e.g., capital, fixed, and variable), coal cleaning, inter-regional fuel transport, inter- and intra-regional power transmission, and, when so constrained, external costs attributable to the emission of both pollutants (mainly SO2 and NOX) and of greenhouse gases (GHG, mainly CO2). Unlike the still earliest version of the Harvard University energy model first developed and used to model a seven-region China (Murray, 1998), CRETM examines a full-range of electrical generation option, instead of being restricted to coal-fired stations and a much shorter time horizon (Murray, 1998). This full-spectrum electricity-generation model explores a 30-year time scale and is similar to that used by PNNL (Chandler, 1999), from which much of the data input used herein derives. The PSI modifications to the Harvard model leading to CRETM include: 23 Ø Shandong Province is explicitly included; Ø The time horizon can be extended to the year 2030, and a scenario-dependent input; Ø Electricity Demand is not fixed, but is now price and income elastic; Ø Resource, imports, and transportation costs are time dependent; Ø Transportation costs are redefined based on mode, distance, and mass; Ø Explicit variables on investment and capacity constraints have been introduced; Ø Imports to explicit regions by transport mode and regional balances are now included; Ø Technology market penetration and growth rates for expanding technologies are described by explicit constraints; Ø Emission of SO2, NOX, and CO2 are limited either by direct taxation (free-market model) or explicitly (regional or countrywide) constrained (centrally planned market model); Ø Endogenous technological learning is include whereby costs are reduced in accordance with accumulated installed capacity of a given technology; Ø Finally, Scenario Generation and Results Report Generation are broadened and redefined to create directly inter-comparison graphs and tables. The China Regional Electricity Trade Model is comprised of four basic relationships: a) the objective function (present value of total system costs); b) mass conservation relationships that balance the flows of fuel masses across processes and regions; c) energy conservation relationships that connect the flow of fuel masses to energy generation and transport; and d) a set of constraints that establish bounds on both energy and mass flows, levels at which specific generation technologies can be deployed, and emission rates. These latter endogenous constraints, combined with controls enforced through specific exogenous inputs (e.g., discount rates, demand growths, GDP growths, fuel and capital unit costs, etc.), create the various scenarios (Table III) and is used to define and/or bracket possible energyeconomic-environmental (E3) futures for Shandong Province in a countrywide context. The computational algorithm used to evaluate CRETM, like that under which MARKAL operates, is based on a set structure established by the GAMS operating system (Brookes, 1998). The four essential elements of CRETM described above are evaluated in terms of a set of generation technologies, {ss}, that are driven by a set of fuels {tot(c)}, where the latter is a (large) subset of a set of commodities {c} that in turn is defined by the addition of electricity, ELEC, to the set {f} (e.g., {c} = tot(c) + ELEC). Table VI explicitly defines the commodity and fuel sets, {c} and tot(c), along with other more specialized fuel subsets. Similarly, Table VII describes the composition of the main generation technology set {ss} along with key specialized technology subsets. These fuel and technology sets are combined to describe the energy and material flows within and between the seven China regions depicted schematically in Fig. 1. Finally, for each of these regions, Fig 2 arranges these flows in a way that emulates the flow sequence Primary Fuels → Processes → Conversions → Demands used in the original formulation of MARKAL (Fishbone, 1981). Both Figs. 1 and 2 contain elements not 24 yet modeled in the present version of CRETM [e.g., Guandong is currently modeled as part of the region SC (Fig. 1); heating-plant deliveries to non-electric applications and waste and resource streams related to nuclear or renewable are yet to be included]. These options are retained in Figs. 1 and 2 as an indication of important future work. A "top-level" summary of CRETM, as laid out in Tables VI-VII and Figs. 1—2, describes an electrical energy sector LP model that cost-optimizes on 17 generation technologies, 16 fuel forms (including the renewable energy forms), having both domestic and foreign fuel sources (for oil, gas, and uranium), having 4 transportation modalities, searching over 8 time periods into the future, examining energy and material exchanges within and between 7 regions, and using an object function composed of 8 cost categories (i.e., domestic fuel, imported fuel, coal cleaning, transportation, possible emission taxes on three species, capital costs, fixed generation costs, and variable generation costs). A simple product of these six dimension (i.e., generation technologies, fuel commodities, temporal, regional, fuel transport, and cost categories) gives about 500,000 possibilities, all of which, for a given set of constraints and inputs, are to converge to single (economic) optimum. Even for a relatively simplified model, the size of the task can become daunting, particularly when the 10-15 optimizing scenarios suggested in Table III are superposed. In addition to the enormity of this simplified problem, the need to understand the impact of deviations, departures, or sensitivities from any "optimum" that is reported, as well as the impact of changing the objection function, on possible conclusions and recommendation is apparent. Appendix C outlines analytical aspects of the model that attempts to find this optimum for the conditions (i.e., energy and mass-flow balances, and associated constraints) described therein, with Appendix A recapitulating key input used by CRETM [for the baseline scenario, BHC (Table III)]. Table VI. Summary of Main Fuel-Type Set and Subsets. FUEL TYPES coal; high-sulfur, high-ash coal; high-sulfur, low-ash coal; medium-sulfur, high-ash coal; medium-sulfur, low-ash coal; low-sulfur, high-ash coal; low-sulfur, low-ash oil: domestic oil; imported gas; domestic gas (incl. LNG); imported uranium; domestic uranium; imported renewables (fuel equivalent) hydro electricity hhcoal hlcoal mhcoal mlcoal lhcoal llcoal oil oilimpt gas gasimpt ur urimpt fequ c X X X X X X X X X X X X X elec X tot(c) X X X X X X X X X X X X X f(c) X X X X X X X k(c) X X X X X X imp(c X X X enc X X X X X X X X X X X X X X {c} = fuel-related commodity; tot(c) = {c} + elec; f(c) = fuel type other than coal; k(c) = type of coals; imp(c) = imported coal; eng(c) = oil + gas + ur (not shown) = endogenous fuels other than coal; imp(c) = imported fuels; and enc(c) = fuels used in electricity production for market allocation. 25 Table VII. Summary of Main Electrical Generation Technology Sets and Subsets. ELECTRIC PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGIES small-unit domestic coal medium-unit domestic coal large-unit domestic coal large-unit w/ ESP domestic coal large-unit, ESP + scrubber domestic coal atmospheric fluidized bed combustion integrated coal-gasification combined cycle pressurized fluidized-bed combustion regular/standard oil fired combined-cycle oil fired combined-cycle gas fired, gascc advanced combined-cycle gas fired solar photovoltaic geothermal nuclear electric hydroelectric wind turbine ss domsml dommed domlar domesp domscb afbc igcc pfbc oilreg oilcc gascc gascca pv gt nuclear hydro wind X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X s(ss) s1(ss s2(ss) s3(ss s4(ss) s5(ss) s6(s) sc(ss) soil(ss sg(s) ) ) ) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ss = all power generation technologies s = thermal generation technologies s1 = renewable generation technologies s2 = old domestic generation technologies s3 = nuclear electric generation technologies s4 = hydroelectric generation technologies s5 = all fossil-based generation technologies s6 = clean(er) fossil + nuclear + renewables sc = all coal-fueled generation technologies soil = all oil-based generation technologies sg = all gas-fueled generation technologies 26 NE NC Inner Mongolia Shanxi Hebei Beijing Tianjin NW Xinjiang Qinghai Gansu Shaanxi Nignxia SC SA Hunan Jiangxi Hubei Henan SW Tibet Sichuan Guizhou Guangxi Yunnan Hainan Heilongjiang Jilin Lianing Shandong EA Jiangsu Zhejiang Anhui Fujian GU Chongqing Guangdong Coal by Land Electricity Coal by Sea Imports Hong Kong Shanghai Figure 1. Energy and material flows in an eight-region china model; for the present study, the Guangdong (GU) region has been subsumed into the South-Central (SC) region to form an interim seven-region model. 27 PRIMARY FUELS PROCESSES PREPATORY TRANSPORT Chem./Physical Coal CONVERSIONS Coal-fired Gen.: Cleanup domsml, dommed, DEMANDS ECONOMY Process Heat SO2, NOx, domlar, domesp, Particulates domscb, afbc, Imp. ENVIRON. igcc Oil Rail Heating Plant Road Ship Imp. oilcc Pipe Gas gascc, gascca Imp. Uranium CO2 Electricity Conv., En., Nuclear Fuel Fab. Radwaste, SF Hydroelectric Hydro Land, Renewables: Renewables Water wind, gt, pv Figure 2. Material (fuel) and energy flow diagram for a typical region; inter-regional flows are not included on this representation. 28 III. Results This results section reported here place emphasis on: a) the driver for electricity demand (following Sec. III.A); b) description of key results from the baseline BHC scenario [e.g., using the short-hand notation describe in conjunction with Table III, (B)AU, (H)igh exogenous demand, (C)onstant gas prices] scenario (Sec. III.B); c) a summary of key results (e.g., energy mixes, emission rates, etc.) from the eight scenarios listed in Table III (Sec. III.C); and d) single-point parametric studies that explore sensitivities around the BHC scenario (Sec. III.B). Approximately 1000 (Appendix A) parameters must be fixed for CRETM to evaluate a given scenario that delivers a single optimized energy mix as a function of time for the seven regions of China being modeled. Key technological, economic, and operational parameters for the 17 electricity-generation technologies being considered (Table VII) are summarized on Table VIII. Except where explicitly stated, these parameters remain fixed for the scenario studies presented herein, with Appendix A listing key input to the CRETM. The dozen or so key electrical-energy, capacity, and mass flow variables used in this model to enforce respective balances and constraints are listed and defined in Table VIII. Key results reported from the minimization of the total Table VIII. List and Definition of Key Energy and Mass-Flow Variables Used to Enforce Respective Balances and Constraints (Appendix C). Key Variable ZZ QSELEC(i,ss,t) QTR(i,i1,c,m,t) Unit M$ TWeh/yr Mtonne/yr QCAP(i,ss,t) INV(i,ss,t) ICOST(i,ss,t) SDEP(i,t) (a) QS(i,c,t) PQ(i,k,k1,t) GWe GWe M$ MtonneSO2/yr Mtonne/yr Mtonne/yr CQ(i,k,k1,t) Mtonne/yr NQ(i,k,k1,t) QF(i,c,s,t) Mtonne/yr Mtonne/yr) FQ(i,k1,t) Mtonne/yr (a) Description Objective function, minimized NPV of cost of electricity supply Electricity supplied in region i by technology ss at time t Commodity (fuel) transported form region i to region i1 by mode m at time t Capacity in region i of installed generation technology ss at time t New capacity installed in region i of technology ss at time t Investments in region i in technology ss at time t Sulfur deposition in region i at time t Supply of commodity c (fuel) in region i at time t) Amount of coal k passing through physical treatment and producing coal k1 Amount of coal k passing through chemical treatment and producing coal k1 Amount of coal not receiving any pre-combustion treatment Amount of commodity (fuel) c used by technology s in region i at time t) Amount of coal of type k after pre-treatment in region i at time t not used in these computations. Net Present Value (NPV) of all electricity generation costs over the period of the analysis (1995-2030, in YEARPP = 5 year time intervals) include: • • • • Primary fuel use; Electricity production by fuel; Installed generation capacity; Local, regional, and countrywide atmospheric emissions under constrained or unconstrained conditions; • Technology- and region-dependent marginal costs of electricity for specified emission constraints [e.g., effective (minimum) taxes for emissions control, $/tonneCO2, etc.]; 29 • Capital investment and annual O&M charges for electricity by technology and region; • Capital investment and annual O&M charges for both fuel and electricity transport across China; • Amount of fuel and electricity transported by a given mode (e.g., road, rail, ship, wire). A. Electricity Demand As is indicated by the "scenario map" given on Tables III and IV (as well as a more elaborated map given in Table B-II of Appendix B), the exogenous electrical-energy demand for each of the seven China regions being modeled is fixed at a value termed H ("high"). This demand designator is relative, particularly when compared to other projections made and used in various China electrical-sector modeling exercises (Murray, 1998; Chandler, 1998; Dadi, 2000). The demand for electrical energy in period t for region i , DELEC( i, t ) , is determined in CRETM from the following relationship: [1 + GGDP( i, t )] ELAGDP*YEARPP DELEC( i, t ) = DELEC( i, t − 1) [1 + GPRICE ( i, t )] ELAPR( t )*YEARPP (1) where the exogenous growth rates for fuel prices and GDP are GPRICE ( i, t ) and GGDP( i, t ) , respectively; the respective elasticities are ELASPR( t ) and ELAGDP ; and YEARPP is the number of years per period. The growth in regional GDP is given by, GDP( i, t ) = GDP( i, t − 1) *[1 + GGDP( i, t )]YEARPP (2) where the values for GGDP(i,t), ELAGDP, and ELAPR(t) used to generate the results reported herein are given in Table IX. Table IX. Summary of Regional GDP Growth Rates and Income and (Electricity) Price Elasticities Used in this Study (assumed the same for all seven CRETM regions). Time Period 1995-2000 2000-2005 2005-2010 2010-2015 2015-2020 2020-2025 2025-2030 GDP Growth Rate, %/yr 9 8 7 6 5 4.5 4 Income Elasticity 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 30 Price Elasticity 0 0 0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 Figure 3 gives the sum of GDPs over all seven regions along with the time-dependence of countrywide electricity demand that results. As a comparison, the GDP posited in the course of arriving at the IIASA/WEC results (Nakicenovic, 1998) for China (actually, Region CPA from the IIASA/WEC study, which includes Cambodia, Hong Kong, Democratic Republic of Korea, Peoples Democratic Republic of Lao, Viet Nam, and Mongolia, in addition to China), and used to generate the primary energy demands summarized on Table I, are also included on Fig. 3. A regional breakdown of GDP(B$/yr) and Electrical Energy Intensity, EEI(MJ/$), for the BHC scenario are shown on Figs. 4 and 5. The key cost and technology assumptions that underlie the BHC scenario used to generate the Figs. 4 and 5 results are listed in Table X. Lastly, Fig. 6A gives a comparison of China electrical energy demand used in this study with projections made from a range of China and US studies, as reported by Chandler (1999); The PNNL demand was adopted by Chandler (1999), the ERI demands correspond to those made by the Chinese Energy Research Institute (1995); Quhua corresponds to projections from Tsinghua University (1994), and EPRA designates projections made by the Chinese Electric Power Research Academy (1994). Figure 6B continues this comparison of China electrical energy demand with projections made for a range of IIASA/WEC scenarios (Nakicenovic, 1996). In the parlance of the latter global (11-region) study, Case A is a "High Growth" scenario; Case B is "Middle Course" scenario, and Case C is an "Ecologically Driven" scenario; Sub-cases A1, A2, and A3 correspond, respectively, "conventional and unconventional oil and gas", "coal backstop", and "bio-nuc", whereas C1 and C2 corresponds, respectively to "nuclear phase out" and "new (small) nuclear plants" GDP AND ELECTRIC DEMAND VERSUS TIME FOR SCENARIO BHC 6000 GDP(CRETM) DELEC(CRETM) DELEC(TWeh/yr), GDP(B$/yr) 5000 4000 GDP(CRETM) DELEC(IIASA) DELEC(CRETM) GDP(IIASA) 3000 DELEC(IIASA) GDP(IIASA) 2000 1000 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 TIME Figure 3. Exogenous time-dependence of China GDP used in Eq. (1) to compute the regional electricity demands and summed to give the countrywide electricity demandsalso depicted; a comparison with the GDP growth used in the IIASA/WEC study (Nakicenovic, 1996) is also shown. 31 GDP VERSUS REGION AND TIME FOR SCENARIO BHC 6000 NW NW 5000 SW SW GDP, B$/yr 4000 SC SC SA 3000 SA EA 2000 EA NE 1000 NE 0 1995 NO NO 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 TIME Figure 4. Regional GDP versus time for BHC scenario used in CRETM. ELECTRICAL ENERGY INTENSITY VERSUS REGION AND TIME 35 NO NE ELECTRICL ENERGY INTESITY, EEI(MJ/$ 30 EA SA 25 SC SW NO 20 NW SA NE CHINA 15 CHINA EA 10 SC NW 5 0 1995 SW 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 TIME Figure 5. Regional Electrical Energy Intensity versus time for BHC scenario. 32 2030 Table X. Summary of Key Technology, Economic, and Operational Parameters Generally Fixed for Most of the Scenario Analyses Reported Herein. Generation Technology Fuel ES Scrub P . Domestic small (>100 MWe) plant coal Domestic medium (100-200 MWe) plant coal Domestic medium (300 MWe) plant Domestic medium (300 MWe) plant Domestic large (300-600 MWe) ss plant Foreign atm. fluid.-bed combst. plant Foreign integ. gasif.comb.-cycle plant Pressurized fluidized-bed combst plant Traditional oil-fired plant Combined-cycle oil-fired plant Combined-cycle gas-fired plant Adv. gas-turbine comb.-cycle plant Nuclear plant Hydroelectric plant Wind plant Solar photovoltaic plant Geothermal plant coal coal coal coal coal coal oil oil gas gas U pv x x x x x ID Const Oper. Econ. UnitTotal Variable Fixed Conv. Annual . Time Life Life Cost O&M O&M Eff. Load Factor Cost Cost yr yr yr $/kWe M$/TWeh %UTC/yr % hr/yr(%) domsml 2 20 15 676 5 3 27 4800 (55%) domme 3 30 20 650 4 3 29 5000 (57%) d domesp 3 30 20 600 3.5 3 36 5200 (59%) domscb 3 30 20 890 4.5 3 35 5200 (59%) dombig 3 30 20 1100 4.5 3 42 5200 (59%) afbc 3 30 20 900 8.5 3 38 6000 (69%) igcc 2 20 15 1000 4.5 3 43 6000 (69%) pfbc 3 30 20 1100 4 3 45 6000 (69%) oilreg 2 20 15 530 2.8 3 35 4800 (55%) oilcc 2.5 20 15 500 2.8 3 42 5600 (64%) gascc 2 20 15 530 8 3 45 6000 (69%) gascca 2.5 20 15 500 8 3 55 6000 (69%) nuclear 5 30 20 1500 + 4+5 1.6 33 7000 (80%) 200 hydro 8 50 40 1200 1 1.5 33 3800 (43%) wind 1 20 15 1200 2 1.5 33 2600 (30%) pv 2 25 20 10000 0.07 1.5 33 2600 (30%) gt 1 15 12 2000 0.05 1.5 33 3200 (37%) 33 CHINA ELECTRICITY DEMAND COMPARISONS 8000 BASE 7000 GENERATION, TWeh/yr 6000 Qghua1 PNNL Qghua1 EPRA1 Qghua2 5000 4000 EPRA1 EPRA2 EPRA2 Qghua2 ERI 3000 BASE 2000 PNNL 1000 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 TIME 2015 2020 2025 2030 Figure 6A. Comparison of China electrical energy demand used in this study with projections made from a range of China and US studies, as reported by Chandler (1999); The PNNL demand was adopted by Chandler (1999), the ERI demands correspond to those made by the Chinese Energy Research Institute (1995); Quhua corresponds to projections from Tsinghua University (1994), and EPRA are projections made by the Chinese Electric Power Research Academy (1994). 34 4000 CHINA ELECTRICITY DEMAND COMPARISIONS (IIASA) BASE 3500 GENERATION, TWeh/yr 3000 A1 BASE A2 A3 2500 2000 B A1, A2, A3 C1 C2 1500 B, C1, C2 1000 500 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 TIME Figure 6B. Comparison of China electrical energy demand used in this study with projections made for a range of IIASA/WEC scenarios (Nakicenovic, 1996); in the parlance of the latter Global (11-region) study, Case A is a "High Growth" scenario; Case B is "Middle Course" scenario, and Case C is an "Ecologically Driven" scenario; Sub-cases A1, A2, and A3 correspond, respectively, "conventional and unconventional oil and gas", "coal backstop", and "bio-nuc", whereas C1 and C2 corresponds, respectively to "nuclear phase out" and "new (small) nuclear plants". Generally, the last few years have seen a wide variation in electricity-demand projections for China, with more recent projections reflecting greater optimism based primarily on the recent strong performance of the Chinese economy. The BHC scenario demand adopted for the CRETM-based studies generally falling in the mid-range of these past and more recent (optimistic) projections. The following Fig. 6C combines the Fig. 6A and Fig.6B electricitydemand projections to illustrate this point graphically, albeit in a somewhat cluttered display. 35 CHINA ELECTRICITY DEMAND PROJECTIONS 8000 7000 GENERATION, TWeh/yr 6000 5000 4000 3000 BASE A1 A2 A3 B C1 C2 PNNL Qghua1 Qghua2 EPRA1 EPRA2 ERI Qghua2 EPRA1 Qghua2 PNNL,ERA2 BASE ERI 2000 1000 IIASA 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 TIME Figure 6C. Combination of all electricity-demand projections given on Figs. 6A and 6B. 36 B. Baseline BHC Scenario Use of the baseline demand for electrical energy reported in the last section (which for the purposes of this study is given a "high" or "H" designation), nominal or "constant" (C) energy prices, and the input values given in Appendix A and summarized in Table X, results in the BHC scenario (Table III). For "constant" (C) fuel prices, the time-independent unit costs for UCFUEL(i,tot) listed in Table 20 (Appendix A) are used to generate baseline scenarios BHC; use of the time-dependent multipliers, DUCFUEL(i,tot) given in Table 22 (Appendix A) generates the "high" (H) cost scenarios like BHH. Table XI lists key integrated results reported by CRETM for this BHC scenario, which serves as a "point-of-departure" (POD) scenario for subsequent scenarios, as reported in the following section, as well as for the single-point parameter studies reported in Sec. III.D. Table XI. Integrated Results for the BHC Scenario. Parameter Total Discounted Energy Cost, ENC(B$) Total Undiscounted Energy Cost, B$ Total Electrical Demand, TWeh Average (Undiscounted) COE, mill/kWeh Total Discounted GDP, B$ Total Discounted ENC/GDP, % Total Integrated CO2 Emissions , GtonneCO2 Specific CO2 Emissions, MtonneCO2/TWeh Total SO2 Emissions, MtonneSO2 Specific SO2 Emissions, ktonneSO2/TWeh Value 478.39 3246.58 94967.1 34.2 14378.75 3.31 60.88 0.64 632.1 6.7 The countrywide electrical-generation mix for China over the 1995-2030 study period needed to meet the baseline demand (Fig. 3) for these BHC scenario conditions is shown on Fig. 7, with Fig. 8 giving the time evolution of regional distribution of total electricity generation. Total emissions of CO2, SO2, and NOX are given in Fig. 9, with time-dependence of the specific emission rates (tonneXO2/TWeh) for China being given on Fig. 10. Most notable from the BHC electricity-generation mix are: a) the nominally constant contribution of hydroelectricity, with some growth after 2020; b) the miniscule contribution of nuclear power; and c) the growing dependence on gas and oil; and d) the dominant use of domestic coal, albeit through the growing use of clean-coal technologies (not explicitly shown in Fig. 7). As shown in Sec. III.D.3.a, modest decreases in the capital cost of nuclear from the value given in Table IX can dramatically increase the contribution of this technology to China's electricitygeneration mix. 37 ELECTRIC DEMAND MIX FOR SCENARIO BHC 4000 Nucl. NUCL 3500 Geo. HYDRO GENERATION, TWeh/yr 3000 GAS W ind OIL SolarPV 2500 Hydro DOM. COAL 2000 Gas 1500 Oil 1000 Adv. Coal 500 Dom. Coal 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 TIME Figure 7. Countrywide electrical generation mix for the BHC scenario. 4000 R EG IO N AL DEMAN D VERSUS TIME FO R SC ENAR IO B HC NW 3500 GENERATION, TWeh/yr SW 3000 SC 2500 SA 2000 1500 EA 1000 NE 500 NO 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 TIME Figure 8. Regional distribution of electrical generation for the BHC scenario. 38 25 EMISSIO N RATES VERSUS TIME FOR SCEN ARIO BHC (MtonneC O2/y r)/100 EMISSION RATE, MtonneXO2/y MtonneSO2/y r 20 MtonneNOX/y r 15 10 5 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 TIME Figure 9. Total CO2, SO2, and NOX emission rate for the BHC scenario. S P E C IFIC E M IS S IO N R AT E S V E R S U S T IM E FO R S C E N AR IO B H C SPECIFIC EMISSION RATE, xtonneXO2/TWeh 5 (MtonneC O2/TW eh)*10 ktonneSO2/TW eh 4 ktonneNOX/TW eh 3 2 1 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 TIME Figure 10. Specific CO2, SO2, and NOX emission rate for the BHC scenario. 39 2030 C. Scenario Impacts The following four subsections summarize the results from the seven remaining scenarios listed in Table IV. The scenario BHH [e.g., Basis or BAU, "high" discount rate (RATE = 10%/yr), "high" overall demand, and "high" fuel costs, wherein the time-dependent unit-fuelcost multipliers given in Table 22 of Appendix A are applied to the Scenario BHC values of UCFUEL(i,tot), Table 20 of Appendix A)], scenarios CHC and CHH impose a carbon cap indicated on Table XII, scenarios SHC and SHH likewise impose a sulfur, also given on Table XII, and scenarios EHC and EHH simultaneously impose the carbon and sulfur emissions cap indicated on Table XII. Table XII Carbon and Sulfur Emission Caps Imposed on the Eight Scenarios. Listed on Table IV (non-shown cases are unconstrained). Scenarios Time, t 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 CHC, CHH SHC, SHH EHC, EHH EHC, EHH CO2TARGET(t) SO2TARGET(t) MtonneCO2/yr MtonneSO2/yr 1300 10 1500 12 2000 13 1800 14 1600 14 1500 13 1500 12 As is indicated on the lower part of Table IV, the effective carbon or sulfur taxes resulting from the respectively imposed emission caps are equal to the marginal costs associated with the imposition (and meeting) of these emission constraints. In this regard, domestic controls of carbon emissions particularly can take one of three forms (Edmonds, et al., 1999): a) taxes on emissions, carbon, energy, fossil fuels, or any activity related to the use of fossil fuels; b) "command-and-control" regulations that either directly limit specific emissions or prescribe certain technologies (e.g., fuel efficiencies); or c) the allocations of emissions allowances that can be traded between countries or regions having differing marginal cost for emissions abatement. The examples reported below fall into the category of regulation through "command-and-control". Parametric studies of carbon-emissions control through direct taxation are reported in Sec.III.D.3. Consideration of the more efficient trading of emissions is not within the scope of the present study, as important as it may eventually become in the global control of CO2 emissions (Edmonds, et al., 1999). 