Annual Journal Journal of of Hydraulic Hydraulic Engineering, Engineering, JSCE, JSCE, Vol.54, Vol.54, 2010, February Annual OBSERVATIO OF TURBULE CE CHARACTERISTICS I THE ŌTA RIVER USI G ADV A D HRCP Mahdi Razaz 1, Prof. Kiyosi Kawanisi2 1 Member of JSCE, M. Eng., River and Coastal Engineering Laboratory, Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Hiroshima University (1-4-1, Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima 739-8527, Japan) 2 Member of JSCE, Dr. of Eng., Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Hiroshima University (1-4-1, Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima 739-8527, Japan). Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCP) and Velocimeters (ADV) have been increasingly used for measuring small-scale processes involving turbulence in estuarine environments. A point at the center of the Ōta Floodway, 2.8 km far from mouth, was selected to deploy an ADV and a HRCP (High-Resolution ADCP) during 25 hours of Jan. 2009. Obtained data were despiked and analyzed in order to first examine turbulence parameters calculated from HRCP data. Next, estimate TKE production and dissipation rates from 1D spectra of vertical component of velocity w and using Kolmogorv’s -5/3 power law. Then, redefine M-Y model parameters of proportionality constant B1 and stability function SM. Finally, intercompare HRCP and ADV in 3 reference levels of 0.03, 0.4, and 0.8 mab along with w-spectra and turbulence energy spectra reveal that w’ is underestimated by HRCP which leads to lower dissipation rates comparing to ADV. Also, longitudinal velocity fluctuations u’ of ADV are underestimated, as a result streamwise Reynolds stress of ADV is less than that obtained from HRCP at bottom level. Key Words: Acoustic Doppler effect, estuaries, tidal currents, turbulence, M-Y model, power spectrum 1. I TRODUCTIO To overcome the complexity caused by dynamic natural elements e.g. tidal oscillation, river discharge, wind driven waves, etc. instruments referred to as pulse-to-pulse coherent Doppler sonar have been developed. These instruments are able of collecting data in situ with high quality throughout water column and observation period. Backscattered data can be translated into velocity components, suspended sediment concentration (SSC), sound speed in water, etc. These instruments have been widely used by scientists to conduct various measurements in complex flow fields, e.g. Hill et al.1, Fugate and Friedrichs2, Muste et al.3, and Kawanisi4. Drawbacks of using instruments based on acoustic pulse-to-pulse coherent sonar can be divided into 2 main groups: a) intrinsic: issues in converting raw backscattered wave data to figures/numbers inside the instrument (e.g. Lohrmann and Nylund5); b) extrinsic: ambiguities in rendering raw collected data into applicable knowledge such as SSC. At the present paper, by processing backscatter data and applying necessary corrections (e.g. Downing et al.6; Thorne et al.7; Hill et al.1), raw backscatter data translated into vertical profiles of velocity and SSC. HRCP analyzed data will be reviewed and compared to the data acquired by an ADV to focus on the latter problem with intercomparing HRCP and ADV. According to Voulgaris and Throwbridge8 ADV data are precise. 2. STUDY AREA METHOD A D OBSERVATIO Ōta Floodway is the most-west branch of the Ōta River with a length of nearly 9 km. It is a tidallydominated river and the maximum tidal range in an extreme spring tide can reach 4 m close to the mouth (Fig. 1). Fresh water inflow to the Ōta Floodway is controlled by the Gion sluice gates that are located in the bifurcation place. The Gion sluice gates consist of 3 main gates that generally just one of them is opened to provide a 32×0.3 m2 cross section for spilling the flow into the Ōta Floodway. From this cross section about 10% of flow in the main branch of the Ōta River is diverted