vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER TITLE DECLARATION DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ABSTRACT ABSTRAK TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS LIST OF SYMBOLS LIST OF APPENDICES PAGE ii iii iv v vi vii xi xiii xv xvi xvii 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Overview 1.2 Research Background 1.3 Problem Statement 1.4 Research Goal 1.5 Research Objectives 1.6 Scope of Study 1.7 The Significance of Research 1.8 Thesis Organization 1.9 Summary 1 1 2 5 6 6 7 7 7 8 2 RESEARCH BACKGROUND 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Public Art 9 9 9 viii 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 Types of Public Art The Contributions of Public Art in Public Spaces 2.2.3 Successful and Unsuccessful Public Arts 2.2.4 Evaluation of Public Art 2.2.5 The Urban Sculpture as Public Art Environmental Measurement Models Theoretical Construct of Aesthetic Value 2.4.1 Goldman Aesthetic Theory 2.4.2 Formal’ and ‘Symbolic’ Aesthetics Aesthetic Measurement Criteria Physical Measurement Conceptual Measurement Emotional Measurement Effecting Indicators in Environmental Measurement 2.6.1 Socio-economic Factors 2.6.2 Familiarity Concept of Familiarity Level of Familiarity Designers versus Non-designers 2.7.1 Differences between Designers and Nondesigners 2.7.2 Base of Differences in Evaluation 2.7.3 Different Evaluation of Architectural Designs Mode of Presentation 2.8.1 Validity of Photograph 2.8.2 Photograph Control Variables Measurement of Affect 2.9.1 Long Questionnaire 2.9.2 Short Questionnaire 2.9.3 Single Item Questionnaire 2.9.4 Circumplex-based Models 2.9.5 Affect Circumplex 2.9.6 Affect Grid Lens Model 2.10.1 Lens Model Definition 2.10.2 Lens Model Structure Summary 10 11 11 12 13 14 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 18 19 20 20 21 22 22 24 26 27 27 28 29 29 30 31 32 32 33 34 35 36 37 ix 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Research Design 3.3 Study Area 3.4 Measurement Criteria 3.4.1 Measurement Methodology 3.4.2 Lens Model Approach 3.5 Validity and Reliability of Research 3.6 Presentation of Stimuli 3.6.1 Selecting Urban Sculptures Photos 3.7 Selection of Participants 3.7.1 Population Sampling Sampling Procedure Sample Size Sample Error 3.7.2 Sample Design for Final Survey 3.8 Measurement Tool 3.8.1 Pilot Test 3.8.2 Final Survey 3.9 Data Processing Analysis 3.9.1 General Analysis 3.9.2 Measuring of Emotion Circumplex Analysis 3.9.3 Lens Model Analysis 3.10 Summary 38 38 39 39 42 43 44 46 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 53 54 54 54 56 60 4 ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 General Analysis 4.1.1 Participants Information Sampling Error Sample Reliability 4.1.2 Categorization of Selected Sculptures 4.2 Emotional Analysis 4.2.1 Circular Plot 4.2.2 Circular Profile 4.3 Lens Model Analysis 4.3.1 Objective 1, Consensus Within Groups Ratings of Cues 61 61 61 62 62 64 64 66 66 68 71 71 x 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.4 5 Cues’ Reliability Objective 2, Similar and Dissimilar Interpretation Cues’ Definition Objective 3, Groups’ Similarity and Dissimilarity Cues’ Correlation (Symbolism) SBW, Accuracy, General Agreement (Symbolism) Cues’ Correlation (Physical) SBW, Accuracy, General Agreement (Physical) Cues’ Correlation (Conceptual) SBW, Accuracy, General Agreement (Conceptual) Summary CONCLUSION 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Consensus Within Groups 5.3 Groups’ Interpretations of Cues 5.4 Lens Model findings 5.5 Suggestion 5.6 Summary REFERENCES Appendices A – I 72 79 79 81 82 85 96 99 102 105 109 111 111 112 114 114 115 115 117 129 – 160 xi LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3.1 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 TITLE Major permanent public art forms (Remesar, 1997) Valuable parameters proposed by Remesar (1997) Familiarity and Preference Matrix by Kaplan and Kaplan (1982) Previous Studies on Exploring Designers and Nondesigners Similarities and Differences List of Symbolism, Physical, and Conceptual Variables Participants Information Sampling Error for Participants Sampling Reliability for Participants Most Preferred Sculptures By Designers and Nondesigners