1. High Fuel-Price Scenario (BHH) The impact of increasing the price of fuel by the time- and region-dependent factors indicated on Table 22 of Appendix A on the countrywide energy electrical generation mix for China is illustrated for this BHH scenario in Fig. 11. The impact of these fuel-price increases on CO2, SO2, and NOX emissions is depicted relative to the BHC baseline scenario on Fig. 12. Comparison of the BHC versus BHH scenarios shows that the kind of change in price structure involved with the BHC Þ BHH transition is accompanied by a strong switch to advanced coal technologies, the introduction of some renewable generation in the form of 40 wind, and a modest increase in the used of nuclear energy, which nevertheless remains a small contributor to the overall electric-generation portfolio for China for the base-case (costs) assumptions made (Table X). As is seen from Fig. 12, modest (~15-20%) decreases in CO2 and NOX emissions in the year 2030 result from these price increases, but SO2 emissions in 2030 decrease by nearly 40% as a result of the decreased use of "Domestic Coal" generation technologies. In assessing these results, however, the absence of price-economy (GDP) feedback in the CRETM must be recognized, but this feedback is expected to be of secondary importance; more important are price effects on demand. ELECTRIC DEMAND MIX FOR SCENARIO BHH 4000 Nucl. W IND NUCL 3500 W ind HYDR GENERATION TWeh/yr 3000 GAS Hydro 2500 OIL ADV. COAL 2000 Gas Oil 1500 DOM. COAL 1000 Adv. Coal 500 Dom. Coal 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 YEAR Figure 11. Generation mix for BHH scenario (Table IV). 41 2025 2030 EMISSIONS VERSUS TIME AND FUEL-COST SCENARIO 25 EMISSION RATES, MtonneSO2,NOX/yr MtonneCO2/yr/100 BHC(CO2) BHC(SO2) 20 CO2 SO2 BHC(NOX) BHH(CO2) BHH(SO2) 15 BHH(NOX) SO2 10 CO2 NOX 5 NOX 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 TIME Figure 12. Comparison of emission rates for CO2, SO2, and NOX as the price of fuel is increased from scenario BHC to BHH. 2. Carbon-Caps Scenarios (CHC, CHH) Carbon emission limits where applied, as is indicated in Table XII for both the "H" [DUCFUEL(i,tot) as given in Table 22 of Appendix A] and the "C" [DUCFUEL(i,tot) = 1] fuel-price conditions, with both demand and discount rates remaining at levels used in the "H" mode; scenarios CHC and CHH (Table IV) result. These CO2 emission constraints were applied separately and in conjunction with the SO2 emission constraints. Figures 13 and 14 give evolution of the electrical generation mix for both the CHC and the CHH scenarios. The comparison of CO2, SO2 and NOX emissions for the CHC scenario with the counterpart BHC baseline scenario is given in Fig. 15. The marginal cost of CO2 emission is described as a function of time on Fig. 16, which also makes a comparison with results from the other carbon-constraining scenarios considered in this study. From Fig. 15 it is noted that for the constant prices (CHC and EHC) the marginal costs are higher in that more coal-fired technologies must be displaced compared to the CHH or EHH cases, when substitution for coal has been taking place in the BAU cases. 42 4000 E L E C T R IC D E M AN D M IX F O R S C E N AR IO C H C N UC L GENERATION, TWeh/yr N u c l. W IND 3500 Geo. 3000 W in d H Y D RO S o la r P V 2500 O IL GA S 2000 H y d ro A D V. C OAL 1500 Gas O il 1000 D OM. C OAL A d v. C o a l 500 0 1995 D om. C oal 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 T IM E Figure 13. Generation mix for CHC scenario (Table IV): (C)arbon constraint with (High) discount rate and (C)onstant fuel prices. 4000 E L E C T R IC D E M AN D M IX F O R S C E N A R IO C H H NU C L W I ND Nuc l 3500 Geo GENERATION, TWeh/yr 3000 W in d HY D RO 2500 S o la r P V GA S 2000 Hy dro OIL 1500 AD V. C OAL Gas O il 1000 D OM. C OAL A d v. C o a l 500 D om . C oal 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 T IM E Figure 14. Generation mix for CHH scenario (Table IV): (C)arbon constraint with (High) discount rate and (H)igh fuel prices. 43 E MIS S IO N S V E R S U S T IME AN D C AR B O N C AP S S C E N AR IO 25 C O2 B HC (C O2) S O2 B HC (NOX ) 20 C HC (C O2) tonneCO2/yr/100 EMISSIONS, tonneSO2,NOX/yr, B HC (S O2) C HC (S O2) 15 C HC (NOX ) 10 NOX 5 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 TIME Figure 15. Comparison of CO2, SO2, and NOX emission rates between scenarios BHC and CHC as a function of time. M AR G IN AL C O 2 C O S T V E R S U S T IM E AN D S C E N AR IO MARGINAL EMISSION COST, $/tonneCO 70 C HC (C O2 ) 60 E HC ( C O 2) 50 C HH( C O 2) E HH( C O2) 40 30 20 10 0 1 99 5 2 00 0 2 00 5 2 01 0 T IM E 2 01 5 2 02 0 2 02 5 Figure 16. Time evolution of marginal costs for CO2 emissions for the range of carbon-constrained scenarios considered. 44 2 03 0 3. Sulfur-Caps Scenarios (SHC, SHH) In parallel to the foregoing presentation of carbon-constrained results, Figs 17-20 give respectively the electric-generation mixes reported by CRETM for the sulfur-constrained scenarios with H and C fuel-price conditions, with both being based on the "high" (H) discount rate (RATE = 10%/yr) and demand assumptions. Figures 17 and 18 summarize the electrical-energy mixes for SHC and SHH scenarios, Fig. 19 compares emission rates of CO2, SO2, and NOx for the SHC and baseline BHC scenarios, and Fig. 20 gives the time dependence of all marginal costs associated with the sulfur-constrained cases. 4000 ELECTRIC DEMAND MIX FOR SCENARIO SHC NUCL Nucl 3500 GENERATION, TWeh/yr 3000 HYDRO Geo GAS W ind 2500 OIL SolarPV 2000 Hydro ADV. COAL Gas 1500 DOM. COAL 1000 Oil Adv. Coal 500 Dom. Coal 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 TIME Figure 17. Generation mix for SHC scenario (Table IV): (S)ulfur constraint with (High) discount rate and (C)onstant fuel prices. 45 E L E C T R IC D E MAN D MIX FO R S C E N AR IO S H H 4000 W IND NUC L Nuc l 3500 Geo HY D RO GENERTATION, TWeh/yr 3000 W ind GA S 2500 S olarP V OIL A D V . C OA L 2000 Hy dro Gas 1500 D OM. C OA L 1000 Oil A dv. C oal 500 D om. C oal 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 TIME Figure 18. Generation mix for SHH scenario (Table IV): (S)ulfur constraint with (High) discount rate and (H)igh fuel prices. E M IS S IO N S V E R S U S T IM E AN D S U L F U R C AP S S C E N AR IO 25 B HC ( C O2) C O2 S 02 20 B HC ( NOX ) S HC ( C O2) TonneCO2/yr/100 EMISSIONS, TonneSO2,NOX/yr B HC ( S O2) S HC ( S O2) 15 S HC ( NOX ) 10 C 5 NOX 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 T IM E 2015 2020 2025 2030 Figure 19. Comparison of CO2, SO2, and NOX emission rates between scenarios BHC and SHC as a function of time. 46 MARGINAL SO2 COSTS VERSUS TIME AND SCENARIO 140 EMSSION COST, $/tonneSO2 120 100 80 SHC(SO2) EHC(SO2) SHH(SO2) EHH(SO2) 60 40 20 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 TIME Figure 20. Time evolution of marginal costs for SO2 emissions for the range of sulfurconstrained scenarios considered. Notice that the low sulfur cap imposed for the year 2030 gives zero marginal control cost in the high fuel price scenario. 4. Environmental (S + C Caps) Scenarios (EHC, EHH) Finally, Figs. 21 and 22 give time evolution of the electrical generation mix for China under conditions where both of the previously reported carbon and sulfur emission constraints are applied simultaneously for the "high" (H) discount rate assumption and both fuel-price (H and C) scenarios. The comparison of emission rates for the "constant" (C) fuel-price condition with emissions for the baseline BHC scenario is given in Fig. 23. The previously referenced Figs 16 and 20 complete the comparison of the respective marginal costs for carbon and/or sulfur emission. These marginal costs are equivalent to the "taxes" needed to achieve (within the confines and limitation of CRETM) the emission rates given on Figs. 17, 20, or 23. 47 E L E C T R IC IT Y D E M A N D M IX F O R S C E N A R IO E H C 4000 N u c l. W IN NUC L 3500 Geo. W in d GENERATION, TWeh/yr 3000 HY D RO S o la r P V 2500 GAS Hy dro 2000 O IL 1500 AD V. C OAL O il 1000 D OM. C OAL A d v. C oal 500 0 1995 Gas D om. C oal 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 T IM E Figure 21. Generation mix for EHC scenario (Table IV): Both sulfur and carbon emission constraints are applied (E = S + C) with (High) discount rate and (C)onstant fuel prices. 4000 E L E C T R IC IT Y D E M A N D M IX F O R S C E N A R IO E H H GENERATION, TWeh/yr NUC L Nuc l W IND 3500 Geo 3000 W in d HY D RO S o la r P V 2500 GAS Hy dro 2000 OIL Gas A D V . C OA L 1500 O il 1000 DOM. COAL A d v. C oal 500 0 1995 D om. C oal 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 YEAR Figure 22. Generation mix for EHH scenario (Table IV): Both sulfur and carbon emission constraints are applied (E = S + C) with (High) discount rate and (H)igh fuel prices. 48 EMISSIO NS VERSUS TIME AND C + S CAPS SCENARIO 25 BHC(CO2) BHC(SO2) EMISSION, MTonneSO2,NOX/yr MTonneCO2/yr/100 20 SO2 C O2 BHC(NOX) EHC(CO2) EHC(SO2) EHC(NOX) 15 10 NOX 5 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 TIME 2015 2020 2025 2030 Figure 23. Comparison of CO2, SO2, and NOX emission rates between scenarios BHC and SHC as a function of time. 5. Scenario Summary While neither the model nor this investigation is sufficiently comprehensive to warrant detailed analyses, the array of seven scenario results so far reported nonetheless can helpfully be expressed relative to the eighth baseline BHC scenario to give some sense of the cost versus emissions trade-off associated with each of the approaches considered. To that end, Fig. 24 summarizes the CO2 and SO2 emission rates for the eight scenarios considered, whereas Fig. 25 presents the percentage changes in total discounted (again, for all scenarios reported a RATE = 10%/yr discount rate was used, with Sec. III.D.2 reporting the single-point impact of increasing and decreasing this baseline discount rate) energy cost computed by CRETM in comparison to the percentage change in the total accumulated emission over the 1995-2030 time frame of this exercise for either CO2 or SO2. Generally, it is seen that higher fuel prices (BHH) reduce sulfur emission rates compared to the BHC lower fuel-cost scenario because of the introduction of advanced coal technologies and the substitutability for coal. Also, the introduction of carbon constraints (e.g., CHH, CHC, etc. scenarios) reduces sulfur emissions as a secondary benefit. 49 CO2 EMISSIONS VERSUS SCENARIO 2500 BHC BHC,SHC BHH CO2 EMISSION RATE, MtonneCO2/yr 2000 CHC CHH SHH,BHH EHC 1500 EHH SHC CHC, CHH, EHC, EHH SHH 1000 500 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 TIME 2015 2020 2025 2030 Figure 24A. Summary of CO2 emission rates for the eight scenarios. S02 EMISSIONS VERSUS SCENARIO 25 SO2 EMISSIONS, MtonneSO2/yr 20 15 BHC BHH CHC CHH EHC EHH SHC SHH BHC BHH SHH SHC 10 CHC EHC CHH EHH 5 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 TIME Figure 24B. Summary of SO2 emission rates for the eight scenarios. 50 2025 2030 PER C EN T A G ES T O T A L C O 2 R ED U C T IO N , T O T A L C O ST IN C R EA SE 18 PERCENTAGE 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 % CO 2 0 B HH CHC CHH % ZZ E HC E HH S HC C O 2 DEC., C O ST INC. S HH SCENARIO Figure 25A. Percentage change in total (1995-2030) CO2 emissions (decrease) in relationship to percentage increase in present-value of total energy costs ZZ, (10%/year discount rate over the period 1995-2030) for seven scenarios (Table IV) relative to the baseline BHC scenario. PERCENTAGES TOTAL SO2 REDUCTION, TOTAL COST INCREASE 45 PERCENTAGES 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 %SO2 0 BHH CHC CHH %ZZ EHC EHH SCENARIOS SHC SO2 DEC., COST INC. SHH Figure 25B. Percentage change in total (1995-2030) SO2 emissions (decrease) in relationship to percentage increase in present-value of total energy costs (10%/year discount rate over the period 1995-2030) for seven scenarios (Table IV) relative to the baseline BHC scenario. 51 D. Single-Point Parametric Studies The eight scenarios (e.g., one baseline and seven fuel-cost and emission variations) variations provide a broad range of possible futures for China's electric generation system over the next three decades, albeit many of the "fixed" scenario attributes can strongly impact the magnitude and the structure of that future. To advance understanding of the role played by some of these key variables, a series of single-point parametric studies were conducted. These studies varied: a) the energy demand [as driven by the assumed GDP growth rate, Eqs. (1) and (2)]; b) the rate at which expenditures are discounted to determine the present-value of total (electrical) energy costs to be minimized (RATE = 0.10/yr for the present computations); c) and the costs of key, non-carbon-emitting technologies. The results from these single-point parameter variations are reported in the following subsections. 1. Exogenous Energy Demand The growth rate of electricity demand in China assumed for the BHC baseline scenario is seen from Fig. 6C to fall within the mid-field of a range of recent projections. While the ERI projections (for Shandong Province) provide a common basis for all components of the CETP, investigations using CRETM considered a range of demands that were both above (HH) and below (L, LL, and LLL) the baseline "high" (H) demands used to generate the BHC and derivative scenarios. Figure 26 gives the range of GDP and associated growths in electricity demand over the span of the five demand cases considered: LLL Þ HH, with the baseline BHC and all of its seven derivative scenarios being based on the "high" (H) GDP and associated energy demand case. The impact of varying this demand on the countrywide generation mix is shown in Fig. 27, with the LL demand leading to an optimized (and unconstrained) electricity-generation system for China that is comprised almost entirely hydroelectric and domestic coal, to an extent that is even greater than for the baseline BHC scenario. At the very high demand limit posited by the HH case, domestic coal is displaced by gas and oil, with some growth in nuclear energy and renewable energy sources; this regime needs more thorough analysis. These results (e.g., applied constraints) do not reflect recent concerns (Gong, 2000) concerning increased oil prices and the undermining of sustainable development and energy security if coal gives way too fast to oil and gas, and options that incorporate great use of clean coal technologies (CTTs), particularly the use of coal-water mixture (CWM) technologies. 52 G D P G R O W T H S C E N A R IO S 14000 H 12000 L GDP (B$/yr) 10000 LL HH LLL 8000 HH 6000 H 4000 L LL 2000 LLL 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 YE A R Figure 26A. Range of growths assumed for China GDP, with the "high" (H) level being adopted for the present study. G D P - D R IV E N E L E C R IC IT Y D E M A N D S C E N A R IO S 7000 H ELECTRICITY DEMAND, TWrh/yr 6000 5000 L LL HH LLL 4000 HH H 3000 L LL 2000 LLL 1000 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 YE AR Figure 26B. Range of possible countrywide electrical energy demand growth scenarios based on the relationships given in Eqs. (1) and (2); the H growth is used to generate the BHC baseline scenario. 53 G E N E R AT IO N M IX V E R S U S T IM E F O R H D E M AN D ( B H C ) 4000 HY D RO 3500 NUC L HY D RO NUC L GENERATION, TWeh/yr 3000 GAS RE N O IL 2500 GA S 2000 D OM. C OA L 1500 O IL 1000 C OLA 500 D OM 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 T IM E Figure 27A. China countrywide mix of electric generation technologies for the baseline BHC scenario (same as Fig. 7). G E N E R AT IO N M IX V E R S U S T IM E F O R L L L D E M AN D G R O W T H 2000 HY D RO 1800 HY D RO 1600 NUC L NUC L GENERATION, TWeh/yr 1400 OIL RE N GAS 1200 1000 GA S D O M. C OA L 800 OIL 600 C O LA 400 200 0 1995 D OM 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 T IM E Figure 27B. China countrywide mix of electric generation technologies for electricalenergy demands that are below (case LLL in Fig. 25) those used to generate the baseline BHC scenario. 54 G ENERATION MIX VERSUS TIME FO R HH DEMAND GROW TH 7000 HYDRO 6000 HYDRO NUCL NUCL GENERATION, TWe/yr 5000 REN GAS 4000 GAS OIL 3000 OIL 2000 ADV. COAL 1000 COLA DOM. COAL DOM 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 TIME Figure 27C. China countrywide mix of electric generation technologies for electricalenergy demands that are above (case HH in Fig. 25) those used to generate the baseline BHC scenario. As is discussed in Sec. II.D.1 and elaborated in Appendix B, significantly different approaches and levels of intuitive judgment characterize the optimization versus simulation approaches to modeling complex energy systems. The latter typically examines thousands (if not tens of thousands) of "scenarios" with an aim being the culling by experience and judgment those scenarios that either might "appeal" to a given set of stakeholders, or represent an acceptable compromise among a set of different stakeholders. This process typically divides the task into ranges or sets of possible futures to be attained by a set of strategies, with typically the sum futures + strategies = scenarios (Schenler, 1996). In simplified (two-dimensional) form, the inset on Fig. B-1 illustrates a cost-versus-emissions "phase space" in which the simulation modeling processes collects possible scenarios. From this collection some kind of operational "frontier" might form in a way that defines or is suggestive of an edge of a region of "best" solutions. The optimization modeling approach, on the other hand, focuses on constrained, cost-based optimization of a more limited number of optimized scenarios, thereby assuring this limited set of optimized scenarios resides near an operational frontier of the kind the simulation modeling activity attempts to define through stakeholder experience, opinion, or (in the case of multi-stakeholder groups) compromise vis-a-vis "membership" functions. Additionally, new approaches are being developed (Kann, 2000) for optimization models to perform sensitivity analyses of data uncertainties (distributions) using Monte Carlo sampling techniques, thereby leading to distributions of possible values of the objective function. This 55 approach allows decisions to be made under conditions of uncertainty that account for the risk aversion(s) of targeted stakeholder groups. The limited number of parametric studies reported herein can be expressed in a way (e.g., cost versus emissions) that facilitates and joins the understanding brought by both modeling approaches to understanding better and feasible approaches to steering the development of electric-generation technologies needed to meet China and Shandong Province energy demands. To this end, Fig. 28 gives a correlation of total (integrated) CO2 and SO2 emissions with present value of total energy costs (in China and Shandong, respectively) for the case where variations are driven by the range of energy demands, per Fig. 27. Likewise, Fig. 29 gives the correlation of normalized (e.g., cost per unit energy generated) cost versus emission for these two cases. Finally, Fig. 30 describes the variation of specific CO2 and SO2 emissions (per unit of energy generated) with the average unit cost of energy used in Fig. 29. It should be noted that depending on the degree to which emissions and/or costs are normalized, the "scatter plots" given in Figs. 28-30 may or may not show correlation (i.e., a monotonic relationship between adjacent points and any ordering provided by the root driver of these points.). These "scatter plots" are presented here in the spirit of initiating correlations between the optimization and simulation modeling approaches to modeling the electrical energy future(s) of Shandong Province and of China. Finally, the exogenous rate of electrical-energy demand shown on Fig. 25 were determined and used to correlate total cost, generation, average unit costs, and total integrated emissions of CO2 and SO2. This correlation is shown on Fig. 31. Interestingly, while all extrinsic parameters evaluated over the 1995-2030 time frame of the optimization expectedly grow with increased demand, the average cost of energy, <COE> ~ ENC/GEN, remains relatively insensitive to the assumed growth in demand for electrical energy, perhaps even showing a slight minimum at ~4%/yr. 56 O P T IM AL E N E R G Y C O S T S V E R S U S 3 0 - YE AR C O 2 A N D S O 2 E M IS S IO N S F O R C H IN A ( G D P G R O W T H - R A T E S C E N AR IO D R IV E R , 1 0 % / y r D IS C O U N T R ATE ) 75000 HH 70000 Mtonne CO2, SO2*100 CO2 and SO2 EMISSIONS, 65000 60000 H L 55000 50000 45000 C O2 LL 40000 S O2*100 LLL 35000 30000 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 P R E S E N T -V ALU E O F E N E R G Y C O S TS , E N C (B $) Figure 28A. Correlation of China countrywide integrated CO2 and SO2 emissions over the period 1995-2030 with present value of total energy costs for a range of demand scenarios (LLL Þ HH, Fig. 25). O P T IM A L E N E R G Y C O S T S V E R S U S 3 0 - Y E A R C O 2 A N D S O 2 E M IS S IO N S F O R S H A N D O N G P R O V IN C E ( G D P G R O W T H - R A T E D R IV E R , 1 0 % / y r D IS C O U N T R A T E ) 7000 6500 Mtonne CO2, SO2*100 CO2 and SO2 EMISSIONS 6000 5500 5000 4500 4000 CO2 3500 SO2*100 3000 25 30 35 40 P R E S E N T -V AL U E O F E N E R G Y C O S T S , B $ 45 Figure 28B. Correlation of Shandong Province integrated CO2 and SO2 emissions over the period 1995-2030 with present value of total energy costs for a range of demand scenarios (LLL Þ HH, Fig. 25). 57 O P T IM A L E N E R G Y C O S T S V E R S U S 3 0 - Y E A R C O 2 A N D S O 2 E M IS S IO N S F O R C H IN A ( G D P G R O W T H - R A T E D R IV E R , 1 0 % / y r D IS C O U N T R A T E ) 80000 60000 Mtonne CO2, SO2*100 30-YEAR CO2 AND SO2 EMISSIONS 70000 50000 40000 30000 20000 CO2 SO2*100 10000 0 33 3 3 .5 34 3 4 .5 35 35 .5 36 A V E R A G E E N E R G Y C O S T S , < C O E > ( m ill/ k W e h ) Figure 29A. Correlation of China countrywide integrated CO2 and SO2 emissions over the period 1995-2030 with average unit energy costs (ratio of total undiscounted costs to total electric generation) for a range of electricity-demand scenarios (LLL Þ HH, Fig. 25). O P T IM A L E N E R G Y C O S T S V E R S U S 3 0 - Y E A R C O 2 A N D S O 2 E M IS S IO N S F O R S H A N D O N G P R O V IN C E ( G D P G R O W IT H - R A T E D R IV E R F O R 1 0 % / y r D IS C O U N T R A T E ) 7000 5000 Mtonne CO2, SO2*100 30-YEAR CO2 AND SO2 EMISSIONS 6000 4000 3000 2000 CO2 1000 S O2*100 0 32 3 2 .5 33 3 3 .5 34 3 4.5 35 A V E R A G E E N E R G Y C O S T S , < C O E > ( m ill/ k W e h ) Figure 29B. Correlation of Shandong Province integrated CO2 and SO2 emissions over the period 1995-2030 with average unit energy costs (ratio of total undiscounted costs to total electric generation) for a range of electricity-demand scenarios (LLL Þ HH, Fig. 25). 58 O P T IM A L S P E C IF IC C O S T S V E R S U S 3 0 - Y E A R S P E C IF IC E M IS S IO N S F O R C H IN A ( G D P G R O W T H - R A T E D R IV E R , 1 0 % / y r D IS C O U N T R A T E ) 0.7 kgXO2/kWeh (SO2*100) SPECIFIC CO2 AND SO2 EMISSIONS 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 C 02 0.2 0.1 SO2 0 33 3 3 .5 34 3 4 .5 35 3 5.5 36 A V E R A G E E N E R G Y C O S T , < C O E > ( m ill/ k W e h ) Figure 30A. Correlation of China countrywide integrated CO2 and SO2 emissions over the period 1995-2030 normalized to total energy generation (e.g., specific emissions) with average unit energy costs (ratio of total undiscounted costs to total electricity generation) for a range of demand scenarios (LLL Þ HH, Fig. 25). O P T IM A L E N E R G Y C O S T S V E R S U S 3 0 - Y E A R C O 2 a n d S O 2 E M IS S IO N S F O R S H A N D O N G P R O V IN C E ( G D P G R O W T H - R A T E D R IV E R , 1 0 % / y r D IS C O U N T R A T E ) 1 kgXO2/kWeh (SO2*100) SPECIFIC CO2 and SO2 EMISSIONS 1 .2 0 .8 0 .6 0 .4 C 02 0 .2 SO2 0 32 3 2 .5 33 AV E R AG E 3 3 .5 34 3 4 .5 35 E N E R G Y C O S T S . < C O E > ( m ill/ k W e h ) Figure 30B. Correlation of Shandong Province integrated CO2 and SO2 emissions over the period 1995-2030 normalized to total energy generation (e.g., specific emissions) with average unit energy costs (ratio of total undiscounted costs to total electricity generation) for a range of demand scenarios (LLL Þ HH, Fig. 25). 59 COSTS AND (30-YEAR) EMISSIONS VERSUS NOMINAL DEMAND GROW TH FOR CHINA, 10% /yr DISCOUNT RATE ENC(B$), GEN(TWeh)/1000, <COE>(mill/kWeh)*10, CO2(MtonneCO2)/100, SO2(MtonneSO2) 800 ENC(B$) 700 GEN/1000 600 <COE>*10 500 CO2/100 400 SO2 300 200 100 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NOMINAL ENERGY DEMAND GROW TH RATE, % /yr Figure 31. Summary of dependence of key integrated variables on the growth rate of electricity demand for China: ENC(B$) = present-value of total energy generation over the period 1995-2030; GEN(TWeh) = total generation over the period 1995-2030; <COE>(mill/kWeh) = average (undiscounted) cost of electricity; CO2(MtonneCO2) and SO2(MtonneSO2) = total integrated emissions of these respective gases. 60 2. Discount Rate The canonical discount rate used for all scenarios is RATE = 0.10/yr, and is expected to have the greatest impact on those technologies characterized by high capital costs and long construction times (e.g., present-day nuclear energy). To develop an greater appreciation of the influence discount rate has on the optimal energy mixes for both China and for Shandong Province, the parameter RATE(1/yr) was varied over the range {0,0.15}. Taking conditions that are integrated over the computational period, Fig. 32 gives the dependence of total (discounted) energy costs, ENC(B$), average energy costs, <COE>(mills/kWeh), and total CO2 and SO2 emissions on RATE(1/yr) over the range indicated for both China and for Shandong Province. While ENC expectedly decreases as RATE increases, the ratio of total undiscounted cost to total energy generation, <COE>, increases because of increasing total capital charges and the interest paid during construction. When the present-value of total energy costs are expressed as a fraction of the present value of total GDP taken over the 35year computational period, this indicator increases with increasing discount rate for both China and Shandong Province. As is shown in Fig. 33, a nominal slope of 0.22 %(ENC/GDP)/%(RATE) is indicated. These results pertain to the assumption of no feedback of the exogenously varied discount rate and the economy, as is modeled through the GDP and the assumed connection with energy demand growth [Eq. (1)]. The slope given on Fig. 33 can be explained assuming an exponential growth model for China. For example if the exponential growth of energy demand, GDP, and the cost of energy is assumed to be, respectively, λi ( i = D, G, C ), then the indicator ξ = ENC / PVGDP can be defined as function of the initial (1995) values of demand, GDP, and COE and the rates, and it is given by: (1 − e − ( DR −λDC )T ) /( DR − λ DC ) , ξ = DMDo * COEo / GNPo ⋅ (1 − e −( DR −λG )T ) /( DR − λG ) where T = 2030 - 2000 = 30 years is the time period of interest, DR is the assumed discount rate (RATE) and λ DC = λ D + λC . The discounted energy cost and GDP are obtained by the integration of the exponential functions: T T 0 0 ENC ( B$) = ò DMD(t ) * COE (t ) * e − DR*t dt = DMD0 ⋅ COE 0 ⋅ ò e λDG *t * e − DR*t dt T T 0 0 PVGDP( B$) = ò GDP(t ) * e − DR*t dt = GDP0 ò e −λG *t ⋅ e − DR*t dt . For constant fuel prices and cost over time: λDC = λD + λC = a ⋅ λG . Assuming also some typical parameters for China shown next, the numerical values of the integrals can easily be obtain assuming that coal power stations play the dominant role in power generation. 