Persatuan Saintis Muslim Malaysia

Science for
In collaboration with,
Volume 1
December 2011
ISSN 2232-0725
PERINTIS e-Journal
Special Issue on Science for Sustainability
December 2011
Editorial Board
Editorial Board
Prof Dr Zainuddin Abdul Manan
Editor in Chief, Process Systems Engineering Centre
(PROSPECT), Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Universiti
Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
Assoc Prof Dr Salwani Mohd
Editor, Advanced Informatics School,UTM International
Campus, Kuala Lumpur
Prof Dr Azman Hassan
Editor, Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi
Prof Dr Sahrim Ahmad
Editor,Faculty of Science and
Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)
Prof Dr Mohd Pauzi Zakaria
Editor, Faculty of Environmental Studies, Universiti Putra
Malaysia (UPM)
Ir Dr Sharifah Rafidah Wan Alwi
Editor, Process Systems Engineering Centre (PROSPECT),
Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi
Malaysia (UTM)
Assoc Prof Dr Gholamreza
Zahedi Mohammad
Editor, Process Systems Engineering Centre (PROSPECT),
Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi
Malaysia (UTM)
Dr Mohd Kamaruddin Abd
Editor, Process Systems Engineering Centre (PROSPECT),
Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi
Malaysia (UTM)
Dr Haslenda Hashim
Editor, Process Systems Engineering Centre (PROSPECT),
Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi
Malaysia (UTM)
Dr Mimi Haryani Hassim
Editor, Process Systems Engineering Centre (PROSPECT),
Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi
Malaysia (UTM)
PERINTIS e-Journal
Special Issue on Science for Sustainability
December 2011
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
CONTROLLER DESIGN OF CHEMICAL PROCESSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Mohd. Kamaruddin Abd. Hamid, Gurkan Sin and Rafiqul Gani
Pezhman Ghadimi, Noordin Mohd Yusof and Muhamad Zameri Mat Saman
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Mimi H. Hassim and Nur Hashimah Hanafi
THE ISLAMISATION OF PRESENT-DAY KNOWLEDGE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Nor Zalmiah Jahidin
SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 36
Salwani Mohd Daud
ELSEWHERE THAN THE LEGAL SYSTEM OF MALAYSIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Noraini Noordin, Adibah Shuib, Mohammad Said Zainol and Mohamed Azam Mohamed Adil
TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 61
Ezan Ezuani Rashid, Sharifah Rafidah Wan Alwi and Zainuddin Abdul Manan
SEMICONDUCTOR PLANT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Sharifah Rafidah Wan Alwi and Zainuddin Abdul Manan
PERINTIS e-Journal
Special Issue on Science for Sustainability
December 2011; 1: Page 1 of 81
Mohd. Kamaruddin Abd. Hamid, Gürkan Sin*, Rafiqul Gani*
PROSPECT, Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Universiti
Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia.
CAPEC, Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Technical University of
Denmark, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark.
Email:, Tel.: +607-553 5517, Fax: +607-558 8166
Abstract. This paper introduces a software that has been developed based on a new systematic
model-based methodology for performing integrated process design and controller design
(IPDC) [1] of chemical processes. The software called ICAS-IPDC has been implemented into a
systematic computer-aided framework which uses the VBA (visual basic for applications)
programming language with Microsoft Excel interface. The ICAS-IPDC framework is
overviewed together with the main features of the software. ICAS-IPDC allows simple, accurate
and faster analysis of the IPDC problem of chemical processes, which helps in obtaining the
optimal solution of the complex IPDC problem easily.
Keywords: Systematic Model-Based Methodology, Integrated Process Design and Controller
Design, Graphical User Interface, Chemical Processes. 1. Introduction
A new model-based methodology for performing integrated process design and controller design
(IPDC) has been proposed [1]. The developed methodology is capable of identifying and
obtaining an optimal solution for IPDC problem for chemical processes in an easy, simple and
efficient way. The methodology is based on decomposition of the complex IPDC problem into
four sequential hierarchical sub-problems: (i) pre-analysis; (ii) design analysis; (iii) controller
design analysis; and (iv) final selection and verification. In the pre-analysis sub-problem, the
concepts of attainable region (AR) and driving force (DF) are used to locate the optimal processcontroller design solution in terms of optimal condition of operation from design and control
viewpoints. While other optimization methods may or may not be able to find the optimal
solution, depending on the performance of their search space algorithms and computational
demand, the use of AR and DF concepts are simple and able to find at least near-optimal designs
(if not optimal) to IPDC problems. Please refer to [1] for more details of this methodology. The
objective of this paper is to give an overview of the software that has been developed based on
the new systematic model-based methodology for IPDC [1]. The contribution will highlight the
software framework together with its main features.
(C) Persatuan Saintis Muslim Malaysia (PERINTIS)
PERINTIS e-Journal
Special Issue on Science for Sustainability
December 2011; 1: Page 2 of 81
2. An Overview of ICAS-IPDC
The developed methodology [1] has been implemented into a systematic computer-aided
framework to develop a software which is called ICAS-IPDC for solving IPDC problems for
chemical processes. The VBA (visual basic for applications) programming language with
Microsoft Excel interface is used to develop the ICAS-IPDC.
A Start Menu (see Figure 1) has been created to be the starting interface of the software. It can be
seen in Figure 1 that the starting point for the software is to select one of the three different
systems; i) a single reactor (R) system, ii) a single separator (S) system, and iii) a reactorseparator-recycle (RSR) system by clicking on the system button. There are also three info
buttons located at the left side of the Start Menu interface, which are “Software Overview”,
“User’s Manual”, and “Tutorials”. A “Software Overview” button will show the software
framework as shown in Figure 2. This framework, which is based on the developed methodology
[1], illustrates the step-by-step algorithm that has been implemented into this software. The
“User’s Manual” button will describe the details of each implemented step, whereas the
“Tutorials” button will guide the user to understand/how to apply the software through solved
case studies.
Figure 1: A Start Menu interface of ICAS-IPDC software.
3. ICAS-IPDC Framework
Figure 2 shows the framework overview of the ICAS-IPDC software. It can be seen that once the
option either to open/create a case study has been selected the user will be guided to the step-bystep algorithm (from step 1 until step 6.2) sequentially. At the left side of the framework, the
equations used at every steps of this software are presented. These equations are basically the
constraints of the optimization problem (see problem formulation equation at the top-right of the
(C) Persatuan Saintis Muslim Malaysia (PERINTIS)
PERINTIS e-Journal
Special Issue on Science for Sustainability
December 2011; 1: Page 3 of 81
framework) that has been decomposed into several stages. For example, the identification of the
design-control solution in step 3.3 will require Eq. (3) which is the constitutive constraints.
Figure 2: IPDC framework implementation to the ICAS-IPDC software.
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PERINTIS e-Journal
Special Issue on Science for Sustainability
December 2011; 1: Page 4 of 81
It should also be noticed that at the right side of the framework, the results buttons are located
which is once clicked, the results for that specific step will be shown. This will help users to
review the results easily without going into the details of each steps. In addition, the supporting
tools used with this software are also shown in the right side of the framework. The supporting
tool such as ICAS-MoT [2] is used for the process model simulation, and MoT-Excel interface is
used to communicate between ICAS-MoT and Excel.
A “Main Menu” (see Figure 3) has been created to be the general main menu interface of the
software. The “Main Menu” performs all steps that have been outlined in Figure 2. It can be
clearly seen from Figure 3 that the “Main Menu” is divided into five sequential parts: Part I –
Problem definition, Part II – Pre-analysis stage, Part III – Design analysis stage, Part IV –
Controller design analysis stage and Part V – Final selection and verification. In order to solve an
IPDC problem, the user needs to perform all parts sequentially. The built-in color code system
together with the conditional logic (if-then rule) guides the user through the different steps.
Figure 3: A Main Menu interface of the ICAS-IPDC software.
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PERINTIS e-Journal
Special Issue on Science for Sustainability
December 2011; 1: Page 5 of 81
As shown in Figure 3, the ICAS-IPDC framework needs to be performed sequentially. The user
needs to complete Part I first, where the user will be asked to supply some information about the
system to be analyzed. This can be done by clicking button “1.1 Problem Definition”, and
“Problem Definition” interface for a single reactor system will then appear as shown in Figure 4.
It can be seen from Figure 4, there are two frames in the “Problem Definition” interface, which
are “Problem Definition” and “Process Flow Diagram”. The “Problem Definition” frame is
where the user will perform selection of components, reactants and products (for a single reactor
system) or selection of components, top products and bottom products (for a single separator
system). It can clearly be seen that for a single reactor system, only three buttons which are
related to a reactor are active.
Figure 4: Problem definition interface for a single reaction system.
The second frame is called “Process Flow Diagram” in where the process flow diagram of the
analyzed system is shown. In this example, the process flow diagram of a reactor system is
shown (see Figure 4).
Once all the information required has been supplied, the user can click the “OK” button at the
right-top corner of the interface. This will save all the information in the corresponding
worksheet (sheet 1.1 for this example) and then change the button “1.1 Problem Definition”
color into dark blue, indicating that step 1.1 has been completed as shown in Figure 5. Then,
users are required to perform step 2.1 in order to complete Part 1. Once Part I is completed, users
need to perform all the remaining steps until all parts are completed. Users will know either all
steps have been completed or not by making sure that all buttons colors are changed into a dark
blue (see Figure 5).
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PERINTIS e-Journal
Special Issue on Science for Sustainability
December 2011; 1: Page 6 of 81
Figure 5: Updated Main Menu with completed step 1.1.
4. ICAS-IPDC Main Features
The main features of the ICAS-IPDC are overviewed in this section.
User Guide Alerts
As mentioned previously, all steps shown in Figure 3 should be performed sequentially. This
software capable to give the user an alert (warning) if the sequence are not followed in the right
order or the user accidently clicked the wrong button as shown in Figure 6. The main idea is to
make sure that the user follows exactly the software framework in the right way. As can be seen
in Figure 6, the software gives an alert when the user clicked the button “3.1 Variables Analysis”
which is not in the sequence. Once step 1.1 is completed, the user needs to perform step 2.1 to
complete Part I. If the user clicks other buttons that are not in the sequence, the alert will be
given. The alert also provides suggestion for the user which step he/she needs to perform.
Figure 6: User guide alert feature in ICAS-IPDC.
(C) Persatuan Saintis Muslim Malaysia (PERINTIS)
PERINTIS e-Journal
Special Issue on Science for Sustainability
December 2011; 1: Page 7 of 81
Results Review
Another feature that is available in this software is the option for the user to review the results for
the corresponding completed step. This can be accomplished by clicking on the button at the
right side of the completed step (see Figure 5). In Figure 5, step 1.1 (Problem Definition) has
been completed (which indicated by the dark blue color). By clicking the “Components
Selection” button, results that have been saved are presented as shown in Figure 7. The
advantage of this feature is that it helps the user to review the results easily without going into
the details of each steps. This will enable the user to verify the results before going further to the
next steps.
Figure 7: Results review of the completed step.
Charts User Interface
One of the important features available within the ICAS-IPDC software is called Charts User
Interface. This interface provides the user to analyze and manipulate charts as illustrated in
Figure 8. It can be seen from Figure 8 that there is a frame in which the user can format the axis
of the chart. In addition, the user also can perform some analysis from the chart such as
calculation of the first-order-plus-time-delay (FOPTD) model parameters and calculation of the
controller tuning parameters as shown in Figure 8.
(C) Persatuan Saintis Muslim Malaysia (PERINTIS)
PERINTIS e-Journal
Special Issue on Science for Sustainability
December 2011; 1: Page 8 of 81
Figure 8: Charts user interface within the ICAS-IPDC software.
Calculation Progress Monitor
ICAS-IPDC software deals with lots with calculations in which some may require a big number
of iterations. Because of this reason, some calculation can take a longer time to perform than
others. Therefore, it is important to monitor the progress of this calculation such that the user will
have information about the duration or time required to perform such calculation. In this
software, all calculation that required MoT model will be monitored as the one shown in Figure
Figure 9: Calculation progress monitor during closed loop simulation.
(C) Persatuan Saintis Muslim Malaysia (PERINTIS)
PERINTIS e-Journal
Special Issue on Science for Sustainability
December 2011; 1: Page 9 of 81
ICAS-MoT Model Interface
In this software, models used within the developed IPDC methodology which are simulated
using ICAS-MoT can be integrated into the ICAS-IPDC interface using MoT Model Interface as
illustrated in Figure 10. MoT Model Interface is an Excel-based interface which is integrated
with the MoT solver as well as connected with the MoT model.
Figure 10: Workflow of the integration of ICAS-IPDC interface with MoT models through MoT
Model interface.
5. Conclusion
A software called ICAS-IPDC has been overviewed. ICAS-IPDC is based on the developed
IPDC methodology [1], which guides the user through each methodology steps. Developed
within VBA-Excel based environment, this software offers the user of ICAS-IPDC a customized
graphical user interface-spreadsheets looks software that fully used the spreadsheets features
such as graphing tools. Integration of this software with ICAS-MoT and Excel-based MoT Model
Interface, makes this software a complete package for solving IPDC problem for chemical
processes. By using ICAS-IPDC, the optimal solution of the complex IPDC problem can easily
and accurately be obtained. ICAS-IPDC allows simple, accurate and faster analysis of the IPDC
problem for chemical processes. The software is generic and its applicability can be extended to
any chemical (biochemical) processes.
1. M. K. A. Hamid, G. Sin, R. Gani. Integration of process design and controller design for
chemical processes using model-based methodology. Computers & Chemical Engineering,
34 (5) (2010) 683-699.
2. A. M. Salez-Cruz, Development of a computer aided modeling system for bio and chemical
process and product design. Ph.D. Dissertation Thesis, 2006, Technical University of
(C) Persatuan Saintis Muslim Malaysia (PERINTIS)
PERINTIS e-Journal
Special Issue on Science for Sustainability
December 2011; 1: Page 10 of 81
Pezhman Ghadimia,, Noordin Mohd Yusofb*, Muhamad Zameri Mat Samanc
Department of Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, UTM Skudai, 81310 Johor Bahru, Malaysia
The capability to manufacture sustainable products has become an important requirement for
various manufacturing companies. Subsequently, the ability to assess the sustainability of a
manufactured product within any organization would be an important step. Towards this end,
different mathematical product assessment methodologies were proposed by researchers but
they are deficient in terms of the complexity of the mathematical approaches. Consequently,
a GUI was developed to alleviate these difficulties. An automotive component was selected
as a case study for demonstrating the use of the GUI. Firstly, seven sub elements were
selected, of which, two sub elements were categorized in the environment sustainability
element, four were contained in the economic sustainability element and one was grouped in
the social sustainability element. Then, Fuzzy Logic (FL) procedure was used for assessing
the data and obtaining the sub elements’ scores. Finally, the total sustainability index was
calculated. The developed GUIs are useful tools in facilitating the process of assessing
Keywords: Sustainable product, Graphical User Interface (GUI), fuzzy logic, sustainable
Keupayaan untuk membuat barangan yang lestari telah menjadi satu keperluan yang penting
untuk pelbagai syarikat pembuatan. Seterusnya, kebolehan untuk menilai kelastarian
sesebuah barangan pembuatan yang dibuat di mana-mana organisasi merupakan satu langkah
yang penting. Selaras dengan itu, pelbagai kaedah penilaian barangan secara matematik telah
dicadangkan oleh para penyelidik akan tetapi mereka mempunyai kekurangan dari segi
kerumitan pendekatan matematik tadi. Oleh yang demikian, satu GUI telah dibangunkan
untuk mengurangkan kerumitan yang dialami. Sebuah komponen automotif telah dipilih
sebagai kajian kes untuk menunjukkan penggunaan GUI. Pada peringkat awal, tujuh sub
unsur telah dipilih, di mana, dua sub unsur dikategorikan dalam unsur kelestarian alam
sekitar, empat terkandung dalam unsur kelasterian ekonomik dan satu dikumpulkan dalam
unsur kelasterian sosial. Kemudian, tatacara logik kabur (Fuzzy Logic – FL) digunakan untuk
menilai data dan memperoleh mata nilaian sub unsur. Akhir sekali, indek kelasterian jumlah
dikira. GUI yang dibangunkan merupakan alat penting untuk menyelaras proses penilaian
Katakunci: Barangan lestari, Antaramuka Pengguna Grafik (Graphical User Interface GUI), logik kabur, pembangunan lestari
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +60197787467.
E-mail addresses:
(C) Persatuan Saintis Muslim Malaysia (PERINTIS)
PERINTIS e-Journal
Special Issue on Science for Sustainability
December 2011; 1: Page 11 of 81
All levels of decision making uses the concept of sustainable development (SD) in a widely
manner. Environment, society and economy are three core aspects of SD. SD is considered in
different study areas such as urban sustainability [1], sustainable energy [2], sustainable
society [3] and sustainable agriculture [4]. Due to the numerous energy and material input
and output streams involved in manufacturing processes, the need for sustainable
manufacturing is well recognized among researchers and manufacturers. According to the
National Council for Advanced Manufacturing [5], sustainable manufacturing includes
manufacturing of sustainable products and the sustainable manufacturing of all products.
Consequently, the first part of this definition includes manufacturing of renewable energy,
energy efficiency, green building, and other green and social equity-related products and the
second part focuses on the sustainable manufacturing of all products with consideration of the
full life cycle stages of the product manufactured. In order to achieve sustainable
manufacturing, sustainable products need to be manufactured. Consequently, these
manufactured products should be assessed towards their impacts on three roots of SD.
Different methodologies were proposed by many researchers for assessing the sustainability
of products [6-10]. Among all of these methodologies, the same deficiency was identified
which is the use of complex mathematical approaches for sustainability assessment. In this
paper, MATLAB software was utilized to develop and program a Graphical User Interface
(GUI) which embedded the mathematical approaches under the interface layer by means of
programming codes thereby making the assessment easier for the sustainability assessor staff
within any organization. Hemdi et al. [10] developed an assessment methodology based on
fuzzy logic theory which was used as a basis for product sustainability assessment
methodology in this research work.
