THE MATHEMATICS EDUCATOR Volume 21 Number 2 Winter 2011/2012 MATHEMATICS EDUCATION STUDENT ASSOCIATION Editorial Staff Editors Allyson Thrasher Catherine Ulrich Associate Editors Amber G. Candela Tonya DeGeorge Erik D. Jacobson Kevin LaForest Laura Lowe David R. Liss, III Patty Anne Wagner Advisor Dorothy Y. White MESA Officers 2011-2012 President Tonya DeGeorge Vice-President Shawn Broderick Secretary Jenny Johnson Treasurer Patty Anne Wagner NCTM Representative Clayton N. Kitchings Colloquium Chair Ronnachai Panapoi A Note from the Editors THE MATHEMATICS EDUCATOR Dear TME readers, On behalf of the editorial staff and the Mathematics Education Student Association at The University of Georgia, I am happy to present the concluding issue of the 21st volume of The Mathematics Educator. This issue also marks the conclusion of my tenure as Co-Editor. I have learned a great deal from my time with TME. Authors, fellow editors, and reviewers have helped me become a more critical researcher and I thank them all for their contributions to TME and my continuing professional growth. This issue showcases several familiar ideas in novel contexts intended to push the thinking of our readers, just as working on TME has pushed my thinking in new directions. In our editorial, Kyle T. Schultz and LouAnn Lovin explore an emerging framework for unpacking specialized disciplinary knowledge. They provide compelling examples of using a Decoding Disciplines Model in their work with preservice teachers. Michelle Cirillo and Patricio G. Herbst offer new ways to incorporate proving in mathematics classes that goes beyond the two-column proof, and their examples easily translate to high school geometry. Lu Pien Cheng and Lee Peng Yee take a new look at Lesson Study in the context of a primary school in Singapore. They describe the lesson study process and its influence on teacher participants as they revised a second grade fraction lesson. Anderson Norton and Michael Baldwin discuss student struggles with accepting the equality of 0.999… and 1 and the consequences of rejecting this equality. Our loyal readers will notice a change to the style and format of this issue of TME. This year, TME staff will continue these upgrades, including overhauling our website. We ask for your patience and feedback as we implement these changes. Katy and I hope that you enjoy this issue and share it with your colleagues. An Official Publication of The Mathematics Education Student Association The University of Georgia Winter 2011/2012 Volume 21 Number 2 Table of Contents 2 Guest Editorial… Examining Mathematics Teachers’ Disciplinary Thinking KYLE T. SCHULTZ & LOUANN LOVIN 11 Moving Toward More Authentic Proof Practices in Geometry MICHELLE CIRILLO & PATRICIO G. HERBST 34 A Singapore Case of Lesson Study LU PIEN CHENG & LEE PENG YEE 58 Does 0.999… Really Equal 1? ANDERSON NORTON & MICHAEL BALDWIN 68 A Note to Reviewers 70 Submission Guidelines Allyson Hallman Thrasher Cover Art:“Metacognition Mandala” by Kylie Wagner inspired by Schultz and Lovin’s editorial of expert mathematics educators researching their own thinking. © 2012 Mathematics Education Student Association This publication is supported by the College of Education at The University of Georgia. All Rights Reserved The Mathematics Educator 2011/2012 Vol. 21, No. 2, 2–10 Guest Editorial… Examining Mathematics Teachers’ Disciplinary Thinking Kyle T. Schultz and LouAnn Lovin Shulman’s (1986) seminal paper on subject-matter knowledge in teaching brought attention to different domains of teacher knowledge and how that knowledge might be cultivated. In particular, he described a “reflective awareness” (p. 13), developed from analysis of discipline-focused teaching and learning. This reflective awareness enables professionals to perform tasks in their particular disciplines but also enables them to communicate their thinking, rationales, and judgments as they do so. For mathematics teacher educators, being able to articulate our thinking, rationales, and judgments with respect to doing and teaching mathematics is extremely important as we attempt to help prospective teachers develop their own reflective awareness. In order to do so, we must have a welldefined sense of what the disciplinary thinking about teaching mathematics entails. Although we have different focuses within mathematics education, with LouAnn teaching PreK–8 mathematics content courses and Kyle teaching middle grades and high school mathematics methods and practicum courses, we have found commonalities in the ways that our prospective teachers Kyle T. Schultz, a former high school mathematics teacher, is an Assistant Professor of mathematics education at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia. His work focuses on teachers' decision making with respect to mathematics curriculum, instruction, and technology. LouAnn Lovin, a former classroom teacher, is an Associate Professor in mathematics education at James Madison University. She teaches mathematics content and methods courses for practicing and prospective PreK-8 teachers. She is interested in learner-centered mathematics instruction and conducts research investigating the mathematical knowledge needed to teach for understanding. Disciplinary Thinking struggle to develop the disciplinary thinking processes that are integral to understanding mathematics and teaching it effectively. For example, prospective teachers in mathematics content courses often cannot make sense of their classmates’ solutions when the method of solution differs greatly from their own. Similarly, prospective teachers in methods courses struggle when identifying and sequencing appropriate mathematical tasks for instruction. These skills are examples of specialized content knowledge (SCK), mathematical knowledge of particular importance to PreK–12 teachers (Ball, Thames, & Phelps, 2008). We have made our prospective teachers’ development of SCK an important focus of our programs due to its positive correlations with student achievement (Hill, Rowan, & Ball, 2005). For example, we have attempted to situate activities, assignments, and assessment items in mathematical tasks of teaching (Ball, Thames, & Phelps, 2008)—everyday tasks of teaching that require the use of SCK. Such tasks include “choosing and developing usable definitions,” “responding to students’ ‘why’ questions,” and “asking productive mathematical questions” (p. 400). As mathematics teacher educators, we have found it difficult to pin down and articulate in detail the disciplinary thinking used by mathematics teachers when enacting their SCK. The general nature of characterizations of critical thinking, such as focusing on the obscure notion of “concept” and practices such as brainstorming, making comparisons, and questioning, prompted us to seek a more discipline-specific solution. A program sponsored by our institution’s Center for Faculty Innovation introduced us to a model aimed at decoding disciplinary thinking, that is, the thinking specifically used by experts in their discipline. Middendorf and Pace (2004) characterized this kind of thinking as something that is rarely presented to students explicitly. Decoding the Disciplines Model Middendorf and Pace (2004) presented a model based on seven questions (see Figure 1) that guides university faculty through a process to better understand the implicit ways of thinking exhibited within their disciplines and how to make 3 Kyle T. Schultz & LouAnn Lovin those ways of thinking explicit to students. Rather than focusing on the general goal of critical thinking, the Decoding the Disciplines Model (DDM) targets specific bottlenecks to student learning, instances during the learning process where a significant number of students falter. Once a bottleneck is identified, the faculty member attempts to unpack how he or she might navigate through it. This results in a list of ideas and tasks used by the faculty member to work through the bottleneck. This list of ideas and tasks can serve as a heuristic guide for novices. The first six questions of this model form a cycle of inquiry, with the seventh question serving as an offshoot from the sixth. Through using the DDM, students are provided opportunities to practice and receive feedback on discipline-specific ways of reasoning or skills. 1. 2. 3. 4. What is a bottleneck to learning in this class? How does an expert do these things? How can these tasks be specifically modelled? How will students practice these skills and get feedback? 5. What will motivate the students? 6. How well are the students mastering these learning tasks? 7. How can the resulting knowledge about learning be shared? Figure 1. The seven questions of the Decoding the Disciplines Model (Middendorf & Pace, 2004). Our efforts to address the initial questions of the DDM were supported by a self-study methodology in which we acted as “critical friends” (Loughran, 2004, p. 157) by challenging each other’s claims and pushing for more explicit clarification of ideas. In addition, we shared the products of our work with a colleague outside of mathematics education but familiar with the DDM as a way to ensure we were “constantly asserting ideas and interrogating them, inviting alternative interpretations and seeking multiple perspectives” (Pinnegar & Hamilton, 4 Disciplinary Thinking 2009, p. 165). To illustrate our use of the DDM, we will focus on a bottleneck for prospective teachers in the middle grades mathematics methods course, developing a sequence of tasks used to teach a new concept. Identifying Bottlenecks To identify bottlenecks, we examined prospective teachers’ work on assessments from their previous courses to determine specific instances where a majority demonstrated difficulty with key ideas of the course. For elementary and middle grades teacher candidates, we also considered data from a programwide multiple-choice assessment of prospective teachers’ SCK of K–8 mathematics, which was modeled after the Learning Mathematics for Teaching assessment developed at The University of Michigan (Hill, Schilling, & Ball, 2004) as well as focus group interview data about the tasks on this assessment. Although it was easy to identify instances where our students struggled, it was often difficult to articulate precisely what that struggle entailed. To hone this precision, we strove to push each other for further clarification of our ideas by asking questions such as “How would you reason through that task?” and “What do you mean by that terminology?” For this process, we attempted to set aside our knowledge of familiar concepts and jargon-laden terms to clarify our own understanding of them. Repeating this process with our out-ofdiscipline colleague reinforced this push for a layman’s view, improving our ability to better articulate how one might navigate through a given bottleneck. One bottleneck was identified using a methods course assessment on lesson planning. In this assessment, many prospective teachers struggled to use and sequence tasks within the targeted students’ zones of proximal development. For example, in an introductory lesson about fraction division, one prospective teacher began his lesson by asking students to solve the task 53 ÷ 12 using manipulatives and, from this solution, independently develop an algorithm to divide any two fractions. Although this task has the desired goal of students understanding the underlying mechanics of the division algorithm, it uses a relatively difficult quotient, provides only one concrete example, and does not provide a context for the 5 Kyle T. Schultz & LouAnn Lovin quotient, focus on the meaning of fraction, or connect to previously learned computation strategies (recommendations offered by Van de Walle, Karp, & Bay-Williams, 2010). Other prospective teachers provided multiple contextual tasks to develop the concept, but struggled to sequence them in an order that would build understanding. In each of these cases, the prospective teachers lacked the SCK needed to identify the subtle mathematical differences between similar tasks and distinguish between the relative complexities caused by these differences. For example, some began their progressions using non-unit-fraction divisors before those with unit fractions. Therefore, we identified the development of a sequence of tasks used to teach a new concept as a bottleneck for the prospective teachers. An Expert’s View For each identified bottleneck for prospective teachers, we sought to write a detailed description of what we, as expert mathematics teachers, would do to navigate through it. Because some of these processes were automatic or almost instinctual for us, we found it difficult to articulate our thinking without glossing over subtle nuances that might be crucial for a novice teacher. Using the discourse strategy previously described, we challenged each other to define and clarify our own disciplinary thinking. To identify the thinking one might use to create a sequence of tasks used to introduce a new mathematical concept, Kyle looked to recreate the experience of a novice by working with a mathematical concept with which he was familiar as a learner, but not as a teacher (mirroring the situation faced by prospective teachers). Because he had never taught calculus, he focused on the steps he would undertake to design a sequence of tasks to teach the concept of related rates. This process involved unpacking the mathematics found in textbook examples, identifying the relationships between them, and using these relationships as a foundation for developing student understanding. From this work, the disciplinary thinking was generalized into a set of small incremental steps (see Figure 2) that could guide prospective teachers during their initial attempts to navigate the bottleneck. 6 Disciplinary Thinking Bottleneck: Developing a sequence of tasks used to teach a new concept. 1. Examine the curriculum framework goal(s) to be addressed. 2. Determine the big idea(s) (Charles, 2005) associated with these goals. 3. Write learning objectives for the lesson that relate back to the big ideas. 4. Work each example task in the book. In this process, note: a. Different representations that might be productively used in a solution b. Connections or common themes between the tasks, objectives, and big mathematical idea(s) c. Prerequisite knowledge needed to engage in each task d. Non-contextual differences between the tasks (changes in mathematical complexity or required level or type of thinking) 5. Identify stages of development needed to understand the concept and perform related skills. 6. Identify existing tasks corresponding to these stages. For example, could the provided textbook examples serve this purpose? Would additional tasks be needed? 7. Brainstorm possible student strategies or solutions for these tasks. 8. Evaluate and modify the identified tasks to optimize student strategies and misconceptions. Figure 2. A list of the small incremental steps for navigating the bottleneck of developing a sequence of tasks used to teach a new concept. 