61 λDC = a ⋅ λD = 0.7 ⋅ 0.06 = 0.041 / yr DR0 = 0.1 and DMD0 = 1,350 λG = 0.061 / yr TWeh COE0 = 40 mill / kWeh, GDP0 = 1,000 B$ and T = 30 yr It can be verified that for the conditions under which these parametric studies where conducted, the slope of ENC/PVGDP versus RATE is positive and depends mainly on the cost of electricity generation. The fraction of electricity cost, for the simplified example given above, increases from 3% at RATE = 5%/yr to 3.8% at RATE = 10%/yr, and to 4.6% at RATE = 15%/yr, which all compare well with the results of Figure 33. In the spirit of relating total costs to emissions in a way that connects with the simulation (ESS) modeling efforts, Figure 34 gives a correlation that results when total integrated emissions of CO2 and SO2 over the period 1995-2030 are plotted against the present value of total energy costs, ENV, for both China and Shandong Province, as driven by the variations in discount rate, RATE(1/yr). Figure 35 gives a similar correlation of CO2 and SO2 emissions with average energy costs, <COE>. The results given in both Figs. 34 and 35 are presented as "scatter plots" that might result from uncertainties in discount rates, although lines are used to connect points within respective sets. On these scatter plots the direction of decreasing ENC(B$) correlates with decreasing discount rate, whereas the direction of increasing <COE> correlates with increasing discount rate (Fig. 32). Generally, Fig. 32 shows only the weakest of integrated 30-year CO2 and SO2 emissions correlation with discount rate, for reasons discussed below. This behavior is replicated in the emissions versus cost correlation plots at both China countrywide and Shandong Provincial levels (Figs. 34 and 35), with weak negative correlation of emission with ENC and weak positive correlation with ENC at the China countrywide level possibly being indicated. Generally, for low discount rates the advanced coal, nuclear energy and (to some extent) hydroelectric technologies are more readily introduced and CO2 emissions decrease. Again, the direction of decreasing RATE in Fig. 33 is that of increased present-value of total electric energy costs, ENC. The shift in generation mix as the discount rate is varied above and below the RATE = 10%/yr value, for 4%/yr to 15%/yr, is illustrated in Fig. 36. The share fractions of key generation technologies in the last period (2030) are shown on Fig. 37 as a function of discount rate. The reason for the previously noted weak or non-existent correlation of both CO2 and SO2 emissions with discount rate becomes evident from the general dominance of domestic coal (DOM, Fig. 36)) for all ranges discount rate examined. Increased discount rates generally push out of the market advanced (costly) technologies like nuclear and advanced coal (COLA) for the capital (in the case of nuclear and renewable energy sources) costs assumed. Very low values of discount rate favor nuclear over advanced coal, but the relative market shares at lowto-intermediate discount rates cause these (30-year) market shares to reverse, with both for all intents and purposes being eliminated for the RATE = 10%/yr baseline or above discount rates. For very high discount rates and the prices of gas and oil assumed, the latter dominates market share for these relatively small fractions of total electrical energy provided by sources other than domestic coal, which dominates the market (Fig. 36). Lastly, for the baseline capital costs assumed, renewable energy sources (mainly solar PV and wind) remain minor players in these China electrical-energy mixes. 62 C O S T S AN D E M IS S IO N S V E R S U S D IS C O U N T R AT E F O R C H IN A AT L E V E L - H D E M AN D 1600 E N C (B $ ) CO2(Mtonne/100), SO2(Mtonne) ENC(B$), <COE>mill/kWeh), 1400 < C O E > *1 0 1200 C 02/100 SO2 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 0 .0 2 5 0 .0 5 0 .0 7 5 0 .1 D IS C O U N T R AT E , 1 /y r 0 .1 2 5 0 .1 5 Figure 32A. Dependence of present-value of total energy costs, ENC(B$); average cost of electricity, <COE>(mill/kWeh); and the total integrated (1995-2030) emissions for both CO2 and SO2 on discount rate for China. C O S T S A N D E M IS S IO N S V E R S U S D IS C O U N T R A T E F O R S H A N D O N G P R O V IN C E A T L E V E L - H D E M A N D E NC (B $) 100 <COE> C 02/100 80 SO2(Mtonne) ENC(B$), <COE>(mill/kWeh), CO2(Mtonne/100), 120 SO2 60 40 20 0 0 0.025 0.05 0.075 0 .1 D IS C O U N T R A T E , 1 /y r 0.125 0.15 Figure 32B. Dependence of present-value of total energy costs, ENC(B$); average cost of electricity, <COE>(mill/kWeh); and the total integrated (1995-2030) emissions for both CO2 and SO2 on discount rate for Shandong Province. 63 PV EN C R ELATIVE TO G D P VER SU S D ISC O U N T R ATE FO R SH AN D O N G PR O VIN C E AN D C H IN A FO R LEVEL-H D EMAN D 5 PV ENC/GDP, % 4 3 2 Shandong 1 C hina 0 0 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1 0.125 0.15 D ISCO U N T R ATE, 1/yr Figure 33. Dependence of the present value of total energy cost, ENC, as a percent of the present value of total (integrated and discounted over the computational time frame) GDP on discount rate for both China countrywide and Shandong Province. O P T IM AL E N E R G Y C O S T S V E R S U S 30 -YE AR C O 2 AN D S O 2 E M IS S IO N S F O R C H IN A F O R L E V E L -H D E M AN D ( D IS C O U N T R AT E D R IV E R ) 800 00 C O2 Mtonne CO2, SO2*100 CO2 AND SO2 EMISSIONS, 750 00 700 00 S O2* 100 650 00 600 00 550 00 500 00 450 00 400 00 0 2 00 400 6 00 8 00 1 000 1 200 1 400 1 600 P R E S E N T -V AL U E O F E N E R G Y C O S T S , B $ Figure 34A. Dependence of total integrated (1995-2030) CO2 and SO2 emissions for China countrywide on present-value of total energy costs, ENC(B$), as the discount rate is varied. 64 O P T IM U M E N E R G Y C O S T S V E R S U S 3 0- YE AR C O 2 AN D S O 2 E M IS S IO N S F O R S H AN D O N G P R O V IN C E F O R L E V E L -H D E M AN D (D IS C O U N T - R AT E D R IV E R ) 75 00 C O2 Mtonne CO2, SO2*100 CO2 AND SO2 30-YEAR EMISSIONS 80 00 70 00 S O2 * 10 0 65 00 60 00 55 00 50 00 45 00 40 00 0 20 40 60 80 1 00 12 0 P R E S E N T - V AL U E O F E N E R G Y C O S T S , B $ Figure 34B. Dependence of total integrated (1995-2030) CO2 and SO2 emissions for Shandong Province on present-value of total energy costs, ENC(B$), as the discount rate is varied. O P T IM A L S P E C IF IC E N E R G Y C O S T S V E R S U S E M IS S IO N S F O R C H IN A A N D L E V E L - H D E M A N D ( D IS C O U N T - R A T E D R IV E R ) Mtonne CO2, SO2*100 TOTAL 30-YEAR EMISSIONS, 80000 75000 C O2 70000 S O2*100 65000 60000 55000 50000 45000 40000 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 A V E R A G E E N E R G Y C O S T S , < C O E > ( m ill/ k W e h ) Figure 35A. Dependence of total integrated (1995-2030) CO2 and SO2 emissions for China countrywide on average cost of energy, <COE>(mill/kWeh), as the discount rate is varied. 65 O P T IM U M S P E C IF IC C O S T V E R S U S 3 0 - YE A R E M IS S IO N S F O R S H A N D O N G P R O V IN C E F O R L E V E L - H D E M A N D ( D IS C O U N T R A T E D R IV E R ) Mtone CO2, SO2*100 TOTAL 30-YEAR EMISSIONS 8000 7500 CO2 7000 S O2*100 6500 6000 5500 5000 4500 4000 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 A V E R A G E E N E R G Y C O S T , < C O E > ( m ill/ k W e h ) Figure 35B. Dependence of total integrated (1995-2030) CO2 and SO2 emissions for Shandong Province on average cost of energy, <COE>(mill/kWeh), as the discount rate is varied. G E N E R AT IO N M IX V E R S U S T IM E F O R R A T E = 1 0 % /y r ( B H C ) 4000 HY D RO 3500 HY D RO NUC L NU C L GENERATION, TWeh/yr 3000 GAS RE N O IL 2500 GAS 2000 D OM. C OAL 1500 O IL 1000 C OLA 500 D OM 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 T IM E Figure 36A. Countrywide mix of electric-generation technologies for the baseline BHC scenario (same as Fig. 7). 66 G E N E R AT IO N MIX V E R S U S T IME F O R R AT E = 4% /yr 4000 HY D RO 3500 NUC L 3000 GENERATION, TWe/yr HY D RO RE N NUC L 2500 ADV. C OA L 2000 1500 GA S GA S , OIL 1000 OIL D OM . C OA L C OLA 500 D OM 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 TIM E Figure 36B. Countrywide mix of electric-generation technologies for the BHC scenario with a very low discount rate (RATE = 0.04/yr). G E N E R ATIO N V E R S U S TIME F O R R AT E = 15% /yr 4000 HY D RO 3500 HY D RO NUC L NUC L GENERATION TWeh/yr 3000 GA S RE N 2500 OIL GA S 2000 D OM. C OA L 1500 OIL 1000 C OLA 500 0 1995 D OM 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 T IME Figure 36C. Countrywide mix of electric-generation technologies for the BHC scenario with a very high discount rate (RATE = 0.15/yr). 67 GENERATION FRACTIONS IN 2030 VERSUS DISCOUNT RATE 0.2 GENERATION SHARE FRACTIONS IN 2030, Fxxx 0.18 0.16 FNUCL 0.14 FCOLA FOIL FCOLA FGAS FOIL FREN*1000 FNUCL FGAS 0.12 0.1 0.08 0.06 FREN*1000 0.04 0.02 0 0.01 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.15 DISCOUNT RATE, RATE(1/yr) Figure 37. Dependence of share fractions of key generation technologies in the last computational period (2030) on discount rate (hydroelectric generation, HYDRO, is include under and dominates generation from renewables, REN). 68 3. Technology Costs of Nuclear Energy The cost of any given generation technology takes the form of capital (annual charges), fixedoperating charges, variable-operating charges, fuel charges (called out separately here from variable operating costs), D&D charges (Decommissioning and Decontamination charges incurred so far only for nuclear, although long-term use of coal portends unique heavy-metal contamination issues). Additionally, charges related to waste disposition are incurred, but so far these costs have been internalized to any great extent only for nuclear energy primarily through the annual charges incurred for fuel. Given the key, largely exogenous (in the case of CRETM) economic drivers (e.g., GDP growth, related growth in energy demand, both in kind and in magnitude, "learning-by-doing" improvements in costs, and the intensity by which energy is used to provide certain services, etc.), these technology costs are by far the strongest determinants of cost-optimized electricity-generation mixes versus time. For this reason, the sensitivity of the baseline BCH generation mixes to a range of technology costs for a range of important technologies have been examined and are reported in this subsection. Nuclear energy is selected in this study as the generation technology with which to examine the coupling between technology costs and emissions, since it is a major source of relatively carbon- and sulfur-free electrical energy while having large uncertainties related primarily to capital costs. Advanced fossil-fuel generation technologies should similarly be examined, and parametric sensitivity studies of this kind should also be made for other technologies in this category. The primary aim here, however, is to illustrate the sensitivity and inter-connectivity of market-share fractions and attendant CO2 and SO2 emissions for optimization models like CRETM, rather than to advance a given technology. The costing structure in CRETM for nuclear energy is aggregated at a high level to reflect only capital costs [Table 35 of Appendix A, COSTCAP($/kWe)], both variable- and fixedoperating costs [Table 34 of Appendix A, COSTVAR(mill/kWeh) and COSTFIX(expressed as %/yr of COSTCAP)], fuel charges [ Table 20 of Appendix A, UCFUEL($/tonneHM of fabricated fuel (assemblies), including disposal charges)] and a Decommissioning and Decontamination (D&D) cost, COSTDD($/kWe). Typically, a heating value corresponding to a low-enriched-uranium (LEU) fuel burn-up of BU = 50 MWtd/kgIHM is assumed, nuclear fuel charges are fixed at UCFUEL = 1,000 $/kgHM, and a maximum growth rate of MAXGR(NUCL) = 8%/yr was imposed. No other fuel-cycle options or related concerns/uncertainties/problems (e.g., fuel supply, safety, proliferation risks, long-term environmental issues related to the disposal of radioactive waste, etc.) where considered at the present level of study. The impact of these other NFC (Nuclear Fuel Cycle) charges warrants more serious examination, when and if a NFC model of sufficient detail (Trellue, 2000) is incorporated into CRETM. Table XIII summarizes a series of "nuclear-oriented" cases examined using CRETM; these cases are designated/identified here as nucl_xx. For the cases investigated, COSTCAP, COSTDD, MAXGR, and (CO2, SO2) emissions control mode (e.g., emissions caps versus taxes) where parametrically varied, and the tradeoffs between technology costs, market share, and rates of CO2 and SO2 emissions were determined as a function of the shifts in electricitygeneration mixes that emerge. Results from the Series A variations shown on Table XIII indicate little impact of the overall electricity-demand growth constraint on the deployment of nuclear energy for the parameters examined. After reporting on the impact of capital cost on 69 the market share taken by nuclear energy, as described under the baseline BHC scenario conditions, and the impact on both CO2 and SO2 emissions (Series D, Table XIII), the share impact of the cost of nuclear when either carbon taxes are imposed or the corresponding levels of CO2 and SO2 species-specific emissions caps or targets are enforced is examined. Table XIII Values of Key Parameters Used in Generating a Series of Nuclear-based Parametric Sensitivity Studies of Cost, Market-Share and Emissions Tradeoffs. Scenario nucl_xx (d) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Series (a) (b) ENC M$ MAXGR COSTCAP COSTDD 1/yr $/kWe $/kWe CTAX (c) BHC 477389.96 0.08 1600 200 $/tonneCO2/5yr 0 A 477380.96 471292.52 535771.76 605262.34 605262.34 587878.23 566816.64 540338.45 504758.25 517916.53 530040.51 511326.61 515837.83 494600.89 479773.75 478388.13 472181.46 4.770E+05 4.761E+05 474308.61 471494.75 466095.95 494600.91 0.35-0.20 0.35-0.20 0.35-0.20 0.35-0.20 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 1600 1200 1200 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1400 1500 1600 1600 1400 1200 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1600 200 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 100 150 200 200 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 0 0 50 50 50 25 10 5 2 3 4 3 3 CO2target(5) SO2target(5) SO2target(5) SO2target(5) 0 0 0 0 0 SO2CO2target(5) B C D E (a) Run series: Series A examines mainly growth rate constraints imposed on the deployment of nuclear technologies; Series B examines carbon tax and COSTCAP constraints; Series C examines the imposition of emission caps at a level corresponding to emissions reported for the taxation rate of CTAX = 5 $/tonneCO2/5yr; and Series D examines the direct impact of COSTCAP(NUCL) reductions relative to the baseline scenario BHC. Finally, Series E imposes the CO2 and SO2 emissions from nucl_09 as respective caps, and in a sense is an EHC type scenario, whereas nucl_15 is a CHC type scenario, and nucl_16 - nucl_18 are SHC type scenarios. (b) Total present value of energy costs incurred over the period 1995-2030; the objective function. (c) Rate of linear application of carbon taxes, starting in the year 2005. (d) Baseline scenario BHC. a. Impact of Nuclear Capital Cost on Market Share and Emission Rates Starting with the baseline scenario BHC, the capital cost of nuclear energy was decreased from the COSTCAP(NUCL) = 1,600 $/kWe value to gain some insight into the sensitivity of this parameter on determining the electricity-generation mix. Figure 38 gives the impact on nuclear market share for four lower capital costs (1,200 – 1,600 $/kWe). For all other costs 70 held fixed, as given in Appendix A for the BHC scenario, the CRETM results suggest that decreases in the capital cost of nuclear energy to the range 1,200-1,300 $/kWe solely on a cost basis would result in this technology becoming important (e.g., >30% of total electric generation in 2030). The sensitivity of the market-share fraction for nuclear energy, fNE, to COSTCAP and time is illustrated in Fig.39, which gives the share fraction as a function of COSTCAP($/kWe) for a range of times. The second frame of Fig. 39 shows an approximate linear relationship between fNE and COSTCAP on logarithmic coordinates, indicating a relationship of the form f NE ~ 1 / ( COSTCAP ) n , where the exponent n is in the range 6.7-8.4. Finally, with such large share fraction projected for low-cost (and publicly acceptable) nuclear energy, large impacts of power plant carbon and sulfur emission are expected, as is indicated on Fig. 40. G E N E R AT IO N M IX F O R S C E N AR IO n u c l_0 1 ( B H C ) C O S T C AP ( N U C L ) = 1 6 00 $ /k W e 4 0 00 3 5 00 GENERATION, TWeh/yr HY D RO HY D RO NUC L NUC L 3 0 00 GA S OIL 2 5 00 RE N GA S 2 0 00 1 5 00 OIL D OM . C OA L 1 0 00 C O LA 5 00 0 1 9 95 D OM 2 00 0 2 00 5 20 1 0 20 15 2 02 0 2 0 25 2 03 0 T IM E Figure 38A. Generation mix for BHC scenarios when the capital cost of nuclear energy is COSTCAP(NUCL) = 1,600 $/kWe (baseline BHC scenario, Fig. 7). 71 G E N E R A T IO N M IX F O R S C E N A R IO n u c l_ 1 9 C O S T C AP ( N U C L ) = 1 50 0 $ /k W e 4000 HY D RO HY D RO 3500 GENERATION, TWeh/yr NUC L NUC L 3000 GAS O IL 2500 2000 RE N GAS 1500 O IL D OM. C OA L 1000 C OLA 500 0 1995 DOM 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 T IM E Figure 38B. Generation mix for BHC scenarios when the capital cost of nuclear energy is decreased from COSTCAP(NUCL) = 1,600 $/kWe (baseline BHC scenario) to 1,500 $/kWe. G E N E R A T IO N M IX F O R S C E N A R IO n u c l_ 2 0 C O S T C A P (N U C L ) = 1 4 0 0 $ /k W e 4000 HY D RO HY D RO GENERATION, TWeh/yr 3500 GA S NUC L 3000 NUC L RE N 2500 2000 GAS OIL 1500 O IL D OM. C OAL 1000 C OLA 500 0 1995 D OM 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 T IM E Figure 38C. Generation mix for BHC scenarios when the capital cost of nuclear energy is decreased from COSTCAP(NUCL) = 1,600 $/kWe (baseline BHC scenario) to 1,400 $/kWe. 72 G E N E R A T IO N M IX F O R S C E N A R IO n u c l_ 2 2 C O S T C AP (N U C L ) = 1200 $/kW e 4000 HY D RO HY D RO 3500 GENERATION, TWeh/yr NUC L 3000 RE N NUC L 2500 GAS 2000 1500 GAS O IL O IL 1000 D OM. C OAL C OLA 500 D OM 2030 2025 2020 2015 2010 2005 2000 1995 0 T IM E Figure 38D. Generation mix for BHC scenarios when the capital cost of nuclear energy is decreased from COSTCAP(NUCL) = 1,600 $/kWe (baseline BHC scenario) to 1,200 $/kWe. N U C L E A R F R A C T IO N V E R S U S C O S T C A P A N D T IM E 0 .6 NUCLEAR SHARE FRACTION 2000 0 .5 2005 0 .4 2010 0 .3 2015 0 .2 2020 0 .1 2025 0 1600 2030 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 C O S T C A P (N U C L ), $ /K W e Figure 39A. Dependence of nuclear-energy share fraction, fNE, on the capital cost and time. 73 N U C L E A R F R A C T IO N V E R S U S C O S T C A P A N D T IM E NUCLEAR SHARE FRACTION 1 2000 2005 2010 2015 0.1 2020 2025 2030 0.01 3.2041 3.1761 3.1461 3.1139 3 .0 7 9 2 3.041 lo g [ C O S T C A P ( N U C L ) ] Figure 39B. Re-plot of Fig. 39A on logarithmic coordinates, indicating a strong dependence of fNE on COSTCAP of the form f NE ~ 1 / ( COSTCAP ) n where n is in the range 6.7 - 8.4. C O 2 E M IS S IO N R A T E V E R S U S T IM E A N D C O S T C A P ( N U C L ) 2500 $ / kW e CO2 EMISSION RATE, MtonneCO2/y 1600 2000 B H C , 1 6 0 0 $ / kW e 1500 1400 1400 1300 1300 1200 1500 1200 1100 1000 1100 500 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 T IM E Figure 40A. Impact of reduced cost of nuclear energy on the rate of CO2 emissions. 74 S O 2 E M IS S IO N R A T E V E R S U S T IM E A N D C O S T C A P ( N U C L ) SO2 EMISSION RATE, MtonneSO2/y 25 $ /kW e 1600 20 B HC , 1 60 0 $/kW e 1500 1300 1400 1300 15 1200 1200 1100 10 1100 5 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 T IM E Figure 40B. Impact of reduced cost of nuclear energy on the rate of SO2 emissions. 75 b. Carbon Taxes, Emission Constraints, and the Cost of Nuclear Technologies. The previous section considered only a single-point variation of the (capital) cost of nuclear technologies without imposing constraints on CO2 or SO2 emissions, either through taxes or caps. As is indicate by Edmonds (1999), neither approach (to carbon control) are economically efficient as non-reflecting a market mechanism, with some form of permit trading being preferred. The cost of carbon emission reduction under full-trade conditions will be equivalent to the imposed tax rate, and the regional reduction of carbon emissions will be exactly the same as the case of full trade for the same total CO2 reduction for China. Recognizing the assumptions underlying these conditions, as well as the inability of CRETM in its present form to deal with permit trading, carbon taxes were imposed at linearly increasing rates, CTAX($/tonneCO2/5yr) in the form of a "probe" with which to investigate and illustrate the sensitivities of both CO2 and SO2 emissions and the resulting mixes of generation technologies over the analysis period 1995-2030. These parametric variations are grouped under Series B in Table XIII. For all cases where the rate of carbon tax increases, CTAX, was increased), the BHC scenario conditions were maintained (Table III, and Appendix A). C H C .nucl_01 (C TAX = 0, B H C ) 4000 HYD RO 3500 ANNUAL GENERATION, TWeh/yr NUC L HY D RO NUC L 3000 GA S OIL 2500 REN 2000 GA S DOM. C OAL 1500 OIL 1000 C OLA 500 D OM 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 TIME Figure 41A. Time evolution of generation technology mix for the BHC scenario (CTAX = 0 $/tonneCO2/5yr, same as Fig. 7, designated here as scenario CHC.nucl_01). 76 C H C . n u c l_ 1 0 ( C T A X = 2 $ / t o n n e C O 2 / 5 y r ) 4000 HY D RO ANNUAL GENERATION, TWeh/yr 3500 HY D RO NUC L NUC L 3000 GAS RE N 2500 O IL 2000 GAS C OLA 1500 O IL D OM. C OAL 1000 C OLA 500 D OM 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 T IM E Figure 41B. Time evolution of generation technology mix for a carbon tax imposed at a linear rate CTAX = 2 $/tonneCO2/5yr: Scenario CHC.nucl_10. C H C . n u c l_ 1 1 ( C T A X = ( 3 $ / t o n n e C O 2 / 5 y r ) 4000 HY D RO ANNUAL GENERATION, TWeh/yr 3500 HY D RO NUC L 3000 2500 GAS 2000 C OLA NUC L RE N O IL GAS 1500 O IL DOM. COAL 1000 C OLA 500 DOM 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 T IM E Figure 41C. Time evolution of generation technology mix for a carbon tax imposed at a linear rate CTAX = 3 $/tonneCO2/5yr: Scenario CHC.nucl_11. 77 C H C .n u c l_ 1 2 ( C T AX = 4 $ /t o n n e C O 2 /5 y r ) 4000 HY D R O 3500 ANNUAL GENERATION, TWeh/yr H Y D RO NU C L 3000 NU C L RE N 2500 GA S 2000 GAS O IL 1500 O IL C OLA 1000 C OLA D OM. C OA L 500 D OM 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 T IM E Figure 41D. Time evolution of generation technology mix for a carbon tax imposed at a linear rate CTAX = 4 $/tonneCO2/5yr: Scenario CHC.nucl_12. C H C . n u c l_ 0 9 ( C T A X = 5 $ / t o n n e C O 2 / 5 y r ) 4000 HYD RO 3500 ANNUAL GENERATION, TWeh/y HY D RO NUC L 3000 2500 REN NUC L 2000 GAS GAS 1500 O IL C OLA O IL 1000 C OLA D OM. C OAL 500 D OM 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 T IM E Figure 41E. Time evolution of generation technology mix for a carbon tax imposed a linear rate CTAX = 5 $/tonneCO2/5yr : Scenario CHC.nucl_09. The last three scenarios in Series B on Table XIII fix the rate at which carbon taxes are imposed to CTAX = 5 $/tonneCO2/5yr and then decreased the cost of nuclear technology over the range 1,400-1,600 $/kWe. The impact on overall generation mix when the cost of nuclear energy is reduced in the presence of a carbon penalty is indicated on Fig. 42. 78 If the rates of CO2 emissions are imposed as an emissions-cap constraint and the carbon tax removed, as was done for the CTAX = 5 $/tonneCO2/5yr case nucl_15 listed in Table XIII, the generation mixes for the two cases are identical. Taking the SO2 emissions from the CHC.nucl_09 as a target, the SHC-like (Table III) scenario SHC.nucl.16 results. Parametrically varying the cost of nuclear technologies, as is indicated for the Series C studies listed in Table XIII, leads to the mixes of generation technologies described on Fig. 43. These results show the impact of nuclear energy costs when sulfur constraints of the kind and magnitude described above are applied. Finally, using the CO2 emissions rates reported for the carbon tax rate CTAX = 5 $/tonne CO2/5yr (scenario CHC.nucl_09), and the associated SO2 emission rates, both as caps constraints without taxes per se, the electricity-generation mix given in Fig. 44 results. This case is listed as Series E in Table XIII, and for the otherwise BHC baseline conditions is an EHC-like (Table III) scenario and is designated here as EHC.nucl_24. C H C . n u c l_ 1 1 ( C T A X = 3 $ / t o n n e C O 2 / 5 y r ) 4000 HY D RO 3500 ANNUAL GENERATION, TWeh/yr HY D RO 3000 NUC L 2500 GAS 2000 C OLA NUC L RE N O IL GAS 1500 O IL D OM. C OAL 1000 C OLA 500 D OM 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 T IM E Figure 42A Time evolution of generation technology mix for a carbon tax imposed at a linear rate CTAX = 3 $/tonneCO2/5yr for COSTCAP(NUCL) = 1,600 $/kWe, COSTDD(NUCL) = 200 $/kWe: Scenario CHC.nucl_11. 79 C H C .n u c l_ 1 4 ( C T A X = 3 $ /t o n n e C O 2 /5 r ; C O S T C A P ( N U C L ) = 1 4 0 0 $ /k W e , C O S T D D ( N U C L ) = 1 0 0 $ / k W e ) 4000 HY D RO 3500 ANNUAL GENERATION, TWeh/yr HY D RO NUC L 3000 NUC L 2500 RE N GAS 2000 GAS O IL 1500 O IL C OLA 1000 C OLA D OM . C OA L 500 0 1995 D OM 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 T IM E Figure 42B. Time evolution of generation technology mix for a carbon tax imposed at a linear rate CTAX = 3 $/tonneCO2/5yr for [COSTCAP(NUCL) = 1,500 $/kWe, COSTDD(NUCL) = 150 $/kWe: Scenario CHC.nucl_14. S H C . n u c l_ 1 6 ( C T A X = 0 , S O 2 T A R G E T F R O M C H C . n u c l_ 0 9 ) 4000 HYD RO 3500 ANNUAL GENERATION, TWeh/y NUC L HYD RO NUC L 3000 GAS REN 2500 O IL 2000 C OLA GAS 1500 O IL 1000 DOM. C OAL C OLA 500 D OM 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 T IM E Figure 43A. Time evolution of generation technology mix for SO2 emissions constrained to those reported for Scenario CHC.nucl_09, but without carbon taxes, [COSTCAP(NUCL) = 1,600 $/kWe, COSTDD(NUCL) = 200 $/kWe]: Scenario SHC.nucl_16 80 S H C . n u lc _ 1 7 ( S O 2 T A R G E T F R O M n u c l_ 0 9 , C O S T C A P (N U C L ) = 1 4 0 0 $ /k W e , C O S T D D (N U C L ) = 1 0 0 $ /k W e ) 4000 HYD RO 3500 ANNUAL GENERATION, TWeyr/yr HYD RO NUC L 3000 NUC L REN 2500 C OLA 2000 GAS GAS 1500 O IL O IL 1000 C OLA DOM. COAL 500 DOM 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 T IM E Figure 43B. Time evolution of generation technology mix with SO2 emissions constrained to those reported for Scenario CHC.nucl_09, but without carbon taxes [COSTCAP(NUCL) = 1,400 $/kWe, COSTDD(NUCL) = 100 $/kWe]: Scenario SHC.nucl_17. EHC .nucl_24 (CTAX = 0, C O 2 AN D SO 2 TARG ETS TH O SE O F CH C .nucl_9 (CTAX = 5 $/tonneC O 2/5yr) 4000 HYD RO 3500 HYD RO NUC L GENERATION, TWeh/yr 3000 REN NUCL 2500 GAS 2000 GAS 1500 OIL OIL 1000 COLA C OLA DOM. COAL 500 D OM 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 TIME Figure 44. Time evolution of generation technology mix with both CO2 and SO2 emissions constrained to those reported for scenario CHC.nucl_09, but without carbon taxes [COSTCAP(NUCL) = 1,600 $/kWe, COSTDD(NUCL) = 200 $/kWe]: Scenario EHC.nucl_24. 81 The evolution of countrywide energy mixes depicted on Figs. 41-44 show a richness in form and magnitude of each generation component as the cost of fossil energy is (selectively) made more expensive though: a) a progressively increasing carbon tax; b) related but independent levels of emission caps or constraints are imposed; c) or the cost of an important noncarbon/non-sulfur emitting technology is made to undergo relatively modest decreases in cost (albeit, not constrained by other less-economic problems with which nuclear energy must deal.). Figure 45 re-capitulates the CO2 and SO2 emission rates associated with most of the CHC, SHC, and/or EHC variations represented on Table XIII. To single out individual responses, the two frames in Fig 46 give first the impact of carbon taxes on CO2 emissions for the same constraints (caps) imposed on SO2 emissions, and, secondly, the impact of moderately reduced costs (and other than growth rate, no other constraints) for nuclear energy. CO2 EMISSIONS VERSUS TIME AND SCENARIO 2500 CTAX($/tonneCO2.5yr) nucl_xx BHC, CTAX = 0 1 CO2 EMISSION RATE, tonneCO2/y 2000 2 6 7 3 3, 1500 $/kW e 8 9 10 1500 4 11 12 13 14 5 1000 3, 1400 $kW e 500 25 10 50 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 TIME 2015 2020 2025 2030 Figure 45A. Summary of CO2 emission rates for the scenarios listed in Table XIII and represented in Figs 41-44. 