1.1 Graphical user interface (GUI)
In this phase of study, a GUI was developed and programmed using MATLAB software in
order to be used for any company who want to assess the sustainability level of their
products. This GUI is flexible and can be programmed for any company or user in order to
meet their needs, selected elements and sub elements. In this project, an initial prototype of
this GUI is presented for illustrating the way in which it could be applicable. Basically, there
is no similar published study in the area of sustainable product or process design assessment
software. Just recently, Hai et al. [11] developed software for sustainability assessment in the
field of rural and town sustainability. Visual Basic software is used to develop a software
package based on Delphi, analytic hierarchy, normalization and combination processes. But
this software is just designed for assessment of environment and health sustainability and also
is not applicable for assessing of all three dimension of sustainability even in the same field.
Before that, Chi [12] developed computer simulation models for sustainability.
The developed GUI is based on MATLAB platform and uses fuzzy logic process to assess
the total sustainability index. The GUI facilitates the sustainability assessment of a particular
product in a minimum time. In order to use this GUI, there is no need for the user to have
knowledge about fuzzy process or any other kinds of algorithms. So, this can be considered
as the most important advantages of the developed GUI. Fig. 1 shows the general procedure
of using this GUI. In addition, the main menu of the GUI is shown in Fig.2 in which user can
select which sustainability element needs to be computed.
(C) Persatuan Saintis Muslim Malaysia (PERINTIS)
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Special Issue on Science for Sustainability
December 2011; 1: Page 12 of 81
Fig. 1. GUI usage methodology
Fig. 2. Main menu
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Special Issue on Science for Sustainability
December 2011; 1: Page 13 of 81
In order to customize this GUI, a case study was selected. This case study was conducted in
an automotive components manufacturing company (hereafter referred to as GGS). Fuel filter
was selected as the appropriate product to be assessed. This decision was taken based on the
consultation with the manager and executives of GGS. The reasons for the selection of fuel
filter were based on high production rate, high customers’ demand and availability of
required data for this product. The boundary of analysis for this case study is from the
“Cradle to Gate” which covers two stages of the product life cycle, from raw material
extraction until the end of manufacturing stage. Consequently, this case study involves a
partial assessment which is due to the lack of all appropriate data which would be needed for
the complete assessment.
After selecting the product, project was followed by identifying the sub elements and
influencing factors which was done based on various studies, reviewing the literature [13-17]
and discussion with the decision makers of GGS. In this case study, owner of the company,
chief executive officer, general manager and a system manager were selected as the expert
decision makers. Experts’ opinions were used for validating the selected sub elements and
influencing factors. Based on selected sub elements and influencing factors, GUIs were
customized and fuzzy codes were written using MATLAB programming language. The
prototypes of constructed GUIs are shown in Figs. 3-5. A user can get benefit from these
GUIs based on the instruction which is illustrated in Fig. 1.
Fig. 3. Environment element GUI
(C) Persatuan Saintis Muslim Malaysia (PERINTIS)
PERINTIS e-Journal
Special Issue on Science for Sustainability
December 2011; 1: Page 14 of 81
Fig. 4. Economic element GUI
Fig. 5. Social element GUI
After continuing the assessment based on the procedure previously illustrated in Fig. 1, the
final sustainability index can be calculated by clicking on “Evaluate Total Sustainability
Index”. All calculated results for this case study are presented in Tables 1-4.
(C) Persatuan Saintis Muslim Malaysia (PERINTIS)
PERINTIS e-Journal
Special Issue on Science for Sustainability
December 2011; 1: Page 15 of 81
Table 1. Scores obtained for environmental sustainability sub elements
Influencing factor
Sub element
Overall score
CO2 emission
Greenhouse effect
Plastic waste
Steel waste
Paper waste
Chemical waste of plastic
Table 2. Scores obtained for economic sustainability sub elements
Influencing factor
Sub element
Overall score
Technology status
Transportation to
Raw material
Number of processes
Phase of chemical
Renewable materials
Table 3. Scores obtained for social sustainability sub element
Influencing factor
Sub element
Overall score
Social Performance
Particles (PM10)
Safety risk
Sulfur dioxide
Table 4. Calculated sustainability elements scores and total sustainability index
Total sustainability
Element score
Environmental sustainability 0.479
Economic sustainability
Social sustainability
As it was shown, the proposed GUI based on MATLAB software can simply perform the
assessment. Moreover, all of its calculation are embedded under the GUI layer and done with
codes and callbacks. So, there is no need for the user to know anything about mathematical
approaches such as fuzzy logic. Besides that, another feature of this GUI is “easy to use”
capability which is an important issue in developing any GUI. The major contribution of this
research activity is developing a GUI which can be easily applied using a Microsoft platform
(C) Persatuan Saintis Muslim Malaysia (PERINTIS)
PERINTIS e-Journal
Special Issue on Science for Sustainability
December 2011; 1: Page 16 of 81
and MATLAB Software. In other words, it provides a computer-based tool to support
decision making. Also, it has a high degree of flexibility. For future works, this initial GUI
can be enlarged for all the products produced in the company. Also, it can be expanded as a
database system within any company for sustainability assessment.
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(C) Persatuan Saintis Muslim Malaysia (PERINTIS)
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Special Issue on Science for Sustainability
December 2011; 1: Page 17 of 81
Adoption of Inherently Healthier Design in Malaysia – Where Are We Now?
Mimi H. Hassim*, NurHashimahHanafi
PROSPECT, Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Chemical Engineering,
UniversitiTeknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia.
Email:, Tel.: +607-553 5548, Fax: +607-558 8166
Abstract. Inherently healthier design is a new concept focusing on developing a process which
in fundamentally healthier through the selection of less toxic and volatile chemicals, milder
operating conditions and better working procedures that may reduce workplace exposures. Since
the idea is relatively new compared to inherent safety, it is interesting to know the level of
understanding of the concept as well as the level of adoption of the design new features in
Malaysia. A national level survey was carried out to determine the level of knowledge and
adoption of inherent occupational health (IOH) concept in Malaysia. It was found that among the
three sectors, the industrialists have the lowest awareness of the IOH concept; as compared to
academics who have highest awareness level. Among the common reasons given by the
respondents for their lack of knowledge related to the IOH are weak regulation’s enforcement
related to health aspect, low safety and health mentality and culture in developing countries, and
poor recording of workplace related diseases in Malaysia.
Keywords:Inherent Healthier Design; Occupational Health; Survey; Malaysia; ISD
1. Introduction
Safety, health, and environmental (SHE) assessment is very important in chemical process
design. The concept of inherent safety which was introduced in 1970s professes that hazards that
might arise in an operating process should be identified early, that is when the plant is still ‘on
paper’. In order to avoid accidents or hazardous events, it is better to design the plant to be
inherently safer, healthier, and environmentally friendlier, rather than installing add-on systems
to control hazards. In principle, the inherently safer design (ISD) features can also be extended to
the environmental and health criteria [1]. Compared to safety and environmental criteria, the
concept of inherently healthier design of process industries is relatively new and has not been
widely researched. Many do not realize that the number of people die from diseases caused by
work is gradually increasing with new chemicals and new technologies are being introduced
every year, which present new and often unknown hazards to both workers and community. The
occurrence of occupational health effect however, is long-term and less dramatic compared to
sudden and major disasters (e.g. caused by safety-related events). The insidious nature of
occupational disease is the reason for it rarely reaches the news, is not well publicized, and
consequently contributes to low level of awareness especially among the industrial communities
towards the occupational health risk.
The objective of this study is to determine the current status of inherent occupational health
concept and design in Malaysia. A survey was conducted amongst the academics, industrialists,
and R&D engineers in Malaysia. Similar study has been conducted successfully by Gupta and
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December 2011; 1: Page 18 of 81
Edwards in year 2002 [2] on inherent safety globally. They found that the level of ISD adoption
was very limited due to the lack of knowledge on the indices developed for ISD and some
thought that the indices as too complicated. It is interesting to study on inherent health aspect as
well; but with a smaller sampling on scenario in Malaysia for a start.
2. Methodology
2.1.Design of Questionnaires – Manual and Online
The questionnaires were designed carefully in a way that it should be able to extract the
information desired from the respondents and subsequently, achieve the objective of the study.
Three different sets of questionnaires were developed for different target groups, i.e. industries
(including engineers, managers, operators, subcontractors); universities (academia, researchers);
and R & D organizations (engineers and scientists). The purpose of the survey and the
instructions to respondents were clearly specified. Basically the questions are based on those
designed by Gupta and Edwards [2], but modified to inherent occupational health discipline. The
development of the questionnaires went through two phases. In the beginning of the study, a
manual based questionnaire was designed and disseminated to respondents. However we
received feedbacks from several respondents that it is tedious to fill in the questionnaires
manually and subsequently having to scan the form and send it back to us through email.
Therefore, the questionnaires were upgraded into computerized based questionnaires where the
survey was conducted online. The new questionnaires have received much better responses
besides getting back the feedbacks so much faster compared to the manual questionnaires. The
questionnaires for the industries are in Appendix A and for the academics as well as the R&D are
in Appendix B.
2.2.Conducting the Survey
The questionnaires were distributed amongst the industrialists, academics, and R&D engineers in
Malaysia. The first version of the questionnaires were distributed among workers in YTL Power
Services Sdn. Bhd. in PasirGudang as pilot study. Henceforth, the questionnaires were
distributed to 80 local companies, 50 academics in all local universities, and 20 engineers and
scientists in the R&D organizations. The questionnaires were distributed via email and by hand.
Interview sessions were also conducted upon having a chance to meet the respondents face to
face. Conducting interview was found to be more efficient as the information acquiring process
was done interactively and this has been approached by a team in Japan who surveyed on the
status of OSH management for non-regular workers on the premises in Japan [3].
3. Results and Discussion
Around 50% of the questionnaires distributed to the universities were completed and returned
back to us within two weeks. At least one respond from each university offering chemical
engineering in Malaysia was received. The survey finds that only 38% of the responders are
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December 2011; 1: Page 19 of 81
aware of the Inherent Occupational Health (IOH) concept from university lectures (50%),
journals or books (75%), and training materials (25%). The others have heard of inherent safety
but not the IOH term. One of the responders’ comment was that, he does not even know clearly
the difference between occupational safety and occupational health. Another described the IOH
concept as ‘reducing the hazard and risk for a specific process from the beginning of the design
stage though minimization, intensification, elimination, and etc.’, which is generally correct, but
more related to inherent safety rather than health. Most of the responders presume that the IOH
concept should be applied throughout the process with higher preference during process design
stage (71%).
Also, more responders think that the concept applies on operational phase rather than the R&D.
This somehow shows that they do not totally get the idea of IOH concept; which is in principle
gives greater benefits upon being adopted earlier in the development and design stage, instead at
the later stages of process lifecycle. Another interesting finding is 62% of the responders shared
that their university do not include IOH subject in their undergraduate programmes’ syllabus,
whereas the other 38% claimed that they do teach the IOH concept to the students. We
personally think that the responders confused the concepts of occupational health and IOH, but
these are actually two completely different things. Based on our knowledge, actually none of the
universities has included IOH in the syllabus; increasing efforts have been made to introduce
inherent safety to the students but not IOH.
3.2. R&D Organizations
Feedbacks from the R&D organizations were 45%, which include well-established R&D
organizations in Malaysia. Around 67% of the responders are aware of the IOH concept from inhouse courses (17%) besides university lectures and journals or books. One of the responders
wrote that the IOH concept is ‘all about using the right chemical or raw material at the
workplace to promote better occupational health environment’. This is a very good comment,
indicating a good knowledge of the respondent on the IOH concept. We believe that he stressed
on the raw material since he is involving with the R&D – and the approach is particularly
correct, that is to prioritize on materials substitution (if possible) at this stage in order to develop
an inherently healthier process. A significant percentage of 89% of the respondents have not
applied the IOH design features in their R&D related works.
3.3. Industries
The feedbacks from the industrialists were 40%. The questionnaires were disseminated
throughout Malaysia, which includes well-established multinational companies producing wide
range of products e.g. Petronas, Shell, Polyplastics Asia Pacific, Aker Solutions etc. Most of the
respondents are engineers and some are the HSE managers. The survey found that 62.5%
respondents do not know what IOH concept is all about; claiming that they have never heard of
the term before. The lacking of knowledge of this concept is the worst among the industrialists
compared to the academics and R&D organizations. This is not surprising since many also
shared that even ‘inherent safety’ is new to them. For the rest who are aware of the IOH, almost
50% of them learnt the term from in-house and external courses and around 30% through
informal learning (i.e. via internet). This shows that the desire of learning the new concept is
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Special Issue on Science for Sustainability
December 2011; 1: Page 20 of 81
there within the industrialists, but the companies need to put more efforts to support their
employees to obtain the knowledge and skills from the experts.
As for implementation, not even one company has ever applied the concept in any of their
process stage before. Most of them still cannot appreciate the significance of adopting the IOH
concept when developing or operating the process; instead they assume this to be totally under
the management’s responsibility (to be specific, the HSE manager) and is only related to
regulations enforcement, etc. One of the respondents from a well-known petrochemical company
commented that ‘HSE department should be more familiar with the concept and the concept is
more applicable to them rather than the process department’. The wrong perception needs to be
corrected because from the inherent safety/health point of view, process designers and engineers
are the best person to adopt new design features maximally since they understand the process the
most. Besides, they involve in developing the process starting from the very first beginning.
Their early decisions are actually those that will affect the later performance of a process rather
than the HSE manager who usually gets involves only after the plant is operating.
4. Expansion of Questionnaires
The results of the study have been presented in the Hazards Asia Pacific Symposium, dated 2729 September 2011 in Kuala Lumpur. This symposium was well-received as this is the first time
such IChemE event is conducted in Asia Pacific country. Majority of the participants are from
the industries – both local and international; there were also a few of them from universities as
well as government sectors. Our paper was presented under the theme of ‘Inherently Safer
Process Design’. The presentation did grabbed full attention from the audiences since it was the
first time the subject of inherent occupational health was discussed. Several feedbacks were
received both during as well as after the presentation from the industrialists. They shared that in
Malaysia it is a mandatory requirement for a company using hazardous chemicals to conduct a
Chemical Health Risk Assessment (CHRA) under a new regulation known as the Use and
Standards of Exposure of Chemicals Hazardous to Health (USECHH) Regulations 2000. The
CHRA seeks to identify, evaluate and control any health risk associated with work activities
involving the use of chemicals. Based on our review on the CHRA, CHRA is a very good
document offering a comprehensive assessment for chemical exposure risk. It includes both the
chemical health impact and exposure aspects, which are necessitated in any health risk
assessment. In terms of application, we found that the CHRA is more suitable for existing,
operating facilities. The chemical hazards/impacts assessment can be conducted for proposed (in
the design stage) and existing plants since the data needed are available from the MSDS or
equivalent data sources i.e. R-phrase, LD50, LC50 etc. However for the exposure assessment
part, the approach is suitable only for existing facilities; in fact it gives a proper, thorough
evaluation for such facilities. The method however, is not applicable for processes which are still
under development and design phase since it requires data beyond this phase. This issue is not
only encountered in the CHRA but also in most of the available methods worldwide for health
risk assessment [4-5]. Koller et al. [6] claimed that for early design phases, the chemical effects
can be evaluated but not the exposure aspect due to the data unavailability. This is among the
reasons health risk (especially to workers) is rarely assessed in development of a new plant or
facility – which is what the inherent occupational health concept is all about.
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December 2011; 1: Page 21 of 81
5. Conclusions
A national level survey has been carried out to determine the level of knowledge and adoption of
IOH concept in Malaysia. A total of 65 local and international personnel, from three different
sectors, i.e. industries, universities, and R&D organizations have responded. Among the three
sectors, the industrialists have the lowest awareness of the IOH concept; as compared to
academics who have highest awareness level. Among the common reasons given by the
respondents for their lack of knowledge related to the IOH are weak regulation’s enforcement
related to health aspect, low safety and health mentality and culture in developing countries, and
poor recording of workplace related diseases in Malaysia.
Among the recommendations given by the respondents to increase the knowledge and adoption
Enforcement for early consideration of IOH in process development in Malaysia, as
approached by the IPPC and Responsible Care.
Mandatory adoption of the IOH features in areas evaluated to be high risk.
Educating the top management on the importance of IOH so that they will provide
relevant supports to employees.
Promotion through the IChemE, which is very supportive in safety and health related
Active publications e.g. in local newspapers, IEM bulletins, magazines (Chemical
Engineering Progress, the Chemical Engineers), etc.
Workshops and seminars by the experts (recently the author has just conducted a
workshop on the IOH at the Institution of Engineers Malaysia and the participants came
from various disciplines including electrical and mechanical engineering).
Embedding the IOH concept in students’ final year design project (process route is
selected not solely based on profitability anymore, but also other sustainable aspects of
Introducing new modules related to IOH for undergraduates and postgraduates (next
semester, the author will be teaching a new module on the IOH assessment in process
design for Masters in Chemical Engineeringprogram in UTM).
However based on the feedbacks from presentation in a symposium on the results of this study,
we believe that the respondents (especially the industrialists) do know of the concept of
evaluating chemical health risks due to exposures in workplaces, but different term is used (they
are very familiar with the CHRA and not the IOH). A comprehensive method for the assessment
is available since 2000 and is being well adopted throughout Malaysia; however continuous
efforts need to be done to encourage the evaluation to start being considered during the early
design stage rather than on the operating facility especially related to the subject of chemical
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December 2011; 1: Page 22 of 81
6. Recommendations
Due to the well-received studies, we plan to extend the work by getting more responses from all
the three sectors. We have identified a lot more potential responders and will approach them by
e-mail. The study now becomes easier and more efficient with the aid of online survey. We
believe that higher responses will give more representative results that indicate the level of
adoption and knowledge of the inherently healthier design concept in Malaysia.