7 Kyle T. Schultz & LouAnn Lovin Modeling and Practice Once we had achieved a sense of the disciplinary thinking needed to navigate a particular bottleneck, our attention shifted to designing course activities that would enable prospective teachers to learn and practice that thinking themselves. Examining the prospective teachers’ work during these activities has helped us to identify additional bottlenecks and provided further insight into our view of disciplinary thinking. For example, Kyle’s prospective teachers struggled with identifying big mathematical ideas, the second step in the process shown in Figure 2. Given the struggles of his prospective teachers, Kyle returned to the literature and found evidence that might support his observations in class: Some mathematical understandings for Big Ideas can be identified through a careful content analysis, but many must be identified by “listening to students, recognizing common areas of confusion, and analyzing issues that underlie that confusion” (Schifter, Russell, and Bastable 1999, p. 25). Research and classroom experience are important vehicles for the continuing search for mathematical understandings. (Charles, 2005, p. 10) The possibility that his prospective teachers’ difficulties with big ideas may stem from a lack of teaching experience has prompted Kyle to plan experiences for his class using classroom data (video, written cases, vignettes, etc.) to provide his prospective teachers with opportunities to listen to students, to recognize common misconceptions, and to analyze issues that help to create these misconceptions. Looking Ahead This work is an iterative process. As we continue working with our prospective teachers, we further refine our bottleneck articulations, descriptions of our unpacked disciplinary thinking, and the associated classroom activities whose purpose is to help our learners navigate through the identified bottlenecks. As we implement our work in our classrooms, assessment plays a key role in shaping future iterations in two 8 Disciplinary Thinking ways. First, using pre- and post-assessments will quantify prospective teachers’ gains in mastering disciplinary thinking. Second, qualitatively examining their responses may enable us to identify other bottlenecks (Kurz & Banta, 2004). As discussed, we have found that some of the steps we have identified to illuminate our disciplinary thinking for prospective teachers are in fact bottlenecks themselves, requiring further unpacking and clarification. For example, determining big mathematical ideas and brainstorming possible student strategies or solutions for a task, two processes identified as key steps for developing a sequence of tasks to teach a new concept, are not trivial. As a result, we have labeled these skills as bottlenecks as well and have undertaken defining the disciplinary thinking needed for each. In this way, focusing on bottlenecks as a fundamental idea has enabled us to better define our course objectives and hone our instruction and assessment, with the goal of ultimately improving our prospective teachers’ performance in their future classrooms. References Ball, D. L., Thames, M. H., & Phelps, G. (2008). Content knowledge for teaching: What makes it special? Journal of Teacher Education, 59, 389–407. Charles, R. I. (2005). Big ideas and understandings as the foundation for elementary and middle school mathematics. Journal of Mathematics Education Leadership, 7(3), 9–24. Hill, H. C., Rowan, B., & Ball, D. L. (2005). Effects of teachers’ mathematical knowledge for teaching on student achievement. American Educational Research Journal, 42, 371–406. Hill, H.C., Schilling, S.G., & Ball, D.L. (2004). Developing measures of teachers’ mathematics knowledge for teaching. Elementary School Journal, 105, 11-30. Kurz, L., & Banta, T. W. (2004). Decoding the assessment of student learning. In D. Pace & J. Middendorf (Eds.), Decoding the disciplines: Helping students learn disciplinary ways of thinking (pp. 85–94). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. 9 Kyle T. Schultz & LouAnn Lovin Loughran, J. (2004). Learning through self-study: The influence of purpose, participants, and context. In J. Loughran, M. L. Hamilton, V. LaBoskey, & T. Russell (Eds.), International handbook of self study of teaching and teacher education practices (pp. 151–192). London, England: Kluwer. Middendorf, J., & Pace, D. (2004). Decoding the disciplines: A model for helping students learn disciplinary ways of thinking. In D. Pace & J. Middendorf (Eds.), Decoding the disciplines: Helping students learn disciplinary ways of thinking (pp. 1–12). San Francisco, CA: JosseyBass. Pinnegar, S., & Hamilton, L. (2009). Self-study of practice as a genre of qualitative research. London, England: Springer. Shulman, L. S. (1986). Those who understand: Knowledge growth in teaching. Educational Researcher, 15(2), 4–14. The Mathematics Educator 2011/2012 Vol. 21, No. 2, 11–33 Moving Toward More Authentic Proof Practices in Geometry Michelle Cirillo and Patricio G. Herbst Various stakeholders in mathematics education have called for increasing the role of reasoning and proving in the school mathematics curriculum. There is some evidence that these recommendations have been taken seriously by mathematics educators and textbook developers. However, if we are truly to realize this goal, we must pose problems to students that allow them to play a greater role in proving. We offer nine such problems and discuss how using multiple proof representations moves us toward more authentic proof practices in geometry. Over the past few decades, proof has been given increased attention in many countries around the world (see, e.g., Knipping, 2004). This is primarily because proof is considered the basis of mathematical understanding and is essential for developing, establishing, and communicating mathematical knowledge (Hanna & Jahnke, 1996; Kitcher, 1984; Polya, 1981; Stylianides, 2007). More specifically, in describing proof as the “guts of mathematics,” Wu (1996, p. 222) argued that anyone who wants to know what mathematics is about must learn how to write, or at least understand, a proof. This comment complements the call to bring students’ experiences in school mathematics closer to the discipline of mathematics, that is, the practices of mathematicians (Ball, 1993; Lampert, 1992; National Council of Teachers of Mathematics [NCTM] Michelle Cirillo is a former classroom teacher who is now an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Delaware. Her research interests include proof in geometry, classroom discourse, and teachers’ use of curriculum materials. Patricio Herbst is a former classroom teacher who is an Associate Professor in the School of Education at the University of Michigan. His research interests include teacher decision making in geometry classrooms and the use of reasoning and proof to solve problems and develop new ideas. 10 Michelle Cirillo & Patricio G. Herbst 2000). This idea is not new: A number of curriculum theorists from Dewey (1902) to Schwab (1978) have argued that the disciplines should play a critical role in the school curricula. Thus, by engaging students in authentic mathematics, where they are given opportunities to refute and prove conjectures (Lakatos, 1976; Lampert, 1992; NCTM, 2000), teachers can create small, genuine mathematical communities in their classrooms (Brousseau, 1997). Through the introduction of the Standards documents (1989, 2000), NCTM put forth some significant recommendations related to the Reasoning & Proof and Geometry standards that have had the potential to impact the high school geometry curriculum. First, it has been recommended that reasoning and proof should not be taught solely in the geometry course, as it typically has been done in the United States. Rather, instructional programs in all grade bands • • • • should enable students to recognize reasoning and proof as fundamental aspects of mathematics; make and investigate mathematical conjectures; develop and evaluate mathematical arguments and proofs; and select and use various types of reasoning and methods of proof. (NCTM, 2000, p. 56) Other calls to increase attention to reasoning and proof come from descriptions of mathematical proficiency. For example, the National Research Council (2001) recommended that students develop the capacity to think logically, to justify, and, ultimately, to prove the correctness of mathematical procedures or assertions (i.e., adaptive reasoning). More recently, the U.S. Common Core State Standards document (National Governors Association Center for Best Practices & Council of Chief State School Officers, 2010) included, as one of their Standards for Mathematical Practice, the ability to construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Despite these recommendations, in the United States the high school geometry course continues to be the dominant place where formal reasoning and the deductive method are 12 More Authentic Proof learned (Brumfiel, 1973; Driscoll, 2011; Yackel & Hanna, 2003). One reason for this is practical: After students conjecture about the characteristics and relationships of geometric shapes and structures found in the real world, geometry offers a natural space for the development of reasoning and justification skills (NCTM, 2000). However, even in the high school geometry course, students are typically not provided the kinds of experiences recommended in the standards documents. For example, in her study on teachers’ thinking about students’ thinking in geometry, Lampert (1993) outlined what doing a proof in high school geometry typically entails. According to Lampert, students are first asked to memorize definitions and learn the labeling conventions before they can progress to the reasoning process. They are also taught how to generate a geometrical argument in the two-column form where the theorem to be proved is written as an if-then statement. After students write down the “givens” and determine what it is that they are to prove, they write the lists of statements and reasons to make up the body of the proof. In this context, there is never any doubt that what needs to be proved can be proved, and because teachers rarely ask students to write a proof on a test that they have not seen before, students are not expected to do much in the way of independent reasoning. Similarly, through their analyses, Herbst and Brach (2006) argued that the norms of the situation of doing proofs do not necessarily support students through the creative reasoning process needed to come up with arguments on their own. Another recommendation that has had the potential to impact the high school geometry curriculum is related to the modes of representation that are used to communicate mathematical proof. In the 1989 NCTM Geometry Standard, two-column proofs (which have typically been the proof form presented in U.S. textbooks) were put on the list of geometry topics that should receive “decreased attention” (p. 127). In the 2000 Standards, NCTM clarified its position, stating, “The focus should be on producing logical arguments and presenting them effectively with careful explanation of the reasoning rather than on the form of proof used (e.g., paragraph proof or two-column proof)” (p. 310). In other words, it is the argument, not the form of the argument, that is important. 13 Michelle Cirillo & Patricio G. Herbst Since these recommendations have been published, we have begun to see some changes to the written curriculum (i.e., textbooks). For example, many authors have addressed the proof form recommendation by promoting paragraph and flow proofs in their textbooks (see, e.g., Larson, Boswell, & Stiff, 2001). Discovering Geometry (Serra, 2008) is another example of a curricular shift in which the author expanded the role of the students by asking them to discover and conjecture through investigations but delays the introduction of formal proofs until the final chapter of the textbook. Most recently, the CME (Center for Mathematics Education) Project’s Geometry (Education Development Center [EDC], 2009) asks students to conjecture and analyze arguments, proposes a variety of ways to write and present proofs, and asks students to identify the hypotheses and conclusions of given statements. While we do not necessarily endorse all of these changes, we see these curricular adjustments as evidence that mathematics educators and textbook developers are, in fact, rethinking the geometry course. Through our research, however, we have noticed that even when teachers share this goal, many find it difficult to move away from the two-column proof form where students are provided with “givens” and a statement to prove (Cirillo, 2008; Herbst, 2002). In fact, the two-column form is so prominent that some research has shown that when proofs are written in other forms (e.g., paragraphs), high school students are unsure of their validity (McCrone & Martin, 2009). One reason that the two-column form continues to dominate geometry proof is likely related to the “apprenticeship of observation” (Lortie, 1975) where teachers tend to teach in ways that are similar to how they were taught as students. We argue that this version of “doing proofs” does not do enough to involve students in the manifold aspects of proving that are found in the discipline of mathematics. This is important because, unless we expand our vision of proving in school mathematics, we cannot fully realize the aforementioned goals for mathematical proficiency and of NCTM’s Reasoning & Proof and Geometry Standards. The focus of this article is on NCTM’s recommendations for students to make and investigate conjectures, develop and 14 More Authentic Proof evaluate mathematical proofs, and select and use various types of reasoning and methods of proof. Through our examples, we focus on the recommendation to expand the role of the student in the work of developing proofs and support this work through the selection of various proof representations. In this paper, we first provide some historical context that sheds light on the prominent position that the two-column proof form holds in the geometry course. We do this in order to show how the student’s role in proving has been narrowed over time. We then present a set of problems that are intended to expand the role of students by providing them with opportunities to make and investigate conjectures and develop and evaluate mathematical proofs. Finally, we discuss various proof forms as representations used to communicate mathematics. We conclude with a brief discussion of how these activities allow students to participate in more authentic proof practices in geometry. Historical Context A second reason that the two-column proof holds such a prominent position in the geometry course is historical. A perusal of American geometry textbooks covering the last 150 years reveals that problems where students are expected to produce a proof have changed considerably. As Herbst (2002) noted, the custom of using a two-column proof developed gradually. Before the 20th century, students were expected to prove statements in which geometric objects are referred to by their general names (e.g., triangle, angle) rather than by the labels for specific objects (e.g., ABC, ∠ABC). Students also had the chance to use deductive reasoning to determine the claim of their proof. For example, in response to a question about a generally described figure, they might be expected to develop a conjecture and prove it. Although less common, some problems (those problems left for independent exploration) included finding the conditions or hypotheses (i.e., the “givens”) on which basis one could claim a certain conclusion. During the 20th century, the student’s role in proving substantially narrowed. It is interesting that this narrowing occurred simultaneously with the standardization of the two15 Michelle Cirillo & Patricio G. Herbst column