82 SO2 EMISSIONS VERSUS TIME AND SCENARIO 25 CTAX($/tonneCO2/5yr) nucl_xx 1 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 SO2 EMISSION RATE, tonneSO2/y 20 15 BHC, CTAX = 0 2 3 4 3, 1500 $/kWe 5 10 3, 1400 $/kWe 5 10 25 50 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 TIME Figure 45B. Summary of SO2 emission rates for the scenarios listed in Table XIII and represented in Figs 41-44. CO2 EMISSIONS WITHOUT/WITH CTAX(5 $/tonneCO2/5yr) AND SAME SO2 EMISSIONS 2500 nulc_xx, CTAX($/tonneCO2/5yr) BHC 1 CO2 EMISSION RATE, tonneCO2/y 2000 9 16 0, SO2 TARGET FOR CTAX = 5 1500 5 1000 500 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 TIME Figure 46A. Impact of carbon taxes on CO2 emission rates for the same constraint imposed on SO2 emissions (e.g., those given by CHC.nucl_09), for the scenarios indicated. 83 CO2 EMISSIONS VERSUS TAXES, TARGETS, AND NE COSTS 2500 nulc_xx, CTAX($/tonneCO2/5yr) BHC 1 2000 9 0, SO2 TARGET FOR CTAX = 5 CO2 EMISSIONS, tonneCO2/yr 16 17 0, S02 TARGET FOR CTAX = 5, 1400 $/kWe 18 1500 0, SO2 TARGET FOR CTAX = 5, 1200 $/kWe 5 1000 500 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 TIME Figure 46B. Impact of carbon taxes, emission caps (targets), and nuclear costs on CO2 emission rate for the scenarios indicated. 84 Whether CO2 and/or SO2 emissions are constrained by direct taxation or indirectly by caps that force the use of more expensive technologies, the overall (discounted, total) energy cost, ENC(B$), will increase, give that other effects like "leaning-by-doing" (Kypreos, 2000a,b), AEEI-related effects, etc. are not included. The incremental increase in ENC(B$) with the increase in avoided total carbon emitted over the 1995-2030 computational period is illustrated in Fig. 47. A nominally linear behavior having an average slope of ~24 $/tonneCO2 is indicated. Finally, the incremental reduction in carbon emissions with increasing carbon tax from a number of earlier model studies has shown some correlation (Nordhaus, 1991) with a saturating analytic function. Figure 48 plots the fractional reduction in CO2 emissions with various carbon taxes applied to the BHC baseline case. These results identify that Chinese carbon reduction potential at the same costs and levels as suggested by Nordhaus is difficult to obtain. This observation could be explained in terms of the high discount rates imposed in CRETM, the restriction of analysis to the electricity-generation system (versus the full energy system represented by Nordhaus), and the high cost of alternative generation technologies in China that must compete against cheap Chinese coal. The maximum penetration rate of nuclear energy is restricted to 8 %/yr. Changing the growth rate to 12 %/yr leads to almost identical results to these of Nordhaus. INCREASED PV TOTAL ENERGY COST VERSUS AVOIDED CO2 EMISSIONS OVER THE PERIOD 1995-2030 140000 120000 INCREASED ENC, M$ 100000 80000 60000 40000 20000 23.8 $/tonneCO2 0 0.0 1141.9 3964.5 10493.0 20064.8 44362.7 51855.0 53795.2 AVOIDED CO2, toneCO2 Figure 47. Correlation of added cost of (total, discounted) energy on total CO2 emitted over the computational period 1995-2030. 85 CO2 EMISSION RATE REDUCTION VERSUS CO2 TAX AND TAX RATE 0.7 DRCO2/RCO2 0.6 5 0.5 10 0.4 20 30 0.3 40 0.2 50 0.1 Nordhaus 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 CO2 TAX, $/tonneCO2 Figure 48. Correlation of fractional reduction in CO2 emission with level of carbon tax as determined from a constant carbon tax rate applied to the BHC baseline cases after the year 2020, along with a comparison of the analytic correlation reported by Nordhaus (1991). Nuclear energy is assumed to penetrate with an annual maximum growth rate of 8%/yr. Increasing this rate to 12 %/yr gives almost the same fractional reduction of carbon emissions as in the Nordhaus case. 86 IV. MAINLY SHANDONG PROVINCE The focus of the previous sections has been on China countrywide, with an aim towards explaining the bases, workings, capabilities, and limitations of the China Regional Energy Transport Model (CRETM). The database used to characterize the eight scenarios adopted by the EEM task of the CETP (Table III-IV) at the time of this writing was evolving and differs somewhat from the one used herein. Table XIV recapitulates the eight wide-ranging scenarios adopted (re: Table III). Figure 49 gives the baseline countrywide demand for electrical energy used for all scenarios listed in Tables III or XIV. A wide range of options for and opinions on this key, driving issue can be found, as is seen from Fig. 6. The countrywide electrical-energy demand given on Fig. 49 results from the regional GDP growths assumed, and the algorithm given by Eq. (1). On Fig. 49 is also given the countrywide demand for electricity as projected from the MARKAL-CH model of Chen, et al. (2000). The present section focuses onto the subject of the CETP - Shandong Province. The electricity-generation mixes and associated SO2 and CO2 emission rates resulting from the eight scenarios listed in Tables III, IV, or XIV, to which the countrywide generation-mix projections given in Figs. 7, 11, 13-14, 17-18, and 21-22 correspond, are given in the following subsection for Shandong Province. The assumed (exogenous) growth in GDP and the computed electricity demand that results are given in Fig. 50. Also shown are recent projections for Shandong Province made by the Energy Research Institute (ERI) (Gao, 2000). Table XIV. Summary of (Economic, Technological, Environmental) Attributes for Eight Scenarios. Scenario(a) Discount(b) Price(c) SO2 Cap(d) CO2 Cap(e) BHC H C(constant) BHH H H(increasing) CHC H C(constant) C CHH H H(increasing) C SHC H C(constant) S SHH H H(increasing) S EHC H C(constant) S C EHH H H(increasing) S C (a) B = baseline; H = high; C = constant or carbon; S = sulfur; E = C + S Order: Emissions:Discount:Price (b) H = 10%/yr discount rate (c) C = Table 20; H = Table 22; Appendix A (d) S = caps from Table 9B; Appendix A (e) C = caps from Table 9A; Appendix A 87 C R E T R V ER SU S MAR K AL-C H D E MAN D C O MP AR IS O N 4000 GENERATION, TWe/yr 3500 C RE TR 3000 MARKA L-C N 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 T IME Figure 49. Countrywide China electrical energy demand used to drive CRETM [Eq. (1)], and comparison with projection from MARKAL-CN model (Chen, 2000). SH AN D O N G P R O V IN C E G D P C O MP AR IS O N S B E TW E EN E R I PR O JEC TIO N S AN D C R ETM 500 ERI GD P (C RETM) 400 GDP(B$/yr) GD P (ERI) 300 C RE TM 200 100 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 TIME Figure 50A. GDP projections for Shandong Province used to generate the results in this report, as well as more recent projections made by the Energy Research Institute (Gao, 2000). 88 SH AN D O N G PR O VIN C E ELEC TR IC ITY D EMAN D C O MPAR ISO N B ETW EEN C R ETM AN D ER I PR O JEC TIO N S 300 ERI GENERATION, DELEC(TWeh/yr) D ELEC (C RETM) 250 D ELEC (ERI) C RETM 200 150 100 50 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 TIME Figure 50B. Electricity demand projections for Shandong Province used to generate the results in this report, as derived from Eq. (1), as well as more recent projections made by the Energy Research Institute (Gao, 2000). The eight frames in Fig. 51 give the evolving electricity-generation mixes for Shandong Province for the scenarios listed in Table XIV. The CO2 and SO2 emission rates associated with each scenario are depicted in Fig. 52. Generally, a richness in technology mixes and options is revealed as the Shandong Province electrical-energy mix is optimized under variations and combinations of the two main scenario attributes examined: fuel costs and emission caps. Common to all eight scenarios is the early phase-out of small domestic coal plants (domsml, Table VII), by design, followed by a phased departure of medium (dommed) and large (dombig) coal plants without emissions cleanup technologies. Depending on the cost of fuel and the level and kind of emissions caps, large coal-fired plans with electrostatic precipitators (domesp) fill a significant part of the generation mix. For reasons that remain to be explained, large domestic coal-fired plants with flue-gas scrubbers (domscb) do not penetrate for the conditions assumed for these computations. The generation-mix variations observed in Fig. 51 generally divide most strongly first along lines determined by whether a "constant" (C) or a "high" (H) fuel cost is exogenously enforced. Secondly, for a five fuelcost scenario, the generation mix varies according to the kind (e.g., C, S, or E = C + S) of caps enforced. While integrated gas combined cycle (igcc) plants under high-fuel-cost scenarios take an important market share, as do advanced gas combined-cycle plants (gascca), combined-cycle plants fueled by oil barely appear in the generation mix. For all cases where carbon emission caps are enforced (e.g., scenarios CHC, CHH, EHC, EHH), transfer of electricity generation (trans) from outside of Shandong Province is required to maintain the exogenous demand under such emission-constrained condition. In one scenario examined (EHH), for a period of time between ~2010-2020, Shandong Province is able to reverse this flow and to export electrical energy (Fig. 51H). 89 Table XV. Summary of Integrated Emission and Cost Impacts for the Eight Scenarios Examined. SCENARIO BHC BHH CHC CHH SHC SHH EHC EHH ENC TOTAL CO2 TOTAL SO2 M$ MtonneCO2 MtonneSO2 478392.53 60874.41 632.12 507053.21 58543.84 562.51 484859.56 50713.73 445.92 512320.89 50777.74 450.14 478989.99 60469.14 482.82 507501.62 58273.71 482.31 487878.31 50714.09 441.76 512362.21 50727.42 432.79 <COE> DENC/DC02 DENC/DS02 mill/kWeh $/tonneCO2 $/tonneSO2 34.19 0 0 38.19 12.29 411.85 35.92 0.64 34.74 38.93 3.36 186.46 34.31 1.47 4.01 38.24 11.19 194.33 35.87 0.93 49.83 38.96 3.35 170.44 G E N E R A T IO N M IX F O R S H A N D O N G P R O V IN C E V E R S U S T IM E F O R S C E N A R IO B H C 300 w in d hy dro n u c le a r gt pv gasc c a gasc c o ilc c o ilr e g p fb c ig c c a fb c dom sc b dom esp d o m b ig dom m ed dom sm l GENERATION TWeh/yr 250 200 150 100 50 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 T IM E Figure 51A. Generation mix for scenario BHC [Baseline (no CO2 or SO2 emission constraints), (H)igh discount rate, (C)onstant fuel costs]. 90 G E N E R A T IO N M IX F O R S H A N D O N G P R O V IN C E V E R S U S T IM E F O R S C E N A R IO B H H 300 w in d hy dro n u c le a r gt pv gasc c a gasc c o ilc c o ilr e g pfbc ig c c afbc dom sc b dom esp d o m b ig dommed dom sml GENERATION, TWe/yr 250 200 150 100 50 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 T IM E Figure 51B. Generation mix for scenario BHH [Baseline (no CO2 or SO2 emission constraints), (H)igh discount rate, (H)igh (increasing) fuel costs]. G E N E R A T IO N M IX F O R S H A N D O N G P R O V IN C E V E R S U S T IM E F O R S C E N A R IO C H C 300 tr a n s w in d hy dro n u c le a r gt pv gasc c a gasc c o i lc c o i lr e g p fb c ig c c a fb c dom sc b dom esp d o m b ig dommed dom sm l GENERATION, TWeh/yr 250 200 150 100 50 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 T IM E Figure 51C. Generation mix for scenario CHC [CO2 emission constraints via caps), (H)igh discount rate, (C)onstant fuel costs]. 91 300 G E N E R A T IO N M IX F O R S H A N D O N G P R O V IN C E V E R S U S T IM E F O R S C E N A R IO C H H tr a n s w in d hy dro n u c le a r gt pv gasc c a gasc c o ilc c o ilr e g p fb c ig c c a fb c dom sc b dom esp d o m b ig dommed dom sm l GENERATION, TWeh/yr 250 200 150 100 50 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 T IM E Figure 51D. Generation mix for scenario CHH [CO2 emission constraints via caps), (H)igh discount rate, (H)igh (increasing) fuel costs]. G E N E R A T IO N M IX F O R S H A N D O N G P R O V IN C E V E R S U S T IM E F O R S C E N A R IO S H C 300 w in d hy dro n u c le a r gt pv gasc c a gasc c o i lc c o i lr e g p fbc ig c c a fbc domsc b dom esp d o m b ig dommed domsml GENERATION, TWeh/yr 250 200 150 100 50 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 T IM E Figure 51E. Generation mix for scenario SHC [SO2 emission constraints via caps), (H)igh discount rate, (C)onstant fuel costs]. 92 G E N E R A T IO N M IX F O R S H A N D O N G P R O V IN C E V E R S U S T IM E F O R S C E N A R IO S H H 300 w in d hy dro n u c le a r gt pv gasc c a gasc c o i lc c o i lr e g p fb c ig c c a fb c dom sc b dom esp d o m b ig dommed dom sm l GENERATION, TWeh/yr 250 200 150 100 50 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 T IM E Figure 51F. Generation mix for scenario SHH [SO2 emission constraints via caps), (H)igh discount rate, (H)igh (increasing) fuel costs]. G E N E R A T IO N M IX F O R S H A N D O N G P R O V IN C E V E R S U S T IM E F O R S C E N A R IO E H C 300 tr a n s w in d hy dro n u c le a r gt pv gasc c a gasc c o i lc c o i lr e g p fb c ig c c a fb c dom sc b dom esp d o m b ig dom med dom sm l GENERATION, TWwh/yr 250 200 150 100 50 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 T IM E Figure 51G. Generation mix for scenario EHC [CO2 + SO2 emission constraints via caps), (H)igh discount rate, (C)onstant fuel costs]. 93 G E N E R A T IO N M IX F O R S H A N D O N G P R O V IN C E V E R S U S T IM E F O R S C H E N A R IO E H H 300 tr a n s w in d hy dro n u c le a r gt pv gasc c a gasc c o i lc c o i lr e g pfbc ig c c afbc dom sc b dom esp d o m b ig dom m ed dom sm l tr a n s GENERATION, TWeh/yr 250 200 150 100 50 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 T IM E Figure 51H. Generation mix for scenario EHH [CO2 + SO2 emission constraints via caps), (H)igh discount rate, (H)igh (increasing) fuel costs. C O 2 E M M IS IO N R A T E S F O R S H A N D O N G P R O V IN C E V E R S U S T IM E A N D S E N A R IO 250 BHC BHC , SHC CO2 EMISSION RATE, MtonneCO2/yr BHH 200 CHC CHH EHH SHC 150 BHH, SHH SHH EHC C HC , EHC EHH 100 C HH 50 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 T IM E Figure 52A. Comparison of CO2 emission rates for each of the eight scenarios listed in Table XIV and described in Fig. 51. 94 S O 2 E M IS S IO N R A T E S F O R S H A N D O N G P R O V IN C E V E R S U S T IM E A N D S C E N A R IO S S02 EMISSION RATE, MtonneSO2/yr 2 .5 2 1 .5 BHC BHH C HC C HH SHC SHH EHC EHH BHC B HH C HC 1 E HC C HH E HH SHC , SHH 0 .5 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 T IM E Figure 52B. Comparison of SO2 emission rates for each of the eight scenarios listed in Table XIV and described in Fig. 51. Figure 52 gives a composite summary of CO2 and SO2 emission rates for the eight scenarios considered. Generally, for a given fuel-cost scenario attribute (H or C), imposition of an SO2 emissions constraint leads to little benefit in the form of reduced CO2 emissions. Table XV summarizes the integrated emissions results, as well as impacts on total present value of energy costs, ENC. The average cost of energy, <COE>(mill/kWeh), determined by dividing the total electrical energy generation over the period 1995-2030 by the total undiscounted energy costs, is also given on this table, along with other incremental parameters. These data pertain to China as a whole; similar information that is specific to Shandong remains to be reported. At this (countrywide) integrated level, the cost versus emissions impacts of the eight scenarios examined are best shown as changes relative to the baseline BHC case. Figure 53 gives these results for both CO2 and SO2 emissions. As noted previously, the main discriminator between these eight scenarios is the fuel cost. The scenario points on Fig. 53 have been artificially connected according to those scenarios with high (increasing) fuel costs versus those with constant fuel cost. The relationships between scenarios on this costemissions "phase space" may be distorted for some cases by the fact that the relative cost changes refer to discounted costs at a substantial (H or "high" for RATE = 10%/yr) rate. To eliminated this distortion, Fig. 54 is include to show the impacts of these emission-versus-cost scenario trades using undiscounted total energy costs (again, incurred over the computational period 1995-2030). Finally, for the undiscounted costs, Fig. 55 represents these aggregated cost-versus-emissions scenario correlation for Shandong Province. As is indicated on Fig. 51(C,D,G,H), for those scenarios with carbon emission constraints, meeting these constraints at the Shandong Province level under minimum total cost conditions requires the import if electrical energy in the out years of the optimization. The cost of this imported energy was estimated using the marginal costs for Shandong Province, and these costs added to the sums used to generate Fig. 55. Figure 56 gives the marginal costs reported by CRETM as a function of time for both China and for Shandong Province, for the eight scenarios being 95 considered in this study. Comparison of Figs. 54 and 55 indicate a generally larger range of cost and emissions impacts at the Shandong Province level compared to China countrywide averages. R E L A T IV E C O S T C H A N G E V E R S U S R E L A T IV E C O 2 C H A N G E RELATIVE CO2 EMISSION DECREASE 0 .2 5 C HINA C HH, E HH C HC 0 .2 E HC 0 .1 5 0 .1 S HH 0 .0 5 S HC ZZ( B H C ) = 4 4 8 B $ C O 2 = 6 0 . 9 G to n n e C O 2 S O 2 = 6 3 2 . 1 M to n n e S O 2 B HC 0 0 0 .0 1 0.02 0 .0 3 0 .0 4 B HH 0.05 0 .0 6 0 .0 7 R E L A T IV E T O T A L ( D IS C O U N T E D , 1 0 % ) C O S T IN C R E A S E Figure 53A. Relative discounted total energy cost versus CO2 emissions impacts for the eight scenarios examined. R E L A T IV E C O S T C H A N G E V E R S U S R E L A T IV E S O 2 C H A N G E RELATIVE SO2 EMISSION DECREASE 0.5 E HH C HINA 0 .45 E HC 0.4 C HH C HC 0 .35 S HH 0.3 S HC 0 .25 0.2 0 .15 B HH 0.1 0 .05 B HC 0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 R E L A T IV E T O T A L ( D IS C O U N T E D , 1 0 % ) C O S T IN C R E A S E Figure 53B. Relative discounted total energy cost versus SO2 emissions impacts for the eight scenarios examined. 96 R E L A T IV E C O S T C H A N G E V E R S U S R E L A T IV E C O 2 C H A N G E RELATIVE CO2 EMISSION DECREAS 0.25 C H IN A C HC , C HH C HH, E HH 0 .2 0.15 0 .1 0.05 S HH, B HH B HC , S HC 0 0 0 .0 2 0 .0 4 0.06 0.08 0 .1 0 .1 2 0 .1 4 R E L A T IV E T O T A L ( U N D IS C O U N T E D ) C O S T C H A N G E Figure 54A. Relative undiscounted total energy cost versus CO2 emissions impacts for the eight scenarios examined: China countrywide. R E L A T IV E C O S T C H A N G E V E R S U S R E L A T IV E S O 2 C H A N G E RELATIVE S02 EMISSION DECREASE 0 .5 C HINA E HH 0.45 E HC , C HC 0 .4 C HH 0.35 S HH 0 .3 S HC 0.25 0 .2 0.15 B HH 0 .1 0.05 B HC 0 0 0.02 0 .0 4 0 .0 6 0.08 0 .1 0 .1 2 0.14 R E L A T IV E T O T A L ( U N D IS C O U N T E D ) C O S T IN C R E A S E Figure 54B. Relative undiscounted total energy cost versus CO2 emissions impacts for the eight scenarios examined: China countrywide. 97 R E LATIVE C O S T C H AN G E V ER S U S R E LATIVE C O 2 C H AN G E RELATIVE CO2 EMISION DECREASE 0.35 C HC , E HC S HA ND ONG P ROV INC E 0.3 C HH 0.25 E HH 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 SHH BHH BHC , S HC 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 R E LATIV E TO TAL (U N D IS C O U N TE D ) C O S T IN C R E AS E Figure 55A. Relative undiscounted total energy cost versus CO2 emissions impacts for the eight scenarios examined: Shandong Province. RELATIVE CO ST CHANG E VERSUS RELATIVE SO 2 CHANG E RELATIVE SO2 EMISSION DECREASE 0.45 SHANDONG PROVINCE EHC 0.4 CHC 0.35 SHH 0.3 EHH CHH 0.25 0.2 SHC 0.15 BHH 0.1 0.05 BHC 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 RELATIVE TOTAL (UNDISCO UNTED) CO ST INCREASE Figure 55B. Relative undiscounted total energy cost versus SO2 emissions impacts for the eight scenarios examined: Shandong Province. 98 MARG INAL CO ST O F ELECTRICTIY FOR SHANDO NG PRO VINCE VERSUS TIME AND SCENARIO MARGINAL COE, mill/kWeh 60 50 40 30 BHC BHH CHC CHH SHC SHH EHC EHH CHC, EHC CHH EHH BHH SHH BHC, SHC 20 10 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 TIME Figure 56A. Dependence of marginal costs of energy on time and scenario for China. 60 MARGINAL COE, mill/kWeh 50 40 30 MARGINAL CO ST OF ELECTRICITY FO R CHINA VERSUS TIME AND SCENARIO BHC BHH CHC CHH SHC SHH EHC EHH CHH, EHH CHC BHH SHH BHC, EHC 20 10 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 T IM E Figure 56B. Dependence of marginal costs of energy on time and scenario for Shandong Province. 99 V. RESULTS SYTHESES This section synthesizes key results reported in Sec. III into a form that is better compared to other modeling tasks within CETP. This section also explores further some of the implications suggested by the preliminary results given so far (e.g., the impact of discount rates on market penetration of more capital-intensive technologies like nuclear and hydroelectric power). This section generally extends and synthesizes the modeling results presented in Secs. III-IV. Results of the optimizations model (EEM task) are organized into a form comparable to the results anticipated from the Electric simulation model (ESS). The focus of the results reported in Sec. III has been placed on China countrywide, with an aim towards explaining the bases, workings, capabilities, and limitations of the China Regional Energy Transport Model (CRETM). The database (Table X) used to characterize the eight scenarios adopted by the EEM task of the CETP (Table II. and III.) is evolving and, therefore in the future is expected to differ somewhat from the one used herein. A wide range of options and opinions can be found on this key, driving issue, as is seen from Fig. 5. The single-point parametric studies reported in Sec III.D are comprised of 19 nuclear variations (Series B-E, Table XI), 6 discount-rate variations (ignoring the unrealistically low RATE = 1%/yr case, which was examined only to test model limits), and five electricity demand growth rate cases (Fig. 25). Together with the baseline BHC scenario (Table III), about which the variations where conducted, a total of 31 ENC-minimizing "scenarios" result. In the spirit of the non-optimizing Electric-Sector Simulation (ESS) modeling component of CETP, these 31 EEM scenarios are captured on an energy-emissions "scatter" plots given on Figs 57-60 for China and for Shandong Province, respectively. The average electrical-energy generation cost, <COE>(mill/kWeh) computed over the period of the optimization (1995,2030) was selected to describe the cost dimension, and the total, integrated CO2 emissions, MCO2(MtonneCO2), was chosen to measure the emissions dimension. The integrated CO2 emissions is correlated with the integrated emissions of SO2 for both China and for Shandong Province (Figs. 58 and 60, respectively). Since most of the 31 cases represented on these scatter plots were evaluated for a discount rate of RATE = 10 %/yr, the corresponding RATE variation curve included on Figs. 57 and 59 (<COE> versus integrated CO2 emissions) provides an approximate scale whereon the Centrum of the remaining cluster of points would shift if the corresponding value of RATE was increased or decreased above the BHC base case value of RATE = 10%/yr. This cluster of points represents a kind of minimum ENC-MCO2 "frontier", which under the ideal conditions being described by CRETM limits access to the lower regions of this <COE>-MCO2) phase space. As for most economic or trade-off frontiers of this kind, the realities of the technological and social world can limit the approach of actually achievable cost-emission goals to some distance above this trade-off frontier. Once the identity of each cluster of points is identified, as shown on the lower frames of Figs. 57-60, the trends become more-or-less self evident: a) the CTAX points expectedly move to higher <COE>, lower MCO2 regions as CTAX($/tonneCO2/5yr) is increased; b) modest decreases in the cost of nuclear (Table XI) can push the frontier to desirable regions of lower <COE> and lower MCO2, albeit a more detailed model of the nuclear fuel cycle (Trellue, 2000) than presently incorporated into CRETM is needed to access costs related (primarily) to waste and nonproliferation concerns; c) the availability of moderately cheaper nuclear in combination with an effective carbon tax (CTAX = 3 $/tonneCO2/5yr, COSTCAP(NUCL) = 1,400 $/kWe) push back the cost-emissions frontier without increasing the average cost of 100 AVERAGE ENERGY COST VERSUS TOTAL CO2 EMISSIONS FOR CHINA 50 AVERAGE COST OF ENERGY, <COE>(mill/kWeh) SCEN 45 RATE GGDP 40 NUCLA 35 CTAX 30 CAPS UTC 25 ENV 20 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 TOTAL CO2 EMISSIONS, MCO2(MtonneCO2) Figure 57A. Collection of 31 <COE>-MCO2 couplets from the single-point parametric variations reported in Sec. III.D. for China countrywide, indicating a minimum-ENC "frontier” for the BHC parameters (Table X) and variations thereon (Table XIII, Fig. 26, Fig. 31) AVERAGE ENERGY COST VERSUS TOTAL CO2 EMISSIONS FOR CHINA 50 AVERAGE ENERGY COST, <COE>(mill/kWeh) SCEN 0.15 45 RATE BHH,SH CHH,EHH CTA GGDP 40 0.12 CHC,EHC 35 CTAX+UT C GGD CTAX+UTC NUCLA CTAX BHC,SHC UTC 0.08 30 CAPS SO2(TAR.) 0.06 25 UTC 0.04 20 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 RATE(1/ yr) 50000 60000 ENV 70000 80000 TOTAL CO2 EMISSIONS, MCO2(MtonneCO2) Figure 57B. Collection of 31 <COE>-MCO2 couplets from the single-point parametric variations reported in Sec. III.D for China countrywide, identifying each minimum-ENC cluster. 101 CORRELATION OF TOTAL CO2 WITH TOTAL SO2 EMISSIONS 800 CHINA SCEN TOTAL S02 EMISSIONS, MSO2(MtonneSO2) 700 RATE 600 GGDP 500 NUCLA 400 CTAX 300 CAPS 200 UTC 100 ENV 0 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 TOTAL CO2 EMISSIONS, MCO2(MtonneCO2) Figure 58A. Collection of 31 MSO2-MCO2 couplets from the single-point parametric variations reported in Sec. III.D for China countrywide, indicating a minimum-ENC "frontier” for the BHC parameters (Table X) and variations thereon (Table XIII, Fig. 26, Fig. 31). CORRELATION OF TOTAL CO2 WITH TOTAL SO2 EMISSIONS 800 CHINA SCEN 700 BHC TOTAL SO2 EMISSIONS, MSO2(MtonneS) RATE GGDP 600 UTC 500 BHH GGDP SHC,SH H CHH,EHC,EHH, 400 RATE NUCLA SO2 TAR. CTAX 300 CAPS 200 UTC 100 NUCLA, CTAX ENV 0 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 TOTAL C02 EMISSIONS, MCO2(MtonneCO2) Figure 58B. Collection of 31 <COE>-MCO2 couplets from the single-point parametric variations reported in Sec. III.D for China countrywide, identifying each minimum-ENC cluster. 102 AVERAGE ENERGY COST VERSUS TOTAL CO2 EMISSIONS FOR SHANDONG PROVINCE 50 AVERAGE ENERGY COST, <COE>(mill/kWeh) SCEN 45 RATE GGDP 40 NUCLA 35 CTAX 30 CAPS UTC 25 ENV 20 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 TOTAL CO2 EMISSIONS, MCO2(MtonneCO2) Figure 59A. Collection of 31 <COE>-MCO2 couplets from the single-point parametric variations reported in Sec. III.D for Shandong Province, indicating a minimum-ENC "frontier” for the BHC parameters (Table X) and variations thereon (Table XIII, Fig. 26, Fig. 31). AVERAGE ENERGY COST VERSUS TOTAL CO2 EMISSIONS FOR SHANDONG PROVINCE 50 AVERAGE ENERGY COST, <COE>(mill/kWeh) SCEN 45 RATE BHH,SHH GGDP 40 CTAX EHH 35 NUCLA BHC CHH CTAX UTC CTAX+UTC 30 CHC,EH GGD P UTC SO2 TAR. CAPS UTC 25 RATE ENV 20 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 TOTAL CO2 EMISSIONS, MCO2(MtonneCO2) Figure 59B. Collection of 31 <COE>-MCO2 couplets from the single-point parametric variations reported in Sec. III.D for Shandong Province, identifying each minimum-ENC cluster. 