[1] T. A. Kletz. Cheaper, safer plants, or wealth and safety at work.Rugby: IChemE, 1984.
[2] J. P. Gupta, D. W. Edwards.Inherently safer design – Present and future.Process Safety and
Environmental Protection, 80 (2002) 115– 125.
[3] S. Kajiki, M. Uramoto, K. Minami, R. Kojima, I. Oyama, R. Yoshikawa, K. Mori. Interview
study on occupational safety and healthproblems associated with diversification of employment
status. International Congress Series, 1294 (2006) 194–196.
[4] D. J. Paustenbach. The practice of exposure assessment: A state-of-the-art review. Journal
ofToxicological and EnvironmentalHealth, 3(B) (2000) 179-291.
[5] Health and Safety Executive (HSE). The assessment of workplace exposure to substances
hazardous to health: The EASE model.HSE, 2000.
[6] G. Koller, U. Fischer, K. Hungerbühler. Assessment of environment-, health- and safety
aspects of fine chemical processes during early design phases. Computer and
ChemicalEngineeringSupplement, (1999) S63-S66.
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December 2011; 1: Page 23 of 81
Appendix A: Questionnaires for Industries
Questionnaires in Inherent Occupational Health (IOH) for Industries
(A) Personal Information
Name of respondent:
(B) Working Information
Company name:
Job position:
No. of years working:
Web site:
No. of employees (approx.):
Chemical Health Risk Assessment (CHRA)
1) Are you aware of the Chemical Health Risk Assessment (CHRA)? Yes / No
2) Is the CHRA concept being conducted in your work place? Yes / No
3) What the Chemical Health Risk Assessment (CHRA) is all about?
4) Have you personally experiencing conducting CHRA in your workplace? Yes /No
If yes, a) describe what you have done with this assessment?
5) Based on your personal opinion, do you think CHRA is suitable for evaluating hazard in early design stage
i.e. R&D? Yes / No
General Understanding on the Inherent Occupational Health (IOH) Concept
Please tick as many as applicable and specify in details where appropriate.
1) Are you aware of the Inherent Safety concept? Yes / No
2) Are you aware of the IOH concept? Yes / No
If yes, a) When did you heard of the IOH concept?
b) Where did you learnt/knew it from?
External short course
In-house course
University lecture
Journals or books
Training material by e.g. IChemE, IEM
Other (specify) _________________________________________
c) Can you briefly explain what the concept is all about?
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December 2011; 1: Page 24 of 81
3) If you are not familiar but are interested in knowing more, we would be glad to refer you to some articles.
Would you like us to? Yes / No
If you are familiar with the IOH concept and have used them, please go to Section (I).
If you are familiar but have not used them, please go to Section (II).
Section (I)
1) Please describe the situations in which you have used or are using IOH.
2) In your opinion, at what product/process lifecycle stage does the IOH concept apply?
R&D stage
Process development and design
In an operating plant
Others (specify)________________________________________________
3) What products were being produced or planned to be produced in your plant?
4) What specific health hazards did you target your applications of IOH to eliminate/minimize?
Hazardous/toxic nature of chemicals
Releases/emissions of process chemicals
Harmful operating conditions
Complex design of plants,
Unhealthy work procedures/activities
Worker exposure to process chemicals
Others (specify) _____________________________________________________
5) What broad actions did you take?
Install less leaking piping equipment e.g. sealless pump
Use milder pressure, temperature, concentration
Substitution by less hazardous/toxic chemicals
Simplifying the plant design for more friendly/less emissions operation
Reduce manual operations
Others (specify) ____________________________________________________
6) What were the results of the above with regards to the reduction in hazards, risks, insurance costs, capital
and operating costs, manpower costs, compliance with regulations, employee confidence, acceptance by
nearby community, others?
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7) What new hazards, if any, were introduced by application of IOH?______________________________
8) What was the cost, if any, of IOH implementation? What is the expected payback period?
9) Considering the difficulties you might have had in getting approvals to apply IOH on your plant and any
recognition that might have come your way, do you think it was worth the effort? Would you do it again? It
may be easier next time with your credentials already established.
Are there instances of IOH usage that you cannot reveal due to their proprietary nature and the competitive
advantage these might have given your company? Yes / No.
10) Are you familiar with the Inherent Occupational Health indices/methods developed by a couple of
researchers to rank different processes/designs with regards to inherent health (normally during the R&D
stage)? Yes / No.
11) Are you familiar with the Inherent Occupational Health indices/methods developed by a couple of
researchers to evaluate inherent health aspect of processes beyond R&D stage e.g. at pre-design and basic
engineering stages? Yes / No.
If yes, what is your opinion about these indices as to their user friendliness, items to be added/deleted etc?
12) Have you used these indices in your work? Yes / No.
13) What is your overall opinion about the IOH concepts and how should their use be made more widespread at
an accelerated pace?
Section (II)
Reasons for not using IOH even though you are familiar with it. Please tick as many as applicable and specify in as
much detail as possible. Also add other reasons you can think of, to aid in devising ways to spread the use of IOH.
The management did not permit due to their lack of faith in the predicted health and/or cost benefits of
We have analysed the current IOH concepts and they will not work on our plant.
The management is convinced of the benefits of IOH. We will use them when our financial situation
improves/in our new plant.
We are going out of this product in the near future. Hence, we do not wish to invest in this plant any more.
We have recently put in a lot of money in less leaking and better systems. We cannot ask the management
to put in more for IOH. Our plant is healthy now.
Our analysis showed that the new hazards that IOH will introduce will not be less than the current hazards.
We are not familiar with any regulatory requirements to adopt IOH concepts.
We are shifting production to countries with less strict laws so as to be competitive and hence do not need
to implement IOH regimes on the existing plants.
There are no definitive methodologies/tools available to evaluate different designs with regards to IOH.
When these have been developed and certified by a professional or statutory body, we will use them.
The tools being developed appear to be too complicated. We need a quick way to get an answer as to
whether or not to do a detailed analysis for IOH.
Our experience with add-on control measures has been very good indeed. We have not had any major
health problems among our workers. Management wants to play it safe using time tested systems and
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December 2011; 1: Page 26 of 81
procedures. We do not see a need to divert from this unless regulatory pressure builds up or we see
numerous successful cases.
Since the IOH concepts are very new with little open information on their successful working under
different situations to give confidence, there is no use risking anyoperations as expected. If successful uses
of IOH, both with regards to the health benefits and cost (initial/lifetime) were disseminated broadly, our
management too would look at IOH favourably.
First, I have to convince the management, then make the changes with a reluctant staff and then risk my
job in case of failure to get the expected results. Why should I do this? If I am successful, the management
will take the credit, otherwise my neck will be on the block.
Our licensor will not guarantee production if we change the design/catalyst/raw materials/operating
As far as I know the application of IOH is at the process development level by the research chemists. I am
a design engineer and not a researcher. I have to designa plant based on the process developed by the
chemists. I don’t know if IOH can be used at later stages as well.
Cost of health breaches is not taken into account in economic analysis for a new plant.
probably the management will be more responsive to IOH.
Add other reasons you can think of, to aid in devising ways to spread the use of IOH.
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If it was,
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Appendix B: Questionnaires for Academics and R&D Organizations
Inherent Occupational Health (IOH) Questionnaires for Academic and R&D
(A) Personal Information
Name of responder:
Highest education level:
Working Information
Job title & department:
No. of years working:
(C) Chemical Health Risk Assessment (CHRA)
6) Are you aware of the Chemical Health Risk Assessment (CHRA)? Yes / No
7) Is the CHRA concept being conducted in your work place? Yes / No
8) What the Chemical Health Risk Assessment (CHRA) is all about?
9) Have you personally experiencing conducting CHRA in your workplace? Yes /No
If yes, a) describe what you have done with this assessment?
10) Based on your personal opinion, do you think CHRA is suitable for evaluating hazard in early design stage
i.e. R&D? Yes / No
General Understanding on the Inherent Occupational Health (IOH) Concept
Please tick as many as applicable and specify in details where appropriate.
1) Are you aware of the Inherent Safety concept? Yes / No
2) Are you aware of the IOH concept? Yes / No
If yes, a) When did you first heard of the IOH concept?
b) Where did you learnt/knew it from?
External short course
In-house course
University lecture
Journals or books
Training materials e.g. by the IChemE, IEM
Others (specify)______________________________________________
c) Can you briefly explain what the concept is all about?______________________
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December 2011; 1: Page 28 of 81
3) At what product/process life cycle stage do you think the IOH concept does apply?
Product R&D
Process and Design
Operating plant
Other (specify) ______________________________________________
Adoption of the IOH Concept at Work
1) Is the IOH concept being practiced in your work place? Yes / No
If yes, please explain briefly how it is being practiced in your work place?
2) Is discussion of IOH issues included in your organization’s meeting? Yes / No
If yes, a) How frequent it was discussed in meetings?
Every meeting
Once in a while
When there is case/issue arise
Others (specify) ___________________________________________________
b) What are the issues that have been discussed?________________________________
3) Add the strategies you can think of, to aid in devising ways to spread the use of IOH.
If you are working in an academic organization, please answer Section (E).
If you are working in R&D organization, go to Section (F).
Academic Organization:
Is IOH subject included in your undergraduate programmes’ syllabus? Yes / No
Do you think it is important to teach this concept to undergraduate students? Yes / No
Is there any lecturer specialized/researching in IOH in your department? Yes / No
Has there been any research conducted related to IOH in your department? Yes / No
If yes, at what level?
Doctoral study (PhD)
Master (MSc)
Grant/Consultation project
Undergraduate project
Others (specify)_________________________________________________
5) Would knowledge of IOH influence research in chemistry/chemical engineering?
Yes / No
6) How can one get the chemistry and chemical engineering faculties to be involved with IOH?
7) Is handout of IOH concept circulated to staffs/students to increase their awareness on this issue? Yes / No
If yes, how frequent the handout of IOH concept was circulated?
Every week
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December 2011; 1: Page 29 of 81
Every two weeks
Every month
Others (specify) ________________________________________________
8) Have all staffs/students been made aware of their IOH responsibilities? Yes / No
If yes, how they were made aware of their IOH responsibilities?
9) What role can your department play in promoting IOH?
10) Have your department conducted any survey on the use of IOH in industry? Yes / No
If yes, can you briefly explain the survey that has been conducted?
R&D Organization:
1) Does your company apply IOH concept in the R&D of new product/process? Yes / No
2) Is there a health officer/expert hired for your organization? Yes / No
If yes, what is his/her job scope?
3) What is the impact of IOH on R&D organization practices?
4) Is the rate at which R&D organization adopting IOH adequate? Yes / Slow
If slow, what do you think are the reasons for it?
5) What should be done to increase this rate?
6) Do you know the existing Inherent Occupational Health (IOH) indices? Yes / No
If yes, what is your opinion about the indices?
7) What role can your organization play in promoting IOH?
8) Is handout of IOH concept circulated to staffs to increase their awareness on this issue?
If yes, how frequent the handout of IOH concept was circulated?
Every week
Every two weeks
Every month
Others (specify) ______________________________________________
9) Have all staffs been made aware of their IOH responsibilities? Yes / No
If yes, how they were made aware of their IOH responsibilities?
10) What do you think are the issues or problems that hinder the adoption of the IOH concept in your
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December 2011; 1: Page 30 of 81
or Zalmiah binti Jahidin
PERITIS Committee Member
The article deals with the idea of islamisation, its brief history and progress. The idea of
islamisation and the islamisation of present-day knowledge are often misunderstood.
Knowledge is not neutral, thus it comes with the worldview of one who propagates it.
ScienceOn1, tawhidic (oneness of God)-based science as Persatuan Saintis Muslim Malaysia
(Malaysian Muslim Scientist Organisation), PERINTIS’ stake on the islamisation of presentday knowledge proposes measures to actualise the idea.
Keywords: islamisation, knowledge, islamisation of present-day knowledge, worldview
The progress in science and technology plays a significant role in the development of a
nation, Muslim and Non-Muslim alike. As science and technology is generally accepted as
the product of the west, their philosophy, principles, and concepts, that underlie it are alien to
Muslim beliefs. Hence, a dilemma arises whether to wholly embrace or to venture into it with
caution. Being Muslims, our engagement with science and technology dated far back into the
middle of the seventh century as the Umayyads in Syria began encountering with manuscripts
on natural sciences in Greek and Syriac language. Within a century of the ‘Abassid’s rule,
which began in 750 A.C. almost all had been translated into Arabic. Henceforth, the
appropriation, enrichment and development of sciences began in earnest and moulded into
the worldview of Islam. In more specific terms, the “materials” of the various sciences
procured by the Muslims from diverse sources during the first three centuries of Islamic
history, were gradually integrated and absorbed into the unitary perspective of Islam [1].
As of today, the Muslim intellectual and scientific heritage remains obscure despite the fact it
once set to revolutionize the intellectual tradition of the west on the Andalusian plain. In
addition, the Western science and technology assumes the role once played by the former.
Realising the crucial role of science and technology, the Muslims today have to tread on the
footsteps of the early Muslim scholars and scientists and notably al-Ghazali in hiseffort at the
‘islamisation’ of the Greek philosophical treatises. In support of the idea, ScienceOn1 can be
considered as an attempt by Persatuan Saintis Muslim Malaysia, PERINTIS (Malaysian
Muslim Scientist Organization), at venturing into the Muslims once trodden field that is
‘islamisation’. Specifically, we hope to bring science and technology into the purview of
tawhidic worldview.
(C) Persatuan Saintis Muslim Malaysia (PERINTIS)
PERINTIS e-Journal
Special Issue on Science for Sustainability
December 2011; 1: Page 31 of 81
The idea of islamisation is in fact a revolutionary thought of the modern day.Since the middle
of the twentieth century, the Muslims are not able to treat present-day knowledge with
justice. Although articles, books, academic papers have been published and debated,
howevermany fail to grasp the intended purpose of islamisation. Confusion has led to losing
its real meaning simply because of lack of caution and careful explanation. As a result, its
failure is often associated with the idea itself. A number of Muslim contemporary scholars
have attempted to highlight the problem of contemporary knowledge but they fell short of
providing the solution.
Sir Muhammad Iqbal, for example had long been aware of the weakness and the imbalanced
nature of the modern Western civilization. Although he showed concern, he did not provide
further explanation and steps for implementation of islamisation [2]. Professor Syed Hussein,
on the other hand, opines that one’s interpretation of facts of nature is indirectly influenced
by his worldview. He agrees that the Muslims are able to absorb and integrate appropriate
elements of other sciences provided he or she has the general idea ofthe worldview of Islam
[2]. His significant contribution in islamisation is ‘The Encounter of Man and Nature’ in Sufi
perspective dealing with the crisis of epistemology in Western Civilisation [3]. Likewise, he
too does not elaborate islamisation as a conscious, educational and philosophical program. In
support of the idea of islamisation, Dr Ja’afar Syeikh Idris debates onthe aspects of sociopolitical of the Muslims but is silent on aspects of thoughts and knowledge. It was only after
islamisation has been widely discussed, he proposes among others that knowledge should rest
on the solid foundations of Islam, its scope be widened, discover new facts and see old ones
in the Islamic worldview [4].
Notably, Prof Dr Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas defines with clarity the concept, process
of islamisation and those aspects that relate to worldview, knowledge and the concept of
university. As early as in the 1960s, he debates the idea of islamisation in his wellknownstudy of history of the arrival of Islam and her influence in the Malay culture. Again in
1969, the idea of islamisation is highlighted in ‘Prelimanary Statement on the General Theory
of the Islamisation of the Malay Indonesian Archipelago’. He asserts that the islamisation
process has completely altered the Malays worldview on truth and existence academically
and scientifically. On the occasion of his conferment of professorship of Malay language and
literature, he lectures on the role of Islam in building Malay culture and civilization. During
the First World Conference of Islamic Education in 1977 at Makkah, he elaborates on the
characteristics of knowledge as being shaped by the worldview of any/certain civilization. He
clarifies the concept of islamisation of the present-day knowledge, problems of knowledge,
purpose and meaning of knowledge, the meaning of education as well as the concept of
Islamic university. In ‘Islam and Secularism’ he elaborates on background history of the
thought and western Christian civilization, the meaning of secular, secularization and
secularism, the concept of Din, fundamentals of Islamic character, the problems of Ummah
and islamisation of knowledge. Finally, in 1980 during the Second World Conference of
Islamic Education at Islamabad, he espouses on educational system and the characteristic of
Arabic language as being scientific [1].
It was al-Faruqi, who asserts that the ‘malaise of the Ummah’ lies in education [5]. He
proposes ‘to recast the whole legacy of human knowledge from the standpoint of Islam’ [3].
(C) Persatuan Saintis Muslim Malaysia (PERINTIS)
PERINTIS e-Journal
Special Issue on Science for Sustainability
December 2011; 1: Page 32 of 81
Islamisation is in fact an effort to bring about true actualization of ‘ubudiyah, total
submission to Allah S.W.T. Islamisation involves a two way process, which are the liberation
of and the devolution to one’s fitrah, natural tendency. The Prophet P.B.U.H. set a precedent
with respect to these two aspects in his engagement with and transformation of the Arabs of
the jahili, pagan society. Islamisation first liberates the mind and then thought through
islamisation of language. At the time of the Prophet P.B.U.H. the process was executed
through the language of the Qur’an, which redefines the meaning of for example karim, kufr,
and illah.In fact, the first five ayah, verses of the Qur’an from Surah, Chapter al-’Alaq (the
i) Proclaim! (or Read) in the name of your Lord and Cherisher, who created
ii) Created man, out of a leech-like clot.
iii) Proclaim! And your Lord is Most Bountiful,
iv) He Who taught (the use of) the Pen,
v) Taught man that which he knew not.[6]
had transformed the worldview of the Arab society with respect to their theological,
metaphysical and epistemological dimensions. In sum, islamisation is the liberation of man
i) first from magical, mythological, animistic and national, cultural tradition opposed
to Islam
ii) and then from secular control over his reason and language [7]
iii) and also from subservience to his physical demands which incline towards the
secular and injustice to his true self or soul for man as physical being inclines
towards forgetfulness of his true nature, becoming ignorant of his true purpose
and unjust to it [4].
