Benjamin Ravid: Publications as of July 2013
BENJAMIN RAVID: Publications as of July 2013
Editor, Iyyunim Bemahashevet Israel: Hebrew Studies in Jewish Thought by Simon
Rawidowicz, 2 vols. (Rubin Mass, Jerusalem, 1969-71), with introduction, biography and
A highly condensed English version of the biography appeared under the title "The Life
and Writings of Simon Rawidowicz," in Studies in Jewish Thought, N. N. Glatzer, ed.
(Jewish Publication Society: Philadelphia, 1974), 3-42.
Economics and Toleration in Seventeenth Century Venice: The Background and Context of
the Discorso of Simone Luzzatto (American Academy for Jewish Research: Jerusalem, 1978).
Co-editor, with Yehudah Friedlander, Sihotai im Bialik [My Conversations with Bialik]
(Dvir: Jerusalem-Tel Aviv, 1983).
Editor, Israel: The Ever-Dying People and Other Essays by Simon Rawidowicz (Fairleigh
Dickinson University Press: Rutherford, N.J., 1986), with expanded version of above English
Historical Notes, with Howard Adelman, to The Autobiography of a Seventeenth Century
Venetian Rabbi: Leon Modena's Life of Judah, M. R. Cohen, trans. and ed. (Princeton
University Press: Princeton, 1988), pp. 181-279.
State of Israel, Diaspora and Jewish Continuity (University Press of New England: Hanover
and London, 1998), expanded paperback edition of Israel: The Ever-Dying People and Other
Essays by Simon Rawidowicz.
Coeditor, with Robert C. Davis, The Jews of Early Modern Venice (Johns Hopkins
University Press: Baltimore, 2001).
Studies on the Jews of Venice, 1382-1797. Volume of nine articles on the Jews of Venice,
marked with * in list below, photo-reproduced and published in the Variorum Reprint series
(Ashgate: Aldershot, Hants, 2003).
"The Legal Status of the Jewish Merchants of Venice, 1541-1638," Journal of Economic
History, 30 (1975): 274-279; German translation in Emuna 10 (1975): 12-17.
"The Establishment of the Ghetto Vecchio of Venice, 1541: Background and Reappraisal,"
Proceedings of the Sixth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, 1973 (World Union for
Jewish Studies: Jerusalem, 1975), 2:153-167.
"The First Charter of the Jewish Merchants of Venice, 1589," Association for Jewish Studies
Review, 1 (1976): 187-222.
Benjamin Ravid: Publications as of July 2013
"The Jewish Mercantile Community of Twelfth and Thirteenth Century Venice: Reality or
Conjecture?" Association for Jewish Studies Review, 2 (1977): 201-226.
"The Prohibition Against Jewish Printing and Publishing in Venice and the Difficulties of
Leone Modena,” in Studies in Medieval Jewish History and Literature, I. Twersky, ed. (Harvard
University Press: Cambridge, 1979), pp. 135-153.
" 'How Profitable the Nation of the Jewes Are': The Humble Addresses of Menasseh ben
Israel and the Discorso of Simone Luzzatto," in Mystics, Philosophers and Politicians: Essays in
Jewish Intellectual History in Honor of Alexander Altmann, J. Reinharz and D. Swetschinski,
eds. (Duke University Press: Durham, 1982), pp. 159-180.
"The Socioeconomic Background of the Expulsion and Readmission of the Venetian Jews,
1571-73," in Essays in Modern Jewish History: A Tribute to Ben Halpern, P. Albert and F.
Malino, eds. (Fairleigh Dickinson University Press: Rutherford, N.J., 1982), pp. 27-55.
*"Contra Judaeos in Seventeenth Century Italy: Two Responses to the Discorso of Simone
Luzzatto by Melchiore Palontrotti and Giulio Morosini," Association for Jewish Studies Review,
7-8 (1982-83): 301-351.
" 'A Republic Separate From All Other Government': Jewish Autonomy in Venice in the
Seventeenth Century and the Translation of the Libro Grande" (Hebrew), in Thought and
Action: Essays in Memory of Simon Rawidowicz on the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of His Death
A. A. Greenbaum and I. Ivry, eds. (Tcherikover Ltd. and Haifa University Press: Tel
Aviv-Haifa, 1983), pp. 53-76.
"Money, Love and Power Politics in Sixteenth Century Venice: The Perpetual Banishment
and Subsequent Pardon of Joseph Nasi," in the Proceedings of the First Italia Judaica Congress,
Bari, 1981 (Rome, 1983), pp. 159-181.