103 CORRELATION OF TOTAL CO2 WITH TOTAL SO2 EMISSIONS 80 SHANDONG PROVINCE SCEN TOTAL SO2 EMISSIONS, MtonneSO2 70 RATE 60 GGDP 50 NUCLA 40 CTAX 30 CAPS 20 UTC 10 ENV 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 TOTAL CO2 EMISSION, MtonneCO2 Figure 60A. Collection of 31 MSO2-MCO2 couplets from the single-point parametric variations reported in Sec. III.D for Shandong Province, indicating a minimum-ENC "frontier” for the BHC parameters (Table X) and variations thereon (Table XIII, Fig. 26, Fig. 31). CORRELATION OF TOTAL CO2 WITH TOTAL SO2 EMISSIONS 80 SHANDONG PROVINCE TOTAL SO2 EMISSIONS, MtonneSO2 SCEN RATE 70 GGDP RATE CHH,EHH 60 BHC BHH SHC SHH 50 CHC EHC 40 GGDP NUCLA SO2(TAR.) CTAX 30 UTC CAPS ENV 20 UTC 10 ENV NUCLA, CTAX 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 TOTAL CO2 EMISSION, MtonneCO2 Figure 60B. Collection of 31 <COE>-MCO2 couplets from the single-point parametric variations reported in Sec. III.D for Shandong Province, identifying each minimum-ENC cluster. 104 energy; d) the application of SO2 limits alone can push back the frontier without incurring significant increases in average cost of electricity; e) few-percent changes in the discount rate used has a large impact on the vertical (<COE>) position of the cost-emission trade-off frontier. These findings require more extensive analysis, but the cost-emissions trade-off frontier of the kind suggested in Fig. 49 can provide a excellent means for joining, interpreting, and utilizing EEM and ESS results for policy-making purposes. A. Impact of Discount Rates on High-Capital Cost Technologies On the basis of the results given in Sec. III.D.2, and Figs. 57-60 in Sec. V.A, the impact of discount rate, RATE(%/yr), on the market share taken by capital-intensive technologies like nuclear energy and hydroelectric can be dramatic. These technologies require the borrowing and investment of large capital stocks prior to and during installation, and long before the electricity-generation revenue streams begin to flow. Furthermore, but less importantly from a market-share viewpoint, technologies like nuclear leave a long-lived legacy that also requires the expenditure of capital and O&M costs long after that technology as been retired. The rate at which these costs can be discounted has a stronger impact on technologies based on coal, where the major non-external costs are largely incurred at the time the fuel is burned and converted to generally non-externalized waste products and revenue-generating electricity. This section examines the impact of discount rate on the market share of both nuclear and hydroelectric power for both the Base-Case BHC scenario and the CHC (carbon caps) scenario, particular attention is given to the relationship between such impacts and the reduction of integrated CO2 emissions. Figures 61 and 62 give the generation mix for both scenarios BHC and CHC (Table III) and three values of discount rate, RATE = 5, 10, and 15%/yr. These two figures show the full range of the 17 possible generation technologies available in CRETM. The Base Case 105 GENERATION MIX, TWeh/yr 4500 GENERATION MIX VERSUS TIME FOR SCENARIO BHC AND RATE = 5%/a 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 wind hydro nuclear gt pv gascca gascc oilcc oilreg pfbc igcc afbc domscb domesp dombig dommed domsml TIME Figure 61A. Generation mix versus time for scenario BHC and RATE = 5%/yr discount rate. GENERATION MIX, TWeh/yr 4500 GENERATION MIX VERSUS TIME FOR SCENARIO BCH AND RATE = 10%/a wind hydro nuclear gt pv gascca gascc oilcc oilreg pfbc igcc afbc domscb domesp dombig dommed domsml 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 TIME Figure 61B. Generation mix versus time for scenario BHC and RATE = 10%/yr discount rate. 106 GENERATION MIX, TWeh/yr 4500 GENERATION MIX VERSUS TIME FOR SCENARIO BHC AND RATE = 15%/a wind hydro nuclear gt pv gascca gascc oilcc oilreg pfbc igcc afbc domscb domesp dombig dommed domsml 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 TIME 2020 2025 2030 Figure 61C. Generation mix versus time for scenario BHC and RATE = 15%/yr discount rate. GENERATION MIX, TWeh/yr 4500 GENERATION MIX VERSUS TIME FOR SCENARIO CHC AND RATE = 5%/a wind hydro nuclear gt pv gascca gascc oilcc oilreg pfbc igcc afbc domscb domesp dombig dommed domsml 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 TIME Figure 62A. Generation mix versus time for scenario CHC and RATE = 5%/yr discount rate. 107 GENERATION MIX, TWeh/yr 4500 GENERATION MIX VERSUS TIME FOR SCENARIO CHC AND RATE = 10 %/a 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 wind hydro nuclear gt pv gascca gascc oilcc oilreg pfbc igcc afbc domscb domesp dombig dommed domsml TIME Figure 62B. Generation mix versus time for scenario CHC and RATE = 10%/yr discount rate. GENERATION MIX, TWeh/yr 4500 GENERATION MIX VERSUS TIME FOR SCENARIO CHC AND RATE = 15%/a 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 wind hydro nuclear gt pv gascca gascc oilcc oilreg pfbc igcc afbc domscb domesp dombig dommed domsml TIME Figure 62C. Generation mix versus time for scenario CHC and RATE = 15%/yr discount rate. 108 corresponds to BHC with RATE = 10%/yr. The richness of generation mixes brought out by this combination of carbon caps and discount rate serves as a good example of the variability of futures available to China under the simplified conditions where policies driven by environmental constraints combine with policies that lead to specific levels of future valuation as reflected in the discount rate are sole arbitrators of choice based on this level of constrained optima. Generally, whatever the level of carbon-emissions constraint, lower discount rates favor capital-intensive technologies like nuclear energy and hydroelectric. The imposition of a carbon-emission constraint with low-to-moderate discounts rates leads to substantial generation shares being taken by nuclear and hydro, with these two technologies by 2030 providing half the BHC Base-Case demand of DMD = 3,800 TWeh/yr in that out year. As the discount-rate creeps upward in the presence of carbon-emission constraints, both oilcc and gascca technologies emerge as optimal choices, with wind for the first time making an appearance in the energy mix by 2025. While both oilcc and gascca technologies make important contributions in the out years even for the Base Case, a contribution that grows substantially in the presence of carbon-emission constraints and high discount rates, the role played by these technologies is strongly diminished for low discount rates with or without carbon-emission constraints. To elaborate further on this carbon-constraint versus discount-rate trade off, the integrated emissions, average electricity-generation costs, and technology generation fractions in the out year (2030) have been organized in the following figures. First, Figures 63 and 64 give the out-year generation mix for the BHC (Base-Case) and CHC scenarios, respectively, in both continuum and histogram form. While both nuclear energy and hydroelectricity play increasing roles in the out years as RATE is decreased, when a carbon-cap is enforced, advanced coal-, gas-, and oil-fired technology find strong niches; generally, these niches are filled at the expense of conventional coal technologies. The impact of discount rate on average energy costs, <COE>, and integrated CO2 and SO2 emission is shown for both BHC and CHC scenarios on the respective frames in Fig. 65. Generally, the impact on average energy cost of the BHC versus CHC scenario on <COE> is small, as is shown in the explicit comparison given in Fig. 66A, albeit, the impact of discount rate on the (optimized) average energy cost is strong. The remaining frames in Fig. 66 give respectively the impact of discount rate on the integrated CO2 and SO2 emissions and on the out-year share fractions for NUCL, HYDRO, and REN generation technologies, with all given in direct comparison between the BHC and CHC scenarios. Generally, the imposition of carbon caps results in a 15-20% reduction in CO2 and SO2 emission relative to the BHC scenario, depending on the discount-rate determined generation mix. (Fig. 66B). While decreasing the discount rate increases the out-year market share of capital-intensive nuclear generation for both BHC and CHC scenarios, nuclear energy expectedly penetrates more when competing with the carboncaps-induced advance fossil technologies (gasscca, oilcc) than with conventional coal-fired technologies under BHC conditions (Fig. 66C), eventually reaching 30-35% market share in 2030 for very low discount rates (e.g., ~5%/yr). Hydroelectric generation is constrained both by high capital requirements and capacity limitation, so its market share grows more slowly with decreasing capital or the application of carbon caps (Fig. 66D). Lastly, Fig. 66E shows that the renewable energy sources make only minor inroads into the China electricity market for the unit capital costs assumed, and almost all of the REN capacity introduced occurs when carbon caps are imposed (CHC scenario) and discount rates are high, where nuclear deployment is hamstrung by its large upfront capital requirements and long construction times. 109 GENERATION MIX VERSUS DISCOUNT RATE IN 2030 FOR SCENARIO BHC GENERATION MIX, % 100% 90% HYDRO 80% NUCL 70% REN 60% GAS 50% 40% OIL 30% COLA 20% 10% DOM 0% 5 6.5 7.5 8.5 10 12.5 15 DISCOUNT RATE, RATE(%/a) Figure 63A. Generation mix in 2030 versus discount rate for BHC scenario: continuum. 100% GENERATION MIX VERSUS DISCOUNT RATE IN 2030 FOR BHC SCENARIO HYDRO 90% GENERATION MIX, % 80% NUCL 70% REN 60% GAS 50% 40% OIL 30% 20% COLA 10% DOM 0% 5 6.5 7.5 8.5 10 12.5 15 DISCOUNT RATE, RATE(%/a) Figure 63B. Generation mix in 2030 versus discount rate for BHC scenario; histogram. 110 GENERATION MIX VERSUS DISCOUNT RATE IN 2030 FOR SCENARIO CHC 100% HYDRO GENERATION MIX, % 90% NUCL 80% 70% REN 60% GAS 50% 40% OIL 30% 20% COLA 10% DOM 0% 5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9 9.5 9.9 10 11 12.5 15 DISCOUNT RATE, RATE(%/a) Figure 64A. Generation mix in 2030 versus discount rate for CHC scenario: continuum. GENERATION MIX, % 100% GENERATION MIX VERSUS DISCOUNT RATE IN 2030 FOR CHC SCENARIO 90% HYDRO 80% NUCL 70% REN 60% 50% GAS 40% OIL 30% COLA 20% 10% DOM 0% 5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9 9.5 9.9 10 11 12.5 15 DISCOUNT RATE, RATE(%/a) Figure 64B. Generation mix in 2030 versus discount rate for CHC scenario; histogram. 111 COST OF ENERGY AND INTEGRATED EMISSIONS VERSUS DISCOUNT RATE IN 2030 FOR BHC SCENARIO 700 <COE>*10(mill/kWeh), CO2/100(MtonneCO2), SO2(MtonneSO2) 600 500 400 300 <COE>*10 200 CO2/100 100 SO2 0 5 6.5 7.5 8.5 10 12.5 15 DISCOUNT RATE, RATE(%/a) Figure 65A. Average generation cost and integrated CO2 and SO2 emissions versus discount rate for BHC scenario. COST OF ENERGY AND INTEGRATED EMISSIONS VERSUS DISCOUNT RATE IN 2030 FOR CHC SCENARIO 700 <COE>(mill/kWeh)*10, CO2(MtonneCO2)/100, SO2(MtonneSO2) 600 500 400 300 <COE>*10 200 CO2/100 100 SO2 0 5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9 9.5 9.9 10 11 DISCOUNT RATE, RATE(%/a) 12.5 15 Figure 65B. Average generation cost and integrated CO2 and SO2 emissions versus discount rate for CHC scenario. 112 AVERAGE COST OF ELECTRICITY VERSUS TIME FOR BHC AND CHC SCENARIOS 50 <COE>(BHC) <COE>(mill/kWeh) 45 <COE>(CHC) 40 35 30 25 5 6.5 7.5 8.5 10 12.5 DISCOUNT RATE, RATE(%/a) 15 Figure 66A. Average cost of generation versus discount rate and BHC versus CHC scenario. INTEGRATED EMISSIONS IN 2030 VERSUS DISCOUNT RATE AND BHC VERSUS CHC SCENARIO 700 INTEGRATED EMISSIONS, CO2(MtonneCO2)/100, SO2(MtonneSO2) 600 500 400 300 SO2(BHC) 200 SO2(CHC) CO2/100(BHC) 100 CO2/100(CHC) 0 5 6.5 7.5 8.5 10 12.5 15 DISCOUNT RATE, RATE(%/a) Figure 66B. Integrated emissions versus discount rate and BHC versus CHC scenario. 113 NUCLEAR SHARE FRACTION IN 2030, FNUCL(BHC,CHC) NUCLEAR SHARE IN 2030 VERSUS DISCOUNT RATE AND BHC VERSUS CHC SCENARIOS 0.4 FNUCL(BHC) 0.35 FNUCL(CHC) 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 5 6.5 7.5 8.5 10 12.5 DISCOUNT RATE, RATE(%/a) 15 Figure 66C. Nuclear-energy generation fraction in 2030 versus discount rate and BHC versus CHC scenario. HYDRO SHARE IN 2030 VERSUS DISCOUNT RATE AND BHC VERSUS CHC SCENARIO HYDRO SHARE FRACTION IN 2030, FHYDRO(BHC,CHC) 0.18 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.1 0.08 0.06 FHYDRO(BHC) 0.04 0.02 FHYDRO(CHC) 0 5 6.5 7.5 8.5 10 12.5 DICOUNT RATE, RATE(%/a) 15 Figure 66D. Hydroelectric generation fraction in 2030 versus discount rate and BHC versus CHC scenario. 114 REN SHARE IN 2030 VERSUS DISCOUNT RATE AND BHC VERSUS CHC SCENARIO 1.0E+00 REN SHARE FRACTION IN 2030, FREN(BHC,CHC) FREN(BHC) 1.0E-01 FREN(CHC) 1.0E-02 1.0E-03 1.0E-04 1.0E-05 5 6.5 7.5 8.5 10 12.5 DISCOUNT RATE, RATE(%/a) 15 Figure 66E. Renewable generation fraction in 2030 versus discount rate and BHC versus CHC scenario. B. Comparison with Other Results This section compares selected CRETM result with those to reported by the ESS task. It is expected that differences will be encountered both as a result of fundamental differences between the optimization and simulation modeling approaches (Appendix B gives more operational detail is included in the non-optimizing simulation models) as well as inevitable differences in databases and driver assumptions. Although attempts have been made to minimize the latter, since both efforts were developed and conducted in parallel, post-study data and assumption reconciliation will be needed. In large part, this early inter-comparisons are made to catalyses this reconciliation process. In addition to this preliminary ESS-EEM results comparison, , a few comparisons are made between CRETM (EEM) results and related work reported outside CETP; the latter is first presented. 115 1. Comparison with Studies Outside of CETP The PEW Center on Global Climate Change (DADI, 2000) has recently reported a study on electrical-generation options in China. A few key results reported therein are used to compare with CRETM projections of CO2 and SO2 emissions. Figure 67 compares the Base-Case (BHC scenario, Table III) countrywide electricity demands used in both studies. Reasonable agreement indicated, albeit the PEW study projects only to the year 2015. On the basis of these preliminary comparisons, reasonable agreement can be claimed for two comparable scenarios for China energy futures. ELECTRICITY DEMAND VERSUS TIME ELECTRICITY DEMAND, TWeh/yr 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 DMD(CRETM) 1000 DMD(PEW) 500 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 TIME Figure 67. Comparison of electricity demands between the CRETM Base Case and that used in the PEW study (DADI, 2000). 116 CO2 EMISSIONS VERSUS TIME AND SCENARIO CO2 EMISSION RATE, MtonneCO2/yr 2500 2000 1500 1000 CO2(CRETM, BHC) CO2(PEW-BASE) 500 CO2(CRETM, CHC) CO2(PEW,C-CAP) 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 TIME Figure 68A. Comparison of CO2 between CRETM BHC (Base Case) and CHC (carbon caps) scenarios and comparable scenarios reported by the PEW study (DADI, 2000). SO2 EMISSIONS VERSUS TIME AND SCENARIO S02 EMISSION RATE, MtonneSO2/yr 25 20 15 10 SO2(CRETM, BHC) SO2(PEW, BASE) 5 S02(CRETM, CHC) SO2(PEW,C-CAP) 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 TIME Figure 68B. Comparison of SO2 between CRETM BHC (Base Case) and CHC (carbon caps) scenarios and comparable scenarios reported by the PEW study (DADI, 2000). 117 2. Comparisons Between EEM and ESS Results Comparisons between MARKAL, CRETM, ESS and the ETM models have been made; these comparisons have been conducted only at the most aggregated level and only for Shandong province. Figure 69 makes this comparison of CRETM and the results of the other models on the basis of: a) specific SO2 emissions versus undiscounted unit costs per kWh; b) total CO2 specific emissions versus undiscounted unit electrical-energy costs (per-kWeh); and c) the specific (per-kWeh) SO2 and CO2 emissions. The CRETM optimized results correspond to the eight scenarios listed in Table XV and the parametric variations listed in Table XII; these comparisons are plotted in Figs. 57-60. The ESS results reflect (un-optimized) scenarios, as described in Appendix B. The ETM and MARKAL results will be described in the final document of the CETP project (Eliason, 2002). Comparison Cost/SO2 6 5 4 c/kWh ESS CRETM 3 MARKAL ETM 2 1 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 g SO2/kWh Figure 69A. Comparison of CRETM, MARKAL, ETM and ESS results based on specific SO2 emissions versus unit cost of electricity for Shandong Province. 118 Comparison Cost/CO2 6 5 c/kWh 4 ESS CRETM 3 MARKAL ETM 2 1 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 g CO2/kWh Figure 69B. Comparison of CRETM, MARKAL, ETM and ESS results based on specific CO2 emissions versus unit cost of electricity for Shandong Province. Comparison SO2/CO2 14 12 g SO2/kWh 10 ESS 8 CRETM MARKAL 6 ETM 4 2 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 g CO2/kWh Figure 69C. Comparison of CRETM, MARKAL, ETM and ESS results based on specific CO2 and CO2 emissions of Shandong Province. As expected, differences are noted in the constellation of scenario points that summarize EEM, ESS and ETM modeling efforts. These differences can be explained when the different 119 assumptions made for the technology costs, efficiencies, discount rates, and fuel prices are taken into account. The CRETM results shown on Fig. 69 include costs and emissions computed under a variety of environmental policies, pricing, and discount-rates assumptions, as discussed in Secs. III, IV, V.A, and V.B. On the contrary, when similar assumptions are used in these other modeling efforts (MARKAL-Sh, ETM, ESS), results are similar. Thus, the 4%/yr discount rate case of CRETM compares well with the MARKAL cases (RATE = 5%/yr in that case). The ETM cases, while the RATE = 1%/yr case is the cheapest and the RATE = 15%/yr is the most expensive of all cases studied. In case of the MARKAL results, two groups of costs-versus- emissions results are seen; the lower group that assumes constant fuel prices, and the higher group that is generated on the basis of escalating fuel prices. The simulation model used to generate the ESS results uses slightly declining fuel prices. These ESS cost-versus-emissions results included also demandside management (DSM) options that have a minor influence on the average electricitygeneration cost, but can result in significant emissions reductions. The BAU scenarios reported from the optimizing MARKAL modeling effort have costs that are comparable to those used in the in ESS simulation model. Only at lower emissions, cost estimations of MARKAL are significantly higher than costs reported from the ESS study because the alternative technologies needed to achieve these lower emissions are significantly cheaper in the case of the ESS model. Finally, the ESS effort reports runs with significantly lower CO2 emissions than the best reported from the MARKAL model, and this difference is a result mainly of DSM options in the ESS model that reduce demands. Other cost differences, apart from the above-mentioned differences in fuel-cost assumptions and discount rates, are due to the imperfectly harmonized technology data of the two models. Specifically, Ø ESS has technical lifetimes for all (new) plants of 40 years versus 30 years in both MARKAL and CRETM. Ø ESS assumes higher efficiencies for its electricity-generation plants; for coal-fired plants the average effect is in the order of 5% (e.g., 31.5% versus 30%), corresponding to roughly 0.5 mills/kWeh. For gas-fired plants the effect is more dramatic; at a gas price of 3 $/GJ this difference in efficiencies translates into a difference of nearly 3 mills/kWeh in fuel cost for advanced combined-cycle (CC) plants. These points are sufficient to explain the difference in the graphs between MARKAL, CRETM, and ESS models. 120 VI. Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations A. Findings Ø Increased Power Demand: The demand for power in China will increase four-fold by 2030. This demand will reach, and maybe go above, the 4,000 TWeh level by 2030, which represents a four-fold increase from 1995 levels of consumption. Similar levels of growth are expected in Shandong Province. Ø Pollution Control: According to the “December 2000” report by U.S. Embassy in Beijing, annual pollution costs the Chinese economy varies anywhere from 3-8% of GDP, based on estimates of various Chinese and Western scholars (Xu Songling, 1998, Vaclav Smil and Mao Yushi, 1998, World Bank, 1997). Air pollution and acid rain causes damages to human health and buildings and acidification of soil and lakes. Ecological damage is estimated to cost potentially another 5–14% of the annual GDP. Even at the lower bounds of these estimates, environmental damage roughly cancels annual economic growth. Initiating policies with region-specific emission caps and/or sulfur-emission permit system across regions and sectors is the most efficient way to control future emissions in China and Shandong Province. Ø Clean Coal Technologies: Promising solutions for efficient power generation in China and control of sulfur emissions are identified using CRETM. The model identifies the need to start reducing local emissions by improving the performance of pulverized coal systems and by introducing coal washing and/or sulfur scrubbing, while continuing with the adoption of advanced coal systems like IGCC power plants and eventually supercritical steam coal. Ø IGCC is Attractive When Manufactured in China: Advanced coal-fired systems can be competitive with conventional Chinese coal technology, when these advance technologies manufactured in China or under conditions of high coal prices and transportation cost. This development will help to improve efficiency and it will result to enhanced clean coal technology use. Ø Fuel and Technology Diversification: To improve the energy-supplying system of China by either diversifying supply options or by establishing a rich portfolio of technologies is of primary importance. Oil and gas supply options must be improved to reduce the dependency on coal, especially in the coastal provinces. The most promising substitutes for coal are advanced gas combined cycle systems followed by the appropriate contribution of hydropower, nuclear energy, and renewable energy sources based on wind and small hydroelectric units. Ø Competitive Nuclear Power: Nuclear power can be competitive in a scenario where reactors are fabricated in China, the construction time is below 5 years, and capital costs are at or below 1,500 $/kWe for the high discount rates assumed (RATE = 10%/yr). Nuclear energy is competitive at discount rates of RATE ~ 5%/yr or at higher discount rates when regional and global externalities are addressed at even moderate tax levels. The importance of nuclear energy becomes apparent only when coal 121 becomes more expensive, as when placed under a carbon control policy. Without a significant share of nuclear energy, the marginal costs of carbon control in China move to extreme and almost forbidden cost ranges, weakening the hope China participating to international carbon-emissions-control protocols. B. Conclusions Results from studies using the CRETM (seven-region optimisation model of China electric sector, including Shandong Province) are based on the set of techno-economic data, and price assumptions, fossil-fuels resource availability and imports, as well as projections of the technical potential and performance of renewable energy technology and use. Recognizing the uncertainties that characterize these data and, therefore, the associated results (e.g., optimal energy mixes, fuel compositions, emission rates, costs, etc.), general and hopefully useful remarks and conclusions can be formulated. These conclusions are listed as follows: Ø Coal as a Primary Fuel: China will rely on coal for electricity production, independent of environmental policies Ø Advanced Generation and Emissions: Chinese RD&D on advanced generation technology, along with integrated foreign investments, can improve energy efficiency and, through reduced emissions, the environment. Ø Coupled Sulfur and Carbon Emissions: Pollution related to SO2 emissions can be reduced for moderate investments by introducing scrubbers and/or advanced-coal technology; some reductions in CO2 automatically accompany these SO2 emission reductions. Ø Significant Investment to Reduce Carbon Emissions: Significant carbon-emission reduction needs significant investments in reduced- or carbon-free generation technologies; this policy improves local environments through reduces SO2 emissions (secondary benefits). Ø Added Cost of Sustainable Energy Less Than Cost of Pollution: The cumulative discounted power-production cost for a more sustainable path for electricity generation in China increases by 2-6 %/yr over the 2000-2030 time frame for the high discount rates (RATE = 10%/yr) investigated, but these added costs needed to reduce emissions remain below the damage cost attributed to pollution in China. Ø Wide Differences in Energy Costs Across Scenarios: Differences in non-discounted cost that appear across the range of scenarios examined are high, reaching levels of around 20-30% at the end of time horizon (2030) examined. Ø Electricity Transmission Across Regions Makes Economic and Environmental Sense: Transmitting electricity between regions within China in general terms presents an economic option, according to the CRETM analyses, while inter-regional transmitting also reduces local pollution. 122 C. Recommendations 1. Policy Suggestions for important directions for formulating long-term energy policy for China: Ø Improve performance of clean coal technology; Ø Introduce scrubbers and IGCC systems; Ø Diversify supply by opting for gas, nuclear energy, wind, and small hydroelectric; Ø Continue reforms to make greater use of market forces, especially in the gas and electricity sector; Ø Participate to Kyoto type Protocols with commitments for carbon emissions reduction (only when China attains sufficient economic development) to facilitate technology transfer, international R&DD cooperation and CDM projects. 2. Model Advancement On the basis of the CRETM development and evaluations experience so far accumulated as part of CETP, important limitations and areas of improvement have surfaced. In addition to crucial interface areas between EEM, ESS, LCA, and MCDA modeling activities, important issues and areas of integration within the EEM task itself have emerged. Finally, within the CRETM itself, a number of developments and enhancements were identified as important future work. It is emphasized that the majority of effort needed to accomplish these tasks and goals cannot be accomplished within the temporal and funding limitations that presently define the CETP. These limitations, nevertheless, do not preclude listing of work remaining to be completed, even if that work may not be made under the present CETP. Such a list is given below: Ø Fuel Transportation: The model presently forces flows of material based on modal flow-variables that consider the official Chinese statistics and the assumption that changes occur smoothly over time; capacities variables per se and load factors are not modeled. In any case, since it is not possible to model demand and supply for all products transported in China, constraints on the maximum load imposed by the transportation of fuels are legitimate. Ø Electricity Transmission: The CRETM transports energy by wire across regions under the assumption of average pricing and losses per unit of km and smooth capacity growth. Ø Technology Diffusion: Advanced "learning-by-doing" R&D models need to be integrated into the determination of technology costs. While some progress has been made in this important area, the model used to achieve this goal requires better collaboration with Chinese institutions. 