Annual Journal of of Hydraulic Hydraulic Engineering, Engineering, JSCE, JSCE, Vol.53, Vol.53, 2009, 2009, February February Annual Journal TURBULENT FLOW IN BOTTOM LAYER OF THE OHTA RIVER Mahdi RAZAZ1, Kiyosi KAWANISI2, Tomoya YOKOYAMA3 1 Member of JSCE, Dr. Student., Coastal Engineering, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Hiroshima University (Kagamiyama 1-4-1, Higashi Hiroshima, 739-8527, Japan) 2 Member of JSCE, Dr. of Eng., Associate Prof., Coastal Engineering, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Hiroshima University (Kagamiyama 1-4-1, Higashi Hiroshima, 739-8527, Japan) 3 Member of JSCE, Graduate Student, Coastal Engineering, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Hiroshima University (Kagamiyama 1-4-1, Higashi Hiroshima, 739-8527, Japan) A point in the center of the Ohta Floodway in 2.8 km far from mouth was selected to deploy instruments during 25 hours of Aug. 2008. Ohta Floodway is a part of tidally-dominated Ohta River. A high-resolution current profiler (HRCP) was used to measure vertical profiles of turbulence parameters like Reynolds stress, eddy viscosity, and production/dissipation rates. An ADV was used to measure velocity components near the bed. Density data was collected every hour throughout the water column by a CTD. In the first ebb, the regime of flow was deeply disturbed by an unknown phenomenon that influenced all turbulence parameters. The stability function SM and proportionality constant B1 in Mellor-Yamada (MY) model was investigated and found to be different with suggested value in M-Y model. Key Words: Estuaries, tidal currents, turbulence, stratified flow, M-Y model 1. INTRODUCTION 2. STUDY AREA AND OBSERVATION METHOD Aspect of cohesive sediment transport in estuaries is important to engineering projects including riverbank stability, residual onshore sediment transport, scouring around bridge piers, navigation, water quality and ecological problems. Various factors are involved in estuaries like: tidal oscillation, river discharge, and wind driven waves, therefore studying estuarine areas using laboratory methods hardly will have realistic conclusions. However, because of highly unsteady conditions it is hard to conduct in situ measurements. To overcome measuring difficulties, precise instruments are required. Kawanisi1) studied structure of turbulent flow in Ohta River, Japan. He examined velocity turbulent variables and density profiles. Also, stability function SM in M-Y model (Mellor and Yamada2)) was redefined by him. At present work, we conducted observation for 25 hours in the center of the Ohta Floodway to study turbulent structure and suspended sediment transport in a tidally-dominated estuary during a complete tidal phase. For improving knowledge about Y-M model (Mellor-Yamada 2)) we will examine stability function and proportionality constant in a complete cycle of a semi-diurnal tide. Ohta Floodway is the most-west branch of the Ohta River with a length of nearly 9 km. It is a tidally-dominated river and the maximum tidal range in an extreme spring tide can reach 4 m (Fig.1). Recently, devices based on the Doppler Effect referred to as pulse-to-pulse coherent Doppler sonar have been developed to gather data on velocity and density profiles in situ with high quality and coherently throughout the water column. Here, we used a commercially-available highresolution current profiler (HRCP): HR-AquaDopp and an acoustic Doppler velocimeter (ADV): Vectrino + , both developed by NORTEK AS. Velocity data collected by ADV and Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) are assumed to be closely identical (Stone and Hotchkiss 3) ). To measure velocity profile precisely, the HRCP was mounted downwardly on a special frame to prevent device from being shaken. Data collected at 