Disturbed Behaviour in Co-operating Autonomous Robot Robert Ghanea-Hercock David P Barnes BT Laboratories, Intelligent Systems Research, Martlesham Heath, Ipswich, IP5 3RE, UK. Dept. of Electronic & Electrical Eng., University of Salford, Salford, UK. ghanear@info.bt.co.uk d.p.barnes@eee.salford.ac.uk ABSTRACT Balancing the conflicting demands imposed by a dynamic world on an autonomous robot requires a significant degree of adaptability. This paper describes a multi-layer control system for two co-operating mobile robots, which uses fuzzy logic to adapt the relative importance of a set of reactive behaviours. The fuzzy system therefore acts as an arbiter, which smoothly interpolates control between conflicting behaviours. This allows the robots to successfully navigate out of local potential minima. The adaptive mechanism itself is also modified by an array of vectors generated from an on-line analysis of the activity of each fuzzy rule. From recent work on neural dynamics [Kelso, 17] the strategy is to consider the control system as a dynamic structure, and to achieve adaptivity through maintaining it in a disturbed or stressed phase condition. This is achieved by monitoring the matrix of fuzzy rules, and triggering a suppression of rules which are driving the system into a stable state. We propose that for an autonomous agent in an unstructured environment maintaining a state of dynamic instability within the control system increases the probability of the agent reaching its goal. Keywords: Autonomous Robots, Adaptive, Fuzzy Logic. 1. INTRODUCTION The field of autonomous robots has advanced significantly over the past decade, since the advent of reactive or bottom-up methods advocated by Brooks and Arkin [8,3]. Recent developments however, have now emphasised a hybrid approach, which aims to integrate the task planning capacity of traditional A.I based architectures with reactive control methods, [12,25]. This approach appears to offer the best of both philosophies, in providing an agent with strategic and local task achieving abilities. In this paper however, we investigate the possibility of maximising the behavioural competence of autonomous robots as work by our group [4] has indicated that for a hybrid method to be efficient a planning agent or reflective system requires the robot to adapt to complex local events, which require an intelligent local management of its behaviours. Such a robot is therefore a self-controlling system and the critical design issue is related to selecting the appropriate motivation. By definition it also means that we will be trading control over our robots for flexibility and ability to survive in the real world. We are therefore working towards the goal of increasing the autonomy of our robots, which will improve their competence at negotiating difficult environments. Section 3.3 considers the role of motivation in facilitating autonomous decision making as part of an adaptive fuzzy mechanism. This paper therefore presents two hypotheses; firstly whether using an adaptive FAM surface can increase the competence of a mobile robot while navigating through its environment, and second whether this system can be transferred onto physical mobile robots. Section 1.1 considers the importance of adaptivity in autonomous robots, while section 2 briefly reviews the field of behaviour based control. Section 3 then describes the methods involved in our adaptive Fuzzy control system and its dynamics. Section 4 and 5 cover the implementation and results, with our conclusion in section 6 . 1.1 Adaptivity In the context of autonomous robots the ability to adapt is essential if the robot is to shift from being an automaton, driven by a set of behaviours, to acquiring more life like properties which allow it to select appropriate combinations of behaviour. For an autonomous agent the use of fuzzy logic to control its set of possible behaviours provides several advantages. The primary advantage is the ability to trace the inference paths through the fuzzy control system, which provides a window onto an agent’s internal state as it negotiates an environment. This feature of Fuzzy systems is crucial in enabling the method of dynamic analysis presented in this paper, as it allows the control system to selectively tune each fuzzy rule according to the interactions of the robots set of goals. This mechanism therefore provides the robots with a means of selecting and balancing multiple conflicting behaviours, on the basis of its stored short term memory. 