The main challenge in the area of islamisation is that of knowledge itself. Knowledge has lost
its true objective and become the source of confusion and doubts. The content of education is
no longer the true knowledge in fact it is knowledge masqueraded along with confused and
harmful values. The concept of western knowledge is a problem, void of direction and true
meaning since ‘the present-day or the modern knowledge is founded on, interpreted and
projected through the worldview, intellectual vision and psychological perception of the
Western culture and civilisation’ [4]. The essential spirit of this culture and civilisation are
characterised inter-relatedly by
i) reliance upon the powers of human reason alone to guide man through life
ii) adherence to the validity of the dualistic vision of reality and truth
iii) affirmation of evanescent aspect of existence projecting a secular worldview
iv) espousal of doctrine of humanism
v) emulation of the allegedly universal reality of drama and tragedy in the spiritual,
or transcendental, or inner life of man, making drama and tragedy real and
dominant elements in human nature and existence [4]
In short, the present-day knowledge is understood and elaborated according to western
worldview, which is supported by elements of secularism, dualism, humanism and tragedy.
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PERINTIS e-Journal
Special Issue on Science for Sustainability
December 2011; 1: Page 33 of 81
At the educational institution level, Islamisationis implementedvia organization of hierarchy
of knowledge scheme which includes the reality and existence according to the hierarchy
comprising the Creator, the Messengers, man, animals et cetera. Neglecting this aspect will
result in chaos and disorder. The challenge, which confronts education, is to determine the
exact and true position for every field of knowledge and skill. The consideration should
i) that man is ofruh, spirit and body
ii) the position of naqli (revealed) knowledge with respect to aqli (aquired) knowledge
iii) the obligation between fard ‘ayn, obligation towards the Self and fardkifayah,
obligation towards the Societybearing in mind the dynamic nature of fard ‘aynas ‘it
increases according to the spiritual and intellectual abilities as well as social and
professional responsibilities of a person’ and the integrative nature of the two [4].
As islamisation or dewesternization deals with problem of secularization, al-Attas proposes
thatfirst we isolate the key elements, western cultural influence from every discipline of
knowledge especially human sciences. As for facts and theories of natural science, they must
be interpreted in accordance with Islam by introducingIslamic concepts and principles in the
thought and physical actions. Al-Attas proposes that these elements and concepts should
replace those alien concepts.
i) the concept of religion (din)
ii) the concept of man (insan)
iii) the concept of knowledge (‘ilmand ma’rifah)
iv) theconcpt of wisdom (al-hikmah)
v) the concept of justice (‘adl)
vi) the concept of right actiob (amalas adab)
vii) the concept of the university (kuliyyah-jami’ah) [1]
Al-Faruqi opts for replacement of Western and Modern influences in metaphysics and
sciences through mastery of modern discipline, mastery of Islamic legacy and creative
synthesis between the two, which some find problematic. The problem lies in the fact that
‘disciplines are not divided into water tight compartments and they arose out within the
matrix of a particular worldview and organised hierarchically subordinated to that
worldview’ [3]. Mastery of Islamic legacy and command of modern science is sufficiently
equipped for anyone to embark on Islamisation as viewed by Abu Sulayman.
ScienceOn1’s Proposed Practical Implementation
Many groups have attempted to translate the idea of islamisation of knowledge into practical
action.For one, in the early eighties the effort at Islamisation in school was seen practiced in
Maktab Rendah Sains MARA Seremban (SerembanMARA Junior Science College).The effort
is indirectly cited in the paper‘Islamisasi Pendidikan di Sekolah: Prospek Dan Masalah’
(Islamisation of Education in School: Prospect And Problem) presented during National
Seminar on Islamisation of Education: Meeting The Challenge which was held at the
International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) in July 1999 [8]. Next, the idea of
islamisation is highlighted in‘Dinamika Kurikulum SRI-SMI: Antara Ideal Dan Realiti
(Dynamics of Curriculum SRI-SMI : Between Ideal And Reality) [9] and is then proposed in
‘Model Baru Dan Komponen Utama Dalam Kurikulum Al-Amin’ (New Model and Main
(C) Persatuan Saintis Muslim Malaysia (PERINTIS)
PERINTIS e-Journal
Special Issue on Science for Sustainability
December 2011; 1: Page 34 of 81
Component in Al-Amin’s Curriculum) [10]. Finally, Projek MERKURI (MERKURI Project)
clearly states the objectives of islamisation of Kurikulum Baru Sekolah Rendah, KBSR (New
Curriculum of Primary School) and Kurikulum Bersepadu Sekolah Menengah, KBSM
(Integrated Curriculum of Secondary School), which are to be attained by schools under
Pusat Pendidikan Al-Amin (Al-Amin Education Centre) [11]. By early 2002, the MERKURI
Project committee successfully documented relevant parts of KBSR and KBSM curriculum
in the light of Islamic perspective and were transmitted in respective classes. However, the
attempt was met with challenges among otherstime constraints, change of syllabus and
change in medium of instruction. It was then agreed that islamisation of curriculum is to be at
the discretion of teachers. All these spirits are supporting the idea of islamisation as proposed
by al-Faruqi.
Upon realizing that islamisation has its own philosophical, theological and metaphysical
dimensions as examined by Al-Attas, a concerted effort and a well laid out plan of execution
is needed from all levels. As a starting point, PERINTIS will support the idea of islamisation
of present-day knowledge in schools via ScienceOn1 project by organising the followings :
i) At the philosophical level: Synthesising, integrating and converging of ideas of
islamisation and islamisation of present-day knowledge
ii) At the translational level: Training of writers, instructors or teachers on the idea
ofislamisation and islamisation of present-day knowledge and what theyentail.
iii) At the implementational level: Educating the instructors or teachers on the use of
teaching manuals on the islamisation of present-day knowledge
These measures are to ensure all the interested parties will consolidate ideas and efforts in
empowering and translating the idea of islamisation of present-day knowledge.
Islamisation of present-day knowledge is a process of description of facts, establishment and
expression of meanings (at the individual and societal level) grounded on Islamic
metaphysical sources. It is not merely transporting knowledge and Islamic principles within
the framework of contemporary knowledge. Therefore, it calls for high knowledge ability that
is in depth mastery of Islam as religion, culture and civilization. A re-look at the practices
undertaken by various groups at translating the idea of islamisation of present-day knowledge
is crucial. It is to avoid failure and in its stead to bear fruitful results. It should be emphasised
that, the task before Muslim intelligentsia, then, is to develop, using the epistemology of
Islam, alternative paradigms of knowledge for both natural and social sciences and mould
disciplines most relevant to the needs of contemporary societies [11].
The author would like to acknowledge PERINTIS for the support with regards to ScienceOn1
project and PPAA for providing the venue to implement the idea of islamisation of
(C) Persatuan Saintis Muslim Malaysia (PERINTIS)
PERINTIS e-Journal
Special Issue on Science for Sustainability
December 2011; 1: Page 35 of 81
……………………………………..1999. The Concept of Education in Islam : A
Framework for a Philosophy of Education. Kuala Lumpur : ISTAC.
Ahmad Bazli,Shafie. 2001. Konsep Asal IslamisasiIlmu (The Original Concept of
Islamisation). In ‘Seminar Pendidikan IslamNasional (National Islamic Education
Seminar) .International Islamic University, Malaysia.
Ziauddin, Sardar. 1985. Islamic Futures : The Shape of Ideas to Come. London and
New York :Mansell Publishing Limited. 101.
[4] Wan MohdNor, W.D. 1998. The Educational Philosophy and Practice of Syed
Muhammad aquib Al-Attas: An Exposition of the Original Concept of
Islamisation. Kuala Lumpur: ISTAC. 309-310.
Ismail Raji, al-Faruqi.1989. Islamisation of Knowledge.Virginia : International Institute of
Islamic Thought.
Yusuf Ali. 1998. Holy Qur’an: Meanings and Commentary. Kansas City :Manar
International Corporation.
Syed Muhammad Naquib, Al-Attas. 1993. Islam dan Secularism.Kuala Lumpur :
International of Islamic Thought and Civilisation (ISTAC). 44.
NorZalmiah, Jahidin. 1999. IslamisasiPendidikan Di Sekolah :Prospek Dan Masalah
(Islamisation of Education: Proespect and Problem),Jurnal Pendidikan Islam (IPIABIM), Kuala Lumpur. 8(4): 43-54
NorZalmiah, Jahidin. Dinamika Kurikulum SRI-SMI:Antara Ideal danRealiti(The
Dynamics of SRI-SMI Curriculum: Between Ideal and Reality). Retrieved on
12/30/2011 from
Saari, S. Model Barudan Komponen Utama dalam Kurikulum Al-Amin (The New
Model and Main Component of Al-Amin Curriculum). Retrieved on 12/39/2011 from
(C) Persatuan Saintis Muslim Malaysia (PERINTIS)
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Special Issue on Science for Sustainability
December 2011; 1: Page 36 of 81
Salwani Mohd Daud
Advanced Informatics School,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,
Jalan Semarak, 54100 Kuala Lumpur
(O): +603-26154511
Kertas kerja ini menyampaikan komponen spritual yang merupakan sebahagian daripada
pembangunan insan yang lestari dan kajian dilakukan dalam sistem pendidikan Al-Amin.
Indeks bi’ah salihah dicadangkan untuk mengukur tahap spiritual yang diperolehi oleh pihak
yang berkepentingan di sekolah Al-Amin. Kertas kerta ini mengambil inspirasi daripada
beberapa ayat Quran untuk membentuk beberapa item bagi mengukur komponen spiritual
dalam pembangunan kelestarian insan. Aspek sipritual mengandungi komponen iman
(kepercayaan) dan amal. Indeks bi’ah salihah ditentukan dengan mengambil nilai purata
daripada min iman dan amal pelajar, guru dan ibu bapa (hanya min amal sahaja).
This paper presents spriritual component of the sustainable human development and a study
had been made in Al-Amin education system. The salihah environment or bi’ah salihah
index is proposed to measure the level of spiritualilty attained by the main stakeholders in
Al-Amin schools. This paper takes the inspiration from few verses in the Holy Quran to
develop items that can be used to measure the spiritual component of human development
sustainability. The spirituality constitute of the faith (belief) and practice (actions)
components. The bi’ah salihah index is then computed by taking the average of the mean
from faith and practice of the students, teachers and parents (mean of the practice only).
Keywords: sustainable, human development, bi’ah salihah, al-amin
(C) Persatuan Saintis Muslim Malaysia (PERINTIS)
PERINTIS e-Journal
Special Issue on Science for Sustainability
December 2011; 1: Page 37 of 81
Much had been said about sustainability and attracts concern from various groups and
individuals especially during current situation with climate and economic uncertainties.
Most of them worried about the material resources and little had been thought on human
development to ensure future sustainability of the universe. Indices are being used to
measure the economic and social development of a country that relates to the human
development. This paper begins with the Islamic perspectives of human development
sustainability, the second section discusses on the bi’ah salihah index as practiced by AlAmin education system, the third part on the measurement of bi’ah salihah index in Al-Amin
schools, and finally discussions on the results are presented.
The human devlopment index as proposed by United Nations Development Programme
(UNDP) is a measure of average achievements of three indicators of life expectancy (health),
educational attainment and income or standard of living [1]. However, these indicators are
not sufficient measurement to asses the human development. Thus there are moves to include
other indices so that HDI will be more comprehensive.
A definition given by International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) [2] on
sustainable development is:
"Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It contains within it
two key concepts:
• the concept of needs, in particular the essential needs of the world's poor, to which
overriding priority should be given; and
• the idea of limitations imposed by the state of technology and social organization on the
environment's ability to meet present and future needs."
Hassan [3] pointed out that the divergence in approach of development is due to the
difference of worldview of Islamic and secular systems. He [3] also argued that Islamic
principles can be used to solve the environmental issues since the sustainable development
comprises of moral, ethics, social and political complexities whereby focusing on economics
aspect alone is not possible to resolve the problem.
The model proposed by researchers [4] as shown in Figure 1 provides a holistic approach of
sustainable development. This comprehensive model conformed to the objectives of Islamic
juriprudence (maqasid al-Shariah). Unsustainable development shall lead to the destruction
of human society, morality, and religious values, and characterized by a ruthless growth,
rootless growth, futureless growth, and voiceless growth. The proposed model [4] as shown
in Figure 1 consists of two main aspects of development, that is; the economics and the
environmental. There are two types of environments, that is, the human environment and the
physical environment. Finally the three aspects included in the human environments; the
physical, mental, and spiritual environments. The bi’ah salihah (salihah environment) is
closely linked to the spiritual environment and will be discussed in detail in this paper.
(C) Persatuan Saintis Muslim Malaysia (PERINTIS)
PERINTIS e-Journal
Special Issue on Science for Sustainability
December 2011; 1: Page 38 of 81
Sustainable development
Economic development
Environmental development
Human environment
Physical environment
Figure 1: Sustainable development from Islamic Perspectives [4]
The index is a measurement of a simple, effective and can help an organization to assess,
control and improve the service delivery to customers in line with the mission and vision of
an organisation. Usually the target is set and the measurements can be measured
quantitatively. In the event the targets are not achievable, the management of the
organization will find the root cause of the problem and provide appropriate solutions. Some
common indices used in our country arebair pollution index (API), the Consumer Price Index
(CPI) and the Water Quality Index (PKI).
Bi’ah salihah is a conducive environment that encourages individuals to always do
righteousness to get the pleasure of and get closer to Allah as mentioned in the Quran (2:
“Indeed, those who believe and do righteous deeds and establish prayer and give zakah will
have their reward with their Lord, and there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they
Developing human personality needs strong commitment from all parties, whether at home
or at school. If the children are in the home environment with parents who are concerned
about religious practices, then it will be easy for their own children to follow suit. Similarly,
if they hang out with friends who are well-behaved, the situation will influence the child’s
potential. And if they are with friends who are having behaviour problems, eventually these
children will follow this bad behavior. So it can be said that a person can be simply
influenced by the environment and their friends/peers as mentioned in the following hadith:
“Man is influenced by the faith of his friends. Therefore, be careful of whom you associate
with.” [5]
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Special Issue on Science for Sustainability
December 2011; 1: Page 39 of 81
Allah has also given us the responsibility to ensure that the environment is always salihah
whereby every Muslim should remind the people to act according to the precepts of Islam
and to abstain from improper behavior as mentioned in the Quran (22: 41):
“[And they are] those who, if We give them authority in the land, establish prayer and give
zakah and enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong. And to Allah belongs the outcome
of [all] matters.”
A study has been made on the salihah environmental index in Pusat Pendidikan Al-Amin (AlAmin Educational Centre) or PPAA. It comprises three primary schools and a secondary
school with a total of almost 2000 students and 160 teachers. The Al-Amin (PPAA) schools
are currrently amongst the leading private Islamic schools in Malaysia as recognised by the
Ministry of Education with the award of the SKIPS (Private Educational Institution Quality
Standard) Excellent Certification.
Sekolah Rendah Islam Al-Amin Kuala Lumpur (Al-Amin Islamic Primary School Kuala
Lumpur, SRIAKL ) started in 1986 and Sekolah Menengah Islam Al Amin (Al-Amin Islamic
Secondary School, SMIAG) was established in 1991 while the Sekolah Rendah Islam Al
Amin Gombak (Al-Amin Islamic Primary School Gombak, SRIAG) started in 1993.
Recently in 2011, a new branch of Al-Amin school is established in Kuala Lumpur.
PPAA became a pioneer in introducing an integrated educational system in Malaysia,
comprising the mainstream system and integrated with the Islamic system. The school aspire
to produce professionals and technocrats who are qualified in their respective fields but also
well versed in matters of Din al Islam and mutaqqin (God consciousness). Thus PPAA will
be able to produce skilled and qualified citizens who are salih wa muslih (righteous and do
PPAA is very concerned about the existence of a salihah environment that becomes a major
asset towards achieving their vision of becoming an integrated Islamic educational
institution of choice. Bi’ah salihah in schools can be measured by taking into account the
components involved in a conducive environment such as teachers, students, administrators
and infrastructure (physical). Measurement level of Bi’ah salihah among students, teachers
and parents can be implemented by making a survey in the aspects of faith and practice
(internalize) among them. The faith and practice aspects are important components of
spirituality in Islam. The practice or actions must be llinked with the purpose of their life
which relates to their faith. Thus the items developed in faith factors concerned with the
purpose of life, relationship between man and Allah and acceptance of al-Quran and Sunnah
as the main source for guiding man in this life. Every Muslim whom have faith must
demonstrate their faith through good deeds such as praying, greetings when meet others,
observe good relationship with others in accordance to Allah’s commands. Then only a good
life or bi’ah salihah will be achieved as promised by Allah in this verse (Holy Quran, 16:97):
“Whoever does righteousness, whether male or female, while he is a believer - We
will surely cause him to live a good life, and We will surely give them their reward
[in the Hereafter] according to the best of what they used to do.”
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PERINTIS e-Journal
Special Issue on Science for Sustainability
December 2011; 1: Page 40 of 81
This study involved developing a questionnaire with Likert scale of 1-6 for high reliability.
This questionnaire contained several items that were closely related to the perception, faith
and practice in creating bi’ah salihah in school. The first part of the questionnaire contained
items that require subjects to responsd based on their perception of the importance of eight
factors to achieve bi’ah salihah in school. The second part consists of six items to measure
the level of their faith as follows:
i) Faith to Allah and the Prophet has to prove by doing good deeds.
ii) The aim in life is to seek the pleasure of Allah SWT.
iii) Al-Quran and Sunnah should be a guide of life.
iv) Islamic way of life must be applied in practice, worship and transactio
v) All that happens whether good or bad is the will of Allah and is a test in life.
vi) Doing right things and shun evil is a duty.
