Reading Comprehension Strategy: Think-Tac-Toe Appropriate Grade Level: 6th grade – 8th grade Procedures/Steps: 1. Students are given a grid with three rows and columns. 2. The grid is set up like a tick-tack-toe board. Each row has activities that are related to one another. However each activity or question is geared towards a different learning style. Ex: There could be a question or activity that would best help visual learners, one that best suits auditory learners, and one that best fits kinesthetic learners. 3. The three rows may be different in the types of questions asked. The first row may address the charters from a story, while row two hits on the plot and row three focuses on the main idea. Comments and/or tips: Students may benefit from grouping. Students connect three or are given the option to choose one question or activity from each row. Students of different abilities are able to do the same assignment at their own level. Source: Samblis, K. (2006). Think-tac-toe, a motivating method of increasing comprehension. The Reading Teacher, 59(7), 691-694.