1.0 Hz sampling rate and 2.0 cm cell depth. HRCP location was changed from 0.65 to 1.1 m above the bed (mab) in order to match horizontal velocity range of the HRCP and highest horizontal current speed. To - 193 - Gion Sluice æ æ æ æ æ æ 2 (a) æ æ æ æ æ æ ææ æ æ æ æ 1 æ æ ææææ æ æ æ æ æ æ ææ æ æ æ æ 0 æ æ æ -1 æ æ æ æ æ ææ æ æ * -2 Aug. 21 Aug. 22 æ -3 1.2 (b)æ æ æ æ u (cm/s) Ohsiba Sluice N Ohta Flood-way Observation Sta.A τc ,τ0 (Pa) Point 0.8 Hiroshima Bay measure the turbulence just near to the bed we deployed the Vectrino with a synchronized compass in about 8 cm far from the bed. ADV beams intersect at approximately 50 mm far from the center of sampling volume. A Compact CTD developed by Alec Electronics was used to check salinity and density profiles every hour in 10-cm depth-triggered mode. Observation fulfilled through 21-22 Aug. 2008 using three described instruments in a point that is located 2.8 km far from the river mouth at the center of the river (Fig. 1). 3. VELOCITYAND DENSITY PROFILES z (m) h (m) The water depth variation ranged from 0.8 to 3.6 m during observation as shown in Fig. 2(a). The depth-time variation of density is plotted in Fig. 2(b). According to this plot, stratification noticeably changes with tidal phase. Tidal straining and winddriven currents are responsible for this stratification changes as cited in Kawanisi1). Fig. 2(c) shows temporal variations of streamwise velocity at 0.02 and 0.30 mab acquired from HRCP data. Receding from the bed, current speed slightly increased in comparison with the near-bottom layer. Usually, fast movements of particles in a high turbulent field lead to low data correlation of acoustic Doppler instruments. This can be recognized as spiky data. 1A 2A 3A 4A 1B 2B 3B u (m/s) æ 10 ææ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ ç ç ç ç ç 12 æ æ æ æ ç ç ç ææ æ æ ææ æ ç ç 14 ç ç ç ç 16 ç ç æ æ æ ç 18 çç ç æ æ æ æ ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç çç çç ç ç ç ç 20 22 0 2 4 Local Time (hours) ç ç ç ææ æ æ ç ç ç ç ç æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ ç ç ç ç ç 6 8 çç ç ç 10 where, d= sediment particle diameter, g= gravitational acceleration, s= ρs/ρw-1= submerged specific weight of sediment, and ρs and ρw= densities of fluid and sediment, respectively. In order to calculate θc instead of using Shields diagram we can solve an equation that provides a satisfactory approximation (Cao et al.5)): 2.5795 ⎤ ln θc = − ln R* + 0.5003ln ⎡1 + ( 0.1359R* ) ⎣ ⎦ (3) − 1.7148 σt 1015 kg/m3 where, shear Reynolds number R*=u*d/ν and ν= kinematic viscosity of fluid. By solving Eq. (3) and replacing θc in Eq. (2) assuming s= 2.65, d= 0.4 mm, it is concluded that during observation critical shear stress τc was always more than currents induced shear stress τ0. The ratio of τ0/τc ranges from 0.02 in HWS to 0.65 in the flood. 1023 0.4 0.2 z= 0.3m 4. TURBULENCE PARAMETERS z= 0.02m Aug. 21 14 16 18 Aug. 22 20 22 0 2 4 Local Time (hours) 6 8 10 Fig. 2 Temporal variations of (a) water depth, (b) density (σt) profile, and (c) streamwise velocity. æ æ æ æ æ Velocity profiles during ebb follow logarithmic distribution for a stratified flow and are expressed by the log-linear law: z − z0 ⎞ u ⎛ z uˆ = * ⎜ ln + β (1) ⎟ L ⎠ κ ⎝ z0 where, û= is the time averaged velocity, u*= friction velocity, κ= von Karman’s constant, z0= roughness length, β= empirical constant, and L= MoninObukov length. Critical condition for incipient motion of sediment is examined. According to Kawanisi1) and Kawanisi et al.4) we assumed during flood (ebb) phase β/L=0.025 (0.2) cm-1, z0= 5 mm, κ= 0.4. The results are denoted in Fig. 3(a). Yet, it is unknown to authors why the direction of shear velocity is toward the downstream most of the times. Critical Shields parameter θc is a well-known parameter for testing incipient motion of sediments and is defined as: τc u2 θc = = * (2) ( ρs − ρw ) gd sgd 4B 0.6 0.0 0.2 (c) 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 10 12 æ æ Fig. 3 Temporal variations of (a) shear velocity measured by ADV, (b) critical (●) and near-bed (○) shear stresses. 