Data Virtualization Sales Accelerator Move Closer to Business Buyers with Data Virtualization

Sales Accelerator
Data Virtualization Sales Accelerator
Move Closer to Business Buyers with
Data Virtualization
Customer Situations or Challenges
• Data Virtualization extends our next generation
services platform by connecting the data fabric
to the infrastructure fabric, and leverages API’s
and programmability to maximize the benefits of
Data Virtualization.
The Challenge:
Companies need a way to retrieve, sort, and
combine data from any source and any location
quickly and easily to make informed business
decisions faster.
• Changes in big data and cloud, the
proliferation of new and traditional data
sources, and movement of data to the cloud
complicate data access. Data Virtualization
complements traditional data warehousing
with an agile business solution that provides
a real-time, consolidated logical view of data.
• Can’t access data needed:
Companies have distributed data and diverse
access protocols
• Cannot combine data for insight:
Data is currently stored in different types
and formats.
• Can’t retrieve data fast enough:
Complexities of storing and managing
disparate, geographically dispersed data
makes it difficult retrieve data quickly.
Data Virtualization
Rapidly changing business conditions require agility —
a difficult challenge in our customers’ distributed, onpremise, big data and cloud environments. Cisco Data
Virtualization is agile data integration software that
makes it easy for customers to access data, no matter
where it resides. Our integrated data platform lets
customers query all types of data across the network
as if it is in a single place.
Data Virtualization enables better insight and provides
IT with increased flexibility and significant cost savings.
Customers can then adapt to change more quickly and
make better decisions in real time, without physically
moving their data. With logical views instead of
additional physical data repositories, customers
save 50-75% in data costs by eliminating data
replication through consolidation. The result is an
optimized environment that empowers an organization
with profitable growth, risk reduction, productivity
and effectiveness, as well as a greater return on
technology investments.
Customer Business Value
Better Business Decisions
Data Virtualization allows customers to gain more
business insights by leveraging all their data. It also
empowers employees with instant access to all the
data they want, the way they want it.
Greater Agility
Customers can respond faster to ever-changing
analytics and business intelligence data requirements.
Data Virtualization can provide five to ten times faster
time to solution than traditional data integration.
Reduced Costs
Save your customers 50-75% by eliminating
data replication. By eliminating unnecessary data
consolidation, Data Virtualization allows increased
utilization of existing server and storage investments.
Data Virtualization’s streamlined approach reduces
complexity and saves money.
Improved IT Effectiveness
Data Virtualization software’s easy-to-use interface
helps increase IT staff productivity and efficiency
when developing customized business views.
© 2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco and the Cisco logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cisco and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. To view a list of Cisco trademarks, go to this URL:
Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. (1110R)
Sales Accelerator
Data Virtualization Sales Accelerator
Data Virtualization Enterprise Customers
and Influencers
Key Needs
CIO, IT leader
(primary decision
• Strategy and
budget owner
• Better serve
• Grow revenue,
lower cost
• Data and
analytic agility
• Time to solution
(primary target)
Architect, CTO
Owns BI and
analytic support
to the business
• Owns IT
• Standardize
tech approach
• Improve decision
• Business initiatives including: analytics and business
intelligence, big data, cloud, data integration, need
for more and complete information, faster
• Engage Data Virtualization sales contact to help
qualify prospects.
• Quantify key business drivers or impact of
compelling events
• Discover budget and approval cycles
• What management tools/services do they use today?
• Streamline and
automate analytics
and reporting
• Identify gaps they have in their current IT
environment or business initiatives they have
that align to Data Virtualization.
• Productivity to users
• Engage Cisco Capital, as applicable
• Agile IT architecture
• Work closely with the Data Virtualization Sales Contact
and customer to develop a tailored solution that aligns
to their key business initiatives or compelling event.
Sales Contact for Data Virtualization, Che Wijesinghe,
• Support distribution
of data
• Address growing
Data Virtualization Sales
Engagement Process
Understanding of key business drivers, initiatives, and
compelling events and how they map back to Data
Virtualization capabilities is critical.
• Understand value proposition for the customer and
competitive positioning. Contact Bob Reary,, to help with assessments.
• Secure executive alignment and conduct executive
meeting/presentation to include CIO/IT Leader and
the Business Applications Buyer.
• Customer type: Enterprise Transformational/
Strategic Customers
• Deliver customer presentation and demonstration to the
executive staff. Data Virtualization EBC Deck
• Target deal size: starts in the $300-500K range;
enterprise-wide deployments are typically in the
seven to eight figure range
• Find out who the competitors are and address concerns.
• High priority verticals include financial,
telecommunications, life sciences, or energy.
• Customer budget comes from: Software (CapEx),
Support (OpEx), Ongoing (OpEx), infrastructure buy,
or project buy.
Best Practices
• Understand value proposition and positioning:
Rapidly changing business conditions require agility
− a difficult challenge in our customers’ distributed,
on-premise, big data and cloud environments. Cisco
Data Virtualization is agile data integration software that
makes it easy for customers to access data, no matter
where it resides. Our integrated data platform lets
customers query all types of data across the network
as if it is in a single place.
Data Virtualization enables better insight and provides
IT with increased flexibility and significant cost savings.
Customers can then adapt to change more quickly and
make better decisions in real time, without physically
moving their data. With logical views instead of
additional physical data repositories, customers save
50-75% in data costs by eliminating data replication
through consolidation. The result is an optimized
environment that empowers an organization with
profitable growth, risk reduction, productivity and
effectiveness, as well as a greater return on
technology investments.
• If this is part of a new Cisco product sale, work
very closely with the account team so that Cisco
is represented as a single solution addressing our
customer’s initiatives.
What Resources Are Available?
• Data Virtualization IWE Website with sales and
marketing collateral:
• Data Virtualization Wins:
• Sales Contact:
Che Wijesinghe
• Product Marketing:
Peter Tran
• Technical Discussions & Demonstrations:
Rick Schrieber
© 2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco and the Cisco logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cisco and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. To view a list of Cisco trademarks, go to this URL:
Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. (1110R)