Criminal Record Checks, Drug Testing and the Employment of Minority Men and Women in Professional and Blue-Collar Jobs Joshua Guetzkow Department of Sociology and Anthropology Institute of Criminology Hebrew University of Jerusalem Mt. Scopus, Israel 91905 e-mail: Alexandra Kalev Department of Sociology and Anthropology Tel Aviv University e-mail: DRAFT. PLEASE DON’T CITE WITHOUT PERMISSION COMMENTS ARE WELCOME Keywords: Incarceration, reintegration, pre-employment screens, stereotypes, discrimination, minorities. Acknowledgments: We thank Ron Edwards and Bliss Cartwright for sharing the EEOC data and their expertise with us. We also thank Frank Dobbin and Dan Schrage for comments and assistance. 0 ABSTRACT Criminal record checks and drug testing have burgeoned among U.S. employers since the 1980s, alongside the wars on crime and drugs. Public and scholarly debates rage over their impact on minority employment. Some argue that pre-employment checks will reduce employers’ reliance on statistical discrimination in minority hiring. Others warn that such screening expands institutional discrimination against minorities, who are more likely to have criminal records and be suspect of drug use. Evidence feeding this debate is still scarce. We use rich longitudinal data on a national sample of U.S. organizations to examine the effect of employers’ adoption of criminal record checks and drug testing on the share of minority employment in professional and blue-collar jobs. We find that screening significantly improves minority employment in select jobs, and harm it in others, and this varies by screen type, job type, the regulatory environment and incarceration rates. We advance the debate over screens in three key ways. First, we show that criminal record checks and drug testing improve minority employment share in jobs where studies find that employers are more averse to hiring ex-convicts or drug users: professional and blue-collar jobs, respectively. Conversely, we find negative effects in jobs where employers are less averse to hiring ex-convicts or drug users: criminal record checks reduce minority employment in blue-collar and drug testing in professional jobs. Second, we examine the way the legal environment shapes the impact of screens. Regulations protecting ex-convicts from blanket exclusion tempers negative effects of criminal record checks in blue collar jobs, while the Drug-Free Workplace Act hampered minority professional employment in testing firms. Finally, we show that rising incarceration rates improve the effects of screens on minority employment in professional jobs. We discuss the theory and policy implications of this research. 1 INTRODUCTION The wars on crime and drugs have had a profound impact on labor market outcomes and ethno-racial inequality (REFS). As these wars raged, employers became ever more reluctant to hire ex-convicts and drug users, (Bushway 2004; Comer 1994; Holzer, Raphael, and Stoll 2006; Knudsen, Roman, and Johnson 2003; Todd 2004) and increasingly adopted criminal records checks and drug tests to screen job applicants (REF SHRM). The effects of these screens on minority employment have been highly debated. Some warn that criminal record checks compound institutional discrimination against blacks and Hispanics, because they have higher criminal conviction rates than whites. Giving employers access to criminal records would disproportionately affect minorities, lowering their employment chances even further by legal and legitimate means (Todd 2004; Decker et al. 2015; Pager 2003; Pager et al. 2009; Alexander 2012). And, although minorities do not have higher drug use rates than whites, some worry that they might be tested at higher rates (Becker et al 2014)—especially since the war on crime and drugs have cemented in the public's mind an association between minority status, criminality, and drug use. Others argue that, precisely due to this association, without background checks and drug testing, employers are likely to engage in statistical discrimination against minority job candidates (Beckett, Nyrop, and Pfingst 2006; Chiricos, Welch, and Gertz 2004; Fishman 1998; Gee et al.2005; Mauer 2006; Russell-Brown 2008; Wisotsky 1987). In that case, criminal background checks and drug testing could actually increase minority hiring by providing individuating information on job candidates (Decker et al. 2004; Finlay 2009; Holzer et al. 2006; Pager 2007; Uggen et al. 2014; Wozniak 2015). 2 Given the high rates of incarceration and unemployment among minorities and the growing movement to limit the use of pre-employment screens, it is essential to inform the debate with empirical research. The limited evidence accumulated to date has provided important insights, but findings are mixed (Finlay 2009; Holzer et al. 2006; Pager 2007; Wozniak 2015). Researchers have focused primarily on men in low-skill jobs and examined either criminal records checks or drug testing, although many employers screen for both and may be more concerned about one trait (e.g. current drug use) but not the other (e.g. certain past arrests). Researchers have tried to tease out the effect of these screens using audit methods, cross-sectional employer surveys or variation in state policies, yet we know very little about the aggregate impact of corporate screening policies on the racial and ethnic composition of their workforce. In this study, we use rich longitudinal data from a national sample of mid-sized and large U.S. employers between 1971 and 2002 to answer a straightforward but crucial question that has not been addressed: after employers adopt pre-employment criminal background checks or drug testing, does the share of black and Hispanic men and women in their workforce increase or decline? We examine this in both blue-collar and professional jobs across different institutional contexts. We advance the current debate in three key ways: First, we use existing evidence on employer aversion to hiring ex-convicts or drug users to develop and test hypotheses about screens’ effects on minority employment in both blue-collar and professional jobs. Second, we examine how federal regulations on the employment of ex-convicts and drugusers shape screens’ effect. Third, we examine whether the effect of screens varies depending on the rate of minority incarceration. 3 By bridging research on mass imprisonment and research on organizations and inequality, the present study expands our understanding of the organizational practices and legal contexts that contribute to minorities’ exclusion from employment. With the exception of a handful of studies, the effects of screens on minority employment have received remarkably little attention, especially from scholars of organizations. Theorists of racial discrimination emphasize the growing centrality of institutional discrimination in shaping contemporary racial inequality (Feagin 2003; Alexander 2012). This study provides an opportunity to gain insight into its working and help policy makers reach scientifically informed decisions regarding pre-employment screens. INSTITUTIONAL DISCRIMINATION, STATISTICAL DISCRIMINATION, AND THE EFFECTS OF INDIVIDUATING INFORMATION Criminal history records have been legally available to the public since the Supreme Court’s 1976 decision in Paul v. Davis, in which the court ruled that the publication of official acts, including arrests, convictions, and incarceration records, were not protected by privacy rights (Finlay 2009:92). Drug testing techniques were first developed by the military in the late 1960’s in response to drug-addicted soldiers returning from Vietnam (Gee et al. 2005). But employer criminal record checks and drug testing became widespread only in the 1980s with the moral panics swirling around the wars on crime and drugs (Beckett et al. 2005; Gee et al. 2005; Knudsen et al. 2003; Alexander 2012; Wozniak 2015). Employers began paying much closer attention to criminal records and drug use as both salient markers of human capital (Decker et al. 2015; Holzer et al. 2006; Pager 2007; Bushway 2004; Harris and Keller 2005) and a source of concern about perceived or real legal liability (Holzer, Raphael, and Stoll 2004; Stoll and Bushway 4 2008; Todd 2004). Published surveys show that between 50% to 60% of employers use criminal background checks (Stoll and Bushway 2008:381), and as many as 80% of all employers use drug testing (American Management Association 1996; Gee et al. 2005). We offer a theoretical framework for understanding the effects of employer adoption of hiring screens that is based on the interplay between institutional and statistical discrimination. Our basic argument is straightforward and largely mirrors the public debate over these screens: if, prior to adopting screens, employers either did not use race and ethnicity as a proxy for criminal background or drug use, or underestimated the true rate of these traits among minorities, screens will reveal the higher underlying rates and will reduce minorities’ employment chances (Pager 2007; Clifford and Shoag 2015). If employers did use race and ethnicity as a proxy for criminal background or drug use, or overestimated the rate of these traits among minority groups, screens will reveal the true, lower rates, and expand employment opportunity for those groups (Wozniak 2015; Holzer et al. 2006). To use Autor and Scarborough’s (2008: 222) terms, our model suggests that screens’ effects depend on the relative biases inherent in the formal and informal screens. As long as the information provided by criminal background or drug-use screens about minority applicants is not systematically more negative than employers’ informal judgments, the adoption of screens should not disparately impact minority hiring. If the information provided by screens is systematically worse than employers’ initially assume, then screen adoption will reduce minority employment. If information provided by screens is more positive than previously assumed, screen will increase minority employment. It is important to note, however, that we do not directly observe whether 5 employers’ make biased decisions absent screens. We can infer this based on what we know about the rate of the screened trait in the population and the change in minority employment following screen adoption (Autor and Scarborough 2008; Wozniak 2015). We also draw on existing research on employers’ aversion to hiring ex-convicts or drug users to bolster our inferences about employers likelihood of engaging in statistical discrimination via racial proxies prior to adopting screens. Below, we briefly discuss the concepts of institutional discrimination and statistical discrimination and their implications for screens’ effects, and make predictions about the contexts in which each might take place, according to what we know employers’ aversion to drug use or criminal records across job types. We then discuss and present hypotheses about how the institutional environment, regulations and incarceration rates are expected to shape the impact of these pre-employment screens. Institutional Discrimination Black intellectuals since Frederick Douglass and W. E. B. Du Bois have long pointed to the institutional nature of racial discrimination, and the 1960’s civil rights movement brought a renewed emphasis among race scholars (Feagin 2014:144). While most Americans believe that racial discrimination belongs to the past or to few “bad apples,” contemporary race theorists explore the manifold, subtle, socially embedded and facially neutral discriminatory norms and laws that perpetuate racial inequality (Kinder and Sanders 1996; Bobo, Kluegel and Smith 1997; Balibar 2007; Bonilla-Silva 2006; DiTomaso 2013; Feagin 2013). The wars on crime and drugs have been a source of multiple mechanisms of institutional discrimination as they legally exclude ex-convicts, 6 which are disproportionately minorities, from key areas of civic participation (Alexander 2012). In a somewhat parallel development, organizational scholars began to examine the ways organizational structures shape gender and racial inequalities even more profoundly than individual determinants (Kanter 1977; Baron and Bielby 1984; Nkomo 1992). Organizational rules that are correlated with social inequality perpetuate that inequality (Acker 1991; Nonet