2 km Fig. 1 Schematic map of the observation point. 4 3 2 1 (a) 0 0.8 (b) æ 0.4 0. 0 æ æ ææ As mentioned in Mellor and Yamada2) and Kawanisi1) the rate of shear production Ps is a function of Reynolds shear stress and mean shear: - 194 - (a) ∂u ∂v Ps = − u ′w′ + v′w′ (4) ∂z ∂z where, u= streamwise velocity, v= transverse velocity, and w= vertical velocity. Prime sign denotes the fluctuations. Mixing parameters: vertical eddy viscosity KM and mixing length lm are estimated from Eqs. (5) and (6): K M = Ps S 2 (5) 1/ 2 (6) GM = ( lS q ) 2 (10) l g ∂ρ (11) 2 q ρ0 ∂z From Eq. (4) and Eqs. (8)-(11) it can be written that: Ps ε = B1 S M GM , Pb ε = B1 S H GH (12) Also, from Eqs. (5), (6), and (7) it is concluded: qlSM = lM2 S (13) GH = 2 5. DEPTH-TIME VARIATION OF TURBULENCE Fig. 4 shows the depth-time variation of the turbulence parameters averaged over 5-minute intervals obtained from AquaDopp data. Areas with absolute white color denote the omitted erroneous data. Fig. 4(a) shows the Reynolds stress −u ′w′ . Interestingly, in 14-18 of Aug. 21 (ebb) | u′w′ | was remarkably higher than that of in 20-24 (flood). Although such a phenomenon was not repeated in the next half of the tide, during the ebb and flood amounts of | u′w′ | were roughly the same. In HWS, when the river is relatively calm the lowest Reynolds stresses can be detected. Usually, it is expected to find the highest magnitudes of the TKE shear production Ps in flood time. Nevertheless, as it is depicted in Fig. 4(b) here Ps reached its peak in ebb time on Aug. 21; meanwhile, largest values of 0 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 logK M 0 cm2/s (c) z (m) 2 1/ 2 (7) S = (∂u ∂z ) + (∂v ∂z ) Energy dissipation rate ε is calculated by: ε = q3 ( B1l ) (8) where, q is the rms value of velocity components fluctuation, l is the turbulent length scale, and B1 is an empirical constant. Buoyant production Pb is estimated by: g ∂ρ Pb = KH (9) ρ0 ∂z where, KH= diffusivity coefficient for density. In MY model KM and KH are functions of q, l, and stability functions SM and SH. Besides, SM, SH= f(GM,GH) where: logPs -2 cm2/s3 z (m) (b) Mean shear stress S can be deduced from: 2 5 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 z (m) lm = ( Ps S 3 ) 2 2 u ' w ' 0 cm /s _ 2 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 10 12 14 16 18 Aug. 21 20 22 0 2 4 6 Aug. 22 Local Time (hours) 8 10 Fig. 4 Depth-time distributions of (a) Reynolds stress, (b) shear production, and (c) vertical eddy viscosity. | u′w′ | are recognizable. Magnitude of Ps rarely exceeded unity. In the next day this phenomenon repeated again but with relatively lower intensity, e.g. around 6 a.m. of Aug. 22 Ps was slightly larger than 8 a.m. of the same date. Lower amounts of | u′w′ | resulted in undermost magnitudes of Ps during HWS and Low water slack (LWS). Negative values of Ps that are omitted from Fig. 4(b) may be a correspondence to the sign reversal of −u ′w′ around the end of ebb, e.g. 16-18 of Aug. 21. Other incorrect data may be the consequence of unreliable stress estimations or HRCP limitations in highly stratified flow. Fig. 4(c) illustrates variations of eddy viscosity coefficient KM calculated from Eq. (5). This coefficient is a function of Ps and mean velocity gradients; hence its highest magnitudes came up at the same time as Ps and or −u ′w′ peaks. In contrast with previous two parameters, magnitude of KM in flood portion of the tide is larger than that of during the ebb in the second tidal phase. KM varies in a range from 102 cm2/s in