*"Moneylending in Seventeenth Century Jewish Vernacular Apologetica," in Jewish
Thought in the Seventeenth Century, I. Twersky and B. Septimus, eds. (Harvard University
Press: Cambridge, 1987), pp. 257-283.
"The Religious, Economic and Social Background and Context of the Establishment of the
Ghetti of Venice," in Gli Ebrei e Venezia, G. Cozzi, ed. (Edizioni Comunità: Milan, 1987), pp.
" 'Kosher Bread' in Baroque Venice," Italia, 6 (1987): 20-29.
"The Legal Status of the Jews of Venice to 1509," Proceedings of the American Academy
for Jewish Research, 54 (1987): 169-202.
"The Establishment of the Ghetto Nuovissimo of Venice," in Jews in Italy: Studies
Dedicated to the Memory of Umberto Cassuto on the 100th Anniversary of His Birth, H. Beinart,
ed. (Magnus Pres: Jerusalem, 1988), pp. 35-54.
Benjamin Ravid: Publications as of July 2013
"The Venetian Ghetto in Historical Perspective," in The Autobiography of a
Seventeenth-Century Venetian Rabbi: Leon Modena's Life of Judah, M. R. Cohen, trans. and ed.
(Princeton University Press: Princeton, 1988), pp. 279-283.
"An Autobiographical Memorandum by Daniel Rodriga, Inventore of the Scala of Spalato,"
in The Mediterranean and the Jews: Banking, Finance and International Trade (xvi to xviii
centuries), A. Toaff and S. Schwarzfuchs, eds. (Bar-Ilan University Press: Ramat Gan, 1989),
pp. 189-213.
"Ghetti, Moneylenders and Merchants," in The Ghetto in Venice: Ponentini, Levantini e
Tedeschi 1516-1797 (in Dutch and English parallel columns), J-M. Cohen, ed. (S Dvitgeverij:
Gravenhagen, 1990), pp. 10-27.
"Daniel Rodriga and the First Decade of the Jewish Merchants of Venice," in Exile and
Diaspora: Studies in the History of the Jewish People Presented to Prof. Chaim Beinart (Latin
alphabet volume), A. Mirsky, A. Grossman and Y. Kaplan, eds. (Ben Zvi Institute and Hebrew
University Press: Jerusalem, 1991), pp. 203-223.
"The Vantage Point of Venice," Society and Community: Proceedings of the Second
International Congress for Research of the Sephardi and Oriental Jewish Heritage, 1984
(Misgav Yerushalayim: Jerusalem, 1991), pp. 197-200.
"A Tale of Three Cities and Their Raison d’état: Ancona, Venice, Livorno and the
Competition for Jewish Merchants in the Sixteenth Century," Mediterranean Historical Review,
6 (1991-2): 138-162, also published in book form with the same pagination under the title Jews,
Christians and Muslims in the Mediterranean World after 1492, A. Meyuhas Ginio, ed. (Frank
Cass: London, 1992).
"Les sefarades a Venise," in Les Juifs d’Espagne: Histoire dune diaspora, 1492-1992, H.
Mechoulan ed. (Lianna Levi: Paris, 1992), pp. 283-294, 321-322, also published in Spanish
translation, “Los Sefarditas en Venecia,” in Los judios de Espana: Historia de una diaspora,
1492-1992 (Madrid, 1993), pp. 279-290.
"From Geographical Realia to Historiographical Symbol: The Odyssey of the Word Ghetto,"
in Essential Papers on Jewish Culture in Renaissance and Baroque Italy, D. Ruderman, ed.
(New York University Press: New York, 1992), pp. 373-385.
"An Introduction to the Economic History of the Iberian Diaspora in the Mediterranean,"
Judaism, 41 (1992): 268-285.
*"From Yellow to Red: On the Distinguishing Head-Covering of the Jews of Venice,"
Jewish History, 6 (1992): 179-210, also published in book form with the same pagination under
the title Frank Talmage Memorial Volume II, B. Walfish, ed., University Presses of New
England: Hanover, 1992.
"New Light on the Ghetti of Venice," Shlomo Simonsohn Jubilee Volume: Studies on the
History of the Jews in the Middle Ages and Renaissance Period (Tel Aviv University Press: Tel
Aviv, 1993), pp. 149-176.
Benjamin Ravid: Publications as of July 2013
"The Third Charter of the Jewish Merchants of Venice, 1611: A Case Study in Complex
Multifaceted Negotiations," Jewish Political Studies Review, 6 (1994): 83-134.
"The Minotto Family and an Unapproved Construction Project in the Ghetto Vecchio of
Venice, 1608-1609," in Daniel Carpi Jubilee Volume, M. Rozen, A. Shapira and D. Porat, eds.
