M E E T I N G M... Current Business

Web Advisory Committee
M E E T I N G M I N U T E S - S E P T. 5 , 2 0 1 2
In Attendance: Cal Anderson, Beverly Bavaro, Kathy Berry, Kyle Dalpe, Ryan Fernandez, Kate Kirkpatrick, Chris Winslow,
Barbie Wright, SGA Member: Micah Kawamoto
Meeting called to order: 11:00 a.m.
Current Business
Webcam Replacement Status
The old TMCC webcam has been replaced. It has not yet been released to the public; however, IT and PIO have tested it.
It is located where the old one was, on top of the Child Care Center. There are some nicer features available with the new
camera. Some discussion regarding the zoom feature, which has been limited as per input from TMCC's legal department.
Each viewer in the queue has 60 seconds to control the camera's direction. After two minutes of no activity, it resets to the
"home" position (directed at the Red Mountain Building).
Kyle asked if the camera can record images? Cal said that it could conceivably be programmed to record, but that
functionality has been deactivated, so the answer is "no". Micah asked if students will have access to it? Cal answered that
yes, links will be active, probably within the week, via webcam.tmcc.edu.
PDF Training Workshops
Cal said that the online web document workshops through Professional Development are ongoing. There will be two
workshops this month. Beverly and Cal have taught eight sessions to date, with a total of 36 participants (with most
attending both Part I and Part II of the series).
Templates and other instructions for creating web-friendly documents and forms are available online at
Google Sites
Web Services has designed a small selection of customized TMCC Google Sites templates for use by faculty for their web
pages to post their syllabi, etc. These templates should be ready in the next week or so.
Chris mentioned that this would be a good solution for some part-time faculty as well as for full-time faculty. Micah also
concurred that p/t faculty would find it helpful. Barbie said it might be useful to promote the Google Sites templates to the
faculty via email (from Academic Support Center).
Since the last Web Advisory Council meeting, the Terminal Four (T4) Content Management System (CMS) contract has
been signed and is now final. More information about T4 can be found on their website: http://www.terminalfour.com/.
Cal said it is going to take some time to migrate to the new system, and that the actual timeline will come after T4
contacts us later this month. He's anticipating probably 3-4 months for the whole migration, but we will have more
information available at our next meeting in November.
Page 1 of 2; Meeting Minutes - Sept. 5, 2012
Rev.: 9/12/2012
TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, physical or mental disability, creed, national origin, veteran status, sexual
orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or gender expression in the programs or activities which it operates.
Migrating to T4 will mean Web Services learns the system, then Web Services will bring in key people to learn the system.
Overall, he anticipates a slow release to "power users" (e.g., PIO, Financial Aid, Admissions, etc.) with plenty of training
and support.
Website Redesign
Cal said that after T4 contacts us about their timeline he will discuss with them and decide about when and how to release
the new website redesign. He's trying to mitigate doubling the work of producing a new look and feel for the website and
also integrating the CMS at the same time.
Kathy asked if there would be a plan and communication prior to migration for each department? Cal said yes, we'll be
working with departments and will have departments look at their content and consolidate empty page content, combining
pages and limiting clicking through.
Regarding the links at the top of the page: Cal wants to make sure all current links move to new site; the new mega
menus will accommodate more; still need to figure out best groupings. He has researched standards with other community
colleges and is basically keeping a similar structure. He noted that the landing pages for departments will be more photodriven with different variations available. Cal will be soliciting feedback from departments, especially Student Services.
Chris asked if the order of the items and groupings that are located above the search bar in the new design BETA is
settled? Cal replied that we can change the order, but that it will be harder to change groupings.
Micah: where will TMCC official announcements be (campus closed, etc.)? Cal replied that they will appear at the top of the
page and will push the permanent content down. It will be part of a "sticky bar" and will appear on every page - not just
the home page - over the entire site. Users will be able to close it after they have seen the announcement(s).
Cal will send out links for further comment.
Discussed and demonstrated how contact forms would look and noted that error messages would appear inline, versus "old
school" java popups.
Kyle said that PIO can help to promote the site unveiling when ready. Micah added that the Echo news and student
government could also assist.
Meeting adjourned: 12:00 p.m.
Page 2 of 2; Meeting Minutes - Sept. 5, 2012
Rev.: 9/12/2012
TMCC is an EEO/AA (equal opportunity/affirmative action) institution and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, physical or mental disability, creed, national origin, veteran status, sexual
orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or gender expression in the programs or activities which it operates.