form for writing proofs. If a goal for our students is simply to use the “givens” to construct the statements and the reasons that prove a conclusion, then the two-column form offers a useful scaffold to assist students in this work. Were we to increase the share of labor that students do when proving, however, we might have to think of other types of problems and forms of representation to support and scaffold their work. In thinking about expanding the student’s role in the proof process, two questions are important to consider: What kinds of problems might be posed to increase students’ share of the labor? What kinds of support, other than the traditional twocolumn scaffold, could be provided to students to do this work? We address these two questions in the sections that follow. Expanding the Role of the Student Through Alternative Problems One reason that the two-column form has come under so much scrutiny in recent times is related to the belief that it is not an authentic form of mathematics. For example, in A Mathematician’s Lament, after presenting a two-column proof (that demonstrates that an angle inscribed in a semicircle where the vertex is on the circle is a right angle), Lockhart (2009) stated, “No mathematician works this way. No mathematician has ever worked this way. This is a complete and utter misunderstanding of the mathematical enterprise” (pp. 76–77). A critical piece that has been lost in our modern version of what doing proofs is like in school mathematics today is related to conjecturing and setting up the proof. This is important if you believe, as Lampert (1992) argued, that “conjecturing about…relationships is at the heart of mathematical practice” (p. 308). Related to this is the importance of determining the premises (“givens”) and statements to be proved: Many people think of geometry in terms of proofs, without stopping to consider the source of the statements that are to be proved….Insight can be developed most effectively by making such conjectures very freely and then testing them in reference to the postulates and previously proved theorems. (Meserve & Sobel, 1962, p. 230) 16 More Authentic Proof Because we believe that students should play a larger role in the important work of setting up and carefully analyzing proofs, we present problems that are reminiscent of the historical problems described above in that they do not simply provide students with the given hypotheses and ask them to prove particular statements. Rather, we propose nine different problems (presented in no particular order) that illustrate how students may be provided with opportunities to expand their role in the process of proving. In the first three problems, students are asked to participate in setting up the proof by either providing the premises, the conclusion, and/or the diagram for the proof. In Problem 1, the student is provided with a conjecture (i.e., the diagonals of a rectangle are congruent) and a corresponding diagram and asked to write the “Given” and the “Prove” statements. In contrast, in Problem 2, the student is provided with the “Given” and the “Prove” statements but is asked to draw the diagram. PROBLEM 1: Writing the “Given” and “Prove” from a conjecture Suppose you conjectured that the diagonals of a rectangle are congruent and drew the diagram below. A B D C Write the “Given” and the “Prove” statements that you would need to use to prove your conjecture. PROBLEM 2: Drawing a diagram when provided with the “Given” and the “Prove” Draw a diagram that could be used to prove the following: Given: Parallelogram PQRS where T is the midpoint of PQ and V is the midpoint of SR . Prove: ST ≅ QV 17 Michelle Cirillo & Patricio G. Herbst Finally, in Problem 3, when provided with a particular theorem, the student is asked to do all three of these tasks (i.e., write the “Given,” the “Prove,” and draw the diagram). PROBLEM 3: Setting up the “Given,” the “Prove,” and the diagram when provided with the theorem Determine what you have been given and what you are being asked to prove in the theorem below. Mark a diagram that represents the theorem. More Authentic Proof Given: ___________ PROBLEM 4: Determining the “Given” from a Flow Proof 1. Provide the two missing “Given” statements for the proof shown on the next page. 2. Write a single statement that could replace these two given statements. B ___________ 1 Prove: CL ≅ MB J 2 L Theorem: If the diagonals of a quadrilateral bisect each other, then the quadrilateral is a parallelogram. Problem 4 is similar to the first three in that students are invited to determine the “Given,” but this time they are also provided with the statement to be proved as well as the proof of that statement. Students are asked to determine what would have been “Given” in order to develop the proof that is provided. They are then asked to condense those two “Givens” into a single, more concise statement. This exercise asks students to reflect on two different ways that the line segment bisector premise might be handled. Problem 4 is similar to the “fill in” type proofs that we have seen in some textbooks (e.g., Larson et al., 2001; Serra, 2008), except that rather than having students fill in the statements or reasons, they are filling in the premises. C M ? ? (Given) (Given) CJ ≅ MJ JL ≅ JB ∠1 ≅ ∠2 (Definition of Midpoint) (Definition of Midpoint) (Intersecting lines form congruent vertical angles) ∆CJL ≅ ∆MJB (SAS ≅ SAS) CL ≅ MB (CPCTC) (Adapted from Serra, 2008, p. 239) 18 19 Michelle Cirillo & Patricio G. Herbst More Authentic Proof Next, in Problem 5, students are asked to draw a conclusion or determine what could be proved when provided with particular “Given” conditions and a corresponding diagram. This type of problem can be a useful scaffold in that it isolates particular geometric ideas such as definitions or postulates of equality, for example. PROBLEM 5: Drawing Conclusions from the “Given” What conclusions can be drawn from the given information? be drawn (Herbst & Brach, 2006). We view these first six problems as scaffolds that could eventually allow students to conjecture and set up a proof on their own. PROBLEM 6: Drawing an auxiliary line. What auxiliary line might we draw in to construct this proof? Is it possible to construct the proof without considering an auxiliary line? A Given: Kite ABCD with Given: ABC , DEF AD ≅ AB and AB ≅ DE BC ≅ EF B D DC ≅ BC A B C D E F Prove: ∠B ≅ ∠D C Given: Quad ABCD where FG is bisected by diagonal AC B G A E D F C (Adapted from Lewis, 1978, pp. 135 & 68) In Problem 6, students are asked to determine what auxiliary line might be drawn in order to construct the proof that two angles are congruent. This is not a common problem posed to students because, typically, teachers either construct the auxiliary lines for their students or a hint is provided in the textbook that helps students determine where this line should 20 Problem 7 is unique in the sense that the student is asked what could be proved, but the givens are ambiguous. Leaving the problem more open-ended affords students opportunities to write conjectures. It is expected that the student will consider two different cases corresponding to whether the quadrilateral is concave or convex. In both cases the student could argue that the remaining pair of sides are congruent to each other. PROBLEM 7: Solving a problem that involves writing a conjecture (i.e., deciding what to prove) Consider a quadrilateral that has two congruent consecutive segments and two opposite angles congruent. The angle determined by the two congruent sides is not one of the congruent angles. What else could be true about that quadrilateral? What could you prove in this scenario? What are the “Given” statements? 21 Michelle Cirillo & Patricio G. Herbst More Authentic Proof Finally, in Problems 8 and 9, students have the opportunity to take part in analyzing proofs. In Problem 8, a paragraph proof is provided, and students are asked to find the error. In this proof, the corresponding parts that are proved to be congruent are two pairs of angles and one pair of sides. The student author determined that the triangles were congruent by Angle-Side-Angle (ASA) based on the order that these corresponding parts were proved congruent, rather than attending to how these parts are oriented in the triangles. In Problem 9, students are provided with a proof and asked to determine what theorem was proved. PROBLEM 9: Determine the theorem that was proved by the given proof. C Write the theorem that was proved by the proof below. 1 2 A Statements D B Reasons 1. ∆ACB with CA ≅ CB 1. Given. 2. Let CD be the bisector of vertex ∠ACB , D being the point at which the bisector intersects AB . 2. Every angle has one and only one bisector. 3. ∠1 ≅ ∠2 3. A bisector of an angle divides the angle into two congruent angles. 4. CD ≅ CD 4. Reflexive property of congruence. Explain why his paragraph proof is incorrect and give a reason why he may have made this error. 5. ∆ACD ≅ ∆BCD 5. Side-Angle-Side ≅ SideAngle-Side Proof: 6. ∠A ≅ ∠B 6. Corresponding parts of congruent triangles are congruent. PROBLEM 8: Finding the error in a proof. In the figure to the right, D E AB || ED and AB ≅ ED . F A B Luis uses this information to prove that ∆ABF ≅ ∆DEF . It is given that AB || ED so ∠DEB ≅ ∠ABE because parallel lines cut by a transversal form congruent alternate interior angles. It is also given that AB ≅ ED . And ∠AFB ≅ DFE ∠ because they are vertical angles, and vertical angles are congruent. So ∆ABF ≅ ∆DEF by ASA. (Adapted from EDC, 2009, p. 122) 22 (Adapted from Keenan & Dressler, 1990, p. 172) In this section, we proposed nine problems that illustrate how teachers could increase their students’ involvement in proving by having them make reasoned mathematical conjectures, use conjectures to set up a proof, and evaluate mathematical proofs by looking for errors and determining what was proved. In the next section, we address the issue of 23 Michelle Cirillo & Patricio G. Herbst supporting students in proving by commenting on multiple proof representations. Proof Representations that Support Developing and Writing Proofs Representation is one of the five Process Standards which highlight the ways in which students acquire and make use of content knowledge (NCTM, 2000). In particular, various proof forms can be considered as representations of geometric knowledge. Providing students with access to various proof representations is useful because “different representations support different ways of thinking about and manipulating mathematical objects” (NCTM, 2000, p. 360). Although it is important to encourage students to represent their ideas in ways that make sense to them, it is also important that they learn conventional forms of representation to facilitate both their learning of mathematics and their communication of mathematical ideas (NCTM, 2000). The purpose of this section is to highlight four different ways that proofs can be represented in geometry and discuss how these various representations have the potential to facilitate proving. As pointed out by Anderson (1983), successful attempts at proof generation can be divided into two major episodes—“an episode in which a student attempts to find a plan for the proof and an episode in which the student translates that plan into an actual proof” (p. 193). We refer to these two activities as developing and writing a proof, respectively. The proof forms that we highlight include proof tree, two-column proof, flow proof, and paragraph proof. Descriptions and examples of each representation can be found in the appendix. In this section we briefly discuss the ways in which these proof representations can support students in developing and writing a proof. Two-Column Proof A two-column proof lists the numbered statements in the left column and a reason for each statement in the right column (Larson et al., 2001). The two-column form requires that students record the claims that make up their argument (in the statements column) as well as their justifications for these claims (in the reasons column). In this sense, the two-column 24 More Authentic Proof form appears to be a rigid representation. This could be intimidating to students. However, students can be flexible when using this representation. For example, they might leave out a reason that they do not know but still move ahead with the rest of the proof; the incomplete form reminds them that they still have something to complete (Weiss, Herbst, & Chen, 2009) However, the consecutively numbered steps of the proof may lead students to believe that the deductive process is more linear than it actually is. The deductive process, in general, hides the struggle and the adventure of doing proofs (Lakatos, 1976). Paragraph Proof A paragraph proof describes the logical argument using sentences. This form is more conversational than the other proof forms (Larson et al., 2001). Paragraph proofs are more like ordinary writing and can be less intimidating (EDC, 2009). For this reason, they look more like an explanation than a structured mathematical device (EDC, 2009). However the lack of structure could also be a detriment. In particular, some teachers have concluded that the paragraph form was not appropriate for high school students because students tended to leave out the reasons that justified their statements. As a result, students would often come to invalid conclusions (Cirillo, 2008). Yet, if a goal is to help students develop mathematical literacy, this proof form most closely resembles the representation that a mathematician would use to write up a proof. Another advantage of this form is that when writing a proof by contradiction, the paragraph form seems a more sensible choice than some of the other options (Lewis, 1978). Proof Trees The proof tree is an outline for action, where the action is writing the proof. Anderson (1983) described the proof tree as follows: The student must either try to search forward from the givens trying to find some set of paths that converge satisfactorily on the statement to be proven, or [s/he] must try to search backward from the statement to be 25 Michelle Cirillo & Patricio G. Herbst proven, trying to find some set of dependencies that lead back to the givens. (p. 194) In other words, students might begin by asking themselves, “What would I need to do in order to prove this statement?” Using a proof tree to think through a proof could be a useful scaffold to support students in developing a proof. The proof tree could also be a useful tool to scaffold the work of determining what the given premises are or what conclusion can be proved. Flow Proof A flow proof uses the same statements and reasons as a two-column proof, but the logical flow connecting the statements is indicated by arrows (Larson et al., 2001) and separated into different “branches.” The flow proof helps students to brainstorm, working through the most difficult parts of solving a proof: (1) understanding the working information—analyzing the given and the diagram—and (2) knowing what additional information is needed to solve the proof—analyzing what is being proved (Brandell, 1994). The flow proof form also allows students to see how different subarguments can come together to make the overarching argument (i.e., the “prove” statement). A disadvantage to this proof form might be that students are not required to supply reasons that justify their statements in the way that the “Reasons” column of the two-column proof forces them to do. For