June 23, 2004

June 23, 2004
Joey will not be joining us today. Chris did talk to him on the phone and did discuss
some of the customer service issues even though she did want the group to discuss them
with this. Joey indicated that he was somewhat surprised by the issues Chris raised. He
also indicated that they were unacceptable and would be addressed immediately.
Carrie brought in three pages of information that Patty e-mailed her. Discussion
surrounding Financial Aid students took place. The online ordering instructions need to
be revised to take out reference to “payment by Financial Aid”. We also need to change
the “how do I place my order” – to include reference to not only visiting the website but
also phone ordering is available.
Chris mentioned that when the Blair Park students are ready to order all they need are the
two pieces of paper that Patty sent – the online ordering instructions and the Online
Ordering Information sheet.
Chris mentioned that the Buyback information could be sent out to students closer to the
end of the semester. Carrie mentioned that copies could be given to instructors to pass
out in classes.
Lynn mentioned that perhaps Patty should send the book list for buybacks to a contact
person at each of the extended sites. It could be printed and posted.