123 Ø Partial Equilibrium: Advanced partial economic equilibrium models are applied to endogenize electricity demand as a function of price feedback under conditions of an evolving electric generation energy mix; price elasticities for the Chinese conditions must be elaborated in cooperation with Chinese Institutes. Ø Nuclear Energy: The fidelity of the models currently used needs to be enhanced, particularly as related in a China context to the dependence of fuel price on resource depletion, the flows of environmentally and proliferation-risky materials for a given set of nuclear-fuel-cycle (NFC) assumptions, the introduction of newer technologies to deal with (perceived or real) proliferation, waste, and/or safety issues so that these are reflected more accurately in all cost components (e.g., capital, variable, fixed, decommissioning, transmutation, waste disposal, etc.) (Trellue, 2000; Brogli, 2001); the growth-rate constraints now enforced (8%/yr, or ~50% increase each five-year period) needs to be reconciled with both technical and financial limits; the capability to include advanced NFC modeling methods and databases exist, but the resources within the present CETP are not sufficient. Ø External Costs: Environmental externalities estimated in the CETP project should be explicitly included in the objective function used in CRETM. For that reason particulate material and NOX that are not yet treated, at either source or at consequence levels, must be included. Formulating then, the damage cost as a non-linear function of emission level can help to integrate the results of Environmental Impact Assessment group in the analyses with CRETM. Ø Other Renewable Energy Sources: The issues and constraints of land availability/ competition/"footprint", and the distribution of energy and peaking/capacity/storage issues need better modeling methods and more realistic assumptions; MARKAL-style balances would be useful here. Ø Hydroelectric: The cost and licensing issues related to big versus small hydroelectric generation need to be addressed, particularly with respect to evolving regional and cultural differences [e.g., in the face of environmental, economic (longer construction periods), and adverse public responses, the trend in South America is towards the construction of smaller hydroelectric installations, versus China, is pursuing a largedam policy that to a great extent is permitted by an economy that until recently has been less affected by global trends and a culture where protestations of impacted populations is not as strong. The CRETM offers the advantages of a fast-running, relatively transparent E3 optimization model that describes a regionalized China. Its main limitation is the narrowness of the energy sector being examined - only electricity production and consumption. Nevertheless, within this limitation, Province-specific analyses can be conducted and expressed in a countrywide context. With the improvements suggested above, the CRETM can be applied with great policy and planning utility to a range of China Provinces, once the experience of the Shandong study has been gathered, integrated, and advertised. Furthermore, through the application of user-friendly graphical-user interfaces (GUI), the CRETM can be put at the disposal of policymakers through a PC/laptop platform. In this way, guidance and policy analyses can be provided directly to Provincial Stakeholders in a countrywide context using a flexible and standardized modeling tool. While many of the tasks listed above are crucial to a 124 more profound application of these model results to the generation of useful energy policy, most of these items fall outside the budget presently allocated to the EEM task. 125 References ELIASSON, B. and Yam Y. Lee, (eds.) 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CC Combined Cycle CAPUTIL(ss) full-power hours per year for generation technology ss CC(k,k1) unit cost of chemically clean coal of type k to produce coal of type k1, $/tonne CCT Clean Coal Technology CDM Clean Development Mechanism COSTCAP(ss) capital cost of generation technology, $/kWe COSTDD cost of Decontamination and Decommissioning, $/kWe COSTFIX(ss) fixed cost for operating generation technology ss, annual fraction of capital cost expenditure COSTVAR(ss) variable cost associated with operating generating technology ss, M$/TWeh CO2EF(tot) specific CO2 emission rate for fuel type tot(c), tonneCO2/tonne CO2TARGET(t) CO2 emission target, MtonneCO2/yr CPA Centrally Planned Asia and China CQ(i,k,k1,t) rate of (coal) fuel of type k passing through chemical cleanup treatment to produce (coal) fuel of type k1 in region i at time t, Mtonne/yr CRETM China Regional Electricity Trade Model CRF(RATE,TLIFE) capital recovery factor, 1/yr; Eq.(B-H''') CTAX(i,t) carbon tax, $/tonneCO2 CWM Coal-Water Mixture technologies c fuel + electricity commodity index; Table V. D subscript designator for energy demand, DMD. D&D decontamination and decommissioning. DC designator for D + C DELEC(i,t) annual electrical energy demand in region i at time t DISCPP inter-period discounting factor DMD(TWeh.yr) electric energy demand. DOMGAS domestic gas; Table VI DOMOIL domestic oil; Table VI DOMUR domestic uranium; Table VI DOMESP domestic, large-sized coal-fired generation technologies fitted with electrostatic precipitators, Table VI DOMLAR domestic, large-sized coal-fired generation technologies, Table VI DOMMED domestic, medium-sized coal-fired generation technologies, Table VI DOMSCB domestic, large-sized coal-fired generation technologies fitted with electrostatic precipitators plus (sulfur) scrubbers, Table VI DOMSML domestic, small-sized coal-fired generation technologies, Table VI. 129 DR(1/yr) E, EMI E3 EA EEU EFF(s,c) ID IDC IGCC discount rate, same as RATE. Environmental (C + S) energy, economics, environment Eastern China region; Fig. 1 Eastern Europe efficiency of generation technology s in converting fuel commodity c to electricity Energy-Economics Model (Optimization Model, either single or multiregion, either full energy sector or electric-energy sector. Electric Sector Simulation electricity commodity, Table V total discounted energy cost (value of objective function). efficiency of intra-regional supply of demand DELEC(i,t) fuel equivalent for all (GT, HYDRO, PV, WIND) renewable energies; Table V unit cost of imported fuel of type f (non-coal) transported by mode m, $/tonne(coal, oil), $/m3(gas) (coal) fuel of (type k in region i at time t after chemical or physical cleaning (pre-combustion treatment), Mtonne/yr maximum fuel capacity for cleaning, Mtonne/yr Former Soviet Union maximum fuel capacity to be utilized, Mtonne/yr fuel commodity index; Table V combined-cycle gas-fired generation technology; Table VI advanced combined-cycle gas-fired generation technology; Table VI Gross National Product greenhouse gas subscript designator for GDP geothermal generation technology; Table V Guangdong China region; Fig. 1 Graphical User Interface scenario attribute designator related to hing demand or discount rate high-sulfur, high-ash coal; Table V high-sulfur, low-ash coal, Table V heavy metal (uranium fuel) heating value of fuel tot(c), GJ/tonne (actually kcal/kg units are used in the computer model, replacing the conversion coefficient value of 3.6 with 860 in Eq. (B-9) Harvard University hydroelectric generation technology; Table VI capital investment cost for technology times capital recovery, annualized cost brought to the year t including interest during construction factor, CRF(RATE,TLIFE), for technology ss in region i at time t, M$/yr; Eq.(B-10H'') Identifier interest during construction integrated (coal) gasification combined cycle generation IIASA International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis EEM ESS ELEC ENC(M$) ETATT(i,t) FEQU FIMP(m,t) FQ(i,k,t) FQHIGH(t,i,k) FSU FUELHIGH(t,i,tot) f(c) GASCC GASCCA GDP GHG G GT GU GUI H HHCOAL HLCOAL HM HSTD(tot) HU HYDRO ICOST(i,ss,t) 130 IMPGAS IMPOIL IMPUR INV(i,ss,t) i, i1 k(c), k1(c) L LAM LEU LLCOAL LHCOAL LP M MCO2(MtonneCO2) MARKAL MAENC(t,ss) MAXGR(ss) MEA MHCOAL MLCOAL m N NA NE NO NOXEF(ss,tot) NOXTARGET(t) NPV NQ(i,k,k1,t) NTAX(i,t) NW NUCLEAR O OECD OILCC OILREG P PAO PAS pc PC(k,k1) PHASOUT(t) PNNL technology, Table VI imported gas; Table V imported oil; Table V imported uranium investment per period in new technology of type ss in region i at time t, GWe/period; region index; Fig. 1; also general idex index for coal fuel of type k; Table V scenarios designator related to low demand or discount rate Latin America and the Caribbean low-enriched uranium low-sulfur, low-ash coal; Table V low-sulfur, high-ash coal; Table V linear program scenario designator related to medium demand or discount rate integrated CO2 emissions over model time period (1995-2030) Market Allocation model technology limits as percent of total annual generation maximum growth rate of certain technologies, 1/yr Middle East and North Africa medium-sulfur, high-ash coal; Table V medium-sulfur, low-ash coal; Table V transport mode (rail, road, ship, pipeline, wire) scenario attribute designator related to no emissions tax or caps North America northeast China region; Fig. 1 north (central) China region; Fig. 1 specific NOX emission rate, tonneNOX/tonne NOX emission target, MtonneNOX/yr Net Present Value rate of (coal) fuel of type k not passing through any cleanup treatment to produce (coal) fuel of type k1 =k in region i at time t, Mtonne/yr NOX tax, $/tonneNOX northwest China region; Fig. 1 nuclear-fueled generation technology; Table VI scenario attribute designator for "ordinary" or BAU conditions Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development combined-cycle oil-fired generation technology; Table VI regular/standard oil-fired generation technology; Table VI scenario designator related to solar PV advanced generation technology Pacific OECD Other Pacific Asia personal computer cost of physically cleaning coal of type k to produce coal of type k1, $/tonne phase-out rate of "bad" technology as fraction of 1995 capacity Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 131 PQ(i,k,k1,t) PRCT(t) PFB PSI PV QCAP(i,ss,t) QF(i,c,s,t) QSELEC(i,ss,t) QTR(i,i1,c,m,t) QIMP(i,f,m,t) QS(i,c,t) RATE RCW(k,k1) R, REN RES RENEW(t,i,s1) S SA SAS SC SEFF(ss) SO2EMISS(i,t) SO2TARGET(t) STAX(i,t) SUM SW SDEP(i,t) s(ss) sc(ss) sg(ss) soil(ss) ss s1(ss) s2(ss) s3(ss) s4(ss) s5(ss) s6(ss) rate of (coal) fuel of type k passing through physical cleanup treatment to produce (coal) fuel of type k1 in region i at time t, Mtonne/yr percent coal cleaning of total coal annual flow Pressurized Fluidized Bed coal combustion Paul Scherrer Institut present value, referred to the year 1995; or solar photovoltaic solar generation technology; Table VI electric generation capacity of technology ss installed in region i at time t, GWe/yr: Eq.(B-8) Fuel commodity c used by generation technology s in region i at time t, Mtonne/yr; Eq.(B-3,4) annual electricity supplied to region iby technology ss at time t, TWeh/yr; Eq. (B-5) rate of transport of commodity c from region i to region i1 by transport mode m at time t, Mtonne/yr; Eq.(B-5) rate of import of fuel f(c) into region i by mode m at time t, Mtonne/yr; Eq.(B-4) rate of supply of commodity (fuel) c to region i at time t, not including electricity, Mtonne/yr; Eq.(B-1) discount rate, 1/yr ratio of output to input coal mass associated with all (chemical or physical cleaning process that delivers coal of quality k to quality k1 Renewable Reference Energy System capacity limits on renewable energy generation technologies, GWe Sulfur (SO2 caps, taxes) Shandong China region; Fig. 1 South Asia South-central China region; Fig. 1 specific SO2 emission rate, tonneSO2/tonne regional SO2 emission limits, MtonneSO2/yr SO2 emission target, MtonneSO2/yr SO2 tax, $/tonneSO2 general summation Southwest China region; Fig. 1 sulfur deposition rate in region i at time t, MtonneSO2/yr set of all thermal generation technologies; Table V set of all coal-fueled generation technologies; Table V set of all gas-fueled generation technologies; Table V set of all oil-fueled generation technologies; Table V set of all generation technology; Table V set of all renewable generation technologies; Table ?V set of all older domestic coal-fuel generation technologies; Table V set of all nuclear generation technologies; Table V set of all hydroelectric generation technologies; Table V set of all fossil-fueled generation technologies; Table V set of all "clean" (fossil-fueled + nuclear + renewable) generation technologies; Table V 132 T t TCH TCONST(ss,t) TLIFE(ss,t) TMAX TOT(c) TR(m,i1,i) TRM(c,m) TRMI(c,m) TCW(c,m) UCTRP(c,m,i,i1,t) WEC WEU WIND x, x'(1/yr) YEARPP ZIMP(i,t) ZDOM(i,t) ZWAS(i,t) ZTRP(i,t) ZTAX(i,t) ZVAR(i,t) ZFIX(i,t) ZCAP(i,t) ZZ(t) ZZTT(B$) λ i (1/yr) scenario attribute designator describing application of emissions tax time (period) index Technologies construction time for technology ss at time t, yr capitalization or economic life of technology ss at time t, yr cardinal of {t} set if all thermal fuels, Table V indication of a transportation link between region i and i1 mode m measure of ability to transport fuel commodity c via mode m measure of ability to import and transport fuel commodity c via mode m [restricted to fuel commodities in set f(c), coal is not imported] efficiency (non-loss fraction) in transporting fuel commodity c via transport mode m unit cost of transportation of fuel commodity c from region I to region i1, $/tonne/km World Energy Council Western Europe wind generation technology, Table VI general discount, escalation, or inflation rates years per period annual charges for imported (non-coal) fuels, M$/yr annual charges for all domestic fuels, M$%.yr annual charges for washing all coal fuels, M$/yr annual charges for transporting all fuels, M$/yr annual charges for emissions (SO2, CO2, NOX), M$/yr annual variable operating charges, M$/yr annual fixed operating charges, M$/yr annual capital cost charges, M$/yr objective function, total present value (1995) of all costs associated with the total China electrical supply, M$; (Eq. (B-9,10). total undiscounted costs associated with the total China electrical supply. exponential rate for i = D, C, or G. KEY ENERGY CONVERSIONS FACTORS Joule 1 Ws; 1018 J/EJ; 1015 J/PJ; 109 J/GJ; 106 J/MJ tce tonne of coal equivalent = 29.3 GJ toe tonne of oil equivalent = 42 GJ bbl(oil) barrel of oil = 6.11 GJ Mm3(gas) million m3 natural gas = 0.036PJ 133 Appendix A. Summary of Key Data (Base Case BHC) Used by China Regional Energy Model (CRETM) Summarized in this Appendix are key data drivers of CRETM. These data pertain primarily to the Base Case (BHC, Table III) conditions. Many of these data were derived from other sources and are subject to modification as refinements, new insights, and new directions emerge. The primary intent here is to give a firm and transparent basis for the preliminary parametric analyses presented in this complete, but nonetheless interim, report on a sevenregion, 30-year time horizon model of the countrywide Chinese electrical energy sector, with a focus on Shandong Province. Table 1. Time Periods Modeled by CRETM. Time Periods in Planning-Horizon Variable, t (1995-2030) 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 Table 2. Seven Regions Modeled by CRETM. Coal-Producing Nodes at a Provincial Level Region, i NO NE EA SA SC SW NW Description NOrth NorthEast EAst ShAndong SouthCentral SouthWest NorthWest Table 3. Vital Statistics for Seven Regions Modeled by CRETM. STAT(i,param); Vital Statistics for China Population, POPN(i)/1000 People, 2 AREA(i)/1000km , 2 Population DENSITY(i)/km Region, i POPN AREA NO 139910 1572.2 NE 103850 757.2 EA 268180 638.5 SA 80000 153 SC 333990 1007 SW 190630 2317.8 NW 86070 3140.3 134 DENSITY 88.99 172.81 439.9 552.86 331.67 82.25 27.41 Table 4. Elasticities of Demand and Price. Demand Elasticity of Income, ELAGDP 0.65 Demand Elasticity of Price Year 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 ELAPRICE(t) 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 Table 5. 1995 Electricity Demand by Region. Electricity Demand by Region in Period 1995 Region (i) QELEC95(i) TWeh/yr NO NE EA SA SC SW NW Total 165.8 121.3 225.3 74 240.3 127.8 52.6 1007.1 Table 6A. Lower Bound on Forced Penetration of Technologies enc. MAENCLO(t,enc); Forced Penetration Fraction via Lower Bounds on Technologies Time, t GAS NUCLEAR OIL 1995 0.01 0.01 0.01 2000 0.01 0.01 0.01 2005 0.01 0.01 0.01 2010 0.01 0.01 0.01 2015 0.01 0.01 0.01 2020 0.01 0.015 0.015 2025 0.01 0.015 0.015 2030 0.01 0.015 0.015 135 COAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HYDRO 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.12 0.12 Table 6B. Upper Bound on Forced Penetration of Technologies enc. MAENCUP(t,enc); Forced Penetration Fraction as Upper Bounds on Technologies Time, t COAL HYDRO 1995 0.8 0.2 2000 0.8 0.2 2005 0.8 0.22 2010 0.8 0.23 2015 0.8 0.25 2020 0.85 0.25 2025 0.85 0.25 2030 0.85 0.25 Table 7. Assumed annual marginal electricity Price Growth by Region and Time. For the partial equilibrium version of the models this is an endogenous parameter. Annual Price Growth Rate, GPRICE(t,i) Time, t NO NE EA 1995 0.01 0.01 0.01 2000 0.01 0.01 0.01 2005 0.01 0.01 0.01 2010 0.01 0.01 0.01 2015 0.01 0.01 0.01 2020 0.01 0.01 0.01 2025 0.01 0.01 0.01 2030 0.01 0.01 0.01 SA 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 136 SC 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 SW 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 NW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Table 8. Annual Average Economic Growth Rates per Scenario. Annual Average Economic Growth Rate, GGDP(t,i), 1/yr Demand Level TIME, t NO Low-Low-Low, LLL 1995 0.1 2000 0.055 2005 0.04 2010 0.035 2015 0.03 2020 0.025 2025 0.02 2030 0.015 Low-Low, LL 1995 0.1 2000 0.06 2005 0.05 2010 0.04 2015 0.04 2020 0.03 2025 0.03 2030 0.035 Low, L 1995 0.1 2000 0.075 2005 0.06 2010 0.06 2015 0.04 2020 0.04 2030 0.04 High, H 1995 0.1 2000 0.09 2005 0.08 2010 0.07 2015 0.06 2020 0.05 2025 0.045 2030 0.04 High-High, HH 1995 0.1 2000 0.1 2005 0.1 2010 0.095 2015 0.09 2020 0.08 2025 0.07 2030 0.06 NE 0.1 0.055 0.04 0.035 0.03 0.025 0.02 0.015 0.1 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.035 0.1 0.075 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.1 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.045 0.04 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.095 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 137 EA 0.1 0.055 0.04 0.035 0.03 0.025 0.02 0.015 0.1 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.035 0.1 0.075 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.1 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.045 0.04 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.095 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 SA 0.1 0.055 0.04 0.035 0.03 0.025 0.02 0.015 0.1 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.035 0.11 0.075 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.1 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.045 0.04 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.095 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 SC 0.1 0.055 0.04 0.035 0.03 0.025 0.02 0.015 0.1 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.035 0.1 0.075 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.1 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.045 0.04 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.095 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 SW 0.1 0.055 0.04 0.035 0.03 0.025 0.02 0.015 0.1 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.035 0.1 0.075 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.1 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.045 0.04 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.095 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 NW 0.1 0.055 0.04 0.035 0.03 0.025 0.02 0.015 0.1 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.035 0.1 0.075 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.1 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.045 0.04 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 Table 9A. Emissions Constraints for CO2. In the BaU cases bounds are high and inactive. CO2TARET(t); Target for CO2 Emissions Time, t CO2TARGET(t) (MtonneCO2/yr) 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 1000 1300 1500 8000 8000 8000 8000 10000 Table 9B. Emissions Constraints for SO2. In the BaU cases bounds are high and inactive. SO2TARGET(t); Target for SO2 Emissions Time, t SO2TARGET(t) (MtonneSO2/yr) 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Table 9C. Emissions Constraints for NOX. In the BaU cases bounds are high and inactive. NOXTARGET(t); Target for NOX Emissions Time, t NOXTARGET(t) MtonneNOX/yr) 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 2030 100 138 Table 10. SO2 Emission Constraints by Region and Time. In the BAU cases bounds are high and inactive. SO2EMISS(i,t); Limit to SO2 Emissions, MtonneSO2/yr Region, I 1995 2000 2005 NO 100 100 100 NE 100 100 100 EA 100 100 100 SA 100 100 100 SC 100 100 100 SW 100 100 100 NW 100 100 100 2010 100 100 100 100 100 100 2015 100 100 100 100 100 100 2020 100 100 100 100 100 100 2025 100 100 100 100 100 100 2030 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Table 11. Emission Targets for CO2, SO2, and NOX. In the BaU cases bounds are high and inactive. Time, t CO2TARGET(t) (MtonneCO2/yr) SO2TARGET(t) (MtonneSO2/yr) NOXTARGET(t) (MtonneNOX/yr) 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 1000 1300 1500 8000 8000 8000 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 2025 8000 100 100 2030 10000 100 100 Table 12A. Carbon Tax Rate per Region and Time. CTAX(I,t), $/tonneCO2, Carbon Tax per Region and Time Region, I /Time, t 1995 2000 2005 NO 0 0 0 NE 0 0 0 EA 0 0 0 SA 0 0 0 SC 0 0 0 SW 0 0 0 NW 0 0 0 2010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 139 2015 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2020 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2025 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2030 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Table 12B. Sulfur Tax Rate per Region and Time. STAX(I,t), $/tonneSO2, Sulfur Tax per Region and Time Region, I /Time, t 1995 2000 2005 NO 0 0 0 NE 0 0 0 EA 0 0 0 SA 0 0 0 SC 0 0 0 SW 0 0 0 NW 0 0 0 2010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2015 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2020 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2025 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2030 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2015 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2020 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2025 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2030 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Table 12C. Nitrogen Tax Rate per Region and Time. NTAX(i,t), $/tonneNOX Nitrogen Tax per Region and Time Region, I /Time, t 1995 2000 2005 NO 0 0 0 NE 0 0 0 EA 0 0 0 SA 0 0 0 SC 0 0 0 SW 0 0 0 NW 0 0 0 2010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Table 13. Transportation Capabilities by Fuel and Model. MODETRPT(c,m), Capability to Transport Each Fuel Fuel, c / mode, m ROAD RAIL SHIP HHCOAL 1 1 1 HLCOAL 1 1 1 MHCOAL 1 1 1 MLCOAL 1 1 1 LHCOAL 1 1 1 LLCOAL 1 1 1 OIL 1 1 1 GAS OILimpt 1 GASimpt LGNimpt 1 UR 1 1 1 URimpt 1 1 1 ELEC 140 PIPE WIRE 1 1 1 1 1 Table 14. Import Transportation Mode by Region. MODEIMPR(f,i,m) Imports of Fuel by Region and Mode Mode, m ROAD RAIL SHIP Fuel, c / Region, i OILimpt NO 1 NE 1 EA 1 SA 1 SC 1 SW NW GASimpt NO 1 NE 1 EA 1 SA 1 SC 1 SW NW URimpt NO 1 1 NE 1 1 EA 1 1 SA 1 1 SC 1 1 SW 1 NW 1 PIPE WIRE 1 1 1 1 Table 15. Cost of Fuel Imports. FIMP(m,f) Cost of Fuel Imported by Mode, $/tonne(coal,oil), 3 $/1000m (gas) Mode, m / Fuel, f OILimpt GASimpt PIPE 137 125 SHIP 132 120 RAIL Urimpt* 0 0 * Cost of Uranium is included in the fuel cost of nuclear Energy 141 Table 16. Transportation Links. TRANSPORT(m,i,i1) , Transport Link Between Nodes [from i to i1 exports, from i1 to i imports] Mode, m / Region, i RAIL NO NE EA SA SC NO 0 1 1 1 1 NE 1 0 1 1 1 EA 1 1 0 1 1 SA 1 1 1 0 1 SC 1 1 1 1 0 SW 1 1 1 1 1 NW 1 1 1 1 1 SHIP NO NE EA SA SC NO 0 1 1 1 1 NE 0 0 1 1 1 EA 0 0 0 1 1 SA 0 0 0 0 1 SC 0 0 1 1 0 SW 0 0 1 1 0 NW 0 0 0 0 0 PIPE NO NE EA SA SC NO 0 1 1 1 1 NE 0 0 1 1 1 EA 0 0 0 1 1 SA 0 0 0 0 1 SC 0 0 1 1 0 SW 0 0 1 1 1 NW 0 1 1 1 1 WIRE NO NE EA SA SC NO 0 1 1 1 1 NE 1 0 1 1 1 EA 1 1 0 1 1 SA 1 1 1 0 1 SC 1 1 1 1 0 SW 1 1 1 1 1 NW 1 1 1 1 1 ROAD NO NE EA SA SC NO 0 1 1 1 1 NE 1 0 1 1 1 EA 1 1 0 0 1 SA 1 1 0 0 1 SC 1 1 1 1 0 SW 1 1 1 1 1 NW 1 1 1 1 1 142 SW 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 SW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SW 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 SW 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 NW 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 NW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NW 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 NW 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 Table 17. Average Distance Between Regions. ADIST(I,I1), km, Average Distance Between Regions Region, i / Region, i1 NO NE EA NO 0 2000 1500 NE 2000 0 3600 EA 1500 3600 0 SA 500 600 500 SC 2100 3800 900 SW 2500 4500 2300 NW 3100 5300 4600 SA 500 600 500 0 500 1800 3200 SC 2100 3800 900 500 0 1200 3900 SW 2500 4500 2300 1800 1200 0 3200 Table 18. Transportation Efficiencies (Losses). TCW(c,m) . Transport Efficiency; Part of fuel c Remaining after transportation by Mode m Fuel, c / Mode, m ROAD RAIL SHIP HHCOAL 0.95 0.95 0.95 HLCOAL 0.95 0.95 0.95 MHCOAL 0.95 0.95 0.95 MLCOAL 0.95 0.95 0.95 LHCOAL 0.95 0.95 0.95 LLCOAL 0.95 0.95 0.95 OIL 0.99 0.99 0.98 GAS OILimpt 0.98 GASimpt UR 1 1 1 URimpt 1 1 1 ELEC PIPE WIRE 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0 0 0.92 Table 19. Transportation Costs. TRCPERKM(c,m); Transportation Costs, Units: COAL($/tonne km); 3 OIL($/tonne km); NG($/km km); UR($/tonne km); ELEC(M$/TWeh/km) Fuel, c / Mode, RAIL ROAD SHIP m HHCOAL 0.006 0.012 0.002 OIL 0.007 0.014 0.004 OILimpt 0.007 0.014 0.004 GAS 0 0 0 GASimpt 0 0 0 UR 0.024 0.048 0.008 URimpt 0.024 0.048 0.008 ELEC 0 0 0 143 PIPE 0 0.005 0.005 0.018 0.018 0 0 0 WIRE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.003 NW 3100 5300 4600 3200 3900 3200 0 Table 20. Unit Cost of Fuel. UCFUEL(i,tot); Cost of Fuel Mined; Units: $/tonneCOAL, $/tonneOIL; 3 $/km GAS (a) fuel charges for UR included in variable costs, COSTVAR(ss,t) Region, i HHCOAL HLCOAL MHCOAL MLCOAL LHCOAL LLCOAL NO 12.46 13.33 12.65 13.54 13.03 13.94 NE 13.89 14.86 14.1 15.09 14.52 15.54 EA 14.72 15.75 14.94 15.99 15.39 16.47 SA 14.72 15.75 14.94 15.99 15.39 16.47 SC 16.97 18.16 17.23 18.44 17.75 18.99 SW 18.99 20.32 19.28 20.63 19.86 21.25 NW 10.09 10.79 10.24 10.96 10.55 11.29 (a) include as part of variable annual operating costs for NUCLEAR Table 21. Dynamics Parameter for Imported Fuels. DFIMP(t,m,f); (unitless) Dynamics Parameter for Imported Cost of Fuel by Transportation Mode Mode, m / Time, t OILimpt GASimpt PIPE 1995 1 1 2000 1.1 1.1 2005 1.2 1.2 2010 1.35 1.35 2015 1.5 1.5 2020 1.65 1.65 2025 1.75 1.75 2030 1.9 1.9 SHIP 1995 1 1 2000 1.1 1.1 2005 1.2 1.2 2010 1.35 1.35 2015 1.5 1.5 2020 1.65 1.65 2025 1.75 1.75 2030 1.9 1.9 RAIL 1995 1 2000 1 2005 1.1 2010 1.1 2015 1.1 2020 1.1 2025 1.1 2030 1.1 URimpt 1 1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 144 OIL GAS UR^(a) 108.4 90 0 106.6 90 0 111.4 90 0 111.4 90 0 132.5 90 0 137.1 90 0 100.1 90 0 Table 22. Dynamics of Relative Fuel Costs. DUCFUEL(t, tot,i); Dynamics of Relative Cost of Fuels or Imports by Region Fuel, tot / Time, t NO NE EA SA SC HHCOAL 1995 1 1 1 1 1 2000 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 2005 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 2010 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 2015 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 2020 1.65 1.65 1.65 1.65 1.65 2025 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 2030 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 OIL 1995 1 1 1 1 1 2000 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 2005 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 2010 1.46 1.46 1.46 1.46 1.46 2015 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 2020 1.66 1.66 1.66 1.66 1.66 2025 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 2030 1.88 1.88 1.88 1.88 1.88 GAS 1995 1 1 1 1 1 2000 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 2005 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 2010 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.22 2015 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 2020 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 2025 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 2030 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 OILimpt NO NE EA SA SC 1995 1 1 1 1 1 2000 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 2005 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 2010 1.46 1.46 1.46 1.46 1.46 2015 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 2020 1.66 1.66 1.66 1.66 1.66 2025 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 2030 1.88 1.88 1.88 1.88 1.88 GASimpt 1995 1 1 1 1 1 2000 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 2005 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 2010 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.22 2015 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 2020 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 2025 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 2030 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 145 SW NW 1 1.1 1.2 1.35 1.5 1.65 1.75 1.