Technology Committee M E E T I N G M I N U T E S - 9 / 2 / 2 0 11 Attendees: Lee Anderson, Fred Lokken, John Molt (for Steve Zideck), Amanda Sagun, and Chris Winslow 1. Proposal for revamping the meeting schedule and focus for all Technology sub-committees. a. History: 1) IT organizations: TMCC has three separate and distinct IT organizations. a) WebCollege - - This department is in the division of Academic Affairs and Student Services and primarily focuses on the following: I. LMS support II. Angel III. Moodle IV. Technology tools for classroom learning b) IT Services (ITS) - - This department is in the division of Finance and Administrative Services and primarily focuses on the following: I. Applications Services: i. Acad/Admin applications leveraging/integrating: 1. PeopleSoft 2. Active Directory 3. HRMS 4. Advantage ii. Citrix Applications iii. Database management/Reports iv. Single Sign-On v. Data Security vi. Online Documentation/Training of Applications/PeopleSoft Processes II. Media Services: SmartClassroom technology which includes LCD projectors, Elmos, clickers, and audio-visual/video support III. Web Services: i. TMCC web site (14,000 pages) ii. Branding iii. Directories iv. Contact info v. Database-driven vi. Forms c) IT Operations (ITO) - - This department is in the division of Finance and Administrative Services and primarily focuses on the following: I. Help Desk: triage and routing of IT support requests from faculty, staff, and students (7,500+ annually) II. Network: Internet connectivity and hardware routers, switches, hard wired cabling, wireless access. III. Servers: mail, web, database, file/documentation, learning management systems, etc. IV. Academic Desktops/Printers and General Access Labs V. Telephone and voice mail system VI. Software installation/licensing VII. Admin and Student Active Directory/Google Apps accounts (39,300+) 2) Committee structure: As a result of the structure above, over the past 10-plus years, a related committee structure has developed to address IT issues by each IT organization individually or in a coordinated manner. a) Academic Technologies sub-committee: provides coordination for the instructional technology issues. This committee is also responsible for prioritization and allocation of the technology fee. Sub-committees of this committee include the Smart Classroom Page 1 of 2; Meeting Minutes - 09/27/2010 Rev.: 9/7/2011 TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, disability, national origin or sexual orientation in the programs or activities which it operates. committee and the Learning Management Systems Review Committee. WebCollege, ITS, and ITO all participate. b) Administrative Computing sub-committee: provides coordination for administrative information technology issues. Additionally, the Student Service departments under the direction of the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Student Services provide input into information technology governance through the Student Services Technology Committee to the Administrative Computing Committee. This is the committee that sets the Application Services Group's project priorities and allows for college wide input and discussion. It is through the Administrative Computing Committee that most strategic and operational objectives are developed. ITS and ITO are the primary participants. c) Web Advisory sub-committee: identifies, prioritizes and advocates for Web needs and services. The committee considers and recommends Web-related projects, policies and procedures for final approval by the President's Cabinet. In addition, it takes a proactive role in promoting the integration of the Web into the academic and administrative life of the college. The committee's efforts will also ensure that the college's mission and strategic goals are served in short- and long-term Web planning. ITS and ITO are the primary participants. b. 2. 3. 4. 5. Since the WebCollege, ITS, or ITO staff participate in most of the sub-committee meetings in addition to the Technology Committee meeting, there is a lot of redundancy. In addition, many of the TMCC staff who are not in IT-related positions are also exposed to much of this redundant information. 1) Recommendation: Eliminate or reduce monthly sub-committee meetings and incorporate the subcommittee topics into the Technology Committee meetings. Sub-committee participation will occur based on the suggested schedule below: a) Sep - - General Topics b) Oct - - Administrative Computing (Project Priorities) c) Nov - - Academic Technologies d) Dec - - Web Advisory e) Jan - - (no meeting) - College IT Forum f) Feb - - Academic Technologies (Tech Fee) g) Mar - - Administrative Computing h) Apr - - Web Services/IT Plan update i) May - - General Topics/IT Plan update 2) Another option is to follow the model used by other colleges which do not have committees. Google Apps Options: The Technology Committee was asked to review settings for the TMCC Google Apps ( to provide feedback on which settings to implement. Other business: None Next Meeting: October 7, 2011 Action Items: a. Technology Committee members will be asked to respond to a survey on changing the sub-committee meeting schedule. b. Technology Committee members will be asked to respond to a survey on Google Apps settings. c. Technology Committee members are asked to begin considering how best to leverage technology to meet the college's strategic needs (i.e., student success, academic excellence, access to lifelong learning, accreditation, etc.) for a future committee meeting discussion. Page 2 of 2; Meeting Minutes - 09/27/2010 Rev.: 9/7/2011 TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, disability, national origin or sexual orientation in the programs or activities which it operates.