1.2 Disturbed but not shaken! The key concept of this work is taken from recent evidence within neuroscience, which supports the concept of a brain as a dynamic system, rather than as a computer [17] and neurons as adaptive systems [32], rather than passive switches. This shift in perspective has major consequences for the way we approach robot and animat design. Many existing autonomous robot control structures use animat style reasoning, with various combinations of genetic algorithms and neural networks [2,19 & 24]. However there has been little consideration of the dynamics of the processes active within the robot, one exception being the work by Beer [6]. The new perspective suggests we should be more focused on the dynamic nature of natural neural systems, which are in a state of constant activity. Section 3.3 outlines the specific method used in this work to enhance the adaptivity of our robots by dynamically modulating the fuzzy rule base. 1.3 Problem domain The problem domain is based on the handling and transportation of hazardous materials, such as in nuclear plant decommissioning. The overall goal of this project was therefore to achieve a hybrid multi-agent control architecture. This will allow the translation of high-level user requests, through a planning agent, into low level sequences of behaviours, which are radio transmitted to several ‘autonomous’ robots. The robots then work individually or collectively to perform the sequence of behaviours they received, (see [4] for details of the planning system). Figure 1. shows our two co-operating robots ‘Fred & Ginger’, which were used to test the fuzzy control system. Each robot operates as a separate system, and is also capable of working co-operatively to transport materials, (sec. 4 gives further details). This scenario represents a serious real-world application of multiple co-operating autonomous robots, which offers significant challenges to the application of animat or adaptive strategies. It was also a useful test of the applicability of transfering simulated results to physical robots, which was successfully performed with the results of this work. 2.0 BEHAVIOURS - PRIMARY CONTROL Since the paradigm shift in robotics generated by [8] advocation of layered reactive control, a substantial amount of work has developed based on such ‘Behaviour’ oriented methodolgy. Almost immediately however it was realised that both reflective and reactive processes were needed to control autonomous agents acting in the real world, [3]. This dual strategy has become identified as the ‘hybrid’ approach, and examples include the work by [1, 12, 24, 25, and 2]. Another viewpoint sees such systems as essentially ‘hierarchical’ in design and creates a division by function of the overall control system into separate levels each of which is concerned with some aspect of deliberation or reactive response. While such hybrid approaches offer solutions to the overall task domain of autonomous robots, within the reactive component there are still significant problems to be resolved. This point is stressed by Ashwin et al, in which they develop solutions via genetic algorithms: “Further, as behaviours are added to the system and its complexity increases, the interaction of the various behaviours often becomes difficult to predict and debug.” [2]. This paper offers a solution based on a Fuzzy logic control system which aims to provide an automatic method of adjusting the parameters of a set of primary reactive behaviours. This creates a sub-hierarchy within our control architecture in which a Reflective agent provides sets of task sequences to the cooperating robots and acts as the upper level in the overall control hierarchy. 2.1 Behaviour Synthesis Architecture The primary level of control within our system is a collection of behaviours, which associate each sensory stimulus directly with a motor response. The Behaviour Synthesis Architecture (B.S.A) is a reactive control system which has been successfully applied to the control of co-operating autonomous devices for an object relocation task [5]. The problems of conflict resolution between agents and their behaviours are resolved through a vector synthesis mechanism. Each behaviour pattern is defined in terms of a stimulus/response function. The respective functions have associated stimulus/utility functions, which describe their importance at any particular instance within a given dynamic environment. bpt = { rt = fr(st)}{u t= fu(st) } (1) In eq.1 rt is the particular motion response at time t and this is a function, fr, of a given sensory stimulus, st. Associated to every response is a measure of its utility or importance, ut. This quantity is a function, fu, of the same sensory stimulus and the values of rt and ut constitute a vector known as a utilitor. Competing utilitors are resolved by a process of linear superposition which generates a resultant utilitor, UX t where m ut , n . e UXt = j. r t,n n=1 (2) and m equals the total number of related utilitors generated from the different strategy levels. Given a resultant utilitor, a resultant utility, uXt, and a resultant motion response, rX t are simply obtained from: uXt = UXt m and rXt = arg UXt (3) & (4) X corresponds to a particular degree of freedom, e.g. translate or rotate, and the resultant motion response, rX t, is then executed by the robot. From (2), it can be seen that generating a resultant response from different behaviours within the architecture constitutes a process of additive synthesis. Figure 1. Fred and Ginger, autonomously transporting a section of pipe across the laboratory. On the top of each robot is a two d.o.f manipulator mounted on a self-centring compliant x-y table. The utility associated with each behaviour therefore provides an ideal input with which to adaptively modify a behaviour’s contribution to the control of the robot, from a higher control level [15]. However, this utility function acts continuously and normally only affects the specific behaviour it is associated with, which is in contrast to the more complex concept of utility defined in ethology or economics [23]. 