Applied French for Science – FR252

Applied French for Science – FR252
Module Code
1 and 2
Module co-ordinator
Dr. Ornaith Rodgers
Ext. 3800
AM321 (2nd floor, Arts Millennium Building)
Hours per week
Supplied in class and available on blackboard
Module Aims and Objectives
This module is designed for 2nd Year Science students who have already
completed French to Leaving Certificate level (or equivalent). The programme
aims to consolidate students’ existing language skills and further develop their
proficiency in French to Level B1 of the Common European Framework. In
particular, it aims to introduce them to scientific French and also to improve
their understanding of the fundamental structures of French. The module thus
provides students with the space to extend their knowledge of French
vocabulary and grammar using a variety of language learning activities such as
text analysis, discussions, grammar exercises, games and multimedia lab work.
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
1) demonstrate a good knowledge of basic scientific terminology in French
particularly relating to topics such as the environment, biodiversity,
health, nutrition, technology, biometrics, chemistry
2) describe their academic studies, the field of Science they specialise in, and
their activities in the lab in French
3) understand and correctly use the principal fundamental grammatical
structures in French
4) read, comprehend and interpret authentic documents in French relating
to a specific range of topics in Science
5) write a coherent, structured and grammatically accurate text of over 250
words, using a range of tenses, verb forms and a level of vocabulary
reflecting their work during the year
6) speak with ease about themselves, student life and their studies in French
7) take part in discussions in French about a specific range of scientific
8) use oral and written French to discuss, argue, express opinions, persuade,
convince and refute
Module Delivery
This module is delivered through three 1 hour classes per week devoted to text
analysis, grammar/writing skills and oral communication skills.
The text analysis class is devoted to the analysis and discussion of a variety of
texts. These are general scientific texts based on themes such as health,
nutrition, pollution, biodiversity, technology, biometrics, advances in chemistry
and physics, animal testing, space travel etc. Texts are carefully chosen in line
with students’ subject choices in Science and target specific terminology and
linguistic structures. The vocabulary and structures studied in these texts is
consolidated through the use of supporting resources such as video clips,
discussion classes, terminology glossaries and multimedia lab work.
The grammar/ writing skills class is an interactive class focusing on the
improvement of students’ understanding of the grammar and structures of the
French language through the completion of grammar exercises and games, webbased grammar activities and regular written assignments (opinion pieces and
In the oral communication skills class, guided conversation activities,
discussions, communication games, pairwork and debates are used to develop
students’ oral communication skills, while authentic audio-visual materials are
used to improve students’ receptive skills. Themes covered are of both general
interest and related to Science. The language skills needed to argue, reason,
express opinions, convince, persuade and refute in French form an important
part of the focus of this class.
Students are expected to attend regularly and to actively engage with the
language through their active participation in class and through the regular
completion of homework and self-study activities.
Module Assessment
The module is assessed as follows:
Continuous Assessment
Oral Examination
Final Examination