Introduction to Engineering Dimensioning - 2 Agenda Understand the principles of good dimensioning practice Apply the standard dimensioning practices for mechanical drawings 1 Dimensioning Orthographic and isometric views define the shape and general features of the object Dimensioning adds information that specifies Size of the object Location of features (e.g. holes) Characteristics of features (e.g. depth and diameter of hole) Dimensions also communicate the Tolerance (or accuracy) required 2 Dimensions include notes for construction or manufacturing Type of material to use How smooth or rough the surface should be Etc… 3 Standards for Dimensioning Defined Standards have been developed Available from ANSI American National Standards Institute 4 Scaling vs. Dimensioning Drawings can be of different scales, but dimensions are ALWAYS at full scale. 5 Dimensioning - Terminology (Study 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 of text, carefully) 6 Dimensioning - Text Height and Standard Configurations .25 in .375 in 7 Dimensioning Basic Shapes -Assumptions Perpendicularity Symmetry 8 Dimensioning Basic Shapes -Simple Shapes Rectangular Prism (Principal Dimensions: H,W,D) D W H 9 Video on Dimensioning 10 Assignment Drawing #2 11