Making Choices

Behavior Management
Making Choices
Appropriate Grade Level: 1-5
Procedures/Steps: This behavior strategy provides opportunities to make
choices, which is effective in minimizing inappropriate behaviors and
strengthening appropriate responses and increased levels of engagement for
students with emotional/behavior disorders. Throughout a task there are
many opportunities for choice-making: 1. select when the student will begin
the task, 2. select the event that will occur immediately following
completion, 3. provide choice of terminating task for brief periods of time, 4.
choice of selecting items to complete task, 5. select the order of completion
of tasks, 6. select a peer with whom to work on that task, 6. select where in
the room to complete task, 7. select methods to complete task, and 8. select
type of manipulatives (materials) to complete task.
Comments and/or tips: There are many benefits of allowing students to
make their own choices. It is cost-effective (allowing students to choose
from existing materials), it promotes more positive relationships with
teachers and peers, it provides a more focused classroom environment, and
above all else it gives the student the power to make choices in other
academically focused programs.
Jolivette, K., McCormick, K., & Stichter, J. (2002). Making
choices-Improving behavior-Engaging in learning. Teaching
Exceptional Children, 34(3), 24-29.
Behavior Management