ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS During the course we have encountered some of the impacts human activities have on the environment. Some of the major impacts relate to industrial activity which, in a capitalist system, is driven by returns on capital. Control and mitigation of this environmental damage used to be considered an eternality to economic decision making. Nowadays, most large companies realise that their environmental performance not only can be an important factor in securing orders but often can bring about financial savings and efficiency gains through reducing waste and energy bills. The management of environmental performance is difficult as often the BPEO is not always apparent. There is also a need to co-ordinate the decision making process and check that particular objectives are achieved. It is also important that the achieving of objectives can be demonstrated to shareholders and outside agencies. Therefore structured and accredited EMS have been developed. These are generally based around the principles of Quality Assurance systems where regular auditing and assessment of performance are carried out. The rise of green issues in politics over the last 20 years first led to the EPA in the USA and then organisations in Europe to adopt EMSs. There are several forms of EMS around the world, but we will focus on the UK and Europe. 1. What is an EMS ? Definition: EMS is a portfolio of tools and strategies for accomplishing the objectives set out in the policies of an organisation for mitigation of environmental damage. All EMS involve: documentation of the system defining roles and duties training communication strategies commitment periodic reviews audits of what is actually happening continual monitoring 2. Accredited EMSs There are a series of available standards for implementing EMSs. particular relevance to the UK are: Those which are of 2.1. BS7750 The BS7750 for environmental control within the manufacturing and service sectors, implemented in 1992 by The British Standards Institute, was one of the first comprehensive EMS standards. It was an influential document in the development of internationally recognised accreditation schemes for EMS. It is strongly linked with BS5750 Quality Management. The BS7750 was also accompanied by a series of Sector Application Guidelines(SAGs), including one for Construction, to assist in interpreting the guidelines to different industries. The BS 7750 Standard, however, is viewed by many to be more stringent than the subsequent ISO14001. For example, BS 7750 requires that an organisation compile a register of its significant environmental effects, and a register of all legislative, regulatory, and other policy requirements. In addition, BS 7750 requires an organisation to make its environmental objectives publicly available. 2.2. ISO14001 Following the publication of the United Kingdoms BS 7750, a proliferation of national EMS standards emerged, including standards from Ireland, France, South Africa, and Spain. The various EMS standards did not all share the same requirements, and in some cases the requirements were contradictory. It became clear that in order to facilitate international trade, there would have to be one international EMS standard that would be accepted around the globe. Thus the International Standards Organisation produced the 14000 series of documents In March 1997, BS7750 was replaced in the UK by ISO14001. This is an internationally recognised standard and fed upon the development work of BS7750. The main specifications of EMS are in the ISO14001 but there are other documents containing guidelines for EMS, Environmental Auditing and Environmental Performance Evaluation. 2.3. EC Eco management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) The EMAS evolved from the environmental agenda which formed part of the 1987 Single European Act. Initially this was envisaged as a mandatory systems for auditing industrial facilities but negative feedback resulted in a voluntary version being put to the Council of Ministers in 1991. 2.4. Comparison between ISO14001 and EMAS Although ISO14001 and EMAS are often viewed as competing forms of EMS there are differences which actually make them complimentary: 2.4.1. Similarities both schemes are site based but require the off site influence of activities to be considered both define appropriate procedures for EMS rather than set goals both require a environmental policy statement to be publicly available and the setting of objectives and targets both require the development of standard operating procedures and written work instructions both emphasis the importance of communicating to employees their responsibilities, objectives and contributions to the EMS 2.4.2. Differences Scope: ISO14001 aims to create a corporate wide EMS and applies to all organisations. EMAS just relates to industry but aims to develop and maintain and environmental protection scheme of which the EMS is a part. The BSI sees ISO14001 as a stepping stone not an alternative to EMAS. Policy objectives and targets: ISO14001 requires continual improvement of environmental performance while EMAS also requires environmental impacts are reduced to a minimum. EMAS also requires and annual report unlike ISO14001 EMAS audits are more frequent and detailed and more information has to be released to the public 3. Features of Implementing an EMS In considering EMS implementation in detail we will focus on ISO14001. ISO14001 Structure 3.1. Establishment of an Environmental Policy About 48% of large European companies in Europe now have published Environmental Policies. This sets the terms of reference for the EMS at the beginning and is the driver for the project. It must contain a commitment to continual improvement and prevention of pollution, also to comply with legislation and provides a framework for setting targets and objectives. Some example policies are given at the end of the handout. This must be communicated to all employees and be made publicly available. 