The items were related to faith, then in the third section, 34 items associated with the practice
adopted by teachers and students were given. The items in the second part reflected the
culture of PPAA that can assist to achieve bi’ah salihah in the school environment. Some of
the items used to measure the teachers practice were:
i) I am always clear about the mission, vision and targets to be achieved in the
Balanced Scorecard of Al-Amin Education Centre
ii) I always do a congregational prayer in schools.
iii) I am always do a congregational prayer on time.
iv) I always greet and say salam when meet with friends and students.
v) I always pray five times properly
Some of the items used to measure the students practice were:
i) I always do a congregational prayer in schools.
ii) I am always do a congregational prayer on time.
iii) I always pray five times properly.
iv) I always ensure a perfect ablution is taken
v) I always do sunat prayers either before or after the obligatory prayers
The questionnaire for parents only have two parts, the first part was the same as teachers and
students. The objective of the second part was to obtain parents' perceptions about the level
of practice in schools bi’ah salihah. This section had seven items to measure the level of
practiced bi’ah salihah. They are as follows:
i) When you're in school, you are always greeted with a greeting and a smile by
teachers and students.
ii) Reminder of the bi’ah salihah features is widely written and posted at the school.
iii) The way the service or school official letter content contains Islamic
iv) Response to comments or criticisms are answered by the school with wisdom
such as the use of verses with Islamic characteristics.
This study was conducted for the period from April to June in 2008. Number of teachers in
SRIAKL was 51, 44 in SRIAG and 45 in SMIAG. Number of students for SMIAG was over
548, while 618 students in SRIAG and 643 students in SRIAKL. There was about 300
(C) Persatuan Saintis Muslim Malaysia (PERINTIS)
PERINTIS e-Journal
Special Issue on Science for Sustainability
December 2011; 1: Page 41 of 81
parents in SMIAG, 350 in SRIAKL and 480 in SRIAG. For primary schools, the
questionnaires were given to Standard 6 students (76 in SRIAKL and 87 in SRIAG) since
they were considered mature and had completed the Tarbiyah system at the primary level.
Thus, these students were expected to understand the items in the questionnaire. Data was
analysed using SPSS software package.
The total respondents for each school are shown in Table 1 and Figure 2.
Table 1:
Respondents for each School
96 (17.5%)
12 (26.7%)
25 (8.3%)
61 (80.3%)
35 (68.6%)
70 (20%)
83 (95.4%)
35 (79.5%)
22 (4.5%)
Total respondents
Figure 1
Total percentage of respondents for each school
In the first part of the questionnaire, respondents were required to give their views on the
importance of factors that can positively affect bi’ah salihah practices in schools. Mean value
were computed from the responses given on the choice of factors that affected the bi’ah
salihah. Then these factors were ranked in accordance to the most important factors selected
by these three groups, namely students, teachers and parents as shown in Table 2.
Table 2:
Bi’ah Salihah Factors Ranked According to the Importance
Students Teachers
Teachers demonstrate good model
(uswah hasanah) in appreciation of
Islamic practice
Reminder of the bi’ah salihah features is
widely written and posted at the school.
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December 2011; 1: Page 42 of 81
Appreciation of Islamic practices is
reminded verbally with wisdom from
teachers, peers and parents
Teachers warn with wisdom to students
whom had committed an offense
Teachers provide an appropriate sentence or
a fine for an offense as specified by the
The parents support in motivating or
inspiring to do good deeds.
Peers who are very commited to enjoin
good and refrain from evil
School infrastructure led to the adoption of
bi’ah salihah such as separate staircase.
In general, the parents and teachers factors (highlighted bold in Table 6) were perceived by
these three groups (student, teachers and parents) to be the most important factors in
developing bi’ah salihah. Then the student and teachers had selected giving verbal reminder
with wisdom as the third most important factor.
Punishment and school infrastructure factors were perceived by parents and teachers as the
least important factors in promoting the appreciation of Islamic practice. However, students
felt the school infrastructure (ranked 4) can help them to practice the bi'ah salihah in school.
The bi’ah salihah index was computed as follows:
Overall Indexbi 'ah _ salihah = Average (mean faith + mean practice )students + (mean faith + mean practice )teachers + (mean practice ) parents
From this formula, the indices achieved by each schools were illustrated as in Table 3.
Table 3:
Bi’ah Salihah Index
It can be concluded, there was not much difference about the levels of bi’ah salihah in these
schools, however SRIAH had achieved better compared to the other two schools.
The bi’ah salihah index could be a tool to measure the spiritual component since it becomes
one of important factor in contributing to environmental development that would give
impact to the overall sustainable development.
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PERINTIS e-Journal
Special Issue on Science for Sustainability
December 2011; 1: Page 43 of 81
I would like to acknowledge the teachers, students and parents of Pusat Pendidikan Al-Amin
for participating in the study.
UNDP, Human Development Index.
International Institute for Sustainable Development.
Hasan, Z. 2006. Sustainable Development from an Islamic Perspective: Meaning,
Implications, and Policy Concerns. J.KAU: Islamic Econ., Vol. 19, No. 1, pp: 3-18
(2006 A.D/1427 A.H).
Ngah, B.N. and W.S., Wan Yusoff. 2010. Sustainable Development in Muslim
countries: Identifying development principles and policy directions in the light of
Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 74, p. 192
(C) Persatuan Saintis Muslim Malaysia (PERINTIS)
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December 2011; 1: Page 44 of 81
Noraini Noordin1, Adibah Shuib2, Mohamad Said Zainol3, Mohamed Azam Mohamed
Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Teknologi Mara, Malaysia
Centre of Islamic Thoughts and Understanding, Universiti Teknologi Mara, Malaysia
Corresponding author:
Noraini Binti Noordin
Department of Mathematical Sciences and Statistics, UiTM (PERLIS), 02600 Arau, PERLIS.
Fax Number: 05-7910271 (u.p.: Abdul Karim Abdullah)
Email address:
Dampen by their failure to completely replace all Islamic Laws in the Malay States by
the English Common Laws, the British vested more authority on the Civil courts to
handle inheritance cases and wills, thus stripping the Syariah courts of their authority to
distribute Islamic inheritance. The current legal system of Malaysia is laced with
British influences that have caused many conflicting constitutional issues. The current
legal system can neither accommodate a smooth and fluent administration and
distribution of Islamic inheritance nor can it allow for a single Syariah-compliant
system to exist. Muslims will continue to endure spending lots of money and time on
the process flows of the inheritance unless the legal system is free of all British
influences. This predicament is a problem that is seriously in need of a practical
solution that lies in venues other than the legal system, one of which is the use of
network flow model which is researched on by this current on-going study.
Authority - Constitutional issues - Islamic law - network flow model –
(C) Persatuan Saintis Muslim Malaysia (PERINTIS)
PERINTIS e-Journal
Special Issue on Science for Sustainability
December 2011; 1: Page 45 of 81
Noraini Noordin1, Adibah Shuib2, Mohamad Said Zainol3, Mohamed Azam Mohamed
Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Teknologi Mara, Malaysia
Centre of Islamic Thoughts and Understanding, Universiti Teknologi Mara, Malaysia
Penulis untuk dihubungi:
Noraini Binti Noordin
Department of Mathematical Sciences and Statistics, UiTM (PERLIS), 02600 Arau, PERLIS.
Nombor Fax: 05-7910271 (u.p.: Abdul Karim Abdullah)
Alamat Email:
Kekecewaan dalam usaha untuk menggantikan keseluruhan Undang-Undang Islam di
Tanah Melayu dengan British Common Laws telah menyebabkan British
menambahkan kuasa ke atas Mahkamah Sivil untuk menguruskan kes-kes harta pusaka
dan wasiat dan melenyapkan hak Mahkamah Syariah untuk membahagi harta sehingga
ke hari ini. Sistem perundangan masa kini mewarisi pengaruh British yang telah
menyebabkan pertembungan antara undang-undang. Sistem perundangan semasa dan
terkini tidak mampu untuk mengendalikan pengurusan dan pembahagian harta pusaka
secara licin dan tidak juga berkuasa mewujudkan satu sistem berteraskan Syariah untuk
semua jenis harta pusaka. Sekiranya perkara ini tidak diselesaikan, selagi itulah orang
Islam akan menanggung kos yang tinggi dalam bentuk masa dan wang. Masalah ini
memerlukan satu penyelesaian yang lebih praktikal yang berada di luar daripada dari
sistem perundangan, seperti penggunaan “network flow model” yang sedang dikaji
penggunaaannya oleh satu kumpulan penyelidik.
Kata-kunci: Kuasa – Isu-isu perlembagaan – Undang-undang Islam, “network flow
model” – Berlandaskan syariah
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December 2011; 1: Page 46 of 81
Achieving sovereignty from colonization does not guarantee a country freedom from
colonial influences, thus it is normal to assume that traces of influences from the colonial
powers can be found in the system of any country that has undergone colonization [1]. In
particular, when the Federation of Malaya was formed at the end of the 500-year period under
colonization for the Malay States, the Malay Rulers accepted the provisions of the Reid
Commission. The commission was responsible for the first draft of the federal constitution of
Malaya that provided for i) the establishment of a strong central government, ii) a Head of the
State to be chosen from among the Malay Rulers, iii) the position and prestige of the Malay
Rulers to be safeguarded, iv) a common nationality to be set up for the federation, and v) the
special position of the Malays and the genuine interests of the other communities to be
preserved [2].
Although all the colonial powers [Portuguese, Dutch, Japan and British] left traces of
influence on the legal system of Malaysia, the greatest impact came from the British. British
influences were implanted deep into the legal system causing some constitutions to intertwine
with each other. Consequently, Muslims encountered difficulty issues involving time and
money to manage Islamic inheritance in Malaysia [3-8].
It would normally take a relative approximately three to ten years to petition rights to
inheritance, but there were difficult cases that took approximately twenty years to settle [9].
Quite a number of constitutional amendments made over the years have helped to ease the
difficulties Muslims faced in claiming rights to inheritance. In particular, the latest addition
to the Constitution in the form of the Small Estates (Distribution)(Amendment) Act 2008
have caused migration of cases fitting the definition of Small Estates to the Land Offices,
thus majority of inheritance cases involve Small Estates [10].
There are at present four institutions [Amanah Raya Berhad (ARB), Civil High courts,
Office of Lands and Mines (Land Offices) and Syariah courts] with the authority to handle
management of inheritance in Malaysia. Unfortunately, the Syariah courts do not have the
authority to distribute inheritance except for Simple Estates which are lesser in value than
Small Estates [4, 7, 8]. Therefore, the presence of inter-twining constitutional issues within
the legal system has rendered it impossible to set up a single Syariah-compliant management
system for all types of inheritance to exist in the country.
The above discussions suggest there is no fluency in the management and distribution
of Islamic inheritance for the authorities as well as the Muslims in general. This predicament
has to be addressed; the current on-going study wishes to highlight possibility of solving the
problem using a network flow model that will guide the Muslims smoothly through the
petition process while at the same time minimizing their difficulties. The literature review
section of this paper provides the foundation and underlying principles upon which the
significance and objectives of the study to develop alternative solutions to issues and
problems associated with the administration and distribution of Islamic inheritance in
Malaysia are built. This will be followed by a discussion on the possible use of network flow
(NF) model to solve this problem. The paper will conclude by highlighting some
recommendations that would be necessary to be put in place in order to smoothen up the
current management and distribution process for Islamic inheritance.
This paper wishes to highlight the existence of an increasing trend in volumes of
unclaimed inheritance over the years [11-13]. The accumulation of unclaimed inheritance is
a serious problem and needs to be addressed in order to lift up the predicament it has caused
(C) Persatuan Saintis Muslim Malaysia (PERINTIS)
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December 2011; 1: Page 47 of 81
Muslims to incur over the years. This section will present the rationale of the above study on
the need to find an alternative practical and tangible solution in a different arena than the
constitution from the following perspectives: i) tracing the historical path of the impact of the
British colonization on the legal system, ii) a look at the current legal system of Malaysia,
and iii) the need for Muslims to abide by Syariah-compliant obligations.
It is not easy for a country that has gained its sovereignty from colonization to shake off
the influences of the colonial powers; it will be bound to some extent to the structural
developments that were implanted into the system by the colonial powers [1]. Figure 1
describes the impact of colonization by the Portuguese, Dutch, British and Japan on the legal
system of Malaysia. As can be seen, the greatest impact came from the British [14].
Colonized a total of
British and Japan
Sovereignty for the
Malay States
British influences are
deeply rooted into the
Figure 1: Effects of colonization on the legal system of Malaysia
These influences have also scarred the management and distribution processes of
Islamic inheritance in Malaysia. Many estates have gone unclaimed over the years; an
estimated RM72 million of inheritance has been reported as “waiting to be claimed” as of
February 28 2010 [11-13]. Number of unclaimed inheritance cases was also reported to have
been on the rise beginning 2005 onwards [15]. In addition, Muslims were found to be
unaware of procedures that would guide them through the petition process of an Islamic
inheritance without too much hassle, thus they endured processes that were not only lengthy
but also costly [4, 7-9, 16, 17]. In particular, some of them could not figure out what to do
first and where to go to process the claims, thus a Muslim may be seen trying to do a formal
search of the database or request a copy of a death certificate at the National Registration
Department one minute and the next minute he was off to the Civil High Court or sitting in
front of a Commissioner for Oaths trying to produce a Form of Declaration in place of an
untraceable death certificate [8, 18].
This phenomenon has been left unattended for so long, thus this paper stresses the
importance of addressing the dilemma faced by Muslims to claim inheritance. However, this
paper wishes to assert that the legal system would not be the best place to look for a practical
and tangible solution to the current situation. This assertion will be elaborated further in the
following sections on issues that took place in the era up to the formation of the Federation of
Malaya. The discussion is hoped will help the readers to understand the magnitude of the
British influence on the legal system, in particular with respect to the Islamic inheritance
management and distribution system up to today. The era before independence will be
segmented into three periods, namely pre-colonization period, colonization period and the
post-colonization period.
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December 2011; 1: Page 48 of 81
2.1.1. Pre-Colonization Period
Figure 2 pictorially represent the events that led to the formation of the formation of the
Malay-Muslim Laws that ruled the land before the arrival of the British.
Syariah Laws
Malay-Muslim Laws
Figure 2: Formation of the Malay-Muslim Laws
Historical texts from this era like Laws of Melaka, Pahang Digest, Laws of Kedah, 99
Perak Laws and Laws of Sungai Ujung testified to the existence of three customary laws,
namely Adat Perpatih, Adat Temenggung and interpretations based on the Islamic teachings
[7, 14]. Marican [19] wrote that both Adat Perpatih and Adat Temenggung were property
laws; Adat Perpatih was practiced in Negeri Sembilan while Adat Temenggung “in decay”
was practised elsewhere in the Malay States. Adat Perpatih which originated from a
Minangkabau tribe in Sumatra defined that property will be passed down through the
matriarchal line [women were given higher priority] [19, 20]. It also provided that a female
member of the family be vested with a piece of kampong land, a piece of sawah land and a
house so that she was not deprived [2]. Adat Temenggung was on the contrary a patriarchal
tradition from Palembang that consisted of traces of Hindu-Buddhist elements [19].
When Islam came to the Malay States, Islamization of the customary laws took place
when Syariah was introduced to the Malays and this process continued until the arrival of the
British [14, 21]. This process impacted the Adat Temenggung more than the Adat Perpatih;
the patrilineal nature of the former made it easier for it to amalgamate with the Islamic laws
to form the Malay-Muslim Laws that ruled the Malay States before the British era [2, 20].
When the British came, they introduced a secular system that separated religion from
the state, and then gradually imposed the common laws in place of these Malay-Muslim laws
[2]. Extensive modifications and distortions were made to the principles of the Syariah, thus
not much of the customary laws survived except for Adat Perpatih in Negeri Sembilan [14,
19] and Masjid Tanah in Malacca [20]. Kamali [22] pointed out that this adat contradicted
the Islamic laws with regards to marriage, divorce and inheritance. However, the provisions
of this customary law was included in the Small Estates (Distribution) Act 1955 [19]. This
paper would like to acknowledge that this provision has caused legacy problems in Negeri
Sembilan up to today but this issue will not be discussed in this paper.
2.1.2. Colonization Period
The Colonization period of the Malay states witnessed British efforts to replace the
Islamic Laws in the Straits Settlements, the Federated and Un-Federated Malay States, the
Malayan Union and the Federation of Malaya. Penang, Malacca and Singapore formed the
Straits Settlements. Four independent Malay States [Perak, Selangor, Pahang and Negeri
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December 2011; 1: Page 49 of 81
Sembilan] and five Siamese dependencies [Johor, Kelantan, Terengganu, Kedah and Perlis]
formed the Federated Malay States and the Un-federated Malay States, respectively [14].
Table 1 displays the changes that took place in these Malay States with regards to the
management and distribution of Islamic inheritance.
Table 1: Changes to the Islamic Inheritance Management and Distribution before
the Formation of the Malayan Union
Straits Settlements
Federated Malay States and Un-Federated Malay States
Stage 1 - The First Charter of Justice
introduce English laws as administered in
England in 1807 to Penang while the
Second Charter of Justice introduced
English Law as administered in England in
1826 into all three settlements [2].
Inheritance was distributed using the
Distribution Act, a part of the First
Charter of Justice.
Residential system was introduced into system in return for
British protection of the Malay States while a British Advisor
was accepted into the administrative functions of these states
in return for British protection of the Malay States.
Stage 2 -.Introduction of the Ordinance of
the Islamic Law 1880 (such as the
Mohamedan Law Ordinance No 5/1880)
thus Muslims were not subjected to the
previous Distribution Act.
Gradual imposition of the British Laws were done using the
Civil Law Enactment No. 3 in Federated Malay States and the
Civil Law Ordinance in the un-Federated Malay States,
followed later on by the Civil Law Ordinance that combined
both laws. led to the marginalization of the functions of the
Syariah courts.
