ANALYTICAL APPLICATION OF FUNCTIONALIZED CdS AND ZnS AS FLUORESCENCE LABEL FOR THE DETERMINATION OF PROTEINS SHEMALAH A/P RAMASUNDRAM UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA ANALYTICAL APPLICATION OF FUNCTIONALIZED CdS AND ZnS AS FLUORESCENCE LABEL FOR THE DETERMINATION OF PROTEINS SHEMALAH A/P RAMASUNDRAM A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Science (Chemistry) Faculty of Science Universiti Teknologi Malaysia DECEMBER 2005 iii Specially dedicated to my beloved Ganesha appa, mum, dad, brother, sister and nada. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First and foremost, it’s my great pleasure to express my sincere appreciation to my research supervisor, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustaffa Nawawi, who assisted and guided me through this entire study. I would like to express my deepest gratitude for his excellent scientific guidance, infinite patience and cooperation throughout this work. I am also very grateful to all academic staffs and the laboratory assistant of the Department of Chemistry, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia especially En. Mat Yasin for the technical assistance. I am grateful to the postgraduate students and all my dear friends for their help and kindness. I am indebted to PTP- Universiti Teknologi Malaysia for their financial support which made this academic study possible. The continuous encouragement and moral support from my beloved family members is highly appreciated. Finally yet importantly, I would like to thank God for giving me the will power and strength to accomplish this project. May this work glorify His Name. v ABSTRACT The quantitative analysis of protein is essential in biochemistry and clinical medicine. The most sensitive quantitation of protein at this present is generally based on fluorescence enhancement on organic dyes determination. However, this organic fluorophores often suffer from photobleaching and low signal intensity. In order to overcome such problems, the study was carried out to investigate the possibility of employing the luminescent particle functionalized CdS and ZnS for quantitative analysis of protein. CdS have been prepared and capped with mercaptoacetic acid (functionalized CdS) whereas ZnS was capped with cysteine (functionalized ZnS), which renders the particles water soluble and biocompatible. Fluorescence studies showed at excitation wavelength Ȝexc = 233 nm, the maximum emission wavelength of functionalized CdS was at 350 nm whereas for functionalized ZnS was at 357 nm wavelength. Further, general optimization procedure such as the effect of pH, temperature, concentration, reaction time of the functionalized CdS and functionalized ZnS binding with BSA (Bovine Serum Albumin) was conducted. A positive correlation with R2 = 0.9899 was obtained between CdS capped with mercaptoacetic acid binding with BSA meanwhile correlation between ZnS capped cysteine and BSA was 0.9805. The interferences of various metal ions and surfactant were subsequently performed in order to obtain the selectivity of the developed assay on the determination of BSA. The effect of surfactant such as ionic detergent sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), nonionic detergent Triton X-100 shows signification shift towards a shorter wavelength. Limit of detection for functionalized CdS binding with BSA was 0.14 ppm followed by limit of detection of functionalized ZnS binding with BSA was 0.09 ppm. This developed method was successfully applied to the several types of protein such as egg albumin, lysozyme and amylase. The developed novel assay is simple, inexpensive, rapid and sensitive. vi ABSTRAK Analisis kuantitatif bagi protein adalah salah satu bidang yang sangat penting dalam biokimia dan perubatan. Pada masa kini kaedah analisis kuantitatif bagi protein lazimnya berdasarkan kaedah penentuaan pengikatan secara pendarflor dengan bahan pewarna organik. Walau bagaimanapun kaedah ini didapati mempunyai kelemahan dari segi penyahlunturan warna bahan organik pewarna and kadar keamatan pendarflor yang rendah. Bagi mengatasi masalah ini, kajian mengenai penggunaan partikel berpendarflor seperti CdS dan ZnS telah dijalankan bagi menentukan kandungan protein. Dalam kajian ini, CdS telah diubahsuai dengan menggunakan asid mercaptoasetik manakala ZnS telah diubahsuai dengan asid amino sisteina bagi membolehkan partikel CdS dan ZnS bersifat larut dalam air dan mudah bertindakbalas dengan komponen biologi. Kajian pendarfluor menunjukkan pada puncak penyerapan Ȝex= 233 nm, puncak pemancaran telah diperolehi pada Ȝem=350 nm bagi CdS dan Ȝem=357 nm bagi ZnS. Kajian selanjutnya seperti pengoptimuman kesan pH, suhu, kepekatan dan masa tindakbalas bagi pengikatan protein dengan CdS dan ZnS telah dilakukan. Graf kalibrasi linear diperolehi bagi penentuan protein dengan CdS adalah R2=0.9899 dan dengan ZnS adalah R2=0.9805. Kesan gangguan seperti bahan bukan protein, ion serta surfaktan telah dilakukan bagi menentukan kejituan penentuan kuantitatif BSA. Kajian kesan surfaktan menunjukkan surfaktan ionik iaitu natrium dodesil sulfat (SDS) dan surfaktan bukan ionik iaitu Triton X-100 menunjukkan puncak pemancaran beranjak ke panjang gelombang yang lebih rendah. Had pengesanan bagi penentuan protein dengan CdS adalah 0.14 ppm manakala bagi ZnS adalah 0.09 ppm. Kaedah yang dibangunkan telah diaplikasikan bagi penentuaan pelbagai protein seperti albumin telur, lisozim dan amilase. Daripada hasil kajian yang telah dilakukan didapati bahawa kaedah penentuan protein yang dibangunkan adalah mudah, murah, pantas and sensitif berbanding dengan kaedah lain. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 TITLE PAGE TITLE PAGE i DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES xiii LIST OF FIGURES xiv LIST OF SYMBOLS xix INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Prelude 1 1.2 General Introduction to Proteins 2 1.2.1 Classification of Proteins 3 Simple Proteins 3 Conjugated Proteins 3 Derived Proteins 4 Proteins Structure 4 1.2.2 1.3 Bovine Serum Albumin 5 1.4 Functions of Proteins 6 1.4.1 Enzymatic Catalysis 6 1.4.2 Transport and Storage 6 1.4.3 Immune Protection 1.4.4 Generation and Transmission of Nerve 6 viii 1.5 Impulses 7 1.4.5 Control of Growth and Differentiation 7 1.4.6 Contribution to Acid Base Balance 7 1.4.7 Providing Energy 8 The Basic Protein Quantitation Protocols 8 1.5.1 Colorimetric Method 8 Biuret Method 9 Lowry Method 9 Bradford Method 10 1.5.2 Bicinhoninic Acid (BCA) Method 10 1.5.3 Kjeldahl Method 11 1.5.4 UV Absorbance Method 12 1.6 Recent Advances in Protein Analysis 12 1.7 Fluorescence Method in Proteins Analysis 15 1.7.1 Luminescent Organic Compounds Labeling Proteins 1.7.2 16 Luminescent Semiconductor Labeling Biomolecules 19 Cadmium Sulfide Labeling Biomolecules 20 Zinc Sulfide Labeling Biomolecules 1.8 2 22 Advantages and Disadvantages of Fluorescence in Protein Analysis 23 1.8.1 Disadvantages 24 1.9 Research Background 25 1.10 Research Objective and Scope of Study 26 EXPERIMENTAL 27 2.1 Apparatus 27 2.2 Reagents 28 2.3 Preparation of Standard Solutions 29 2.3.1 Preparation of 0.1 mol L-1 Cadmium Chloride (CdCl2.H2O) 29 ix 2.3.2 Preparation of 0.1 mol L-1 Sodium Sulphide (Na2S.9H2O) 2.3.3 Preparation of 1.0 mol L-1 Zinc Sulphate (ZnSO4) 2.3.4 Preparation of Stock Solutions 2.4.1 30 Preparation of Mercaptoacetic acid 1.0 mol L-1 2.4 29 Preparation of Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) 0.01 mol L-1 2.3.6 29 Preparation of 1.0 mol L-1 Tris buffer (tris-hydroxymethyl aminomethane) 2.3.5 29 30 30 Preparation of Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA), Albumin, Lysozyme, Amylase Stock Solution (100 ppm) 2.5 30 Procedure for Preparing CdS Capped Mercaptoacetic Acids 30 2.6 Procedure for Preparing ZnS capped Cysteine 31 2.7 Fluorimetric Analysis 31 2.8 UV-Vis Spectroscopy Analysis 32 2.9 General Procedures 32 2.9.1 32 Effect of pH 2.9.2 Effect of Buffer 33 2.9.3 33 Effect of Concentration 2.9.4 Effect of Temperature 33 2.9.5 Effect of Reaction Time 34 2.9.6 Calibration Curves for the Quantitative Analysis of BSA 34 2.9.7 Accuracy of the Method 34 2.9.8 Limit of the Detection and Quantification 35 2.9.9 Salt–Dependent Studies on Functionalized CdS Binding with BSA 35 2.9.10 Effect of Foreign Substances 35 2.9.11 Effect of Surfactant 36 x 3 FUNCTIONALIZED CADMIUM SULFIDE BINDING WITH BSA 37 3.1 Preamble 37 3.2 Fundamental Studies of CdS Capped Mercaptoacetic Acid (Functionalized CdS) Particles 3.2.1 Formation of CdS Capped with 38 Mercaptoacetic Acid (Functionalized CdS) Particles 3.2.2 38 Fluorescence Properties of CdS Capped with Mercaptoacetic Acid (Functionalized CdS) 39 3.3 Fluorescence Properties of Functionalized CdS Binding with BSA 3.3.1 40 Standard Calibration of Absorbance Properties on (Functionalized CdS) Binding with BSA 3.3.2 40 Fluorescence Properties of the CdS Capped Mercaptoacetic Acid (Functionalized CdS) Binding with BSA 3.4 42 Optimization Procedures on the Fluorescence Properties of the Functionalized CdS Binding 3.5 with BSA 44 3.4.1 Effect of pH Value 44 3.4.2 Effect of Buffer Nature 45 3.4.3 Effect of Concentration 46 3.4.4 Effect of Temperature 47 3.4.5 Effect of Reaction Time and Stability 48 Standard Calibration Curves for the Quantitative Analysis of Functionalized CdS Binding with BSA 49 3.6 Method Validation for the Quantitative Analysis of Functionalized CdS Binding BSA 51 3.6.1 Linearity of Standard Curves 51 3.6.2 Accuracy of the Method 52 3.6.3 Limit of the Detection and Quantification 53 xi 3.7 Salt-Dependent Studies on Functionalized CdS Binding with BSA 3.8 3.9 Effect of the Foreign Substances on Functionalized CdS Binding with BSA 55 3.8.1 Amino Acids 56 3.8.2 Carbohydrates 57 3.8.3 Metal ions 58 3.8.4 Other compounds 59 3.8.5 Surfactant 61 Standard Calibration of Proteins Binding with Functionalized CdS 3.10 3.11 4 54 64 Comparison of the Developed Functionalized CdS Methods 68 Conclusions 69 FUNCTIONALIZED ZINC SULFIDE BINDING BSA 70 4.1 Preamble 4.2 Fundamental Studies of ZnS Capped L-Cysteine (Functionalized ZnS) 4.2.1 72 Fluorescence Properties of ZnS Capped L -Cysteine (Functionalized ZnS) binding with BSA 4.5 71 Standard Calibration of Absorbance Properties on Functionalized ZnS Binding with BSA 4.4 71 Spectral Characteristics of Fluorescence on Functionalized ZnS 4.3 70 74 Optimizations Procedures on the Fluorescence Properties of the Functionalized ZnS Binding with 4.6 BSA 76 4.5.1 Effect of pH Value and Buffer Nature 76 4.5.2 Effect of Concentration 78 4.5.3 Effect of Temperature and Reaction Time 79 Standard Calibration Curves for the Quantitative Analysis of Functionalized ZnS binding with BSA 81 4.7 Method Validation for the Quantitative Analysis xii of BSA 4.7.1 Linearity, Accuracy, Limit of the Detection of the Method 4.8 4.10 4.11 5 83 Salt Dependence Studies on Functionalized ZnS Binding with BSA 4.9 83 84 Effect of the Foreign Substances on Functionalized ZnS Binding with BSA 86 4.9.1 Effect of Non-protein Substances 86 4.9.2 The Effect of Surfactant 90 Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS) 90 Triton X-100 91 Standard Calibration of Proteins Binding with Functionalized ZnS 92 Conclusions 97 CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS 98 5.1 Conclusions 98 5.2 Suggestions 101 REFERENCES 102 xiii LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 1.1 Amino acid composition of BSA 5 3.1 The effect of different type of buffer in the presence and absences of BSA. pH 6, [BSA] = 25 ppm, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x 10-4 mol L-1 46 Intra-day accuracy of functionalized CdS binding with BSA under optimum conditions. pH 6, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1 52 Inter-day precision of functionalized CdS binding with BSA under optimum conditions. pH 6, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1 52 Effect of foreign substances on the fluorescence intensity of functionalized CdS binding with BSA 25 ppm 60 Analytical parameter of various proteins binding with functionalized CdS under optimum conditions. pH 6, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1. 65 Comparison of methods for the determination of protein (BSA) 69 The effect of different type of buffer in the presence and absences of BSA. pH 6, [BSA] = 15 ppm, [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x 10-4 mol L-1 78 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 4.1 4.2 Effect of foreign substances on the fluorescence intensity of functionalized ZnS binding with BSA 15 ppm 87 4.3 Analytical parameter of various proteins binding with functionalized ZnS under optimum conditions. pH 7, 93 [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x10-4 mol L-1 xiv LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 1.1 General structure of Į-amino acids 2 2.1 Luminescence spectrometer Perkin-Elmer Model LS-50B 28 3.1 Yellow CdS solution capped with mercaptoacetic acid 38 3.2 Fluorescence (a) excitation spectrum and (b) emission spectrum for CdS capped with mercaptoacetic acid. Ȝexc = 233 nm, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3 x10-4 mol L-1 40 3.3 UV Absorbance spectra of functionalized CdS binding with BSA with increasing concentration 0 ppm to 35 ppm. 41 [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1 3.4 Standard calibration for functionalized CdS in the presence of various concentration of BSA. . [Functionalized CdS 42 colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1 3.5 The emission spectra of functionalized CdS in the absence and presence of BSA under the room temperature. [BSA] = 25 ppm, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 43 3x10-4 mol L-1 3.6 Effect of pH for functionalized CdS in the absence and presence of BSA at room temperature. [BSA]=25 ppm, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1 44 Effect of functionalized CdS concentration on the fluorescence intensity in the presence of BSA. pH 6, [BSA] = 25 ppm, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1 47 Effect of temperature for functionalized CdS in absence and presence of BSA. pH 6 [BSA] = 25 ppm, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1 48 3.7 3.8 xv 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 Effect of reaction time for functionalized CdS in the presence of BSA. pH 6, [BSA] = 25 ppm, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1 49 Emission spectra of functionalized CdS with increasing concentration of BSA from 0 ppm to 50 ppm. pH 6, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1 50 Calibration curves for functionalized CdS binding with various concentration of BSA under optimum conditions. pH 6, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1 51 Effect of the increasing concentration of BSA on the functionalized CdS. pH 6, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1 53 3.13 Effect of the concentration of NaCl solution on the fluorescence intensity in the absence (curve 1) and presence (curve 2) of BSA and functionalized CdS.BSA=25 ppm, 55 [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1 3.14 Effect of increasing concentration of L-alanine, L-glycine and L-cysteine on functionalized CdS binding with BSA. pH 6, [BSA] = 25 ppm, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1 56 Effect of increasing concentration of starch, sucrose and glucose on functionalized CdS binding with BSA. pH 6, [BSA] = 25 ppm, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1 57 3.15 3.16 Effect of increasing concentration of Ca2+, Cu2+ NH4+, Ni2+ on functionalized CdS binding with BSA. pH 6, [BSA] = 25 ppm, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1 58 3.17 Effect of increasing concentration of Fe2+, Fe3+ Zn2+, Mg2+ on functionalized CdS binding with BSA. pH 6, [BSA] = 59 25 ppm, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1 3.18 Effect of increasing concentration of EDTA and urea on functionalized CdS binding with BSA. pH 6, [BSA] = 25 ppm, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1 60 Fluorescence emission spectra of CdS binding BSA with increasing concentration of SDS 10 ppm-100 ppm. pH 6, [BSA] = 25 ppm, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1 62 3.19 3.20 Effect of increasing of SDS concentration on the fluorescence emission intensity on functionalized CdS xvi binding with BSA. pH 6, [BSA] = 25 ppm, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1 63 3.21 Fluorescence emission spectra of functionalized CdS binding with BSA with increasing concentration of Triton X-100 from 10 ppm to 50 ppm. pH 6, [BSA] = 25 ppm, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1 63 3.22 Emission spectra of functionalized CdS with increasing concentration of lysozyme from 0 ppm to 12.5 ppm. pH 6, [BSA] = 25 ppm, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1 65 3.23 Emission spectra of functionalized CdS with increasing concentration of amylase from 0 ppm to 10 ppm. pH 6, [BSA] = 25 ppm, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1 66 Emission spectra of functionalized CdS with increasing concentration of egg albumin from 0 ppm to 30 ppm. pH 6, [BSA] = 25 ppm, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1 66 Calibration graph for functionalized CdS binding with protein lysozyme under the optimum conditions. pH 6, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1 67 Calibration graph for functionalized CdS binding with protein amylase under the optimum conditions. pH 6, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1 67 Calibration graph for functionalized CdS binding with protein egg albumin under optimum conditions. pH 6, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1 68 Fluorescence excitation spectrum (a) and emission spectrum (b) for ZnS capped cysteine. Ȝexc = 233 nm. [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x10-4 mol L-1 72 UV absorbance spectra of functionalized ZnS and BSA concentration 0 ppm to 35 ppm. [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x10-4 mol L-1. 73 3.24 3.25 3.26 3.27 4.1 4.2 4.3 Standard calibration for functionalized ZnS in presence of various concentration of BSA. [Functionalized ZnS colloids] 73 = 4x10-4 mol L-1. 4.4 The emission spectra of functionalized ZnS in the absence and presence of BSA under the room temperature. [BSA] = 15 ppm, [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x10-4 mol L-1 74 xvii 4.5 4.6 Schematic of ZnS capped L-cysteine Schematic of functionalized ZnS conjugated to protein 75 75 4.7 Effect of pH for functionalized ZnS in absence and presence of BSA at room temperature.