and Selznick 1978). Formal human capital criteria such as soft skills, high credit scores, costumer-client match and clean criminal records or druguse checks have real or perceived racial correlates (Moss and Tilly 2001; Autor and Scarborough 2008; Maroto 2012; Marantz et al. 2014; Becker 2015). Thus for example, studies have shown that black financial consultants are disadvantaged when marketing strategies match consultants’ and clients’ race (Bielby 2012); women are disadvantaged when promotion policies require experience in jobs almost exclusively filled by men (Williams 2002; DiPrete 1988); and women and black managers are disadvantaged when re-structuring rules cut departments most distant from the core business (Kalev 2014). These policies do not explicitly target specific racial, ethnic or gender groups, but they capture, reproduce and expand inequalities along these lines (Wilson 2012). In this way, institutional discrimination is carried out by formal and legitimate structures. Criminal record checks similarly create an avenue for institutional discrimination, wherein facially neutral policies, rationalized in business terms, may disparately impact racial minorities. There are simply more blacks and Hispanics with arrests or convictions than whites, and when these appear on a background check, employment chances are significantly reduced. The lifetime likelihood of an African American, Hispanic and 7 White male adult to have ever been incarcerated in state or federal prison was 16.6%, 7.7%, and 2.5% respectively in 2001 (Bonczar 2003). These rates are significantly lower for the highly educated. Among black men born between 1975 and 1979, 68% of high school dropouts are estimated to have ever been imprisoned by 2008, compared to only 6.6% with a college degree (Western and Pettit 2010). For white men, these numbers are 28% and 1%, respectively, and for Hispanic men, 19.6% versus 3.4%. Female incarceration rates are significantly lower, although they have grown faster than men’s since the 1980s (Beck, Karberg, and Harrison 2002, cited by Beckett and Sasson 2004:3; Galgano 2009). By 2001, 1.7% of adult black women had ever been incarcerated, compared with 0.7% for Hispanic women and 0.3% of white women (Bonczar 2003). Criminal record checks then can officially disadvantage minority job candidates by adding the negative mark of a criminal record (Pager 2007). In contrast, drug-use rates are not correlated with race and ethnicity. Blacks and Hispanics are as likely to use drugs as whites, with women and the more educated reporting lower drug use rates (Wozniak 2015). Based on this, drug testing should not disproportionately impact minorities’ employment chances. There is evidence that employers of minority workers are more likely to test for drug use compared to employers of white workers (Becker et al. 2014). Minorities may therefore be more exposed to the downsides of drug testing overall. But whether the adoption of criminal background or drug-use screens reduces minority hiring depends not only on whether minorities are more likely to fail these tests than whites, but also on employers’ hiring patterns prior to having access to information provided by screens. 8 Statistical Discrimination In the absence of information about job candidates’ criminal history or drug-use, employers anxious to avoid hiring candidates with these traits might rely on potentially inaccurate information or beliefs about the likelihood an applicant has these traits, based on proxies related to the group to which the individual belongs. Economists refer to this decision making as statistical discrimination and assume that employers’ estimates will eventually align with the true rate (Aigner and Cain 1977). However, empirical evidence indicates that statistical discrimination can also be based on sustained, inaccurate estimations (Autor and Scarborough 2008; Finlay 2009; Holzer et al. 2006). It is likely that employers use candidates’ race and ethnicity as markers for criminality and drug use. There is rich evidence that the American public commonly associates both traits with racial and ethnic minorities (Becker et al. 2014; Beckett et al. 2006; Burston, Jones, and Roberson-Saunders 1995; Chiricos et al. 2004; Fishman 1998; Gee et al. 2005; Holzer et al. 2006; Pager and Shepherd 2008). Results from audit studies suggest that hiring managers associate minorities with criminality and hire them at lower rates (Pager 2003; Pager et al. 2009; Decker et al. 2015). For example, Uggen et al. (2014) find that black men who disclose misdemeanor records on job applications have higher odds of getting a callback than black male candidates who offer no criminal background information; without this information, employers presumably assume the worst. A weaker racial effect in hiring was observed for black and white women (Galgano 2009). As for drug use, Wozniak (2011) documents a prevalent belief among hiring managers that blacks are likely to fail drug tests. We take these studies to support our claim that in the absence of individuating information, employers that are averse to 9 hiring ex-convicts or drug users will engage in statistical discrimination associating race and ethnicity with the undesired trait and hire fewer blacks and Hispanics (Bushway 2004; Holzer et al. 2006; Wozniak 2015). This will significantly shape the impact of screen adoption on minority employment. If employers did not use race/ethnicity as a proxy for past convictions, then the adoption of criminal background screens will harm minorities’ employment chances (Pager 2003). Drug testing should have null effect on minorities. If employers did use proxies and overestimated the rates of criminal records and drug use among minorities, screens will provide more positive, individualized information that can improve the employment chances of minorities (Bushway 2004; Holzer et al. 2006; Wozniak 2015). It is important to emphasize that although our theoretical model for predicting screens outcome is based on the match between the exclusionary biases in informal and formal screening, we do not observe whether during informal screening employers indeed engage in statistical discrimination on the basis of race and ethnicity. Instead, we theorize that such hiring patterns are more common among employers that express stronger concern about employing ex-convicts or drug use and we split our analysis accordingly (Holzer et al. 2006:463). The Labor Process, Employer Aversion and the Effect of Screens Existing research, albeit limited, shows that the value employers place on avoiding hiring drug users differs from that placed on lack of a criminal record, and it varies by the type of labor process they manage. Key is whether the job is professional or blue collar. In a nutshell, studies find that employers of low-skill workers are more concerned about workers’ drug use and less about their criminal history, and employers of professional 10 workers are worry more about employing ex-convicts and less about drug users (Holzer et al. 2004; Wozniak 2015; Hartwell et al. 1996; Knudsen et al. 2003). Aversion to Hiring Ex-Convicts –In a survey of 600 employers in Los Angeles County in 2001, Holzer et al. (2004:41) find that employers in the manufacturing, transportation and construction sectors, and those with a larger fraction of unskilled workers express more willingness and less aversion to hiring ex-offenders. In contrast, employers in the service sector and those who employ only professional workers disproportionately express high aversion to hiring ex-offenders. A similar pattern is reported in Holzer et al. (2006: Table A1) based on data from the Multi-City Survey of Urban Inequality. Holzer et al. (2006:469) show that the effects of criminal record checks are associated with employers’ willingness or aversion: willing employers that use criminal background checks hire fewer blacks than do averse employers that use these checks. The reasoning is that after the adoption of criminal records checks, blue-collar employers are likely to exclude candidates convicted of certain crimes, if only to avoid the potential liability of knowingly hiring someone with a problematic criminal history (Stoll and Bushway 2008). This will have a disproportionate impact on minority men, who have significantly higher conviction rates than white men. The effect should be smaller for minority women, because they have lower rates of criminal records, especially for serious offenses (Holzer et al. 2006; Galgano 2009). We therefore expect that: H1a: The adoption of criminal records checks will reduce the share of black and Hispanic workers, especially men, in blue-collar jobs. Employers of blue collar workers may also be less averse to employing illegal immigrants, largely due to labor market considerations (Moss and Tilly 2001). The 11 introduction of criminal record screens might have chilling effects on undocumented Hispanics, thereby reducing their employment shares (Borjas, Freeman, and Katz 1992; Borjas and Katz 2007). In contrast, because employers of professionals are more averse to hiring exconvicts, in the absence of formal checks, they are more likely to engage in statistical discrimination and exclude minorities (Holzer et al. 2006). Because conviction rates are so low among highly educated blacks and Hispanics, when criminal background checks are adopted they will likely reveal lower-than-expected rates of conviction, and minority hiring will increase. Therefore: H1b: The adoption of criminal record checks will increase the share of black and Hispanics workers, especially men, in professional jobs. Aversion to Hiring Drug Users.-- In contrast to their greater willingness to hire exconvicts, several studies conclude that employers of blue-collar workers are concerned about drug use and more likely to have drug testing than employers of white collar, college-educated workers (Hartwell et al. 1996; Knudsen et al. 2003; Haar and Pell 2007; Becker et al. 2014). Using the 1997 National Employee Survey, Knudsen et al. (2003) find that firms that are rule-oriented and have a high degree of mechanization are more likely to adopt drug testing while firms in service and FIRE industries are significantly less likely to adopt drug testing. This is consistent with evidence that employers view drug use as a safety problem (Spell and Baum 2001:116; Gee et al. 2005:756). We therefore assume that, absent individuating information, employers of blue collar workers are more likely to engage in statistical discrimination that associates minority status with drug use. Given that drug-use rates are similar across racial and 12 ethnic groups, the introduction of drug testing in these contexts will reveal lower-thanbelieved rates of drug use and thereby lead to an increase in the hiring of minorities. Wozniak (2015:560) finds significant employment increases for low-skill black men and, to a lesser extent, black women, after states adopt pro-testing legislation. Therefore: H2a: The adoption of drug testing will increase the share of black and Hispanic men and women in blue-collar jobs. Employers are less concerned about drug use among professional workers (Hartwell et al 1996; Knudsen et al. 2003). In a national employer survey from 1993, Hartwell et al (1996) find an inverse relationship between the share of workers with college degrees and the likelihood that employers have drug testing. Once testing is adopted, minorities should not show higher rates of drug use than whites, and so the introduction of individualized information will not change minority hiring patterns. Indeed Wozniak (2015) finds no effects of pro-drug testing laws on black professional workers. Therefore: H2b: The adoption of drug testing will not change the share of black and Hispanic workers, both men and women, in professional jobs. Figure 1 includes a summary of hypotheses 1 and 2 regarding the effects of screens on minority employment in professional and low-skill jobs. INSERT FIGURE 1 ABOUT HERE THE LEGAL ENVIRONMENT AND SCREENS’ EFFECTS There are numerous, overlapping and frequently ambiguous state and federal laws and regulations regarding the employment of ex-convicts or drug users and the use of screens, leaving many employers, as well as researchers, confused regarding how to comply (Holzer et al. 2004; Stoll and Bushway 2008). We focus on relatively straightforward 13 federal regulations: the EEOC guidelines to avoid blanket exclusion of ex-convicts and the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988. Both can shape screens outcomes by affecting employers’ willingness or aversion to hiring ex-convicts and drug users. Title VII and Criminal Record Checks.