MINUTES MESA Executive Council meeting November 9, 2001 In attendance:

MESA Executive Council meeting
November 9, 2001
In attendance:
Not in attendance:
Lisa Sheehy, Jake Klerlein, Brian Lawler, Nancy Williams
Summer Brown, Raj Patel, John Weber, Chris Drumm
1. TME
a. Amy Hackenberg will be editor for 2002. The Iye’s have it unanimously.
b. John Weber’s position will need to be replaced on TME Board. Jake will do this.
c. Some discussion of What TME Editorial panel would look like. How many? What
roles? Seems like the editor, the onliner, and 3-5 evaluators.
d. For now – we’ll get an emergency board, Exec. Council and interested others to get
out the Fall 2001 issue. This will be published by Jan. 1, 2002. Then we will rework
the board in Jan for work through Fall 2002. Amy will have input to the make-up and
roles of the new board. Recall, editor is to take care of putting out mailings.
2. RESA exam
a. All questions are “covered”, but not turned in yet.
3. NCTM & LEA book sale (Jake)
a. Maybe include SAGE? Jake will consider them for the Spring sale.
b. NCTM lady said she should be able to get books out for us to hold the sale Dec 4-6.
c. BUT, NCTM has a balance of $800 from Sept. 2000. Jake explained our situation.
She will be looking into receipts and get back to Jake by 11/15/01.
d. Nancy notes that 2 checks to NCTM and LEA have not cleared yet. Lynn asks Nancy
to pursue what’s up with that with Chris Drumm.
e. Notes, NCTM, LEA, and SAGE are publishers. They send books to us at a discount.
We sell at half that discount.
f. Dec. 4-6. Dennis & Jake are the committee. Will need 1 hour volunteers
4. NCTM “good standing” document.
a. All exec. Committee members must be members.
5. Treasurer’s report
Treasurer Report
November 9, 2001
MESA banking account statement shows $1558.73. There are two checks
outstanding to a total of $725.68. Total bank balance now stands at
The outstanding receipt in the amount of $42.16 has been submitted to the
COE account for payment. Some of the money that has been spent this year
will be deducted from the COE fund. According to Christina Akin, who is in
charge of the COE fund, receipts must accompany forms to retrieve
appropriate funds already dispersed. (All submitted receipts were saved by
the treasurer.) The process of retrieving past costs should be completed by
next meeting.
a. Travel expense forms, petty cash disbursement forms, and Honoraria forms may be
picked up from Nancy Williams at 105D Aderhold Hall.
b. $833.05 in private MESA account (2 uncashed checks)
c. Things paid for out of this account can be recouped from MESA COE if we have a
receipt. She has picked up forms for various $ requests.
d. We have half of COE funding for travel – approx $880. Vans (?) and 4 speakers
(Lynn, Brian, Amy, Theresa) have requested funds to this point. (note: used 2 vans –
needed both for undergrads)
e. $??? in MESA COE account.
6. Service project – Pat Wilson passed around request for Potter’s House math tutors. There are
concerns about safety for our undergraduates, as well as do any of us have time. We will
forward the e-mail. Lisa will forward to Jake & he will send out to all. (Nancy notes: “Men
are pigs”
7. Communication: Should we send to only MESA members, or all Math Ed folks? Generally
should send to all. We need to continue to announce the need to join MESA. Lisa will email
faculty to request them to remind classes of opportunity to join MESA. Nancy and Kevin will
look into Alumni Members.
8. Library status? Currently a new sieve is underway. If faculty reject, then to grad students to
reject, then … (you know)
9. JR/Sr. buddies
a. Not for this semester – Pat advised that they (seniors) may be much too busy
b. Pat would like to know, before approving: what sort of activities will they be
involved in and what will they be expected to do? AND what is the purpose? Jake
offers to set-up and film naked-twister.
c. We note, we really only envision this as a buddy – not so much a mentor.
10. NCTM Academy’s – Jake
a. These Academy’s promote the “New” Standards, and are currently have an Algebra
b. Do we want to host? If we do, there are financial benefits.
c. Jake will investigate further. Jake shoots Exec. Council the bird.
Raj will write brief ideas about “buddies”
Brian will ask Dr. Steffe about Chazan’s visit, start a listserve.
Jake will investigate NCTM Academy, here from NCTM bill, get book sale rolling
Nancy will ask Chris about NCTM bill
Lisa send e-mail to faculty regarding MESA membership, follow-up with Chris on TME
– laying out a timeline to publish by 1/1/02, organize interim TME Board, announce Amy
as next Editor.
Next Agenda
- Lisa will ask Shannon to get Les Stiff to come
- If she is unable, she should work on Dr. Chazan.
- More social plans for beginning of Spring semester (note – no emat at JW’s)
Next Meeting
3:30pm on 11/30/01 at JW