[BSA] = 15 ppm, [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x10-4 mol L-1 77 4.8 Effect of functionalized ZnS concentration on the fluorescence intensity in the presence of BSA. pH 7, [BSA] = 15 ppm, [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x10-4 mol L-1 79 4.9 Effect of temperature for functionalized ZnS in absence and presence of BSA . pH 7, [BSA] = 15 ppm, [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x10-4 mol L-1 80 Effect of reaction time for functionalized ZnS in the presence of BSA. pH 7, [BSA] = 15 ppm, [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x10-4 mol L-1 81 4.10 4.11 Emission spectra of functionalized ZnS with increasing concentration of BSA from 2.5 ppm to 20 ppm. pH 7, [BSA] = 15 ppm, [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x10-4 mol L-1 82 4.12 Calibration curves for functionalized ZnS binding with various concentration of BSA under optimum conditions. pH 7, [BSA] = 15 ppm, [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x10-4 mol L-1 83 Effect of the increasing concentration of BSA on the functionalized ZnS. pH 7, [BSA] = 15 ppm, [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x10-4 mol L-1 84 4.13 4.14 Effect of the concentration of NaCl solution on the fluorescence intensity in the absence (curve 1) and presence (curve 2) of BSA and functionalized colloidal ZnS. pH 7, [BSA] = 15 ppm, [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 85 4x10-4 mol L-1 4.15 Effect of increasing concentration of L-alanine, L-glycine and L-cysteine on ZnS binding with BSA. pH 7, [BSA] = 15 ppm, [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x10-4 mol L-1 88 Effect of increasing concentration of starch, sucrose and glucose on functionalized ZnS binding with BSA. pH 7, [BSA] = 15 ppm, [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x10-4 mol L-1 88 4.16 4.17 Effect of increasing concentration of Mg2+, Cu2+ NH4+ and Ni2+ on functionalized ZnS binding with BSA. pH 7, xviii 4.18 4.19 4.20 [BSA] =15 ppm, [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 89 4x10-4 mol L-1 2+ 3+ 2+ Effect of increasing concentration of Fe , Fe Cd and Ca2+ on functionalized ZnS binding with BSA. pH 7, [BSA] = 15 ppm, [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x10-4 mol L-1 89 Effect of increasing concentration of EDTA and urea on functionalized ZnS binding with BSA. pH 7, [BSA] = 15 ppm, [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x10-4 mol L-1 90 Fluorescence emission spectra of ZnS binding with BSA with increasing concentration of SDS 10 ppm-100 ppm. pH 7, [BSA] = 15 ppm, [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x10-4 mol L-1 91 4.21 Fluorescence emission spectra of functionalized ZnS binding with BSA with increasing concentration of Triton X-100 from 10 ppm to 30 ppm. pH 7, [BSA] = 15 ppm, [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x10-4 mol L-1 92 4.22 Emission spectra of functionalized ZnS with increasing concentration of amylase from 0 ppm to 7.5 ppm. pH 7, [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x10-4 mol L-1 94 Emission spectra of functionalized ZnS with increasing concentration of lysozyme from 0 ppm to 10 ppm. pH 7, [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x10-4 mol L-1 94 Emission spectra of functionalized ZnS with increasing concentration of egg albumin from 0 ppm to 20 ppm. pH 7, [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x10-4 mol L-1 95 Calibration graph for functionalized ZnS binding with protein amylase under optimum conditions. pH 7, [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x10-4 mol L-1 95 Calibration graph for functionalized ZnS binding with protein lysozyme under optimum conditions.pH 7, [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x10-4 mol L-1 96 Calibration graph for functionalized ZnS binding with protein egg albumin under optimum conditions. pH 7, [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x10-4 mol L-1 96 4.23 4.24 4.25 4.26 4.27 xix LIST OF SYMBOLS BRB - Britton-Robinson buffer BSA - Bovine Serum Albumin CdS - Cadmium Sulfide HSA - Human Serum Albumin EDTA - ethylenediaminetetraacetic INT - Intensity LOD - Limit of detection nm - nanometer ppm - parts per million RSD - Relative standard deviation SDS - sodium dodecyl sulfate UV-Vis - Ultraviolet visible ZnS - Zinc Sulfide ı - Standard deviation Ȝexc - Excitation wavelength Ȝem - Emission wavelength CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Prelude Proteins have long been recognized as biologically fundamental and medically important substance. International and industrial competition provided a healthy impetus to basic research and produced an explosive growth in fundamental understanding about protein molecules, which constituted the ‘stuff of life’ [1]. Proteins contributed to key body function, including blood clotting, fluid balance, production of hormones and enzymes, vision and cell growth and repairs. Day by day regulation and maintenance of the body requires thousands of different proteins, which is a much greater variety than carbohydrates and lipids in the body. Many of these proteins are very large and their protein molecular weights can exceed one million. In contrast, glucose has a molecular weight of only 180. Thus, from a biological standpoint, proteins deserved their name, from the Greek word proteios, means, “To come first” [2]. 2 1.2 General Introduction to Proteins The name of protein (Greek, proteios) was first used in 1838 by Mulder following a suggestion by Berzelius [3]. Mulder was among the first proposed a systematic study of the elemental composition of proteins. Most proteins were found to contain 50 to 55% carbon, 6 to 7% hydrogen, 20 to 23% oxygen and 12 to 19% nitrogen. Protein determinations were based on nitrogen (assuming an average content of 16%) came to be use for analysis of tissues and food samples. Sulfur (0.2 0.3%) was found to occur in proteins and phosphorus in some cases (as high as 3%). Trace elements identified in certain proteins (e.g. 0.34% iron in hemoglobin) permitted calculation of minimum molecular weights. These results give the first indication that proteins have large molecular weight compared to other organic substances known at that time [3]. During the late 1800s, amino acids were known as the basic building units of proteins. There are 20 amino acids occurred as components of most proteins. In 1902, Fischer proposed that proteins are long chains of amino acids joined together by amide bonds between the Į-carboxyl group of the one amino acid and the Į-amino group of another [3]. The water was eliminated between the Į-carboxyl group of one amino acid and the amino group of another to produce an amide linkage [3, 4]. Proteins also can be identified as natural polymer of L-Į-amino. Figure 1.1 shows the general structure of the Į-amino acids. Figure 1.1: General structure of Į-amino acids 3 1.2.1 Classification of Proteins Proteins are classified in two additional ways as shape and composition. Based on their shape, proteins can be classified into two major groups that are fibrous protein and globular protein [1]. Fibrous proteins are insoluble and characteristically play a structural role in animals. Typical member of fibrous group are fibroin of silk, keratin of hair, nails and feather and elastin of elastic connective tissue. The proteins, which resemble the white of an egg closely, such as proteins of milk and blood plasma, are classified as globular proteins. This globular protein have approximately spherical dimension, which is in contrast with fibrous proteins. Globular proteins are characteristically soluble in aqueous solution [1]. On basis of composition, proteins are classified as simple proteins, conjugated proteins and derived proteins [2]. Simple Proteins Simple proteins yield only amino acids on hydrolysis. Albumin, globulin, glutelins and protamines are classified as simple protein. Simple proteins usually are proteins of relatively low molecular weight. Conjugated Proteins Conjugated proteins contain an amino acid part combined with a non-protein material such as lipids, nucleic acids and carbohydrates. Some of the major conjugated proteins chromoproteins. are phosphoproteins, lipoproteins, glycoproteins and 4 Derived Proteins Derived protein is protein that has been changed by physical agents such as heat and high hydrogen-ion concentration and by action of enzymes or chemical reagents. This protein can be divided into two groups by the amount of hydrolysis that can take place. These groups are classified as primary and secondary derivatives. 1.2.2 Proteins Structure Proteins are extraordinarily complex molecules. There are four levels of the structural organization of proteins that have been distinguished, which are primary structure, secondary structure, tertiary structure and quaternary structure [6, 3]. The primary structure of proteins was related to the peptide bonds between the amino acids component and to the amino acid sequence in the molecule. Proteins have been defined as the linear sequence of amino acid residues making up the polypeptide chains of the molecule [3]. A polypeptide chain may involve in hydrogen bonding between amide nitrogen and carbonyl oxygen. These bonds may be formed between different areas of the same polypeptide chain or between adjacent chains. Based on this bond, secondary structure of proteins was established. The structure may be in two types helical structure and sheet structure. The helical structures are stabilized by intramolecular hydrogen bonds and the sheet structures by intermolecular hydrogen bonds [6, 7]. The tertiary structure of proteins was established when the chains are folded over into compact structures stabilized by hydrogen bonds, disulfide bridges and van der Waals forces. Further, proteins contained more than one polypeptide chain exhibit as an additional level of structural organization. Quaternary structure referred to the spatial arrangement of subunit and the nature of their contacts [8]. 5 1.3 Bovine Serum Albumin Serum albumin is one of the most widely studied proteins and is the most abundant protein in plasma with a typical concentration of 5 g/100 mL. Albumin generally regarded to mean serum albumin or plasma albumin. Albumins are the most abundant protein in the circulatory system and contribute 80 % to colloid osmotic blood pressure [9]. Albumins have been used as a model protein for diverse biophysical, biochemical and physicochemical studies. Bovine serum albumin (BSA) is essentially a kind of plasma protein extracted from bovine (buffalo blood). BSA built by a single chain of 528 amino acid globular non-glycoprotein cross-linked with 17 cysteine residues (8 disulfide bonds and 1 free thiols) [10]. Table 1 shows amino acid composition of BSA [12, 13]. Albumins characterized by a low content of tryptophan and methionine and a high content of cysteine and the charged amino acids, aspartic and glutamic acids, lysine and arginine. The glycine and isoleucine content of BSA are lower than in the average protein [11]. (Table 1) It has now been determined that serum albumin is chiefly responsible for the maintenance of blood pH [14]. Moreover, BSA has a wide range of physiological functions involving the binding, transport and delivery of fatty acids, porphyrins, tryptophan, tyrosine and steroids [10]. Table 1.1: Amino acid composition of BSA [12, 13] Ala 48 Cys 35 Asp 41 Glu 58 Phe 30 Gly 17 His 16 Ile 15 Lys 60 Leu 65 Met 5 Asn 14 Pro 28 Gln 21 Arg 26 Ser 32 Thr 34 Val 38 Trp 3 Tyr 21 6 1.4 Functions of Proteins Proteins play crucial roles in virtually all-biological process. Their significance and the remarkable scopes of their activity are exemplified in the following functions [1, 2, 8]. 1.4.1 Enzymatic Catalysis Most of the chemical reactions in biological systems are catalyzed by specific macromolecules called enzymes. Enzymes exhibited enormous catalytic power and usually reaction rates increased by at least a million fold. The striking fact is that nearly all known enzymes are proteins. 1.4.2 Transport and Storage Specific proteins transport most of the small molecules and ions. For example, hemoglobin transports oxygen in erythrocytes, whereas myoglobin a related protein, transports oxygen in muscle. Iron is carried in the plasma of blood and transferred into the liver and stored as a complex with ferritin. 1.4.3 Immune Protection Antibodies are highly specific proteins that recognize and combine with foreign substances such as viruses, bacteria and cells from other organisms. Without sufficient dietary protein, the immune system lacks the cells and other tools needed to function properly. 7 1.4.4 Generation and Transmission of Nerve Impulses Receptor proteins mediated the response of nerve cells to specific stimuli. For example, rhodopsin is the light-sensitive protein in retinal rod cells. Receptor proteins triggered by specific small molecules, such as acetylcholine is responsible for transmitting nerve impulses at synapses (junctions between nerve cells). 1.4.5 Control of Growth and Differentiation Control sequential expression of genetic information is essential for the orderly growth and differentiation of cells. In bacteria, repressor proteins are important control elements that silence specific segments of the DNA of the cell. In higher organism, growth factor proteins control growth and differentiation. Besides that, the activities of different cells in multicellular organisms are coordinated by hormone. Many of the hormones, such as insulin and thyroid stimulating hormone are proteins. Indeed, proteins served in all cells as sensors that control the flow of energy and matter. 1.4.6 Contribution to Acid Base Balance The concentration of hydrogen ions in the bloodstream determines the acid- base balance (pH) of the blood. Proteins help to regulate the amount of free hydrogen ions by readily accepting or donating hydrogen ions. This regulation helps to keep the blood pH fairly constant and slightly alkaline (pH 7.35 to 7.45). 8 1.4.7 Providing Energy Proteins supplies about 2% to 5% of the energy the body uses. Most cells use primarily carbohydrates and fats for energy. Proteins and carbohydrates contain the same amount of usable energy about 4 kcal/g. However, proteins are a very inefficient source of energy, due to the need for the metabolism and processing by liver and kidneys, prior to the utilization of this energy source. 1.5 The Basic Proteins Quantification Protocols Numerous methods for determining the amount of proteins present in a sample have been devised over the years. The selection of analytical technique must depend on the definition of protein. Moreover, the criteria for choice of a protein assays are usually based on convenience, availability of protein for assays, presence or absence of interfering agents and accuracy. Several indirect ways to measure protein concentrations spectrophotometrically have been developed [15]. This method depended on: i. Amount of protein ii. Concentration of protein iii. Presence of compound which may interfere with assay iv. Specificity of assay v. Ease and reliability, accuracy and precision of performing the assay 1.5.1 Colorimetric Method Colorimetric assays for proteins are based on certain metal ions and dyes binding to protein in a specific mass ratio and upon binding become intensely colored. These reagents were reacted with protein samples to obtain an absorption band, which the intensity is linearly proportional to the protein concentration of a 9 solution in mass/volume units. The three most commonly used of these methods are: the Biuret assay, the Lowry assay and Bradford assay [16]. Biuret Method The Biuret reaction is the most specific of the protein methods. The assay was developed following the observation that Biuret NH2CONHCONH2 reacts with an alkaline solution of copper sulphate to give a purple coloured complex [17, 18]. The intensity of the charge-transfer absorption band resulting from the copperprotein complex is linearly proportional to the mass of proteins present in solution. This method is a relatively insensitive method (detection limit ~ 0.5 to 80 mg/mL), but provides a fast and simple means of obtaining estimates of proteins concentration over a rather large range of concentration. Lowry Method Lowry method [19] is a widely used quantitative assay for determining proteins content in a solution. The method based on both Lowry and Biuret reactions, where the peptide bonds of proteins react with copper under alkaline conditions producing Cu+, which reacts with the Folin reagent. Folin-Ciocalteau reaction is based on phosphomolybdotungstate reduced to heteropolymolybdenum blue by the copper-catalyzed oxidation of aromatic amino acids [16]. Besides that, the reactions resulted in a strong blue colour, due to presence of tyrosine and tryptophan in proteins. Most interfering substances removed by precipitating the proteins from solution prior to running the assay. The detection range of this method is 1 to 300 µg/mL. Advantages of this method are reliable method for proteins quantitation and little variation among different proteins. The disadvantages of this method are many interfering substances, slow reaction rate, instability of certain reagents and proteins irreversibly denatured. 10 Bradford Method An assay originally described by Bradford [20] in 1976 has become the preferred method for quantifying proteins in many laboratories. This technique is simpler, faster and more sensitive than the Lowry method. This assay relies on the binding of the dye Coomassie Brilliant Blue G250 to proteins [20]. Under the pH conditions of the assay, the dye is present in its cationic form and does not absorb strongly at 595 nm. When the dye binds to a protein, there is a stabilization of the doubly protonated anionic form of the dye, which absorb in the 595 nm region [21]. The dye appeared to bind most readily to arginyl residues of proteins (but does not bind to the free amino acids) [21]. This specificity can lead to variation in the response of the assay to different proteins. The technique of this assay is simple, faster (carried out in a single step) and more sensitive than the Lowry method. The method is capable of detecting as little as 0.5-50 µg/mL of proteins and the range of sensitivity is 20-200 µg/mL. One of the major advantages of this assay is insensitive to interferences from reagents that are commonly found in proteins solutions. Disadvantages of this method are the proteins used for this assays are irreversibly denatured [22]. 1.5.2 Bicinhoninic Acid (BCA) Method The bicinchoninic acid (BCA) assay was first described by Smith [23]. This developed method was a modification of the Lowry method. This method also depends on the conversion of Cu2+ to Cu+ under alkaline condition and the Cu+ detected by reaction with BCA. The two assays are similarly sensitive, but since BCA is stable under alkali conditions, this assay has the advantage that it can be carried out as a one-step process compared to the two steps needed in the Lowry assay. The reaction resulted in the development of an intense purple color with an absorbance maximum at 526 nm. Since the production of Cu+ in this assay is a function of proteins concentration and incubation time, the protein content of unknown samples can be determined by comparison with known protein standards. 11 The advantages of this assay are fewer interfering substances compared to Lowry assay and it is not affected by range of detergents and denaturing agents. A further advantage of this method is that it can be carried out as one-step process compared to the two steps needed in the Lowry method. However, the disadvantages of this method are some interferes with different proteins; colour is unstable with time and colour variations with different proteins. Besides, the presence of sulfhydryl agents [24] and lipids gives excessively high absorbance [25, 26], which interfere with the assay. 1.5.3 Kjeldahl Method Johann Kjeldahl developed this Kjeldahl original method in 1883 [3]. The method has approval from the AOAC (Association of Official Analytical Chemists), formerly the Association of Official Agricultural Chemist [27]. The Kjeldahl methods were based on titration of ammonium ion produced by digestion of the protein with concentrated sulfuric acid [3]. This method is the legal basis for determining proteins (like N, (NH4)2SO4, NH4+), which measure the total nitrogen, and converting this value to a protein equivalent. For proteins of unknown amino acid composition, quantitation was based on approximate 16% of nitrogen content in protein. The typical range for nitrogen content is about 12 to 18%, although a few types of proteins fall well outside this range (e.g. protamine has 30% nitrogen) [3]. The reagents for analysis need to be N-free so that there is no interference substances present. This procedure is not applicable to material containing N-N or NO linkages. Interference of nucleic acid and other N-containing organic compounds can be removed by trichloroacetic acid (TCA) precipitation of proteins [28]. The advantages of this method are inexpensive and accurate. However, the disadvantages of this method are waste of time (normally takes 2 hours for digestion) and corrosive reagents [3]. 12 1.5.4 UV Absorbance Method The ultraviolet absorption method uses the UV spectrophotometer to measure the quantity of protein present. Spectroscopic investigations were initially pursued to take advantages of the absorption of peptide bonds in the far-UV portion of the spectrum (190-235 nm) [29] and aromatic amino acids in the near-UV (250-350 nm) [30]. The presence of proteins in a sample can be determined by measuring the amount of light absorbed at 280 nm (Abs280). However, most proteins absorb in the UV region of 250-350 nm with maximum absorption at 280 nm. In this method, the absorption at UV range 280 nm wavelengths occur when the proteins have aromatic side chains such as tryptophan (Typ), tyrosine (Try) and phenylalanine (Phe). The range of sensitivity of this range is between 0.2 -2 mg/mL proteins [31]. Besides that, the peptide bonds of proteins absorb the far UV with maximum absorption at 205235 nm. This absorption method is more sensitive compare to absorbance at 280 nm since there are many peptide bonds in proteins and the bonds are essentially constant for all proteins. At this UV range, a concentration of 0.01-0.05 mg/mL proteins can be determined. The advantages of this method are this method is time saving because of the simple procedure and the sample is recoverable. It is also useful for estimation of proteins before using a more accurate method. Besides that, this method does not destroy the sample. However, this method also has some disadvantages including the interference from other chromophores such as detergent, nucleic acids and lipid droplets. 