— A blanket exclusion from employment of exconvicts is unlawful under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, due to the disparate impact on blacks and Hispanics. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has been enforcing these regulations since at least 1969.1 All private employers with more than 15 workers are subject to this regulation, but federal contractors are under heightened antidiscrimination oversight and thus should be more concerned than noncontractors about avoiding disparate impact (Dobbin et al. 2015). Survey data indeed show that federal contractors are less averse to hiring ex-offenders (Holzer and Neumark 2000). Therefore, we expect contractors to hire more ex-convicts once checks are in place. Thus, other things being equal: H3a: Being a federal contractor will improve the effect of criminal record screens on minority employment. The Drug-Free Workplace Act and Drug Testing.— The Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 requires certain categories of federal contractors and grantees not to employ workers that use illicit drugs in jobs related to the contract.2 This Act should make federal contractors more averse to hiring drug users compared to non-contractors and so more likely to engage in statistical discrimination and exclude minorities absent individuating information. Once contractors start testing prospective employees for drugs, they will find that minorities do not use drugs at higher rates than whites. Thus, we can expect that: 14 H3b: Being a federal contractor will improve the effect of drug testing on minority employment after 1988. Disparate Screening.— We present a caveat for this hypothesis. This caveat links statistical discrimination to the formal screening phase as well. We claim that it is possible that employers do not equally test all candidates, but rather, use racial and ethnic proxies in their decisions whom to test. If this is the case screens will reduce minority employment simply because minorities are tested at a higher rate. There is rich evidence of firms’ unequal use of formal skill tests, personnel policies and disciplinary actions across racial lines (Dobbin 2009; Dobbin, Schrage, and Kalev 2015; Roscigno 2007; Wilson and McBrier 2005; Zwerling and Silver 1992). Although minorities report more drug testing at work than whites (Becker et al. 2014) there is no direct evidence of testing disparities within the same workplace. Our data are at the organizational level and do not include information on which job candidates were screened. But if there is an uneven use of drug testing, screen adoption may be followed by unexpected negative effects on minority employment. This will show most clearly in the case of professional workers, because we assume there is less statistical discrimination against minorities prior to testing, and because drug-use rates are similar for race/ethnic groups. H2c: The adoption of drug testing will decrease the share of black and Hispanic workers, men and women, in professional jobs. THE DYNAMIC EFFECT OF THE WAR ON CRIME AND DRUGS Our inquiry about the effects of drug testing and criminal record checks taps into the question of the mechanisms by which the wars on crime and drugs hurt minorities’ 15 employment disproportionately. Is it through the institutionalization of hiring screens, or through the institutionalization of employer association of minority status with convictions or drug use (Pager 2007; Alexander 2012; Wozniak 2015)? This question is important because it has implications for how to lessen the harms of the wars on crime and drug. We look at how state incarceration rates shape screens’ impact. According to the institutional discrimination hypothesis, rising incarceration rates will lead to more minorities failing criminal records checks (though not drug testing) and therefore increase minority exclusion from hiring after adoption of such checks. According to the statistical discrimination hypothesis, rising incarceration rates can intensify employer’s reluctance to hire ex-convicts and drug-users, and therefore their use of statistical discrimination in informal screening. The adoption of formal criminal background checks and especially drug testing would then reveal lower rates of convictions and drug use relative to what was assumed prior to adoption and will increase minority employment. We therefore offer no formal hypothesis, but note that the results provide an indication of underlying mechanisms. DATA We use fixed effects analysis of rich longitudinal data on the workforce composition and hiring policies of 805 establishments to estimate changes in the proportion of black and Hispanic women and men in professional and blue collar jobs following the adoption of criminal record checks and drug testing programs between 1971 and 2002. The dataset used for this study combines an employer survey with federal data on these employers’ workforce composition, local labor markets and incarceration statistics. 16 Workforce Composition Data.— The workforce composition data come from annual reports (EEO-1 reports) submitted to the EEOC by all private sector employers with more than 100 employees and government contractors with more than 50 employees and $50,000 worth of contracts.3 These data were obtained for research purposes from the EEOC under an Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) agreement. The reports detail the sex, racial and ethnic composition of their workforce in nine broad occupations. We analyze the composition of professional jobs, which is a single occupational category on the EEO-1 form, and of blue-collar jobs, which is a composite of four categories: Craft, Operatives Laborers and Service workers.4 EEO-1 data were obtained for 1971-2002, excluding the years 1973, 1974 and 1976 that are not available and were interpolated using a linear function. The results are not sensitive to the inclusion of these years. Employer survey.— Data on employer practices come from a retrospective survey of 833 organizations that was conducted in 2002 by the Princeton Survey Research Center. The sampling frame was based on the EEO-1 reports submitted in the year 1999. The sample was stratified by industry (including industries in the manufacturing, retail and service sectors), age in the data (half of the establishments had been in the data for at least 8 years, half for at least 20 years) and size (with 35% of the establishments having less than 500 workers). Experienced Human resources or line managers were surveyed by phone about their pre-employment screening policies and the years in which they were first adopted and about other organizational policies and characteristics. Respondents’ average tenure was 11 years. The response rate was 67 percent. The survey data were merged with the EEO-1 data and organized in a crosssection time-series structure, with organization-year as the unit of analysis. After 17 excluding cases for unusable data, the number of organizations participating in the analysis of blue-collar jobs is 778 and the number of organization-years is 17,134. For professional jobs these numbers are 773 and 16,247 respectively. The median organization appears in the dataset for 25 years. The minimum number of years is four (by design) and the maximum is 32. MEASURES OF KEY VARIABLES Dependent Variables: The Composition of Professional and Blue-Collar Jobs Our dependent variables are the proportion of black and Hispanic men and women in professional and blue-collar occupations in each establishment. Figures 2a and 2b show the changes in the share of each group in blue-collar and professional jobs between 1971 and 2002 in our sample. Women made more gains than men in professional jobs and blacks have made the least gains in blue collar jobs. Our sample excludes younger and smaller organizations as well as public sector and non-profit organizations, and thus it somewhat under-represents the demographic diversity of the national labor market. FIGURES 2A, 2B ABOUT HERE Because of the high levels of racial segregation at work (Stainback and TomaskovicDevey 2012), wherein minorities may hold very few professional jobs in the typical firm but many jobs in some firms—and vice versa in the case of blue-collar jobs— composition distributions are skewed. We therefore transform the proportions of each group in the focal job (blue-collar or professional) to log odds (Fox 1997:78).5 Key Independent Variables: Criminal Record Checks and Drug Testing The main independent variables of interests are two binary variables based on survey responses, indicating whether the establishment has a program of drug testing or criminal 18 record checks of job candidates. The variables are coded 1 in each organization-year where the policy existed and 0 otherwise (before adoption, after revocation, if applicable, or in all years in organizations that never adopted). In this national sample of mid-size and large workplaces, a total of 65 percent adopted criminal record checks and 75 percent adopted drug testing by 2002. Figure 3 shows the proportion of workplaces with criminal record and drug-use pre-employment screens from 1971 to 2002. The percentages are based on the number of surveyed workplaces that existed in each year. The sample represents older and more bureaucratic and stable work establishments, which are more likely to adopt these screens (Holzer et al. 2004). Patterns might be less pronounced in a sample of younger firms. The trend in Figure 3 suggests an effect of the 1988 Drug Free Workplace Act on the adoption of drug testing, while the percent of criminal record checks grows relatively uniformly. FIGURE 3 ABOUT HERE The distribution of screens across employers where the core job is professional versus blue-collar is consistent with findings about employers’ aversion to hiring of ex-convicts or drug users to different jobs. By 2002, criminal record checks were adopted by 78 percent of employers with mostly professional jobs, compared to 58 percent in workplaces with blue-collar core jobs. Drug tests were adopted by 66 percent of professional workers’ employers compared to 85 percent of employers of mainly bluecollar workers. Variables on Federal Regulations and Incarceration Rates Data on federal contractor status, for examining the effect of federal regulations on hiring of ex-convicts and drug users, come from employers’ EEO-1 reports. About 48 percent of 19 the organization-year spells in our data have federal contractor status. As expected, given the legal requirement for a drug free workplace, the adoption rate of drug testing among federal contractors is higher than among non-contractors (85 versus 66 percent respectively by 2002). We see smaller differences in the adoption of criminal record checks (62 versus 68 percent respectively by 2002). To measure the period where the Drug Free Workplace Act was in place, we use a binary variable that equals 1 in all years from 1988 onward and 0 before that. We include measures of state incarceration rates using data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics’ Correctional Populations in the United States series. The incarceration rate is measured as the total number of prisoners under a state’s jurisdiction serving sentences of a year or more per 100,000 people. Incarceration rates rose from 8 in 1971 to 42 in 2002. The mean incarceration rate across state was 26, the first quartile was 22 and the 3rd quartile 31. We divided the rates by a 100 in the analysis. MEASURES OF OTHER FACTORS SHAPING WORKFORCE COMPOSITION We incorporate in our analyses a host of time-varying measures of organizational and labor market features that can affect the organization’s demographic makeup. Some of these may also be correlated with employers’ decision to adopt criminal record checks or drug testing, thus omitting them may lead to spurious results (Wozniak 2015; Finlay 2009; Stoll and Bushway 2008). Table 1 includes information on variable means, standard deviations, ranges, form, and data sources for all variables included in the analyses in both subsamples used. Variation stemming from stable characteristics, such as industry or geographical area is accounted for by the establishment fixed-effects. TABLE 1 ABOUT HERE 20 Labor Market Characteristics Labor market composition will affect the supply of workers from different demographic groups, and might affect employers’ decisions to adopt certain screens (Finlay 2009; Wozniak 2015). We include the proportions of black, Hispanic and white men and women in the establishment’s two-digit industry workforce and state workforce, obtained from the Current Population Survey. The category for Hispanic first appears in 1977, thus we used the 1970 census and interpolated the years in between. The results we report are not sensitive to the inclusion of these interpolated measures. We include measures for state unemployment rate and two-digit industry employment size, obtained from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. When unemployment rises, minority employment tends to shrink first (Farber 1997). Growing industries should experience a tighter labor market, thus expanding opportunities for minorities (Reskin and Roos 1990). We include a measure of the share of federal contractors among industry employers, as their demand for minority workers is higher (McTague, Stainback, and Tomaskovic-Devey 2009). Organizational Structures We include in our analyses organizational measures found to affect workforce demographics, some of which may also affect the adoption of screens, and so their inclusion eases concerns about endogeneity. Personnel Structures.