the first ebb to 10-3 cm2/s in the following LWS. KM increased with receding from bed especially during flood phases. During ebb time and particularly LWS, KM had very small values near the bottom, corresponding to weak near-bed-generated turbulence. In Fig. 5(a) Richardson number Ri at 0.02 and 0.26 mab is plotted. Dash line denotes the critical value of ¼. Ri in the near-bottom layer rarely exceeds ¼, though largest values of Ri that may reach 102 can be seen in the upper layers during HWS and LWS. In Fig. 5(b) temporal variations of eddy viscosity coefficient KM without negative - 195 - ( ) 0.02 ) KM (cm2/s) Ri where, | u′w′ |0.02 is the absolute value of the Reynolds stress at 0.02 mab and u ( z ) is the averaged velocity over each 5 minutes. Values of plotted variables according to Mellor and Yamada 2) in a neutral equilibrium boundary layer is defined as: | u′w′ | /q2≈ 0.15, σu/u*≈2, and σw/σu≈0.5. On the other hand, Nezu and Nakagawa6) showed that | u′w′ | /q2 varies between 0.1 near the bed, reaches 0.04 near the water surface, and in the middle of water column is 0.15. Neglecting dispersions at the first and the end of observation period, σ u /u * ≈3, however no fluctuations comparable with tidal fluctuations (Kawanisi1)) can be recognized. Fig. 5(b) reveals that value of σw/σu changed noticeably in HWS/ LWS. High turbulence occurred on the first day made a relative peak. Least values of | u′w′ | /q2 were observed during calm periods: HWS/LWS that means inactive and effectively irrotational part of turbulence was larger during these times as cited in Bradshaw 7) . Inactive part of turbulence doesn’t produce any shear stress and is determined by the turbulence in the outer layer. This inactive motion is produced as a result of density interface in water column that acts like a free surface and suppresses the vertical movement of eddies. Considering Eqs. ç æ 10 2 (a) æ ç æ æ æ æææ çæ æçæ æ æ 10 0 æ æ æææ ææ æ æææ æ ææç çç æç ææçç æ ææææææææææææ æçæææææææææææ ç æ æ æ æ çææ æ æ æ æ æ ææ ææ çæ æææææææ çæ ææææææ æ æ æææ æææ æ æ æ ææ çççç -2 ç æ ææææææææææçççç ç æææææ æææ æ ç æ ç ç æ çç æ æ ç æçç ç 10 æ ç æ çççççççççç çççç ææ ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç æ ç çç ç ç ççç çç çççççç çç çç ç ç ççççç -4 ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç çç 10 ççççç çç ç ç ç ç çççç -6 10 (b) æ 10 2 ææ æç æ æ æææ ææ æ ææææ æ ç æææ æ ææææææææææ æææ ææææ 10 1 ææ ææææ æ ææææççççççççæææ æææ ççççççæææ æææææææææææææææææææææææææ æææææ æææçæç æ æææ æææ æ æ æ ææææææææææ æ çç çæ ç ææ ç ç çç æ æ ææ ç æ ç 0 ææ ç ççç çççççççççççççççç ç æç æ ç ç ççççç ç çæ 10 ç çç ç ççç ç ç ç ç æ ç ç ç ççç ç ç çç ççç çç ççççç ç -1 ç ç ç 10 ççç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç 10 -2 ç 10 -3 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 0 2 4 6 8 10 Aug. 21 Aug. 22 Local Time (hours) Fig. 5 Temporal variations of (a) Local gradient Richardson number at 0.02 (○) and 0.26 mab (●), and (b) vertical eddy viscosity at 0.02 (○) and 0.26 mab (●). σu / u 'w' σ w / σu u ' w ' / q2 ( ) ( (a) 10 ç æ çç ç ç 8 æ ææ ç æ ç ç ç æ ç æ ç ççç ç ç 6 æ ææç ç æç ç ææ ç ç çç æ æ 4 æççææçææ æçæççæçæçæç ççççæçç ççççç çæçææ çæçææççæçææææçæçæçææçæçæçæææ ææçæçææçççæççææçæçææçææçæçæææææææææçæææææ çææçæçæææçæçæçææç çæçæçæçææææææææçææçææææçæææçæ æ ç æ æ çççç çç çç ç ç æç ç ç æ çæ çç çç çççççç ççç 2 ç çççççç æ æçæçæçæçæçæçæçæçæçææææçææçæçææçæææçææææçæçæç çç 0 (b) 0.5 ç çæ ç 0.4 æ ç ç æ ç æææ ææ ç 0.3 çæç çæçæçæçæçççæçæççççæçæççææççæçææçææææçæçææææææ æ æ ææççæçæççæç ææææææææææææçæççæçæçææææççççæççæçæçææçæççæææçæççççæçæççææçæææ çæç ç ççç æ çææçæ çæ ççæææ ççæææ çæ æ çæ ææçæ ç çæ ç æ ççççç çæ æ æçæ çç ç ç ç ææ 0.2 æ æ æææ ææççæçççç ççççæçççæçæççæçæççæçæçæçç çæ æçææçæçç ççççç æ ççæççæçææææçæç ç ææ æææ çç ç æ ç ççççç æ æ æ æ 0.1 0.0 (c) 0.20 æææ ç ç ç ó ADV data: ó æçç æó æ çç æç ææ æ æ æ 0.15 ææ çç ó ó ó ææ æ æ ææ æ ç ó ç çç ó ç ç ç ç æ ç ç ç ç ó ç çó 0.10 ç ó ç ç ç æçóçææççæççæçóççççççççççæ óçæ ç ç çç ç ç óçççççç ææ æ ç ó ç çç ó æ æ ç ó óçó ççç ç ç çç ç æ ç ç çæ æ ç æ æó æ ææ çó æ ç óæ æææææ æ ææææææó æææ æ çæçæ æ ç ç çæ ó ææææ óæææ ææ ç çó æ 0.05 æçæçææçææóææçæçæçæçæçæ ó ó ó ææçæ çæ ææ æç æç æ æ æóæææç æçæç ææ ç ç æóææ óææ æç ç æ æ ó ææ ç æ çççç ææææçææç æ çóææ óççó ç çç ç æ ææ ç çóæ óççççç æ æç ó ç çç æ æ æ ó ó óææ ç ó ç æ ç ó ç çó ç ç ææçæ çó óç ç ç 0.00 ç ó ææ ó ó (d) æ 10 0 æ æ ææ 10 -1 ææ æ æ æ ææ æ æ æ 10 -2 æ ææ æ æ ææææææ ææ æææ ææ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ ææ ææ ææææ æ ææ ææ 10 -3 ææææææ æææææææææææææææææææ æææææææææææ ææ æææææææææææ æææææ ææææææ ææ æ æææ æ æ æ æ æææ ææ æ æ ææ æ æ æ æ ææ 10 -4 æ ææ 10 -5 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 0 2 4 6 8 10 Aug. 21 Aug. 22 Local Time (hours) Cf values is plotted. It seems that vertical eddy viscosity coefficient is a function of Richardson number Ri. Near-bottom KM reached its least values in HWS/LWS as a result of weak near-bed generated turbulence that stems from baroclinic pressure gradient. Also, there is a high-amplitude fluctuation in KM that was produced by a strong turbulent current around 4 p.m. of Aug. 21. Source of this strong turbulence is unknown to authors. Fig. 6 demonstrates temporal variations of turbulent velocity variables and resistance coefficient Cf at 0.02 and 0.26 mab. In this figure: 1/ 2 1/ 2 σ u = u ′2 , σ w = w′2 . Here, resistance coefficient can be evaluated from: u ′w′ 0.02 C f = 0.58 (14) ∫ u ( z )dz 0.56 1/ 2 Fig. 6 Temporal variations of (a) ratio of longitudinal turbulent intensity to local shear velocity, (b) ratio of longitudinal to vertical turbulent intensity, (c) ratio of Reynolds shear stress to turbulent energy at 0.02 (○) and 0.26 mab (●), and (d) resistance coefficient. (7) and (8), and assuming l=lm it is deducted that: | u′w′ | /q2= S M2 . According to Stacey et al.11) equivalency of l and lm in stratified turbulent boundary layer is acceptable. Comparing Figs. 6(c) and 2(a) reveals that SM in boundary layer can be a function of tidal phase. As well, in 0.26 mab SM fluctuations are comparable with that of Richardson number in Fig. 5(a). Highest (lowest) estimates of resistance coefficient Cf were recorded in HWS (LWS). 6. VARIATIONS OF THE TURBULENCE PROFILES WITH TIDAL PHASE Vertical profiles of the mean velocity, and different turbulence parameters are shown in Figs. 7-11. Numbers in each figure is referred to as the tidal phase displayed in Fig. 2(a). Hereafter, letter “A” denotes the first half of the semi-diurnal tide and “B” the second in figures. In Figs. 7(a)-(d) vertical distributions of mean streamwise velocity are illustrated. During LWS (3A), tidal straining can be recognized. In flood and ebb time, velocity profile was logarithmic. Reynolds shear stress is plotted in Fig. 8. Strong turbulent event led to large Reynolds stresses (2A) that evaluated 2.5 times as large as that produced during flood (4B). In calmer conditions, e.g. HWS and second ebb, low values of | u′w′ | are detectable. In flood time despite faster current speed, flow regime is not so turbulent in comparison with first ebb. During LWS as a result of stratification, baroclinic pressure gradient and tidal straining Reynolds shear stress reduced. - 196 - (a) z (m) 0.5 0.4 0.2 0.0 -1 0 1 æ æ æ æ ç ç ç ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç 2B 20 2A (d) æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç 3B 3A -8 - 4 0 8 12 u (cm/s) 4 (a) æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ 4A 4B ç - 20 -10 4 1A z (m) 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 (c) (b) ç æ çæ çæ ç æ ç æ ç æ çæ ç æ ç æ çæ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ æ æ ç æ æ æ æ æ 0.5 ç ç ç ç æ ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç 1B 2A ç 2B ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç -0.2-0.10.0 0.1 0 (d) çæ æç æç æ ç 3A æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ -4 -3 - 2 -1 0 1 -1 _ u ' w ' (cm 2 /s 2 ) 4B 4A 3B 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 0 Fig. 8 Vertical profiles of local shear stress in (a) HWS, (b) ebb, (c) LWS, and (d) flood. (a) 0.5 ç æ çæ ç æ ç æ ç æ çæ çæ ç æ çæ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ æ æ æ æ æç æ æ æ æ æ çæ çæ æ æ 1A 0.4 z (m) (c) (b) ç æ 0.3 0.2 ç 0.1 ç ç ç ç ç 2B ç æ æ ç æ æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ æ ç æ ç æ ç ç æ ç æ æ ç æ ç ç æ æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æç æç æç ç æç ç ç 2A 1B æ (d) ç æ ç æ ç æ 4B ç 4A æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ çæ æç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç ç æ ç æ æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç 3A ç 3B 0.0 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 -20 0 20 40 60 80 2 0 2 4 6 K M (cm 2 /s) 0 5 10 15 20 Fig. 9 Vertical profiles of vertical eddy viscosity in (a) HWS, (b) ebb, (c) LWS, and (d) flood. (a) 0.5 z (m) 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.0 ç æ ç ç ç ç ç 2A 1A æ ç æ çæ æ æ ç ç æ æ æ ç æ æ ç æ æ æ ç 2B æ æ æ ç 0.0 0 2 4 6 8 (d) ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ æç æç æç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æç ç æ çæ ç æ ç æ ç ç æ ç ç ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ çæ çæ 1B æ ç 0.1 (c) (b) æç æç æç æç æç æç æ ç æç çæ æ ç æç æ ç æç æ ç æ ç ç æ ç æç ç æ æç æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ ç æ æ ç ç æ æç ç æ 3B æ ç æ ç ç 4A ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç æ æ ç æç æç æ ç ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ æ ç æ ç æ 3A æ ç æ 4B çææç æ 0 2 4 6 8 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 Ri 0.4 Fig. 10 Vertical profiles of local Richardson number in (a) HWS, (b) ebb, (c) LWS, and (d) flood. (a) Aug. 22 00:34 (b) Aug. 22 03:20 (c) Aug. 22 07:06 (d) Aug. 22 10:01 ò ò æç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç 0.5 0.4 0.3 ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç æ ç æç æ ç ç æ 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 10 ò ò ò ò æ ç æ ç æ æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æç æç æç æç æç æç æç æç æç æç æç æç æç æç æç æç æ ç çæ ç æ ç æ 0 20 ç ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò æ ò ç ò ò ò ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç æ ò æ ò æ ò æ ò æ ò æ ò æ ò æ ò ç æ ò ç æ ò ç æ ò ç æ ò ç æ ò ç æ ò ç æ ò ç æ ò ç æ ò çæ ò çæ ò ç æ ò æç ò æ ç ò ç æ ò ç æ ò æ ç ò æ ç ò æç ò ç æ ò ç æ ò 10 20 30 0 4 8 12 Turbulent Velocity Variables æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æç æç æç æç æ ç æç æç æç æç æç æç æç ç æ çæ çæ çæ çæ çæ çæ ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò 0 10 20 30 Fig. 11 Typical profiles of turbulent velocity variables: 100 | u′w′ | /q2 (○), σu/ | u′w′ |1/ 2 (●), and 100σw/σu (▲). (a) Aug. 22 00:34 (b) Aug. 22 03:20 (c) Aug. 22 07:06 (d) Aug. 22 10:01 0.5 0.4 z (m) Vertical eddy viscosity KM as a function of qlm at 0.02 and 0.26 mab for the ebb and flood phase is plotted in Fig. 13. It seems that KM and qlm are in proportion, and if we accept that l=lm then the ratio (c) (b) æ ç æ ç æ ç 1A æ 1B ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ ç æ çæ Fig. 7 Vertical profiles of mean streamwise velocity in (a) HWS, (b) ebb, (c) LWS, and (d) flood. 