Authorized Service Provider Video Program (ASPVP) Refresh Q&A General updates

Authorized Service Provider Video Program
(ASPVP) Refresh Q&A
General updates
5. What will happen at the time of refresh?
We will update training and exam content, remove
Premier Certification as a requirement and streamline
the tools for easier application and renewals.
1. What is the intent of the Authorized Service Provider (SP)
Video Program (ASPVP)?
The intent of this program is to provide valuable Cisco
Service Provider Video Solutions and technology training
along with specific service provider video products in order
to create an ecosystem of proactive and competent partners
that can sell and deploy Cisco Service Provider Video
Solutions. It enables partners with an opportunity to provide
enhanced service offerings and end–end video solutions.
2.What type of partner is the program targeting?
6.Are partners required to be a part of the Cisco Channel
Partner program?
Yes. Partners must be a Cisco Registered Partner, which
is a prerequisite for all partners who are participating in
partner programs.
7. What about the partners that have achieved Premier?
Premier Certification will be highly recommended but not
required and for those partners that have achieved this
milestone they will be able to take advantage of the Cisco
Certification program benefits for Cisco classic products
as well as be a stepping stone towards meeting the entry
requirements for Cisco incentive programs, such as OIP,
TIP, SIP as well as upcoming Services promotion for ASPVP.
The program is intended for all Cisco Channel Partners
currently registered and in good standing within the
Cisco Channel Program who:
• Focus on Cisco Service Provider Video Solution sales and
have an existing relationship that has been approved by
Cisco Systems (direct and through distribution)
• Capability to sell to service providers
8.Are ASPVP partners able to participate in incentive
programs such as OIP, TIP and SIP?
3.What are the benefits of the Authorized SP Video Program?
The program will help partners that wish to develop
expertise in selling Cisco video solutions to service
providers (Wireline, Cable Headend, Cable Access, Digital
Media Networks). It enhances the partner’s ability to
be competitive in the SP Video solutions market and to
increase partner’s value to service providers and their
customers. Some of the benefits are:
• Special discount for participant partners
• Market differentiation by listing in Cisco Partner Locator
• Press Release templates to promote achieving the
Cisco Authorized SP Video Partner designation
• Access to certain promotions
4.When does the program refresh take place?
November 14, 2011. All new program information will be
posted on ASPVP portal:
1 © 2011 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Yes, Incentive programs are available upon meeting
program requirements.
9.Is ASPVP a requirement to sell SPVTG?
No, any Cisco partner can sell SPVTG but only ASPVP
partners can take advantage of program benefits.
Non-ASPVP partners can buy at their Cisco Certification
contractual discount.
10. What is the renewal policy for this program?
Authorized programs are valid for 1 year. Partners
are required to re-apply manually.
Training updates
1.How many tracks of training will remain in ASPVP?
Three: Wireline and Cable Headend, Cable Access
and Digital Media.
Authorized Service Provider Video Program
(ASPVP) Refresh Q&A
2.How many roles and what tracks of training are the
minimum requirement for ASPVP?
At least 2 unique individuals and 3 roles, AM, SE1 and
SE2 for a minimum of at least 1 full track of training.
SE1 & SE2 will have the option to take either same or
separate tracks (Wireline and Cable Headend, Cable
Access and/or Digital Media).
3. Is training mandatory or strongly recommended?
The trainings are strongly recommended. The exams are
mandatory. Partners that have already advanced knowledge
of the service provider video are welcome to try and pass
the tests and if tests results are met they will be granted
entrance into the program. We recommend that our
partners review the available online training available which
contains info on our new video products.
4.Will partners have the option to take the old training after
the November 14th launch?
Only the new training will be available after November 14,
2011—the old training will no longer be accessible. For
partners whose contracts come up for renewals between
November 14, 2011 and February 12, 2012 we will provide
a period of 90 days from November 14, 2011, in which
they will have the option to renew their status using the old
training/exams or take the new training/exams to renew
their qualifications. However, we strongly recommend
that all partners take the new training/exams since most
content will be refreshed. If a partner’s renewal date is after
February 12, 2012, these partners can only take the new
5. What are the new training update changes?
Besides content, all training will still be in the same format:
Phase I, online; Phase II, online or ILT; and Phase III, ILT.
6.Who is the learning partner for ASPVP?
Currently ASPVP training is offered through NIL
( Partners can send an email
to to obtain information
regarding cost, delivery mode, and training schedules.
Exam updates
1.How many exams will remain in ASPVP?
Two exams: 1 exam for AM and 1 for SE. SE1 & SE2 will
each have to take an exam.
2.Are the SE exams different than before?
The SE’s exams for Phases I-III will be combined into one,
a longer version of all the previous three. The SE exam will
be online.
3.Will Phase III exam still be held at a proctored exam
testing center?
No. Phase III exam will be combined with Phases I & II and
will be offered online to make it easier for our partners.
4. Are exams mandatory or strongly recommended?
Exams are mandatory.
5. What are the costs for ASPVP exams?
AM exam is $65.00 USD and each SE exam is $65.00 USD.
The total fee for all exams for a partner will be $195.00 USD.
6. If a partner failed the exam once can they retake it
at no charge?
No. For a guideline on Cisco exam policy please refer
Cisco and the Cisco Logo are trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. A listing of Cisco’s trademarks can be found at
com/go/trademarks. Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between
Cisco and any other company. (1007R)
DDM11CS3197 11/11