MINUTES MESA Executive Council meeting March 8, 2002 In attendance:

MESA Executive Council meeting
March 8, 2002
In attendance:
Not in attendance:
Lisa Sheehy, Jake Klerlein, Nancy Williams, Summer Brown, Brian
Lawler, Amy Hackenberg
Raj Patel
2002-2003 Officer Election
a. Brian suggests we should strive to involve foreign students – seems best to just keep
it a part of our upcoming conversations.
b. Lisa will look at constitution for process. Must call for nominations and then put out
vote. Call for nom. 3/27 due Apr. 3. Voting runs Apr. 8-12. Candidates are elected for
June – June
c. Nancy & Brian rerunning same positions. Jake will run for Pres. – but realizes he
will have a busy 1st semester.
d. Transition Period: Jake begins transitioning NCTM rep with our Spring Book Sale.
e. Brian proposed reducing # of officers partly because it seems difficult to find people
willing to serve. In discussion, it is noted the VP’s big role is/could be redefined as a
leader of community service (such as RESA exam). (Note:Jake will talk with Cathy
Miller about us letting go of writing the RESA exam.) Overall, the group is
unsupportive of reducing the number of officers.
f. Recall, MESA officers are required to have active NCTM membership IF ELECTED.
Lisa will put this into the call for nominations.
Treasurer: $1062.88 (some for upcoming dues). Need to spend out of COE $. Send
affiliate dues.
Booksale update – Jake – made just over $400 in fall. We should already have deposited
a good chunk of that. NCTM owes us $150ish. Will run Spring sale in mid-Apr. Some
streamlining decisions: Writing checks to MESA instead of to NCTM/LEA. NCTM still
working to trace last year’s stuff. Last year’s screw-up is still being dealt with.
something for graduating students. Maybe pursue gift bag of some sort? (ONLY MESA
members? Yes.) Consider undergrads and grads. Maybe we could host a small party for
undergrads.. MESA provide refreshments. Wiegel’s house. Give a gift here. Grad
students – have some sort of party. RAJ lead undergrad. Summer lead grad. Get list from
Schedule “Historian” Saturday (TME/MESA computer set) – Thursday of Spring Break.
BEGLES update. $ to Wilson’s for snacks and drinks. – Nancy will arrange. $50. Gift
certificate to Wilson’s.
Travel $. Needs to be spent. David needs $100 for AERA. Also we will get $50 to each
person traveling – maybe need to pull out of a hat.
MESA Spring 2002 goals – this was not addressed.
TME update. TME/MESA computer is set up in office 105H. There will be no Vol. 11
No. 2. So give those people a free Vol. 12. Could use MESA funds to support – need to
think about the need and/or how to make this happen. There is an immediate need to find
or recreate an email database of subscribers, as well as of all graduates, ex-faculty, etc.
relations to UGA Math Ed. Working to rewrite purpose and policy statement to
reviewers. This revision will be submitted to MESA board to “approve”. Will be
publishing Vol. 12 No.1 at the end of May. There will be printing costs.
- Look at constitution for election process.
- Call for nominations by 3/27, due back on Apr. 3.
- Plan graduate graduation celebration.
- Get $50 gift certificate (Kroger?) to Wilson’s for snack and drink for hosting
BEGLES (& Exec Council)
- Talk with Cathy Miller about us letting go of writing the RESA exam.
- prepare final report on Dec. ’01 book sale
- speak with Chris about last year’s book sale
- contact S. Region lady about “Call for articles” (TME)
- (TME) get Vol.11 no.1 online (no deadline set)
- Plan undergraduate graduation celebration. (Speak with Lisa)
- Submit revised TME purpose & policy statement for MESA “approval.”
Next Agenda
• Plan new officer training / transition plans – they take over on May 15 - Lisa
• When is 2002-2003 budget request due?
• Review results and findings of “Historian Day” – Jake
• Treasurer’s report – Nancy
• Graduation celebration updates – Summer & Raj
• TME update (in particular, request for transcriber) - Amy
Next Meeting
3:00 – 4:00 pm on April 12, 2002 at JW (to be followed by BEGLES)