M E E T I N G M... Current Business Policy Review/Campus-wide policy document

Web Advisory Committee
M E E T I N G M I N U T E S - 1 / 5 / 2 0 11
Meeting called to order at: 11 a.m.
In attendance: Cal Anderson, Manuel Becerra, Kyle Dalpe, Jeremy Deadmond, Brandy Scarnati, Elena Bubnova, Anne
Flesher, Steve Zideck, and James Brose.
Current Business
Policy Review/Campus-wide policy document
Web policies were reviewed and updated. Pat Slavin is putting together a policy handbook. Cal informed that it is important
for people to review what Pat sends out so that any changes or additions are made before putting the information on the
Web. Each department will have their own policies and procedures under their department websites.
Project/Website Update
PHP Migration
The website move to the new PHP is approximately 95% done.
Admit Letter Process
The admit letter is back to being processed in-house and working fine.
Theater Site
The theater department had contacted Web services to develop a site for marketing purposes. The website has been
developed but not finished as Web services is waiting for more information/resources from theater.
Web Server and FTP Process Change for all Faculty Websites
All FT faculty websites are currently hosted on an old server. We will be using a newer, faster and overall better system
that will require using a network password. Web services is close to being done with the change and will be marketing to
all faculty within the next couple of weeks. Faculty will have until June 30, 2011 to switch to the new system.
SiteCenter Sunset Date
The SiteCenter has not been supported by the vendor in years. The software currently used will be going away and a
replacement software will be in place. This will be done within the next month or two.
iTunes U Password Protected Pages
Web services is waiting for iTunes content. VBrick will no longer be used. Tim Ill will be downloading VBrick content to
iTunes sometime this week. Kyle will provide content to be used to test password protected pages.
Page 1 of 2; Meeting Minutes - 1/5/2011
Rev.: 1/14/2011
TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, disability, national origin or sexual orientation in the programs or activities
which it operates.
Scholarship App
The scholarship application log in page was edited and updated. It is now a much smaller form. Echo Lynch and Bill Garand
are working together to have this go live this week.
New Business
Workforce page
A Tom Dolan ad ties to a WDCE landing page that pushes out to WDCE programs.
Homepage Social Media Icons
Web services will add social media icons such as Facebook, Twitter, iTunes, etc. to the bottom of the TMCC page. The icons
will only be added to the bottom of the home page and not to each individual department Web page. Most colleges and
universities are already doing this. Steve Zideck suggested that the social media icons be added to the MyTMCC page as
Policy/procedure for Online PDF Documents and Forms
Web services has been working on rebranding documents/forms and enhancing the look for consistent font size, etc. The
documents/forms were obtained from departments years ago and 90% of them have been rebranded. There have been
issues with keeping track of the most updated forms. At times, the most updated forms are lost within a department due
to a person in charge of updating their department website leaving their position or the latest form has been lost. Many
times the older forms are submitted to Web services. Web services then has to rebrand and update the forms all over
again. Cal suggested a new policy/procedure is put in place for departments to maintain the latest version of their forms,
putting more responsibility on the department. It was suggested that Web services have a share drive for all Web content
providers to access and keep the latest updated forms in one place. If a policy is put in place, training would be provided
by Web services. Cal will work on putting something together for this and present to the committee at the next meeting.
Other Business
Meeting Schedule for 2011
Cal suggested that the committee meet every other month instead of meeting monthly. The committee will meet in March,
May, July, September and November of this year.
AEI Committee
The committee sent out a link to a work in progress document in October.
One server out to the three is working. A survey of what is essential is being conducted. WebCollege is currently gathering
data to see which system will be used by fall.
Next meeting: March 2, 2011
Meeting adjourned: 11:53 a.m.
Page 2 of 2; Meeting Minutes - 1/5/2011
Rev.: 1/14/2011
TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, disability, national origin or sexual orientation in the programs or activities
which it operates.