to the floodway in normal days. However during the flood event, the Gion sluice gates are opened as to divert 50% of total fresh water to the floodway. In our observations we operated a commerciallyavailable HRCP: HR-AquaDopp and an ADV: Vectrino +, both developed by NORTEK AS Co. - 211 - 132.43 132.45 132.47 132.49 4 (a) 3 2 1 0 0.8 h (m) 132.41 34.45 σt (kg/m3 ) 999 (b) z (m) Gion Sluice Gates Ti d a l Co mp artm ent 34.43 34.41 Observation Point 0.4 0.0 Hiroshima City 34.37 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 z= 0.80 mab z= 0.40 mab 0 2 4 6 z= 0.03 mab 10 12 14 16 8 Jan. 27 Jan. 28 Local Time (hr) Fig. 2 Temporal variations of (a) water depth, (b) density (σt) profile, and (c) instantaneous longitudinal velocity u. VARIATIO mainly near the upper and lower edges. These erroneous areas may be a correspondence to the sign reversal of the streamwise Reynolds shear stress −u ′w′ around the end of ebb, a consequence of unreliable stress estimations, or HRCP limitations in highly stratified flow. The gray stripe indicates the lower low water in which HRCP transducers were dried out. In Fig. 3(a) variations of the longitudinal Reynolds shear stress −u ′w′ in depth is plotted. Hereafter symbols ↑ and ↓ stands for approximate HWS and LWS time in figures, respectively. Over the observation period | u′w′ | is relatively low. According to Fig. 3(a), this variable reaches its peak values just before and after lower low water slack (LWS). Referring to Fig. 2(c) reveals that l ongi t udi nal Reynol ds s t r es s and vel oci t y 0.8 (a) _ u ' w ' (cm 2 /s 2 ) (b) (c) -3.75 3.75 log10 PS (cm3 /s 2 ) -0.5 0.0 log10 K M (cm 2 /s) -3.0 2.0 0.6 z (m) However mean velocity collected by the ADV and ADCP are assumed to be identical (Stone and Hotchkiss9), there are uncertainties about fluctuating part of measured velocity by ADCPs mainly because of low time resolution, their relatively large sampling volumes, and using 3 or 4 separated beams that move away from each other as the beam length increases. In order to measure velocity profile precisely, the HRCP was installed down-looking as the transducers were 1 m above the bed (mab). To prevent device from being shaken by currents it was fixed on a special frame. Data was collected at 1.0 Hz sampling rate and 2.0 cm cell depth. Blanking distance was set to 5 cm. To measure the turbulence just near to the bed we deployed the ADV with a synchronized compass/tilt in about 8 cm far from the bed that its beams intersect in approximately 50 mm far from the center of sampling volume. Every 20 minutes location of the ADV was changed so as to measure velocity components in 0.03, 0.40, and 0.80 mab. A Conductivity/Temperature/Depth (CTD) probe developed by Alec Electronics Co. was casted every 30 minutes to check salinity and density profiles in 10 cm depth-triggered mode. The observation fulfilled over 25 hours of 27-28 Jan. 2009 using described instruments in a point that is located 2.8 km far from the river mouth at the center of the river (Fig. 1). Water depth, salinity and velocity variations in observation time-span are shown in Fig. 2. 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.8 0.6 z (m) Fig. 1 Map of the observation point. 3. DEPTH-TIME TURBULE CE (c) 14 16 18 20 22 0 0.5 1 km 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.8 0.6 OF z (m) 34.35 1025 0.2 u (m/s) 34.39 0.6 0.4 0.2 Depth-time variation of turbulence parameters averaged over 5-minute intervals estimated from HRCP data are shown in Fig. 3. Areas with absolute white color denote the omitted erroneous data 0.0 16 18 20 22 0 2 4 6 Jan. 27 8 10 Jan. 28 12 14 16 Local Time (hr) Fig. 3 Depth-time distributions of (a) Reynolds stress, (b) shear production, and (c) eddy viscosity. - 212 - Ri log10 (K M ) K M (cm 2 /s) (a) ç æ ç 10 3 æ æ æ ææ æ æ æ æ æ 1 æ ææ ææ æ 10 çæç ôç æææ æ æææ ææææ çæçæççææææ ô æ ææ ôçææ æ æææ ææç ççææ æææ ææ æ ç æ çæç ç æææ ææç æç æ æççç ç æ æ æççç æç ææ æç æ ç ææç ôç -1 çç ç æ æ ç æ ç ô ô ç ç ç æ æ ç ç ç æ ô ô æ ç æ æ ç æ ô ô æ ç ç ç ç ç æ ç ç æ æ æç æ æ ææ æ æ æ æ ôæç çæ çæç æçææç 10 ôôôôôôôææôô ôæôæô çç ç çæ æçç çç ç çæô ôô çô æôæççççæôçææôçæôçæççæççç æç ççççæççç ççççççççç ç ô ô ôôôô ç ô ç ç ç ç ç æ ççç çççççô æ ôôôô ôôô ô ô çôôçç ôôæ æô çç çôô ô ôô ô ôô çô ô ôô ôô ô ôôô ô ôç 10 -3 ô ç çç ô ô ô ô ôôôô ô ôôôôôôôô ô ô ôô ô ô ô ô ô ôô ô ô ôôôôô ôô -5 ô ô ô ô ô ô 10 ôôô ô ô ô ô 10 -7 (b) 10 3 ç æ æ ææ æ 10 2 æ æçæ æ æ ç ôæ ç ççæ çççæ ççççççççæ çæ çççæ æææçæ çæ çæ çæ ççççæ æ çççççæ ææ æ çæ çæææçæ çææ çææ çæ æç çççççç æ ææææ ô 10 1 çç çôæôæô çæçæççç æç æçæçççæçæçæçæçææççæçæçæç æçæççççææçæçæçæçæçæçæçôôæçææçæçæçæçæçæçæçôôæçæçôæçôæçæçç ççææ çç ççæ çæ çæ çæ ô ô æ ç ôæ ôæ ôôôôô æ æô ôæ çæ ôô ôôô ô ô ô ô ô 10 0-1 æôæôçæçæôæôçæôçæçôôæçæçôçæôæçæçôæôæôæôçæôôæôæô ô ôôôôôôôôôôôæôô æôôæ ôôôçôçôôôô ôôæô æ ô ô ô ô ôôô ôô ôôôôôô ôôôôôôôôôôôôôô ôô æ ô ç ç ç æ ô çô ô ô ô ô ô ô 10 -2 ô æ ô ç ô ôôô ô ô 10 -3 10 16 18 20 22 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Jan. 27 Jan. 28 Local Time (hr) (c) ç æ æ 10 2 æ ææ æ ææ æ æ çççç ò æ ææ ççç ç çç çç æ ç çç æ æ çç ç ç æ ç ç æ ç æ æ çæ çç ç ç æ çç ç ç çç 10 1 ç ææ ææææçæææççæææææçæçææòæææ æ ç æççç çç ò æ ç ç ç òç ç ç ç çæ æ æ ç æ ç ç æ ç çç ç æ æ æ ò ææ ç ç ç æ æ æ ç æ ææ òò ç ò ç ç ææç ç çæ æ æ 10 0 æç ææ æææòçææçææçææææææççççæòòòçççòçææææççæçòææòçòòæòòòòòòòòòòòòòæòòæòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòò òòòò ææçò òæò òòò òò ò òò òò æ æ æ ò -1 æ ò ò ç ç ò òò ç ò ç òòò ò 10 ò òò ç æò ò -2 ò 10 10 -2 10 0 10 2 10 4 10 6 log10 (Ri-1 ) Fig. 4 Temporal variations of (a) local gradient Richardson number, (b) vertical eddy viscosity and (c) scatter plot of KM variations as a function of Ri-1 in 0.8 (●), 0.4 (○), and 0.03 mab (▼). component u are in phase. Since TKE shear production Ps is a function of Reynolds stress, it is expected to find the highest magnitudes of Ps at the same time as Reynolds stress (Fig. 3(b)). Fig. 3(c) exhibits spatiotemporal variations of eddy viscosity coefficient KM that is a function of Ps and means velocity gradients; hence it is in proportion with Ps and or −u ′w′ . Magnitudes of KM in the second tide were generally higher than those in the first tide; especially, after the lower LWS all over the flood duration KM was high. During the first ebb and particularly in LWS, KM had very small values near the bottom, corresponding to weak near-bedgenerated turbulence. Stratification of the river bottom layer is taken into account by plotting Richardson number Ri obtained from the HRCP data. In Fig. 4(a) dash line denotes the critical value of ¼. Ri in the near-bottom layer rarely exceeds ¼ and in floods lowest Richardson numbers are noticeable, while large values of Ri could be found in the upper layer in slack waters particularly in HWS. Fig. 4(c) suggests that KM and Ri-1 are in good agreement. Rates of TKE production and dissipation are plotted in Figs 5 and 6. Selected sections are marked by dash lines in Fig. 2(a). We used Kolmogorov’s -5/3 power law to describe 1D kinetic energy density as a function of energy dissipation ε. 0.8 z (m) 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 (b) LWS (a) Ebb æ ç ò æç ò çò ææ ò ç çò òæ ç æ ç ò ç æ ò æ ç çç ò ææ òæ ò ç ò ç ò ææ ç æ ò çò æ ç ò æ çò æ ò æ ç ç æ òæ çò ç æ çò òæ çò ææ ç çò òæ çò ç æ òæ çò òææ ç ç çò æ òæ ç ò ææ ç òæ çò æ ò çç ç ò ç ò ææ ç ç ç òò :Ps ç :P b :ε æ ò ò æ òç æ òç ç ææ ò òç æ òç æ òç æ ç æò ç ò æò ç æò ç æ ç ò æò ç æç ò æò ç ç æ ò æ ç ò ç æ ò ç ò æ ç ò ç æ òæ ç òæ ç òæ æ ç ò ç æ ò ç æ ò çòæ çòæ çò æ òæ ç çòæ çò æ ò ç æç æ (c) Flood (d) HWS æò ç æòç æ ç ò òæ òæ ç ò æ ç ò æ ç ò æ çò æ ç ò æ ç ò æ ç ò æ ç ò æ ç ò æ ç ò æ ç ò æ ç ò æ ç ò æ ç ò æ ç ò ææ ò ç ç ò æ ç æ ò ç ò æ ç ò æ ç ò æ ç ò æ ç ò æ ç ò æ ç æ ò ç æ ò ç æ ò ç ò æ ç ò æ ç ò æ ç ò æ ò æ ç òæ ç çò ç ò çò ç ç ò çò çææ ò æç æç ò çç òò æ æ æ ç ò Buoyant production Pb is estimated assuming KM=KH, where KH is the vertical eddy diffusivity. As it is expected to observe larger magnitudes of shear production Ps before and after of LWS, uppermost values of shear production are discernible in the second LWS near the bed and in the following flood with around 0.4 and 1 cm2/s3, respectively (Fig. 6). Although during the first tide buoyant production rate Pb is insignificant, in the following ebb and flood in about 0.7 mab outstanding magnitudes of this variable can be seen. Since rate of energy dissipation is often less than Pb+Ps except in the HWS according to the HRCP data set, we cannot assume a continuous local balance between TKE production and dissipation. In order to confirm the method and hardware applied to obtain TKE production and dissipation rates, we conducted short-term measurements in a laboratory flume using the same HRCP. Results notify an acceptable compliance between kinetic energy production and dissipation. This imbalance is reported by Kawanisi4 and confirmed in our previous study at the same point (Razaz et al.10). Such an imbalance that was studied by Satcey et al.11) may stem from unsteady state of flow during tidal phases or underestimation of w’ by HRCP (Fig. 15). Vertical eddy viscosity KM as a function of qlm at 0.03, 0.4 and 0.8 mab for the ebb and flood phase is plotted in Fig. 7. q is the turbulence energy and lm refers to the mixing length. Apparently KM and qlm are in good proportion, and if we accept that turbulent mixing length in M-Y model l is equal to lm, ratio of KM/qlm represents the amount of M-Y stability function SM. From proportionalities shown in Fig. 7 it is inferred that during flood SM≈0.22 which is slightly greater than that in the ebb. Kawanisi4 calculated the highest value of SM=0.29 during flood. In our previous observation SM calculated as 0.25. All these signify that SM in M-Y model which is calculated under neutral condition, is not valid here because under unstratified equilibrium conditions Gulperin et al.12 function gives SM=0.39, while highest SM in flood, when stratification is negligible, is less than 0.3. Fig. 8 is the scatter diagram of dissipation ε against q3/lm. In M-Y model B1=16.6, though here B1 is outstandingly larger, particularly near the bed. Very small dissipation rates obtained from the æ ç æ çòò æ ç ò æ çò æ ç ò æ ç ò æ ò æç ç ò æ ò ç æ ç ò æ ç ò çç æòò æ ç æ ò æ òç çç æ ò æ ò æ ç ò ç ò çæ æ ò çç æ æò ò ç æ ò ç æ ò ç æ ò æ ò çç æ ò æ ò ç æ òç æ ò æ ò çç æ æòòç ç ç çæ ç æ æ çç æò (a) Ebb çç ç ç æ ò æ ò ç ò æ æ ç ç ò ò æ æ ò æ ò æ ò ò æ æ ò æ ò æ ò ç æ ò ç òæ ç æç ò æ ò æ ò ç æç ò ç æ ò ç æ ò ç ò æ ç òæ ç ò ç æ òæ ç òæ ç æ òæ ç ò ç ò ç æ òæ ç æ ò ç òæ ç ò ç æ òæ ç ò ç æ òæ òæ ç ò ç òæ ç æ ò ç ò ææ ç ò ç æ ò ç ç ò (b) Flood ç çç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç æ æò æ ç ç ò æ ò ò æ òæ ò òææ æ ò òæ ò ò ææ ç òæ çò ææ òç ò æçæ çò ç çò ò ææ ç çò ò ææ ç æ ò çò æ çò æ çò ææ ç ò ç ææ çò ò ç æ ò çò æ ç ò çò ææ ç çò æ æ ò æ çò ò ç æ æ çò æ ç çòò æ ç çò ò çò (c) HWS æ ç æ ç òò ç æ ç æ òò æ òò ç æ ç æ ç æ òò ç æ ç ò æ ç æ òò ç æ ç æ çò ò æ ç æòò ç ç æ æò ç òò æ ç æ ç æò ç ò ç æ ò çæ ò æ çç ò æ ò æç ò æ òò çç æ çæ ò æçò æ ç æçò ò ç æ ò ç æ ç æ òò ç æ çææ ç çæ ç çæ æ ç æ ç :Ps :Pb :ε ò òæ ò Turbulent Velocity Parameters (Jan. 27) -40-20 0 20 40 -15-10 -5 0 5 10 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Turbulent Velocity Parameters (Jan. 28) Fig. 5 Typical profiles of turbulence energy production and dissipation rate: 10Ps (○), 10Pb (●), and 10ε (▲). Fig. 6 Typical profiles of turbulence energy production and dissipation rate: 10Ps (○), 10Pb (●), and 10ε (▲). 