G T Com E

Georgia Tech Comet Event Tracker
CS8803 – AIA Group #4
Akshata Gangolli
Neha Kharsikar
Vasudev Prabhu
Rohan Soman
 Free food ! 
 Career Fair
Accepting resumes for prospective student candidates for work
over summer
 Knowledge sharing that events facilitate
 Interact and build your social network
=>And yet you don’t want to keep track of all this yourself
We Present
Real Time Event Tracker
Targeting at…
Giving the user what he is most interested
The Venue
Real Time Notifications
Personalizing Events
Socialize / Connect / Collaborate / Plan
Integration with existing event trackers
System Architecture
Events – where, what, when…
 A map based visual representation of events
Tag it!
 User defined tagging for personalizing events facilitating
intuitive search.
Event Subscription
 Subscription for events of interest classified by
 Event filters for refined views
 Filtering based on event categories
 Filtering on event tags
 Notifications
Event Reminders: Visual Notification
Email and mobile messages
Critical / Emergency Event alerts
Other features
Add Events
New Events can be added by admin users
Events crawled periodically from department
event pages
Event Personalization
Private chat
Group based events
Other features
Save your favorite events to the briefcase
Briefcased events facilitate quick search
Event Archival
Save events to calendar: iCal / vCal
The Tech: Comet
 Updates from a real-time data source
 Bayeux protocol: Comet transport : method of sending Comet
 Over long-lived HTTP connections
 Continuations: Request handling thread goes to sleep until it gets a
message or times out.
 On timeout a request is made for a new connection.
 When the thread on the server receives a message, it wakes up and
sends the message payload sent back to the browser (which also
implies that it's time to send a new request).
 Improved throughput and decreased latency and server load
Technologies cntd.
 Dojo
Open source JavaScript toolkit developed by the Dojo
Foundation providing a richer UI experience
Bayeaux protocol: Standardization attempt for Comet
 Jetty
Servlet implementation of the Bayeaux protocol from Dojo
 Google Maps API
KML file for overlays
 http://dojotoolkit.org/book/dojo-book-1-0
 http://www.mortbay.org/jetty-6/
 http://docs.codehaus.org/display/JETTY/Continuations
 http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/index.html
 http://code.google.com/apis/kml/documentation/
 http://flickrvision.com/