3.2. Planning In planning to implement an EMS companies have to undertake several stages of development. 3.2.1. Review Initially companies are required to undertake an environmental review of activities. This sets the agenda for the EMS and examines: Legislative/regulatory requirements Identification of significant environmental aspects of operation Examination of existing procedures Examines feedback from previous incidents These are examined in terms of Air pollution Water pollution Solid waste Land contamination Raw materials/resource usage Other issues All aspects of the companies operation are included, so in addition to the manufacturing process, areas such as finance, administration, personnel, support services and suppliers should be examined. This will require extensive internal consultation, legal advice, consideration of emergency provisions and consultation with other interested parties. There are several possible methods to assess significance of aspects, in a simialr manner to the scoping stages of an EA METHOD 1: use subjective judgment, e.g. through interviews, to rank aspects on a scale (e.g. 1-4) of significance or use a matrix to identify aspects METHOD 2: use risk assessment, e.g. giving each aspect a rank 1-5 for: H: hazard L : likelihood of occurrence S : size or frequency of the problem The overall significance is assessed by taking the product: C=HxLxS This is then use to identify the priority areas for the EMS objectives and targets to address. 3.2.2. Determination of Environmental Objectives and Targets Setting objectives and targets provides an interpretation of the policy, with clear goals, so that each departmental management team knows their responsibility. Targets should be clear, measurable and demanding. Example targets: Objectives Reduce energy use Targets Reduce electricity use by 10% in 1996 Reduce natural gas use by 15% in 1996 Reduce usage of hazardous chemicals Eliminate use of CFC’s by 1997 Reduce use of high-VOC paints by 25% Reduce hazardous waste generation Reduce chrome wastes from plating area by 50% in 1997 Improve employee awareness Hold monthly training courses of environmental issues Train 100% of employees by end of year Improve compliance with wastewater discharge permit limits Zero permit violations by end of 1997 Such objectives and targets require Environmental Management programmes to be established which identify the function, level and time frame by which targets are achieved. 3.3. Implementation and Operation The actual implementation of an EMS requires a clear system of structure and responsibility to be established. This needs a management representative with overall responsibility to oversee the EMS, key personnel identified and procedures to communicate particular responsibilities to each employee. Also contractors working on site need to be made aware of the requirements of the scheme Installing training and awareness programmes is also a specific requirement of implementation of EMSs. This requires identification of training, needs, development of a training plan, verification to regulatory organisations, documentation and evaluation of training given. Further documentation is required for establishment of external and internal communication systems on environmental performance. Documentation is the key theme in all EMS and control of this documentation is another area for which a system (documented) is required. All the operational aspects of the company require consideration with regard to control of activities with procedures for preventing pollution, management structures to assure conformance with requirements and strategic management. Documentation and procedures are also required for emergency situations. LOTS OF PAPER !!!! 3.4. Checking and Operation Organisations are also required to establish and maintain documented procedures for monitoring and measuring all activities which can have a significant impact on the environment. This requires establishing performance indictors such as: Quantities of raw materials/energy used Emissions Waste produced Number of Environmental Accidents % recycled waste Vehicle km Prosecutions etc. often expressed as units per kg of finished product. This gives verifiable indicators of the companies environmental performance and is accompanied with a documented QA procedure for calculating the indicators. Procedures are also required to respond to poor environmental performance. Maintaining records of the whole EMS and its implementation allows the paper trail to be traced back to each activity, product or service to demonstrate compliance with the EMS and assess if objectives and targets have been met. Regular audits of the whole process are required (max 3y EMAS but related to the nature of the operation with ISO14001). 3.5. Management Review Regular management reviews of the EMS process are required to assess the progress towards achieving policies and objectives. However, EMSs themselves are the subject of a continual improvement process. 4. Reasons for Implementing EMS There are several reasons and pressures why organisations adopt EMS. considered as: These can be 4.1. Stakeholder Pressure The public perception of industrial activities is important to the long term viability of business. This is especially important for the stakeholders be it employees, local residents or customers. 4.1.1. Society The influence of public opinion at large on industrial activities is growing and more often these days people want to see action of substance rather than glossy PR spin or purely a reaction to particular problems. A prime example of public opinion affecting operational decisions is that of the decommissioning of the Brent Spar oil storage facility by Shell UK. Inadequate communication of the considerable research undertaken in to disposal options (or perhaps inadequate research into public opinion) led to boycotts of Shell products across Europe. Local populations are also becoming more aware of environmental impacts of local industrial activities and are requiring more information on risk and sustainability of industrial impacts on the local environment. 