0 1 2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 -2-1 0 1 2 3 4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 - 213 - K M (cm 2 /s) 3.0 æ 25 z= 0.4 mab æ æ æ ql m 2.5 z= 0.03 mab qæl m ææææ æ ææ .23 æ æ ç 20 0 3 = 2 ç ç 2.0 ç . K Mæ æ ç æ 15 = 0 æ æ æææææç æ ç 1.5 ç K M æ çæææççççææ ææ 0.20 ql m l æçç m q ç 10 ç ç ç æ ç 1.0 æ çç æ = 22 ææ ççç æ ç çæç æ ç çç = 0. çç æ ææ 5 çççæççççççççææççæçç ççç K M 0.5 æææçç çç æ ç ææççç ç æ KM æ æ æ ççç ç æ çç ç ç æ ç ç æ ç ç ç æ ç ç 0.0 æ ç 0 ç 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 20 40 60 80 100 2 qlm (cm /s) qlm (cm 2 /s) HRCP data are responsible for these extraordinary high values. If we accept ε=Pb+Ps, then B1 could be roughly estimated as 70 by replacing ε with Pb+Ps in Fig. 9. According to this figure and the way B1 is calculated, it is proposed that ε is underestimated from HRCP data by an order of 10, averagely. Kawanisi4 calculated this constant about 40 assuming ε=Ps. Also, we already calculated this constant about 40 assuming ε=Ps. Also, we already calculated this constant as 55 under the same assumption. These results recommend a higher value for B1 instead of the original value. 4. I TERCOMPARI G PERFORMA CE OF HRCP A D ADV (1) Turbulence parameters In this section we will try to compare key turbulence parameters at 3 reference levels of 0.03, 0.4 and 0.8 mab obtained from analyzing raw data collected by the ADV and HRCP. In the following figures, U= (u2+v2)1/2; u, v, and w are longitudinal, transverse, and vertical components of velocity, respectively; prime sign denotes variation from the mean value; and “−” stands for averaging over time. Absolute values of longitudinal and vertical velocity fluctuations can be defined as ( ) 1/2 ( ) 1/2 σu = u′2 ,σw = w′2 , respectively. 10 1 10 0 10 -1 10 -2 10 -4 0.8 10 -2 10 -3 2 3 ε (cm /s ) æ çæ B =235 B =703 B =3110 10 -1 0.6 :0.8 mab ç :0.4 mab :0.03 mab æ Fig. 8 Scatter diagram of energy dissipation rate against q3/lm. ç ç æ ç æ çç æ ç ææ æ æ ç ææç æç ææç ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ æ çç æç ææç ç æ ç çæ æçç æ æ ç ææ ç ç æ ç æ ç ææ ç ç ç çç æ ç ô ô ô ô ô æ ôôôç ôô ô ôôôô ô ôôô ô ô ô ô ôôôôô ô ôô ô ôô ô ô ô ôô ôô ôô ôôô ôôôô ô ô æ ô ô ôô ô çô ç çôôô æô ôô ôçôç çô ç æ çæç æ ç ç æ æ æô ô æ ç ç ç ô ô ç ç ç ç ô ô ô æ æ ææ æ æ æ æ æææçô ç çôô çô ô çæçç ôçæ ô çç çô ôæôæôæ çôæ çç ç æ ç ç æ ô ææ æ æç ç ç ççç çæç ô æç æ ô ç æ ææ æ ç æç ô ç ç ç ôæôæçæ ô æ æ ç ççæ ç ç æ ç æ æ æ ç ç ô ô ô ç æ æ ç æ ç çç ç ç æ ç ç æ ç æ ô ô ô æ æ æç çæ çôæç æ ç æ æ çæççç æ ç ç ôôæô æô æ æ ææ ææ æ ç æ çæ çæ æ ç æ ççççç æ çæ æç çç ô ô æ ææçææææ ô ç ç çç ç æç ç ææ æ æ æ æ æ ô ô æ æçæ æ æ ææ ææ æ æ ç çææ ç æ ççç æ 1 æ æ çç æ ç 1 ç ç æ 1 æ æ ç : Flood : Ebb over the observation length. In 0.4 mab, difference between measurements of the two sensors increases to its maximal, while in 0.8 mab we can observe less disparity. This pattern can be observed in other turbulence statistics variations. In Fig. 11 ratio of σu/u*, u* is the shear velocity, is plotted. Mean nearbed value for ADV is around 3 and rises to 7 for HRCP data. Considering Fig. 12 reveals that value of σw/σu didn’t change noticeably with distance from bed for both sensors. Mean values of this ratio for the ADV data is about 0.48 and for the HRCP estimated as 0.28 for each of three reference levels. Concerning Figs. 10, 11, and 12 it can be inferred that σu and σw are underestimated by ADV and HRCP, respectively. Also, inspecting u-spectra of ADV data reveals that they are saturated at 0.2 Hz. This frequency is too high under field scale considerations. Variations of ratio of longitudinal Reynolds stress to the turbulence energy are plotted in Fig. 13. Mean values of this parameter doesn’t show remarkable changes related to depth. In general, estimations from ADV data are 70% larger than that from HRCP. Finding largest magnitudes in slack waters, suggests that inactive and effectively irrotational part of turbulence is larger as cited in Bradshaw15 . Inactive part of turbulence doesn’t produce any shear stress and is determined by the turbulence in the outer layer. This inactive motion is generated