that reason, however, it allows students to focus on organizing the argument and thus could be particularly useful toward developing a proof. The Teacher’s Role in Managing Proof Activity Through his work, Stylianides (2007) concluded that teachers must play an active role in managing their students' proving activity by making judgments on whether certain arguments qualify as proofs and selecting from a repertoire of courses of action in designing instructional interventions to advance students' mathematical resources related to proof. One way that we can see teachers playing this active role is through their use and allowance of various representations of proof. More specifically, acceptance of these various representations 26 More Authentic Proof of proof allows teachers and their students to focus more on the argument rather than its form. This can be done through the side-by-side presentation of a flow proof and a two-column proof that presented the same argument, as we observed in one secondary classroom. In this case, the teacher emphasized to his students that he was not as concerned with the form of the proof as he was with the presentation of valid reasoning (Cirillo, 2008). Lampert (1992) noted: Classroom discourse in ‘authentic mathematics’ has to bounce back and forth between being authentic (that is, meaningful and important) to the immediate participants and being authentic in its reflection of a wider mathematical culture. The teacher needs to live in both worlds in a sense belonging to neither but being an ambassador from one to the other. (p. 310) If teachers can be flexible in their thinking about the form that proofs might take, while at the same time concerning themselves with the content of the argument, then students may have more success in learning to prove. Furthermore, the examples we provide suggest that teachers could also enrich students’ proving experiences by creating opportunities for students to do more than producing an argument that links the givens and the prove. The experiences of students can be more authentic if they have opportunities to hypothesize the premises needed to prove a conclusion, to make deductions from a set of premises so as to find an unanticipated conclusion, and so forth. This affords students opportunities to learn about proof as a mathematical process and participate in mathematics in ways that are truer to the discipline. Conclusion Various stakeholders in mathematics education have called for reasoning and proof to play a more significant role in the mathematics classroom. There is some evidence that these recommendations have been taken seriously by mathematics educators and textbook developers. In this paper, however, we argue that if we are truly to realize the goals of these standards, we must pose problems to our students that allow them a 27 Michelle Cirillo & Patricio G. Herbst greater role in proving. We presented problems that asked students to write the premises, write the statements to be proved, as well as construct the diagrams. We suggest that students should be provided with opportunities to make reasoned conjectures and evaluate mathematical arguments and proofs. Last, we suggest that teachers promote and allow various types of reasoning and methods of proof. We believe that this is important because adherence to a specific proof format may elevate focus on form over function. A focus on form potentially obstructs the creative mix of reasoning habits and ultimately hinders students' chances of successfully understanding the mathematical consequences of the arguments. As Lakatos (1976) described using the dialectic of proofs and refutations, mathematicians do not just prove statements given to them, they also use proof to come up with those statements. Teaching practices that involve students in solving problems, conjecturing, writing conditional statements to prove, and then explaining and verifying their conjectures can provide students with more authentic opportunities to engage in mathematics. References Anderson, J. R. (1983). Acquisition of proof skills in geometry. In R. S. Michalski, J. G. Carbonell, & T. M. Mitchell (Eds.), Machine learning: An articificial intelligence approach (pp. 191–219). Palo Alto, CA: Tioga Publishing. More Authentic Proof Cirillo, M. (2008). On becoming a geometry teacher: A longitudinal case study of one teacher learning to teach proof (Doctoral dissertation). Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database. (UMI No. 3307104) Dewey, J. (1902). The child and the curriculum. 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(Adapted from Anderson, 1983) A two-column proof lists the numbered statements in the left column and a reason for each statement in the right column. Statements 1. Rectangle ABCD with Reasons 1. Given diagonals AC and BD 2. AD ≅ BC 2. Opposite sides of a rectangle are congruent. 3. DC ≅ DC 4. ∠ADC and ∠BCD are right angles. 3. Reflexive Postulate 4. All angles of a rectangle are right angles. 5. ∠ADC ≅ ∠BCD 5. All right angles are congruent. 6. ∆ADC ≅ ∆BCD 6. Side-Angle-Side ≅ Side-Angle-Side 7. Corresponding Parts of Congruent Triangles are Congruent (CPCTC) 7. AC ≅ BD A flow proof uses the same statements and reasons as a two-column proof, but the logical flow connecting the statements is indicated by arrows. Depending on whether it is the plan or the proof itself, students may or may not choose to write the reasons beneath the statements. A paragraph proof describes the logical argument with sentences. It is more conversational than a two-column proof. Since ABCD is a rectangle with diagonals AC and, BD then AD ≅ BC because opposite sides of a rectangle are congruent. By the reflexive postulate DC ≅ DC . Since all angles in a rectangle are right angles, then ∠ADC and ∠BCD are right angles. Thus, ∠ADC ≅ ∠BCD . By Side-Angle-Side, ∆ADC ≅ ∆BCD . Thus, AC ≅ BD . 32 33 The Mathematics Educator 2011/2012 Vol. 21, No. 2, 34–57 A Singapore Case of Lesson Study Lu Pien Cheng & Lee Peng Yee In this article, we present a case study of six Singaporean elementary school teachers working in a Lesson Study team that prepared them for problem solving instruction. The Lesson Study process included preparing, observing, and critiquing mathematics lessons in the context of solving fractions tasks. By conducting Lesson Study, we anticipated that these teachers would develop greater insight into students’ mathematics, which would influence their classroom practices. Through the process of planning, observing and critiquing and by purposefully listening to students’ explanations, the teachers began to better understand their students’ learning, which in turn could help them develop their students’ mathematical knowledge. In Singapore, a range of professional development courses for mathematics teachers are available, from one-session workshops and whole-day conferences to certification programs. Though many commercial providers offer short courses, the main providers of mathematics professional development courses are the National Institute of Education, the Ministry of Education’s Curriculum Planning and Development Division, school- or cluster-organized customized sessions, and professional bodies (Lim, 2009). In addition to the wide range of professional development courses offered to mathematics teachers in Singapore, the concept of learning communities has been encouraged since 1998. Schools in Singapore are grouped into clusters or learning communities according to their geographical locations Lu Pien Cheng is an assistant professor with the Mathematics and Mathematics Education Academic Group at the National Institute of Education (NIE), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Her research interests are in teacher education. Lee Peng Yee is an Associate Professor with the Mathematics and Mathematics Education Academic Group at NIE, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. His research area is real analysis, and he teaches mathematics courses for mathematics education students. Singapore Lesson Study to enhance teachers’ effectiveness as professionals and this grouping is to encourage teachers to learn and inquire together in order to become more effective in their teaching practices (Chua, 2009). When teachers are engaged in learning communities, they are more likely to innovate their teaching practice as they continually rethink their practice based on how students learn (McLaughlin & Talbert, 2006; Vescio, Ross & Adams, 2008). Lesson Study has traditionally been one of the professional development processes used to encourage teachers to work together in teams to become more effective teachers. In Singapore, mathematics Lesson Study has been adopted by some schools as a school-based professional development program or as a cluster-initiated program. At least 60 schools out of 328 primary and secondary schools in Singapore were attempting Lesson Study in 2009 (Fang & Lee, 2010). Schools reported the use of Lesson Study across various subjects in both the primary and secondary schools. Lesson Study efforts in Singapore have been reported in research briefs, newsletters, school reports, action research projects and book chapters. In this article, we examine teachers’ learning and teaching as a result of their experience in one Lesson Study cycle. Lesson Study Lesson Study (LS) is a form of teacher professional development that originated in Japan and has been cited as a key factor in the improvement of their mathematics and science education (Stigler & Hiebert, 1999). LS is the primary form of professional development in Japanese elementary schools and its use has been increasing across North American since 1999 (Lewis, Perry, & Hurd, 2009). Through LS, teachers in Japan work together to improve their teaching in the context of a classroom lesson. Perry and Lewis (2009) describe the LS process as follows: Lesson Study is a cycle of instruction improvement in which teachers work together to: formulate goals for student learning and long-term development; collaboratively plan a “research lesson” designed to bring to life these goals; conduct the lesson in a classroom, with one team member teaching and others gathering evidence on student learning and 35 Lu Pien Cheng & Lee Peng Yee development; reflect on and discuss the evidence gathered during the lesson, using it to improve the lesson, the unit, and instruction more generally. (Perry & Lewis, 2009, p. 366) Japanese teachers followed eight steps to achieve unified effort in collaborative Lesson Study; (1) define a problem to guide their work, (2) plan the lesson, (3) teach and observe the lesson, (4) evaluate and reflect on the lesson, (5) revise the lesson, (6) teach and observe the revised lesson, (7) evaluate and reflect a second time, and (8) share the results (Stigler & Hiebert, 1999). Rock and Wilson (2005) claimed that completing these steps “requires a group of teachers to collaborate and share their ideas, opinions, and conclusions regarding the research lesson. This process requires substantial time and commitment” (p. 79). They also asserted that the LS process serves as a catalyst to encourage teachers to become more reflective practitioners and to use what they learned to collegially revise and implement future lessons. Japanese educators have conducted LS at the school, regional, and national level (Stigler & Hiebert, 1999). At the national level, LS may be used to explore new ideas about teaching and curriculum (Murata & Takahashi, 2002). Teachers in the same subject matter or who have common professional interests may form regional or cross-district LS groups (Murata & Takahashi, 2002; Shimizu, 2002). Individual schools may also form their own LS group to serve their school-based professional development needs. Because LS is a locally designed process, the forms may vary. Across the different variations in LS, four key features can be identified: investigation, planning, research lesson, and reflection (Lewis, Perry, & Hurd, 2009). Another distinctive feature of LS is its constant focus on student learning (Stigler & Hiebert, 1999). In any LS effort, the shared purpose is improved instruction (Fernandez & Yoshida, 2004; Lewis, 2002a, 2002b; Lewis & Tsuchida, 1997, 1998; Yoshida, 1999). Research on Lesson Study LS has been implemented widely across Asia, but under several different monikers: in Hong Kong as Learning Study, in China as Action Education, and in many Asia-Pacific 36 Singapore Lesson Study Economic Cooperation (APEC) member countries as LS (Fang & Lee, 2009). Researchers have reported that, in the United States, LS improved teachers’ instruction and offered them opportunities to learn (Rock & Wilson, 2005; Lewis, Perry, Hurd, & O’Connell, 2006). Perry, Lewis and Hurd (2009) reported a successful adaptation of mathematics LS in a US school district. They provided an “existence proof” of the potential effectiveness of LS in North America, noting in their case that “teachers used Lesson Study to build their knowledge of mathematics and its teaching, their capacity for joint work, and the quality of the teaching materials” (Lewis, Perry, & Hurd, 2009, p. 302). Research studies have shown that one way LS improves instruction is through building learning communities. Lieberman (2009) reported a case study of a middle school mathematics department, comprised of seven teachers that had been participating in LS for seven years and found that one “pathway by which LS results in instructional improvement is in increasing teachers’ community...Teachers learn that being a teacher means opening their practice to scrutiny, and thinking critically about their lesson plans” (p. 97). Research on mathematics teachers from nine independent school districts in Texas, who participated in three consecutive lesson studies, showed that LS activities “promoted interactions among members within this community of mathematics educators that offered occasions for teachers to explicitly think about their views, influences on instructional choices, and possible changes in practice” (Yarema, 2010, p. 15). In Hong Kong where LS involved secondary English language teachers, Lee (2008) reported that LS “creates a culture of peer learning and learning from actual classroom practice.