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.9 1 1.25 1.35 1.46 1.56 1.66 1.77 1.88 1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1 1.1 1.15 1.22 1.25 1.33 1.4 1.44 SW 1 1.25 1.35 1.46 1.56 1.66 1.77 1.88 1 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.4 NW 1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1 1.1 1.15 1.22 1.25 1.33 1.4 1.44 1 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.4 Table 22.(Cont.) Dynamics of Relative Fuel Costs. DUCFUEL(t, tot,i); Dynamics of Relative Cost of Fuels or Imports by Region Fuel, tot / Time, t NO NE EA SA SC UR 1995 1 1 1 1 1 2000 1 1 1 1 1 2005 1 1 1 1 1 2010 1 1 1 1 1 2015 1 1 1 1 1 2020 1 1 1 1 1 2025 1 1 1 1 1 2030 1 1 1 1 1 SW NW 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Table 23. Dynamics of Relative Transportation Costs. DUNTRNSP(t,m); Dynamics (Relative) Transportation Costs by Mode Time, t / Mode, m ROAD RAIL SHIP PIPE 1995 1 1 1 1 2000 1.05 1.05 1.05 1 2005 1.1 1.1 1.1 1 2010 1.16 1.16 1.16 1 2015 1.21 1.21 1.22 1 2020 1.27 1.27 1.29 1 2025 1.35 1.35 1.35 1 2030 1.4 1.4 1.4 1 Table 24. Residual (post-1995) Capacity. RESID(t); Residual Capacity per Period, Relative to 1995 Time, t Resid(t) 1995 0.6 2000 0.4 2005 0.2 2010 0 2015 0 2020 0 2025 0 2030 0 146 WIRE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Table 25. Heat Content of Various Fuels. HSTD(tot); kcal/kg; Heat Content for Standard Chinese Fuel (Standard coal has heat contend of 29.31 GJ/tonne) Fuel, tot HHCOAL HLCOAL MHCOAL MLCOAL LHCOAL LLCOAL OIL GAS OILimpt GASimpt UR URimpt HSTD(tot) 5000 5500 5000 5500 5000 5500 10000 9310 10000 9310 1.03E+09(a) 1.03E+09(a) (a) based on unit mass of prepared fuel element an a burn-up of 40 MWd/kgHM. Table 26. Minimum Fuel Capacity to be Utilized per region. FUELLOW(i,tot); Minimum Fuel Capacity to Be Utilized for Region i, r in Mtonne/yr or 1000 m^3(GAS)/y (Upper Bound in Use of Resource) Region, I HHCOAL HLCOAL MHCOAL MLCOAL LHCOAL NO 0 0 0 0 NE 0 0 0 0 EA 0 0 0 0 SA 0 0 0 0 SC 0 0 0 0 SW 0 0 0 0 NW 0 0 0 0 147 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LLCOAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OIL GAS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 UR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Table 27. Maximum Fuel Capacity to be Utilized per Region and Time. FUELHIGH (t,i,tot) Maximum Fuel Capacity to Be Utilized for 3 Region i, in Mtonne/yr or 1000m (GAS)/yr units. (Upper Bound in Use of Resource) Time, t / Region, HHCOAL HLCOAL MHCOAL MLCOAL LHCOAL LLCOAL OIL GAS I 1995 NO 2 2 108 87 37 18 11.4 2 NE 1 1 11 5 41 23 75 6 EA 2 3 51 36 7 1 31.1 3 SA 2 3 51 36 7 1 31.1 3 SC 11 1 38 24 21 4 13.4 2 SW 34 1 49 7 19 1 1.9 13 NW 2 2 3 14 10 4 17.3 4 2000 NO 2 3 122 99 41 21 12 2 NE 1 1 11 5 42 23 76 6 EA 2 3 52 37 7 1 35 3 SA 2 3 52 37 7 1 35 3 SC 11 1 38 24 22 4 15 2 SW 36 1 52 8 20 1 8 13 NW 2 2 4 14 11 4 20 4 2005 NO 3 4 159 129 54 27 12 3 NE 1 1 12 5 43 24 76 7 EA 2 3 53 37 7 1 35 4 SA 2 3 53 37 7 1 35 4 SC 11 1 39 24 22 4 15 3 SW 38 1 54 8 21 1 8 15 NW 2 2 5 19 14 6 40 18 2010 NO 4 4 197 159 67 33 12 3 NE 1 1 12 5 44 24 76 7 EA 2 3 30 28 6 1 20 4 SA 2 1 14 10 2 0 15 2 SC 11 2 40 25 23 4 15 3 SW 39 1 57 8 22 1 12 21 NW 3 3 6 24 18 7 60 32 2015 NO 4 5 211 171 72 36 10 3 NE 1 1 12 5 44 24 70 7 EA 2 3 54 38 8 1 30 4 SA 2 3 54 38 8 1 30 4 SC 11 2 40 25 23 4 15 3 SW 41 1 59 9 22 1 12 23 NW 4 4 7 29 21 9 75 50 148 UR 0.5 0 0 0.02 0.05 0.04 0.5 0 0 0.02 0.05 0.04 0.6 0 0 0.03 0.08 0.08 0.6 0 0 0.03 0.08 0.08 0.8 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.09 0.1 Table 27(Cont.). Maximum Fuel Capacity to be Utilized per Region and Time. FUELHIGH (t,i,tot) Maximum Fuel Capacity to Be Utilized for Region i, 3 in Mtonne/yr or 1000 m (GAS)/yr (Upper Bound in Use of Resource) Time, t / Region, HHCOAL HLCOAL MHCOAL MLCOAL LHCOAL LLCOAL OIL GAS I 2020 NO 4 5 224 182 76 38 8 3 NE 1 1 12 6 45 25 65 7 EA 2 3 54 38 8 1 30 4 SA 2 3 54 38 8 1 30 4 SC 11 2 40 25 23 4 15 3 SW 42 1 61 9 23 1 12 25 NW 4 4 8 33 24 10 90 58 2025 NO 4 5 237 192 80 40 6 3 NE 1 1 12 6 45 25 65 7 EA 2 3 54 38 8 1 30 4 SA 2 3 54 38 8 1 30 4 SC 11 2 40 25 23 4 15 3 SW 42 1 61 9 23 1 12 25 NW 4 4 8 33 24 10 90 58 2030 NO 4 5 250 202 84 42 4 3 NE 1 1 12 6 45 25 65 7 EA 2 3 54 38 8 1 30 4 SA 2 3 54 38 8 1 30 4 SC 11 2 40 25 23 4 15 3 SW 42 1 61 9 23 1 12 25 NW 4 4 8 33 24 10 90 58 149 UR 0.9 0.03 0.03 0.06 0.11 0.14 1 0.05 0.05 0.08 0.13 0.17 1.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.15 0.25 Table 28. Maximum Coal Cleaning Capacity per Region and Time. FQHIGH (t,i,k1) Maximum Fuel (Coal) Cleaning Capacity in Region i; 3 in Mtonne/yr or 1000 m (GAS)/yr Time, t / Region, i / Fuel k1 HHCOAL HLCOAL MHCOAL MLCOAL LHCOAL 1995 NO 2 2 108 87 37 NE 1 1 11 5 41 EA 2 3 51 36 7 SA 2 3 51 36 7 SC 11 1 38 24 21 SW 34 1 49 7 19 NW 2 2 3 14 10 2000 NO 2 3 122 99 41 NE 1 1 11 5 42 EA 2 3 52 37 7 SA 2 3 52 37 7 SC 11 1 38 24 22 SW 36 1 52 8 20 NW 2 2 4 14 11 2005 NO 3 4 159 129 54 NE 1 1 12 5 43 EA 2 3 53 37 7 SA 2 3 53 37 7 SC 11 1 39 24 22 SW 38 1 54 8 21 NW 2 2 5 19 14 2010 NO 4 4 197 159 67 NE 1 1 12 5 44 EA 2 3 54 38 8 SA 2 3 54 38 8 SC 11 2 40 25 23 SW 39 1 57 8 22 NW 3 3 6 24 18 2015 NO 4 5 211 171 72 NE 1 1 12 5 44 EA 2 3 54 38 8 SA 2 3 54 38 8 SC 11 2 40 25 23 SW 41 1 59 9 22 NW 4 4 7 29 21 150 Table 28(Cont.). Maximum Coal Cleaning Capacity per Region and Time. FQHIGH (t,i,k1) Maximum Fuel (Coal) Cleaning Capacity in Region i; 3 in Mtonne/yr or 1000 m (GAS)/yr 2020 NO NE EA SA SC SW NW 4 1 11 2 2 42 4 5 1 2 3 3 1 4 224 12 40 54 54 61 8 182 6 25 38 38 9 33 76 45 23 8 8 23 24 NO NE EA SA SC SW NW 4 1 11 2 2 42 4 5 1 2 3 3 1 4 237 12 40 54 54 61 8 192 7 25 38 38 9 33 80 46 23 8 8 23 24 NO NE EA SA SC SW NW 4 1 11 2 2 42 4 5 1 2 3 3 1 4 250 12 40 54 54 61 8 202 8 25 38 38 9 33 84 47 23 8 8 23 24 2025 2030 Table 29. Efficiency for Fuel to Electricity Conversion per Technology EFF(s,tot); Efficiency of Technology s to Convert Fuel tot to Electricity Technol., s HHC HLC MHC MLC LHC LLC OIL GAS OILimpt GASimpt UR URimpt DOMSML 0.26 0.27 0.26 0.27 0.26 0.27 DOMMED 0.28 0.29 0.28 0.29 0.28 0.29 DOMESP 0.33 0.35 0.33 0.35 0.33 0.36 DOMSCB 0.32 0.34 0.32 0.34 0.32 0.35 DOMBIG 0.39 0.39 0.4 0.4 0.41 0.42 AFBC 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.38 0.38 0.38 IGCC 0.42 0.42 0.43 0.43 0.45 0.45 OILREG 0.35 0.35 OILCC 0.42 0.42 GASCC 0.45 0.45 GASCCA 0.55 0.55 NUCLEAR 0.33 0.33 PFBC 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 151 Table 30. Maximum Renewable Energy Capacities. RENEW(t,i,s1); Maximum Renewable Capacity , GWe to Be Utilized in Region i, Time, t / Region i / Technol. s1 HYDRO 1995 NO 1.24 NE 4.45 EA 8.8 SA 0.2 SC 20.1 SW 11.74 NW 5.92 2000 NO 6.9198 NE 11.9945 EA 17.9022 SA 0.3 SC 67.4349 SW 232.3433 NW 41.9377 WIND PV GT 0.01295 0.005055 0.003155 0.003155 0.0015 0 0.015 0.00875 0.00055 0.003 0.003 0 0 0.0165 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.0105 0 0.0271 15 4.5 8 8 10 0 5.5 25 25 10 10 10 0 25 20.25 6.75 2.25 2.25 33.75 4.5 157.5 Table 30(Cont.). Maximum Renewable Energy Capacities. RENEW(t,i,s1); Maximum Renewable Capacity , GWe to Be Utilized in Region i, 2020 HYDRO WIND NO 6.9198 15 NE 38 4.5 EA 17.9022 8 SA 0.3 8 SC 67.4349 10 SW 232.3433 0 NW 41.9377 5.5 2030 NO 6.9198 15 NE 38 4.5 EA 17.9022 8 SA 0.3 8 SC 67.4349 10 SW 232.3433 0 NW 41.9377 5.5 Table 31. Capacity Factor for HYDRO. LOADHYDR(i); Regional Load Factors for HYDRO, hr/yr Region, I LOADHYDR NO 2000 NE 3000 EA 2000 SA 2000 SC 4000 SW 5000 NW 3000 152 PV 25 25 10 10 10 0 25 GT 20.25 6.75 2.25 2.25 33.75 4.5 157.5 25 25 10 10 10 0 25 20.25 6.75 2.25 2.25 33.75 4.5 157.5 Table 32. Capacity Factors per Technology. CAPUTIL(ss); Capacity, hr/yr [1992 National Average 52%, thermal and hydro combined] Technol. ss CAPUTIL(ss) DOMSML 4800 DOMMED 5000 DOMESP 5200 DOMSCB 5200 DOMBIG 5200 AFBC 6000 IGCC 6000 PFBC 6000 OILREG 4800 OILCC 5600 GASCC 6000 GASCCA 6000 NUCLEAR 7000 HYDRO 3800 WIND 2600 GT 3200 PV 2600 Table 33. Lifetimes for Construction, Technologies, and Economics. CONSLIFE(ss,life); Technology Construction Period and Lifetimes, yr Technology, ss / life CONSTR LIFE DOMSML 2 20 DOMMED 3 30 DOMESP 3 30 DOMSCB 3 30 DOMBIG 3 30 AFBC 3 30 IGCC 3 30 OILREG 2 20 OILCC 2.5 20 GASCC 2 20 GASCCA 2.5 20 NUCLEAR 5 30 HYDRO 8 50 WIND 2 20 PV 2 25 GT 2 15 PFBC 3 20 153 ECLIFE 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 20 20 20 20 30 50 20 25 15 20 Table 34. Initial (1995) Installed Electrical Capacity by Region. QCAP95(i,ss) Initial Installed Capacity of Thermal Technology ss, GWe* Region, i DOMSML DOMMED DOMBI DOMESP DOMSCB OILREG G NO 8.4 15.61 8.21 0.019 NE 7.62 11.56 2.2 EA 10 10 18 0.1 SA 2 9.8 1 2 0.08 SC 7.88 13.8 7.385 5.24 SW 5.14 5.15 2.96 0.72 NW 2.36 3.43 1.8 Region, i GASCC GASCCA NUCLE HYDRO WIND PV AR NO 1.24 0.01295 0.00875 NE 4.448 0.005055 0.00055 EA 0.3 8.6 0.003155 0.003 SA 0.08 0 0 0.07 0 0 SC 1.8 20.038 0.0015 0 SW 0.23 0 11.7 0 0 NW 5.92 0.01 0.01 *Total installed capacity in 1994 was 195.3 GWe (NUCLEAR + COAL) Table 35. Capital Costs of Key Technologies. COSTCAP(ss); Capital Costs of Installed Technology, ss , M$/GWe Technology., ss COSTCAP(ss) DOMSML 676 DOMMED 650 DOMESP 600 DOMSCB 890 DOMBIG 890 AFBC 900 IGCC 900 OILREG 530 OILCC 500 GASCC 530 GASCCA 500 NUCLEAR* 1600 HYDRO 1200 WIND 1200 PV 10000 GT 2000 PFBC 1000 154 OILCC 0.132 0.191 0.33 0.1 2.106 0.073 0.074 GT 0.002 0.001 0.002 0 0 0 0.027 Table 36. Relative Decrease in Capital Costs with Time. DECOSTCAP(ss,t); Factor Decrease in COSTCAP Assumed With Time Technol., ss 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 DOMSML 1 1 1 1 1 1 DOMMED 1 1 1 1 1 1 DOMESP 1 1 1 1 1 1 DOMSCB 1 1 1 1 1 1 DOMGIG 1 1 1 1 1 1 AFBC 1 1 1 1 1 1 IGCC 1 1 1 1 1 1 OILREG 1 1 1 1 1 1 OILCC 1 1 1 1 1 1 GASCC 1 1 1 1 1 1 GASCCA 1 1 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 NUCLEAR 1 1 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 HYDRO 1 1 1 1 1 1 WIND 1 0.9 0.9 0.85 0.85 0.8 PV 1 0.5 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.27 GT 1 1 1 1 1 1 PFBC 1 1 1 1 1 1 Table 37. Variable Operating Costs per Technology COSTVAR(ss); Variable Operating Costs of Technology ss, M $/TWeh; 300MW cost is 2.0 + 0.5 for ESP COSTVFIX(ss); Fixed Operating Costs of Technology ss, fraction/yr of COSTCAP(ss Technology, ss COSTVAR(ss) COSTFIX(ss) DOMSML 5 0.03 DOMMED 4 0.03 DOMESP 3.5 0.03 DOMSCB 4.5 0.03 DOMBIG 4.5 0.03 AFBC 8.5 0.03 IGCC 4 0.03 OILREG 2.8 0.03 OILCC 2.8 0.03 GASCC 8 0.03 GASCCA 8 0.03 NUCLEAR 9 0.03 HYDRO 1 0.016 WIND 2 0.015 GT 0.05 0.015 PV 0.07 0.015 PFBC 4.5 0.015 155 2025 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.9 0.9 1 0.75 0.25 1 1 2030 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.9 0.9 1 0.7 0.2 1 1 Table 38. CO2 Emission Yield. CO2EF(tot); Emission Factor for CO2, tonneCO2/tonne Fuel Burned* Fuel, tot CO2EF(tot) HHCOAL 1.89 HLCOAL 2.28 MHCOAL 1.91 MLCOAL 2.3 LHCOAL 1.93 LLCOAL 2.32 OIL 3.08 GAS 2.05 OILimpt 3.08 GASimpt 2.05 UR 0 URimpt 0 * Alignment factor of 0.783 applied Table 39. SO2 Emission Yield. SO2EF(s,tot) SO2 Emission factor, tonneSO2/tonne Fuel Burned (HCOAL 3% S, LCOAL 1% S, MCOAL 2% S) Technol., ss HHCOAL HLCOAL MHCOAL MLCOA LHCOAL LLCOAL OIL GAS OILimpt GASimpt L DOMSML* 0.051 0.051 0.04 0.04 0.017 0.017 DOMMED* 0.051 0.051 0.04 0.04 0.017 0.017 DOMESP* 0.051 0.051 0.04 0.04 0.017 0.017 DOMBIG* 0.01 0.01 0.0068 0.0068 0.0034 0.0034 DOMSCB 0.01 0.01 0.0068 0.0068 0.0034 0.0034 PFBC 0.0051 0.0051 0.004 0.004 0.0017 0.0017 AFBC 0.00765 0.00765 0.006 0.006 0.00255 0.00255 IGCC 0.00255 0.00255 0.002 0.002 0.00085 0.000085 OILREG 0.01 0.0075 OILCC 0.01 0.0075 GASCC GASCCA * Correction factor of 0.633 applied to these values to match SO2 emissions reported for starting year (1995). 156 Table 40. SO2 Regional Transfer Function. TRANSFER(i,i1); SO2 Emission Transfer Function (from row to column) Region, i/i1 NO NE EA SA NO 0.77 0.07 0.09 0.03 NE 0.11 0.88 0.01 0 EA 0.15 0.02 0.5 0.26 SA 0.15 0.02 0.26 0.5 SC 0.05 0 0.1 0.05 SW 0.05 0 0.01 0 NW 0.13 0 0 0 SC 0.03 0 0.07 0.07 0.75 0.08 0 SW 0.01 0 0 0 0.05 0.86 0.04 NW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.82 Table 41. NOX Emission Yield. NOXEF(s,tot); NOX Emission Factor, tonneNOX /tonne Fuel Burned Technol., ss HHCOAL HLCOAL MHCOAL MLCOAL LHCOAL LLCOAL OIL GAS OILimpt GASimpt DOMSML 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 DOMMED 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 DOMESP 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 DOMBIG 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 DOMSCB 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 PFBC 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 AFBC 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 IGCC 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 OILREG 0.01 0.011 OILCC 0.01 0.011 GASCC 0.011 0.011 GASCCA 0.001 0.001 Table 42. Cost of Physical and Chemical Washing of Coal. PC(k,k1); Cost of Physical Coal Washing from Start to Final Product, $/tonne CC(k.k1); Cost of Physical Coal Washing from Start to Final Product, $/tonne [ ] k / k1 HLCOAL MLCOAL HHCOAL 1.4 2.5 HLCOAL 1.54 MHCOAL 1.4 MLCOAL LHCOAL LLCOAL [23.74] [23.74] 2.2 2 1.4 157 Table 43. Loss Fraction from Coal Washing. RCW(k,k1); Coal Washing Fraction Weight Loss k / k1 HLCOAL MLCOAL HHCOAL 0.8 0.79 HLCOAL 0.99 MMCOAL 0.8 MLCOAL LHCOAL LLCOAL 0.78 0.98 0.79 0.98 0.8 158 Appendix B. Overview of Scenario Analysis for the Chinese Energy System; Optimization versus Simulation Modeling Approaches B.I. Introduction The scenario analysis approach followed by the Energy Systems Analyses group of PSI and by other energy and environmental analyses groups in Europe, the USA, Japan, and in other countries around the world, uses engineering and economic optimization techniques. The optimization methodology uses an engineering-based, "bottom-up" model with integrated resource planning that links the "bottom-up" energy model to “top-down” economic models to drive economic growth and demands for energy services. This coupling is provided through the use of energy-price and energy-income (GDP) elasticities. Decision making under uncertainty concerning future economic developments and environmental/energy policy can also be performed by applying stochastic analyses with hedging options. This latter extension, however, will not be made in the initial phases of this CETP study component. Although the methodology is based on optimization techniques, "tradeoff analyses" between the system costs and other considerations related to security of supplies and to specific elements of environmental policies being implemented play a central role in assessing the policy implications emerging from these optimization models. Within the context of CETP, a scenario-based simulation model is also being applied (Schenler, 1998) to expand understanding of possible futures for the Chinese electrical energy system. The central aim of this appendix is to describe the scenario approach adopted by the PSI optimization models, as well as to highlight differences and complementarities between this approach and that used by non-optimizing simulation models. Although the primary intent here is only to outline the scope, approach, and interrelationships of the scenarios used to explore a range of China energy futures, some mention should be made of the overall scope of the optimization-based Energy-Economy Modeling (EEM) activity in relationship to the simulation-based Electric Sector Simulation (ESS) activity. The EEM task is following three optimization modeling pathways: a) adaptation and extension of an existing (Rogers, 1998, 1999; Chandler, 1999) seven-region optimization and trade model of China's electricity sector, as described in the main body of this document; b) a single-region (full energy sector, not just electricity) MARKAL model of China; (WenYing Chen and Kypreos, 2000); and c) a single-region (again, full energy sector) MARKAL model of Shandong Province. While the ultimate focus is placed on the latter modeling approach (Shandong-MARKAL), efforts to date on both model development and scenario development has been with the China Regional Energy Trade Model (CRETM). The descriptions given herein generally reflect this current state of development, in that the Shandong modeling effort will be broadened and improved when examined in the context of China's Energy-EconomicEnvironmental (E3) needs as a whole. The ESS and scenario development related to these simulation-model activities (Schenler, 1998), on the other hand, are limited to the electricalenergy sector and to Shandong Province. 159 B.II. Optimization versus Simulation Models (Murray and Rogers, 1998) The main difference between the optimization approach described here and other scenariobased analyses using the simulation techniques is that the former considers simultaneously a broad range of existing and future (electricity-generation) technological options as described by the Reference Energy System (RES) of a given country or region. The “best” (e.g., costoptimal) technological choice is identified in terms of all options available for a given set of objectives and management constraints. Simulation techniques can consider a broader set of technological options in greater technological and operational detail, but the ESS methodology applies and compares user-defined solutions without any direct indication that the solution is optimal. Additionally, both methodologies consider different instruments for introducing environmental and energy policy, while technologies can also evolve in different ways as consequence of policies that focus R&D or open markets to competition. For both modeling approaches these assumptions are expressed systematically using scenario-building techniques that describe a range of relatively “surprise-free” futures in terms of key uncertainties and options associated with a set of top-level scenario attributes. The use of optimization versus simulation models for energy planning is characterized by the well-known trade off between complexity and flexibility. The degree to which reality is approached does not necessarily vary monotonically with either. Following Murray and Rogers (1998), Figs. B-1 and B-2 illustrate the essential features of both approaches to constructing visions of the future through scenario building. Optimization models search for a set of minimum-cost technologies that will meet specific demand (level and distribution), fuel, emission, deployment rate, resource-distribution etc. constraints. These models are generally limited in spatial and temporal resolution of the power system. Simulation models, on the other hand, determine the cost of meeting demand for a specific set of investment scenarios, are specific to this range of energy scenarios, and use the characteristics of technology options to compare different scenarios in meeting demand, cost, and environmental goals. In contrast to the optimization models, which give one optimal solution (along with associated marginal costs and associated optimal energy technology mixes) for a given set of technology characteristics, simulation models compare a given set of user-defined, intuited solutions without any direct indication that the solution is economically optimal. The procedure followed uses the optimization model to give optima for a given set of user-defined scenarios, and thereby performs a similar but more limited range of parametric trade studies. 160 Cost Analyses COST SIMULATION MODEL Environmental (Emissions) Analyses x x o +x +o o ++ x ox o x + x +xx+ ++ x o EMISSIONS DEFINE DIFFERENT TECHNOLOGICAL CHOICES (SCENARIO GENERATOR) • Base Case • Emissions Control • Advanced Technologies • etc. Thermal/Hydro Capacity Ratio Transmission/ Distribution Losses Capacity/Availability Factor Generation Base Expansion Fuel Heating Value Demand for Extra Power Figure B-1. Schematic diagram of information flow for a simulation model (ESS task). 161 OPTIMIZATION MODEL MINIMIZE TOTAL SYSTEM COST (Capital, Variable and Fixed O&M, Fuel, Transportation Transmission, Cost of Unmet Demand, External Costs) SCENARIO GENERATOR CONSTRAINTS OPTIMAL RESULTS • Costs • Energy Mixes FUEL GENERATION MARGINALS CAPACITY DEMAND EMISSIONS TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION/DIFFUSION Figure B-2. Schematic diagram of information flow for an optimization model (EEM task); typical composition and focus of each of the constraints displayed above include: Fuel: • do not exceed fuel capacity or resource; • transport only fuel that has been extracted; • choice of coal versus gas (for specific Provinces). Generation: • convert fuel to electricity under given efficiency and capacity limits; • generation limited to/by capacity. Capacity: • choices of new capacity to meet generation demand; • vintaging and related loss of old capacity. Demand: • generation meets demand; • limitation on / consequences of unmet demand. Emissions: • local versus regional versus global constraints/impacts; • caps versus taxes; Technology Diffusion/Innovation: • introduction/deployment rates; • learning constraints. 162 B.III. Scenarios B.III.A. Scenario Structure and Attributes While not unique and having a tendency to vary somewhat with modeling methodology (e.g., EEM versus ESS), the present application of optimization models examines scenarios that are categorized in terms of technology, economic, and environmental attributes. Included under the first attribute is (advanced) coal, gas, nuclear, and renewable generation technologies, with the introduction of any given technology into a given scenario being controlled primarily through technology-specific operational and economic parameters (primarily cost, efficiency, emission rates, and introduction/deployment rate). The economics attribute is characterized by assumptions and uncertainties related primarily to fuel-fuel prices (related to both resource and policy-driven clean-up considerations), electrical energy demand (e.g., primarily through GDP growth and attendant price and income elasticities), and discount rates. Lastly, the environmental attribute is characterized in this study primarily by the choice of imposed emission limits or caps (sometimes associated with centrally planned economies) versus taxes (sometimes associated with free-market economies) to control SO2 (local, regional) or CO2 (countrywide, global) emissions. While the allocation of caps versus taxes is sometimes related to particular economy structure, examples where both instruments are used within the same economy paradigm can be sited. Two points should be emphasized with respect to the scenario attributes used to create and structure the scenario paradigm used in this study. First, in some cases membership of a given parameter or related variation (uncertainty) to a given attribute may not be unique. Consideration of the combination of all technology scenarios with all environmental constraints, however, is expected to make this membership clearer. Secondly, the application of “policy” per se to influence the course of any given scenario applies in one form or another to each of the three scenario attributes identified above. Additionally, uncertainty is connected with parameters in any of these three E3 attributes. The level and importance of these uncertainties in driving possible futures, however, varies greatly among attributes. The goal of analyses that use optimization models is not to give "the best" long-term strategy, since uncertainties, particularly beyond a decade or two, make such a determination tenuous. Instead, analyses focus on the evaluation of robust scenarios expressed in terms of a range of possible future uncertainties associated with the three key scenario attributes proposed for this EEM-based study. Additionally, all decision analyses performed under conditions of uncertainty identify the best "hedging" strategy in view of these uncertainties. This tack is taken by both the optimization and the simulation modeling approaches. In the case of the former, this goal will be accomplished by maximizing the expected surplus of producer and consumer goods under given uncertainties, by assigning different probabilities for the future states [e.g., fuel prices, discount rates, and/or (electrical) energy demand (or the demographic and econometric factors that determine that demand) and for the different sets of tradeoffs and connectivities related to imposed energy and environmental constraints]. As suggested above, the existing composition of technological options, the socio-economic assumptions, the demands for energy services, and the expected environmental and energy policy constraints are central components of scenario analyses. These “policy” elements are expressed in terms of technological, economic, and environmental attributes. Along with 163 stakeholder input regarding technological alternatives and characteristics, input of a general or “top-level” nature is required to specify with minimum ambiguity attribute parameters for all scenarios being considered. Additionally, a set of common assumptions at this level of scenario definition is crucial to the linkage of the optimization and the simulation modeling approaches being use in CETP. This scenario-based methodology has been developed by the IEA/OECD ETSAP project over the last two decades for MARKAL-based applications, it has been applied by different groups on the national, regional and local planning, and it is designed for evaluation and communication of crucial results to external stakeholder advisory groups, including the ultimate decision makers. Table B-I.. Listing of High-Level Scenario Characteristics, Variants, and Drivers Essential Elements Used to Define Scenarios, as Applied in Table B-II: • BAU (B) Business as Usual in terms of technology implementation, energy and environmental policy; • SO2 (S) putting emphasis on SO2 control (global/ regional target or eventually external costs); • CO2 (C) putting emphasis on CO2 control and trade (More open China to international cooperation and trade with technology transfer, low interest rates and investments in infra structures for energy and environmental control); • EMI (E = C + S) putting emphasis on both pollutants to study synergism and secondary benefits; • COAL (K) acceleration in the use of more efficient and economic coal power stations; • GAS (G) faster introduction of gas conventional/advanced technologies, new transmission lines and liquefied natural gas imports; pipelines, new • NUCL (N) higher market shares of nuclear energy induced through economic instruments; • REN (R) higher market shares for renewable energy induced through economic instruments; • TCH (A) higher market shares for all advanced technologies. Key Scenario Variants: • Demands for Energy and Electricity [ High(H) versus Medium(M) versus Low(L) demand developments]; • Fuel Prices [ Nominal(N) versus High (H, doubling prices) in the next two decades]; • Penetration of Advanced Technologies [ High(H) versus Low(L) success for the four generation technologies listed on Table B-II as part of the third and fourth scenario sets.]; • Environmental Policy [Control of SO2(S) and CO2(C); to what level should emission controls be set, or at what level should external costs or taxes be introduced versus time and emittant?; what are the impacts of advanced generation technologies on achieving specific emission goals?] General Scenario Drivers: • Expected economic and population growth rates, for China and Shandong;. • Income and price elasticity to define the de-coupling of economic growth and energy use; • Structural changes in the economy; • Real discount rates and pay-back times on investments. • Fuel prices and availability for endogenous productions and international imports; • Energy and Environmental policy; options and instruments; • Public R&D policy on advance technology development. 