7. PARAMETERS OF M-Y MODEL 0.3 0.1 z (m) In Fig. 9 vertical distributions of vertical eddy viscosity is plotted. During the first HWS (1A) KM was notably large between 0.1 to 0.3 mab, though shear production rate was not high throughout the water column. In the first ebb (2A) magnitude of Ps was increasing as it goes further from bottom which leads to the vertical eddy viscosity increment with a constant rate. During LWS, especially second one (3B) we have different gradients of KM with different signs. Such a phenomenon can be described as: in high stratification (Ri>0.5-0.7) buoyant production may cause vertical transfers of momentum and heat occur against their mean gradient (Komori et al.8)). As shown in Fig. 10, Ri was excessively high in LWS/HWS that shows a highly-stratified and stable flow. In contrast with the first ebb (2A) during the following flood (4A) magnitude of KM is quite low and almost constant throughout the water column. Considering Figs. 6(c) and 11 indicates that variations of SM were in accordance with tidal phase, i.e. during the ebb peak values of SM was in onset of the first ebb SM=0.43. It seems that over the LWS tidal straining affected SM; in other tidal phases stability function looks stable throughout water column. Stacy et al.9) found that SM varies from about 0.3 near the bed to 0.1 in above the stratified layer. σu/ | u ′w′ |1/ 2 didn’t change noticeably except in LWS. Ratio of vertical velocity fluctuations to streamwise fluctuation varied comparably with tidal phase: largest values can be detected in flood and ebb times. Studies of Komori et al.8) showed: σw/σu decreases slightly as stratification shifts from neutral to weakly stable condition and then increases as Ri rises. Correspondingly, here on Aug. 22 07:06 it can be seen that in stable condition more vertical motions than horizontal motions occurred, when the Ri was high. Rates of TKE production and energy dissipation ε are illustrated in Fig. 12. We applied Kolmogoroff’s -5/3 power law to describe 1D kinetic energy density as a function of energy dissipation, e.g. Kawanisi1). Pb is estimated from Eq. (9) assuming KM=KH. Peak magnitude of Ps in the flood phase was 0.15 cm2/s3. Buoyant production rate Pb was negligible. Thus, Rate of energy dissipation is larger than Pb+Ps; so we cannot assume a local balance of TKE. Such an imbalance is reported by Kawanisi1) and also was studied by Stacy et al.9). 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 ç òæ ç ò æ ç æ ò çæ ò çæ ò ç æ ò ç æ ò ç æ ò çæ ò ç æ ò ç æ ò ç æ ò ç æ ò æç ò ç æ ò æç ò æ ò ç æ òç æç ò ç æ ò æ çò æ çò æç ò æ ç ò æç ò æç ò æ ç ç æ æ ç 0.0 ò æ ò æ ò æ ç æ çò òç æ ò ç æ ò æ ç æ ç ò ò ç æ ò æ ç æ òç ò ç æ ò æ ç ò ç æ æ ò ç ò æ ç ò æ ç ò æ ç ò æ ç æ çò òç æ òç æ æ çò ò ç æ ò æ ç æ ç æç òæ ç ò æç òæ ç ò æç æ ò ç ç æò ç æò ç æò ç æò ç æò ç æò ç æò ç æò ç æò ç òæ òæ ç ò çæ ò çæ òçæ çæò ç æò ç æò ç æò ç æò ç æ ò ç æ ò ç æ ò ç æò ç æò 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 -2 -1 0 10 Ps , _10 Pb , ε (cm 2 /s3 ) æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ ç òç ò ç ç ò ç ò òç ç ò ç ò ç ò ç ò ò ç ç ò ç ò ç ò ç ò ò ç ò ç ç ò ò ç òç ç ò ç ò ç ò ç ò ç ò ç ò ò ç ò ò ò 1 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Fig. 12 Typical profiles of turbulent energy production and dissipation rate: 10Ps (○), 10Pb (●), and ε (▲). - 197 - K M (cm 2 /s) 6 z= 0.02 m ç ç 5 l 4 3çç5 q m çç çç . 0 = ç ç 3 K M ççç ç ç ql m 2 æ ç = 0.26 1 æææçæææææççæææççæææçææççæç çç ç K M æ æ ç æ ç ææææ æ æ æ ç ç æ ç ç æ æ æ ç æ ç 0 0 5 10 15 qlm (cm 2 /s) REFRENCES ç 60 z= 0.26 m l 50 .36qç m ç 0 = ç 40 KM ç 30 æ çç çç æ æ ç l 20 ç ç ç ææææ 0.21q m ææ æ æ æ ç ç æ æ ç ç æ 10 çææçæçææçæçææçææææææææææææææ KM = ç ç ç ææ ç æ ç ç ç æææ ææ 0 æçççççç 0 50 100 150 qlm (cm 2 /s) 1) Kawanisi, K.: Structure of turbulent flow in a shallow tidal estuary, J. of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 130(4), pp.360-370, April 2004. 2) Mellor, G.L., and Yamada, T.: Development of a turbulence closure model for geophysical fluid problems, Rev, Geophys. Space Phys.,Vol. 20(4), pp.851-875, 1982. 