(Tel Aviv University Press: Tel Aviv, 1997), pp. 91-108.
*"Christian Travelers in the Ghetto of Venice: Some Preliminary Observations," Between
History and Literature: Studies in Honor of Isaac Barzilay, in S. Nash, ed. (Hakibbutz
Hameuhad: B'nei B'rak, 1997), pp. 111-150.
*"Curfew Time in the Ghetti of Venice," Medieval and Renaissance Venice, E Kittell and T.
Madden, eds. (University of Illinois Press: Urbana-Chicago, 1999), pp. 237-275.
*“Venice, Rome, and the Reversion of Conversos to Judaism: A Study in Ragione di Stato,”
in L`identità dissimulata: giudaizzanti iberici nell’europa cristiana dell`età moderna, P. C. Ioly
Zorattini, ed. (Leo S. Olschki Editore; Florence, 2000), pp. 151-193.
*"Between the Myth of Venice and the Lachrymose Conception of Jewish History: The
Case of the Jews of Venice," in The Jews of Italy: Memory and Identity", B. Cooperman and B.
Garvin, eds. (University of Maryland Press; Bethesda, MD, 2000), pp. 151-192.
“The Forced Baptism of Jews in Christian Europe: An Introductory Overview,”
Christianizing Peoples and Converting Individuals, G. Armstrong and I. N. Wood, eds.
(Brepols: Tournhaut, Belgium, 2001), pp. 157-167.
"The Venetian Government and the Jews," in The Jews of Early Modern Venice, R. C. Davis
and B. Ravid, eds. (Johns Hopkins University Press: Baltimore, 2001), pp. 3-30.
*“The Forced Baptism of Jewish Minors in Early Modern Venice,” Italia 13-15 (2001):
259-301= In Memory of Giuseppe Sermonetta, R. Bonfil, ed.
*“An Introduction to the Charters of the Jewish Merchants of Venice," in The Mediterranean
and the Jews II: Society, Culture and Economy in Early Modern Times, E. Horowitz and M.
Orfali, eds. (Bar-Ilan University Press: Ramat Gan, 2002), pp. 203-246.
“On Sufferance and Not As Of Right: The Status of the Jewish Communities in EarlyModern Venice,” in The Lion Shall Roar: Leon Modena and his World, Italia: Conference
Supplement Series, 1, D. Malkiel, guest editor (Magnes Press-Ben-Zvi Institute: Jerusalem,
2003), pp. 17-61.
“In Defense of the Jewish Doctors of Venice, ca. 1670,” in Una Manna Buona per Mantova:
Man Tov le-Man Tovah: Studi in onore di Vittore Colorni per il suo 92 compleanno, M. Perani,
ed. (Leo S. Olschki: Florence, 2004), pp. 479-506.
“Simon Rawidowicz and the ‘Brit Ivrit Olamit’: A Study in the Relationship Between Hebrew
Culture in the Diaspora and Zionist Ideology” (Hebrew), Studies and Essays in Hebrew Language
and Literature: Berlin Congress: Proceedings of the 16th Hebrew Scientific European Congress
(Brit Ivrit Olamit: Jerusalem, 2004), pp. 119-154.
Benjamin Ravid: Publications as of July 2013
“Alle Ghettos waren jüdische Viertel, aber nicht alle jüdischen Viertel waren Ghettos,” in Die
Frankfurter Judengasse: Jüdisches Leben in der Fruehen Neuzeit, F. Backhaus, G. Engel, R.
Liberles and M. Schlüter, eds. (Societäts Verlag: Frankurt, 2006), pp. 13-30.
“Biblical Exegesis a la Mercantilism and Raison d`état in Seventeenth Century Venice: The
Discorso of Simone Luzzatto,” in Bringing the Hidden to Light: The Process of Interpretation.
Studies in Honor of Stephen A. Geller, K. Kravitz and D. M. Sharon, eds. (Eisenbrauns: Winona
Lake, Ind., 2007), pp. 169-186.
“The Human Dimension of Wissenschaft des Judentums: Letters from the Rawidowicz
Archive,” in Studies in Arabic and Hebrew Letters in Honor of Raymond P. Scheindlin, J. Decter
and M. Rand, eds. (Gorgias Press: Piscataway, N.J.: 2007), pp. 99-144.
“Alfred Klee and Hans Goslar: From Amsterdam to Westerbork to Bergen Belsen,” in The
Dutch Intersection: The Jews and the Netherlands in Modern History, Y. Kaplan, ed. (Brill:
Leiden-Boston, 2008), pp. 347-368.