3.0 Fuzzy Logic in Control wi min{F (i )( x), F (i )( y)} Since the founding work by Zadeh[31], the benefits of using a qualitative inferencing process to control physical systems has been clearly demonstrated [22, 10]. The advantages of encoding control structures within fuzzy sets include: the ability to control systems for which no mathematical model exists, ease of design, an intuitive linguistic description of the system parameters and modularity. The latter point means that we can trace the inference path of each fuzzy rule, before the set of rules are combined in the defuzzification process. A fuzzy controller is also normally very robust and can tolerate major degradation of its rule structure, [17] and insensitivity to noise or uncertainties in the control inputs, which make it ideally suited to mobile robot control. A Fuzzy control system works by encoding an experts knowledge into a set of rules which are smoothly interpolated and the resultant is defuzzified to give a crisp actuation output. Each rule is specified as either a triangular, trapezoid or some other function e.g. gaussian and assigned to some range of input variable. Trapezoid functions were selected as these are computationally efficient, which is a priority when used for real-time control systems. The fuzzy rules normally take the form : IF (x is A) and (y is B) Fuzzy rules can be represented by a fuzzy associative memory matrix, (FAM) [17]. In this system the base dimensions represent the input variables and each FAM matrix entry represents an output fuzzy set. There are typically 3 to 5 output membership sets, e.g. negative large (NL), negative small (NS), zero (ZE), positive small (PS), and positive large (PL). Using a FAM representation, the weight for the ith FAM entry was calculated using the minimum rule: THEN (z is C) (5) for x,y,z as linguistic variables representing inputs and outputs of the fuzzy controller, and A,B and C are the terms of the variables, in the universes of discourse X,Y, and Z. (6) where x and y represent the input dimensions of the FAM matrix; If we define each output fuzzy membership set as: Bi output fuzzy set (7) where the output ‘universe of discourse’ is composed of a finite set of discrete values. Then the total defuzzified response for n output membership sets is: FT ( wi Bi ) i n ( wi ) (8) i 1 where n equals the number of active rules at a given time. The values of wi for the total matrix form the weight array which will be discussed in section 3.2. This is sometimes referred to as ‘height defuzzification’. 3.1 Hierarchies and Fuzzy Control As outlined in section 2.0 decomposing the complex task sequences required of autonomous robots into a hierarchy of increasingly sophisticated control systems provides a powerful method for increasing a robots degree of autonomy. This approach is also well grounded in terms of its ethological relevance, as most higher organisms exhibit some form of hierarchical control structure to manage conflicting behaviour patterns. This is highlighted by Lorenz who states the following in his discussion of hierarchies in ethology, with specific reference to an insect’s behaviour: “..hierarchical organisation endows a sequence of behaviour patterns with great plasticity and adaptability to changing environmental conditions - despite the fact that all its subsystems, as well as the interactions between them, are phylogenetically programmed and modifications by learning, play hardly any part..” [20, pp.201] It is important to note that such hierarchies exist at many levels, even within a single organism, and may form a nested sequence of such structures. Internal conflict may occur between individual or groups of behaviours, or between alternative action sequences. 