Least Preferred Sculptures By Designers and Nondesigners The mean values of symbolism, physical, and conceptual properties by designers’ judges The mean values of symbolism, physical, and conceptual properties by non-designers’ judges Reliability analysis for symbolism, physical, and conceptual properties by designers’ judges Reliability analysis for symbolism, physical, and conceptual properties by non-designers’ judges Definition of symbolism, physical, and conceptual properties between designers and non-designers Cue’s Correlation Symbolism Designers Correlation Matrix Designers Correlation Matrix (cont.) PAGE 10 13 22 25 43 62 62 62 64 65 73 74 77 78 80 86 87 88 xii 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 4.20 4.21 4.22 4.23 4.24 4.25 Non-designers Correlation Matrix Non-designers Correlation Matrix (cont.) Correlation on Judges’ Average Values for Designers Correlation on Judges’ Average Values for Designers (cont.) Correlation on Judges’ Average Values for Nondesigners Correlation on Judges’ Average Values for Nondesigners (cont.) Standardized Beta Weight, Accuracy of Prediction Model, and General Agreement of designers and nondesigners for Symbolism Cues Cue’s Correlation Physical Standardized Beta Weight, Accuracy of Prediction Model, and General Agreement of designers and nondesigners for Physical Cues Cue’s Correlation Conceptual Standardized Beta Weight, Accuracy of Prediction Model, and General Agreement of designers and nondesigners for Conceptual Cues General Agreement - Parameters’ Values 89 90 91 92 93 94 96 99 102 105 107 108 xiii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 E.1 E.2 TITLE An Affect Circumplex Format (Russell et al., 1981) Affect Grid Sample By Russell et al. (1989) Structure of a Lens Model Method Framework Tehran Map Tehran Map A Sample View of Lens Model Data Processing Analysis Flowchart Distribution of participants according to background information Emotional Circular Plot Emotional Spider Diagram Emotional spider diagram for top most and least preferred sculptures Frequencies of symbolism, physical, and conceptual properties Preference and symbolism characteristics Pleasure and symbolism characteristics Arousal and symbolism characteristics Preference and physical attributes Pleasure and physical attributes Arousal and physical attributes Preference and conceptual properties Pleasure and conceptual properties Arousal and conceptual properties Abstract Form Without Name PAGE 32 34 36 38 40 41 45 54 63 67 69 70 75 83 84 85 98 99 100 104 105 106 140 140 xiv E.3 E.4 E.5 E.6 E.7 E.8 E.9 E.10 E.11 E.12 E.13 E.14 E.15 E.16 E.17 E.18 E.19 E.20 E.21 E.22 E.23 E.24 Mother and Child Karim Saaei Khajoye Kermani Reza Abbasi Mother and Child Flowers Growing in The Wind Abo Saeid Abolkheir Gardener Veteran Martyrs Mausoleum Lion Sanctification Imam Ali Ali Akbar Dehkhoda Mother of Martyr Magical Horses Aboreyha Imagination of Earth Simon Bolivar Freedom Bahonar Martyr Memorial Peacock and Brids Snail 141 141 142 142 143 143 144 144 145 145 146 146 147 147 148 148 149 149 150 150 151 151 xv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AF – Affect Grid BA – Bipolar Adjectives EPA – Evaluation, Potency, Activity ICC – Inter-Class Correlation IRA – Inter-Rater Agreement IRR – Inter-Rater Reliability LME – Lens Model Equation MST – Multiple Sorting Techniques SBW – Standard Beta Weight SD – Semantic Differential STD – Standard Deviation Sig – Sigmoid Value xvi LIST OF SYMBOLS β – Standard Beta Weight ICC(1, k) – ANOVA, One Way Random ICC(2, k) – ANOVA, Two Way Random ICC(3, k) – ANOVA, Two Way Mixed R – Multiple Correlation Coefficient R2 – Coefficient of Multiple Determination r12 – General Agreement ρ – Sigmoid Value r – Pearson Correlation SDs – Standard Deviation of Samples SE – Sample Error xvii LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A B C D E F G H I TITLE Instruction of Using Affect Grid Section A: Individual Information Section B: Judges’ Questionnaire Section C: Respondents’ Questionnaire Urban Sculpture Photos Instruction of Using Affect Grid (Farsi) Section A: Individual Information (Farsi) Section B: Judges’ Questionnaire (Farsi) Section C: Respondents Questionnaire (Farsi) PAGE 126 131 132 134 136 152 157 158 160