4.1.2. Corporate Citizens Workforce morale is important to maintaining productivity. As workers are also local citizens productivity is enhanced by a positive local image of the organisation. A poor environmental track record will also make it difficult for an organisation to keep and recruit good employees. 4.1.3. Customers Customers are potentially the largest driving force behind environmental performance. Image of the company, and green consumerism, are important driving factors behind purchasing decisions. Many companies are also concerned that suppliers and vendors minimise their environmental impact so the resulting total impact of their activities are also minimised. Research by 3M in Spain, Sweden, Germany and the Netherlands indicated that environmental performance was the largest factor in 20% of purchasing decisions. 4.1.4. Regulators Regulators are driving improvements in the environmental performance of organisations in several ways. Perhaps the most obvious is in stricter legislation on discharges and waste. However, schemes such as the EC eco-labelling scheme, have been promoting the provision of more environmental information on products so that consumers can make informed purchasing decisions. Poor environmental performance can also have significant impacts on commercial development, and example of this is the ban on oil exploration on Federal land in the USA after the Exxon Valdez tanker disaster. 4.1.5. Financial Institutions Investors in companies are also driving environmental improvements. The growth of green investors and an awareness among other investors that environmental performance is often linked to financial viability has prompted companies to demonstrate their green credentials. This is especially true of some insurance companies who are requiring high environmental performance as a pre-requisite for cover after some very high claims for large scale environmental disasters. 4.2. Strategic Considerations There are also long term strategic considerations in adopting an EMS. It is often the case that environmental quality and overall quality issues are linked. 4.2.1. Cost Avoidance The initial costs of implementing an EMS can seem high to some companies. But this has to be set against the potential costs of environmental clean up and fines if there is a serious failure. Generally management systems are cheaper than emergency responses, such as clean up or product recall. The EMS also gives documentary evidence of the efforts of a company in the environmental field which can be used as evidence in the case of future investigation or prosecution. EMS can also allow strategies decisions to be made on investment, allowing expenditure to be planned. Some times immediate savings can be made: e.g. 1992 Nat West Bank initiated an Energy Audit of its 3400 buildings. It was identified that for a capital outlay of £750 000 an 8.8% saving in energy could be made (£630 000 p/a saving). 4.2.2. Pre-empting regulation Improving environmental performance can also predict, influence and even head-off regulation. Having an input at an early stage can help to avoid a confrontational relationship with government and allow practical regulations to be developed. 5. Environmental Benefits of EMS 5.2. Internal Within an organisation direct benefits to the environment result from: Reduction in raw material use - less resource/energy use Reduction of waste - to landfill etc. Reduction in transport costs Reduction in energy use - less greenhouse gases 5.1. External Benefits also accrue from the influence of the EMS outside the organisation. Upstream Requirements that suppliers themselves have EMSs in place, or can verify their environmental performance, mean that the environmental impact of raw materials and products is also reduced. Purchasing decisions enlightened by the implementation of the EMS are also likely to be influenced by green issues Downstream In addition to less waste production, the duty of care principle requires companies not only to seek appropriate waste disposal companies, but they must also investigate the procedures of the company (to the extent of visiting disposal sites) as the producer is responsible for the final disposal of the waste. A more environmentally friendly product is likely to have less toxic components or be easier to recycle, thus reducing downstream waste disposal problems. 5.3.Criticism Of course EMS are not a panacea for all the environmental ills of the Planet, there are many criticisms of the process. Especially when it come to the Quality Assurance Paper Trail based approach of EMS: What does accreditation mean ? Accreditation basically means that the EMS procedures are in place. ISO14001 does not set the targets, these are set by the industry themselves and are what they are judged against (TQA ?????): There is also criticism that the Rio concept of sustainability is not fully integrated as part of the standards, and that the organisations do not have to aim for targets which are sustainable. Other critics have argued that full Life Cycle Analysis and Management should be the basis for assessing performance rather than site based polices and audits. e.g. B+Q decided not to make BS7750 a pre-requisite for suppliers on the grounds that accreditation procedures could distract companies from real environmental improvements A recent book by Riva Krut and Harris Gleckman also argues that ISO14001 says nothing about the environmental performance of a company and that the standard's requirements are less stringent than many standards that companies and trade bodies impose on themselves. They acknowledge the high profile the standard has gained since its creation, but say that companies are signing up to it due to market pressure rather than a real intention to improve environmental performance. In response to these criticisms some countries, such as Denmark and Sweden, have adopted an "ISO 14001 Plus" approach, requiring companies to fulfil the ISO requirements plus additional demands. 