as a result of density interface in water column that acts like a free surface and suppresses the vertical movement of eddies. Mean value of ADV data set is about 0.08, while for the HRCP data set is half of that. Assuming l= lm, it is inferred that | u′w′ | / q2 = SM2 . According to Stacey et al.11 equivalency of l and l m in stratified turbulent boundary layer is acceptable. From this method, averaged values of SM over the observed period are z (m) q3 / lm (cm 2 /s 3 ) Values of plotted variables according to Mellor and Yamada13 in a neutral equilibrium boundary layer are defined as: σu/u*≈2, σw/σu≈0.5, and | u′w′ | /q2≈0.15. On the other hand, Nezu and Nakagawa14 showed that | u′w′ | /q2 varies between 0.1 near the bed, reaches 0.04 near the water surface, and in the middle of water column is 0.15. Fig. 10 shows temporal variations of the streamwise Reynolds stress RS over the observation period. Best convergence between HRCP and ADV data can be recognized near the bed, where RSADV= 0.83 RSHRCP 10 3 10 2 ç æ 30 z= 0.8 mab l 3æq æm 2 25 . =0 20 Kç Mæ æççæ æ ç ql m 15 çæ æ ç æ 0.18 æ = ææ æ 10 ç æ ææ KM ç æ æ æ 5 çççççççææççççææçççæççççæçææçæççæ æ çæç æ 0ççææ 0 50 100 150 qlm (cm 2 /s) Fig. 7 Relation between qlm and KM in different levels and tidal phases. ç ç ç ç 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 40 80 120 B1 Fig. 9 Vertical profile of constant B1. - 214 - q 3 / lm : 10 1 ε q 3 / lm : Pb + Ps æ ç æ æ æ æ æ æ çæç ççç æççççççççççç ç ççççççççç æ æ çç ççççç ççæ çççç ç ç ç ç çççç çç æç ççç çç æ çç ççç çç ç ç çç ç æ æ æ æççç çççççççççççççççç ççççççççççæ çççççççççççç ççççççç ççç æ æçç çç ç 10 10 10 10 -1 10 -2 æ æ æ æ æ çççççççç çæ æçççççççç ççç ç çççæ æ æ çæççç æ ç çç çççççç ççççç ç çç ç çççççççç ç æççç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç çç æ æ ççççççççç æ çç æ ççççç æ æç æ æççççç çççç çççççæ æ ççç ç çççççççççççç çç çççç ççç 10 1 10 0 10 -1 10 -2 çç çæ çççç æççççæ æç æ ççç çç ç ç çæ ç ç ç çæ ç ç ççç ç çæ çç çççççç ç ç æ ççççç çç ç ççç ççççç æ ç æ ç ç æ ç ç ç ç ç ç ç æ 16 18 20 22 Jan. 27 0 1/ 2 z= 0.8 mab z= 0.4 mab σu / u ' w ' U ' w ' (cm 2 /s 2 ) 10 2 10 10 10 10 -1 10 -2 z= 0.03 mab æ ç ççæ æ æçççç çç ç æ æ æ çç çç ç ç ççç ççççç çç çç çççççççççççç æççç ç ççççæ ç çç çç çç ç 2 4 6 8 Local Time (hr) 10 12 Jan. 28 14 16 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 æ æ æ æ æ æ ç çç çç æ ç æçç æ ç ççæ æ ç æ ççç ç ççççççççççç æ çç çççççççççççççççççç ççç çççç ççççç ç ç ç ç çççç æ æ æ æ æ æ æ çç çç çç ç ç ççççççççççç ççççç ç çççççç ççççç çç ççç çççççççççççççççççç ç ç ççç æ ç çç æ æ æ ç æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ ç ç ççç æ æ æ ç ç çç ç ççççç ççç çç ç ççççççççççççç ççççççççççççççççççççççççç ç çç çççç æ æ 16 18 æ æ æ 20 22 Jan. 27 0 æ z= 0.8 mab æ çç ç æ æ æ æ ç ç æ çç çç ççççççççççççççççççç ç ççççççççççççççççç ç çç ç çççççç z= 0.4 mab æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ ç çç ç ç ççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççç çççççççççççççççççç ç ç æ z= 0.03 mab æ çæ æ æ æ çç ç çç ç çççççççççç ççççæ ççç ç çççççç çç ççç ç ç çç çç ç ççç çç æ ççççççç ç 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Jan. 28 Local Time (hr) ç ç çç çç ç ç ç æ çç ççç ç ç ç çç ç çç ç æç çç ç ççç çç ç ç ç çæçççççççççç ç æçç æ æ ççç çççç æ ç æ æçççç æç çç æççççç æ æ ç æ ç æ çççç ç ç ç ç ççç ç ç ç ççæ ç ççç ççç ççççççççççççç çç ççç ççç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ççç æ æ ææ ççæç æ æ æ æ ç æ ç ç æ ç ç çæ ç ç ç çç ç çççççç ç ç ç ç çç ç ç ççç çççç çççç ç ç çççççç æ æ çççç ç çæçççç çç æ çæç çæ ççç æ æ æ æ çæ æ ç 16 18 20 22 Jan. 27 z= 0.8 mab æç æ çç ççççççççççç ççççççççççççççæçççççççççç ççççççççççççççæ ç æ æ æ z= 0.4 mab çç ç ççç çç ç çççççççççççççççççççççççç æççççç çççççç æçççççæ ççæ æççççç æ æ æ æ æ z= 0.03 mab çç çç ç çç ç ç çç æ ççççççæ çç ç ççççç çç çç ççç ççççç ç ç æ çççç ç ç æ ç æç çç æ æ ççççç æ 0 2 4 6 Local Time (hr) 8 10 Jan. 28 12 14 16 Fig. 11 Comparison between evaluated σu/ | u′w′ |1/ 2 acquired from HRCP data (○) and ADV data (●). u ' w' / q 2 σw / σu Fig. 10 Comparison between streamwise Reynolds stresses acquired from HRCP data (○) and ADV data (●). 