— We measure the adoption of employer diversity programs (including the adoption of a diversity officer, a diversity committee, diversity mentoring and networking programs, diversity evaluations and diversity training) and affirmative action plans, all of which affect the demographic makeup of the workforce (Edelman and Petterson 1999; Hirsh and Kmec 2009; Kalev, Dobbin, and Kelly 2006). Work-family 21 programs may reduce caregivers’ career obstacles and improve women’s employment (Glass and Riley 1998). Unionization may affect workforce diversity as well as the adoption of pre-employment screening (Holzer et al. 2006; Kelly 2003). Employers’ formal hiring and promotion procedures shape workforce composition (Reskin and McBrier 2000; Dobbin et al. 2015). We use a count of the adoption of a human resources department, written hiring and promotion guidelines, job descriptions, promotion ladders, performance evaluations, a pay grade system and internal posting of jobs. We include a measure for the adoption of a skill test in hiring and a count of Legal Awareness.-- Employers’ awareness of antidiscrimination laws and experience with charges may reduce discrimination and affect workforce composition (Edelman and Petterson 1999; Holzer and Neumark 2000 Kalev and Dobbin 2006; Skaggs 2008; Skaggs 2009). We include measures for a legal department and an experience of antidiscrimination lawsuit or EEOC charge or a Department of Labor compliance review. Demand for Workers.— Organizational expansion can increase demand for minorities (Baron, Mittman, and Newman 1991; Haveman, Broschak, and Cohen 2009) and also lead to screen adoption. We measure establishment size and the size of the focal job category (professional or blue-collar). Organizational Workforce Composition.— The demographic composition of an organization’s leadership and workforce affects hiring patterns (Cohen, Broschak, and Haveman 1998; Moss and Tilly 2001). We measure of the percent of women and blacks among the top ten executive positions using data obtained from the survey for the years 1982, 1992 and 2002, and linearly interpolated for the years in between. For nonmanagerial composition we measure the share of the focal group in non-managerial, non- 22 focal jobs. Finally, we include a flag variable for whether there is no representation of the focal group in the focal job. The results are not sensitive to the inclusion of this measure. ANALYTIC STRATEGY We use OLS regressions with fixed effects for establishment and year to estimate the change in each demographic group’s employment share in the focal jobs in the years after screens were put in place. The mean number of years that criminal record checks and drug testing were in effect in our data is 10 and 12 respectively. We lag the outcome variables by a year to allow time for screens adopted during the previous year to affect job demographics. In addition to the important control variables used in the analysis, the fixed effects for each workplace account for variance that comes from unobserved stable features of these workplaces, such as organizational culture. The reported R2 in these models do not include variation captured by establishment fixed effects. The year fixed effects account for unmeasured environmental changes that affect all organizations, such as change in the content of stereotypes. The establishment and year fixed effects also offer an efficient means of dealing with the non-constant variance of the errors (heteroskedasticity) that stems from the cross-sectional and over-time aspect of the pooled data (Sayrs 1989). In addition we use the Huber-White robust standard errors to account for the clustering of errors due to the panel data. We discuss a series of robustness checks at the end of finings section. Results for these are presented in the appendix. FINDINGS Tables 2, 3, 4a, 4b and 5 include results from our analysis of the effect of screen adoption on workforce composition. Exponentiating the coefficients, [exp(β) -1]*100, gives the 23 average percent change in the odds that professional or blue-collar workers are from a focal demographic group in the years following the adoption of either screen, net of all other variables and fixed effects. When the coefficient’s absolute value is smaller than 0.1, the percent change can be calculated simply as β*100. The error of such approximation is about 0.005. Coefficients for control variables are presented in the Appendix Tables. The analysis confirms our expectation that the effect of screens varies across types of labor process and institutional environments. In a nutshell, coefficients in Table 2 show that, on average throughout the period, the adoption of drug testing reduces the share of Hispanics in professional jobs and increases black men and Hispanics in bluecollar jobs. The adoption of criminal record checks is followed by increases in the share of black men and women in professional jobs and reductions in Hispanic men and women in blue-collar jobs. Tables 3a shows that black men, too, experience a negative impact of criminal record checks in blue-collar jobs, but only among non-contractors. Table 4b shows that contrary to expectations, the Drug-Free Workplace Act significantly amplified the negative effects of drug testing on minorities in professional jobs. Table 4a shows that in blue-collar jobs, the Act improved the effects of drug testing on black women. Finally Table 5 show that the effects of both screens on blacks in professional jobs improve as incarceration rates go up. 24 Criminal Background Checks and the Share of Minorities in Blue-Collar and Professional Jobs Estimates for the average effect of screens in the period after adoption on the composition of blue-collar jobs are presented in Table 2, under Model A, and for professional jobs under Model B. The adoption of criminal record checks is followed by declines of about 10 percent in the odds of Hispanics employed in blue-collar jobs. In Table 3 we see that black men also experience a similar decline but only among employers that are not government contractors. The negative results for Hispanics could be partially a result of criminal record checks deterring undocumented Hispanics from applying to these jobs. This interpretation is especially likely for Hispanic women, who do not have high incarceration rates. That the negative effects on Hispanics are not sensitive to contractor status further supports this interpretation. To examine the magnitude of these effects relative to the overall change of minority employment shares in blue-collar jobs during the period under study, we calculated the percent change between the mean proportion of blue-collar workers from a certain group and the predicted proportion following the adoption of criminal record checks. These magnitudes are calculated using the coefficients in Tables 2 and 3a and are associated only with the adoption of the focal screen (Petersen 1985). The average employer in our sample employed 5.4 percent Hispanic men in blue collar jobs. But the introduction of criminal record checks in the average organization is responsible for almost 10 percent decline in their mean share, to a mean of 4.9 percent. As figure 2a shows, during the entire period under study, between 1971 and 2002, the percent of 25 Hispanic men increased from 3 percent in 1971 to 7.4 percent in 2002. For Hispanic women, the increase during the period is from being 1.6 to 4.2 percent of the blue-collar workforce, while criminal record screens reduced their share from 2.9 to 2.6 percent in the average organization, a decline of almost 12 percent. The average non-contractor employer had 7.4 percent black men in their bluecollar jobs during the period under study. The adoption of criminal records checks reduces the percent of black men in blue-collar jobs by eleven percent, to 6.6 percent. During the entire period under study, the share of black men in blue-collar jobs has hardly changed. Criminal record checks seem to have contributed to this stagnation. Model B in Table 2 shows that in professional jobs, in contrast, criminal background screens are followed increases in the odds of black men and women and no significant change in the share of Hispanics, although the coefficients are positive and standard errors are relatively small. Based on our theory of the relative bias of the informal and formal screening, these results suggest that prior to screen adoption employers were overestimating blacks’ conviction rates and excluding them from hiring. Calculating the percent change in the percent of each group we see that in the average adopting organization in our sample, the mean proportion of black women in professional jobs increased due to these checks by 11.5 percent - from 1.9 to 2.2 percent. For black men, the increase is 7 percent, from a mean of 1.3 percent of professional workers to 1.4. As Figure 2b shows throughout the entire period black women increased in professional jobs from 1 percent to 3.1 percent and black men from 0.5 to 1.7 percent. Contractor interaction had no effect in the models for professional jobs. We therefore do not present these models. 26 Drug Testing and the Share of Minorities in Blue-Collar and Professional Jobs The adoption of drug testing shows more or less the opposite effects from criminal records checks, as predicted. In blue-collar jobs, drug testing is followed by increases of about 8 percent in the share of black men and Hispanic men and women. Given that black men’s share in blue collar jobs did not increase throughout the period this increase is especially significant. This is consistent with Wozniak’s findings (2015) and with the theory that employers more averse to hiring drug users, as previous studies find blue collar employers to be, are more likely to statistically discriminate prior to adoption of formal testing, and thus testing will increase minority employment. In professional jobs, Hispanics’ employment share declines after employers adopt drug testing. Tests should reveal similar rates of drug use for minorities as for whites. We hypothesized that negative effects can occur if employers of professionals test Hispanics at higher rates, but this deserves further research as we do not observe individual screening. We discuss this in the conclusion section. Tables 4a and 4b include coefficients from an analysis of the effects of the 1988 Drug-Free Workplace Act. Because the Act only applies to government contractors, we constructed a three-way interaction between drug testing, being a government contractor, and the period from 1988 onward in order to examine the effect of the Act on drug testing outcomes. Regardless of the Act, federal contractors are also under heightened regulatory Department of Labor oversight to avoid employment discrimination of women and minorities. We estimate the baseline effects of being a federal contractor on minority employment using the variable for whether an employer is a federal contractor and the 27 interaction of federal contractor with the post-1988 period. The variable for post-1988 accounts for the baseline period effect. Results for professional jobs are included in table 4a. The coefficients for “drug testing” show that before 1988, adopting drug testing reduces the share of Hispanic men and women in professional jobs among non-contractors. And contractor status makes no significant difference in this period (drug testing*contractor). After 1988, the negative effects of drug testing on Hispanic men and women disappear among non-contractors (drug testing*p88). But among government contractors – those employers covered by the Act – drug testing shows significant negative effects on black men and Hispanic men and women. That is, drug testing is more likely to reduce minorities’ share in professional jobs among contractors after 1988. This result is surprising, given that minority drug use rates are not higher than whites. We discuss this unexpected finding in the conclusion. The results in table 4a also tell us that the negative effects of drug testing on Hispanics we saw in table 2 characterize all adopting employers in the early period, but only contractors after 1988, where black men also saw negative effects of drug testing. During this later period, minority employment in professional jobs shrank overall (“Period 1988)” though less so among federal contractors (“Contractor*P88”), perhaps due to antidiscrimination pressures. Yet, these relatively better odds for minorities among contractors are significantly offset when drug testing is adopted. The Drug-Free Workplace Act had a smaller but positive effect on minority employment in blue-collar jobs, improving the odds of black women in testing firms, as seen in Table 4b. Prior to 1988, the employment share of both black women and men declined following drug testing adoption among contractors (drug testing*contractor). 28 After the passage of the Act in 1988, black women no longer experienced a negative effect of drug testing among covered employers, while black men continue to experience such negative effect. Another way to look at the results is that, after 1988, the employment share of black women and Hispanic men and women in blue-collar jobs increased, and for black women these increases were significantly larger among covered employers that had drug testing. That is, drug testing help increase black women’s employment among covered employers, but no other groups. Do Rising Incarceration Rates Increase Statistical or Institutional Discrimination? Table 4 includes results from an analysis examining whether screens’ effects are shaped by incarceration rates. The interaction of incarceration rates with criminal record checks or drug testing were only significant in the models for professional workers. Hence we present only those. Rising incarceration rates, which are disproportionately of minorities, may deepen institutional discrimination because more minorities are likely to fail checks. Incarcerations rates could also strengthen employer aversion to hiring exconvicts or drug users. We made no formal hypothesis. In the baseline model (see Appendix tables A2a and A2b) growing state incarceration rates show no effect in bluecollar jobs and improve odds for blacks in professional jobs. In Table 4 we see that this positive effect works through the interaction with criminal record checks, which is significant and positive for black men and women in professional jobs. That is, as state incarceration rates grow, criminal records checks are followed by increases in the share black men and women in professional jobs. When incarceration rates were at their period mean 26, criminal record checks were followed by about a 5 percent (0.155+0.792*0.26=0.051) increase in the odds that professional workers are black 29 women. For black men the increase is much smaller, about 0.7 percent (0.172+0.688*0.26=0.007). In 2002 the mean incarceration rate was 42. At this level of incarceration, criminal record checks increase black women’s odds in professional jobs by about 20 percent and of black men by 12 percent. Drug testing effects on black men’s employment share also vary by incarceration rates. When incarceration rates are at the 25 percentile, drug testing reduces the odds of black men by about 5 percent. At the period mean of incarceration rates, drug testing has no effect. But when incarceration rates are at the 75 percentile (36), drug testing improved black men’s odds by about 4 percent and when they were at their 2002 mean, this was a 6 percent increase. Note that the analysis includes fixed effects for year, and that these findings remain after adding to the model a separate time interaction for each state, as discussed below. These findings are consistent with a theory that as state incarceration rates grow, the exclusion of minorities absent screens seems to be higher. Robustness Analyses We have taken several steps to increase confidence that the results are not affected by unobserved heterogeneity. The establishment and year fixed effects implicitly control for unobserved stable heterogeneity unique to each workplace analyzed, such as an especially discriminatory workplace culture, and unobserved time-varying changes that may affect all firms, such as changes in national cultural or legal environments. The host of control variables we include accounts for variance related to organizational and labor market features that may cause changes in the employment of minorities. In addition, we examined several other specifications, the results of which are presented in the Appendix 30 Table 6-9. Each table includes results for the main variables from the 3 robustness checks discussed here, and for each model presented in the finding section. First, to account for unobserved state-level legal or cultural changes that might affect both screen adoption and workforce composition, we added to all analyses reported in this paper a series of interaction variables for each establishment’s state and a continuous count variable for time (where 1971=1). Because legal changes may affect specific industries (such as the health or insurance industry), we conducted a similar analysis with interaction variables for each establishment’s industry and a count variable for time. As Appendix Tables 6-9 show the results overall are robust to these specifications (although some coefficients shrink a bit and so significant levels move to be at the 10 percent). All observed patterns of interest are robust to adding the interaction between state and time. The coefficient for the interaction drug testing*incarceration rates for black men significantly declines in size and becomes non-significant. Yet, calculating the effects of drug testing at different incarceration rates shows a very similar pattern to the main model, with the negative effect of the adoption of drug testing declining and disappearing when incarceration rates are above the median of 25. Adding an interaction between industry and time to the models reduces the coefficient for the effect of drug testing on Hispanic employment share in blue-collar jobs in the baseline model but not in the model with interaction with incarceration rates. Yet, it is possible that some of the observed pattern is a product of industry dynamics. Second, out of concern that adopters are different than non-adopters in ways that affect our results but are not captured by our control variables and fixed effects, we repeated the analyses presented in this paper while limiting the sample to adopters only, 31 once for criminal record checks and once for drug testing adopters. Appendix Tables 6-9 includes results from the adopters-only analyses for each model specification. Here too, the key findings remain robust. While most coefficients of the baseline model significantly shrink in size, all other model specifications are highly robust. Taken together, the fixed effects and the rich set of control variables, along with the results of additional robustness checks, increase our confidence in the results reported in this paper, especially as it concerns the heterogeneity of processes that shape screen outcomes. Results for Control Variables Results for control variables are generally consistent with expectations. The effects of growth in group’s share in the establishment industry or state workforce show that such dynamics do not necessarily mean entrance to the older and more stable establishments that are in our sample. Industry growth improves employment chances for all minority groups in professional jobs, and reduces the odds of Hispanic men and women in bluecollar jobs. Growth in the share of federal contractors in industry reduces the share of minorities in professional jobs in our sample and increases their share in low-skill jobs, though only the coefficient for Hispanic men is significant. Organizational structures affect workforce demography as well. Most research to date established these effects for managerial jobs but not for non-managerial jobs. We find that employer adoption of diversity programs show strong positive effects for all groups in professional jobs, consistent with findings about managerial jobs (Kalev et al. 2006) and no effect in blue-collar jobs. Work-family programs increase the share of black women in professional jobs but have surprising negative effects on black women and Hispanic men in low-skill jobs, perhaps because they make these jobs more attractive to 32 white women (Kelly, Kalev and Dobbin 2007). Unions do not benefit minority employment, and show a significant negative effect on Hispanic men in blue-collar jobs. Formalized human resources practices show positive estimates only for Hispanics in blue-collar jobs, and significant only for Hispanic women. Pre-employment skill tests show no effects. Having a legal department shows significant positive effects and black men and women in blue-collar and professional jobs and of Hispanic men in professional jobs. Experiences with an antidiscrimination lawsuit, charge or review show mostly negative estimates, though only the one for black women in professional jobs is statistical significant. Growth in the size of the organization and the size of the focal jobs reduces the share of groups in the focal job. Managerial and workforce diversity generally, but not uniformly, increases diversity in both job types. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS Pre-employment criminal record checks and drug testing grew in popularity alongside the wars on crime and drugs and have been hotly debated since. Opponents see screens as an expansion of the penal system, with all its inequities, into the workplace. They argue that not only do screens breach civil rights, cement stigma against ex-convicts and drug users, and stymie their rehabilitation, they also hurt the labor market outcomes of minorities, who are more likely to have criminal records and be suspected of drug use (Garland 1996; Pager 2007; Alexander 2012). The movement to “ban the box” seeks to limit screen-based exclusion by moving record checking to later stages of the hiring process, when employers have more knowledge of the candidate. Supporters of screens argue that, without them, employers are likely to engage in statistical discrimination that associates criminality and drug use with black and Hispanic origin. Pre-employment screens allow 33 minorities to show clean records or minor misdemeanors and to prove they are not drugusers, thereby reducing their exclusion (Holzer et al. 2006; Wozniak 2015). Understanding how screens impact minority employment is of crucial importance in this period of social activism on the topic. If this is a time of change, it ought to be informed by empirical evidence. The stakes in this debate are high, since improving minority employment in general, and ex-convicts’ employment in particular, are central to reducing racial and ethnic inequality in the U.S. (REF). Yet, empirical research on the effects of screens on minority employment has been relatively scarce—this, despite the tidal wave of research on the determinants of workforce demographics (Stainback et al. 2010). This study sought to contribute to current knowledge about screens’ effects by examining the aggregate impact of screen adoption on workplace diversity using longitudinal data on a national sample of workplace establishments. We examined how the impact of screens differs for blue-collar versus professional workers, and how it is shaped by different regulatory environments and in the context of higher incarceration rates. Our theoretical argument is twofold. First, in line with prior research (Wozniak 2015; Holzer et al 2006; Autor and Scarbrough 2008), we posit that the effect of screens depends, in part, on the relationship between the bias embedded in the screens (a feature of institutional discrimination) and the bias embedded in informal selection processes prior to screen adoption (an example of statistical discrimination). If the former dominates, then screens will have negative effects; if the latter plays a bigger role, then screens are likely to have positive effects. 