164 B.III.B. Overall Considerations One central theme covers the incorporation of any scenario into the study portfolio that describes possible futures for electricity generation and use in China for CRETM, ChinaMARKAL, or Shandong-MARKAL models over the next three decades - the identification of robust routes to satisfying a growing per-capita electrical energy demand at costs that will not unduly hinder overall economic growth while simultaneous mitigating generation and emission impacts on both populations and the environment. The impacts of any given policydriven scenario attribute (e.g., technology, economic, and/or environmental) in fulfilling the goals laid out by this theme are measured relative to a "point-of-departure" or base case. In that this reference case generally evokes the use of currently known technologies and fuel resources without extensive emission controls (some coal washing and flue-gas scrubbing of SO2 and NOX may be imposed), the term "business-as-usual" (BAU) is applied to this case(s). Table B-III applies the categorizations defined on Table B-I, and represents an elaboration of the working scenario list given on Table III. A range is given for the limited number of economic attributes [e.g., electricity demand (population growth, demographics, capital and labor efficiency and growth, etc., (Ho, Jorgenson, and Perkins, 1998), fuel costs, discount rate]; Table B-II shows two BAU cases for nominal (N) and high (H) fuel costs, both with high (H) electricity demand and discount rates for the cases so far examined. A direct imposition of SO2 and/or CO2 emission constraints (caps) without changing the BAU technology assumptions generates the second group of six scenarios, depending on whether nominal (N) or high (H) fuel costs are imposed. All six scenarios in this second group also assume high (H) electricity demand associated with high economic growth and a moderate penetration of measures for demand management, and for high discount rates. A range, however, is indicated for these scenario drivers on Table B-I. The marginal costs ($/tonneCO2 or $/tonneSO2) that result from evaluating this second scenario set give the tax rate needed to achieve the same emission reductions at the same overall impact on total present-valued energy cost relative to the BAU case (Table B-II or Table III) . Again, a range of Low → Medium → High variations in these economic attributes is considered. The primary intent of this second set of scenarios having a variety of externally imposed caps on emissions is to provide a baseline for the third set of scenarios wherein advanced technologies without specific emission caps (or taxes) are introduced to achieve like environmental policy goals or endgame. The third grouping of scenarios is comprised of policy-driven improvements for each of four key generation technologies using the following fuels: coal (IGCC, PFB, etc.); gas (CC); nuclear (safe, competitive configurations), and renewable energy sources (mainly wind and solar PV). The level of cost reduction and efficiency increases needed to achieve emissions comparable to those reported in the second scenario group (e.g., BAU technologies with emission caps) will be examined. Each of these four key generation technologies, therefore, will be combined with each of the environmental policies to identify and explain the potential benefits of R&D and other policies that favor advanced technologies in improving the economic and environmental performance of China's electricity sector. When all four advanced generation technologies are combined together with and without CO2 and/or SO2 emissions caps, the fourth and last set or grouping of technologies indicated on Table B-II results. As for the other scenario groups, all of the technology-based scenarios evaluated to date correspond to high demand, nominal fuel costs, and high discount rates. Variations of these economic scenario attributes must also be made to quantify the impacts of related future uncertainties; Sec. III.D. reports on parameter variations of a few of the key scenarios attributes [e.g., exogenous electricity demand (GDP growth), discount rate, technology costs]. 165 Appendix C. Description of CRETM C.1. Overview The PSI-modified version of the Harvard University electrical energy flow model (Rogers, 1999; Chandler, 1998) is called CRETM, the China Regionalized Trade Model. This model is an optimization model based on Linear Programming (LP) methods (Williams, 1999). While limited to the electrical energy sector, compared to full energy sector models like MARKAL (Fishbone, 1981; Kypreos, 1996, Goldstein, 1995), the main attraction of CRETM is the ability to follow inter-regional allocation and transport of fuels within the seven-region model of China (Fig. 1). Like the version of the HU model reported by Chandler (1998), the CRETM model minimizes the total cost of the electrical system, including all costs associated with generation per se (e.g., capital, fixed, and variable), coal cleaning, inter-regional fuel transport, inter- and intra-regional power transmission, and, when so constrained, external costs attributable to the emission of both pollutants (mainly SO2 and NOX) and of greenhouse gases (GHG, mainly CO2). The CRETM model is comprised of four kinds of relationships: a) the objective function (present value of total system costs, as elaborated above); b) mass conservation relationships that balance the flows of fuel masses across processes and regions; c) energy conservation relationships that connect the flow of fuel masses to energy generation and transport; and d) a set of constraints that establish bounds on both energy and mass flows, levels at which specific generation technologies can be deployed, and emission rates. These latter endogenous constraints combine with controls enforced through specific exogenous inputs (e.g., discount rates, demand growths, GDP growths, fuel and capital unit costs, etc.), to create the various scenarios (Table III) used to define and/or bracket possible energy/economic/environmental (E3) futures. These four essential elements of the CRETM model are evaluated in terms of a set of generation technologies, {ss}, that are driven by a set of fuels {f(c)}, where the latter is a (large) subset of a set of commodities {c} that is defined by the addition of electricity, ELEC, to the set {f} (e.g., {c} = {f} + ELEC). Table V. defines the commodity and fuel sets, {c} and {f}, along with other more specialized fuel subsets. Similarly, Table VI. Defines the main technology set {ss} along with key specialized technology subsets. These fuel and technology sets are combined to describe the energy and material flows within and between the seven China regions described in Fig. 1. Finally, for each of these regions, Fig 2. arranges these flows in a way that emulates the flow sequence Primary Fuels → Processes → Conversions → Demands used in the original formulation of MARKAL (Fishbone, 1981). On the basis of the formalism described above and established by Tables IV-VI and Figs. 1-2, the following subsections summarize the CRETM model in algebraic form, as numerically evaluated using the General Algebraic Modeling Systems language, GAMS (Brooke, 1998), and the CPLEX (ILOG, 1999) LP solver. In terms of component and options resolution, the present state of the CRETM model, along with predecessor versions, emphasize coal. While this emphasis is justified on the basis of the enormous coal resources in China, other advanced technologies, including clean-coal technologies as well as the development and deployment of generation technologies that use reduced- or non-carbon fuels will require the (fairly straightforward) expansion of modeling detail for these other technologies. In view of recent evaluations of the impacts of continued and extensive coal burning using contemporary 166 technologies (McElroy, 1998; Sweet, 1999), more detailed exploration of alternatives seems warranted. A "top-level" summary of the CRETM model, as laid out in Tables V-VI and Figs. 1-2 describes an electrical energy sector LP model that cost-optimizes on 17 generation technologies, 16 fuel forms (including the renewable energy forms), having both domestic and foreign fuel sources (for oil, gas, and uranium), having 4 transportation modalities, searching over 8 time periods into the future, examining energy and material exchanges within and between 7 regions, and using an object function composed of 8 cost categories (i.e., domestic fuel, imported fuel, coal cleaning, transportation, possible emission taxes on three species, capital costs, fixed generation costs, and variable generation costs). A simple product of these six dimension (i.e., generation technologies, fuel commodities, temporal, regional, fuel transport, and cost categories) gives about 500,000 possibilities, all of which for a given set of constraints and inputs are to converge to single optimum. Even for a fairly simplified model, the size of the task can become large, particularly when the 10-15 optimizing scenarios are superposed. Aside from the enormity of this simplified problem, also apparent is the need to understand the impact of deviations/departure from any "optimum" that is reported, as well as the impact of changing the objection function on possible conclusions and recommendation. In any case, the following subsection outlines the model that attempts to find this optimum for the conditions described. C.2. Model Description The following descriptions are heavily dependent on the notations and definitions given in the list of Nomenclature. This notation follows closely that used in the GAMS model, instead of using algebraically more a conventional system. In the cause of brevity, many of the definitions given in the Nomenclature are not extensively repeated in the following text. Generally, monetary, (fuel) mass, power, and (electrical) energy flows are expressed, respectively, in M$/yr, Mtonne/yr, GWe, and TWeh/yr units. Arguments associated with a given variable relate: regions to the set index {i}; the fuel or commodity to the set index {c} or related subsets (Table VI); generation technologies to the set index {ss} or related subsets (Table VI.); and time periods to the set index {t}. For example, the rate at which coal of type k(c) is supplied in region i at time t to produce a (cleaner) coal of type k1(c) is given by PQ(i,k,k1,t) in units of Mtonne/yr; or the demand for electricity in region i for electricity from a generation technology ss at time t is given by QELEC(i,ss,t) in units of TWeh/yr. Some monetary flows, however, are given in per-period units, with YEARPP = 5 years/period in all results reported herein. C.2.1. Mass and Material Balances and Related Constraints Coal is supplied to pre-combustion physical cleaning, PQ(i,k,k1,t), chemical cleaning, CQ(i,k,k1,t), or no cleaning at all, NQ(I,k,k1,t), at a rate QS(i,k,t), and the following precleaning mass balance must be satisfied: QS ( i, k , t ) = å ( PQ( i, k , k1, t ) + CQ( i, k , k1, t ) + NQ( i, k , k1, t ) k1 167 ) (C-1) Given that the ratio of coal mass out of a given cleaning process that converts coal of quality k to coal of quality k1 is RCW(k,k1), which in the present model is taken as independent of the cleaning process, the quantity of coal of quality k1 after the pretreatment processing must satisfy the following mass balance: FQ( i, k1, t ) = å ( RCW ( k , k1) *( PQ( i, k , k1, t ) + CQ( i, k , k1, t ) ) + NQ( i, k , k1, t ) ) . (C-2) k The mass balance for coal-based fuels requires that the fuel commodity used by generation technologies in set {s} be less than or equal to that provide from the above-listed pretreatment plus the difference between regional transportation inflow and outflow. This fuel balance for the coal-burning technologies is given by: å QF (i1, k1, s, t ) ≤ FQ (i1, k1, t ) + å QTR (i, i1, k1, m, t ) * TR (m, i, i1) * TRM (k1, m) * TCW (k1, m) s i, m − å QTR (i1, i, k1, m, t ) * TR ( m, i1, i ) * TRM (k1, m), i, m (C-3) where TR(m,i,i1) acknowledges the existence of a transport link between region i and i1, TRM(k1,m) reflects the ability to transport fuel (coal) type k1 via transport mode m, and TCW(k1,m) is a material ("non-loss") efficiency for fuel (coal) type k1 and transport mode m. The sum on the left of this constraint is contributed by only terms having non-zero conversion efficiencies, EFF(s,k1). A similar constraint as that given by Eq. (C-3) reflects the fuel balance on non-coal-burning technologies [e.g., the commodity set f(c), Table V.], with an added term related to import of such commodities as oil, gas, and uranium. This constraint is given by å QF ( i1, f , s, t ) ≤ QS (i1, f , t ) + å QTR(i, i1, f , m, t ) * TR( m, i, i1) * TRM ( f , m) * TCW ( f , m) s i ,m − å QTR( i1, i, f , m, t ) * TR( m, i1, i ) * TRM ( f , m) + å QIMP( i1, f , m, t )TRMI ( f , i1, m) i,m m (C-4) where the QS(i1,f,t) represents the rate of local supply of fuel commodity f(c), and the term TRMI(f,i1,m) acknowledges the existence of or ability to import fuel f(c) into region i1 by transport mode m. Equations (B-1)-(B-4) describe the essential elements of the mass-flow parts of the CRETM model. B.2.2. Electricity Flows and Conservation Given that QTR(i,i1,c,m,t) represents the transport of commodity c from region i to region i1 via transport mode m at time t, the special case when c is the electricity commodity ELEC (Table V) leads to the following constraint being imposed on the overall regional electricity demand, where now the balance is expressed in TWeh/yr units. 168 å QSELEC(i1, ss, t ) + å QTR(i, i1, ELEC, m, t ) * TR( m, i, i1) * TRM ( ELEC, m) * TCW ( ELEC, m) s i ,m + å QTR( i1, i, ELEC, m, t ) * TR( m, i1, i ) * TRM ( ELEC, m) ≥ DELEC( i1, t ) / ETATT ( i1, t ) i ,m (C-5) In this expression QSELEC(i1,ss,t) is the annual electricity supply to region i1 by generation technology ss at time t, and DELEC(i1,t) is the corresponding (exogenous) demand for electricity, with ETATT(i,t) being transport/distribution efficiency within a given region. . Given that each generation technology has an annual capacity of CAPUTIL(ss) full-power hours per year, and that the installed capacity is QCAP(i,ss,t) in region at time t (in GWe units), the following expression is an important part of the "energy balance" enforced in the HUPSIM model: QELEC( i, ss, t ) ≤ QCAP( i, ss, t ) * CAPUTIL( ss ) / 1000 (C-7) Again, QELEC(i,ss,t) has TWeh/yr units. Finally, the last contribution to the energy-balance part of the model increases the available capacity for generation technology ss by summing for each region i new generation inventories added to the existing electricity-generation stock, INV(i,ss,t). These new inventories are added to the capacity existing in the starting year (1995) that is diminished by the fraction RESID(t), which is a exogenous variable that forces retirement of capacity existing prior to the start year (1995). The capacity balance under these condition is given as follows: t QCAP( i, ss, t ) = RESID( t ) * CAP( i, s,1995) + å INV ( i, ss, t1) (C-8) t1 In this summation, t1 starts either at the first period or (t-TLIFE/YEARPP) which ever is larger, where TLIFE(ss) is the lifetime of generation technology ss, and as usual t and t1 are ordinals of the particular period designator, with the time separating periods being YEARPP. Finally, and most important to the material-energy connection in CRETM is the relationship between electrical energy supplied, QSELEC(i,s), and the quantity of fuel f(c) or commodity c consumed in creating that supply, QF(i,tot,s,t). This connection between energy and mass is made through the specific heating rate for the fuel in set t(c), HSTD(tot) having GJ/tonne units, and the thermal-to-electricity conversion efficiency for that fuel being used by technology s, EFF(s,tot). The resulting constraint between mass and energy takes the following form: QSELEC( i, s, t ) ≤ å QF ( i, tot , s, t ) * HSTD( tot ) * EFF ( s, tot ) / 3.6 (B-9) tot Again, the units are TWeh/yr for QSELEC, Mtonne/yr for QF, and GJ/tonne for HSTD, giving the conversion factor 3.6. 169 C.2.3 Objective Function The objective function to be minimized in this version of CRETM is the cost of all electrical generation for all regions discounted at a rate RATE over the period of the study (1995,2030), ZZ(M$). Given the cost of all electricity generation in region i at time t, Z(i,t), the objective function is given by, ZZ = å i,t Z ( i, t ) (1 + RATE ) YEARPP*( t −1) (C-10) where again YEARPP is the number of year per period, and t here is the ordinal of the sequence of these time periods. The annual charges for electricity generation, Z(i,t), is composed of the following eight components: a) fuel extraction and import charges, ZIMP(i,t); b) cost of domestic fuel, ZDOM(i,t); c) fuel (coal) pre-treatment (cleanup) costs, ZWAS(i,t); d) transportation charges, ZTRP(i,t); e) emission charges (taxes, if applied to SO2, NOX, and/or CO2), ZTAX(i,t); f) variable charges associated with generation, ZVAR(i,t); g) fixed charges associated with generation, ZFIX(i,t); and h) the sum of annualized capital charges from the period of first installation (including interest charges during construction, IDC) to the end of the time horizon, which will be either at the end of the plant economic life or the year 2030, which ever comes first, ZCAP(i,m). Since these annual charges at any given t are incurred during the time period YEARPP in between ordinal years, discounting by a factor DISCPP = YEARPP å 1 / (1 + RATE ) t1 is first used to bring this costs back to the year t before 1 Eq.(B-9) is used to bring all costs back to the base year (1995). In the order presented above, the components of Z(i,t) are as follows (refer to Nomenclature for specific variable definitions): Z IMP = å DISCPP * QIMP( i, f , m, t ) * TRMI ( f , i, m) * FIMP( m, f ) (C-11A) Z DOM = å DISCPP * QS ( i, tot , t ) * UCFUEL( i, tot ) (C-11B) ZWAS = å DISCPP * [CQ( i, k , k1, t ) * CC( k , k1) + PQ( i, k , k1, t ) *PC( i, k , k1)] (C-11C) f ,m tot k , k1 Z TRP = å DISCPP * QTR( i, i1, c, m, t ) * UCTRP( c, m, i, i1, t ) (C-11D) i1, c , m Z TAX = CTAX ( i, t ) * DISCPP * å CO2 EF ( tot ) * QF ( i, tot , s, t ) + tot , s STAX ( i, t ) * DISCPP * å SO2 EF ( s, tot ) + (C-11E) tot , s NTAX ( i, t ) * DISCPP * å NOXEF ( s, tot ) * QF ( i, tot , s, t ) tot , s 170 ZVAR = DISCPP * å COSTVAR( ss ) * QSELEC( i, ss, t ) (C-11F) Z FIX = DISCPP * å COSTFIX ( ss ) * QCAP( i, ss, t ) (C-11G) ss ss Z CAP = DISCPP * å t + TLIFE / YEARPP å ss t1 ICOST ( i, ss, t ) (1 + RATE ) ( t1− t )*YEARPP (C-11H') COSTCAP( ss ) * INV ( i, ss, t ) TCONST 1 ICOST ( i, ss, t ) = CRF ( RATE , TLIFE ) * å t1 TCONST ( ss ) t 1=1 (1 + RATE ) (C-11H'') CRF ( RATE , TLIFE ) = RATE 1 − 1 / (1 + RATE ) TLIFE (C-11H''') The annualized cost of investment, ICOST(I,ss,t) incurred from the addition to the generating inventory of type ss in region i at time t, INV(I,ss,t), uses a capital recovery factor CRF(RATE,TLIFE) to express the annual charges for capital in terms of the year t of that investment, while accounting for the interest incurred during construction under an assumption of a linear expenditure rate of the total capital outlay, COSTCAP(ss)*INV(I,ss,t) over the construction period TCONST. A similar expression for ICOST(i,ss,1995) is used for this first year of the optimization, by only the fraction 1 - RESID(1995) of "residual" stock is capitalized at the starting boundary. Additionally, the economic lifetime determines the CRF, and not simply the operational lifetime of the plant (Table A33), and nuclear costs include the expenses associated with decommissioning. C.2.4. Key Constraints While the mass and energy (actually mass-to-energy) balances described in Secs. C.2.1 and C.2.2. represent the heart of this LP energy flow model and are essential to the search for generation mixes that minimize the cost-based objective function described in Sec. C.2.3., other constraints that are endogenous to the model are needed. In addition to the exogenously fixed input variables (e.g., fuel and technology costs and their rates of change with time, regional and temporal variations of electricity demand, tax structures, discount rate, etc.), the endogenous constraints listed in this subsection are essential to force both objective and subjective realism and other forms of stakeholder bias into the results, as well as to achieve or force some of the scenario attributes listed generally in Table II and specifically in Table III. While not a complete description of what is probably the most model-specific part of this model, the examples included below give a good sense of the way in which influence over the model results is controlled for either investigative, political, or stakeholder reasons. Given that the nature of the optimization model does not allow the impacts and implications of offoptimum results (i.e. these simply are not part of the scenario for the optimization model, as they are for the simulation model, as discussed in Sec. II.C.1.), it becomes crucial to understand the ways in which these constraints enter into the optimization. In addition to the generic constraints summarized below, upper and lower limits that are technology specific are also part of the art of modeling, but these are not listed. The format used below is to give a terse statement of the endogenous constraint (in italics) that is followed by an algebraic statement of the constraint as approximately used to generate the numerical results. 171 All "good" fossil, nuclear, and renewable technologies shall grow in time: QSELEC( i, s6, t ) ≥ QSELEC( i, s6, t − 1) (C-12A) Renewable technologies will have a controlled rate of introduction, based on capacities by region: QCAP( i, s1, t ) ≤ RENEW ( t , i, s1) (C-12B) where RENEW(t,,s1) is a time-dependent, exogenous limit imposed on the generation capacities of the renewable technologies (Table VI, s1 = {PV, WIND, HYDRO, GT}) that follow a maximum allowed penetration rate. Maximum oil supply shall be limited to 30% of domestic oil production plus imports: å [QS ( i, oil , t ) + QS ( i, oili, t )] ≤ 0.3å [ FUELHIGH ( i, oil , t ) + FUELHIGH ( i, oili )]* i i (C-12C) where FUELHIGH(i,tot,t) is an externally imposed limit on the capacity to use fuel tot(c) in region i at time t. This constraint takes into account uses of oil other than the supply of direct energy, such as transportation and chemicals. Total cleaning capacity of coal type k shall be limited to FQHIGH(t,i,k): å [ PQ(i, k , k1, t ) + CQ( i, k , k1, t )] ≤ FQHIGH ( t , i, k ) (C-12D) k1 where FQHIGH(t,i,k) is an exogenous input. Total coal treatment at time t is a fraction PRCT(t) of total coal mass flow: å [ PQ( i, k , k1, t ) + CQ( i, k , k1, t )] ≥ PRCT ( t ) * å [ PQ( i, k , k1, t ) + CQ( i, k , k1, t ) + NQ( i, k , k1, t )] i ,k ,k1 i , k ,k 1 (C-12E) where the fraction PRCT(t) increases from 0.15 in 1995 by 0.01 per year (0.05/period) increments. 172 Gradually phase-out "bad" generation technologies s2 (Table VI) as an decreasing fraction PHASOUT(t) of 1995 capacity: QCAP( i, s2, t ) = PHASOUT ( t ) * QCAP( i, s2,1995) (C-12F) Use of coal or hydro must be less than a factor MAENC(t,ss) of total electricity generation: å QSELEC( i, sc, t ) ≤ MAENC( t , coal ) * å QSELEC( i, ss, t ) (C-12G') å QSELEC( i, s4, t ) ≤ MAENC( t , hydro ) * å QSELEC( i, ss, t ) (C-12G'') i ,sc i ,sc i , ss i , ss Similar MAENC-like restrictions, which are exogenous inputs, are also imposed on oil and gas usage as a function of time and source (e.g., domestic versus imported). These constraints are introduced to simulate the needs of other stakeholders. Regional limits of SO2 emissions at a level of SO2EMISS(i,t): å QF ( i, tot, s, t ) * SO2 EFF ( s, tot ) ≤ SO2 EMISS ( i, t ) (C-12H) tot .s Country-wide target (limits) on SO2, NOX, and CO2 emissions: å QF ( i, tot , s, t ) * SO2 EFF ( s, tot ) ≤ SO2TARGET (t ) (C-12I') å QF ( i, tot , s, t ) * NOXEFF ( s, tot ) ≤ NOXTARGET ( t ) (C-12I'') å QF ( i, tot , s, t ) * CO2 EFF ( s, tot ) ≤ CO2TARGET ( t ) (C-12I''') i , tot , s i , tot , s i , tot , s It is noted that the SO2 and NOX constraints are applied regionally, whereas the CO2 constraint usually is applied countrywide. When these constraints are binding the solution the marginal cost of eliminating the last tonne of a given pollutant, corresponds to the tax needed to give the same level of pollutant as the caps. It corresponds also to the price of permits when trade between regions is possible and regional pollution rights are specified such that correspond to the same total national pollution bound. A series of other region-specific constraints related to how and where (coal) is use and restriction on the transport mode are also imposed. These constraints and the ones describe above can have a strong impact on the "optimal" generation mixes reported by a model of this kind, and the policy implications such results might have. 173 The version of CRETM used for the CETP analysis is extended to include the following options, which will be described in the CETP Book and CD (Eliasson, 2002): Ø Endogenous learning; Ø Partial Equilibrium; and Ø A peak capacity constraint that defines needs for peak load and reserve margins. 174