12 8 4 12 8 4 12 8 4 0 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 z= 0.8 mab ç æ æ ç æ æç ç ç æçç ç ç æ ç æ çççç ç ç ç ççççç ç æ ç ççç çççç æçççççççççç çç çççççç æ ççç çççç ç ç çç ç çç æç æç ç ç æ æ ç ç æ ç æ çç ççç ç çç ç ççç ç ççççççççççç çççççç ççç çççç ççççççæ çççç çç æ ç çç ç æ æ æ æ æç æ ç ç ç æ æ ç æ æ çç çç ççç çççæ ççç ççççççççç ç ççççççççççççç ç æ çæçççç çççççç ç çç çç ççççççç æç ç z= 0.4 mab æ æ æ æ æ æ çæ ç æ ç çççççççççç ççççççççç ççççççæçççççç çççççççççç ç ççç ççççæ ççç ç æ z= 0.03 mab ç ç æ æ ç çæ æç æ æ çç æ çæ çççççç æ çæ ç ç ç ç ç çç ççç æ ç çç çççççç ç ç ç çççç çççç ç çç çççæ ç ççççççç çç æ ç çç ççç ç 16 18 20 16 22 Jan. 27 æ æ çç æ æ æ æ ç ç çç çç ç ç ç æ ç ççç ç ç æ çççççç æçççç ç ççççç çç çç ç çççççççççç ç çç ç ç çç 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Jan. 28 Local Time (hr) 14 16 Fig. 12 Comparison between evaluated σw/σu acquired from HRCP data (○) and ADV data (●). Fig. 13 Comparison between evaluated | u′w′ | /q2 acquired from HRCP data (○) and ADV data (●). approximately 0.2 and 0.28 using HRCP and ADV data, respectively. In this part, dissipation calculated from 1D spectra of w-component will be discussed. As shown in Fig. 16, HRCP dissipation rate is less than production rate except in short times. ADV dissipation rate in 0.03 mab is smaller than in 0.8 mab, however it seems to be overestimated in 0.4 mab. The larger values of dissipation and turbulence statistics in 0.4 mab can be a consequence of boundary effects. In spite of setting nominal (Power) Spectral density functions or simply the (power) spectra of turbulence energy q2 as measured by the ADV and HRCP sensors are examined here. The spectra from whole observation time span in 3 reference levels are presented in Fig. 14, in which f represents the sampling rate of each sensor. These spectra are computed by Fast-Fourier Transform (FFT) method (He16). Evidently, both sensors have the same energy level except in near-bed level. While the ADV waves carry no energy in frequencies less than 5 × 10-1 Hz, this limit is extended to 5×10-2 Hz for the HRCP. It is unknown to us why the energy of ADV spectrum dropped down in 0.03 mab. As another comparison between the HRCP and ADV we examine the 1D spectra of vertical component of velocity w. In particular the spectra represented in Fig. 15 belong to flood phase when velocity fluctuations are remarkable. These spectra illustrate that ADV turbulence velocity spectra contain more energy than that of HRCP. HRCP w-component contains quite less fluctuations rather than ADV data. In addition, mean value of wHRCP is smaller than that of ADV at the same intervals. This problem intensifies with distance from bed. For both sensors there is no sudden change in the slope indicating that the noise floor is approached. Spectra of both ADV and HRCP decay at relatively high f values with a -5/3 rolloff all the way up to half of sampling frequency. (3) Dissipation velocity of ADV to 0.1, 0.3 or 1 m/s which are attributed to weak spots at 46; 20; 8, 20 cm far from boundary, respectively, it seems that boundary effect is yet considerable in 0.4 mab. εHRCP is smaller than εADV as a result of lower energy range of w-spectra at the same frequency span. Unfortunately, we cannot estimate Ps from ADV data accurately, since number of observed points in the water column is not enough to produce a reliable velocity distribution. However, laboratory tests conducted in a flume using the same HRCP resulted in equivalence of dissipation and production of TKE. Hence, we may assume that turbulent nature of flow in tidal rivers causes some disabilities in the HRCP. 4. CO CLUSIO 105 z=0.8 z=0.8 104 Eq 