“How Other Really Was the Jewish Other? The Evidence from Venice,” Acculturation and Its
Discontents: The Jews of Italy, David N. Myers, Massimo Ciavolella, Peter H. Reill, and Geoffrey
Symcox, eds. (University of Toronto Press: Toronto, 2008), pp. 19-55.
“All Ghettos Were Jewish Quarters but not all Jewish Quarters Were Ghettos,” Jewish Culture
and History, 10: 2-3 (2008): 5-24, photo-reproduced in The Frankfurt Judengasse: Life in an
Early Modern German City, Fritz Backhaus, Gisela Engel, Robert Liberlis and Margarete
Schlüter, eds. (Vallentine Mitchell: London-Portland, Or., 2010), pp. 5-22.
“The Berlin Period of Simon Rawidowicz: The University and Ludwig Feuerbach in
Context,” in Feuerbach und der Judaismus, Ursula Reitemeyer, Takayuki Shibata, and Francesco
Tomasoni, eds. (Waxmann: Münster-New York-Munich-Berlin, 2009), pp. 135-157.
“Popular Religion in the Early-Modern Ghetto of Venice,” in Gazing on the Deep: Ancient
Near Eastern and Other Studies in Honor of Tzvi Abusch, Jeffrey Stackert, Barbara N. Porter, and
David P. Wright, eds. (CDL Press: Bethesda, MD, 2010), pp. 603-620.
“Translators of Hebrew Language’ for the Venetian Government and the Venetian
Government as Preserver of Documents of the Venetian Jewish Community,” in Tov Elem:
Memory, Community and Gender: Essays in Honour of Robert Bonfil, E. Baumgarten, M. Ben
Sasson, A. Raz-Karkozkin and R. Weinstein, eds. (Bialik Institute and the Mandel Institute of
Jewish Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2011), pp. 188-224.
“American Higher Education and Brandeis University: A Jewish sponsored Non-Sectarian
University,” in Das Problem Universität: Eine internazionale und interdisziplin äre Debatte zur
Lage der Universitäten, U. Reitemeyer and J. Helmchen, eds. (Waxman: Muenster, 2011), pp.
“Venice, Adriatic Commerce, and Jewish Merchants: Sixteen Memoranda of Daniel
Rodriga,” in Studi sul mondo sefardita: In memoria di Aron Leoni, P. C. Ioly Zorattini, M.
Luzzati and M. Sarfatti, eds. (Olschi: Florence, 2011), pp. 107-126.
Benjamin Ravid: Publications as of July 2013
Cum Nimis Absurdum and the Ancona Auto-da-Fé Revisited: Their Impact on Venice and
Some Wider Reflections,” Jewish History 26 (2012): 85-100 (Essays in Honor of Kenneth Stow,
Jay Berkowitz and Francesca Trivellato, eds.)
“On the Diffusion of the Word ‘Ghetto’ and its Ambiguous Usages, and a Suggested
Definition,” in Frühneuzeitliche Ghettos in Europa im Vergleich, F. Backhaus, G. Engel, G.
Grebner and R. Liberles, eds. (Trafo: Berlin, 2012), pp. 15-38.
“Levantine and Ponentine Jewish Merchants, Venice, and Trade with the Ottoman Empire in
the Late Sixteenth and Early Seventeenth Centuries,” to appear in a forthcoming festschrift in
honor of Joseph Hacker, 2013.
“Venice and its Minorities,” in Handbook of Venetian History, 1400-1797, E. Dursteler, ed.,
to be published by Brill. 2013
“A Money-Lender and a Ghetto: New Light on the Jews of Venetian Spalato,” for a Festscrift
in Honor of Pier Cesare Ioly Zorattini.
“Moneylending at Interest among Jews in Early Modern Venice,” paper presented at
International Workshop in “Christian relations to Jewish Finance in Europe (12 th-16th centuries),”
led by Baber Johansen and Giacomo Todeschini, sponsored by the Harvard University Medieval
Studies Committee and held at Harvard University, February 18-19, 2011, no call for submission
“Remembrance of Places Destroyed: Grajewo and Bialystok in the Letters of Simon
Rawidowicz,” to appear in Polin, 2016.
Simon Rawidowicz, From the Nachlass, co-edited with David Myers and Eugene Sheppard.
Simone Luzzatto and a speech on the floor of the in Venetian Senate in favor of the Jews.
Moneylenders, Merchants and Ghettos: Raison d’état and the Jews in Early Modern Venice.
Documentary Reader on the History of the Jews of Venice.
Paolo Sarpi on the Jews.
Marino Sanuto on the Jews.
Benjamin Ravid: Publications as of July 2013