…[and] provides opportunities for a free discussion of ideas, with participants able to challenge others’ and their own way of thinking, and seeing learning from students’ perspectives” (p. 1124). In a two-year intervention study for six teachers in one primary Singaporean school, Fang and Lee (2009,) reported that “Lesson Study is a powerful tool to bring together knowledge from diverse communities” (p. 106). In mathematics LS, the participation of a person more knowledgeable in mathematics teaching and learning has been 37 Lu Pien Cheng & Lee Peng Yee reported to enhance the pedagogical content knowledge of the learning community. Findings from a case study of two primary school mathematics LS teams highlighted that “the knowledge contribution from the experienced teachers and subject specialists from NIE was significant in developing the pedagogical content knowledge in the community of practice” (Fang & Lee, 2010, p. 3). Lewis, Perry, and Hurd (2009) reported similar findings: “Lesson Study groups may need someone sufficiently experienced in mathematics learning to ensure such [learning] opportunities arise and are used productively” (p. 301). Research findings also showed that LS affects teachers’ instruction in mathematics in particular areas; instructional vocabulary, differentiated instruction, instruction using manipulatives, knowledge of mathematical learning stages, and the establishment of high student expectations (Rock & Wilson, 2005). Similarly, teams in Singapore schools reported that LS “holds tremendous potential in uncovering both students’ and teachers’ conceptions of and approaches to learning” (Yoong, 2011, p. 4). According to Fang and Lee (2009), participants in their study “developed a well-blended form of pedagogical content knowledge that is directly applicable to improve pupil’s understanding of these topics” (p. 126). The main challenge of implementing LS in Singapore was the time needed for its many iterative cycles (Fang & Lee, 2009). Lee (2008) also reported that the “time constraints and pressure faced by many school teachers” (p. 1124) would diminish interest in LS. He further added that “although Lesson Study is time-consuming, it can be highly rewarding. What is needed is teachers’ commitment to the practice, and the support of school administrators and the government” (p. 1123). Research Questions The main intent of this study was to gain an in-depth understanding, from the teachers’ perspectives, of the LS process used in Singapore. This article examines aspects of teacher professional development through LS and seeks to build upon the previous investigations of LS in Singapore. Several questions regarding the use of LS in Singapore are 38 Singapore Lesson Study important to consider: What are the concerns of teachers in Singapore when implementing LS? What type of support is needed for LS to be effective in Singapore? To what extent might we expect other LS groups in Singapore to conduct LS similar the one discussed here? In particular, we are interested in finding what teachers can learn from the LS experience and if, from the teachers’ perspective, LS can be used effectively in Singapore for mathematics lessons. This article presents a school-based professional development initiative using the Japanese lesson-study model described by Stigler and Hiebert (1999) based on a university-school partnership. We report the results of conducting a LS with a group of six elementary school teachers in Singapore. The following research question guides our study: What did the teachers learn as a result of their experience in one LS cycle? In the next section, we outline a theoretical framework of teachers’ learning to teach along with our methods of data collection and analysis. Finally we present the teachers’ perspectives of their experiences in the LS cycle. Theoretical Framework of Teachers Learning to Teach The framework used in this study was described by Lin (2002). According to this framework, teachers learn through reflection, cognitive conflict, and social interaction. Vygotsky’s zone of proximal development is used to explain the difference between what teachers can do alone and what they can do with assistance from others. Cognitive conflicts caused by observing students, discussing, critiquing, and negotiating during interactions among the teachers, their peers, and professional developers served as catalysts to progress to a higher developmental level. The teachers in the study were involved in a school-based professional development where knowledge is generated from social interaction within a learning community. Similar to Lin’s (2002), this study was designed to create opportunities for teachers to develop more specific and deeper mathematical and pedagogical content understanding through observation and discussion. 39 Lu Pien Cheng & Lee Peng Yee Research Design and Data Collection Spring Hill Elementary1, a neighborhood public school, serves as the setting of this research study. The mathematics department head, who had an interest in using LS as a professional development tool, invited one of the researchers, a university faculty member, to be an LS consultant in 2008. The resulting professional development emphasized deepening the teachers’ pedagogical knowledge on mathematics by focusing on students’ mathematical thinking. The project started in 2008 and was ongoing during the preparation of this paper. As the LS coordinators and facilitators, the researchers provided strategies to team members to consider before the actual planning of classroom instruction. They listened to the team’s input and, if needed, shared insights and posed additional questions to push the team members to think more deeply about what they observed. The team consisted of four teachers (Mabel, Zoe, Jade, and Sarah), the department head of mathematics (Rose) and level head of mathematics (Mary). Rose and Mary were the team leaders for this mathematics LS and they were also considered to be the more knowledgeable in terms of teaching mathematics. They taught upper elementary grade mathematics (which, in Singapore, includes sixth grade) and the rest of the teachers taught first and second grade mathematics during the study. Mabel, Zoe, Jade and Sarah worked very closely together because they shared common interests in enhancing their pedagogies in teaching mathematics. The teachers’ role in the LS was to gain better understanding of effective pedagogies through the process of planning, research lesson, and reflection. They volunteered to participate in the LS project as a team when approached by their department head. In this manuscript, we report the results of the first LS cycle conducted by the six teachers. Lesson Study Procedure This manuscript focuses on a professional development using the following eight steps for collaborative LS by Stigler 1 Singapore Lesson Study and Hiebert (1999). Table 1 describes the schedule for the eight steps. 1. Define a problem during the first meeting. The team decided to work on recognizing and naming unit fractions up to 121 in various contexts involving squares, rectangles and triangles because they found that fractions are generally a difficult topic for second grade students. 2. Plan the mathematics lessons. Two full days were used to plan a lesson for second grade students on reading fractions. Six elementary school internal faculty members participated in the discussions. By the end of the day, the teachers completed the initial lesson plan (Figure 1) and listed some of the expected student responses. 3. Teach and observe the lesson in the classroom. Mabel executed the lesson while the rest of the teachers observed. 4. Critique and reflectively discuss the lesson after classroom observations. Following Mabel’s lesson, the LS group spent approximately one hour critiquing and reflecting on the lesson. The participants shared and discussed issues of pedagogy and students’ learning. Mabel was asked to reflect on her own teaching of the lesson and the rest of the participants were asked to articulate their observations after reflecting generally on their own teaching practices. 5. Revise the lesson. Immediately following the critique, the participating teachers spent another hour revising the fraction lesson. The teachers incorporated what was learned from the critique into revised lesson plan. 6. Teach and observe the revised lesson. Zoe taught the revised lesson the next day while the rest of the team members observed. 7. Critique, reflect, and revise. The team met to critique and reflect on the revised lesson taught by Zoe and the lesson plan was revised again. 8. Share the results. The head of department arranged to share results of the LS cycle with the rest of the teachers in the school. Pseudonyms were assigned to the school and the participants to ensure confidentiality. 40 41 Lu Pien Cheng & Lee Peng Yee Singapore Lesson Study Table 1 Lesson Study Cycle Schedule at Spring Hill Elementary School Meeting Purpose Data Duration 1-2 • Discuss the mathematical concept • Discuss how concept is linked to other mathematical topic • Anticipate students’ misconceptions on that topic • Identify key factors leading to students’ misconceptions or learning difficulties • Plan a mathematics lesson to address the problem Lesson plan 12 hours (2 full days) 3 4 5 6 Follow -up C D G B E F Diagram 1 1 hours Critique & revise lesson plan Audio recording 2 hours Audio recording and student work 1 hours Reflect on LS experience in Prerequisite Knowledge: Pupils need to be able to use shapes to represent one whole and fractions with denominators of up to 12 and identify parts and whole of a given situation. Development A Audio recording and student work Critique & revised lesson plan 1 12 Introduction to the Problem Using fraction strips (rectangular, triangular, circular), the teacher recapitulates reading unit fractions. Observe lesson (taught by Mabel) Observe lesson (taught by Zoe) Fractions for Primary Two Specific Instructional Objectives: Pupils will be able to recognize and name unit fractions up to various contexts involving squares, rectangles, and triangles. Audio recording Recording and questionnaire Diagram 2a Diagram 2b Key Teacher Questions T: Look at Diagram 1 and take out the yellow cut outs. Where is the whole? This is the whole of the figure. Let us take a look at A. What shape is A? It is a rectangle. What shape is B? It is a square. What shape is C? It is a square. What shapes make up the figure? 1 rectangle and 2 squares. The teacher points and goes around the respective parts as the teacher introduces shapes A, B, and C to students. T: Now with your partner, discuss what fraction of the whole square is square C. Expected Student Responses: 1 3 , 12 , No answer The teacher asks the students to explain how they arrive at why there is no answer to the problem. 2 hours Teacher addresses 1 3 1 3 , 12 , and as an incorrect answer: What is the simple rule that you must remember for fractions? They must have equal parts. 1 Does this figure have equal parts? Do you think your answer 3 is correct? Using the above structure, the teacher continues with the following problems of similar nature as shown in Diagram 2a and 2b. Figure 1. The problem solving lesson plan. 42 43 Lu Pien Cheng & Lee Peng Yee Data Collection and Analyses A qualitative design was selected to be the most appropriate research approach for this study because the main intent was to gain an in-depth understanding, from the teachers’ perspectives, of the LS process when used in Singapore. Table 1 illustrates the data collection schedule. The data collected in this study consisted of audio recordings of the observed lessons and critiques, questionnaires, a focused group interview, lesson plans, and student work from the observed research lessons. The audiotaped meetings captured the teachers’ conversations about their understanding of students’ thinking, important suggestions teachers provide to revise the mathematics lesson, and what they learn from the LS cycle. These discussions provided the platform for teachers to constantly reflect on their teaching practices. The researchers administered a questionnaire (Figure 2) at the end of the LS cycle in order to document the teachers’ experiences. The focused group interview (Patton, 2002) was conducted with the teachers at the end of the study to consolidate the teachers’ reactions from the LS cycle (Figure 3). Interviews were audiotaped and transcribed. The LS team analysed the students’ work during the cycle to provide evidence of student learning. 1. What did you learn when you planned the lesson with your colleagues? 2. Did your students respond to the lesson the way you anticipated? (Give specific examples to justify your observations) 3. What did you learn when you observed the mathematics lesson? 4. What did you learn when you critiqued the mathematics lesson with your colleagues? 5. How is the Lesson Study cycle helpful to you as a teacher? 6. How can Lesson Study be best implemented? Figure 2. Sample of questionnaire conducted at the end of Lesson Study cycle. 44 Singapore Lesson Study 1. What did you learn from the Lesson Study cycle? 2. How has participating in the Lesson Study cycle impacted your instructional practice? Figure 3. Focused group interview questions. A qualitative approach was used for the data analysis. An explanatory effects matrix (Miles & Huberman, 1994) was used to analyze the data. Data were collected and analyzed mainly to determine what the teachers learned and what they considered to be the effects of the LS. First, we entered quotes from the questionnaire and analyzed the data from Question 1 (see Appendix for a sample of the results). In the last column of the explanatory effects matrix, we added a general explanation of our observations of the data entered (Miles & Huberman, p. 148). During the data entry, we picked out chunks of material and developed codes, such as language, understanding students, teaching style and, manipulatives, by moving across each row of the matrix. We repeated the process for the rest of the questions and once each row was filled in for all the participants, we had an initial sense of emerging themes and patterns. Next, we sought confirming evidence by entering quotes and paraphrases from the interview and analyzing this data for each question. The students’ work helped us follow and understand the taped discussions and interviews. Next, we organized and collapsed some of the codes into a theme. For example, understanding students and learning styles were regrouped and renamed learning from students. In the next section, we summarize our findings for each major theme. Our numerous data sources (discussions, focus group interviews, questionnaires, and student work) allowed us to triangulate our findings and provided greater confidence in our interpretations. Results and Discussion In the following paragraphs, we present the teachers’ reports of what they learned during one LS cycle. In all the meetings, the teachers shared their opinions and observations openly. Our generalizations are not applicable to all the elementary schools in Singapore, but our work can be 45 Lu Pien Cheng & Lee Peng Yee compared to existing theories of how LS cycles work in neighbourhood public schools in Singapore. We include representative student responses from Mabel’s lesson to support this discussion. Instructional Improvements: Instructional Vocabulary Instructional vocabulary was one of the key issues brought up for discussion during the critique. Mathematical language was mentioned 11 times in the questionnaire by four of the participants. Jade wrote in her questionnaire that “mathematical language is important and the teacher must be consistent in using the language.” Mabel wrote, “I think I have learnt a lot in being more careful in the terms used and more aware of the need in reiterating the terms or concepts that I want the pupils to retain.” During the fourth meeting, Rose and Mary pointed out that fractions were read in multiple ways by students and the classroom teacher in Mabel’s lesson. The rest of the teachers revealed that they used the fraction language based on their familiarity of it and were unaware of the implications of the differing language for student learning. The team decided to list all the different ways that they posed a fraction question. Table 2 shows the multiple ways that the teachers posed fraction questions, read fractions, and used fraction terminology. The teachers were all amazed with the repertoire of terminologies they each had for just reading fractions. At this point, Mary commented that if students are unfamiliar with the terms their teachers use in teaching mathematics, they are likely to struggle with their