3.1.1 Fuzzy Behaviour Recent work by several groups has shown that fuzzy logic is a useful tool for constructing complex multi-level control structures in this field, [29, 26, and 7]. A fuzzy system can often bridge the gap between low level behaviours and the necessary reflective task oriented processes acting on the robot. By intelligently managing the interactions of multiple primitive behaviours [29] a fuzzy controller raises the basic competence level of an autonomous robot which can greatly reduce the cognitive workload on a planning system. An example being the ability to recover from situations which commonly trap purely reactive systems, such as box canyons [30]. Using the Behaviour Synthesis Architecture as a basis we designed a fuzzy controller, which takes direct sensory input and applies negative feedback on the utility of selected behaviours. The contribution of each behaviour is therefore adjusted dynamically to suit the current set of environmental stimuli. This allows the robot to focus on its current response while maintaining some awareness of its final goal. As the robot approaches an obstacle, the importance of avoiding it increases due to the utility - response generated by the B.S.A system, while the fuzzy rule base responds by turning down the utility of moving towards the beacon. The effect is quite similar to the work by [26] in which a fuzzy logic controller modifies multiple behaviours on the robot ‘Flakey’, where increasing proximity to an obstacle has a “shading” effect on a reach goal behaviour. behaviours were important at specific times during the agents interaction with its environment. 3.2.1 Fuzzy State space Since a fuzzy control system gives us complete knowledge of the activity of every rule over time we can construct a dynamic representation of the history of the robots interaction with its environment. Work by Beer [6] has illustrated how considering the agent-environment interaction in terms of a dynamical system can help abstract the problem away from the details of sensors or specific behaviour design, and give insight into the global properties of such systems. 3.3 Dynamic Fuzzy Action Surface 3.3.1 Dynamic Instability Based on a description of the fuzzy control system as a dynamic process we propose that for a goal-seeking agent in an unstructured environment, maintaining a state of dynamic instability within the control structure increases the probability of the agent reaching its goal. The concept draws on ethological work which shows how repeated exposure to a conditional stimulus without subsequent reinforcement leads to the loss of an associated conditional response, i.e ‘extinction’ [23]. In addition, work on the dynamics of neurological processes indicates that such systems also exploit dynamic instability as a source of flexible response, [16]. Hence an agent must be able to suppress behaviours which are no longer producing a useful response, over a time frame which is context dependent. As an example, if our two robots are navigating a simple maze environment to a beacon and become trapped, then the firing of the fuzzy rules associated with the input variables of the FAM matrix indicates periodic activity as each rule is repeatedly triggered, see fig 2. 3.2 Fuzzy Rule Analysis As stated, a significant advantage of a Fuzzy system is that, unlike artificial neural networks which sum their throughputs, a fuzzy system sums outputs, hence the fuzzy rule base is modular and can be dissected to trace the inference paths through its structure. By storing the weight values associated with the firing of each rule over time it is possible to build a memory of the activity of each rule and hence its relative importance in controlling a given system. If the fuzzy system is managing the agents primary behaviours then the set of active weight values also contains context dependent information, i.e. knowledge of which Figure 2. Graph for one typical fuzzy rule output in which the robots become trapped after 400 iterations of the simulator. As we are aiming to create an autonomous robot we should consider that from the robots perspective-making progress towards the goal/beacon is its motivation for acting. Hence if no progress is being made while firing a set of fuzzy rules then the normal reward associated with those rules is removed. Some means of suppressing these rules is therefore required which is based on their relative activity as a function of time. 3.3.2 Weight Vectors In order to increase the adaptive capacity of the fuzzy system several parameters exist which can be used to dynamically modify the fuzzy controller: the scaling factors of the fuzzy variables, the fuzzy sets representing the meaning of linguistic values, the if-then rules, [11]. The first two cases represent ‘self-tuning’ controllers as they finetune an existing set of rules. In the last type, which modifies the rule base itself, it is effectively a ‘self-organising’ controller and often uses an artificial neural network to learn a set of rules from sampled input-output data, [19]. The method selected for this work falls in the ‘self-organising’ category as the output of each fuzzy rule can be altered dynamically. If we consider the fuzzy action surface pre-defined by each entry of the FAM matrix as a rigid surface then by associating a vector with each FAM weight we can modulate the control surface according to the need to suppress individual rules. We can define the operation by the following modification to equation 8: ( FTA w V B ) i i i i n ( (9) wi ) i 1 Where V i is an adaptive vector triggered from an on-line summation of each fuzzy rule’s activity, (at present this is a constant value but can also by a