Stage 3 - Introduction of the Ordinance of
the Islamic Law 1924 which provided that
Islamic inheritance will be administered
according to the Islamic Law except when
it contracted the local customary laws
already in place since January 1924.
Gradual imposition of the British Laws led to the
marginalization of the functions of the Syariah courts, that
limited the jurisdiction of the Syariah courts and vested more
authority on the Civil courts to handle Islamic inheritance
cases and wills.
[3, 14, 23]
The British were so adamant to replace the Faraid Laws with the Distribution Acts.
As can be seen in the Stage 2, the British tried to replace the Faraid Laws by introducing
English Laws on inheritance such as the Mohamedan Law Ordinance No 5/1880 through the
judicial system. The Muslims did not take kindly to this; they raised very strong objections
to the implementation of this Ordinance. It was finally abolished in 1923, and not only were
the Faraid Laws reinstated in Stage 3, the British also stopped trying to replace the Islamic
inheritance laws [3, 23].
Although the Faraid Laws survived through the experience in the Straits Settlements,
Column 2 of Table 1 indicate that gradual imposition of the British Laws took place after the
appointment of a Resident or a British Advisor to advice or administrative issues in the
Federated and Un-Federated States, respectively. This resulted in the marginalization of the
functions of the Syariah courts that limited their jurisdiction but vested more authority on the
Civil courts to handle cases involving Islamic inheritance and wills [6, 14, 23]. This move
indicated that the British were more cautious and more shrewd in their efforts to replace the
Islamic Laws following the experience in the Straits Settlements, thus vesting more authority
on the Civil courts has caused Muslims to endure lengthy time-consuming and costly
processes before they are eligible to inherit their rights to any inheritance until today.
Malayan Union was formed after the Japanese surrendered in 1945. All states except
Singapore were members. The Malays objected to the contents of the Mac-Michael’s treaties
which reduced the status of the Malay states to that of a colony, limited the legislative power
of the Malay Rulers to only Islam and deprived the Malays of their special position and
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December 2011; 1: Page 50 of 81
privileges, thus Malayan Union was abolished after two years [2]. Efforts to impose English
Laws continued, however the bad experience in the Straits Settlements prevented the British
from interfering into personal matters and the Muslims were allowed to practice the Faraid
Laws in the Federated and Un-Federated States [3].
2.1.3. Post-Colonization Period
The Post-Colonization period began with the formation of the Federation of Malaya.
Sovereignty for the Malay States from the British meant that they had to agree to the basic
principles agreed upon during the London Conference in 1956, in the form of a commission
called the Reid Commission; this Commission was responsible for the drafting of the first
federal constitution of Malaya with provisions as described in Table 2 [2].
Table 2: Basic Principles of Independence
Establish a strong central government
A Head of State for the Federation to be elected from among the Malay Rulers
Malay Rulers whose position and prestige are safeguarded
A common nationality for the whole federation
Preserve the special position of the Malays and the genuine interests of the other communities
Efforts to impose English Laws still took place using the Civil Law Ordinance 1956,
but the British again did not interfere into personal matters, and Faraid Laws were there to
stay and to be practiced by the Muslims [3]. This paper wishes to emphasize again those
previous efforts by the British to vest more authority to Civil courts in matters related to
inheritance and wills by the British have made it difficult for Muslims to manage and
distribute inheritance according to Faraid Laws until today.
The Federation of Malaya gained autonomy to rule on its own in 1957 but the system
was by no means free of British influences. The legal system inherited traces of British
influences which are still present in the legal system of Malaysia today. The following
sections will take a closer look at the effects of the British influence on the legal system from
the following perspectives, i) the dual system of courts – their impacts on the management of
Islamic inheritance, ii) laws affecting the management of Islamic inheritance, iii) restrictions
of Act 505, and iv) deficiencies in the administration of Islamic Laws.
2.2.1. The Dual System of courts – Their Impacts on the Management of Islamic
More than half a decade has passed since independence. Muslims’ continuous
objections against efforts by the British to replace Islamic Inheritance Laws with British
Common Laws during the colonization period saved the Faraid Laws from extinction [3, 23].
This achievement is clearly spelled out in section 25 of the Civil Law Act 1956 “Nothing in
this Part shall affect the disposal of any property according to Muslim law or, in Sabah and
Sarawak, native law and custom”[24]. Despite this success, this paper wishes to highlight
that part and parcel of the difficulties Muslims are facing today to petition rights to
inheritance are due to the shrewdness of the British in the colonization period when they
marginalized the functions of the Syariah courts and vested more power on the Civil courts in
matters relating to inheritance and wills.
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December 2011; 1: Page 51 of 81
A direct consequence of this shrewdness is the two court systems upon which Malaysia
functions today, namely Civil courts and Syariah courts. The management and distribution
of Islamic inheritance used to be fully handled by the Syariah courts in the Pre-colonization
period but this responsibility is now shared by many institutions, as described earlier on [6,
25]. Article 4(e)(i) of the Federal List [as will be discussed further in section 3.2] clearly
stipulates that testate and intestate cases fall within the jurisdiction of both Civil High courts
and Syariah courts, but probate and letters of administration fall entirely under the
jurisdiction of the Civil High courts. This provision is also included in the Probate and
Letter of Administration Act 1959 (Act 97)[26]. Both the Article and the Act imply that there
will be some inheritance cases that have to go through both courts [4]. Furthermore, observe
the provision of Section 50 of Act 505,
“If in the course of any proceedings relating to the administration and distribution of
the estate of a deceased Muslim, any court or authority, other than the Syariah High
Court or a Syariah Subordinate Court, ..., the Syariah Court may on the request of such
court or authority, or on the application of any person claiming to be a beneficiary or
his representative and on payment by him of the prescribed fee, certify the facts found
by it and its opinion as to the persons who are entitled to share in the estate and to the
shares to which they are respectively entitled” [27].
This Act has provided the Civil courts with the jurisdiction to deal with the procedural
aspects of the administration of Muslim estates [3, 6, 7, 28-32]. A more in depth discussion
will be done in section 3.3. Being unaware of this limitation in the civil procedures of the
Syariah courts has caused Muslims to endure hefty cost in terms of money and time to
petition claims to inheritance over the years [6, 33].
Parliament has provided that the Distribution Act 1958, the Wills Act 1959 and the
Inheritance (Family Provision) Act 1971 are statutes on succession, testate and intestate that
cannot be applied to Muslims. However, no amendments were made to this effect to the
Probate and Administration Act 1959 and the Small Estates (Distribution) Act 1955, thus
they are applicable to all persons including Muslims [6]. The Muslims would be in a better
position if all matters on succession, testate and intestate are decided on by only the Syariah
courts, thus this paper wishes to emphasize the necessity for Parliament to exclude the
Muslims from the jurisdiction of these Acts.
With respect to the management and distribution of Small Estates, Muslims have to
understand the three main criteria to describe Small Estates, as described in the following
Figure 4 [4, 10, 31, 34, 35].
and/or movable estates
without leaving a will
Value must follow most
current Distribution Act
(not more than RM2
Figure 3: Criteria of Small Estates
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December 2011; 1: Page 52 of 81
Unaware of these criteria, Muslims were found doing either one, two or all of these
three things at the Land Offices, which are i) petitioning rights to movable assets only, ii)
petitioning rights to assets left behind by a person who wrote a will, and iii) petition rights to
inheritance worth more than RM2 million [7]. Cases with the same value of Small Estates
have ended up as cases at High courts for various reasons [19]. In particular, if a person dies
testate living assets with the value of Small Estates, the case becomes a Civil High Court case
and the Civil High Court will appoint an executor or an administrator to distribute the
inheritance based on the suggestions of the Syariah Court [6]. On the same note, sometimes
a person who died testate can be classified to have died intestate under the following
circumstances, namely i) an executor or a trustee is not named in the will, or ii) the named
executor has pre-deceased him [19].
The Small Estates (Distribution) Act 1955 defined how inheritance in the form of Small
Estates of value not exceeding RM10 000 can best be administered. It underwent a few
changes since its inception. Amended Acts caused the ceiling value to increase to a) RM25
000 in 1974 [as detailed in the Federal Government Gazette No. PN. PJ2], b) RM50 000 in
1977 [using Act 98], RM300 000 in 1982 [using Act A533], and d) RM600 000 in 1989
[using Act A702]. This final ceiling value was in use until a motion [Act A1331] was tabled
in Parliament to increase the value to RM2 million in 2007 [7, 35-37]. However, this Act,
also known as the Small Estates Distribution (Amendment) Act 2008 came into effect only
on September 1 2009 [10, 35].
This section wishes to draw the readers’ attention to the short time lapse between the
amendments up to 1989. On the contrary, there was a lapse of 20 years between the last two
amendments. Although the last bill was passed in 2007, it took effect only on September 1
2009 [35].
Constitutional amendments can help improve the inheritance distribution
process; however history has shown that it would take a long time to pass a constitutional
amendment and it would take some more extra time to get it implemented. Therefore,
constitutional amendment is not the most practical solution to the inheritance distribution
problem at present.
2.2.2. Laws Affecting the Management of Islamic Inheritance
The deep-rooted British influences in the legal system include laws that affect the
management and distribution of Islamic inheritance. As a result, Malaysian Muslims are
facing constitutional issues related to Islamic inheritance distribution. Table 3 displays parts
of the provisions of four articles to be discussed in this section.
Table 3: Particular Articles affecting Management of Islamic Inheritance
Provisions of Particular Articles Affecting Management of Islamic Inheritance [38]
List II - State List
[Article 95B (1)(a)]
Article 74(2)
“…including the Islamic law relating to succession, testate and intestate, …”
Article 121(1A)
“The courts referred to in Clause (1) [High courts and inferior courts] shall have no
jurisdiction in respect of any matter within the jurisdiction of the Syariah courts”
Article 75
“If any State law is inconsistent with a federal law, the federal law shall prevail and
the State law, shall, to the extent of the inconsistency, be void.”
“… the Legislature of a State may make laws with respect to any of the matters
enumerated in the State List …”
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The discussion begins by appreciating the complementary nature of List II of the State
List [Article 95B (1)(a)] and Article 74(2). List II has defined Islamic laws on succession,
testate and intestate as State Laws [3, 28, 38-40]. However, this list on its own would not be
able to confer jurisdiction on Syariah courts [6], hence this deficiency is taken care of by the
provisions of Article 74. In particular, if this complementary nature is properly utilized by
the Legislature of a State to confer the Syariah courts with necessary jurisdiction for them to
issue any judgment, then conflicts will not arise [3, 6, 19, 32].
Previous discussions construct the basis to assume that there are many intertwining
constitutional issues within the legal system. Efforts to improve the situation included
constitutional amendments. For example, Parliamentary debates on this matter set out to
prevent Civil courts from overruling Syariah courts’ decision or providing other decisions
contrary to that made by Syariah courts, and to uplift and protect the integrity of the Syariah
courts as a court that apply Islamic laws [6]. This led to the inclusion of Clause 121 (1A) to
the Federal Constitution in 1988.
Syariah Court Judge (SCJ) Harun Hashim in Mohamed Habibullah bin Mahmaood v
Faridah bte Dato Talib stressed that “… article 121 (1A) is a provision to prevent conflicting
jurisdictions between the Civil courts and the Syariah Court” [6]. Prior to 1988, many
decisions made by the Syariah courts were overturned by the civil courts [3, 6, 19, 32, 40].
It is to be noted that the inclusion of Article 121 (1A) to the Constitution did not guarantee
total non-interference from the civil courts. As it turned out, there were some distribution
cases handled by the Civil courts instead of the Syariah courts [19].
There were judgments made on some civil cases that highlighted the incapability of the
Syariah courts to issue orders within their jurisdiction because there were no provisions in the
State Laws that would levy the power to do so [3, 40]. In situations like this, this paper
wishes to bring to attention the following prescription given by SCJ Harun Hashim as cited in
Marican [29] for Mohamed Habibullah bin Mahmaood v Faridah bte Dato Talib case:
“I am therefore of the opinion that where there was a challenge to jurisdiction (as
here) the correct approach is to first see whether the Syariah Court has jurisdiction,
and not whether the State Legislature has power to enact the law conferring
jurisdiction on the Syariah court. The validity of a State law can only be questioned in a
separate proceeding under Article 4(3) of the Federal Constitution.”
It is also important to understand the provision of Article 75 that in the event of any
inconsistencies between the State and Federal Laws, the Federal Law shall prevail and the
State law will be declared void [38]. However, it would be of great advantage to the
Muslims [in terms of time and money] if the State Laws could draft and enact separate laws
on probate and administration for the Syariah courts [3, 5]. It would also be to the advantage
of the Muslims if the judges of both courts were to promote the general legislative intent
behind any provision in order to save time and cost on unnecessary proceedings, as should
have been done in the handling of the Jumaaton vs Raja Hizaruddin case [3, 6, 41].
Act 505 also directly affects the management of Islamic inheritance however it will not
be discussed in this section. This paper feels it is more appropriate to discuss this act in the
following section 3.3 on the Restrictions of Act 505.
2.2.3. Restrictions of Act 505
Section 50 of Act 505 provides that any court or authority handling proceedings
relating to management of Islamic inheritance may request the Syariah courts to “certify the
facts found by it and its opinion as to the persons who are entitled to share in the estate and
to the shares to which they are respectively entitled”. Some restrictions of this act are given n
the Figure 5 [3, 4, 19, 42].
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December 2011; 1: Page 54 of 81
Restrictions of Act 505
•No total authority to handle Islamic inheritance cases
•Only Civil Courts have the authority to deal with the procedural aspects
of the management of Islamic inheritance
•Syariah Courts can only issue Faraid certificates
•Syariah Courts can determine actions and proceedings dealing with
subjects lesser in value than Small Estates
•Syariah Courts are not authorized to issue an Order for Distribution
Figure 4: Restrictions of Act 505
These restrictions have caused difficulties in the management of Islamic inheritance.
This section will not discuss the first and the second restrictions; they have already been
elaborated under Section 3.1. The third and fifth restrictions limit the jurisdiction of the
Syariah courts to only issuing Faraid certificates and not are able to distribute inheritance.
Due to not knowing these factors, some Muslims were found trying to register ownership
over items listed in the Faraid Certificates [7].
This section wishes to point out that it is not necessary for a Muslim claiming rights to
Small Estates to apply for Faraid certificates at the Syariah courts because the Ministral
Functions Act 1969 has vested the deputy managers at the Land Offices with the authority to
act as second class magistrates who can hear and decide on cases involving Small Estates
according to the provisions of the Small Estates (Distribution) Act 1955 [7]. These managers
need only use the e-Faraid software that is embedded into the e-Tapp system at the Land
Offices since 1999 [43]. Ignorant of this fact has caused Muslims to waste time and money
on processes that were redundant such as applying Faraid certificates at the Syariah courts
for inheritance cases involving Small Estates [4, 7].
It is also important to note that Faraid certificates do not provide the person obtaining
them the authority to distribute the inheritance; it is only the person who obtains the Letter of
Administration from the Civil High courts that has the power to do that [4, 19, 31]. When
Syariah courts do not have the authority to issue an Order for Distribution, Muslims can now
submit petitions to claim inheritance at only three out of four institutions [Amanah Raya
Berhad, Office of Lands and Mines (Land Office), Civil High courts and Syariah courts]
which were originally set up to handle management of Islamic inheritance [8, 44].
Furthermore, the civil jurisdiction of the Syariah courts only entitles them to hear and
determine actions and proceedings dealing with subject matters with a value not exceeding
RM50000 [45], which is less than the value of Small Estates.
2.2.4. No uniformity and Co-ordination between Islamic Law Administration
Although there are three independent authorities, namely Majlis Agama Islam or its
variations, the Mufti and Syariah courts to administer a separate legislation on various
aspects of the Islamic Laws in all states except the Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur,
Labuan and Putrajaya, the law and its administration are not be uniform in every state due
their nature as State Laws [2, 39, 42]. Since State laws are different for all states and the
provisions of Article 74(2) entitles the Legislature of any State to make laws involving items
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in the State List, there are too many statutes and laws present that can be applied to the flow
processes, leading to increase in time spent and expenses incurred by clients to process a
claim [8]. There is also no common enactment of wasiat and no common statute for Faraid
Laws for all states and this has led to the formation of too many Fiqh opinions over division
of Islamic inheritance [8, 46].
Bodies like the National Council Efforts tried to co-ordinate the administration of
Islamic law and affairs of the states and they encountered problems of implementation; they
were merely advisory bodies and their decisions were not binding on the states [2].
Consequently, this non-uniformity in the administration of the Syariah courts in all states
have confined the lodging of petition to claim inheritance within the state in which most of
the assets are located [30, 31]. It is really troublesome and costly for a Muslim when he has
to claim an inheritance that is located outside the boundaries of the state within which he
Islam stresses the importance of complying with Syariah on matters related to the
management of Islamic inheritance; the processes begin right after the death of a Muslim.
As such, Muslims would like to be guaranteed a Syariah-compliant Islamic administration
and distribution process of Islamic inheritance. Syariah stipulates that there are four claims
obligatory of a relative to fulfill in order to achieve Syariah-compliance and they are i)
settlement of funeral expenses i) imbursement of debts owed by the deceased, iii) execution
of a valid will, and iv) distribution of estates among inheritors [47-50].
These four claims are considered fulfilled when a relative goes through a complete
three-phase process: a pre-submission phase, submission phase and distribution phase, as
shown in the following Figure 5.
Pre-submission Phase
•Settle funeral Expenses
•Settle debts of the deceased
•Execute a will, if any
•Compile documents to verify death, certify legitimate heirs
and confirm existence of estates
•Lodge a petition
•Valuate Estates
•Order for Distribution
•Plea (if any)
•Repeat trial (if necessary)
•Pay fee
•Registration of ownership of estates
Figure 5: Three-phase Claim Process
All institutions involved with the management and distribution of Islamic inheritance
adhere to the same principles and processes. Pre-submission phase requires the clients to
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compile the required documents for submission along with a claim form, either to Land
Offices, ARB or High Courts [9]. In particular, distribution of Small Estates will only take
place once the claim form (Form A or Form P) along with all the required certified
documents are submitted for processing at the Land Office [31, 51].