34 Second, we argue that employers who are more averse to hiring people with the past convictions or drug users are more likely to engage in statistical discrimination prior to adopting the related screen, in which case screens will have a positive effect. Where they are less averse, screens will have a negative effect. And, since employers generally worry more about drug use in blue-collar jobs and about criminality in professional jobs (and vice versa), we hypothesized that the effects of criminal background checks and drug testing will vary by job type—although we do not directly observe employer biases prior to screen adoption. Consistent with our theory, we find that criminal record checks reduce the share of minority employment in blue-collar jobs but increase their share in professional jobs; conversely, drug testing increases the share of black men and Hispanic in blue-collar jobs and hurts their share in professional jobs. This latter finding is somewhat unexpected by our main model, because minorities are no more likely to use drugs than whites. Drug testing thus should not lead to higher rates of minority exclusion. It is possible however that employers disproportionately screen minorities for drug use when hiring professional workers (SAMSHA 1997; Western 2008. See also Gee et al. 2005). We made this prediction based on studies and courts decisions that have shown that formal policies are not always universally applied. For example, employers are more likely to administer skill tests to minorities (Dobbin 2009; Dobbin et al. 2015) and use disciplinary procedures for blacks more than whites (Roscigno 2007). Yet, another possibility is that employers of minority professionals are simply more averse to drug use than expected. 35 Our second finding is that federal regulations have a significant impact on employers’ hiring patterns. Inclusive regulation (the EEOC prohibition of blanket exclusion of ex-convicts) makes screens more inclusive, too. And exclusionary regulation (the Drug-Free Workplace Act) makes screen more exclusionary. In firms that are under heightened oversight of antidiscrimination regulation, criminal record checks do not reduce black men odds in blue collar jobs, as they do in non-contractor firms. Throughout the period under study, the employment of black men in non-contractor firms in our sample declined slightly (from a mean of 8.4 percent of blue collar workforce in firms that existed in 1971 to 8.1 in 2002), but it grew in contractor firms, (from 8.3 in 1971 to 9.7 in 2012). In our models, the estimate of the effect of government contract by itself does not show an effect on minority employment in blue-collar jobs. The positive interaction with criminal records checks suggests that this is has been one mechanism by which contractors’ employment of black men increased. The Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988 made drug testing more exclusionary for black men and Hispanic men and women in professional jobs. This was surprising, since we expected the Act to increase contractor aversion and hence the use of statistical discrimination prior to adopting drug tests. Further research is needed to better understand these dynamics. While we can only speculate, it may be that firms that were more likely to employ minorities were also more likely to adopt drug tests after the Act passed, which limited the growth in minority employment. Indeed, other things being equal, the findings in Table 3a show that contractor status increases minority employment in the period after 1988, when the Act was in place, but only among non-testing firms. 36 Out third main finding shows that screen effects in professional jobs are improved when state incarceration rates are higher. If all criminal record checks did was to transfer disadvantage in one system (criminal justice) to another (labor market), then higher incarceration rates should have amplified the negative effects of criminal record checks, as more minorities would fail them. And since drug testing should reveal similar rates minorities and whites, we would expect rising incarceration rates to not affect minority employment exclusion due to tests. The positive results suggest otherwise. One possibility is that rising incarceration rates intensify employer reluctance to hire exconvicts and drug-users, and therefore their use of statistical discrimination in informal screening. The adoption of formal screening then reveals lower rates of convictions and drug use relative to what was assumed and so increases minority employment. This finding thus lends further support to our theory that the effect of screens depends on the relative bias between informal and formal screening. The results varied by gender and race in a manner that requires further research as well. Most patterns in the findings vary by race, not by gender, although underlying distribution fo the screened trait vary by gender, not by race. Yet, black women are less likely to be adversely affected than all other groups. We also need to further understand whether criminal records checks have a chilling effects on Hispanics in Blue Collar Jobs. The study allows for some more general conclusions as well. First, the fact that these screens have any effect at all is an indication of the institutionalization of conviction background and drug-use as components of human capital (Wozniak 2015). This is consistent with other research on the growing importance of signals beyond those 37 of skill (Maroto 2012; Sharone 2014), a phenomenon that requires new understandings of mechanisms of social inequality. Scholarly, public and policy discourses often tie pre-employment checks together and use knowledge about the outcomes of one to learn about the potential impact of the other. This approach ignores the difference between labor processes, which affects which qualities employers worry about. No study we know of has empirically examined both types of screens simultaneously. Yet, our study shows that we cannot generalize from one screen effects to another (Holzer et al. 2006; Wozniak 2015). Further, because employers often adopt both screening mechanisms, failure to control for each may lead to incorrect conclusions. For example, failure to account for the positive effect of drug testing on blue-collar minority employment may explain why some researchers have not found a negative effect of criminal record checks on minorities (Finlay 2009). Or, if the positive effect of criminal background checks in professional jobs is not accounted for, studies may fail to find negative effects of drug testing on professional minorities’ employment (Wozniak 2015). If employers’ use of inaccurate beliefs in hiring absent screens shapes the effect of screens as much as it seems from our findings, then much of the debate around preemployment screens is misplaced (Bushway 2004). For example, banning the box might improve the employment chances of ex-convicts in blue collar jobs, but it could reduce minority employment in professional jobs if it prompts employers to rely more on statistical discrimination in early stages of the hiring process. Overall, there are two sets of employers’ beliefs that seem to shape, at least partially, the effects of screen: beliefs associating ex-convicts and drug users with worse 38 work outcomes, which underly employer aversion to hiring such workers; and beliefs associating blacks and Hispanics with criminality and drug use. We need to better understand the working of these biases in hiring and how to de-institutionalize them. Sociological research has shown that both federal and internal oversight mechanisms can significantly reduce the disparate impact that seemingly universal personnel procedures have on minority employment (Dobbin et al. 2015; Edelman and Pettersen 1999; Kalev et al. 2006; Kalev 2014). In 2012, the EEOC issued renewed enforcement guidelines that detail how to evaluate criminal records. These may already be helping to improve the employment odds of ex-convicts. Policymakers need to strengthen enforcement of these guidelines. Our finding on the positive effect of regulatory antidiscrimination oversight holds promise for the effective use of such regulatory initiatives. The rich academic research and discourse on workforce diversity has mostly disregarded issues surrounding criminal record checks and drug tests (Castilla and Benard 2010; Correll, Benard, and Paik 2007; Kalev 2014; Kalev et al. 2006). Yet, diversity managers that want to increase diversity need to check whether some screens work to screen out their diverse candidates. Researchers have found that employers often inflate legal requirements regarding the adoption of screens or the exclusion of ex-convicts or drug users (Stoll and Bushway 2008). This is a common outcome when legal requirements are complex and ambiguous (Dobbin 2009; Edelman 2008; Guetzkow and Schoon 2015). Federal, and especially state legislators, need to offer employers more clarity regarding the employment of ex-convicts and drug users, as well as more protection against negligent hiring liability. 39 Our research is the first to use rich longitudinal data on a national sample of organizations to examine both criminal record checks and drug testing side-by-side. While more research is needed to explore specific mechanisms, our findings show that the effects of screens and their absence are important for understanding patterns of inequality, especially for black men, who have seen the lowest employment gains during the period under study. Our results are clearly not encouraging for ex-convicts and illicit drug users, since an increase in minority employment does not mean an increase in exoffenders’ and drug users’ employment. In most cases, it means more efficient exclusion of candidates with these characteristics. On the other hand, the drive to “ban the box” and other efforts to reduce reliance on pre-employment checks may result in employers falling back on racial and ethnic statistical discrimination based on incorrect beliefs, which would hurt minority employment overall. Taken together, this study shows that the problems that the use of screens poses to minority employment cannot be solved by banning the box or even eliminating the screens entirely. Instead, solutions must be aimed at reducing employers’ use of bias in hiring, both about minorities and about ex-convicts and drug users. We have offered some lessons from research on organizations and inequality about effective remedies that can be promoted by policy makers and organizational actors. 40 ENDNOTES 1 Retrieved from Last accessed on June 20, 2015. 2 Retrieved from Last accessed on June 20, 2015. 3 Excluded employers, such as state and local governments, schools and colleges provide different reports (EEOC n.d.) 4 A sample form, including detail of each job category is available online Last access on August 6, 2015. 