Text−to−Speech Option Fails to Play Back Email Messages Contents Introduction

Text−to−Speech Option Fails to Play Back Email
Document ID: 115683
Components Used
Related Information
Text−to−Speech (TTS) gives the ability to listen to your emails over the telephone. This document describes
the procedures involved in fixing the TTS engine after it fails to read the emails from Cisco Unity 7.x.
There are no specific requirements for this document.
Components Used
The information in this document is based on the Cisco Unity 7.x.
The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All of the
devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. If your network is live, make sure
that you understand the potential impact of any command.
Refer to Cisco Technical Tips Conventions for more information on document conventions.
When you try to use TTS, it fails and you receive the error This email cannot be read now. Unity
is only going to read voice mails stored on the root or under the Deleted Items folder of the Inbox. If you
have a server rule that moves your messages to another location, then Cisco Unity is not going to read them.
As the initial step for resolving the issue, perform these steps:
1. Make sure the mailbox of the subscribers using the TTS feature is on the same message store where it
is intended to be.
2. Access the mailbox through any email client like Outlook Web Access (OWA) with the
UnityMsgStoreSvc credentials in order to ensure that you are able to access the email messages.
3. Check if TTS is enabled for the subscriber.
4. Check for any error message or if there are any application logs saying that the messages cannot be
Here are the application log error messages as seen from the Cisco Unity box when TTS fails:
1. Event ID: 1030
Event Type:
Event Source:
Event Category: Run
Event ID:
<Computer Name>
Problem during initialization of a TTS session. The session may not have been
created. Stop and restart the AvTtsSvr service. (Session get_Capabilities
failed with HRESULT 0x80045c04)
2. Event ID: 1026
Event Type:
Event Source:
Event Category: Init
Event ID: 1026
<Computer Name>
The preferred TTS provider Realspeak is not installed. Verify that you are
using the correct license file and that you have installed the correct
provider. To view license settings, use the Cisco Unity Licensing snap−in, and
to install providers, run Cisco Unity Setup.
Perform these steps in order to resolve the issue:
1. Make sure the AvTtsSvr service is running and set to local.
2. Restart the AvTtsSvr service.
3. Confirm that there are files in the X:\CommServer\RealSpeak\Engine folder (X could be any drive
where you have installed Cisco Unity). This is to ensure the Realspeak directory is within the
Commserver directory.
After performing the previous steps, if the issue still persists, the best way to proceed is to re−install the TTS.
Perform these steps in order to install TTS:
1. Log on to the Unity Box by using the Cisco Unity installation account.
Note: Disable virus−scanning and Cisco Security Agent services on the server. This can sometimes
lead to installation failure.
2. From the first Cisco Unity installation disc (the DVD disc that contains the installation files of Unity7
version.(CUICA)) or from the location to which you saved the downloaded Cisco Unity first disc
installation image files, browse to the root directory and double−click Setup.exe.
3. If prompted, double−click the language of your choice to continue with the upgrade.
4. On the Cisco Unity Installation and Configuration Assistant Welcome screen, click Continue.
5. In the main window of the assistant, click Run the Cisco Unity Setup Program.
6. If prompted, double−click the language of your choice to continue the upgrade.
7. If a message to stop services appears, click OK.
8. Click Next or Continue without changing values until the Select Features dialog box appears.
9. In the Select Features dialog box:
a. Check the Upgrade Cisco Unity check box.
b. If the Cisco Unity license includes text−to−speech, check the Enable TTS check box.
c. Uncheck the Install Voice Card Software check box.
10. Click Next or Continue without changing values until you are prompted to restart the CiscoUnity
Related Information
• Install and Upgrade Information for Cisco Unity Release 7.x
• Using Text−To−Speech
• Voice Technology Support
• Voice and Unified Communications Product Support
• Troubleshooting Cisco IP Telephony
• Technical Support & Documentation − Cisco Systems
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Updated: Dec 14, 2012
Document ID: 115683