teachers’ language. If this occurs, the students become more preoccupied with this struggle than with the thinking processes embedded in the mathematics lessons. Zoe added that, in addition to this problem, students may also encounter challenges when they enter the next grade, in which a new mathematics teacher might use a different term to describe the same idea. At this point, Jade said with excitement: I didn’t think that saying 3 quarters or 3 out of 4 equal parts matter to the students because I thought they are all common language that second graders should know. Shouldn’t we have a vocabulary list clearly listed out for 46 Singapore Lesson Study each topic so that students know what the mathematical terms they should know? Everyone agreed that such a list would be very helpful. Mary suggested that the vocabulary list should be undertaken as a project across all grade levels so that students could focus on learning concepts without being confused by new terminology. can move beyond learning the basic mathematical knowledge. Table 2 A Summary of Different Ways That the Teachers Posed a Fraction Question Posing fraction questions What fraction is shaded? What fraction of the figure is shaded? What is the shaded fraction? Which part is shaded? Reading fraction 3 out of 4 equal parts 3 fourths 3 over 4 3 quarters Numerator The number above The number on top The number above the line The number that represents what the question asks The number that is not downstairs Denominator The number below The number below the line The number downstairs The number that represents the total number of parts in one whole Zoe also brought up the necessity of being precise about the referents of our mathematical terminology. During her lesson, Mabel, referring to the figure in Figure 3, asked the students, “What fraction of the square is shaded?” She asked this without realizing that the square can be the whole figure composed of parts A, B, and C; just part B; or just part C. 47 Lu Pien Cheng & Lee Peng Yee Singapore Lesson Study Student A treated the smaller square as one whole and was consistent in using the smaller square as one whole throughout the entire worksheet (Figure 4). On the basis of observation and analysis of Student A’s work and responses in class, the teachers learned that it is important to be specific when referring to elements of figures, such as the big or the small square. If this is not done, student errors might occur. What fraction of the square is shaded? 1 whole of the square is shaded 2 wholes of the square is shaded. Figure 4. Sample of Student A’s written seat work. The above discussion led the team to realize that having a repertoire of mathematical terms for the same mathematical concept may be counterproductive if students are unfamiliar with some terms. This problem becomes even more significant when the teacher does not help the students relate the terms used in different grades. The LS discussion also challenged teachers to translate their observations into tangible classroom aides—in this case a mathematical language reference sheet integrated with appropriate terminology—which otherwise might not have occurred. The discussion also led the team to be more aware of the role of accurate and precise language as a tool to minimize students’ learning difficulties. Professional Development Through Lesson Study: Learning From Students The teachers already knew the importance of listening to students, but, from LS, they gained a deeper and richer perspective of what their students perceive about the classroom instruction. For example, in observing Mabel’s lesson, Jade, Mabel, Mary, and Zoe said that they were amazed by some of the interesting, but incorrect, interpretations that students 48 developed for the concept of one whole. In this discussion, Mary referred to Student B’s response and Jade referred to Student C’s response (Table 3). The observation and discussions led the team to realize that a focus on student thinking can compel them to listen more closely to their students and that teachers should expect multiple interpretations of mathematical concepts. In the focused group interview, the teachers all claimed that the main benefit of participating in the LS was the opportunity to closely examine and analyze students’ learning. They believed that by listening more carefully to their students’ responses, they were able to identify factors that might give rise to student learning difficulties. This new understanding led the teachers in the team to recognize the importance of carefully planning every mathematics lesson using the knowledge they built through LS as the basis for making instructional decisions. This result affirms that LS leads to a focus on student learning. The mistakes the students made were directly used to improve classroom instruction (Stigler & Hiebert, 1999) in that the teachers took note of the understanding students demonstrated and the solutions they offered to the fraction problem. Table 3 Description of Students’ Verbal Responses Student B A C Student C B Squares B and C have equal parts. Rectangle A does not have equal parts so it cannot be a part of one whole ... one whole makes up of squares B and C. Square B is ½, and Square C is ½. The parts are not equal so no fraction of the square is shaded. We have already shown that the teachers learned that mathematical language may be a potential barrier to students’ learning of mathematics. In addition, the team became increasingly aware of other possible causes of student learning difficulties. During the focused group interview, all of the teachers agreed that their teaching pedagogies grew 49 Lu Pien Cheng & Lee Peng Yee exponentially at the end of the first LS cycle as a result of their collaborative effort to understand student learning. Professional Development Through Lesson Study: Learning From Colleagues During the focused group interview, the teachers expressed appreciation that LS offered a structured system for professional development within the school context. The teachers also shared that their colleagues’ observations of the lesson contributed directly to the richness of their critiques because of the variety of student thinking captured. They added that colleagues may also offer new points of view when observing the students. For example, during the sixth meeting, Sarah said “I was hoping Zoe would notice Student D’s misconception and ask Student D to explain how they got two sixths during whole class discussion” (Table 4). In another incident, Rose said, “For figure 2(b) Student E and Student F actually wrote one half as an answer, but after Zoe said the correct answer is two fourths, the two students hurriedly changed their answers to two fourths” (Figure 5). Rose felt that Student E and Student Fs’ responses provided a great opportunity to connect reading fractions (Grade 2 topic) to equivalent fractions (Grade 3 topic). Such peer observations and critiques offered more feedback to detect and follow up important teachable moments, which would otherwise go unnoticed. What fraction of the figure is shaded? ½ of the square is shaded. 2 4 Figure 5. Sample of Student E’s and Student’s F’ written seat work 50 Singapore Lesson Study Table 4 Description of Student D’s Verbal Responses and Corresponding Written Seat Work Verbal Responses Written Seat Work B C There are 6 parts. A horizontal dotted line should be drawn ... that is how part C was cut ... likewise for part B. A vertical line should be drawn because that was how part B was cut. What fraction of the figure is shaded? Dotted line drawn by Student D Teaching can be extremely private because teachers typically work only with their own students and have little collegial interaction (Lortie, 1975). Through their participation in LS, the participants were able to work in teams to challenge their own and their peers’ use of instructional vocabulary. We have already discussed how this affirms Rock and Wilson’s (2005) findings that LS affects instructional vocabulary. This result also supports Lee’s (2008) findings in that the LS created the opportunities for the teachers to freely discuss, as part of a learning community, ideas rooted to classroom practices. In this case study, the teachers organized and built their repertoire of instructional vocabulary in order to attend to student misconceptions. This result affirms that LS offers the teachers a community in which to open the teachers’ practice to scrutiny, and together with their community assist one another 51 Lu Pien Cheng & Lee Peng Yee to think critically about their lessons, resulting in the teachers’ instructional improvement (Lieberman, 2009). During the focused group interview, the teachers said that they were planning and critiquing their daily lessons individually. According to the teachers, observing a live lesson and critiquing the lesson together with their team members gave them opportunities to challenge their hypotheses of students’ thinking during lesson planning and test and verify those hypotheses during lesson observation and critique. Furthermore, observing live lessons allowed the teachers to capture more efficiently how students of different ability groups react to different segments of the lesson. Rich mathematical tasks. Fang and Lee (2009) found that “pedagogical practices in Singapore are dominated by traditional forms of teacher-centred and teacher as authority approaches with little attention to the development of more complex cognitive understanding” (p. 106). Our participants wanted to focus on their pedagogical practices that developed complex cognitive understanding. Hence, the teachers in the team did not want to use the textbook or activities suggested in the teachers’ guide. Instead, students explored a task which is usually not found in the Singapore textbook. They did so with the help of teachers who lead the entire class through the exploration by using focused questions. The teachers responded positively to the task on the questionnaire including Mabel who wrote that the task “enables pupils to apply mathematical concepts to solve new problems.” Zoe commented that the task “brings about a refreshing way of acquiring the necessary knowledge and concept for the children” and that the unique task required the children to think rather than just be fed information. In addition, all the teachers agreed that the tasks enabled them to study how children learn. For example, Rose said that by analyzing the children’s common errors, by utilizing strategies to help those children, and by being able to realize the effectiveness of such strategies, the teachers gained a better understanding of how children learn. Nonetheless, the teachers had several concerns about implementing the fraction tasks in their own classrooms. The greatest concern the teachers had was the extensive time 52 Singapore Lesson Study required for students to fully explore and investigate the problems. In addition, teachers were not convinced that their students were ready to explore and investigate the problems on their own. Due to the aforementioned situations, the teachers in the team felt that they were likely to have insufficient time to accomplish the designed target stipulated in the syllabus. Given the constraint and tight curriculum, the teachers believed in providing more structure when implementing the fraction task. Concerns about Lesson Study. Teachers felt similarly constrained by time when implementing the cycles required of LS. Zoe wrote, “Time is the greatest constraint. Even if there is a culture of sharing ... we lack the time to do so.” This supports Lee’s (2008) finding on time constraints faced by teachers involved in LS. This also affirms Rock and Wilsons’ (2005) report that LS process requires substantial time and commitment. Rose suggested that schools could support the LS effort by arranging timetables to include more common time for teachers of the same grade level to meet. Sarah suggested that LS needed to be one of the school’s top training plans in order to embed LS as a permanent professional development tool. Although the LS cycle was time-consuming, the results of our case study showed that the teachers found the whole process highly rewarding in terms of enhancing their instructional effectiveness. Concluding Remarks In this study, we examined teachers’ experiences in one LS cycle. Our findings indicate many positive outcomes: The teachers are more aware of their instructional vocabulary. In particular, they are sensitive to the fact that inconsistencies and inaccurate use of mathematical terms may pose an extra challenge for the students. The LS cycle impacted the teachers’ ability to think about the effects on children’s learning when mathematical terms are read in multiple ways. Such observations were translated directly into useful resources for the teachers (e.g., a mathematical terminology reference sheet for students across all grades). The LS cycle also motivated the teachers to reconstruct students’ thinking and to plan lessons that address students’ misconceptions based on their models of student thinking. 53 Lu Pien Cheng & Lee Peng Yee During the focused group interview, the teachers in the study said they generally felt that the LS inspired the team to experiment with new tasks and provided them opportunities to evaluate and improvise those tasks. We suggest that LS facilitates the teachers’ research on the efficacy of different types of tasks and the teaching approach required by those tasks, and we hypothesize that this enhances the teachers’ pedagogical practices. The teachers were able to explicitly think about their views of new tasks, new pedagogies, their influences on instructional choices, and possible changes in practice, similar to the findings reported by Yarema (2010). By providing teachers with such a support system, allowing them to lay the groundwork for rich mathematical learning through reflective and critical thinking, we suggest that LS can serve as a platform to helps teachers cultivate good pedagogical habits. Because LS requires a significant commitment of teachers’ time and energy, the greatest challenge in adopting LS as a school-based professional development approach is time. In order to facilitate teachers’ engagement with LS “school administrators can show their support in terms of timetabling… and providing staff development time” (Lee, 2008, p.1123), as suggested by Rose and Sarah. In this study, when LS was used as a professional development tool, it improved the teachers’ reflective thinking about teaching, especially when the teachers worked in a learning community. They were not only there to teach but also to plan, observe, and critique common lessons. Such a platform also provided an avenue of support for teachers to experiment with different teaching approaches. When professional development was embedded in these teachers’ practice that included planning, observing, critiquing, and, collaborating, it led to their professional growth. The participants in this study believed that such growth will have lasting impact on their instructional practices. Singapore Lesson Study References Chua, P. H. (2009). Learning communities: Roles of teachers network and zone activities. In K. Y. Wong, P. Y. Lee, B. Kaur, P. Y. Foong & S. F. Ng (Eds.), Series on Mathematics Education: Vol. 2. Mathematics education: The Singapore journey (pp. 85–103). Singapore: World Scientific. Fang Y., & Lee, C. (2009). Lesson study in Mathematics: Three cases from Singapore. In K. Y. Wong, P. Y. Lee, B. Kaur, P. Y. Foong & S. F. Ng (Eds.), Series on Mathematics Education: Vol. 2. Mathematics education: The Singapore journey (pp. 104–129). Singapore: World Scientific. Fang, Y., & Lee, C. (2010). Lesson study and instructional improvement in Singapore (Research Brief No. 10-001). Singapore: National Institution of Singapore. Fernandez, C., & Yoshida, M. (2004). Lesson study: A Japanese approach to improving mathematics teaching and learning. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. Lee, J. F. K. (2008). A Hong Kong case of lesson study: Benefits and concerns. Teaching and Teacher Education, 24, 1115–1124. Lewis, C. (2002a). Does lesson study have a future in the United States? Nagoya Journal of Education and Human Development 1(1), 1–23. Retrieved from Lewis, C. (2002b). Lesson study: A handbook of teacher-led instructional change. Philadelphia, PA: Research for Better Schools. Lewis, C., & Tsuchida, I. (1997). Planned educational change in Japan: The shift to student-centered elementary science. Journal of Educational Policy, 12, 313–331. Lewis, C., & Tsuchida, I. (1998). A lesson is like a swiftly flowing river: Research lessons and the improvement of Japanese education. American Educator, 22(4),12–52. Lewis, C., Perry, R., Hurd, J., & O’Connell, M. P. (2006). Lesson study comes of age in North America. Phi Delta Kappan, 88, 273–281. Lewis, C., Perry, R., & Hurd, J. (2009). Improving mathematics instruction through lesson study: A theoretical model and North American case. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 12, 285–304. Lieberman, J. (2009). Reinventing teacher professional norms and identities: The role of lesson study and learning communities. Professional Development in Education, 35, 83–99. Lim, S. K. (2009). Mathematics teacher education: Pre-service and in-service programmes. In K. Y. Wong, P. Y. Lee, B. Kaur, P. Y. Foong & S. F. Ng (Eds.), Series on Mathematics Education: Vol. 2. Mathematics 54 55 Lu Pien Cheng & Lee Peng Yee Singapore Lesson Study education: The Singapore journey (pp. 104–129). Singapore: World Scientific. APPENDIX Explanatory Effects Matrix: Lessons learned Lin, P. J. (2002). On enhancing teachers’ knowledge by constructing cases in classrooms. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 4, 317–349. Yoong, J. I. (2011, September/October). Let the students tell us how they learn. SingTeach, 32. Retrieved from Yoshida, M. (1999). Lesson study: A case of a Japanese approach to improving instruction through school-based teacher development (Doctoral dissertation.) University of Chicago. Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database. (UMI No. 9951855) 56 More careful in the Compile a Teachers have a use of mathematics mathematics reservoir of vocabulary for the terminologies vocabulary school Researcher explanation Differentiated instruction is a topic of great interest to this group of teachers Need to explore differentiated instruction to cater to the different learning styles More aware of different learning styles Zoe Mathematical language is Mathematical important and the teacher must be Language consistent in using the language. (questionnaire) Yarema, C. H. (2010). Mathematics teachers’ views of accountability testing revealed through lesson study. Mathematics Teacher Education and Development, 12(1), 3–18. There is a need to bring in various Learning styles strategies in a single lesson to accommodate the various learning styles of the pupils in order to better achieve a higher percentage of pupils grasping the concepts taught. (questionnaire) Vescio, V., Ross, D., & Adams, A. (2008). A review of the impact of professional learning communities on teaching practice and student learning. Teaching and Teacher Education, 24, 80–91. Mathematical Language Stigler, J., & Hiebert, J. (1999). The teaching gap. New York, NY: The Free Press. Mathematical communication Shimizu, Y. (2002). Lesson study: What, why, and how? In H. Bass, Z. P. Usiskin, & G. Burrill (Eds.), Studying classroom teaching as a medium for professional development: Proceedings of a U.S.—Japan workshop (pp. 53–57). Washington, DC: National Academy Press. Establish the need Finding ways to for mathematical support communication mathematical communication Rock, T., & Wilson, C. (2005). Improving teaching through lesson study. Teacher Education Quarterly, 32(1),77–92. Understanding students Perry, R., & Lewis, C. (2009). What is successful adaptation of lesson study in the US? Journal of Educational Change, 10, 365–391. Pupils had difficulties in expressing themselves using the appropriate language when asked to explain or justify their answers. Although they know the reason, they need to be taught the proper language so as to be able to support their answers. (questionnaire) Patton, M. Q. (2002). Qualitative research and evaluation methods (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Longer-run consequences Murata, A., & Takahashi, A. (2002, October). Vehicle to connect theory, research, and practice: How teacher thinking changes in district-level lesson study in Japan. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Athens, GA. Short-run effects Miles, M. B., & Huberman, A. M. (1994) Qualitative data analysis: An expanded sourcebook (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Code McLaughlin, M., & Talbert, J. (2006). Building school-based teacher learning communities: Professional strategies to improve student achievement. New York, NY: Teachers College Press. The mathematical task chosen allowed teachers to see the need to foster mathematical communication Question 1: What did you learn when you observe the mathematics lesson? Lortie, D. (1975). School teacher: A sociology study. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press. Jade 57 The Mathematics Educator 2011/2012 Vol. 21, No. 2, 58–67 Does 0.999… Really Equal 1? Anderson Norton and Michael Baldwin This article confronts the issue of why secondary and postsecondary students resist accepting the equality of 0.999… and 1, even after they have seen and understood logical arguments for the equality. In some sense, we might say that the equality holds by definition of 0.999…, but this definition depends upon accepting properties of the real number system, especially the Archimedean property and formal definitions of limits. Students may be justified in rejecting the equality if they decide to work in another system— namely the non-standard analysis of hyperreal numbers—but then they need to understand the consequences of that decision. This review of arguments and consequences holds implications for how we introduce real numbers in secondary school mathematics. Whenever the equality of 0.999… and 1 arises, teachers can expect a high degree of disbelief from students, and proofs may do little to abate their skepticism (Sierpinska, 1994). This equality challenges students’ conceptions of the real line, limits, and decimal representation, but students have a strong historical and intuitive basis for their resistance. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the reasons students reject the equality and to consider the consequences of this rejection. With this purpose in mind, we have organized the paper in the following way: We begin by outlining various arguments supporting the equality and then review some of the pedagogical struggles noted in research that explain students’ resistance. Next, we justify students’ intuitive resistance by presenting a system of hyperreal numbers in which the equality Equality of 1 and 0.999… does not necessarily hold. Finally, we consider the implications of adopting such a system, which forces students to choose between conflicting properties; we offer as an example the conflict between the Archimedean property for real numbers and the existence of infinitesimals. Arguments for the Equality There are many arguments that support the equality of 0.999… and 1. Here we present four of these arguments. Relying on the Decimal Expansion for 1/3 A common argument for the equality goes as follows: If 0.333…= 1/3 then digit-wise multiplication by 3 would imply that 0.999…= 1. Of course, this argument relies on students’ acceptance of the equality of 0.333… and 1/3. Research has shown that students generally accept this equality, even while rejecting the equality of 0.999… and 1 (Fischbein, 2001). Students might resolve this tension by asserting, “Well, then, maybe 0.333… doesn’t equal 1/3.” Subtracting Off the Infinite Sequence Figure 1 outlines a more formal argument that does not depend on similar equalities. Yet students might still object. If x = 0.999 then 10 x = 9.999 9x + x = 9 + x −x = 9x = −x 9 Therefore x = 1 Anderson Norton is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics at Virginia Tech. He teaches math courses for future secondary school teachers and conducts research on students' mathematical development. Michael Baldwin is a PhD candidate in Mathematics Education at Virginia Tech. His research interests include students' conceptions of the real number line. Figure 1. A proof of the equality. The issue with this argument is whether x can be canceled. Richman (1999) asserted that skeptics might reject the equality by claiming that not all numbers can be subtracted from one another! Moreover, if we consider 0.999… as the limit of the 59 Anderson Norton & Michael Baldwin sequence 0.9, 0.99, 0.999, … then we see that the corresponding products, using the standard algorithm for multiplication of 9 by 0.999… produces a limit of 8.999…, which leads back to the same central issue that x might not be 1 after all. Generating a Contradiction A third argument for the equality works by contradiction: If 1 and 0.9 are not equal, then we should be able to find a distinct number in between them (their average), but what could that number be other than 0.9 itself? Still, students might argue that some pairs of distinct numbers simply do not have averages; some students have even argued that there are numbers between 1 and 0.9—namely, ones represented by a decimal expansion that begins with an infinite string of 9’s and then ends in some other number (Ely, 2010). Even when students cannot find fault with the argument, they still might not believe the result. After reproducing the proof illustrated in Figure 1, one frustrated student sought help from Ask Doctor Math ( “The problem I have is that I can't logically believe this is true, and I don't see an error with the math, so what am I missing or forgetting to resolve this?” Defining the Decimal Expansion with Limits Since Balzano formalized the definition of limits in the early 19th century, Calculus has been grounded in the formal definitions of limits that we teach in Precalculus and many college-level mathematics courses. Figure 2 lays out Balzano’s formal ε − N definition for limits of sequences. Formally, a sequence S n converges to a the limit S Sn = S lim n→∞ if for any ε > 0 there exists an N such that S n − S < ε for n > N Figure 2. Definition of the limit of a sequence (Weisstein, 2011) 60 Equality of 1 and 0.999… This definition amounts to a kind of choosing game: Assuming S is the limit of a sequence, {Sn}, for any positive distance, ε, you choose, I can find a natural number, N, so that whenever the sequence goes beyond the Nth term, the distance between any of those terms and S is less than ε. The definition says that if the tail of a sequence gets arbitrarily close to a number, then that number is the limit of the sequence. We can think about the decimal representation, 0.999…, as the limit of an infinite series: 9/10 + 99/100 + 999/1000 + … Thus, we arrive at the following conclusion: ∞ n 9 9 = lim ∑ k k = 1. n→∞ k =1 10 k =1 10 0.9 = ∑ The equality holds because for any real value of ε that you choose, I can find a natural number N such that 1 is within ε of n 9 ∑ 10 k whenever n > N. k =1 This means that we have devised a way to answer the question, “How close is close enough?” The answer is that we are close enough to the number 1 if, when given an ε neighborhood extending some distance about the number 1, we can find a number N such that the terms at the tail end of the series are inside that neighborhood. When this happens, we no longer distinguish between the terms of the series and the number 1. Why Students Remain Skeptical There is a historical basis for students’ skepticism in accepting any of the arguments above, and researchers have found several underlying reasons for why students reject the equality—some more logical than others (Ely, 2010; Fischbein, 2001; Oehrtman, 2009; Tall & Schwarzenberger, 1978). For example, many students conceive of 0.999… dynamically rather than as a static point; they interpret the decimal expansion as representing a point that is moving closer and closer to 1 without ever reaching 1 (Tall & Schwarzenberger, 1978). Starting from 0, the point gets nine-tenths of the way to 1, then another nine-tenths of the remaining distance, and so 61 Anderson Norton & Michael Baldwin on, but there is always some distance remaining (cf. Zeno’s paradox). This conception aligns with Aristotle’s idea of potential infinity and his rejection of an actual infinity: 0.999… is a process that never ends, producing a decimal expansion that is only potentially infinite and not actually an infinite string of 9’s (see Dubinsky, Weller, McDonald, & Brown, 2005, for an excellent discussion of historical struggles with infinity and related paradoxes). This issue points to a confusion between numbers and their decimal representations: Would students be inclined to say that one-third is a process that never ends simply because its decimal expansion is 0.333…? Tall and Schwarzenberger (1978) analyzed student reasons for accepting or rejecting the equality and found that they generally fit into the following categories: • • Sameness by proximity: The values are the same because a student might think, “The difference between them is infinitely small,” or “At infinity it comes so close to 1 it can be considered the same” (p. 44). Infinitesimal Difference: The values are different because a student might think “0.999… is the nearest you can get to 1 without actually saying it is 1,” or “The difference between them is infinitely small” (p. 44). It is interesting that students in the two categories draw different conclusions using the same argument. Each uses a non-standard, non-Archimedean distance from the number one as an argument in their favor. In other words, each believes that there is some unmeasurable space between the two numbers, as in the number “next to” one. In his research involving 120 university students, Oehrtman (2009) found that mathematical metaphors had significant impact on claims and justifications. With regard to the mathematical equality, 0.999… = 1, Oehrtman found that students were likely to use what he called an “approximation metaphor.” Student comments referred to “approximations that could be made as accurate as you wanted” and the “irrelevance” of “negligible differences” or “infinitely small errors that don’t matter” (p. 415). Although the students were 62 Equality of 1 and 0.999… asked to explain why 0.999… = 1, most students disagreed with the equality. Many students referred to 0.999… as the number next to 1, or as a number touching 1. Oehrtman (2009) went on to suggest that there is potential power in the approximation metaphor because this type of thinking closely resembles arguments for the formal definition