M A T H 0 9 5 : E L... C a t a l o g C...

Mathematics Department
M AT H 0 9 5 : E L E M E N TA R Y A L G E B R A S Y L L A B U S
C a t a l o g C o u r s e De s c r i p t i o n
A first course in algebra. Topics covered include the fundamental operations on real numbers, first degree equations,
inequalities in one variable, polynomials, integer exponents, solving quadratic equations by factoring.
C or better in MATH 093 or equivalent or qualifying ACCUPLACER, ACT/SAT test results. A graphing calculator may be
required for this course. The TMCC math department supports the TI-83/84.
C o u r s e O u t c o me s f o r A s s e s s me n t
Outcome 1: Students will simplify and evaluate algebraic expressions.
Outcome 2: Students will form and solve linear equations in one variable.
Outcome 3: Students will form and graph linear equations in two variables.
C o u r s e O b j e c t i ve s
Students will:
Perform operations of real numbers by applying the properties of real numbers.
Translate English into algebraic expressions.
Simplify and evaluate algebraic expressions.
Form and solve linear equations and inequalities in one variable.
Solve and graph linear equations and inequalities in two variables.
Solve systems of linear equations in two variables.
Apply concepts of linear equations to solve applications.
Apply the rules/properties of exponents and use scientific notation.
Perform polynomial operations.
Perform polynomial factoring.
Solve quadratic equation by factoring.
A DA S t a t e me n t
Any student who feels s/he may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact me privately to
discuss your specific need and contact the Disability Resource Center at 775-673-7277 in RDMT 315 to coordinate
reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities.
Student Conduct Policy
Students are responsible for complying with Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) and college guidelines. Use of
violence, force, repeated use of obscene or abusive language, coercion, threats, intimidation, disorderly, lewd, or indecent
conduct, harassment, or any similar conduct that threatens the quality of this learning environment in the classroom will
result in immediate removal from the class and possible criminal arrest and prosecution.
Page 1 of 1; Math 095: Elementary Algebra Syllabus
TMCC is an EEO/AA institution. See http://eeo.tmcc.edu for more information.
Created: 2/2/2015; Rev: 2/12/2015