1.6 Recent Advances in Protein Analysis The development of novel assays for proteins is a basic requisite in both clinical and laboratory tests. Therefore, a great number of assays have continuously been proposed in recent years such as based on spectrophotometric [32, 33], nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) [34, 35], resonances capillary electrophoresis [36], fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) [37] and Rayleigh light-scattering (RLS) [38]. 13 Recent research in proteins determination had focus on spectrophotometric method. Zhong et al. [32] described the spectrophotometric determination of protein based on the binding interaction of protein, molybdenum(VI) and dibromohydroxyphenylfluorone (DBHPF). In this study, the DBHPF–Mo(VI) complex was applied as a new spectroscopic probe for proteins and a novel method for the determination of proteins were developed in the presence of Triton X-100. The assay was characterized with high sensitivity, long stability, good selectivity and simplicity. Besides, the binding of 2-hydroxy-3-nitro-9-fluorenone (HNF) (a new reagent with absorption antitumour activity) to human serum albumin (HSA) was investigated by Hong et al. [33]. This study was carried out by fluorescence spectroscopy combined with UV-Vis, circular dichroism (CD) and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectrophotometric techniques under simulative physiological conditions. Accordingly, the experimental results observed in this work indicated that the binding of HNF to HSA led to the conformational change of HSA. Besides, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is a powerful technique for the study of the structure, dynamics and folding of proteins in solution. Cui et al. [34] demonstrated that nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy could be used as an alternative approach to study the competitive binding of two ligands ibuprofen (IBP) and salicylic acid (SAL) to protein (HSA) at the low-affinity binding sites. In this study, they utilized an excess of ligands, IBP and SAL, over the albumin in order to saturate the high-affinity binding sites and to ensure that the competitive binding of IBP and SAL to HSA. Here, the competitive binding was analyzed quantitatively using NMR based 1 H spin-lattice relaxation (R1) measurements, NMR methods that can be use to study molten globule states of proteins have been described by Redfield [35]. This study has been illustrated using D-lactalbumin and apomyoglobin, which is two of the most widely studied molten globules. In this study, it was reported that the specific method used to study the molten globule state of a particular protein is determined by the quality of the NMR spectrum obtained. Accordingly, these NMR methods have provided detailed information about the specific residues involved in secondary structure within the molten globule. 14 Moreover, capillary electrophoresis is a powerful separation tool for proteins. Lee et al. [36] demonstrated a method for the analysis of picomolar concentration proteins using electrophoretically mediated microanalysis (EMMA) to label proteins on-column with a fluorogenic reagent. This labeling method was followed by capillary zone electrophoresis separation and post column detection based on laserinduced fluorescence. Accordingly, this method provides separation efficiency of 300 000 theoretical plates and compared to UV absorbance detection; the EMMA method provides 7 000 000-fold improvement in detection limit. Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) is a powerful technique for the study of hydrogen bonding and very useful for the structural characterization of proteins. The most important advantage of FT-IR spectroscopy for biological studies is that spectra of almost any biological system can be obtained in a wide variety of environments. There have been many studies carried out to investigate the interaction of proteins by FT-IR technique. Neault et al. [37] reported the FT-IR spectroscopic characterization on the interaction of cis-diamminedichloroplatinum (II) (cisplatin), an anticancer drug with human serum albumin. In this study, spectroscopic evidence regarding the drug-binding mode, drug binding constant and the protein secondary structure was provided. In recent years, a new sensitive technique concerning resonance Rayleigh light-scattering (RRLS) technique has become a new attractive method for the determination of trace biomolecules such as protein. Based on that, Gang et al. [38] demonstrated the determination of proteins based on the interaction with carboxyarsenazo (CAA) by Rayleigh light scattering (RLS). It was found that the weak RLS of CAA enhanced greatly by the addition of proteins. Thus, the CAA assay based on RLS method is useful for routine analytical purposes. However, this technique traditionally regarded as suffering from the disadvantages of low signal levels and lack selectivity [38]. 15 1.7 Fluorescence Method in Proteins Analysis Sir G.G. Stokes described the phenomena of the fluorescence (absorption and emission) process in 1852. Sir G.G.Stokes suggested the name fluorescence is from the mineral fluorspar (lat fluo, to flow and spar, a rock), which produces a blue white fluorescence [39, 40]. Fluorescence occurs when a molecule absorbs photons from the UV-visible light spectrum (200-900 nm) and causing transition to a high-energy electronic state and then emits photons as it returns to its initial state, in less than 10-9 sec [39]. In fluorescence studies, one is generally concerned with two types of spectrum, the excitation spectrum and emission spectrum. The excitation spectrum is determined by measuring the emission intensity at a fixed wavelength while varying the excitation wavelength. The emission spectrum is determined by measuring the variation in emission intensity wavelength for the fixed excitation wavelength. The difference between the excitation and emission wavelengths is called as Stoke’s shift. Fluorescence has proven to be a versatile tool for a myriad of applications. It was a powerful technique for investigation of molecular interactions in analytical chemistry, biochemistry, cell biology, physiology, nephrology, cardiology, photochemistry and environmental science. In the last twenty years, fluorescence spectroscopy has evolved into a powerful tool for the studies of chemical, semiconductor, photochemical and biochemical species [40]. Fluorescence spectroscopy has become widely accepted as a modern method for the study of proteins structure, proteins biosynthesis and other biochemical problems. The characteristics of proteins fluorescence are dependent on structure of protein. The fluorescence of peptides is caused by the presence of the amino acids tyrosine, tryptophan and phenylalanine [41]. However, the fluorescence of phenylalanine only observed in the absences of tyrosine and tryptophan due the small quantum yield. Although, tyrosine is a weaker emitter than tryptophan, but it still contribute significantly to protein fluorescence because it is usually present in larger numbers. The fluorescence of tyrosine can be easily quenched by nearby tryptophan residues due to the energy transfer effect. Hence, generally only fluorescence of tryptophan was detected although in proteins where both tyrosine and tryptophan are present [41, 42]. Some proteins may also contain a fluorescent coenzyme such as 16 reduced nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide, flavin-adenine dinucleotide or pyridoxal phosphate. Proteins in complex with other fluorescent molecules can be term as an extrinsic fluorescence [42]. Various studies of determining protein have previously been reported in the literature [43, 44, 45]. Cui et al. [43] demonstrated the interactions between 1benzoyl-4-p-chlorphenyl thiosemicarbazide (BCPT) and bovine serum albumin (BSA) or human serum albumin (HSA) by fluorescence spectroscopy. Accordingly, the analysis of fluorescence spectrum and fluorescence intensity showed that BCPT has a strong ability to quench the intrinsic fluorescence of both bovine serum albumin and human serum albumin through a static quenching procedure. Wiberg et al. [44] have developed a method for the simultaneous determination of albumin and immunoglobulin G (IgG1) with fluorescence spectroscopy. In this study, few parameters such as excitation and emission slit, detection voltage and scan rate were investigated. Accordingly, the proposed method is fast and required a minimum of sample pre-treatment and further development of the method might make the possibility to determine albumin and IgG directly in human serum. Besides, the study of the interactions of BSA and HSA with anionic, cationic and zwitterionic surfactant monitored by fluorescence spectroscopy was demonstrated by Gelamo et al. [45]. The result showed that the fluorescence of the interaction of BSA and the surfactant was quenched and the interaction of surfactants with HSA enhanced the fluorescence, which was an opposite effect compared to BSA. 1.7.1 Luminescent Organic Compounds Labeling Proteins Labeling of biological molecules using fluorescent compounds is a common and very useful practice in biological science and biomedical science. The method of labeling proteins was introduced by Coon in 1941 when they demonstrated the use of antibody labeling with fluorescein [42]. This research tool has been proven useful in 17 immuno-chemistry, virology, bacteriology, parasitology, rickettsiology and mycology. Fluorescent of small molecules such as organic dyes are used in both single and multiplex detection approaches. The changes in the fluorescence properties of dyes adsorbed or covalently attached to macromolecules may change the signal in the microenvironment of the dyes due to configurational changes in the larger molecule [40]. Reviews on the application of fluorescent compound covalently bounded with protein have been reported by several studies. Jiang et al. [46] reported the studies of the binding reaction and the effect of the energy transfer between terazosin and bovine serum albumin (BSA) by spectrofluorimetry. In this study, it was reported that the compound formed between terazosin and BSA quenched the fluorescence of BSA and the synchronous fluorescence technique was successfully applied to determine terazosin in blood serum and urine samples under physiological conditions. Besides, a new method based on fluorescence quenching, employing a red region fluorescent dye, tetra-substituted sulphonated aluminium phthalocyanine (AlS4Pc) for the determination of albumin and globulin without separation was presented by Li et al. [47]. It was reported that, this experimental method was easy and time saving method and a red-region fluorescent dye with large Stoke’s shift was employed to minimize the background signal of samples. Moreover, the fluorescent dye was easily synthesized and chemically stable which makes this method suitable for practical application. Jiang and Li [48] have demonstrated the approach of a new fluorescence method for the determination of human serum albumin (HSA) by using doxycycline (DC)-europium (Eu3+) as fluorescence probe. Accordingly, HSA remarkably enhanced the fluorescence intensity of the DC-Eu3+ complex and the enhanced fluorescence intensity of DC-Eu3+ is proportional to the concentration of HSA. Ercelen et al. [49] reported on highly specific and stochiometric binding of novel fluorescence probe FA, 2-(6-diethlaminobenzo[b]furan-2-yl)-3-hydroxychromone to bovine serum albumin (BSA). 18 Chun et al. [50] demonstrated Erythrosin B (EB) binding to proteins, which caused a decrease in the fluorescence maximum of EB. In this study, fast and simple fluorescence quenching method for the determination of proteins was developed. Accordingly, the method has advantages in aspect of high sensitivity, short reaction time, good reproducibility, stable fluorescence and very little interference developed simple, rapid and sensitive fluorescence method for determining microamount albumin. The same group demonstrated a simple, rapid and sensitive fluorescence method for determining microamount albumin [51]. According to the report, the fluorescence of 2, 5-di (orthoamino phenyl)-1, 3, 4-oxadiazole is enhanced greatly by the addition of albumin and little interferences on the assay were determined. Besides, a new form of highly luminescent and photostable particles was generated by doping the fluorescent dye tris-(2ƍ2-bipyridyl) dichlororuthenium(II) hexahydrate (Rubpy) inside silica material was successfully employed in various fluorescence labeling by Wei et al. [52]. This study demonstrated the potential to apply these newly developed fluorescent particles in various bio-detection systems. Perez-Ruiz et al. [53] demonstrated similar fluorescence quenching method based on binding of the dye. The study involved the quantitative analysis of protein based on the lower fluorescence of Rose Bengal dye binding to the proteins. This approach was satisfactorily applied to the determination of total proteins in different serum samples. Shobini et al. [54] have published a comprehensive review of the interactions of 7-aminocoumarins with human serum albumin (HSA) by using fluorescence spectroscopic technique and modeling studies. In this study, a large change in fluorescence spectral parameters such as intensity, emission maxima and anisotropy for aminocoumarins was observed. Although most of the reported protein assays are based on the binding of the dyes or organic compounds with protein has been proven the most sensitive assay and very useful practice in biological science and biomedical science, however this organic fluorophores have characteristics that limit their effectiveness for such applications. These limitations included narrow excitation bands and broad emission bands with red spectral tails, which can cause simultaneous evaluation of several 19 light-emitting probes problematic due to spectral overlap [55]. Moreover, the organic fluorophores often suffer from photobleaching, low signal intensities and random on/off light emission (blinking) [56]. Photobleaching were caused by sudden decomposition of the emitter, which the main factor limiting the maximum number of photons obtained from a fluorophores. Besides that, low signal intensities reduces the accuracy of the trace protein can be determined. Intermittent light emission causes problems in real-time studies of biomolecular dynamics such as protein folding, signal transduction and enzymatic catalysis [56]. Due to this, findings strongly suggested that colloidal semiconductor have the potential to overcome problems encountered by organic fluorophores in certain fluorescent labeling application by combining the advantages of high photobleaching threshold, good chemical stability and readily tunable spectral properties. Besides that, their resistance to photobleaching and high quantum yield in aqueous solution make them attractive for labeling functionalized biomolecules for fluorescent applications [55, 56, 57]. 1.7.2 Luminescent Semiconductor Labeling Biomolecules. Semiconductor particles are often composed of atoms from groups II-VI or III-V elements in the periodic table. Extensive research in the past 20 years has focused on the photophysics of nanostructures and their applications in microelectronics and optoelectronics [58, 59]. However, recent developments indicate that the first practical applications of semiconductor are occurring in biology and medicine [30, 31]. Semiconductor particles are considerable current interest, not only because of their unique size-dependent properties but also because of their dimensional similarities with biological macromolecules such as nucleic acids and proteins [60]. Recent advances in materials research have produced a new class of fluorescent labels by conjugating semiconductor with biorecognition molecules. These fluorophores will have key applications in biotechnology and bioengineering. 20 This review focuses on the biological applications of semi-conductor colloidal particles. Mattoussi et al. [60] described a novel and direct method for conjugating protein molecules to luminescent CdSe-ZnS core-shell for use as bioactive fluorescent probes in sensing, imaging, immunoassay and other diagnostics applications. In this study, the design and preparation of a semiconductor and protein conjugate based on E. coli Maltose binding protein was introduced and followed by functional characterization using luminescence method. Accordingly, the preparation of protein modified semiconductor dispersions with high quantum yield, little or no particle aggregation and retention of biological activity was achieved based on fluorescence method. Gerion et al. [61] described the synthesis of water-soluble semiconductor particles, discussed and characterized their properties. The study involved the hydrophobic CdSe and ZnS were embedded in a siloxane shell and functionalized with thiols and amine groups. Accordingly, the introduction of functionalized groups into the siloxane surface would permit the conjugation of the semiconductor to biological entities. Parak et al. [62] demonstrated a water-soluble and highly fluorescent silanized semiconductor nanocrystals were covalently attached to biological macromolecules with a variety of mild coupling chemistries. In this study, siloxane shells derivatized with thiols, amino and carboxyl functional groups was coupled to single or double stranded DNA. The author made a conclusion that, by using the strategies developed in this study, most biomolecules can be covalently coupled to semiconductor nanocrystals. Further, these nanocrystal-DNA conjugates promise to be a versatile tool for fluorescence imaging and probing of biological systems. Cadmium Sulfide Labeling Biomolecules Cadmium Sulfide (CdS) is an important semiconductor owing to its unique electronic, optical properties and its potential application in solar energy conversion, non-linear optical, photo electrochemical cells and heterogeneous photo catalysis 21 [63]. Cadmium sulfide occurs in nature as the mineral greenoktite. The physical properties are yellow to orange crystal. CdS occurs as two polymorphs, hexagonal alpha form and cubic beta form. It exhibits stable wurtzite structure at lower temperature and zinc blended type structure at the higher temperature [64]. CdS compound was widely used in pigments for paints, baking enamels is ceramics plastics. Other applications of this compound are in photovoltaic solar and cells (for converting solar energy to electrical energy), photoconductors (in xerography), thin film transistor and diodes, rectifiers, scintillation counters pyrotechnics and smoke detectors [64]. The synthesis of CdS has been tried by various methods such as the direct reaction of metals with sulfur powder under high temperature, the thermal decomposition of molecular precursors containing M-S bonds and chemical precipitation method involving the precipitation of metal ion with Na2S as the source of S2- ions [64]. The type of caping agents is a great importance in synthesis CdS since it affects the chemical as well as the physical properties of the semiconductor in term of stability and solubility [65, 66]. Most commonly used stabilizers are pyridine, alkyl amines and various thiols [66, 67, 68]. Recent research by several groups has linked colloidal CdS particles to biomolecules. Mahtab et al. [68] have examined the adsorption of different DNA sequences to mercaptoethanol-capped CdS quantum dots as assay for nonspecific protein DNA interactions. In this study, the binding constant for mercaptoethanolcapped CdS with protein DNA interactions was established. Besides, the adsorption of calf thymus DNA to particles of Cd(II)-rich CdS has been examined by photoluminescence spectroscopy as a function of temperature. Moreover, Mathab et al. [69] also performed the adsorption of calf thymus DNA to Cd(II)-rich CdS particles by photoluminescence spectroscopy as a function of temperature. This study suggested that the driving force for adsorption is entropy, and the enthalpy contribution to DNA-surface binding is slightly unfavorable. Similar results also reported by Lakowicz et al. [70] who studied about time–resolved fluorescence spectra of cadmium-enriched particles (CdS-Cd2+) and the effect of DNA oligomer binding. 