MEC1011 Fall’04 Assignment 1 Due at the end of Week 2 Reference Lessons 5 & 6 and complete the following. Start a new project named after your username and located in V:/MEC/1011/Fall_04/CADD/Assignment_2/Tx. Create a part or parts that demonstrate the following features: Name your files to reflect the skills demonstrated: ie (Revolve_Shell.ipt) 1. Revolve (Be sure to use a centerline designation for the center of the revolution) 2. Chamfer 3. Coil 4. Thread 5. Extrude 6. Fillet 7. Emboss 8. Shell 9. Hole (Place a hole using hole point, hole center to mark as the center) 10. Circular Pattern (the feature not the sketch tool) 11. Rectangular Pattern 12. Derived component 13. Start a new part and name it A2-15 and insert the AutoCad file that is in V:/MEC/1011/Fall_04/Assignment1/ACAD Drawings. (The Drawing Number will be assigned to you by the instructor) 14. Rotate the entire shape 90 degrees 15. Move one of the holes to a different location. 16. Extrude the revised shape to 1.625. Making a project folder In INVENTOR: Choose Project from file menu Then make new project. Then choose single user project And fill in the file information as shown. And click finish to end the wizard. You will be asked if you want a new folder to be created. YES you do. Your name V:\MEC|1011\Assignment_X\T1A\UserName File Location