Syariah-compliance necessitates the breakdown of the pre-submission phase further
into two sub-phases. It requires the transfer of wealth upon death from a deceased person to
living heirs in the form of money, land, or other rights be done according to Syariah. Syariah
rules that at least two thirds of the estate can be inherited by various categories of relatives
and permits one third to be bequeath in a will [3, 48, 50, 52, 53]; this transfer takes place in
the first sub-phase. This transfer is legitimate once the first three compulsory obligations to
the dead are fulfilled [8, 31, 47, 48, 53-56].
The second sub-phase involves activities where clients validate three types of
document: documents to determine the type of death of the deceased, documents to certify an
existing list of heirs and sharers and documents to confirm the existence of estates [7, 18, 30].
This phase conforms to the principles governing the management and distribution of
inheritance according to Islam, namely, al-muwarrith, al-warith, and al-mauruth, respectively
[7, 49, 50].
These two sub-phases contain processes that seemed easy to follow, however they have
proven to be difficult to be handled by majority of Muslims. Having no one specific Syariahcompliant flow process for all types of inheritance was indeed troublesome for majority of
Muslims [5, 7, 8, 49]. They had trouble figuring out the most proper manner to lodge a
petition to claim rights to inheritance [7, 8]. For example, when documents are missing and
cannot be traced, copies of lost documents must be traced at different agencies and these
processes take time [4, 7, 8, 18]. These situations have caused them lots of time and money
before their claims are realized [7, 9, 18, 48].
When Muslims contract the services of ARB or lawyers to claim inheritance, they will
endure paying hefty fees. With respect to Small Estates, ARB charges around two to three
percent on the value of estates while lawyers polled by the New Straits Times charge between
one and 1.5 percent on the value and not many are aware that it’s cheaper to process a claim
at the Land Offices [57]. Small Estates cases can be easily settled at the Land Office for a fee
as low as RM10 and as high as 0.2% of the value of the estates [58]. Unfortunately, there are
also some Muslims who do not know that appointment of a lawyer is necessary for High
Civil court cases, but a lawyer is not needed if the submission of claims are through ARB [7].
The previous section has provided the background study that necessitates finding an
alternative and practical solution to the problem of lengthy and costly procedures to claim
Islamic inheritance in Malaysia. Constitutional amendments have been shown to be a
plausible but not effective solution to the problem. IT advancements like the e-Syariah, eFaraid and e-Tapp have also produced a minimal effect on decreasing the number of
backlogs in the administration and distribution of inheritance. Looking at the problem from a
different angle, Syariah-compliancy requirements have indicated that the administration and
distribution of Islamic inheritance require a series of activities of which some can be
performed sequentially with the other activities while others are performed in parallel.
Therefore, by defining a network as a sequence of points or nodes linked together by paths,
the Islamic inheritance management and distribution process flows can be described as a
network flow (NF) model. As discussed in the previous section, backlogs in the management
and distribution of Islamic inheritance most often occur in the pre-submission phase of the
administration and distribution of Islamic inheritance [7, 8, 18].
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An NF model divides a project into significant activities with estimated activity
duration, using nodes and arrows. The longest path that contains activities with no slack time
defines the critical path which will estimate any project duration, thus the major part of
control in any NF model is the determination of the critical path; any delay in the activities on
the critical path will delay the entire project [59, 60]. In the effort to optimize time and
money in the management and distribution of Islamic inheritance, preliminary investigation
of the NF patterns has helped to identify three assumptions needed for the critical path
analysis: i) preserving accuracy and realisticity of Islamic inheritance data in Malaysia, ii)
building correct assumptions to accommodate variability in data, and iii) efficiency to
optimize time and cost [61].
This paper wishes to highlight that work on the NF model has opened new horizons
on new ways of estimating activity durations to be used in critical path analysis. In
particular, careful comparison study of the potentials of some prominent measures of
variation and careful analysis of PERT and CPM have identified median absolute deviation
(MAD) as the best alternative measure of dispersion to estimate the activity durations and a
modified tool to estimate project durations [61]. It is hoped that by doing so, the issue of
variability in the data and project control are catered for, thus providing for efficient
optimization of time and money in the claim process.
This paper has traced some British influences on the legal system of Malaysia with
regards to the management and distribution of Islamic inheritance. These inherited influences
have raised many conflicting constitutional issues, thus the current legal system can neither
accommodate smooth and fluent administration and distribution of Islamic inheritance nor
can it allow for a single Syariah-compliant system to exist [7, 8]. Muslims will continue to
endure spending lots of money and time on the process flows of the inheritance unless the
legal system can accommodate smooth flow processes of the Islamic inheritance. This paper
wishes to emphasize that the efforts to be undertaken must include: i) resolving the
conflicting issues within the legal system; ii) ensuring that the State confers enough laws to
accommodate the civil procedures of the Syariah courts; iii) the State Laws are uniform in all
states; iv) the Islamic Law of Administration is co-ordinate properly and v) the functions of
the Syariah courts are expanded. The predicament Muslims faced and are facing in trying to
petition claims to inheritance is a problem that is seriously in need of a practical solution.
The above efforts may take time to be implemented in full, thus it would not be a practical
solution to the predicament faced by Muslims at present. Therefore, this paper believes that
the practical solution to the problem lies in other venues, one of which is the use of network
flow model which is researched on by this current study.
The author wishes to thank Universiti Teknologi Mara Malaysia for supporting this study.
Special gratitude is also extended to specialists in the field of inheritance management and
distribution at the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Malaysia.
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December 2011; 1: Page 58 of 81
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December 2011; 1: Page 61 of 81
Ezan Ezuani Rashid1, Sharifah Rafidah Wan Alwi2,* and Zainuddin Abdul Manan3
Process Systems Engineering Centre, Faculty of Chemical and Natural Resources Engineering,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia.
E-mail:, shasha@cheme.utm.my2,*, zain@cheme.utm.my3
Tel: +607-5535533; Fax: +607-558166
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji keberkesanan kos bagi pemasangan system PV di sebuah
masjid di Malaysia. Masjid Sultan Ismail di Universiti Teknologi Malaysia telah dipilih
sebagai sebuah kajian kes. Sistem grid-tied PV akan digunakan untuk menjana elektrik dan
dipasang di atas bumbung masjid tersebut. Rangka bagi sistem grid-tied PV terdiri daripada
enam langkah, i.e. (1) Anggaran awal saiz sistem, (2) Penentuan awal jumlah modul yang
diperlukan, (3) Pemeriksaan jumlah voltan bagi modul yang digunakan, (4) Pemilihan inverter,
(5) Pemeriksaan had voltan dan konfigurasi modul, dan (6) konfigurasi array. Pengiraan
dilakukan untuk mendapatkan maklumat-maklumat penting seperti jumlah sinaran matahari,
luas permukaan bumbung masjid, dan lain-lain. Teknik ini boleh mengurangkan bil elektrik
dan menjimatkan tenaga sehingga 47% dengan kriteria masa bayar balik selama 13 tahun.
The purpose of this research is to evaluate the cost effectiveness of installing a PV system to a
mosque in Malaysia. Sultan Ismail Mosque in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) was
selected as a case study. Grid-tied PV system is planned to be used to generate electricity and
will be installed on the roof of the mosque. The framework for grid-tied PV system consists of
six steps, i.e. (1) Initial estimation of system size, (2) Deciding on the initial number of
modules needed, (3) Checking the module voltage, (4) Inverter selection, (5) Checking voltage
limits and module configuration, and (6) Array configurations. There are some calculations in
order to estimate essential data such as amount of global solar radiation, area of the mosque
roof, and few others. This technique is able to reduce electricity bill and save energy up to
47% with a payback period of 13 years.
Mosque, Malaysia, solar system, grid-tied PV, energy minimization, payback period
(C) Persatuan Saintis Muslim Malaysia (PERINTIS)
PERINTIS e-Journal
Special Issue on Science for Sustainability
December 2011; 1: Page 62 of 81
Antony et. al. [1] defines photovoltaic (PV) as the active solar technology which produces
electricity from solar radiation using solar cells encapsulated in panels called PV modules.
Eicker [2] stated that photovoltaic means a direct conversion of short-wave solar irradiance
into electricity. Solar energy is a new technology but nevertheless has been used by many
countries nowadays in generating electricity, producing heat and warming water. Solar energy
is free, renewable, clean and available in abundance all around the world.
The strategic location of Malaysia in hot humid tropics facing high degree of diffuse radiation
each year makes Malaysia a suitable place to install solar system. PV system has been applied
in Malaysia but only in several houses (e.g. private bungalow house at Setia Eco-Park,
Selangor and greenhouse at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) Research Park) and offices (e.g.
Green Tech Malaysia (GTM) Green Office Building at Kuala Lumpur).
Al-Shamiry et. al. [3] presented a study on the installation and testing of a complete
photovoltaic hybrid system for a tropical greenhouse cooling in Universiti Putra Malaysia
(UPM) Research Park. The hybrid photovoltaic system consists of two photovoltaic subsystems connected to each other with the national electricity grid used as a backup unit. It
includes 48 photovoltaic solar panels with 18.75 watt each, one inverter, one charge controller
and a battery bank (with 12 batteries). The PV supplied 92.86% of the system energy
requirement which is very satisfactory and worthwhile.
In 2008, Ahmad et. al. [4] prepared a showcase project that installs 7.36 kWp building
integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) system at Monash University, Sunway Campus Malaysia. This
BIPV project received almost 100% financial support (showcase project) from GTM under the
Malaysia Building Integrated Photovoltaic (MBIPV) Project. A total of 115 units, each with
64 Wp (plus 1 dummy module) amorphous silicon solar modules, were used to cover an area
of about 110 m2. The price for this 7.36 kWp system is RM194,931.
Yaakub [5] then has introduced an economic study of photovoltaic application at FKE building
in UTM. The system design consists of 1200 units of polycrystalline module with 24 units of
inverter. The total capital cost for this system is RM2,355,000 and the total installation cost
per capacity is RM25 per watt peak.
This paper evaluates the system design and suitability of PV system in terms of economics to
be applied at a mosque in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia.
Data Extraction and Collection
The first step in establishing the minimum energy network is by conducting a site survey. For
lighting system, data on the energy profile for the mosque were collected. Beside that, the
annual monthly global solar radiation for Johor were also collected from Green Technology
Malaysia (GTM) to ensure that the mosque can receive higher amount of radiation so that the
solar system can be applied to the mosque. Grid-tied PV system will be used and hence its
suitability for UTM mosque roof needs to be assessed. The data needed are the orientation,
angle of inclination, surface area, and any possible sources of shading of the roof.
Site Survey
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December 2011; 1: Page 63 of 81
Site survey is an essential part of system design. There must be no shading on the roof. If
shading occurs on the roof, proper shading analysis needs to be carried out. In this study, a
sketch of the building layout with dimensions was produced and the orientation of the building
was noted. The information collected was highly detailed in order to prepare a cost estimation
for the energy system that is going to be applied. For angle of inclination the types of the roof,
either a sloping roof or flat roof, was first determined. This is because different types of roof
will provide different angles of inclination.
Modules Selection
The modules were then chosen according to the modules efficiency and cell material, which is
either monocrystalline, polycrystalline, amorphous, CdTe or CIS, or thin film technology as
shown in Table 1. Monocrystalline silicon cell was chosen in installing the solar system on
the roof of Sultan Ismail Mosque due to its high quality and comprehensiveness with
international product certification. From the point of view of the product quality, the main
requirements are:
- Modules enable electricity sound performance of the installation,
- Modules have long working lives, are suitable for the environment in which they will
be installed and suffer minimal degradation over time in terms of performance,
- Modules meet required technical specifications.
Table 1: Commercially available cells in the world [1]
Type of cell
Surface area
Current stage
needed for 1
7 – 9 m2
13 – 17 %
structure –
single crystal
Multi8 – 9 m2
11 – 14 %
structure –
crystals visible
16 – 20 m2
arranged. Thin
film technology
Thin film
Thin film,
11 – 13 m2
10 – 12 %
CadmiumThin film
9 – 10 %
Ready to go
telluride &
into production
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December 2011; 1: Page 64 of 81
Designing Grid-tied PV Solar System
The system design process consists of 6 steps and was implemented as follows:
Step 1: Initial estimation of system size
This step requires calculating the PV array peak power so that the initial maximum power that
will be produced by the system can be estimated.
Step 2: Deciding on the initial number of modules needed
In estimating the initial number of modules, the values of PV array power and module peak
power is needed (see Equation 1). It is also important to check if the modules will fit on the
roof and can be arranged in two forms which are landscape and portrait layout.
Number of modules
Step 3: Checking the module voltage
It is required to check the modules voltage because every module has its own technical
specifications. It is essential to do the observation during sizing to avoid any problem. All of
the standard data sheet should be given in Standard Test Condition (STC) corresponding to
1000 W/m2 of solar radiation at a module operating temperature of 25°C and air mass of 1.5.
Based on the data sheet, the module voltage at the desired temperature can be estimated. The
formulas are given in Equations 2 to 4 where VOC is the open circuit voltage, VMPP is the
maximum peak power voltage, TC (VOC) is the voltage temperature coefficient, T1 is the
minimum location temperature and T2 is the maximum location temperature.
VOC (at T1°C) = VOC (at 25°C) + (T1+25)[ TC (VOC)]
VMPP (at T1°C) = VMPP (at 25°C) + (T1+25)[ TC (VOC)]
VMPP (at T2°C) = VMPP (at 25°C) - (T2-25)[ TC (VOC)]
Step 4: Inverter selection
Inverter will convert the DC electricity produced by the PV array into electricity at a voltage
and frequency suitable to be fed onto the grid. The number and power rating of inverters are
determined by the overall power of the PV system and the chosen system concept. Suitable
inverter can be chosen by using the inverter power rating and the appropriate inverter from the
standard data sheet.
Step 5: Checking voltage limits and module configuration
The aim of this step is to decide on the number of modules in a string. The string voltage
needs to be within both the upper and lower limit of the inverter VMPP range. Besides that, the
open circuit voltage of the string also needs to be checked to ensure that it is below the
maximum inverter input voltage. The modules are usually series-connected in strings, one for
each inverter DC input terminal. The input DC voltage range of the inverter will determine the
number of modules to be connected together in each string. This can be calculated using
Equation 5 and 6.
Maximum number of modules =
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Special Issue on Science for Sustainability
December 2011; 1: Page 65 of 81
Minimum number of modules =
(6) Step 6: Array configuration.
It is necessary to check if the total number of modules originally decided upon can be divided
into strings of equal numbers by using Equation 7.
= Number of strings
The design and sizing process involve going through the available options and coming up with
the optimal solution. After going through the previous steps, it is possible that the total
number of modules, the array peak power, the type of modules or the inverter might have to be
modified again. This may need to be done several times and may involve doing some of the
calculations again.
Cost Estimation and Quotation
In installing a PV system, the cost estimation needs to be considered because the most
expensive item in any PV system will be the PV modules. Other costs include the inverter and
the PV combiner box. Besides PV modules and inverters, complete PV systems also involve
wire, cables, switches, fuses, connectors and other miscellaneous parts. A factor of 25% was
used to estimate the additional system costs. There will also be a time consideration in
installing a PV system and this will also lead to cost estimation. There are also the costs of site
visits, transport, planning and administrative costs. Payback period also needs to be
considered in PV installation system, as shown in Equation 8.
Payback period
Solar Radiation on Skudai, Johor
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia is located in Skudai, Johor at a latitude of 1.55927N and a
longitude of 103.63763E. Based on this latitude and longitude, UTM receives solar radiation
throughout the day and this signifies that the installation of solar system in Sultan Ismail
Mosque is highly feasible. From Figure 1, the annual average of the radiation incident or
global horizontal radiation on a horizontal surface is 4.55 kWh/m2/day which is equal to 136.5
kWh/m2 monthly.
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December 2011; 1: Page 66 of 81
Amount of solar radiation
Time (month)
Figure 1. Monthly radiation incident average on a horizontal surface for 2008 (kWh/m2/day)
Energy Profile of Sultan Ismail Mosque
Figure 2 shows the amount of energy used in Sultan Ismail Mosque for the past 4 years. It can
be seen that the annual average of the energy used has a range with a minimum of 17,657 kWh
and a maximum of 22,664 kWh monthly.
Energy Used (kWh)
Time (month)
Figure 2 Energy profile for Sultan Ismail Mosque, kWh for 4 years
Shading and Available Area on the Roof
Shading of the modules should altogether be avoided because this will drastically reduce the
output. From observations and predictions on the mosque roof, recurring shadings caused by
parts of the building have been determined as shown in Figure 3, labeled from 1 to 7. Hence,
only the sites labeled as A, B and C are left for the PV installation.
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December 2011; 1: Page 67 of 81
Figure 3. Shading and suitable area for PV installation
From the analysis presented in Section 3.1, Sultan Ismail Mosque receives 136.5 kWh/m2 of
global horizontal radiation monthly and uses a maximum electricity of 22,664 kWh/month.
Based on the efficiency of monocrystalline modules, the minimum amount of energy that will
be converted into electricity is 13 % of the solar radiation amount. Hence, the solar PV can
prospectively generate 10,683 kWh/month
Grid-tied PV System Design
After several trial-and-errors, the following configuration emerges and is deemed the best
configuration for the PV system installation in Sultan Ismail Mosque in UTM.
PV array peak power
35.92 kWp (area A)
15.48 kWp (area B, C)
Number of modules
160 x 180 Wp modules (area A)
84 x 180 Wp modules (area B, C)
2 strings of 8 modules (area A)
3 strings of 7 modules (area B, C)
Multi-string inverter with a DC nominal power rating, PDC NOMINAL of 3.5 kW and
maximum PV array power rating, PPV MAX of 3.8 kW.