22 Wang et al. [71] demonstrated a study of a novel composite particle prepared by an in situ polymerization method and applied as a protein fluorescence probe. In this study, the CdS has been prepared by polymerization with acrylic acid (AA) and the surface of the composite CdS particles was covered with abundant carboxylic groups (–COOH) to link proteins. Li and Du [72] have studied the synthesis CMCH (carboxymethly chitosan)-capped CdS particles. According to the report, this polysaccharide (carboxymethly chitosan)-capped CdS would have more affinity with other biomolecules such as protein and DNA molecules, thus making it a promising fluorescent bio-label. Zinc Sulfide Labeling Biomolecules Zinc sulfide (ZnS) is one of the II-VI semiconductor compounds, which have wide ranging applications in solar cells, infrared window materials, photodiode and cathode-ray tube [73], electro luminescent devices [74] and multiplayer dielectric filters [75]. ZnS occurs in two crystalline forms, one in the hexagonal system and other in cubic system. The minerals in hexagonal system are called as wurtzite whereas the cubic system known as sphalerite or zinc blended. Zinc sulfide is insoluble in water and the physical properties of ZnS are white to gray-white or pale yellow powder [64]. Considerable progress has been made in the synthesis of zinc sulfide powders. Irradiation method was extensively used to prepare the ZnS particles were introduced by Qiao et al. [76]. In this method, different sulfur sources such as sodium thiosulfate, thiourea and mercaptoethanol were used successfully to obtain ZnS. Due to the complexity and expensiveness of some of these methods, Wang et al. [77] developed a new solid-state method by which zinc sulfide particles can be obtained easily via solid-state chemical reaction of zinc acetate and thioacetamide at low temperature. However, all the methods described above are difficult to commercialize due to the high-cost and low-volume capacity. Finally, Kho et al. [78] proposed the most acceptable method for the ZnS preparation. This approach 23 described a simple, inexpensive and reproducible procedure for large-scale synthesis of highly stable of ZnS capped cysteine particles. Several research groups have reported few reviews on the ZnS semiconductor linked biomolecules. Chan et al. [79] presented a highly luminescent semiconductor (zinc sulfide-capped cadmium selenide) have been covalently coupled to protein for ultra-sensitive biological detection. According to the report, this class of luminescent labels is 20 times as bright, 100 times as stable against photobleaching and one-third as wide in spectral line width compared with organic dyes such as rhodamine. Besides, these semiconductor conjugated with biomolecules are water-soluble and biocompatible. Wang et al. [80] presented a more detailed study on application of ZnS watersoluble particles modified with sodium thioglycolate. In this study, the modified ZnS were used as fluorescence probes for the quantitation determination of proteins and was proved a simple, rapid and specific method. It has been concluded that these semiconductor particle probes are brighter, more stable against photobleaching and do not suffer from blinking compared with single organic fluorophores. Li et al. [81] presented water-soluble cysteine capped ZnS particles as fluorescence probe for the determination of DNA. In this study, a synchronous fluorescence method has been developed for the rapid quantitative determination of DNA with ZnS capped cysteine. 1.8 Advantages and Disadvantages of Fluorescence in Proteins Analysis. Fluorescence is a particularly important analytical technique because of its extreme sensitivity and good specificity. 1. First there are two wavelengths used in fluorescence analysis. Emitted light from each fluorescent color can be easily separated because each color has unique and narrow excitation spectra. Besides that, multiple fluorescent 24 colors within a single sample can be quantified by sequential measurement of emitted intensity using a set of excitation and emission wavelength pairs specific for each color. 2. Second advantage of fluorescence is low signal to noise ratio because the emitted light enters the emission monochromator, which is positioned at 90o angels from the excitation light path to eliminate background signal and minimize noise due to stray light. 3. The third advantage is that fluorescent methods have a greater range of linearity. Due to this, the sensitivity of fluorescence is approximately 1000 times greater than absorption spectrometric methods. 1.8.1 Disadvantages 1. Fluorescence is particularly sensitive to contaminating substances. Thus, for example, the cuvette may be contaminated by fluorescence material. 2. The fluorescence reading is not stable due to variety of reasons below. i. Fogging of the cuvette when the contents are much colder than the ambient temperature. ii. Bubbles forming in the solution. iii. Drops of liquid on the external faces of the cuvette. 25 1.9 Research Background The development of novel assays for proteins is a basic requisite in both clinical and laboratory tests. The analysis of protein can be used as a reference for measurements of other components in biological fluids and clinical diagnosis. The most frequently used approaches for the determination of protein is the ultraviolet and visible absorption spectroscopy, Lowry method [19], dye binding method like Bradford [20], Bromocresol green procedures [82] and Bromophenol blue [83]. However, they all have some limitation in terms of sensitivity, selectivity, stability and simplicity. Disadvantages of the Lowry method include low sensitivity, poor selectivity and complexity [19]. The Bradford method is also inconvenient in operation and application due to the requirement for calibration and to the nonlinearity between the absorbance of the Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-250 (CBB G250) dye-protein complex and the concentration of protein [20]. The bromocresol green method is insensitive and susceptible to interference by turbidity [82] and the Bromophenol blue method can be used only for protein concentrations greater than 10 mg L-1 [83]. Therefore, a number of assays have been continuously reported in recent years such as those based on spectrophotometric [32, 33], nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) [34, 35], capillary electrophoresis [36], Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) [37] and resonance Rayleigh light-scattering (RRLS) [38]. Findings strongly suggested that, the most sensitive quantitation of protein at this present is generally based on their fluorescence enhancement effect on organic dyes. Fluorescent small molecules (organic dyes) are used in multiplex detection approaches that had achieved a considerable level of sophistication with character of rapidity, good selectivity and high sensitivity. However, the organic fluorophores often suffer from photo bleaching, low signal intensities, random on/off light emission (blinking) and narrow excitation [55, 56]. Colloidal semiconductor particles have the potential to overcome problems encountered by organic small molecules in certain fluorescent labeling applications by combining the advantages of high photobleaching threshold, good chemical stability and readily tunable spectral properties [55]. These colloidal particles are very resistance to photobleaching and have a high quantum yield in aqueous solution 26 make them attractive for labeling functionalized biomolecules for fluorescent probe [55]. In this study, the new direction for the synthesis of CdS capped with mercapto acetic acid and ZnS capped with cysteine was employed for the binding with protein. This functionalized CdS and ZnS will be covalently link to protein (BSA) for further studies. 1.10 Research Objective and Scope of Study Fluorescence method is one of the most sensitive methods frequently used in the determination of protein. The interest in the use of fluorescence technique of determination involves the development of methods that are faster, more efficient, accurate, simple and more sensitive for the determination of protein. Recent advances in fluorescence studies have produced a new class of fluorescent labels by binding semiconductor with biological compounds. The objective of this study is to: i. Synthesize the CdS capped with mercaptoacetic acid and ZnS capped with cysteine. ii. Develop the method for Bovine serum albumin binding with functionalized CdS and functionalized ZnS. iii. Apply the developed method in the quantitative analysis of protein In this study, functionalized CdS and functionalized ZnS binding with protein (BSA) was characterized with fluorescence technique. The binding fluorescence properties of functionalized CdS and ZnS with BSA were optimized for the quantitative analysis of protein. The effect of interfering substances and surfactant binding with functionalized colloidal and BSA was performed. In order to employ the developed method, different type of protein such as albumin, lysozyme and amylase detection was carried out. CHAPTER 2 EXPERIMENTAL 2.1 Apparatus Perkin-Elmer Models LS-50B Luminescence Spectrometer was used for all fluorescence measurements (Figure 2.1). The LS-50B Luminescence Spectroscopy employed a pulse xenon source that produce a high output using a low voltage, 9.9 watts resulting in longer lamp life with minimal ozone and heat production. Photomultiplier tubes were employed as detection devices and LS-50B was connected to a computer for data processing. A Shimadzu UV-1601PC UV-visible spectrophotometer was used for UV-visible spectrometry analysis. A pH meter Cyber-scan model equipped with a glass electrode combined with an Ag/AgCl reference electrode, was employed for the pH measurements. 28 Figure 2.1: Luminescence spectrometer Perkin-Elmer Model LS-50B 2.2 Reagents All the glassware used in this experimental work was acid washed. The chemical reagents used were analytical reagent grade without further purification. Water, purified in a Nano Pure Ultrapure water system (Barnstead /Thermolye) was used for all dilution and sample preparation. Cadmium chloride (CdCl2.H2O), sodium hexametaphosphate (NaPO3)6 and sodium sulfide (Na2S x.H2O) were obtained from Ajax Chemicals (Australia). L-cysteine, L-glycine and mercaptoacetic acid were purchased from Merck (Germany) whereas L-alanine, L-tryptophan and hydrochloric acid were purchased from Fluka (Switzerland). Samples of Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA), albumin, lysozyme, amylase and tris buffer were obtained from Amersham Pharmacia Biotech (U.S.A). SDS was obtained from BDH Chemicals (England) while Triton-X was purchased from Sigma Chemical U.S.A. 29 2.3 Preparation of Standard Solutions 2.3.1 Preparation of 0.1 mol L-1Cadmium Chloride (CdCl2.H2O) Cadmium chloride (CdCl2.H2O) (2.013 g) was dissolved in 100 mL volumetric flask using distilled water. Preparation of 0.1 mol L-1 Sodium Sulphide (Na2S.9H2O) 2.3.2 Sodium sulfide (8.05 g) was dissolved in 100 mL volumetric flask of distilled water until the final concentration of Na2S.9H2O is 0.1 mol L-1. The solution was diluted with distilled water to the mark. Preparation of 1.0 mol L-1 Zinc Sulphate (ZnSO4) 2.3.3 Zinc sulfate (7.189 g) was dissolved in 25 mL volumetric flask of HCl 0.01 -1 mol L . Then the solution makes up to the mark and shakes well. 2.3.4 Preparation of 1.0 mol L-1 Tris buffer (tris hydroxymethyl amino methane) Tris buffer (tris hydroxymethyl amino methane) (6.057 g) was dissolved into a 50 mL volumetric flask using distilled water and make up the solution to the mark. 30 2.3.5 Preparation of Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) 0.01 mol L-1 Hydrochloric acid (0.01 mol L-1) was prepared by adding 0.041 mL of hydrochloric acid 12.23 mol L-1 into a 50 mL volumetric flask with distilled water. 2.3.6 Preparation of Mercaptoacetic Acid 1.0 mol L-1 For the preparation of 1.0 mol L-1 of mercaptoacetic acid, 0.709 mL of mercaptoacetic acid was diluted in 10 mL of volumetric flask with distilled water to the mark. 2.4 Preparation of Stock Solutions 2.4.1 Preparation of Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA), Albumin, Lysozyme, Amylase Stock Solution (100 ppm) Bovine Serum Albumin was prepared by directly dissolving 0.01 g of BSA in 0.5% NaCl solution in 100 mL volumetric flask. The final concentration of BSA 100 ppm was stored at 0-5 oC. The same procedure was carried for the preparation of 100 ppm of albumin, lysozyme and amylase stock solution. 2.5 Procedure for Preparing CdS Capped Mercaptoacetic Acids The basic CdS colloids were prepared following a method described by Spanhel et al. [84]. The procedure employed for preparing CdS particles is as follow. The synthesis of colloidal solution was carried out in a 1000 mL a round bottom flask. Then, 800 mL of deionized water, 4.0 mL of 0.1 mol L-1 CdCl2.H2O and 4.0 mL of 0.1 mol L-1 sodium hexametaphosphate as the stabilizing agent were added to the flask. Then, the pH was adjusted to 7.0 using 0.1 mol L-1 NaOH. Under vigorous 31 stirring, 4.0 mL of 0.1 mol L-1 Na2S.9H2O, was dropped into flask slowly. Then, 1.0 mL of 1.0 mol L-1 of mercaptoacetic acid was reacted with mercaptoacetic acid for 3 hours under vigorous stirring. Finally, the excess mercaptoacetic acid was removed by repeated centrifugation. The functionalized colloidal solution was stored at the room temperature. 2.6 Procedure for Preparing ZnS Capped Cysteine The simple procedure of synthesis ZnS capped cysteine was described by Kho et al. [78]. 1.970 g of L-cysteine was added to 50 mL of degassed and N2 saturated 1.0 mol L-1 Tris buffer (tris hydroxymethyl amino methane). ZnSO4 (1.0 mol L-1, 6.25 mL) was then added to the solution. Then, 25.0 mL of 0.4 mol L-1 Na2S.9H2O was added dropwise into the solution slowly followed by stirring the mixed solution stirred for 30 min. Finally, the colloidal solution was sealed and incubated at 47 oC bath water, followed by 10 min of purged N2 to remove the excess sulfide. The purified ZnS capped cysteine powders were obtained through ethanol precipitation. In this procedure, 100% cold ethanol (0 oC) was added drop wise in the presence of about 10% (v/v) 1.0 mol L-1 NaC2H3O2 (sodium acetate) until a white precipitate ZnS was formed. After the centrifugation for 15 min, the pellet was redissolved in 1.0 mol L-1 Tris buffer. At least two rounds of ethanol precipitation were necessary to remove most of the excess components. To produce the final powder, the ethanol precipitated and redissolved sample was dried overnight. Finally, these powder products were stored at 4 oC. 2.7 Fluorimetric Analysis Emission and excitation spectra of all the solution were obtained using luminescence spectrometer. Fluorescence instrument parameters were set up prior to analysis. All the spectra were measured using 5 cm quartz cell and scanned with a fixed scan speed (250 nm/min). The emission and excitation spectra for 32 functionalized CdS binding with BSA were obtained using 8 nm slit-widths while for functionalized ZnS binding with BSA the slit-width was setup at 5 nm. Into a 5 ml volumetric flask, 100 ȝL of buffer solution, 1500 ȝL of functionalized CdS and appropriate volume of protein sample were added and diluted to 5.0 mL of distilled water. Then, fluorescence excitation spectrum was recorded from 200 nm to 600 nm and fluorescence emission spectrum was scanned with a fixed excitation at Ȝex = 233 nm. Wavelength of emission spectrum at Ȝem = 350 nm and the intensity of maximum peaks were recorded. 2.8 UV-Vis Spectroscopy Analysis The prepared solutions of functionalized CdS in presence of various concentration of BSA were analyzed using UV-visible spectrophotometer in the range of 200 nm to 800 nm. Absorbance at 280 nm wavelength was recorded. Calibration curve of absorbance at specific wavelength against standard solution concentrations was plotted. 2.9 General Procedures 2.9.1 Effect of pH The functionalized CdS colloidal was prepared in various pH values such as pH 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 using Tris buffer. Next, the fluorescence emission spectra was measured when the excitation spectra was at 233 nm wavelength. Further, the emission spectra in presence of 25 ppm protein (BSA) were measured for various pH. The same procedures were carried out for the measurement of functionalized ZnS colloidal in presence of 15 ppm of BSA. 33 2.9.2 Effect of Buffer Experimental procedures demonstrated with three different kinds of buffers in functionalized CdS colloidal in absence and presence of 25 ppm of BSA at optimum pH. The three buffers were Tris-HCl, BRB-NaOH and NaAc-HCl. The fluorescence emission spectra at Ȝem=350 nm for each buffer were measured. The same procedures were repeated for the measurement of functionalized ZnS colloidal in presence of 15 ppm of BSA. 2.9.3 Effect of Concentration The effect of functionalized CdS concentration on the fluorescence intensity was performed by measuring the emission intensity of functionalized CdS concentration from 1x10-4 mol L-1 to 4.5x10-4 mol L-1 at the selected optimum pH. The emission spectra at Ȝem = 350 nm wavelength were measured until the concentration of the colloidal solution reached the maximum value. These procedures were repeated for the measurement of functionalized ZnS colloidal in range 1x10-4 mol L-1 until 8x10-4 mol L-1 at optimum pH. 2.9.4 Effect of Temperature The fluorescence intensity of CdS colloidal was analyzed at different temperatures ranging from 10 0C to 40 0C in the absence and presence of 25 ppm of BSA Then the emission spectra were measured at Ȝex = 233 nm under optimum pH. These procedures were repeated for the measurement of functionalized ZnS colloidal in the absence and presence of BSA of 15 ppm. 34 2.9.5 Effect of Reaction Time The optimum reaction time of CdS colloidal in the presence of 25 ppm of BSA was obtained by measuring the fluorescence intensity at 350 nm for 3 hours period immediately after mixing. The mixture was measured every 5 minutes for 3 hours period. These experimental procedures were carried for the mixture of functionalized ZnS binding with BSA 15 ppm at optimum pH and temperature. 2.9.6 Calibration Curves for the Quantitative Analysis of BSA This procedure was carried by measuring the fluorescence intensity of functionalized CdS in the presence of various concentration of BSA under the optimum pH and temperature. A graph of fluorescence intensity versus concentration was plotted and the calculation for the regression equation and R2 were made using Microsoft Excel Version 2000. This method was employed for the determination of functionalized ZnS binding with BSA. 2.9.7 Accuracy of the Method For the intra-assay determination of accuracy of the developed method, the reproducibility was calculated from 10 independent runs of functionalized colloidal and 25 ppm BSA solution on the same day. For inter day accuracy, proposed method was determined in concentration range of BSA 25 ppm, by six measurements on different days within three days of different CdS binding with BSA solutions. The mean, standard deviation and relative standard deviation (RSD) were calculated. The same accuracy determination procedure was proposed for the functionalized ZnS binding with 15 ppm BSA under optimum parameter. 35 2.9.8 Limit of the Detection and Quantification The limit of the detection of the method was obtained using a lower BSA concentration and at smaller increment additions to the functionalized CdS solution. The studies were conducted under the optimal condition. The studies on analyte (BSA) concentration of 0.2 ppm to 4 ppm were conducted under the optimal condition. Besides, the 3ı of the limit of detection was calculated from 10 blank measurements of functionalized CdS to obtain low limit of detection value. This method was employed for the determination of functionalized ZnS binding with BSA. 2.9.9 Salt–Dependent Studies on Functionalized CdS Binding with BSA The effect of the ionic strength on the fluorescence emission intensity of functionalized CdS binding with BSA was investigated by addition of NaCl from 0.1 mol L-1 to 0.5 mol L-1 in the absence and presence of BSA 25 ppm. Graph concentration of NaCl (mol L-1) versus fluorescence intensity were plotted to distinguish the ionic strength of functionalized CdS binding with BSA. The experimental approach was adopted to investigate the ionic strength between functionalized ZnS binding with BSA 15 ppm. 2.9.10 Effect of Foreign Substances The experimental procedure for the determination of foreign substances was obtained under optimum parameter. Various concentrations of few substances such as metals, non-protein substances, glucose, starch, sucrose and amino acids were measured at 350 nm wavelength in the presence functionalized CdS binding with BSA 25 ppm. Same procedure was carried out to obtain the effect of foreign substances from the determination of functionalized ZnS binding with BSA 15 ppm. 36 2.9.11 Effect of Surfactant The effects of surfactants such as sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), nonionic detergent Triton X-100 on ZnS binding with BSA emission peak were studied under the optimum condition. Aliquots of various concentration of surfactant were added to solution of functionalized CdS binding with BSA 25 ppm. Then, the emission spectra of the solutions were measured at Ȝem = 350 nm wavelengths. These procedures were carried for the functionalized ZnS binding with BSA 15 ppm under the optimum parameter. CHAPTER 3 FUNCTIONALIZED CADMIUM SULFIDE BINDING WITH BSA 3.1 Preamble The quantitative analysis of protein is considerably essential in biochemistry and clinical medicine. Currently, most of the widely used protein assays are spectrophotometric methods such as Lowry, Bromophenol blue, Bradford and Bromocresol green. However, they all have some limitation in terms of sensitivity, selectivity, stability and simplicity [19, 22, 82, 83]. The most sensitive quantitation of protein at present is generally based on their fluorescence detection [55, 56]. In this study, a novel luminescent cadmium sulfide (CdS) particle has been employed for the quantitative determination of protein. 38 3.2 Fundamental Studies of CdS Capped Mercaptoacetic Acid (Functionalized CdS) Particles 3.2.1 Formation of CdS Capped with Mercaptoacetic Acid (Functionalized CdS) Particles The CdS particle formed via the following reaction: Room Temperature CdCl2.H2O + Na2S.9H2O CdS + 2NaCl + 10H2O [85] During the synthesis of CdS particles, it was observed that one deep yellow colloidal product was formed immediately upon mixing the two reactants. This phenomenon indicated that the chemical reaction rate of the reactive system is very fast [85]. Therefore, this reactive chemical reaction favored the formation of small size CdS particles [85]. Besides, the capping agent mercaptoacetic acid was used as stabilizer. Further, thiols group from mercaptoacetic acid binds to a Cd atom and the polar carboxyl group is available for covalent coupling to various biomolecules such protein and nucleic by cross-linking to active amine group [68, 86]. Figure 3.1: Yellow CdS solution capped with mercaptoacetic acid 39 3.2.2 Fluorescence Properties of CdS Capped with Mercaptoacetic Acid (Functionalized CdS) Fluorescent molecules have two characteristic spectra, the excitation spectrum (the relative efficiency of different wavelengths of exciting radiation to cause fluorescence) and the emission spectrum (the relative intensity of radiation emitted at various wavelengths). The emission always occurs at longer wavelengths than the excitation, which caused by a small energy loss in the brief period before emission [40]. Fluorescence spectroscopy has been used to characterize CdS capped mercaptoacetic acid at room temperature. Figure 3.2 shows the excitation spectrum at 233 nm wavelength and emission spectrum of functionalized CdS obtained at 350 nm wavelengths when the excitation wavelength selected from the short wavelength region at 233 nm wavelengths. The energy difference between the maximum of the excitation wavelength and the emission wavelength is called the Stoke’s shift. In this study, the large value of the Stoke’s shift 117 nm was obtained and this may contribute to the sensitivity of the method. The slit width for all measurement of CdS capped mercaptoacetic acid was setup at 8 nm. The slit width should be set to high level in order to get a high intensity of the fluorescence and to avoid background noise [87]. According to Nagamua et al. [88] emission fluorescence properties of CdS obtained are more likely due to electron-hole pair radiative recombination from shallow trap states than from the band edges. The fluorescence emission is due to recombination of charge carriers via surface traps having energy levels in the forbidden band gap. This conclusion was in good agreement with that reported by Spanhel et al. [84]. 40 Figure 3.2: Fluorescence (a) excitation spectrum and (b) emission spectrum for CdS capped with mercaptoacetic acid. Ȝexc = 233 nm, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3 x10-4 mol L-1. 3.3 Fluorescence Properties of Functionalized CdS Binding with BSA 3.3.1 Standard Calibration of Absorbance Properties on Functionalized CdS Binding with BSA The UV-visible spectroscopy method was used to characterize the binding between functionalized CdS and BSA. Absorption in the UV range is caused by ʌelectrons, which reflects aromatic and carboxylic electron system [89]. The absorption spectra of functionalized CdS in the presence of various concentration of BSA are shown in Figure 3.3. It was observed that, functionalized CdS exhibited nearly no absorption in the selected region in the absence of BSA. However, the functionalized CdS showed a slight increase with increasing amount of BSA at absorption maximum at 280 nm wavelengths. Literature data confirmed the result obtained [31]. The phenomena occurred is due to the proteins absorbed in the UV region of 250 nm-350 nm with maximum absorption at 280 nm. Besides, proteins 41 that contained active aromatic amino acids such as tryptophan (Trp) and tyrosine (Try) have their absorbance maxima between 278 nm and 280 nm [31]. Based on the absorption intensity, the calibration curves of functionalized CdS in the presence of various concentration of BSA were constructed and it yielded a linear relationship between the absorbance at 280 nm and BSA substances concentration in the range 0 to 35 ppm (Figure 3.4). Good correlation with R2 value of 0.9756 with regression equation y = 0.001x + 0.005 were obtained between UV absorbance at 280 nm. Figure 3.3: UV absorbance spectra of functionalized CdS binding with BSA with increasing concentration 0 ppm to 35 ppm. [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1. 42 0.045 y = 0.001x + 0.005 R2 = 0.9756 0.04 Absorbance 0.035 0.03 0.025 0.02 0.015 0.01 0.005 0 0 10 20 30 40 Concentration (ppm) Figure 3.4: Standard calibration for functionalized CdS in the presence of various concentration of BSA. [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1. 3.3.2 Fluorescence Properties of the CdS Capped Mercaptoacetic Acid (Functionalized CdS) Binding with BSA Bovine serum albumin (BSA) is one of the most available and extensively studied of all proteins. The study of the interaction fluorescent functionalized CdS binding with BSA was conducted at room temperature. The emission spectra of CdS capped with mercaptoacetic acid in the presence of 25 ppm BSA is shown in Figure 3.5. It was found that the emission maxima of the fluorescence emission spectra of CdS capped mercaptoacetic acid and BSA is at 350 nm when the excitation peak was at 233 nm wavelengths. It is interesting to note that the fluorescence properties of functionalized CdS dramatically enhanced when BSA 25 ppm is present in the system. This phenomenon can be attributed to the interaction between protein (BSA) and functionalized CdS under the room temperature. This result indicated that this functionalized CdS could be use as a novel fluorescence probe for the sensitive determination of protein. The functionalized CdS particles (CdS capped with mercaptoacetic acid) conjugated themselves to protein 43 through covalent interaction. The free carboxylic group from mercaptoacetic acid was favored for the binding to various biomolecules such as protein by cross-linking to active amine groups [86]. Functionalized CdS and BSA Functionalized CdS Figure 3.5: The emission spectra of functionalized CdS in the absence and presence of BSA under the room temperature. [BSA] = 25 ppm, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1. 44 3.4 Optimization Procedures on the Fluorescence Properties of Functionalized CdS Binding with BSA. 3.4.1 Effect of pH Value Fluorescence variations due to pH changes are caused by different ionizable chemical species formed by these changes. The changes from these pH variations can be quite drastic since new ionization forms of the compounds are produced [42]. 800 CdS CdS-BSA Fluorescence Intensity 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 2 4 6 pH 8 10 12 Figure 3.6: Effect of pH for functionalized CdS in the absence and presence of BSA at room temperature. [BSA] = 25 ppm, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1. The effect of pH on the fluorescence enhancement of the functionalized CdS in the absence and presence of BSA was studied (Figure 3.6). Based on result obtained, it was found that pH does not affect the wavelength of emission spectrum but effect the fluorescence intensity. The fluorescence emission intensity reached a maximum over pH 6 and decreased outside of this pH. The pH was only observed in low pH region for functionalized CdS colloidal solution. In this study, the optimum pH for the determination of BSA was pH 6. 45 These results seem to indicate that OH- ion is difficult to approach to the CdS core of the surface modified CdS particles due to the present of the capping agent (mercaptoacetic acid), which covered the surface of the particles. Uchihara and co workers [90] supported this conclusion. Previous studies also have been proposed to explain the appearance of the result. Uchihara et al. [90] reported that pH dependence was also caused by proton dissociation equilibrium of the carboxyl group in mercaptoacetic acid. The number of the mercaptoacetic acid with negative charge increased in the case of CdS capped with mercaptoacetic acid by increasing the pH. It may cause by mercaptoacetic acid combined with the CdS surface by the thiol group and the carboxyl group is free for proton dissociation [90]. 3.4.2 Effect of Buffer Nature A buffer is defined as a mixture of an acid and its conjugate bases, which may reduce changes in solution pH when acid or alkali, are added. The selection of an appropriate buffer is important tools in order to maintain a protein at the desired pH and to ensure reproducible experimental results. Moreover, it is known that protein structure is very sensitive to environmental factors and easily denatures, losing its native three-dimensional conformation. This phenomenon occurs due to the buffers and buffers components can interact directly with certain amino acids and contribute to the stabilization or destabilization of the compound [22]. Several buffer solutions such as Tris-HCl, NaAc-HCl and BRB-NaOH were tested in the present experiments. Result obtained was illustrated in Table 3.1. It is shown that the sensitivity of the protein determination is higher in Tris-HCl (0.1 mol Lí1) buffer solution than in other buffer meanwhile NaAc-HCl and BRB-NaOH buffers quenched the fluorescence intensity. In this study, it can be seen that BRB buffer quenched seriously in the fluorescence intensity. This may be due to the presence of the phosphate (PO43-) compound in BRB solution, which is a heavy fluorescence quencher. Therefore, Tris-HCl buffer solution at pH 6 was used in this 46 work. Besides, the pKa value for the Tris buffer is in the range of 8.15, which may favor the determination of BSA 25 ppm at optimum pH 6. Table 3.1: The effect of different type of buffer in the presence and absence of BSA. pH 6, [BSA] = 25 ppm, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1. Type of Buffer BRB NaAc Tris 3.4.3 Fluorescence Intensity Absence of Buffer Presence of Buffer 687.06 570.30 698.87 630.48 698.16 713.80 Effect of Concentration The concentration of the functionalized CdS colloids may have a great influence on the fluorescence intensity in the determination of BSA. The effect of the concentration of the functionalized colloidal solutions has been investigated in presence of 25 ppm BSA at pH 6. The emission fluorescence intensity increased with increasing concentration of functionalized CdS (Figure 3.7). The experimental results indicated that the maximum and constant emission fluorescence intensity occurred when functionalized CdS colloidal concentration was in the range 2.0x10-4 to 4.0x104 mol L-1. However, the intensity quenched when the concentration of functionalized CdS colloidal reached 4.5x10-4 mol L-1. Gang et al. [38] suggested that, for a very dilute solution the relationship between the fluorescence intensity and concentration is linear. However, at high concentrations the fluorescence intensity decreases because of the self-quenching. Self-quenching caused by collision of excited molecules creating radiation less transfer energy [40]. Thus, in this study, functionalized CdS concentration of 3.0x10-4 mol L-1 was selected for further studies. 47 800 Fluorescence Intensity 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 4 Concentration (10 - mol/L) Figure 3.7: Effect of functionalized CdS concentration on the fluorescence intensity in the presence of BSA. pH 6, [BSA] = 25 ppm, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1. 3.4.4 Effect of Temperature All fluorophores are subject to intensity variations as function of temperature. In general, fluorescence intensity decreases with increasing temperature due to increasing molecular collision that occurred more frequently at higher temperature. The degree of response of an individual compound to the temperature variations is unique to each compound [92]. The response characteristics of the functionalized CdS binding with BSA were examined at temperatures ranging from 10 oC to 40 oC using BSA 25 ppm test solutions. Figure 3.8 shows the effect of the reaction temperature on the fluorescence intensity. It can be seen that the fluorescence intensity is high and constant between 20 oC and 25 oC for functionalized CdS and CdS binding with BSA system. When the temperature is higher or lower than the optimum range, the relative fluorescence intensity was decreased. In this study, when the intensity is higher than 30 oC, the stability of the system decreased and the suitable reaction temperature are in range of 20 oC to 25 oC for the functionalized CdS binding with BSA system. Due to this, room temperature of 25 oC was selected for further studies. 48 800 CdS+BSA CdS Fluorescence Intensity 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 Temperature ( C) Figure 3.8: Effect of temperature for functionalized CdS in the absence and presence of BSA. pH 6, [BSA] = 25 ppm, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1. 3.4.5 Effect of Reaction Time and Stability Dilute protein solutions often lose activity quickly, possibly because of denaturation on surface such as glassware. The proteins that denatured may caused unfolding from their original conformation and apparently from new cross-links joined the unfolded molecules together in a coagulated mass [31]. In this study, the effect of reaction time and stability of functionalized CdS binding with BSA was conducted under the room temperature. The time required for functionalized CdS binding with BSA mixture to bind completely was studied by measuring the fluorescence intensity at 350 nm for three hours period immediately after mixing. Figure 3.9 displays the plot of fluorescence intensity versus effect of reaction time t (min). Based on the result, it was found that the fluorescence intensity of functionalized CdS in the absence of BSA was stable but reduced gradually with 49 time and then tends towards a constant value when BSA was present. The experimental results indicated that the fluorescence intensity quenched rapidly with increasing reaction time during the first 15 min and the fluorescence intensity remained constant for at least three hours. This data suggested that the stability of functionalized CdS binding with BSA system is satisfactory for determination of BSA. Therefore, the reaction of functionalized CdS binding with BSA was carried out for 20 min and all the measurements were made within three hours. 1000 Fluorescence Intensity 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 t (min) Figure 3.9: Effect of reaction time for functionalized CdS in the presence of BSA. pH 6, [BSA] = 25 ppm, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1. 3.5 Standard Calibration Curves for the Quantitative Analysis of Functionalized CdS Binding with BSA Quantitative analysis of proteins is an important task in many fields such as molecular biology, biotechnology and medical diagnostics. The study of quantitative analysis of fluorescent functionalized CdS binding with BSA was conducted at room temperature. 50 In this study, the impacts of various concentration of BSA from 0 ppm to 50 ppm were constructed under the optimum condition such as pH 6 and room temperature 25 oC. Figure 3.10 shows the intensities of emission spectra of functionalized CdS at 350 nm wavelengths are significantly enhanced in the presences of various concentration of BSA. Besides that, a small blue shift was observed for the emission wavelengths if the concentration of BSA was fixed (Figure 3.10). The plot of intensity versus concentration (ppm), which is linear, was obtained as shown in Figure 3.11. A good correlation between BSA concentration and the fluorescence intensity was obtained with R2 value 0.9899 and the regression equation was y = 10.56x + 393.89. This result indicated that the functionalized CdS could be used for the quantitative analysis of BSA (proteins). Figure 3.10: Emission spectra of functionalized CdS with increasing concentration of BSA from 0 ppm to 50 ppm. pH 6, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4mol L-1. 51 y = 10.563x + 393.98 R 2 = 0.9899 1000 900 Fluorescence Intensity 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Concentration (ppm) Figure 3.11: Calibration curves for functionalized CdS binding with various concentration of BSA under the optimum condition. pH 6, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1. 3.6 Method Validation for the Quantitative Analysis of Functionalized CdS Binding BSA 3.6.1 Linearity of Standard Curves The calibration graph for functionalized CdS binding with BSA was constructed from the result obtained under the optimal conditions. In this study, peak area was linearly proportional to analyte concentration. The calibration graph of fluorescence intensity versus functionalized CdS with increasing of BSA concentration expressed in ppm was found to be linear in the range 2 ppm to 50 ppm. The correlation coefficient of determination is R2 = 0.9899 and regression equation is y =10.563x + 393.89. It can be concluded that the linearity obtained for the quantitative analysis of protein was in wider linear range. 52 3.6.2 Accuracy of the Method Accuracy of the proposed methods was determined in concentration of BSA 25 ppm, by six measurements carried out on different days within three days of different CdS binding with BSA solutions. For the determination of accuracy of the developed method, the reproducibility was calculated from 10 independent runs of 25 ppm BSA solution on the same day (Table 3.2). The relative standard deviation (RSD) obtained for the developed method was 1.5%. Based on Table 3.3 for inter day accuracy determination, for day 1 the mean predicted ±SD is 679.49 ± 11.42 with RSD 1.68%, for day 2 the mean predicted ± SD is 699.79 ± 6.63 with RSD 0.94% and for day 3, the mean predicted ± SD is 703.38 ± 8.95 with RSD 1.27%. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the method exhibited a high degree of intra and inter-day accuracy. Table 3.2: Intra-day accuracy of functionalized CdS binding with BSA under optimum conditions. pH 6, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1. Replicates 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Fluorescence Intensity 685.16 690.45 690.53 691.46 672.56 684.32 683.89 675.27 692.10 675.55 Table 3.3: Inter-day accuracy of functionalized CdS binding with BSA under optimum conditions. pH 6, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1. Replicates 1 2 3 4 5 6 Day 1 Fluorescence Intensity Day 2 Day3 690.31 666.94 686.18 692.56 670.03 670.97 691.72 707.79 699.95 704.30 692.02 702.99 702.99 707.62 700.83 702.85 716.72 689.32 53 3.6.3 Limit of the Detection and Quantification The effect of increasing BSA concentration on the fluorescence intensities of functionalized CdS was repeated using a lower BSA concentration and at smaller increment additions to the solution. This study was conducted under the optimal condition. The increment of the analyte (BSA concentration) is from 1.5 ppm until 4 ppm was carried out. The plot of fluorescence intensity versus concentration of BSA (ppm) is displayed in Figure 3.12. It can be seen that the fluorescence intensity enhanced with the increment of the BSA concentration (Figure 3.12). In general, terms of the limit of detection (LOD) of an analyte can be described as the concentration that gives an instrument signal (intensity) significantly different from the blank or background signal. Based on the calibration graph, the limit of detection for BSA was observed at 1.0 ppm. The 3ı of limit detection measured from blank measurement for BSA is 0.14 ppm (here ı represents the standard deviation of 10 blank measurements). It can be concluded that this method is suitable for determining low concentration of BSA and the developed protein assay is a sensitive assay. 600 Fluorescence Intensity 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Concentration (ppm) Figure 3.12: Effect of the increasing concentration of BSA on the functionalized CdS. pH 6, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1. 54 3.7 Salt-Dependent Studies on Functionalized CdS Binding with BSA Electrostatics is important for BSA binding to the functionalized particles. The change of the ionic strength is an efficient method for distinguishing the binding modes between molecules and BSA [69]. In this study, the binding of functionalized CdS with BSA 25 ppm by influence of salt on the emission intensity at optimum condition was performed. It is obvious that in the absence of BSA, the addition of NaCl to functionalized CdS colloidal had an insignificant effect on the fluorescence intensity and in the presences of BSA, the fluorescence intensity remained constant with increasing of salt concentration as shown in Figure 3.13. Based on the previous studies, if the interaction of proteins and reagents was a result of electrostatic binding, the addition of NaCl reduced the binding of the reagent to protein and decreased the fluorescence intensity [93]. However, in this phenomenon, the ionic strength has no effect on this assay. The few effect of NaCl content on the fluorescence intensity manifested that the interaction of proteins and reagent was mainly a result of non-electrostatic binding (probably hydrogen bond bonding) [93]. A hydrogen bonds occurs when two electronegative atoms compete for the same hydrogen atom. It can be concluded that the binding mechanism of functionalized CdS and BSA (protein) is non-electrostatic binding. The results obtained in this study were in good agreement to that reported by other workers [93]. 55 1 900 2 Fluorescence Intensity 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Concentration of NaCl (mol/l) Figure 3.13: Effect of the concentration of NaCl solution on the fluorescence intensity in the absence (curve 1) and presence (curve 2) of BSA and functionalized CdS. [BSA] = 25 ppm, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1. 3.8 Effect of the Foreign Substances on Functionalized CdS Binding with BSA In order to test the selectivity of the method for the determination of BSA, a systematic study of various non-protein substances on the determination of BSA 25 ppm was carried out. Interferences effect may be in the form of suppression or enhancement of the peak, shifting of the peak, distortion of the peak of interest. Foreign substances for this determination are amino acids such as L-cysteine, Lalanine, L-tyrosine, L-tryptophan, L-glycine, several metal ions, carbohydrates such as starch, glucose, sucrose and other compound such as urea and EDTA. The effects of the respective foreign substances are illustrated in results based on percentage measurement. Based on results, it can be estimated that the coexisting substances tested scarcely interfered with the determination of 25 ppm BSA. As a result, the studies of the interfering substances were carried out at higher concentration. 56 3.8.1 Amino Acids The graph of fluorescence intensity versus concentration of amino acids treated with functionalized CdS binding with BSA 25 ppm was plotted as shown in Figure 3.14. It can be seen that there is no specific trend for the effect of interference substances on functionalized CdS binding with BSA. Interestingly, the plot showed a similar trend until the fluorescence intensity of L-cysteine and L-glycine reduced progressively until the peak was suppressed by 20.8 % and 8.9 %, when the concentration was at 40 ppm. However, the interference of L-alanine showed an increment in the fluorescence intensity when the intensity was increased to 80 ppm. Based on the results obtain, it can be estimated that the presence of L-alanine can be tolerated at higher concentration but not with L-cysteine and L-glycine. Among the amino acids, tyrosine and tryptophan have strong native fluorescence and it caused a high interference on functionalized CdS binding with BSA system. L-Alanine L-Glycine L-Cysteine 900 Fluorescence Intensity 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Concentration (ppm) Figure 3.14: Effect of increasing concentration of L-alanine, L-glycine and Lcysteine on functionalized CdS binding with BSA. pH 6, [BSA] = 25 ppm, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1. 57 3.8.2 Carbohydrates The presence of starch, glucose, and sucrose were described as in Figure 3.15, graph of fluorescence intensity versus concentration of functionalized CdS binding with BSA. The fluorescence intensity of glucose and sucrose showed a similar trend until 30 ppm and decreased when the concentration was 40 ppm. The peak was suppressed by about 6.0 % and 5.2 % for glucose and sucrose when the concentration was 10 ppm. However, the interference of starch produced a positive interference of 8.8 % at 40 ppm concentration. This phenomenon may due to starch a polymer compound of D-glucose from polysaccharides group. The results showed that the interference of glucose and sucrose can only be allowed at low concentration while starch can be allowed at very high concentration. Starch Sucrose Glucose 900 Fluorescence Intensity 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Concentration (ppm) Figure 3.15: Effect of increasing concentration of starch, sucrose and glucose on functionalized CdS binding with BSA. pH 6, [BSA] = 25 ppm, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1. 58 3.8.3 Metal Ions Among the ions selected for the interferences study were Ca2+, Cu2+, NH4+, Mg 2+, Ni 2+, Zn 2+, Fe 2+ and Fe 3+. Several of the ions listed above were tested in the present study for their ability to reduce or enhance the functionalized CdS binding with BSA fluorescence peak. The results are given in term of the percentage measured value in the absence of each metal and are listed in Table 3.4. The data illustrated that the fluorescence is interfered by the cations. It is assumed that the decrease in the functionalized CdS binding with BSA fluorescence peak might be resulted from the interaction of ion with functionalized CdS to form a complex and the complex interacted with BSA. However, the concentrations of these interferences ions present in real biological samples are very low [81]. Based on Table 3.4, it can be seen that the interference of ions such as Ca2+, Ni2+, NH4+, Mg2+, Zn2+, Cu2+ only can be allowed at very low concentrations. Besides that, as reported by Scope [94] the presences of divalent cations might accelerated the formation of disulfide bonds. This phenomenon may cause the ions to reduce the functionalized CdS binding with BSA fluorescence peak. Further, according to Guibault [40], most of the metal ions are fluorescence quencher that may cause the fluorescence intensity of the Fluorescence Intensity interference ion with functionalized CdS binding with BSA decreased. 800 Ca2+ 700 Cu2+ NH4+ 600 Ni2+ 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Concentration (ppm) Figure 3.16: Effect of increasing concentration of Ca2+, Cu2+ NH4+, Ni2+on functionalized CdS binding with BSA. pH 6, [BSA] = 25 ppm, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1. Fluorescence Intensity 59 900 Fe2+ Fe3+ 800 Zn2+ Mg2+ 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Concentration (ppm) Figure 3.17: Effect of increasing concentration of Fe2+, Fe3+, Zn2+, Mg2+ on functionalized CdS binding with BSA. pH 6, [BSA] = 25 ppm, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1. 3.8.4 Other Compounds Result on the other compounds tested namely EDTA and urea is presented in Figure 3.18. Based on Figure 3.18, the fluorescence intensity of EDTA and urea were reduced progressively when the concentration of the both interference substances was 10 ppm. To illustrate this, the intensity of fluorescence was suppressed about 15.2 % and 5.2 % for EDTA and urea respectively. The result presented shows that the presence of EDTA and urea only can be allowed at very low concentration. 60 800 EDTA Urea Fluorescence Intensity 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Concentration (ppm) Figure 3.18: Effect of increasing concentration of EDTA and urea on functionalized CdS binding with BSA. pH 6, [BSA] = 25 ppm, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1. Table 3.4: The effect of foreign substances on the fluorescence intensity of functionalized CdS binding with BSA 25 ppm. Substances Cys Gly Ala Fe (II) Fe (III) Ca2+ Cu2+ NH4+ Mg2+ Ni2+ Zn2+ Glucose Sucrose Starch Urea EDTA Concentration (ppm) 50 50 80 50 40 30 10 10 10 30 30 10 10 40 10 10 Enhancement/ Quenching (%) -20.8 +8.9 +6.5 -4.2 +4.1 -4.8 -16.7 -3.9 +8.1 -8.1 +6.2 -5.2 -6.0 +8.8 -5.2 -15.2 [Percentage of the enhancement and quenching was calculated from the fluorescence intensity] 61 3.8.5 Surfactant Detergents are used most often for extraction and purification of membrane protein, which otherwise are usually insoluble in aqueous solution. Detergents are amphiphilic molecules with substantial solubility in water. An important property of detergent is the formation of micelles, which are clusters of detergent molecules in the hydrophilic head portions face outward. The critical micelle concentration (CMC) is defined as the lowest detergent concentration at which micelles form. The classes of detergent can be divided to ionic detergent, nonionic detergent and zwitterionic detergents [21]. In this studies several surfactant such as ionic detergent sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), nonionic detergent Triton X-100 were selected for the determination of protein. The interaction with surfactant can be observed by significant changes in fluorescent intensity or shifts of wavelength in the emission band [95]. Figure 3.19 shows fluorescence emission spectra of functionalized CdS binding with BSA as a function of SDS concentration. It can be seen that the ionic surfactant SDS decreased gradually with the fluorescence intensity. Schweitzer et al. [95] reported similar phenomena as the result obtained above. It is interesting to note that the addition of SDS to functionalized CdS binding with BSA solution produced a decrease in the intensity of the fluorescence concomitant with blue shift of the emission maximum from 350 nm to 330 nm of wavelength (Figure 3.19). The changes or blue shift in emission band position can be related to a selective quenching of the more exposed tryptophan group of BSA or change in the protein conformation [96]. This statement was supported by the study of Diaz et al. [96] stating that the decreased in the fluorescence intensity of the functionalized CdS and BSA binding surfactant can be explained in the terms of the low cooperativity of the surfactant with BSA association. On the other hand, this phenomenon may be due to the high cooperativity of micelle formation and the presence of salt would reduce the electrostatic interaction among the surfactant heads and leaded to the expected decrease in critical micelle concentration (CMC) [96]. Based on the fluorescence emission spectra, graph plot of fluorescence intensity versus surfactant concentration was obtained as shown in Figure 3.20. The graph 62 illustrated the fluorescence intensity of CdS binding with BSA in presence of SDS decreased linearly with the concentration. Figure 3.21 displays the fluorescence emission properties of functionalized CdS binding with BSA as a function of nonionic surfactant Triton X-100 concentration. In this study, it is interesting to note that the addition of Triton X-100 containing 10 ppm, 20 ppm to the solution CdS binding with BSA 25 ppm produced an insignificant increment. However, the addition of 30 ppm Triton X-100 showed a small shift towards shorter wavelength from 350 nm to 315 nm and the intensity reached a maximum value because of the presence of high concentration 50 ppm of Triton X-100. This fluorescence intensity increment could be due to an electrostatic effect and significative cooperativity associated to the formation of micelle like aggregates on the CdS binding with BSA [97]. Figure 3.19: Fluorescence emission spectra of CdS binding BSA with increasing concentration of SDS 10 ppm-100 ppm. pH 6, [BSA] = 25 ppm, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1. 63 1000 SDS 900 Fluorescence Intensity 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Surfactant Concentaration (ppm) Figure 3.20: Effect of increasing SDS concentration on the fluorescence emission intensity of functionalized CdS binding with BSA. pH 6, [BSA]=25 ppm, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1. Figure 3.21: Fluorescence emission spectra of functionalized CdS binding with BSA with increasing concentration of Triton X-100 from 10 ppm to 50 ppm. pH 6, [BSA] = 25 ppm, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3 x10-4 mol L-1. 64 3.9 Standard Calibration of Proteins Binding with Functionalized CdS Individual responses of various proteins determined in the assay at pH 6 were carried out. Determination of lysozyme, amylase and egg albumin with functionalized CdS was carried out and emission spectra are illustrated in Figure 3.22, Figure 3.23 and Figure 3.24 respectively. It can be seen that the emission of fluorescence in the presences of various proteins remained at the same wavelength but the intensity are significantly enhanced and the emission bands are symmetric and narrower than the functionalized CdS. The calibration graphs for egg albumin, lysozyme and amylase were constructed under the optimum conditions at room temperature. Based on Figures 3.25, 3.26 and 3.27 the relationship between the fluorescence intensity against the concentration of several proteins is listed in Table 3.5. A satisfactory linear relationship with high regression coefficient and a wider linear range are obtained. As can be seen from Table 3.5, different proteins show different response characteristics. Long et al. [98] observed similar result. Besides, due the size and the shape of the protein molecules are different, which may contribute to the differences in the fluorescence intensity for various proteins [99]. On the other hand, these phenomena may due to the binding strengths between the functionalized CdS and different kinds of protein. Based on the previous studies, it was reported that the intensity of enhanced fluorescence signals appeared to depend on the electronic properties of the individual chromophores [38]. Thus, the extent of the electric coupling among chromophores and the size of the aggregate were formed. It can be seen from Table 3.5 that the fluorescence sensitivities increased roughly, but not strictly with the increase of isoelectric points (pI) of proteins. This result suggested that electronic coupling plays the main, but not the only role in the formation of CdS binding with BSA binding [99]. This result and conclusion were in good agreement with that reported by Gang et al. [38]. 65 Table 3.5: Analytical parameter of various proteins binding with functionalized CdS under optimum conditions. pH 6, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1. Proteins Linear range Regression equation pI r (ppm) BSA 2-50 y = 10.56x + 393.89 4.8-4.9 0.9899 Egg albumin 2-30 y = 15.63x + 466.28 4.6-4.7 0.9911 Lysozyme 0.2-12.5 y = 41.86x + 399.91 11.0-11.2 0.9897 Amylase 0.2-7.5 y = 74.60x + 405.53 8.0-9.0 0.9972 Figure 3.22: Emission spectra of functionalized CdS with increasing concentration of lysozyme from 0 ppm to 12.5 ppm. pH 6, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1. 66 Figure 3.23: Emission spectra of functionalized CdS with increasing concentration of amylase from 0 ppm to 10 ppm. pH 6, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1. Figure 3.24: Emission spectra of functionalized CdS with increasing concentration of egg albumin from 0 ppm to 30 ppm. pH 6, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1. 67 y = 41.857x + 399.91 1000 R2 = 0.9897 Fluorescence Intensity 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Concentration (ppm) Figure 3.25: Calibration graph for functionalized CdS binding with protein lysozyme under the optimum conditions. pH 6, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1. y = 74.6x + 405.53 R2 = 0.9972 Fluorescence Intensity 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 2 4 6 8 Concentration (ppm) Figure 3.26: Calibration graph for functionalized CdS binding with protein amylase under the optimum conditions. pH 6, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1. Fluorescence Intensity 68 y = 15.631x + 446.28 R2 = 0.9911 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Concentration (ppm) Figure 3.27: Calibration graph for functionalized CdS binding with egg albumin under the optimum conditions. pH 6, [Functionalized CdS colloids] = 3x10-4 mol L-1. 3.10 Comparison of the Developed Functionalized CdS Methods The characteristic of the developed method functionalized CdS binding with BSA and other established method for the protein determination are illustrated in Table 3.6. Perez-Ruiz et al. [53] developed the lower fluorescence of Rose Bengal (RB) caused by binding of the dye to the proteins. In this study, the decreased in the fluorescence intensity, measured at emission 572 nm wavelength when excitation at 555 nm wavelength, was linearly related to protein concentration from 1.3 to 24.5 ppm. The detection limit was 0.3 ppm. It is widely accepted that the (RB) method is sensitive method due to low limit of detection value in BSA determination. However, this method seems to have smaller Stoke’s shift (17 nm) compared to developed functionalized CdS method with higher value of Stoke’s shift (117 nm). Chun et al. [50] described fluorescence quenching of Erythrosin B (EB) by proteins method. This method resulted with a very low limit of detection, which may favor to the sensitivity of the method. However, the novel developed method CdS have a wider linear range (0.2-50 ppm) for the protein determination compared to the EB method. The interactions between terazosin and BSA method were developed by 69 fluorescence study was proposed by Jiang et al. [46]. The study of the quantitative analysis of the method resulted high LOD value of 0.21 ppm compared to the novel developed CdS method, which was sensitive method with low LOD value of 0.14. In brief, the developed method showed a higher sensitivity and a wider linear range and good precision compared to organic dyes binding method. In addition, the organic dyes are expensive compared to inorganic compound CdS. The proposed CdS binding with BSA method have a larger Stoke’s value. Table 3.6: Comparison of methods for the determination of protein (BSA). Method Ȝem/Ȝex (nm) LOD (ppm) Linear range (ppm) RB 572/555 0.3 1.3-24.5 EB 550/317 0.06 1.36-20.40 Terazosin 280/413 0.21 This method 233/350 0.14 3.11 2-50 R.S.D (%) 0.2-0.79 2.5 1.5 Conclusions The fluorescence method based on functionalized CdS binding with BSA (protein) through covalent coupling with carboxyl group has been successfully developed. Under the optimum conditions, the calibration graph for the BSA determination is a linear graph with R2 value 0.9899. In addition to its sensitivity, the limit of detection was 0.14 ppm. As conclusion, the developed protein assay is highly reproducible, relatively large Stoke’s shift, wider linear range and good precision. CHAPTER 4 FUNCTIONALIZED ZINC SULFIDE BINDING BSA 4.1 Preamble ZnS capped L-cysteine (functionalized ZnS) particles was produced by colloidal aqueous synthesis, in which sulfide was introduced into zinc-cysteine solution. In this study, the synthesis method produced a white colloidal ZnS capped L-cysteine. L-cysteine, which is a water-soluble sulfhydryl-containing amino acid, was used as stabilizer compound for the ZnS particles. In this chapter, the interaction between ZnS capped cysteine (functionalized ZnS) and BSA was established by fluorescence method. The optimization procedure was carried for the assay of BSA. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of BSA by using fluorescence method was discussed. 71 4.2 Fundamental Studies of ZnS Capped L-Cysteine (Functionalized ZnS) 4.2.1 Spectral Characteristics of Fluorescence on Functionalized ZnS Fluorescence spectrophotometer studies on ZnS capped L-cysteine (functionalized ZnS) has been conducted in order to obtain two spectra, namely emission spectra and excitation spectra. The fluorescence emission spectra of functionalized ZnS were recorded from 200 nm to 800 nm wavelength using luminescence spectrometer LS 50B at room temperature. The result given in Figure 4.1 shows that the emission spectra of functionalized ZnS at 357 nm wavelength when the excitation peak was at 233 nm. The emission spectrum of functionalized ZnS obtained was broad band emissions. According to Sander et al. [63], the large spectral width emission band was caused by both inhomogeneous broadening (due to a variation in particles size) and broadening due to electron phonon coupling. The slit width used for this fluorescence measurement was 5 nm. The slit width could not be increase very much, because the slit width of more than 5 nm caused the detector signal to be over-range, resulted in arbitrary fluorescence intensity above 1000 nm. In this study, the large interval (> 150 nm) between the excitation wavelength (233 nm) and the emission wavelength (357 nm) is beneficial to the sensitivity and accuracy of this method because fluorescence from the background and the scattering light can be greatly reduced. This statement made was in good agreement with those obtained by Li et al. [47]. 72 Figure 4.1: Fluorescence excitation spectrum(a) and emission spectrum(b) for ZnS capped cysteine. (Ȝexc = 233 nm, [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x10-4 mol L-1). 4.3 Standard Calibration of Absorbance Properties on Functionalized ZnS Binding with BSA The UV absorbance spectra of ZnS capped L-cysteine (functionalized ZnS) and BSA was obtained under the room temperature using the Shimadzu UV-visble spectrophotometer-1601PC. The UV spectra of functionalized ZnS in the presence of various concentration of BSA are shown in Figure 4.2. In this study, Ȝmax around 280 nm was used to quantify the interaction of functionalized ZnS in presence of BSA. Based on Figure 4.2, it is interesting to note that the absorbance of functionalized ZnS is about 0.012 in the absence of BSA. This absorbance occurred may be due to the presence of capping material L-cysteine compound of amino acid group. As seen in Figure 4.2, the absorbance of functionalized ZnS increased with increasing amount of concentration of BSA from 5 ppm to 35 ppm. The absorption at the near UV range 280 nm wavelength was obtained is caused by the amino acid residues that presence in the proteins (BSA). 73 Based on the absorbance spectra obtained from the series of different concentration of BSA (Figure 4.3), a plot of absorbance versus concentration was obtained. A good correlation between BSA concentration and the UV absorbance was observed and the linear curve agrees with Beer’s law with R2 value 0.9755 and regression equation with y = 0.0009x + 0.0105 as shown in Figure 4.3. Figure 4.2: UV absorbance spectra of functionalized ZnS binding with BSA concentration 0 ppm to 35 ppm. ([Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x10-4 mol L-1). y = 0.0009x + 0.0105 R2 = 0.9755 0.045 0.04 Absorbance 0.035 0.03 0.025 0.02 0.015 0.01 0.005 0 0 10 20 30 40 Concentration (ppm) Figure 4.3: Standard calibration for functionalized ZnS in presence of various concentration of BSA.( [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x10-4 mol L-1). 74 4.4 Fluorescence Properties of ZnS Capped L–Cysteine (Functionalized ZnS) binding with BSA Figure 4.4: The emission spectra of functionalized ZnS in the absence and presence of BSA under the room temperature. [BSA] = 15 ppm, [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x10-4 mol L-1. The fluorescence properties of the interaction between ZnS capped L-cysteine (functionalized ZnS) and BSA was conducted under the room temperature. Figure 4.4 shows the behavior of emission spectra of functionalized ZnS binding with BSA. The fluorescence properties of emission wavelength were at 357 nm wavelengths when the excitation peak was at 233 nm wavelength as shown in Figure 4.4. It is interesting to note that the impact of 15 ppm concentration of BSA on the functionalized ZnS system is obviously different. In this study, the fluorescence intensity of functionalized ZnS was significantly enhanced from fluorescence intensity of 394.00 to 720.37 in the presence of BSA 15 ppm. However, the wavelength of the emission spectra functionalized ZnS remained at 357 nm in the presence of 15 ppm BSA. The emission spectra above indicated that BSA has the 75 best enhancing effect on functionalized ZnS. Therefore, the enhancement of emission intensity of the mixture of functionalized ZnS and BSA suggested that interaction of functionalized ZnS and BSA had taken place. Previous studies have been proposed to explain these phenomena. According to Kho et al. [78], it can be deduced that the L-cysteine has been covalently linked to the surface of ZnS and formed the L-cysteine capped ZnS particles [78] as shown in Figure 4.5. Further L-cysteine binds to a Zn atom, the polar carboxyl group is available for covalent coupling to various biomolecules such as protein and nucleic CH 2 CH(NH 2 )COOH acids by cross-linking to active amine group (Figure 4.6) [81]. s s ZnS s CH2CH(NH2)COOH CH2CH(NH2)COOH s CH 2 CH(NH 2)COOH CH2CH(NH2)COOH Figure 4.5: Schematic of ZnS capped L-cysteine s O s ZnS s CH2CH(NH2)CN Protein CH2CH(NH2)COOH H s CH2CH(NH 2)COOH Figure 4.6: Schematic of functionalized ZnS conjugated to protein 76 4.5 Optimizations Procedures on the Fluorescence Properties of Functionalized ZnS Binding with BSA Chemical variables such as effect of pH, concentration, temperature and reaction time were performed and optimized to obtain the optimum, best measurement conditions and stable fluorescent signal. 4.5.1 Effect of pH Value and Buffer Nature The influence of acidity and alkalinity of the medium on the intensity of fluorescence were studied for each compound. The effect of the pH on the fluorescence intensity of functionalized ZnS in the absence and presence of BSA was studied in the pH range of 2.0 to 11.0. In an attempt to see the relationship between fluorescence intensity and pH, the fluorescence intensity was plotted as a function of pH value (Figure 4.7). It was observed that in the lower pH range pH 2 to 5 the fluorescence intensity increases with an increase of pH. In the higher value range of pH 9-11, the fluorescence intensity decreases linearly. Hence, it is widely accepted that the change of pH values affect the sulfhydryl-containing amino acid, cysteine coordinating to Zn2+ ions, which cause the different pH growth process of ZnS capped cysteine [100]. Besides, in the presence of BSA, the pH system occurred at maximum fluorescence intensity in the range of pH 6 to pH 8. In this study, the optimum pH of functionalized ZnS binding with BSA determination was selected at pH 7. From pH 9 to pH 11, the intensity is decreasing gradually due to the created of OH- ions. These result may be due to OH- ion is difficult to approach to the surface of functionalized ZnS particles because of the presence of the capping agent (cysteine) which cover the surface of the particles [90]. These results obtained do not contradict with that obtained by Hao et al. [100] when they studied the effect of the pH of ZnS capped mercaptoacetic acid. In their studies, the pH sharply increased at lower pH range 2.0 to 5.0. The result shows 77 that the fluorescence intensity of functionalized ZnS is totally depends on the pH of the capping material, which involves the reaction of ZnS capped mercapto acetic acid. ZnS 800 ZnS-BSA Fluorescence Intensity 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 pH Figure 4.7: Effect of pH for functionalized ZnS in absence and presence of BSA at room temperature. [BSA] = 15 ppm, [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x10-4 mol L-1. Labeling protein should be carried out in a well-buffered system at a pH that is optimal for the reaction. Additionally, the effect of buffer nature on the fluorescence intensity was examined. In this study, several buffer solutions (Tris– HCl, NaAc–HCl, BRB–NaOH) were selected. The result illustrated in Table 4.1 indicates that the sensitivity of the protein determination is higher in Tris–HCl (0.1 mol Lí1) buffer solution compared to NaAc and BRB buffer. However, NaAc and BRB buffer was quenched in the protein determination. This may be due to the formation of insoluble complexes and chelation of the metal with functionalized ZnS and BSA. The acetate buffer has a very low pKa value 4.76, which might not be favorable in the protein determination at optimum pH 7. Moreover, according to Grady et al. [101], phosphate buffer is a feeble buffer in pH range 8-11. Therefore, Tris–HCl buffer solution at pH 7 was recommended for further study. 78 Table 4.1: The effect of different type of buffer in the presence and absence of BSA. pH 7, [BSA] = 15 ppm, [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x10-4 mol L-1. Type of Buffer BRB NaAc Tris 4.5.2 Fluorescence Intensity Absence of Buffer Presence of Buffer 692.82 650.94 676.06 651.44 667.68 684.69 Effect of Concentration Fluorescence are linearly related to concentration at low concentration (10-9 to 10-6). However, at high concentrations the fluorescence intensity decreases because of self–quenching and due to inner cell effect [40]. The emission fluorescence intensity was measured over the concentration of functionalized ZnS in the range of 1 x 10-4 mol L-1 to 8 x 10-4 mol L-1 to investigate the effect of concentration for BSA determination. The study was conducted at pH 7 and at room temperature. Based on the result obtained, graph fluorescence intensity versus concentration of functionalized ZnS in presence of BSA was plotted (Figure 4.8). The graph shows that the fluorescence intensity of functionalized ZnS increases linearly with the concentration and reaches the optimum range at 4 x 10-4 to 6 x 10-4 mol L-1 in the presence of BSA. However, further increase in the concentration of functionalized ZnS caused the fluorescence intensity to decrease. This may be due to functionalized ZnS tends to precipitate when the concentration of colloidal was more than 7 x 10-4 mol L-1. Based on result obtained it was found that the concentration of functionalized ZnS colloidal 4 x 10-4 mol L-1 was selected as optimum concentration for the BSA determination. 79 800 Fluorescence Intensity 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 4 Concentration (10 - mol/L ) Figure 4.8: Effect of functionalized ZnS concentration on the fluorescence intensity in the presence of BSA. pH 7, [BSA] = 15 ppm, [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x10-4 mol L-1. 4.5.3 Effect of Temperature and Reaction Time Optimization of the temperature effect is one of the important tools in protein analysis. The binding properties between functionalized ZnS with BSA were determined at different temperatures (10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 oC). Based on the results, a plot of fluorescence intensity versus temperature is illustrated in Figure 4.9. The data appeared that the increasing temperature effect showed a minimal effect on the fluorescence intensity. It was illustrated that the temperature of functionalized binding BSA was greatest at 25 oC as shown in Figure 4.9. However, the fluorescence intensity decreases sharply with increasing temperature from 30 oC until 40 oC. Due to this, room temperature 25 oC was adopted for further study. In this studies the changes in the fluorescence intensity is in range of 2 % to 8 % per 5 oC was obtained. The result of this study was in good agreement with an earlier report, which suggested that the change in fluorescence intensity could be as high as 5 % per 5 oC [40]. However, the result obtained did contradict with previous 80 statement, which stated that as the temperature is increased, the fluorescence intensity decreases [40]. The effect of reaction time on functionalized ZnS binding with BSA was conducted under the room temperature. Based on the graph obtained fluorescence intensity versus reaction time (min) (Figure 4.10), it was found that the binding between functionalized ZnS with BSA proceeds rapidly at room temperature and the intensity reached the constant value within 20 min and remained constant for 5 hours (Figure 4.10). Due to this, the reaction of functionalized ZnS binding with BSA was carried out for 20 min and all the measurement were made within 5 hours for further studies. Based on the result obtained, it is generally agreed that the stability of functionalized ZnS binding with BSA are more stable because the intensity remains constant for 5 hours. It is widely accepted that ZnS capped with cysteine are more stable compared to ZnS capped with mercaptoacetic acid. This conclusion agrees with the statement reported by Li et al. [81] that comparison with using mercaptoacetic acid, as stabilizer cysteine, is more stable. ZnS 700 ZnS+BSA Fluorescence Intensity 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 o Temperature ( C) Figure 4.9: Effect of temperature for functionalized ZnS in absence and presence of BSA. pH 7, [BSA] = 15 ppm, [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x10-4 mol L-1. 81 900 Fluorescence Intensity 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 min (t) Figure 4.10: Effect of reaction time for functionalized ZnS in the presence of BSA. pH 7, [BSA] = 15 ppm, [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x10-4 mol L-1. 4.6 Standard Calibration Curves for the Quantitative Analysis of Functionalized ZnS Binding with BSA The study of the binding system between the functionalized ZnS and BSA was conducted under room temperature. Under the optimum condition, a study was made of the relationship between emission spectra and various concentration of BSA for the quantitative analysis of BSA. Figure 4.11 shows the emission spectra of functionalized ZnS with various concentration of BSA. Based on the result, it was found out that the emission maxima of the fluorescence spectra of functionalized ZnS binding with BSA system are similar to that of functionalized ZnS but the intensities are significantly enhanced (Figure 4.11). Thus, a small blue shift of the emission spectra was observed from the wavelength of functionalized ZnS at 357 nm to 350 nm for functionalized ZnS binding with BSA. This is may be due to energy transfer of the system [102]. Further, this results indicated that the lower the dielectric constants of the solvent water, the shorter is the wavelength of emission, suggesting a much reduced dipole- 82 dipole interaction between the fluorescent molecules and the BSA solvent occurred [103]. From Figure 4.11, it can be observed that the peak intensiy tend to be leveled off with addition of BSA may be due to over range of fluorescence intensity. Figure 4.11: Emission spectra of functionalized ZnS with increasing concentration of BSA from 2.5 ppm to 20 ppm. pH 7, [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x10-4 mol L-1. The impact of various concentrations 0.2 ppm to 22.5 ppm of BSA on the functionalized ZnS system is obviously different. In brief, the data indicated that BSA has the best enhancing effect on functionalized ZnS system for the quantitative analysis of proteins. Based on data obtained, the calibration curve for BSA was constructed from the result obtained under the optimal condition. Figure 4.12 shows the plot of intensity versus concentration (ppm) is linear graph with (R2 = 0.9805, n = 12). It also shows that the range of linearity was found to be from 0.2 ppm to 22.5 ppm of BSA. 83 1200 y = 21.886x + 456.05 R2 = 0.9805 Fluorescence Intensity 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Concentration (ppm) Figure 4.12: Calibration curves for functionalized ZnS binding with various concentration of BSA under optimum conditions. pH 7, [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x10-4 mol L-1. 4.7 Method Validation for the Quantitative Analysis of BSA 4.7.1 Linearity, Accuracy, Limit of the Detection of the Method The calibration graph of fluorescence intensity functionalized ZnS with increasing of BSA concentration expressed in ppm was found to be linear in the range of 0.4 to 22.5 ppm with R2 = 0.9805 and linear equation is y = 21.866x + 456.05. The reproducibility of the developed method calculated from six independent runs of 15 ppm of the BSA produced the relative standard deviation (RSD) of 1.7%. For inter-days accuracy determination, for day 1 the mean predicted ±SD is 733.52 ± 4.923 with RSD 0.67%, for day 2 the mean predicted ±SD is 707.08 ± 9.19 with RSD 1.30% and for day 3 the mean predicted ± SD is 695.19 ± 8.48 with RSD 1.21% respectively. Here, the peak areas obtained were reproducible, as the maximum RSD observed was 1.7%. 84 Limit of detection is one of major part in quantitative analysis of the developed method to obtain the minimum concentration of analyte for the determination. In order to identify the sensitivity of the develop method, the study of limit of detection was carried out under the optimum conditions. In this study, the effect of BSA concentration on functionalized ZnS fluorescence intensity was repeated using lower concentration of BSA and small increment from 0.2 ppm until 4 ppm. The calibration graph of fluorescence intensity versus concentration (ppm) of BSA was obtained as shown in Figure 4.13. It can be seen that the fluorescence intensity is directly proportional to the concentration of protein and the signal of the fluorescence intensity are significantly different from the background signal at 0.2 ppm BSA concentration. However, the 3ı of limit detection measured from blank measurement for BSA was 0.09 ppm. Therefore, it can be concluded that, this method has high sensitivity, high accuracy and a wider linear range. 700 Fluorescence Intensity 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Concentration (ppm) Figure 4.13: Effect of the increasing concentration of BSA on the functionalized ZnS. pH 7, [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x10-4 mol L-1. 85 4.8 Salt Dependence Studies on Functionalized ZnS Binding with BSA Small molecules are bound to macromolecule by four binding modes such as H-bond, van der Waals, electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions. The study of the effect of salt dependence of functionalized ZnS binding with BSA on fluorescence intensity of emission has led to some interesting results. As shown in Figure 4.14 it is obvious that in the absence of BSA, the addition of NaCl to colloidal has no significant effect on the fluorescence intensity. However, in the presence of BSA the fluorescence intensity increases with increasing of salt concentration (Figure 4.14). Previous studies reported that if the interaction of proteins and reagents were a result of electrostatic binding, the addition of NaCl would reduce the binding of the reagent to protein and result in a decreased the fluorescence intensity [34]. However, in this study the increment of the NaCl concentration favors in increasing the fluorescence intensity. Here, it is generally agreed that the binding mode between functionalized ZnS with BSA mainly results of non-electrostatic binding. This result indicated that the binding modes between the reagent and BSA might be due to hydrophobic binding because of the presences of the nonpolar group ZnS capped cysteine. 1 1000 2 900 Fluorescence Intensity 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Concentration of NaCl (mol/L) Figure 4.14: Effect of the concentration of NaCl solution on the fluorescence intensity in the absence (curve 1) and presence (curve 2) of BSA and functionalized colloidal ZnS. [BSA] = 15 ppm, [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x10-4 mol L-1. 