3) Stone, M. C., and Hotchkiss, R. H.: Evaluating q 3 / lm (cm 2 /s3 ) Fig. 13 Relation between qlm and KM in ebb (○) and flood (●). 103 102 101 100 ç ç çç çç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ççç ç ç çç çç çç ç ç ç ç ççççççççç çç ç ç ç ç ç ç çç çç ç ç ççççç ç çæç çççç çç çç ææç ç ç ç æçççç ç ç æç ç ç æ ç æ æ çæ ç æ æ æææç æçæ æ æ æ æ ææ ç ç ç æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ ææ æ æ æææ æ æçæ æ æææ ç æ çç æ æ æææ æ æ æææ çæ æ ææ ææ ææ æ æ æ æçææ æ ææ ç ææ çç æ ç æ ææ æ æ ææ æ æ ç æ æ æ æ æ æææææææ æ æ ææ æææ æ ææ 10-1 100 101 2 3 ε (cm /s ) æ ç velocity measurement techniques in shallow streams, q 3 lm 8.90 ε = 0.95 102 Fig. 14 Scatter diagram of energy dissipation rate against q3/lm at 0.02 (○) and 0.26 mab (●). of KM/qlm will represent the amount of M-Y stability function SM. Referring to Fig. 6(c) supports that stability function in ebb should be larger than that in flood. Proportionality shown in Fig. 13 suggests SM=0.35. Kawanisi1) calculated the highest value of SM= 0.29 during flood. Both of these signify that the SM in M-Y model which is calculated under neutral condition is not valid here because under unstratified equilibrium conditions SM=0.39 (Gulperin et al.10)). Fig. 14 is the scatter diagram of ε which is estimated from u-spectra against q3/lm at 0.02 and 0.26 mab. In M-Y model B1=16.6, though here in0.02 mab B1=8.9. Kawanisi1) calculated this constant about 40 assuming ε=Ps. J. Hydraulic Research, Vol.45(6), pp. 752–762, 2007. 4) Kawanisi, K., Tsutsui, T., Nakamura, S., and Nishimaki, H.: Influence of Tidal Range and River Discharge on Transport of Suspended Sediment in the Ohta Flood-way, J. Hydrosciences and Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 24(1), May, pp.1-9, 1996. 5) Cao, Z., Pender, G., and Meng, J.: Explicit Formulation of Shields Diagram for Incipient Motion of Sediment, J. Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, Vol.132(10), pp.1097-1099, 2006. 6) Nezu, I. and Nakagawa, H.: Turbulence in open-channel flows, Balkema, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 281, 1987. 7) Bradshaw, P., Inactive motion and pressure fluctuations in turbulent boundary layers, J. Fluid Mech., Vol. 30, pp.241258, 1967. 8) Komori, S.,Ueda, H., Ogino, F.,and Mizushima, T.: Turbulence structure in stably stratified open-channel flow, J. Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 130, pp.13-26, 1983. 9) Stacy, M.T., Monismith, S.G., and Burau, J.R., Observation of turbulence in a partially stratified estuary, J. Phys. Oceanogr., Vol.29, pp.1950-1970, 1999. 10) Gulperin, B., Kantha, L., Hassid, S., and Rosati, A.: A quasi-equilibrium turbulent energy model for geophysical flows, J. Atmos. Sci., Vol.45(1), pp.55-62, 1988. 8. CONCLUSIONS Turbulent parameters in the bottom layer of Ohta Floodway were investigated. Examining critical and current induced shear stress indicates that no resuspension happens in the observation site. A high turbulent current at the first ebb deeply affected the results: Largest values of | u′w′ | and Ps was detected in ebb time, however KM reached its peak during flood. During HWS/LWS flow became highly stratified especially in upper layers. σu/u* found to be about 3 showing no relation with tidal phase. Least values of | u′w′ | /q2 were observed in relatively slack waters that means inactive and effectively irrotational part of turbulence was larger during LWS and HWS. Stability function in M-Y model SM calculated as approximately 0.2 in flood and 0.35 in ebb. Constant B1 evaluated as 8.9 which is less than previous studies as a result of high imbalance in TKE production and dissipation. This imbalance implies that for estimating turbulent parameters equality of production and dissipation rates is unreliable. - 198 - (Received September 30, 2009)