5 Logit (i)=Log (Pi/1-Pi), where Pi is the proportion of group i among managers. The logit is undefined when P=0 or P=1. We thus substituted 0 with 1/2Nj, and 1 with 1-1/2Nj, where Nj is the number of workers in the focal job type in establishment j (Hanushek and Jackson 1977; Reskin and McBrier 2000). The results of the analysis are robust to different strategies for substituting zeros. We chose the one that kept the distribution unimodal and closest to normal. 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MIN MAX Form Data Source 0.058 0.078 0.030 0.057 0.118 0.121 0.076 0.123 0 0 0 0 0.988 1.000 0.711 1.000 0.023 0.015 0.008 0.012 0.067 0.048 0.029 0.043 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous EEO-1 EEO-1 EEO-1 EEO-1 0.279 0.423 0.449 0.494 0 0 1 1 0.286 0.427 0.452 0.495 0 0 1 1 Binary Binary Survey Survey 0.481 0.262 0.500 0.150 0 0.020 1 0.880 0.508 0.268 0.500 0.150 0 0.020 1 0.880 Binary Continuous EEO-1 BJS 0.44 0.33 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.06 .156434 .1497224 .0252402 .0191503 0.02 .0381777 .1 454153 .1 25224 .0 44732 .0 86372 0.00 .0 59583 0.74 0.62 0.11 0.11 0.14 0.23 0.439 0.328 0.043 0.040 0.045 0.064 0.156 0.148 0.025 0.019 0.023 0.037 0.145 0.103 0.004 0.009 0.000 0.006 0.742 0.624 0.114 0.106 0.141 0.231 Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous CPS CPS CPS CPS CPS CPS 0.39 0.36 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.05 .0603076 .063516 .0349179 .0299425 .0463711 .0645547 .1160593 .0 929853 -.0 37157 .0 4132 .0 6739 .0 7047 0.57 0.50 0.20 0.19 0.25 0.29 0.385 0.354 0.048 0.042 0.039 0.054 0.060 0.064 0.035 0.030 0.047 0.065 0.116 0.093 -0.004 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.574 0.496 0.201 0.186 0.249 0.286 Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous CPS CPS CPS CPS CPS CPS Industry Employment (In 1000) Unemployment Rate Federal Contractors in Industry Organizational Structures 3.800 6.059 0.493 2.845 2.048 0.229 0.996 2 0.061 11.458 18 0.821 3.783 6.023 0.497 2.915 2.033 0.225 0.996 2 0.061 11.458 18 0.821 Continuous Continuous Continuous CPS BLS EEO-1 Diversity Programs 2 Affirmative Action Plans 0.395 0.467 0.947 0.268 5.011 0.439 0.265 0.482 0.879 0.499 0.990 0.443 2.521 0.496 0.441 0.500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 1 4 1 9 1 1 1 0.440 0.489 0.998 0.255 5.245 0.461 0.312 0.512 0.922 0.500 1.008 0.436 2.425 0.498 0.464 0.500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 1 4 1 9 1 1 1 Count Binary Count Binary Count Binary Binary Survey Survey Survey Survey Survey Survey Survey Count Survey Continuous Continuous EEO-1 EEO-1 Percent in Focal Job that are Black Women Black Men Hispanic Women Hispanic Men Screens: Criminal Record Checks Drug Testing Institutional Environment Federal Contractors State Incarceration Rates (per 1000) External Labor Markets: Demographics of Industry Labor Force: White Men White women Black Women Black Men Hispanic Women Hispanic Men Demographics of State Labor Force White Men White women Black Women Black Men Hispanic Women Hispanic Men Work Family Policies 3 Union Human Resources Policies 1 Skill Tests Legal Department Antidiscrimination Lawsuits/Charges/Reviews Demand for Workers Size (number of workers) Share of Focal Job in Establishment Workforce Demography % among Managers that are: 780 1007 0.474 .3069683 18 . 156 14195 0.998 791 0.159 953 0.156 13 0 14195 0.948 16.935 24.144 0 100 17.105 23.892 0 100 Continuous Survey % Blacks among Top Managers 4 3.378 9.757 0 100 3.164 9.201 0 100 Continuous Survey % Women among Top Managers 4 % Non-Focal Jobs that are: White Men 0.454 0.231 0 1 0.426 0.244 0 1 Continuous EEO-1 White women 0.426 0.227 0 1 0.367 0.236 0 1 Continuous EEO-1 Black Women 0.037 0.073 0 1 0.062 0.102 0 1 Continuous EEO-1 Black Men 0.022 0.040 0 1 0.049 0.079 0 1 Continuous EEO-1 Hispanic Women 0.016 0.038 0 1 0.028 0.062 0 1 Continuous EEO-1 Hispanic Men 0.017 0.044 0 1 0.039 0.091 0 1 Continuous EEO-1 None from Focal Group in Focal Job: Black Women 0.396 0.489 0 1 0.587 0.492 0 1 Continuous EEO-1 Black Men 0.246 0.431 0 1 0.592 0.491 0 1 Continuous EEO-1 Hispanic Women 0.565 0.496 0 1 0.716 0.451 0 1 Continuous EEO-1 Hispanic Men 0.414 0.493 0 1 0.652 0.476 0 1 Continuous EEO-1 N 17,134 16,247 Note: All independent variables, excluding the proportion of managerial jobs, are measures one year before the outcome variables. 1 Includes adoption of a formal HR department, written hiring, promotion and discharge guidelines, written job description, written promotion ladder, written performance evaluations, pay grade system and internal posting of jobs. 2 Includes diversity staff, diversity committee, diversity mentoring and networking, diversity evaluations and diversity training 3 Includes paid maternity leave, paid paternity leave, policy allowing flexible work hours and top management support for work-family balance. 4 Percents were obtained in 10 years intervals (2002, 1992 and 1982). Values 49for the years in between were interpolated using a linear function. Table 2: Estimates and Standard Errors of the Log Odds of White, Black and Hispanic Workers in Low Skill and Professional Jobs After the Adoption of Corporate Drug Testing and Criminal Background Checks - Key Variables Black Women Black Men Hispanic Women Hispanic Men Model A: Blue Collar Jobs Criminal Record Checks Drug Testing R-Square (not including fixed effects) -0.019 -0.064 -0.100* -0.127** (0.040) (0.042) (0.043) (0.046) 0.043 0.076* 0.088* 0.094* (0.038) (0.038) (0.038) (0.041) 0.184 0.111 0.311 0.267 0.117** 0.066* 0.054 0.050 (0.036) (0.033) (0.029) (0.032) -0.024 0.002 -0.058* -0.059* (0.032) (0.029) (0.028) (0.027) 0.481 0.494 0.614 0.555 Model B: Professional Jobs Criminal Record Checks Drug Testing R-Square (not including fixed effects) Note: Blue Collar model: N Organizations/Org-years=778/17,134; LR Chi2 (12)=61.97; p<0.000; Professional jobs model: N Organizations/Org-years=773/16,247; LR Chi212=82.98; p<0.000. All control variables listed in the text are included in the models and reported in Appendix Tables 2a and 2b respectively. Year and establishment fixed effects are included but not reported. * P<.05; ** P<.001; *** P<.0001. 50 Table 3: Estimates and Standard Errors of the Log Odds of Black and Hispanic Workers in Blue Collar Jobs After the Adoption of Corporate Criminal Background Checks and Drug Testing by Contractor Status Black Women Criminal Record Checks * Federal Contractor Federal Contractor Drug Testing * Federal Contractor R-Square not including fixed effects Log Likelihood Ratio Test Black Men Hispanic Women Hispanic Men -0.082 -0.130* -0.151** -0.168** (0.055) (0.053) (0.056) (0.062) 0.130 0.135* 0.105 0.083 (0.071) (0.067) (0.066) (0.074) 0.060 0.027 -0.022 0.028 (0.052) (0.053) (0.057) (0.058) 0.066 0.126* 0.120* 0.120* (0.049) (0.051) (0.053) (0.060) -0.052 -0.105 -0.068 -0.056 (0.059) (0.063) (0.071) (0.079) 0.184 0.112 0.311 0.267 Chi-sq (48) = 412.77 p<0.001 Note: N Organizations/Org-years=778/17,134; All control variables listed in the text are included in the models and reported in Appendix Table 3a. Year and establishment fixed effects are included but not reported. * P<.05; ** P<.001; *** P<.0001. Two tailed tests. 51 Table 4a: Estimates and Standard Errors of the Log Odds of Black and Hispanic Workers in Blue Collar Jobs After the Adoption of Corporate Drug Testing and Criminal Background Checks by Contractor Status and Period - Interaction Model Black Women Drug Testing * P88 * Federal Contractor * Federal Contractor* P88 Federal Contractor*P88 Federal Contractor P88 (Period 1988 and Up) Criminal Record Checks * Federal Contractor R-Square not including fixed effects Black Men Hispanic Women Hispanic Men 0.266** 0.135 0.238** 0.117 (0.087) (0.081) (0.091) (0.095) -0.245** -0.006 -0.170 -0.028 (0.088) (0.090) (0.097) (0.098) -0.325** -0.196* -0.152 -0.100 (0.103) (0.096) (0.102) (0.108) 0.340** 0.105 0.126 0.130 (0.115) (0.112) (0.116) (0.122) -0.044 0.030 -0.062 -0.125 (0.063) (0.066) (0.065) (0.071) 0.082 0.018 0.003 0.066 (0.056) (0.057) (0.060) (0.062) 0.268* 0.193 0.544*** 0.781*** (0.135) (0.138) (0.141) (0.146) -0.064 -0.109* -0.146* -0.169** (0.053) (0.052) (0.058) (0.063) 0.116 0.112 0.110 0.095 (0.069) (0.068) (0.070) (0.076) 0.316 0.314 0.405 0.362 Log Likelihood Ratio Test p<0.001 Note: N Organizations/Org-years=778/17,134. All control variables listed in the text are included in the models and reported in Appendix Table 4a. Year and establishment fixed effects are included but not reported. * P<.05; ** P<.001; *** P<.0001. Two tailed tests. 52 Table 4b: Estimates and Standard Errors of the Log Odds of Black and Hispanic Workers in Professional Jobs After the Adoption of Corporate Drug Testing and Criminal Background Checks by Contractor Status and Period - Interaction Model Black Women Drug Testing * P88 * Federal Contractor * Federal Contractor* P88 Federal Contractor*P88 Federal Contractor P88 (Period 1988 and Up) Criminal Record Checks * Federal Contractor R-Square not including fixed effects Black Men Hispanic Women Hispanic Men -0.010 -0.045 -0.134* -0.158* (0.074) (0.085) (0.066) (0.064) 0.048 0.106 0.156* 0.152* (0.083) (0.086) (0.074) (0.072) -0.036 0.079 0.074 0.116 (0.091) (0.100) (0.077) (0.081) -0.084 -0.207* -0.212* -0.195* (0.105) (0.104) (0.094) (0.091) 0.197*** 0.203*** 0.222*** 0.175*** (0.059) (0.056) (0.058) (0.053) -0.494*** -0.503*** -0.410*** -0.353*** (0.127) (0.111) (0.101) (0.103) -0.038 -0.075 -0.067 -0.089 (0.060) (0.052) (0.048) (0.054) 0.133** 0.057 0.051 0.036 (0.046) (0.040) (0.040) (0.042) -0.037 0.012 0.012 0.026 (0.062) (0.059) (0.058) (0.068) 0.316 0.314 0.405 0.362 Log Likelihood Ratio Test p<0.001 Note: N Organizations/Org-years=773/16,247. All control variables listed in the text are included in the models and reported in Appendix Table 4b. Year and establishment fixed effects are included but not reported. * P<.05; ** P<.001; *** P<.0001. Two tailed tests. 53 Table 5: Estimates and Standard Errors of the Log Odds of Black and Hispanic Workers in Professional Jobs After the Adoption of Corporate Criminal Background Checks and Drug Testing by State Incarceration Rates Black Women Criminal Record Checks Black Men Hispanic Women Hispanic Men -0.155* -0.172* -0.066 -0.049 (0.072) (0.072) (0.071) (0.071) 0.792*** 0.688*** 0.355 0.285 (0.211) (0.194) (0.195) (0.189) 0.066 -0.111 -0.050 -0.028 (0.279) (0.249) (0.236) (0.230) R-Square not including fixed effects 0.316 0.315 0.403 0.360 Drug Testing -0.079 -0.107 -0.105 -0.106 (0.068) (0.066) (0.057) (0.054) 0.218 0.405* 0.195 0.198 (0.230) (0.206) (0.200) (0.177) 0.414 -0.002 0.049 0.009 (0.314) (0.257) (0.253) (0.247) 0.314 0.313 0.402 0.360 * Incarceration rates Incarceration rates * Incarceration rates Incarceration rates R-Square not including fixed effects Note: N Organizations/Org-years=773/16,247; Interactions were tested in separate models. Each model includes a measure for the non interacted screen. Incarceration rates are divided by 100. All control variables listed in the text are included in the models and reported in Appendix Table 5. Year and establishment fixed effects are included but not reported. * P<.05; ** P<.001; *** P<.0001. Two tailed tests. 