function of the rules degree of activity), and FTA is the adapted defuzzified output F . The weight for each rule wi is stored in each iteration of the control loop and after a predetermined time the total for each rule is compared against a threshold value. If the rule exceeds this threshold then its weight is suppressed for the duration of the next control cycle. This suppression creates a new action surface, which redirects the dynamic flow of the robot’s interaction with its current environment. This method however requires an empirical study to determine the optimum threshold value for a given environment. An alternative approach is to use a functional relationship between a rules activity and its degree of suppression, which is based on ethological examples. Mc Farland & Bosser [23] associate this relationship with a cost or utility analysis of a behaviour and evidence suggests in many animals this obeys a square power law. Hence the longer a behaviour (or fuzzy rule in this case) is active the greater the cost it incurs for the agent. 4.0 IMPLEMENTATION It was decided to use two B12 mobile robots as the basis for our research platforms. These robots (obtained from Real World Interface, Inc.) are omni-directional, controllable via an RS232 interface, have a comprehensive set of motion commands, and are cost effective. However, to work towards the object relocation task these required enhancement to the basic B12 platforms. Superstructures have been designed and built to house additional sensors, data acquisition, communications and secondary control hardware and the primary computer system is a 75Mhz 486 pc notebook. Fred and Ginger both possess the following sensors. A multi-frequency ultrasonic system for obstacle proximity detection, (multi-frequency was used to overcome multiple robot acoustic interference). A self-centring, X-Y capture head which uses optical linear encoders to obtain displacement data which allows each robot to ‘feel’ the force exerted by the other robot. They also have translate and rotate drive motor position encoders, and a battery voltage level sensor. They use ultrasound navigation sensors for locating active beacons, with a separate frequency for the obstacle sensors. For communication between the robots and an external agent there is a half-duplex radio link which can pass sets of behaviours [4] to the robots and allows status information to be returned to the agent. 4.2 Simulation A dynamic simulation of the coupled mobile robots has been created which runs the B.S.A and fuzzy control system. This allowed rapid prototyping of the behaviour patterns and fuzzy control system and has also been used to evolve fuzzy controllers off-line [14]. Each simulated robot has an equivalent set of sensors to the physical robot, with floating point representation. The simulation model does not include sensor noise, or inertia as the aim was to verify if the FAM matrices were dynamically robust and could therefore be transferred to the real robot. The simulation was implemented on a DX4 75Mhz 486 PC. 5.0 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS A series of comparative experiments were performed to test the two hypotheses of this paper; firstly whether using an adaptive FAM surface can increase the competence of a mobile robot while navigating through a semi-structured environment, and second whether this system can be directly transferred onto physical mobile robots. To test the first issue the simulation was run with a range of maze type environments in which the space between the walls was progressively decreased for the adaptive and non-adaptive systems. The adaptive system could also successfully negotiate an environment, which was 10% narrower than for the non-adaptive case. In order to test whether any perturbation of the fuzzy action surface could help the mobiles escape dynamic attractors we added random noise to the FAM output from 5-10% of its total value. No improvement in the robots ability to handle more difficult environments was observed. FT (equation 8) b a y axis x axis Figure 3a. Rigid FAM weights surface for simulated robots; 3b. weights surface for physical robots, (x axis is scaled distance to obstacles, y axis is absolute displacement of the x-y coupling table, z axis is degree of negative feedback on the utility of navigating to the beacon). FTA (equation 9) a b y axis x axis Figure 4a. Modulated FAM weights surface for simulated robots; 4b. same weights surface acting on physical robots. The FAM rule base was then transferred to the physical robots. The major difference between simulated and real environment was in the effective sensor range of the navigation beacon. In the real world this only covered a quarter of the environment, using an ultrasound signal, and the robots only possess two forward facing beacon sensors. Hence the real robots often failed to recover the beacon signal if they turned at an acute angle to the beacon. However the robust noise tolerance of the fuzzy controller was essential in