2 (cm 2 /s) (2) Spectral Characteristics 10 3 ADV (Vectrino+) z=0.4 z=0.4 z=0.03 102 101 100 10-1 HRCP (AquaDopp) 10 -1 10 0 10 1 f (Hz) Fig. 14 Power spectrum of turbulence energy computed from HRCP and ADV data at 3 reference levels. - 215 - 10 -2 z=0.03 Ew (cm 2 /s) 10 1 z=0.03, 27 Jan. 20:20 z=0.4, 27 Jan. 8:40 Vectrino+ 101 10 0 10 -1 10 -2 z=0.8, 27 Jan. 10:00 101 Vectrino+ 100 100 10 -1 AquaDopp 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 Vectrino+ 10 -1 AquaDopp -2 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 f (Hz) 10 1 10 AquaDopp -2 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 Fig. 15 Power spectra of w-component in 3 different level and tidal phase. ε , Ps,HRCP + Pb ,HRCP (cm 2 /s) Examining spatiotemporal variations of longitudinal Reynolds shear stress reveals that just before and after lower LWS this variable increases to its absolute peak values. However in flood time Reynolds stress stays in relatively high levels. Subsequently, TKE production rate and vertical eddy viscosity that are a function of Reynolds stress are augmented at the same time as Reynolds stress. Because other factors such as velocity gradients and turbulent mixing length affect the latter two variables, their spatiotemporal variations don’t exactly follow Reynolds stress fluctuations. During HWS/LWS flow becomes highly stratified especially in upper layers. Maximum stability function found to be 0.23 which is quite less that Gulperin’s function12 result in unstratified equilibrium conditions. This means the assumption of neutral conditions in M-Y model for estimating stability function is invalid. According to the HRCP result, TKE production and dissipation rates are not equal except in HWS that Ps is in its lowest rates. It seems that dissipation is underestimated by an order of 10 from the HRCP data that leads to outstanding magnitude of B1. Comparing turbulence statistics together with u- and w-spectra reveals that u’ and w’ are underestimated by ADV and HRCP, respectively. Streamwise Reynolds stress of ADV, except at bottom level, is larger than that of HRCP. As a result, σw/σu and σu/u* measurements are divergent for both instruments. However, SM values of both sensors are in good agreement. Finally, plotting spectra of turbulence energy 102 1010 10-1 10-2 10 10 -3 10 -4 10 10 10 -1 10 -2 10 10 -3 10 -4 10 -5 10 1 10 -1 10 -3 10 -5 ô ôô ô ô ô æææ ææ ô ô ææ ôææææææææ æææææææô æ æ æ æææ ææ æææææææ çççç ô ô æ æç æææææææ æ æçççç ççççç æææææææ ç æççççæ çççççç ç æçç ç æ ç ççççç ç ææææææçç ççç ççç ç çççççççç çççæ ç ç ç çç ç ç æçç çç ô ô Jan. 27 0 2 z= 0.4 ô ô ô ô ææææææææææ ô ô ô ô ô ô ææ æææ ææ ææææ ç ççççç ç ææææææ ææ ææææ æææææææ æææ çççççççççççççççææ ææ ç çç ææææ ççç çççççççççç ççç çæ æ ç æ ç çç ççç ç çç ç ç ææ ççç æ z= 0.03 æ æô ææ æ æ æææææææ ô ô ô ô ææ ææææ æ ôçæ æ ôæææ ççæææ æ æç ôçæ æææææ çô æ æ æ ææææ çççç æç ççç æô ç ç çç æ æ çæç ææ æ ô ôææ ç ç æ ç æ ç ç ô ç æ ç ç æç ç æçæ çççæç æç çæ ç çç ççççççç çç ççç æççç çç ç ç æ æ æ çæ ç ç ç ç ç ç ç 16 18 20 22 æ ææ ææ æ æ ææææææ æææ æ ôæææ ææ æ æ ôææ ôæ æ æ ææææææ æ ô æ æ ôæ ææ ç æ ôççç ç ôæææ ççç ç æ ççççççææçô ææ ççççæ ççç æçç ç çç ç çç çç æçç ææçç ççççç çççççç ç ç çç ç æç ç æçç z= 0.8 æææ ææ ææææææ æ ææ æ æ ææææ æ ææ æô æ ô ô ç æ æ ôç ææ ô æçç æ æççç ççô ç ææ æææ ææçç ô ç ô æç çç ô æææ ô ô ô æ ç æææ ç ô æ ç ç æ æçç ççç æ ççç æ ç æççç æç æçç ç æçç ççççç ççç æçæçç æ ççççç æ ççç æçç ç çç æç ç æ çæ æ æ æ ç ç ç 4 ææ æ ô ô ô ææ ô æ ô ææôæææ ææææææææ ô æææææ æææ æææ ç æææç ææççæ ççç çççççç ç æææççæ ççççæ ææ ççæ ççæ æ ççç ç ççç ççç çæ ççççççç çæ çæ çç çæ ç çæææ ççç çæ çç æ æç 6 Local Time (hr) 8 10 12 14 16 Jan. 28 Fig. 16 Temporal variations of TKE production obtained from HRCP data (●) and dissipation rate estimated from HRCP (○) and ADV data (▼). and w-component reveals the difference between energy density of ADV and the HRCP. 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