86 4.9 Effect of the Foreign Substances on Functionalized ZnS Binding with BSA 4.9.1 Effect of Non-protein Substances Human body fluids contain various non-protein substances such as amino acid such as L-cysteine (Cys), L-alanine (Ala), L-tyrosine (Tyr), L-glycine (Gly), Ltryptophan (Trp), glucose, sucrose, starch and other compound such urea, metal ions and EDTA. In this study, the effect of several non-protein compounds and metals are successfully treated with functionalized ZnS binding with BSA 15 ppm to reduce their concentration below the maximum allowable limits for the respective nonprotein substances. The results are given in terms of the percentage-measured value in the presence of each non-protein compound in the Table 4.2. Various metal ions and non-protein substance have different influences on the functionalized ZnS binding with BSA. Graphs of fluorescence intensity versus concentration of metal ions and non-protein substance were plotted as shown in Figures 4.15 to 4.19 respectively. Based on Figure 4.15, the interference of L-cysteine, L-glycine and L-alanine seems to be very high because the intensity decreases more gradually and highly interfered in a very low concentration. Besides, L-tyrosine and L-tryptophan showed a maximum interference on functionalized ZnS binding with BSA due to the strong native fluorescence of the compound. Thus, these compounds only can be allowed at very low concentration. The result obtained indicates that formation between amino acid compounds and ZnS capped L-cysteine may occur. Besides, glucose, sucrose and starch can be allowed at higher concentration because of minimal effect on functionalized ZnS binding with BSA system (Figure 4.16). Table 4.2 illustrates that the glucose, sucrose and starch only interfered in the range of 3.5 % to 7.0 % when the concentration was increased up to 50 ppm. On the other hand, the presence of various metals, urea and EDTA was illustrated in Figures 4.17, 4.18 and 4.19. Based on Figure 4.18, it is interesting to note that the Fe3+ ion eliminates the functionalized ZnS with BSA emission peak 87 even when it is present at relatively low concentration. This is may be due to the Fe3+ ion formed a colloid or precipitated with functionalized ZnS and BSA under the experimental conditions. Fe2+ ion and Cd2+ ion interfered at about 7.0 to 8.6%, if the concentration is above 10 ppm. In the case of Cu2+ ion the emission peak decreased about 26.5% in presence of low concentration 10 ppm of Cu2+ ion followed by Fe3+ ion interfered about 66.6% when the concentration is 10 ppm. The other seven metal ions tested, namely Cu2+, NH4+, Mg2+, Ni2+, Ca2+ only have a slight interference on functionalized ZnS binding with BSA. Based on Table 4.2, NH4+, Mg2+, Ni2+and Ca2+ ions, EDTA and urea did not interfere when present at low concentration but the emission intensity was suppressed slightly by about 7.0 to 9.4% when ion concentration was increased to 40 ppm. In this study, it was found that Cu2+ ion and Fe3+ ion only could be allowed at relatively low concentration. However, the concentration of these interferences ions is very low in real biological samples [8]. Table 4.2: Effect of foreign substances on the fluorescence intensity of functionalized ZnS binding with BSA 15 ppm. Substances Concentration (ppm) Cys Gly Ala Fe (II) Fe (III) Ca2+ Cu2+ NH4+ Mg2+ Ni2+ Cd2+ Glucose Sucrose Starch Urea EDTA 10 30 20 10 10 30 10 30 30 40 10 50 50 50 40 30 Quenching/Enhancement (%) -8.9 -9.1 -7.7 -8.6 -66.6 -7.8 -26.5 -8.2 -7.6 -7.0 -7.4 -7.0 -3.7 -5.8 -9.8 -6.4 [Percentage of the enhancement and quenching was calculated from the fluorescence intensity] 88 L-Glycine 800 L-Cysteine L-Alanine Fluorescence Intensity 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 12 0 Concentration (ppm) Figure 4.15: Effect of increasing concentration of L-alanine, L-glycine and Lcysteine on functionalized ZnS binding with BSA. pH 7, [BSA]=15 ppm, [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x10-4 mol L-1. Glucose 800 Sucrose Fluorescence Intensity 700 Starch 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Concentration (ppm) Figure 4.16: Effect of increasing concentration of starch, sucrose, glucose on functionalized ZnS binding with BSA. pH 7, [BSA] = 15 ppm, [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x10-4 mol L-1. 89 Cu2+ NH4+ Ni2+ Mg2+ 800 Fluorescence Intensity 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Concentration (ppm) Figure 4.17: Effect of increasing concentration of Mg2+, Cu2+ NH4+and Ni2+ on functionalized ZnS binding with BSA. pH 7, [BSA] = 15 ppm, [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x10-4 mol L-1. Cd2+ 800 Fe2+ Fluorescence Intensity 700 Fe3+ Ca2+ 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Concentration (ppm) Figure 4.18: Effect of increasing concentration of Fe2+, Fe3+ Cd2+and Ca2+ on functionalized ZnS binding with BSA. pH 7, [BSA] = 15 ppm, [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x 10-4 mol L-1. 90 EDTA 800 Urea Fluorescence Intensity 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Concentration (ppm) Figure 4.19: Effect of increasing concentration of EDTA and urea on functionalized ZnS binding with BSA. pH 7, [BSA] = 15 ppm, [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4 x10-4 mol L-1. 4.9.2 The Effect of Surfactant Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS) The effect of surfactants, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), nonionic detergent Triton X-100 on functionalized ZnS binding with BSA emission peak was studied. Aliquots of SDS were added to solution of functionalized ZnS binding with BSA 15 ppm. The result obtained (Figure 4.20) shows that SDS did not interfere with the determination from up to a concentration of 20 ppm. In the presence of higher concentration of SDS the wavelength of maximum emission was modified. In particular, small shift towards shorter wavelengths in the presence of SDS was observed. The position of the centre of the fluorescence emission band changed from 350 nm to 340 nm wavelengths when the surfactant concentration was 30 ppm (Figure 4.20). 91 On the other hand, further addition of SDS, caused the emission intensity decreased progressively. This type of phenomena may be due to an over folding of the protein resulting from the surfactant association [104]. Presence of high concentration of oppositely charged an anionic surfactant SDS plays the role of supplying negative charges to neutral charge of protein. This phenomenon may prevent the functionalized ZnS binding with protein (BSA) and the emission intensity of the reaction system decrease [105]. Figure 4.20: Fluorescence emission spectra of ZnS binding BSA with increasing concentration of SDS 10 ppm-100 ppm. pH 7, [BSA]=15 ppm, [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x10-4 mol L-1. Triton X-100 Similar experiment as performed for the SDS surfactant, Triton X-100 was used as a non-ionic surfactant for the functionalized ZnS binding with BSA. A more significant variation was encountered in Triton X-100 when the surfactant was added in functionalized ZnS binding with BSA 15 ppm. Based on Figure 4.21 a significant 92 shift towards a shorter wavelength from 350 nm to 311 nm wavelengths was observed. The intensity value caused arbitrary fluorescence intensity above 1000 when the concentration of surfactant was 30 ppm. The changes in emission wavelength can be related to changes in the protein conformation and from surfactant association. This conclusion was in good agreement with those obtained by Moriyama et al. [106]. Figure 4.21: Fluorescence emission spectra of functionalized ZnS binding with BSA with increasing concentration of Triton X-100 from 10 ppm to 30 ppm. pH 7, [BSA] = 15 ppm, [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x10-4 mol L-1. 4.10 Standard Calibration of Proteins Binding with Functionalized ZnS Fluorescence studies were carried out to observe the behaviour between functionalized ZnS with different type of proteins such as BSA, egg albumin, lysozyme and amylase under the optimum conditions. The emission spectra of various proteins amylase, lysozyme and egg albumin are shown in Figures 4.22, 4.23 and 4.24 respectively. The result shows a similar fluorescence emission peak were observed at 357 nm wavelengths for the protein amylase, lysozyme and egg albumin. 93 However, the result obtained shows a difference in the response of the different type of protein. Based on Figures 4.25, 4.26 and 4.27 it can be observed that the fluorescence intensity is directly proportional to the concentration of the various proteins in a certain range depending on different protein system. Table 4.3 summarized the results obtained from the experiments carried out on the various compound of proteins. A satisfactory linear relationship with high regression coefficient and a wider linear range are obtained. Table 4.3 summarized the results obtained from the experiments carried out on the various compound of proteins. As shown in Table 4.3, the linear range for egg albumin, lysozyme and amylase are 0.2-20 ppm, 0.2-10 ppm, 0.2-20 ppm and 0.2-7.5 ppm respectively and the coefficients of correlation are above 0.9367. The result indicated that various possibilities: either different protein has different isoelectric points or the weight, size and shape of the molecules are also different, so the fluorescence intensity for various proteins is different [107]. Table 4.3: Analytical parameter of various proteins binding with functionalized ZnS under the optimum conditions. pH 7, [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x10-4 mol L-1. Proteins Linear Regression equation pI R2 range (ppm) BSA 0.4-22.5 y = 21.886x+456.05 4.8-4.9 0.9805 Egg albumin 0.2-20 y = 21.911x+479.13 4.6-4.7 0.9367 Lysozyme 0.2-10 y = 45.04x+501.21 11.0-11.2 0.9851 Amylase 0.2-7.5 y = 51.04x+495.42 8.0-9.0 0.9877 94 Figure 4.22: Emission spectra of functionalized ZnS with increasing concentration of amylase from 0 ppm to 7.5 ppm. pH 7, [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x10-4 mol L-1. Figure 4.23: Emission spectra of functionalized ZnS with increasing concentration of lysozyme from 0 ppm to 10 ppm. pH 7, [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x10-4 mol L-1. 95 Figure 4.24: Emission spectra of functionalized ZnS with increasing concentration of egg albumin from 0 ppm to 20 ppm. pH 7, [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x10-4 mol L-1. y = 51.047x + 495.42 1000 R2 = 0.9877 900 Fluorescence Intensity 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Concentration (ppm) Figure 4.25: Calibration graph for functionalized ZnS binding with protein amylase under optimum conditions. pH 7, [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x10-4 mol L-1. 96 y = 45.043x + 501.21 R 2 = 0.9851 1000 900 Fluorescence Intensity 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Concentration (ppm) Figure 4.26: Calibration graph for functionalized ZnS binding with protein lysozyme under optimum conditions. pH 7, [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x10-4 mol L-1. y = 21.911x + 479.13 1200 R2 = 0.9367 Fluorescence Intensity 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Concentration (ppm) Figure 4.27: Calibration graph for functionalized ZnS binding with protein egg albumin under optimum conditions. pH 7, [Functionalized ZnS colloids] = 4x10-4 mol L-1. 97 4.11 Conclusions The fluorescence method of functionalized ZnS binding with BSA has been successfully developed. The results have led to some interesting phenomena. An optimum pH 7, temperature 25 oC and reaction time 20 min was obtained for BSA determination. Besides, under optimum condition, the fluorescence intensity is proportional to the concentration of BSA in the linear range of 0.4 ppm to 22.5 ppm. The corresponding detection limit is 0.09 ppm. In brief, the application of functionalized ZnS binding with BSA as fluorescence probe for protein leads to a particularly sensitive, stable, simple and selective method. CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS 5.1 Conclusions This study involved a development of CdS capped mercaptoacetic acid (functionalized CdS) and ZnS capped cysteine (functionalized ZnS) for the assay of protein. The deep yellow colloid CdS capped mercapto acetic acid was used for the binding with protein (BSA). The functionalized CdS have been covalently attached to the protein due to the presences of capping agent mercapto acetic acid. The fluorescence properties of functionalized CdS binding with protein were observed at excitation wavelength Ȝexc of 233 nm wavelengths and emission wavelength (Ȝem) of 350 nm. The analysis of the functionalized CdS binding with protein was based on the effect of fluorescence intensity enhancement when protein (BSA) interacted with CdS capped mercaptoacetic acid. The optimization procedures for the analysis of functionalized CdS binding with protein were carried out in order to obtain a reliable method. The optimum pH 6 and Tris buffer was adopted for the analysis and the maximum fluorescence intensity occurred when the functionalized CdS colloid concentration was in the range 3.0 x 10-4 mol L-1. The influence of the reaction time and the temperature on CdS binding with protein showed that the fluorescence intensity reached maximum and constant value when the solution was incubated for 20 min at room temperature 25 oC. 99 The standard calibration curve for the quantitative analysis of protein binding with functionalized CdS showed R2 value 0.9899, regression equation y = 10.56x + 393.89 and the linearity range was between 2-50 ppm. The 3ı limit of the detection of the developed assay is 0.14 ppm. The results obtained from 10 independent runs of the BSA were reproducible with average RSD of 1.5 %. The salt dependence study on the functionalized CdS binding with BSA clearly demonstrated that the binding is due to nonelectrostatic interaction. The interferences of amino acids, glucose, starch and metal ions showed that the developed method has high selectivity and it was applied to the determination of various proteins such as egg albumin, lysozyme and amlayese under the optimum condition. The standard calibration graph for the various protein determinations illustrated R2 is in the range of 0.9722 to 0.9897. Besides functionalized CdS, the study of ZnS capped cysteine (functionalized ZnS) was employed for the binding with BSA. Through the surface modification of the ZnS by cysteine, the sensitive fluorescence method for assay of protein had been developed. In this investigation, the maximum emission fluorescence peak of functionalized ZnS is located at 357 nm (Ȝexc = 233 nm). It was found out that the emission maxima of the fluorescence of functionalized ZnS and BSA remained at similar wavelength but the intensities are significantly enhanced. The enhancement of emission intensity of the mixture of functionalized ZnS and BSA suggested that interaction of functionalized ZnS binding with BSA had taken place. The optimum pH 7 with Tris buffer and reaction time 20 min under the room temperature was found to be suitable in this protein binding assay. The constant emission intensity was obtained at concentration of functionalized ZnS in range of 4.0 x 10-4 mol L-1. Under the optimum conditions, calibration graphs were plotted with fluorescence intensity against the various concentration of BSA. The fluorescence intensity is directly proportional to the concentration of BSA with linear range of 0.4 to 22.5 ppm and the correlation coefficient is R2 = 0.9805 with y = 21.886x + 456.05. This result indicates that the developed assay is useful for the quantitative analysis of protein. The 3ı limit of the detection of the developed assay is 0.09 ppm and RSD value with 1.7% suggested the developed assay is sensitive and reproducible. Based 100 on the study of the influence of various ions and non-protein substances on the BSA determination, it is widely accepted that the developed assay is very selective due to the little effect on the BSA determination. The method was employed to various types of protein such as egg albumin, lysozyme and amylase. The calibration graphs for the various proteins were constructed showed R2 value > 0.9800. It can be concluded that the developed protein assay functionalized ZnS binding BSA leads to a particularly sensitive, stable, simple and selective method. In conclusion, generally, the application of CdS capped mercaptoacetic acid (functionalized CdS) and ZnS capped Cysteine (functionalized ZnS) for the binding with BSA was compared. It is generally agreed that the fluorescence characterization and the optimization results showed a similar results, however few comparison was made in term of the stability of the functionalized ZnS and functionalized CdS. The reaction time of functionalized ZnS binding with BSA retained for 5 hours compared to functionalized CdS, which was retained for 3 hours. It is generally agreed that the stability of functionalized ZnS binding with BSA are more stable because the intensity remains constant for 5 h. Comparison using mercaptoacetic acid as stabilizer, cysteine is less expensive and nontoxic. The salt dependence study showed that the binding modes between the functionalized CdS with BSA group are mainly due to non-electrostatic binding meanwhile the binding between ZnS may be due to the hydrophobic binding. Moreover, the influences of non-protein substances mainly amino acids affect the BSA binding with functionalized ZnS compared to the functionalized CdS. This may due to the presence of cysteine as capping agent from the same group of amino acid compound. The limit of the detection (LOD) of functionalized ZnS is 0.09 ppm, which is slightly more sensitive compared to functionalized CdS with 0.14 ppm. By comparison with fluorescence labeling method utilizing organic dyes, the developed functionalized CdS and functionalized ZnS as protein (BSA) assay have a wider linear range larger Stoke’s shift. The sensitivity of organic dye binding assay showed a similar value of limit of detection with the developed assay. In addition, the organic dyes are more expensive compared to inorganic compound CdS and ZnS. The organic dye binding protein methods have limitations such as narrow excitation 101 bands and broad emission bands with red spectral tails and spectral overlap. Most of the organic dyes binding with protein exhibited low resistance to photobleaching. In a word, the luminescent colloidal semiconductor CdS and ZnS have the potential to overcome problem in labeling protein application by combining the advantages of high photobleaching, good chemical stability and readily tunable spectral properties. The development of protein assay based on the fluorescence enhancement technique has achieved its objectives in this work with successful and promising results. The application of the functionalized CdS and functionalized ZnS as fluorescence probe for protein leads to a particularly sensitive, stable, simple and selective assay. 5.2 Suggestions Although overall promising results have been obtained in this work, there was a need to complement some areas of the present study that were worth investigating. Suggestions and ideas were proposed for future studies. Further investigation should be conducted by capping the semiconductor with other caping material with different kind of functional group such as –COOH, -OH, -NH2 and -SH. In addition, the study of the labeling protein can be extended to the production of other semiconductor compound such as CdSe, CuS and MnS. For future work on the developing fluorescence probe, the assay was proposed in other field such as chemical sensor, immune analysis and other biotechnology applications which their application still unclear. REFERENCES 1. Robson, B. and Garnier, J. Introduction to Proteins and Proteins Engineering. U.S.A.: Elsevier Science Publisher. 1-5; 1986. 2. Wardlaw, G. M. and Insel, P. M. Perspectives in Nutrition. 3rd. ed. MosbyYear Book Inc. 161-164; 1995. 3. Haschemeyer, R. H., Haschemeyer, A. V. E. Protein: A Guide to Study by Physical and Chemical Methods. New York: A Wiley-Interscience Publication. 50-51; 1973. 4. Hein, M., Best, L. R., Pattison, S., Arena, S. Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry. Pacific Grove, California: Brooks/Cole. 287, 298-312; 1993. 5. Lee, F. A. Basic Food Chemistry. 2nd. ed. 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