allowing a direct transfer from simulation to physical robots, with minimal mapping of simulated to real sensors. Figures 3 and 4 show state space data with an interpolated surface added to illustrate the similarity between the simulated and physical robots fuzzy action surface. Figure 4 shows the effect of adding the adaptive mechanism to the weights array. From the surface plots in figure 4 we can infer that the adaptive mechanism has an equivalent effect on both the simulated and physical robots fuzzy action surface, by deforming the surface at points where a particular rule exceeded the threshold for suppression. In addition related work has demonstrated that useful fuzzy controllers could be evolved offline using standard genetic algorithms and transfered to the physical robots; details are presented in [14]. In order to study whether the fuzzy control mechanism was improving the ability of the real robots to escape from local minima one robot attempted to negotiate the same environment, both with and without a fuzzy control mechanism. A single robot was used so that the interaction of only the obstacle avoidance behaviour and navigate to beacon behaviour could be isolated. Figures 5. and 6. show the results from two typical runs. 1 1 the robot is still detecting closely positioned walls until about 600 time steps). In the second example of figure 6. the fuzzy system is coupled into the behaviours. The robot was started from the same location and after 200 time steps detects the beacon again. This time however the fuzzy output is suppressing the rotate to beacon behaviour, hence after only 30 time steps (between 210-240 time steps) the robot turns away from the wall and beacon and navigates out of the local minima. 7.0 CONCLUSION 0.5 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Iterations of control loop 0 600 619 Figure 5. Plot of one beacon sensor response and the crisp output of the FAM matrix, for a physical robot, (lower solid line is beacon output, upper dashed line is FAM output). 1 1 By using a dynamically adaptive control system the navigational ability of two co-operating autonomous robots was significantly improved. The use of a fuzzy controller in managing a set of primary reactive behaviours enhanced the robots ability to navigate through a semi-structured environment. This method also confirms the second hypothesis of the paper, by permitting the direct transfer of a control system from a simulation to a physical robot, even when the simulation is quite basic and is not closely modelled on the sensors or dynamic properties of the physical robot. The essential aspect of such a transfer is to take only the higher levels of the control hierarchy (i.e. the fuzzy system in this case), hence abstracting the sensor and actuator details out of the process. This is believed to be a novel method for dynamically modulating a fuzzy logic based control surface, which may have generic applications. However, the increase in autonomy naturally incurs the cost of reducing our knowledge of the systems short-term response. Future work aims to discover the underlying processes by which an autonomous robot can best select fuzzy rules for suppression. 0.5 0 0 Acknowledgements This work was funded by the EPSRC GR/J49785). 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Iterations of control loop 300 (grant : REF No. 350 359 Figure 6. Plot of one beacon sensor response and the crisp output of the FAM matrix, for a physical robot, (lower solid line is beacon output, upper dashed line is FAM output). Firstly, in figure 5. the output from the fuzzy control level was disconnected from the behaviours. When the robot entered an area where a wall blocked the route to the beacon, after 300 time steps one of the front beacon sensors detects the beacon and the robot rotates on to the beacon. It remained in this position even though the proximity of a wall was causing the fuzzy system to produce a maximum response (dashed line). After 500 time steps the beacon was switched off and the robot then turned away from the wall and navigated out of the area, (the fuzzy response remains high as 8.0 REFERENCES [1] Albus J.S., Brains, Behaviour, and Robotics, Byte Books, McGraw-Hill, Peterborough, 1981. [2] Ashwin R., Arkin R., Boone G., & Pearce M., Using Genetic Algorithms to Learn Reactive Control Parameters for Autonomous Robotic Navigation, Adaptive Behaviour, vol.2 issue 3, pp 277-304 1994. [3] Arkin, R.C The Impact of Cybernetics on the Design of a Mobile Robot System: A Case Study, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, vol. 20, No. 6, Nov/Dec 1990, pp. 1245-1257. [4] Aylett .R, Coddington .A, Barnes .D, Ghanea-Hercock .R, A Hybrid Multi-Agent System for Complex Task Achievement by Multiple Co-operating Robots, Proc. Multi-Agent Workshop, Oxford 1995. [5] Barnes, D., Advanced Robotics & Intelligent Machines, Ed. J.O.Gray & D.G Caldwell. IEE Control Engineering Series 51, pp.295-313, 1996. [6] Beer. 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