of a limit. In fact, early definitions of limit by mathematicians such as D’Alembert included the language of approximation: “One magnitude is said to be the limit of another magnitude when the second may approach the first within any magnitude however small, though the first magnitude may never exceed the magnitude it approaches” (Burton, 2007, p. 603). Although the modern definition reflects an attempt to remove temporal aspects (see Figure 2), such ideas still underlie our conceptions of limit. And although students might make incorrect metaphorical statements, these metaphors often provide a gateway for deeper understanding of corresponding concepts. The Hyperreals The argument that 0.999… only approximates 1 has grounding in formal mathematics. In the 1960’s, a mathematician, Abraham Robinson, developed nonstandard analysis (Keisler, 1976). In contrast to standard analysis, which is what we normally teach in K–16 classrooms, nonstandard analysis posits the existence of infinitely small numbers (infinitesimals) and has no need for limits. In fact, until Balzano formalized the concept of limits, computing derivatives relied on the use of infinitesimals and related objects that Newton called “fluxions” (Burton, 2007). These initially shaky foundations for Calculus prompted the following whimsical remark from fellow Englishman, Bishop George Berkeley: “And what are these fluxions? … May we not call them ghosts of departed quantities?” (p. 525). Robinson’s work provided a solid foundation for infinitesimals that Newton lacked, by extending the field of real numbers to include an uncountably infinite collection of infinitesimals (Keisler, 1976). This foundation (nonstandard analysis) requires that we treat infinite numbers like real numbers that can be added and multiplied. Nonstandard analysis provides a sound basis for treating infinitesimals like real numbers and for rejecting the 63 Anderson Norton & Michael Baldwin Equality of 1 and 0.999… equality of 0.999… and 1 (Katz & Katz, 2010). However, we will see that it also contradicts accepted concepts, such as the Archimedean property. Consequences of Accepting Infinitesimals and Rejecting the Equality Consider the argument for equality that uses limits outlined in the previous section. What if you were allowed to choose ε to be infinitely small? Then the game is up; one cannot possibly hope to bring the sequence within such an intolerant tolerance! However, you should beware that, in order to win (i.e. choosing a value for ε that makes the limit argument fail, thus proving 0.999… does not equal 1), you have violated the Archimedean property. The Archimedean property states that, for any positive real number, r, we can choose a natural number, N, large enough so that their product is greater than 1. That means any real number is farther from 0 than 1/N for some N. To visualize what this means, consider the illustration in Figure 3. No matter how close r is to 0, if we zoom in on 0 enough, the two numbers will be visibly separate. In other words, there is no number “next to 0,” or infinitely close to 0. If r were allowed to be an infinitesimal, this would not be the case; r would be less than 1/N for all N, or stay perpetually next to 0, which violates the Archimedean property. Thus, the only way to maintain this intuitive property of the real line is to reject infinitesimals, as we have done in the historical development of the real line (standard analysis). Ely (2010) described a case study of a college student who argued that there is no number next to zero but that there are numbers infinitely close to 0. This argument aligns with nonstandard analysis and presents the greatest challenge to the Archimedean property and other concepts from standard analysis. In particular, the student argued that one could zoom in infinitely to separate 0 from an infinitesimal number. Note, however, that the Archimedean property insists that positive real numbers be separable from 0 when zooming by a finite value, specified by the natural number N. 64 Figure 3. The Archimedean property. Conclusions and Implications The Archimedean property captures one of the most intuitive ideas about the real line (Brouwer, 1998). Starting from that property, we can use the definition of limits to show that the equality of 0.999… and 1 must hold. Thus, we can see that the Archimedean property and the formal definition of limits imply the equality. The only way to reject the equality is to reject the property or to reject our definition of limits. As our investigation affirms, “attempts to inculcate the equality in a teaching environment prior to the introduction of limits appear to be premature” (Katz & Katz, 2010, p. 3). Yet a meaningful introduction of limits at the K–12 level is problematic. Bezuidenhout (2001) discusses difficulties in introducing limits even at the college level. Similar issues arise with the introduction of irrational numbers in the K–12 curriculum. It may be useful for students to recognize that some numbers (such as the length of the diagonal on the unit square) cannot be written as the ratio of two integers, but state standards demandmore. Consider the following example from the Common Core State Standards (National Governors’ Association and Council of Chief State School Officers, 2010): “In eighth grade, students extend this system once more, augmenting the rational numbers with the irrational numbers to 65 Anderson Norton & Michael Baldwin form the real numbers.” Are middle school teachers prepared to meaningfully address the formation of the real number system, and is this an important requirement for eighth graders? In the history of mathematics, the development of calculus prompted speculation about the existence of infinitesimals, while motivating the construction of limits (Burton, 2007). Even the Archimedean property arose from a pre-calculus concept—namely Archimedes’ method of exhaustion. If history is any guide for motivating and developing ideas in the classroom, then Katz and Katz (2010) draw a natural conclusion in suggesting that we delay the discussion of irrational numbers and infinite decimal expansions until after limits are formally addressed. An equally natural conclusion is that, when we do introduce students to limits, we should take advantage of intriguing problems, such as the (in)equality discussed here, so that students will understand why we might want to reject infinitesimals and, as a consequence, why we need limits. Whereas Common Core State Standards ask students to consider infinite decimal expansions as early as eighth grade, many students are never asked to seriously consider whether 0.999… really does equal 1. Consideration of this equality might generate meaningful discussion about students’ intuitive concepts. Imagine a Precalculus classroom full of students who have studied decimal expansions but have never studied irrational numbers except to prove that some numbers (such as the square root of 2) cannot be expressed as a ratio of two integers. Some students might have wondered, but none had formally studied whether this property is related to repeating or terminating decimal expansions. On the first day of a unit on limits, the teacher could ask whether 0.999… equals 1. This paper outlines potential connections students might make through arguments about this equality—connections between decimal expansions, the real number system, and limits. It seems that this kind of discussion does not typically happen because we ask some questions too early and others not at all. 66 Equality of 1 and 0.999… References Bezuidenhout, J. (2001). Limits and continuity: Some conceptions of firstyear students. International Journal of Mathematics Education in Science and Technology, 32, 487–500. Brouwer, L. E. J. (1998). The structure of the continuum. In P. Mancosu (Ed.), From Brouwer to Hilbert (pp. 54-63). Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. Burton, D. M. (2007). The history of mathematics: An introduction (6th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill. National Governors’ Association and Council of Chief State School Officers. (2010). Common core state standards for mathematics. Retrieved from Dubinsky, E., Weller, K., McDonald, M., & Brown, A. (2005). Some historical issues and paradoxes regarding the concept of infinity: An APOS-based analysis: Part I, Educational Studies in Mathematics, 58, 335–359. Ely, R. (2010). Nonstandard student conceptions about infinitesimals. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 41, 117–146. Fischbein, E. (2001). Infinity: The never-ending struggle. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 48, 309–329. Katz, K. U., & Katz, M. G. (2010). When is .999… less than 1? The Montana Mathematics Enthusiast, 7, 3–30. Keisler, H. J. (1976). Foundations of infinitesimal calculus. Boston, MA: Prindle, Weber & Schmidt. Oehrtman, M. (2009). Collapsing dimensions, physical limitation, and other student metaphors for limit concepts. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 40, 396–426. Richman, F. (1999). Is 0.999… = 1? Mathematics Magazine, 72, 396–400. Sierpinska, A. (1994). Understanding in mathematics (Studies in Mathematics Education Series: 2). Bristol, PA: Falmer Press. Tall, D. O., & Schwarzenberger, R. L. E. (1978). Conflicts in the learning of real numbers and limits. Mathematics Teaching, 82, 44–49. Weisstein, E. W. (2011). Convergent Sequence. In Wolfram MathWorld. Retrieved from 67 REVIEWERS FOR THE MATHEMATICS EDUCATOR, VOLUME 21, ISSUE 2 The editorial board of The Mathematics Educator would like to take this opportunity to recognize the time and expertise our many volunteer reviewers contribute. We have listed below the reviewers who have helped make the current issue possible through their invaluable advice for both the editorial board and the contributing authors. Our work would not be possible without them. Kimberly Bennekin Behnaz Rouhani Georgia Perimeter College Stephen Bismarck Keene State College Laurel Bleich The Westminster Schools Margaret Breed RMIT University Rachael Brown Knowles Science Teaching Foundation Günhan Çağlayan Columbus State University Samuel Cartwright Fort Valley State University Alison Castro-Superfine Danny Martin Mara Martinez University of Illinois, Chicago Lu Pien Cheng National Inst. of Singapore Nell Cobb DePaul University 68 Shawn Broderick Tonya Brooks Victor Brunaud-Vega Amber Candela Nicholas Cluster Anna Marie Conner Zandra DeAraujo Tonya DeGeorge Jackie Gammaro Eric Gold Erik Jacobson Jeremy Kilpatrick Ana Kuzle Kevin LaForest David Liss Kevin Moore Ronnachai Panapoi Laura Singletary Ryan Smith Denise A. Spangler Leslie P. Steffe Dana TeCroney Kate Thompson Patty Wagner The University of Georgia Kelly Edenfield Filyet Asli Ersoz Kennesaw State University Ryan Fox Penn. State, Abington Brian Gleason University of New Hampshire Hulya Kilic Yeditepe University Hee Jung Kim Louisiana State University Yusuf Koc Indiana University, Northwest Carmen Latterell U. of Minnesota, Duluth Anderson Hassell Norton, III Virginia Tech Molade Osibodu African Leadership Academy Drew Polly UNC Charlotte Ginger Rhodes UNC Wilmington Kyle Schultz James Madison University Ann Sitomer Portland Community College Susan Sexton Stanton East Carolina University Brian Lawler Cal. State U., San Marcos Erik Tillema Indiana U.-Purdue U. Indianapolis Soo Jin Lee Montclair State University Andrew Tyminski Clemson University Norene Lowery Houston Baptist University Catherine Vistro-Yu Ateneo de Manila University Michael McCallum Georgia Gwinnett College Bill D. Whitmire Francis Marion University If you are interested in becoming a reviewer for The Mathematics Educator, contact the Editor at Jill Cochran Texas State University 69 Manuscript Submission Guidelines The Mathematics Educator (ISSN 1062-9017) is a biannual publication of the Mathematics Education Student Association (MESA) at The University of Georgia and is abstracted in Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik (International Reviews on Mathematical Education). The purpose of the journal is to promote the interchange of ideas among students, faculty, and alumni of The University of Georgia, as well as the broader mathematics education community. The Mathematics Educator presents a variety of viewpoints within a broad spectrum of issues related to mathematics education. Our editorial board strives to provide a forum for a developing collaboration of mathematics educators at varying levels of professional experience throughout the field. The work presented should be well conceptualized; should be theoretically grounded; and should promote the interchange of stimulating, exploratory, and innovative ideas among learners, teachers, and researchers. The Mathematics Educator encourages the submission of a variety of types of manuscripts from students and other professionals in mathematics education including: • • • • • • • 70 reports of research (including experiments, case studies, surveys, and historical studies), descriptions of curriculum projects, or classroom experiences; literature reviews; theoretical analyses; critiques of general articles, research reports, books, or software; commentaries on research methods in mathematics education; commentaries on public policies in mathematics education. The work must not be previously published except in the case of: • • translations of articles previously published in other languages; abstracts of or entire articles that have been published in journals or proceedings that may not be easily available. Guidelines for Manuscript Specifications • Manuscripts should be typed and double-spaced, 12point Times New Roman font, and a maximum of 25 pages (including references and endnotes). An abstract (not exceeding 250 words) should be included and references should be listed at the end of the manuscript. The manuscript, abstract, references and any pictures, tables, or figures should conform to the style specified in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th Edition. • An electronic copy is required. The electronic copy must be in Word format and should be submitted via an email attachment to Pictures, tables, and figures should be embedded in the document and must be compatible with Word 2007 or later. • • • The editors of TME use a blind review process. Therefore, to ensure anonymity during the reviewing process, no author identification should appear on the manuscript. A cover age should be submitted as a separate file and should include the author’s name, affiliation, work address, telephone number, fax number, and email address. If the manuscript is based on dissertation research, a funded project, or a paper presented at a professional meeting, a footnote on the title page should provide the relevant facts. 71 In This Issue, Guest Editorial… Examining Mathematics Teachers’ Disciplinary Thinking KYLE T. SCHULTZ & LOUANN LOVIN Moving Toward More Authentic Proof Practices in Geometry MICHELLE CIRILLO & PATRICIO G. HERBST A Singapore Case of Lesson Study LU PIEN CHENG & LEE PENG YEE Does 0.999… Really Equal 1? ANDERSON NORTON & MICHAEL BALDWIN The Mathematics Education Student Association is an official affiliate of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. MESA is an integral part of The University of Georgia’s mathematics education community and is dedicated to serving all students. Membership is open to all UGA students, as well as other members of the mathematics education community. Visit MESA online at