6. TECHNICAL STRATEGIES There are several technical strategies which can be used to achieve targets set in an EMS, these include waste minimisation and Life Cycle Assessment. 6.1. WASTE MINIMISATION The initial response to concerns about pollution in the 1960’s was to develop add-on installations (or ‘end-of-pipe treatment systems’). However, the limitations of such an approach have been recognised and since the mid-1970’s waste minimisation has been identified as the only sustainable means of dealing with the waste problem. The main reasons for this are: 1. The generation of large volumes of waste causes the depletion of largely non-renewable resources. 2. The energy requirements for the transformation and upgrading of wastes is in proportion to the quantities treated and rises exponentially with increasing dilution. 3. Increasing costs for the collection, treatment and storage of wastes make waste minimisation attractive. 4. Increased legislation and public pressure seem likely to be only mitigated by waste minimisation. 5. Waste equals inefficiency; therefore reducing waste increases efficiency and profitability. The basic premise of waste minimisation is that prevention of the generation of waste is preferable to attempting to clean it up after its production. This gives rise to a hierarchy of preferred options: 6.1.1. THE WASTE MANAGEMENT HIERARCHY Reduction at source The reduction or elimination of waste at source; the most effective technique which should always be considered first. Can be achieved by: Process modifications Housekeeping and management practice changes Increases in efficiency of equipment Recycling within a process e.g. Purchasing control can prevent materials becoming waste by going out of date; less packaging; process modifications to reduce by-products. Recycling/Reuse This is the use or reuse of a waste as an effective substitute for a commercial product or as an ingredient or feed stock for an industrial process. This includes: Reclamation of useful constituent fractions within a waste material Removal of contaminants from waste to allow reuse. e.g. Recycling: paper, glass, metal; care must be taken to ensure recycling does not increase waste or energy use. Reuse: different use for waste; such as whey from cheese manufacture which can be fermented to produce ethanol (and eventually a liqueur). Treatment Any method, technique or process that changes the physical, chemical or biological character of the waste. The objectives of this are: Neutralise the waste Recover energy or material from the waste Render the waste: -non-hazardous -less hazardous -safer to manage -amenable for recovery -amenable for storage -reduced in volume e.g. end of pipe solutions biological treatment (aerobic, anaerobic - energy recovery), physical treatment (adsorption, DAF etc.) and chemical treatment (precipitation). Disposal Disposal is the discharge, deposit, injection, dumping, spilling, leaking or placing of waste into or on any land, or water, or into the air. e.g. out-fall, landfill, incineration. Clean Technology: These priorities have given rise to the concept of clean (or cleaner) technology which is defined as ‘any technology or process which uses fewer raw materials, and/or less energy, and/or generates less waste than an existing technology or process’. The overall aim is to minimise the quantity and toxicity of waste produced so that it falls within the assimilative capacity of the biosphere (and is therefor sustainable). 6.1.2. ELEMENTS OF A WASTE MINIMISATION STRATEGY The strategies aimed at waste minimisation should follow the priorities laid out in the hierarchy identified above i.e. possible options should be investigated with source reduction first, followed by recycling then treatment. The basic parts of a waste minimisation strategy can be summarised as follows: 1. Management Involvement - setting policy and guidelines 2. Setting of Goals 3. Selection of Targets 4. Technical and Economic Evaluation 5. Implementation of Programmes 6. Assessment and Monitoring 6.1.3. WASTE REDUCTION TECHNIQUES The techniques available for waste reduction depend on the specific industry being examined. Generally these can be broken down in to four major categories: · Inventory Management -Inventory control -Materials control · Production Process Modification -Operation and maintenance procedures -Materials change -Process equipment modification · Volume Reduction -Source segregation Concentration · Recovery -On-site -Off-site 6.2. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) One technique used to investigate the environmental impact of a particular product is LCA which used systems approach to investigate the inputs and outputs during each stage of production, use and disposal of a project. The first reported LCA was carried out for coca- cola containers in 1969. It is an area of on-going research and development which saw a large expansion in the 1990's. A typical product has several stages in its life cycle, i.e.: Raw materials acquisition Bulk material processing Engineered and specialist material production Manufacturing and assembly Use and service Retirement Disposal Every stage has material, labour and energy inputs and may have outputs in terms of waste, within the cycle these wastes may be re-used or recycled to minimise the net output. LCA can be wide ranging (see LCA of a detergent) and before the study is carried out planning and screening stages are required to define the extent of the study. Accumulation of data on the various stage of a product life can allow the various inputs and outputs to be assessed and different material and production methods evaluated.