54 Appendix Table 2a: Estimates and Standard Errors of the Log Odds of Black and Hispanic Workers in Blue Collar Jobs Following the Adoption of Corporate Drug Testing and Criminal Background Checks Black Women Black Men Federal Contractors State Incarceration Rates (/100) Percent Group in Industry Labor White Men White women Black Women Black Men Hispanic Women Hispanic Men Percent Group in State Labor White Men White women Black Women Black Men Hispanic Women Hispanic Men Industry Employment Rate (log) Unemployment Rate Federal Contractors in Industry Hispanic Women Hispanic Men 0.067 0.014 -0.027 0.023 (0.048) (0.050) (0.052) (0.053) -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.001 (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) 0.197 -0.427 -0.452 -0.479 (0.230) (0.232) (0.273) (0.290) 0.198 -0.252 -0.806*** -0.757*** (0.160) (0.175) (0.195) (0.211) 0.034 -0.068 -0.009 0.067 (0.041) (0.042) (0.045) (0.053) -0.136** -0.055 -0.152*** -0.134** (0.049) (0.045) (0.046) (0.049) 0.009 -0.007 0.022 0.039 (0.036) (0.030) (0.032) (0.032) 0.077 -0.127* -0.184*** -0.207*** (0.049) (0.053) (0.051) (0.055) 1.379 1.734* 0.955 0.975 (0.881) (0.871) (0.790) (0.898) 0.963 0.914 -2.464* -3.182** (0.874) (0.939) (0.977) (1.012) 3.891* 0.557 0.699 0.411 (1.740) (1.597) (1.544) (1.775) -0.619 1.784 -2.320 -1.226 (1.498) (1.473) (1.789) (2.001) -1.735 -0.281 -4.264 -3.578 (1.670) (1.831) (2.257) (1.988) 0.386 0.849 2.190 3.127* (1.310) (1.258) (1.537) (1.339) 0.212 0.013 -0.286* -0.581*** (0.117) (0.107) (0.139) (0.129) 0.016* -0.015 -0.003 -0.006 (0.008) (0.009) (0.009) (0.009) 0.169 0.165 0.278** 0.216 (0.088) (0.094) (0.094) (0.118) 55 Appendix Table 2a (Continued): Organizational Structures Diversity Programs Affirmative Action Plans Work Family Policies Union Human Resources Policies Skill Tests Legal Department Antidiscrimination Lawsuits/Charges/Reviews Demand for Workers Size (log employees) Share of Low Skill Jobs in Establishment Workforce Demography % Blacks among Top Managers Black Women Hispanic Women Hispanic Men 0.002 0.033 -0.016 -0.011 (0.023) (0.024) (0.024) (0.028) 0.038 0.034 -0.055 -0.061 (0.046) (0.046) (0.050) (0.056) -0.077** -0.032 -0.031 -0.075** (0.024) (0.024) (0.023) (0.027) -0.136 0.008 -0.196 -0.226* (0.105) (0.089) (0.118) (0.106) 0.014 -0.001 0.031* 0.021 (0.011) (0.010) (0.012) (0.013) -0.030 -0.063 -0.017 -0.039 (0.042) (0.044) (0.043) (0.047) 0.190** 0.196** -0.011 -0.013 (0.071) (0.069) (0.077) (0.076) -0.054 0.027 -0.043 -0.020 (0.034) (0.034) (0.036) (0.041) -0.405*** -0.211*** -0.364*** -0.257*** (0.047) (0.044) (0.051) (0.050) -0.318*** -0.182*** -0.490*** -0.369*** (0.045) (0.043) (0.038) (0.037) 0.004 -0.005 0.008 0.018* (0.006) (0.006) (0.008) (0.009) % Women among Top Managers -0.003 (0.002) % Focal Group among Non Focal 0.196*** (0.025) Jobs None from Focal Group in Low -0.613*** (0.046) Skill Jobs Constant -2.758* -0.001 0.002 0.001 (0.002) (0.003) (0.003) 0.168*** 0.229*** 0.184*** (0.021) (0.026) (0.025) -0.461*** -0.771*** -0.642*** (0.046) (0.049) (0.042) -3.741*** -0.217 2.033 (0.984) (1.112) (1.086) 0.184 0.111 Chi-sq 12 = 61.97 0.311 0.267 (1.127) R-Square (not including fixed effects) Log Likelihood Ratio Test Black Men p<0.001 Note: N Organizations/Org-years=778/17,134; All independent variables are lagged by one year. The analysis includes 30 binary variables for the years 1972-2001 1971 is the omitted year and 2002 is included in the analysis only for measuring the outcome variable. *** p<0.001; ** p<0.01; * p<0.05 a two tailed test 56 Appendix Table 2b: Estimates and Standard Errors of the Log Odds of Black and Hispanic Workers in Professional Jobs Following the Adoption of Corporate Drug Testing and Criminal Background Checks Black Women Black Men Federal Contractors State Incarceration Rates (/100) Percent Group in Industry Labor White Men White women Black Women Black Men Hispanic Women Hispanic Men Percent Group in State Labor White Men White women Black Women Black Men Hispanic Women Hispanic Men Industry Employment Rate Unemployment Rate Federal Contractors in Industry Hispanic Women Hispanic Men 0.007 -0.013 0.003 -0.020 (0.047) (0.038) (0.036) (0.043) 0.773** 0.534* 0.496* 0.416* (0.241) (0.211) (0.215) (0.190) -0.173 0.228 0.085 0.425* (0.204) (0.189) (0.174) (0.181) 0.294* 0.217 0.206 0.096 (0.127) (0.122) (0.112) (0.119) -0.075* -0.062 -0.050 -0.063* (0.035) (0.032) (0.030) (0.029) 0.027 0.020 0.048 0.059 (0.041) (0.035) (0.034) (0.033) -0.013 0.032 -0.003 0.009 (0.024) (0.028) (0.017) (0.024) 0.183** 0.057 0.036 0.025 (0.058) (0.042) (0.041) (0.043) -0.733 0.087 -1.318* -1.190* (0.749) (0.660) (0.600) (0.605) -1.379 -1.729** -1.189* -0.606 (0.841) (0.658) (0.581) (0.609) 4.344** 1.788 -2.737** -0.773 (1.398) (1.222) (0.975) (1.026) -4.314** -1.416 0.325 -1.054 (1.547) (1.480) (0.961) (1.205) -0.986 2.670 6.396*** 4.937*** (1.779) (1.473) (1.728) (1.398) 0.533 -1.300 -0.419 0.280 (1.176) (1.034) (1.311) (1.108) 0.789*** 0.455*** 0.641*** 0.425*** (0.105) (0.105) (0.095) (0.106) -0.005 -0.005 -0.005 -0.008 (0.007) (0.006) (0.006) (0.006) -0.285*** -0.106 -0.217** -0.215** (0.079) (0.076) (0.074) (0.069) 57 Appendix Table 2b Continued: Organizational Structures Diversity Programs Affirmative Action Plans Work Family Policies Union Human Resources Policies Skill Tests Legal Department Antidiscrimination Lawsuits/Charges/Reviews Demand for Workers Size (log employees) Share of Professional Jobs in Establishment Workforce Demography % Blacks among Top Managers Black Women Hispanic Men 0.113*** 0.108*** 0.093*** (0.023) (0.021) (0.022) (0.019) -0.052 0.014 0.009 0.020 (0.038) (0.033) (0.032) (0.031) -0.026 -0.099 0.025 0.031 (0.075) (0.059) (0.072) (0.054) 0.061** 0.024 0.031 0.032 (0.019) (0.017) (0.016) (0.018) -0.013 0.001 -0.004 -0.009 (0.011) (0.009) (0.009) (0.009) -0.048 -0.055 -0.052 -0.031 (0.047) (0.039) (0.037) (0.038) 0.189** 0.166** 0.071 0.116* (0.058) (0.061) (0.052) (0.057) -0.068* -0.029 -0.011 -0.023 (0.033) (0.028) (0.026) (0.025) -0.741*** -0.690*** -0.814*** -0.745*** (0.037) (0.037) (0.027) (0.031) -0.765*** -0.767*** -0.861*** -0.810*** (0.029) (0.029) (0.022) (0.024) 0.012* 0.012** -0.001 0.006 (0.005) (0.004) (0.003) (0.003) 0.004* 0.004* -0.000 (0.002) (0.002) (0.002) (0.002) R-Square (not including fixed effects) Log Likelihood Ratio Test Hispanic Women 0.126*** % Women among Top Managers 0.004 % Focal Group among Non Professional Jobs None from Focal Group in Professional Jobs Constant Black Men 0.073*** 0.057*** 0.056*** 0.034** (0.015) (0.014) (0.013) (0.013) -0.638*** -0.610*** -0.638*** -0.602*** (0.029) (0.025) (0.028) (0.022) -5.263*** -3.158** -4.121*** -2.817** (1.056) (0.983) (0.845) (0.901) 0.481 0.494 Chi-sq (12) = 82.98 0.614 0.555 p<0.001 Note: Organizations/Org-years=773/16,247. All independent variables are lagged by one year. The analysis includes 30 binary variables for the years 1972-2001 1971 is the omitted year and 2002 is included in the analysis only for measuring the outcome variable. *** p<0.001; ** p<0.01; * p<0.05 a two tailed test 58 ADDITIONAL APPENDIX TABLES FOR CONTROL VARIABLES TO BE ADDED. 59 Robustness Checks Appendix Table 6 Robustness Checks for Main Models Presented in Table 2 Professionals State*Time added Criminal Record Checks Drug Testing Industry*Time added Criminal Record Checks Drug Testing Adopters Only Criminal Record Checks Drug Testing Black Hispanic Women Black Men Women 0.111** 0.069* 0.050 Hispanic Men 0.041 (0.035) (0.033) (0.028) (0.032) -0.028 0.010 -0.054* -0.052* (0.031) (0.029) (0.027) (0.026) 0.080* 0.062† 0.037 0.045 (0.035) (0.032) (0.028) (0.030) 0.004 0.009 -0.049† -0.054* (0.032) (0.029) (0.027) (0.027) 0.034 0.032 -0.018 -0.004 (0.036) (0.034) (0.029) (0.032) -0.006 0.015 -0.034 -0.037 (0.028) (0.030) (0.024) (0.028) Blue-Collar Criminal Record Checks Black Women -0.035 Drug Testing Criminal Record Checks Drug Testing Criminal Record Checks Drug Testing Hispanic Black Men Women -0.057 -0.115** Hispanic Men -0.131** (0.040) (0.041) (0.043) (0.044) 0.031 0.071† 0.083* 0.079* (0.036) (0.036) (0.037) (0.039) -0.018 -0.056 -0.083* -0.085† (0.039) (0.041) (0.042) (0.044) 0.034 0.066† 0.068† 0.053 (0.036) (0.037) (0.038) (0.040) -0.056 -0.050 0.008 -0.030 (0.042) (0.042) (0.038) (0.040) 0.035 0.044 0.081* 0.025 (0.036) (0.036) (0.037) (0.038) Appendix Table 7 Robustness Checks for Contractor Interaction Model Presented in Table 3 Professionals State*Time added Criminal Record Checks Hispanic Men 0.026 (0.045) (0.039) (0.039) (0.041) 0.001 0.027 0.047 0.038 (0.061) (0.057) (0.057) (0.064) 0.041 0.027 -0.011 0.010 (0.044) (0.039) (0.039) (0.043) * Government Contractor 0.074 0.060 0.088 0.074 (0.062) (0.060) (0.059) (0.070) Criminal Record Checks 0.048 0.005 -0.050 -0.043 (0.044) (0.038) (0.040) (0.040) * Government Contractor -0.027 0.045 0.056 0.083 (0.063) (0.062) (0.060) (0.067) * Government Contractor Industry*Time added Criminal Record Checks Adopters Only Black Hispanic Women Black Men Women 0.108* 0.051 0.024 60 Appendix Table 8 Robustness Checks for Contractor and Period Interaction Models Presented in Table 4a and 4b Professionals State*Time added Drug Testing * Period '88 + Hispanic Men -0.163* (0.077) (0.082) (0.070) (0.064) 0.065 0.100 0.166* 0.159* (0.084) (0.083) (0.078) (0.072) * Government Contractor -0.003 0.077 0.087 0.119 (0.091) (0.097) (0.081) (0.078) * Government Contractor*P88 -0.104 -0.196† -0.241* -0.183* (0.106) (0.104) (0.095) (0.091) Government Contractor*P88 0.175** 0.179** 0.211*** 0.148** Period '88 + Industry*Time added Drug Testing * Period '88 + * Government Contractor * Government Contractor*P88 Government Contractor*P88 Period '88 + Adopters Only Black Hispanic Women Black Men Women -0.038 -0.033 -0.135† Drug Testing * Period '88 + (0.058) (0.055) (0.056) (0.053) -0.068 -0.101 -0.177** -0.219*** (0.062) (0.062) (0.061) (0.057) -0.007 -0.039 -0.132* -0.156* Drug Testing * Period '88 + Black Hispanic Women Black Men Women 0.241** 0.108 0.206* Hispanic Men 0.084 (0.089) (0.078) (0.086) (0.089) -0.241** 0.005 -0.147 -0.007 (0.090) (0.089) (0.092) (0.091) * Government Contractor -0.286** -0.147 -0.111 -0.049 (0.104) (0.093) (0.099) (0.101) * Government Contractor*P88 0.299** 0.073 0.090 0.073 (0.115) (0.110) (0.112) (0.116) Government Contractor*P88 -0.028 0.052 -0.041 -0.081 Period '88 + Drug Testing (0.060) (0.065) (0.065) (0.069) 0.045 -0.007 0.027 0.071 (0.064) (0.073) (0.073) (0.071) 0.270** 0.128 0.231** 0.102 (0.075) (0.084) (0.063) (0.064) (0.083) (0.080) (0.089) (0.094) 0.066 0.105 0.157* 0.155* -0.256** -0.003 -0.179 -0.041 (0.083) (0.085) (0.072) (0.073) 0.003 0.100 0.100 0.109 (0.090) (0.098) (0.074) (0.080) -0.111 -0.222* -0.231* -0.181* (0.104) (0.103) (0.091) (0.091) 0.222*** 0.184** 0.243*** 0.160** (0.061) (0.056) (0.059) (0.054) -0.022 -0.070 -0.091 -0.167** (0.064) (0.060) (0.062) (0.057) 0.007 -0.028 -0.130* -0.141* (0.076) (0.085) (0.065) (0.062) 0.044 0.108 0.223** 0.181* (0.086) (0.088) (0.071) (0.074) * Government Contractor -0.039 0.090 0.083 0.103 (0.091) (0.099) (0.076) (0.077) * Government Contractor*P88 -0.032 -0.205† -0.257** -0.175† (0.105) (0.107) (0.089) (0.091) Government Contractor*P88 0.133* 0.183** 0.255*** 0.143* (0.065) (0.066) (0.057) (0.059) Period '88 + Blue-Collar -0.512*** -0.542*** -0.536*** -0.441*** (0.145) (0.127) (0.110) (0.116) * Period '88 + (0.083) (0.089) (0.093) (0.096) * Government Contractor * Government Contractor*P88 -0.321** -0.201* -0.167 -0.122 (0.112) (0.111) (0.114) (0.120) Government Contractor*P88 -0.072 0.030 -0.097 -0.181* Period '88 + Drug Testing * Period '88 + * Government Contractor (0.099) (0.095) (0.101) (0.106) 0.323** 0.108 0.135 0.140 (0.062) (0.067) (0.068) (0.072) 0.034 -0.042 -0.039 -0.036 (0.064) (0.078) (0.075) (0.074) 0.243** 0.117 0.228* 0.079 (0.088) (0.083) (0.093) (0.098) -0.219* -0.001 -0.153 -0.062 (0.085) (0.091) (0.097) (0.098) -0.292** -0.155 -0.148 -0.055 (0.103) (0.097) (0.103) (0.110) * Government Contractor*P88 0.257* 0.035 0.076 0.051 (0.111) (0.113) (0.117) (0.119) Government Contractor*P88 0.037 0.095 -0.015 -0.037 Period '88 + 61 (0.068) (0.069) (0.073) (0.075) 0.260 0.221 0.607*** 0.970*** (0.153) (0.153) (0.163) (0.164) Appendix Table 9 Robustness Checks for Contractor and Period Interaction Models Presented in Table 5 Professionals State*Time added Criminal Record Checks * Incarceration rates Drug Testing * Incarceration rates Industry*Time added Criminal Record Checks * Incarceration rates Drug Testing Adopters Only * Incarceration rates Criminal Record Checks * Incarceration rates Drug Testing * Incarceration rates Black Hispanic Women Black Men Women -0.094 -0.124 -0.086 Hispanic Men -0.085 (0.068) (0.069) (0.066) (0.065) 0.608** 0.565** 0.418* 0.396* (0.193) (0.185) (0.182) (0.171) -0.043 -0.074 -0.117* -0.127* (0.065) (0.064) (0.059) (0.054) 0.064 0.308 0.246 0.294 (0.220) (0.203) (0.202) (0.180) -0.174* -0.178* -0.072 -0.060 (0.071) (0.069) (0.071) (0.070) 0.741*** 0.690*** 0.321 0.319 (0.206) (0.192) (0.197) (0.191) -0.089 -0.114 -0.094 -0.113* (0.067) (0.067) (0.058) (0.055) 0.350 0.450* 0.197 0.244 (0.227) (0.210) (0.203) (0.182) -0.179* -0.167* -0.038 -0.004 (0.078) (0.079) (0.073) (0.074) 0.691** 0.632** 0.061 0.003 (0.240) (0.229) (0.208) (0.205) -0.143 -0.111 -0.113 -0.097 (0.073) (0.071) (0.060) (0.056) 0.579* 0.535* 0.378 0.299 (0.257) (0.233) (0.218) (0.199) 62 Figure 1: Predicted Screens Effects Job Type Professional Blue Collar Screen Type Criminal Background Drug Use Aversion to Screened Trait Predicted Screen Effect Screen Type Aversion to Screened Trait Predicted Screen Effect High Positive Drug Use Low Null or Negative High Positive Criminal Background Low Negative 63 64 65 66