Cost Estimation and Payback Period
Table 2 estimates the total PV system installation cost that is going to be installed on the roof
of Sultan Ismail Mosque. Most of the cost corresponds to the price of the modules because it
is the most expensive element in a PV system installation. And finally the total estimated cost
for this PV system is RM426,331.76.
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December 2011; 1: Page 68 of 81
Table 2: Total installation cost estimation
Subtotal Cost (RM)
Quantity Price/Unit
Balance of system costs (cables, 25%(modules + inverter)
wire, fuses, switches etc)
Planning, permits etc
5% (subtotal)
Total installation PV system cost
By installing a PV system, it is estimated that UTM will save 10,683 kWh monthly. Based on
the new electricity tariff mentioned by Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) for large usage such as
universities and factories, the rate is 26.2 cent per kWh. From this value, the payback period
was estimated and resulted in a 13-year payback time by using Equation 8 in Section 2.5.
Previously, UTM needs to purchase 22664 kWh of energy monthly but PV installation will
save 47.14 % of their expenditure and only pay for 11,981 kWh of energy from TNB.
Table 3 shows the results of a comparison between the grid-tied PV systems that have been
selected and a previous study in Malaysia. Note that the grid-tied PV system is using
monocrystalline module which gives a much smaller installation cost compared to the PV
system using polycrystalline module.
Table 3: Comparison between selected technology with a previous study
Type of Module Used
No of Module
Total Installation
Faculty of Elctrical
Engineering Building
Sultan Ismail Mosque
This paper has successfully evaluated the potential and benefit of installing a new grid-tied PV
solar system to Sultan Ismail Mosque and towards Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). The
findings show that the system can reduce UTM’s electricity bill by RM33,000 annually (47%
reduction). The capital investment is approximately RM427,000 giving a payback period of 13
years. UTM might want to consider this option since the life-time of a PV system is more than
30 years. With the feed-in tariff system to be launched by Malaysian government in 2012, the
economics of a PV system is predicted to be more attractive.
We would like to acknowledge Sultan Ismail Mosque and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Assets and Development Department in providing the data for this study.
(C) Persatuan Saintis Muslim Malaysia (PERINTIS)
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Special Issue on Science for Sustainability
December 2011; 1: Page 69 of 81
[1] Antony, F., Durschner, C. and Remmers, K. H. 2006. Photovoltaics for Professionals:
Solar Electric System Marketing, Design and Installation. Berlin, Germany: Solarpraxis
[2] Eicker, U. 2001. Solar Technologies for Buildings. West Sussex, England: John Wiley &
Sons, Ltd.
[3] Al-Shamiry, F. M. S., Ahmad, D., Sharif, A. R. M., Aris, I., Janius, R. and Kamarudin, R.
2007. Design and Development of a Photovoltaic Power System for Tropical Greenhouse
Cooling. Applied Science. 4(6): 386-389.
[4] Ahmad, A., Tan, V. and Ruoss, D. 2008. 7.36 kWp BIPV System Installation at Monash
University Sunway Campus, Malaysia. Milestone Report. MAL/04/G31 (Project ID:
[5] Yaakub, R. 2009. Economic Study of Photovoltaic Application at FKE Building. Bachelor
Thesis. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai.
[6] National Aeronautics and Space Administration. 2009. Monthly averaged insolation
incident on a horizontal surface for 2008. United States.
(C) Persatuan Saintis Muslim Malaysia (PERINTIS)
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Special Issue on Science for Sustainability
December 2011; 1: Page 70 of 81
Sharifah Rafidah Wan Alwi1,* and Zainuddin Abdul Manan2
Process Systems Engineering Centre(PROSPECT), Faculty of Chemical Engineering,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia.
E-mail: shasha@cheme.utm.my1,*, zain@cheme.utm.my2
Tel: +607-5535533; Fax: +607-5588166
Penggunaan air semakin bertambah setiap tahun berpunca daripada permintaan yang tinggi untuk
kegunaan pelbagai di dalam bidang industri. Bagi mengurangkan jumlah permintaan air bersih,
maka sesebuah industri perlulah mempunyai sistem pengurusan air yang cekap. Kaedah analisis
jepit air adalah satu kaedah sistematik untuk merekacipta rangkaian air kitar semula bagi
meminimakan penggunaan air bersih dan memaksimakan penggunaan semula air sisa melalui
integrasi aktiviti dan proses. Kertas kerja ini mengkaji keberkesanan memasukkan air sisa guna
semula ke dalam lokasi berlainan di dalam sebuah unit pembersihan air yang disusun secara bersiri
dengan menggunakan kaedah analisi jepit air. Kaedah ini telah diaplikasikan pada sebuah kajian
kes semikonduktor. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa kemasukan air guna semula ke dalam
lokasi berlainan di dalam sebuah unit pembersihan air yang disusun secara bersiri dapat
meningkatkan lagi jumlah penjimatan air bersih. Ia juga menurunkan kos operasi unit perbersih
air tersebut.
Kata Kunci: Analisis Jepit Air, unit pembersih, air minima, guna air maksima, jadual kumulatif
Nowadays, water demands are growing every year because most process industries and buildings
use water for a wide range of applications. In order to reduce water demand, industries have come
out with a better water management and water minimisation technique. Water pinch analysis
(WPA) is a systematic technique for the design of water recovery network to minimize the water
demands and maximize water reuse and recycling through integration of water using activities and
process. This paper considers maximizing water recovery considering injecting reused wastewater
to different location of a series water treatment units using water pinch analysis. The method was
employed to a semiconductor plant case study. The result shows that consideration of bypassing
some water treatment system unit increases further freshwater savings. It also decreases operating
cost of the treatment units.
Keywords: Water Pinch Analysis, treatment unit, water minimization, maximum water recovery,
cascade table
(C) Persatuan Saintis Muslim Malaysia (PERINTIS)
PERINTIS e-Journal
Special Issue on Science for Sustainability
December 2011; 1: Page 71 of 81
Water demand is increasing every year as a result of the growing world population. It is estimated
that more than 2.8 billion people in 48 countries will lack access to adequate water supplies by
2025 [1]. The looming water crisis and sharp increase in water tariff has particularly encouraged
the industrial sector to improve efficiency in managing fresh water usage and wastewater
The purpose of this paper is to perform maximum water recovery considering various injection
points locations for a series of water treatment units based on Water Pinch Analysis (WPA) for a
semiconductor plant water system. Though WPA has matured since its introduction by Wang and
Smith [2], most authors only considers on maximizing reuse and wastewater regeneration. Wan
Alwi and Manan [3] has introduces the concept of minimum water network which includes
maximizing water elimination, reduction, reuse/outsourcing and wastewater regeneration.
Wastewater regeneration refers to treatment of wastewater to match the quality of water required
for further use. Work on wastewater regeneration has included work on minimization of
wastewater regeneration units considering various configurations [4-9].
However, as has been neglected by previous authors, there are certain cases where regeneration
does not involve treating wastewater but instead making clean water from the water provider
purer. This is the case for processes that needs ultrapure or deionised water such as in a
semiconductor plant. In this case, it is not correct to term the system as regeneration as it does not
involve purifying the water again to something it was originally. Hence, we termed the process as
water treatment. In this work, maximizing water reuse for a series of water treatment units is
considered instead of wastewater regeneration units.
Typically, a set of wastewater regeneration unit that produces purer water source is more
expensive, hence water injection to treatment unit that produces the lowest water source purity
(upstream) is maximized first followed by increasing water purity treatment units (Figure 1a).
The reverse applies to maximize freshwater savings for a series of water treatment unit. Here,
water reuse must be considered to be used at the water treatment unit that needs the purest inlet
(downstream) first (Figure 1b). This approach can lead to lower operating cost and also reduced
wastewater from the earlier water treatment units.
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Special Issue on Science for Sustainability
December 2011; 1: Page 72 of 81
Decreasing preference for water reuse injection
Unit 1
Unit 2
30 ppm
Unit 3
20 ppm
10 ppm
(a) Regeneration unit
Decreasing preference for water reuse injection
30 ppm
Unit 1
20 ppm
Unit 2
10 ppm
Unit 3
(b) Water treatment unit
Figure 1. Water reuse injection for (a) regeneration, and (b) water treatment units in series.
Wan Alwi and Manan [3] has proposed a maximum water recovery system for a semiconductor
plant. However, the water reuse was only injected into the blend water tank that goes into
multimedia filtration, the beginning of the deionised (DI) water treatment process unit (see Figure
2). This paper analyses the various water treatment locations and proposes the best location to
inject water reuse. For the semiconductor case study, the multimedia filter, first pass reverse
osmosis and EDI water treatment unit inlet are considered. Treatment units after electrodeioniosation (EDI) unit is not considered since the water here is already near to ultrapure. By
injecting water reuse at other locations of the DI water treatment units, more freshwater
consumption can be saved and wastewater can be reduced from the treatment unit (e.g. reject
water, backwash, rinse water). This also leads to reduction in treatment unit load, indirectly
reducing the operating cost of the treatment units. Note that EDI unit uses a lot of electricity to
deionise the water which contribute to the operating cost.
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Special Issue on Science for Sustainability
December 2011; 1: Page 73 of 81
Reuse water
Blend Water
52 ppm, 32 t/hr
11.04 t/hr
Reverse osmosis
storage tank
Second pass
reverse osmosis
First pass reverse
RO 2nd pass
4.5 t/hr
RO 1st pass
9.8 t/hr
Ultrapure water
storage tank
EDI Unit
UF1 reject
EDI reject
3.36 t/hr
Possible other
location water
reuse can be
1.54 t/hr
DI water to
UF2 reject
1.8 t/hr
Figure 2. Deionised (DI) production water treatment unit.
There is a correlation between amount of water going into each of the treatment unit and also
amount of wastewater rejected from treatment unit. Furthermore, the wastewater rejects from the
treatment unit also correspond as potential water sources to be reused. Hence, the system becomes
not so straight forward as shown in Figure 3. All this will be taken into consideration in this
Water needed to
be purified
First pass
reverse osmosis
Second pass
reverse osmosis
31% of water inlet will
be rejected (potential
water source)
Next treatment unit
20% of water inlet will be
rejected (potential water
Figure 3. Correlation between water going into the unit and its wastewater.
The first step is to extract the limiting water data, which include water flowrate and the maximum
contaminant concentration for water sources (outlet) and demand (inlet) for the series of water
treatment units. The next step is to extract the equations which relate the water treatment unit inlet
flowrate to the amount of rejected wastewater. The targets for maximum water recovery and
minimum wastewater generation are then set using the Water Cascade Analysis (WCA) technique
developed by Manan et al. [10] starting by optimizing the water treatment unit with highest purity
water inlet demand to the lowest purity water inlet demand. The final step is to perform economic
analysis to estimate the total savings from the new configuration.
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Special Issue on Science for Sustainability
December 2011; 1: Page 74 of 81
3.1 Data Extraction
Table 1 shows the limiting water data for the semiconductor plant from Wan Alwi and Manan [3]
before any process changes. Note that multimedia filter (MMF) inlet refers to amount of water
needed from blend water tank. This is also the place where reuse wastewater is feed. The initial
freshwater consumption and wastewater generation of the semiconductor plant before water
integration are 47.78 t/hr and 36.76 t/hr respectively. Initially, blend water tank is satisfied by
using 32 t/hr of freshwater at 30 ppm.
Table 1. Initial limiting water data for semiconductor plant considering MMF inlet as demand.
F, t/hr C, ppm
F, t/hr C, ppm
D1 MMF inlet
MMF rinse
D2 Cooling tower
RO reject 1st pass
D3 Abatement
EDI reject
D4 Scrubber
WB101 rinse water, idle
D5 Toilet flushing
D6 Wash basin
WB102 rinse water, idle
D7 Ablution
D8 Toilet pipes
WB201 rinse water, idle
D9 Office cleaning
D10 MMF backwash
S10 WB202 rinse water, idle
S11 WB202
D11 MMF rinse
D12 WB203 cooling
S12 WB203 rinse water, idle
S13 WB203
D13 WB202 cooling
Total water demands 47.78 t/hr
S16 Cassette cleaner
S17 Abatement
S18 Wafer scrubber
S19 RO reject 2nd pass
S20 UF1 reject
S21 UF2 reject
S22 Heater WB101
S23 Wash basin
S24 Ablution
Total water sources
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December 2011; 1: Page 75 of 81
In order to take into account the multiple treatment units, the following data are assumed:
1. Total dissolved solids (TDS) contaminant concentration for each treatment unit:
• MMF inlet = 52 ppm
• 1st pass RO inlet = 45 ppm
• 2nd pas RO inlet = 8 ppm
• EDI inlet = 1.85 ppm
2. Wastewater rejects flowrate for each treatment unit:
• Multimedia filter (MMF) backwash (XMMF,B) = 6% of water into MMF unit
• Multimedia filter (MMF) rinse (XMMF,R) = 4% of water into MMF unit
• First pass RO reject (XRO,1) = 31% of water into 1st pass RO unit
• Second pass RO reject (XRO,2) = 20% of water into 2nd pass RO unit
3. Total water needed to enter EDI unit from RO tank = 17.69 t/hr (not including EDI return)
4. Total water needed to enter EDI = 45.36 t/hr
3.2 Single treatment unit inlet targeting
Table 2 shows the Water Cascade Table (WCT) by Wan Alwi and Manan [3] for the maximum
water recovery considering water reuse is only fed into blend water tank. The blend water tank
needs 32 t/hr of freshwater and water reuse mixed at 52 ppm. The freshwater and wastewater
flowrate targets are 11.04 t/hr and 0.02 t/hr respectively. Note from Table 2 that the cleanest
water targeted water at 0 ppm concentration actually referred to DI water (FDI) needed to be
supplied to the blend water tank instead of freshwater. This was because freshwater for the
semiconductor plant had a concentration of 30 ppm. The source water flowrate at 30 ppm shown
in Table 2 was actually the amount of freshwater supply needed.
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December 2011; 1: Page 76 of 81
Table 2. Water cascade table for maximum water recovery considering water reuse only goes into
the first water treatment unit.
Conc, C
Purity, P
Sum F
Sum F
Total F,
= 11.04
Cum water
surplus, t/hr
FFW, cum,
Cum water
FDI = 0
0 (Pinch)
3.3 Multiple treatment unit inlet in series targeting
For multiple treatment unit inlets in series targeting, Table 3 shows the limiting water data
assuming EDI and first pass reverse osmosis (RO) inlet can accept water with certain contaminant
limit. Table 4 shows the WCT obtained. The new freshwater and wastewater target are 9.05 t/hr
and 0.03 t/hr respectively. 12.31 t/hr of water reused are injected into EDI inlet directly and
9.75t/hr into first pass RO inlet. No water reused or freshwater needed to be injected into
multimedia filtration hence reducing the capital cost. Direct injection into EDI unit also reduces
the RO system capacity and water rejects. Figure 4 shows a simplified water network design for
the DI water treatment unit.
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Special Issue on Science for Sustainability
December 2011; 1: Page 77 of 81
Table 3. Limiting water data considering multiple treatment units as demand.
F, t/hr
MMF inlet
Cooling tower
C, ppm
F, t/hr
C, ppm
Wash basin
MMF rinse
RO reject 1st pass
EDI reject
Toilet Flushing
WB101 idle
Wash basin
WB102 idle
WB201 idle
Toilet pipes
WB202 idle
Office cleaning
WB203 idle
MMF backwash
MMF rinse
WB203 cooling
Cassette cleaner
WB202 cooling
EDI inlet
1st pass RO inlet
Wafer scrubber
RO reject 2nd
UF1 reject
UF2 reject
WB101 operation
WB102 operation
WB201 operation
WB202 operation
WB203 operation
Heater WB101
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December 2011; 1: Page 78 of 81
Table 4. Water cascade table for multiple water treatment units in series.
Conc, C
Purity, P
Sum F
Sum F
Total F,
FRO1 =
(C) Persatuan Saintis Muslim Malaysia (PERINTIS)
Cum water
FFW, cum,
0 (Pinch)
FDI = 0
PERINTIS e-Journal
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December 2011; 1: Page 79 of 81
Reuse water
1.85 ppm, 12.31 t/hr
Reverse osmosis
storage tank
Second pass
reverse osmosis
RO 2nd pass reject
45.36 t/hr
EDI Unit
1.35 t/hr
Ultrapure water
storage tank
EDI reject
3.36 t/hr
30 ppm, 9.05
Blend Water
Reuse water
45 ppm, 9.75 t/hr
First pass reverse
RO 1st pass reject
3.02 t/hr
UF1 reject
1.54 t/hr
DI water to
UF2 reject
1.8 t/hr
Figure 4. Final network design for water treatment unit in series.
3.4 Economic Analysis
Table 5 shows the operating cost formulas assumed. Table 6 shows the economics between
injecting in the first and various locations of a series of water treatment units. It can be seen that
by considering injecting at a later stage of a water treatment unit, a savings up to $ 198, 749 per
year can be achieved. This is 20.8% higher than considering injecting only in the first treatment
Table 5. Operating cost formulas.
JBA cost, CFW
Industrial wastewater cost, CIWT
MMF operating cost, CMMF
RO operating cost, CRO
EDI operating cost, CEDI
(C) Persatuan Saintis Muslim Malaysia (PERINTIS)
Type of OC
Chemical and
Cost formula
0.518FFW new
0.042FWW new
0.061FMMF new
0.058FRO,1 new
0.017FEDI new
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Special Issue on Science for Sustainability
December 2011; 1: Page 80 of 81
Table 6. Economics between using single and multiple water treatment units.
Freshwater Flowrate, t/hr
Wastewater Flowrate, t/hr
Freshwater reduction, %
Water reduction, %
Freshwater savings,
Wastewater treatment
cost savings, $/yr
MMF Filter inlet, t/hr
First pass RO inlet, t/hr
EDI Inlet, t/hr
MMF Cost, $/yr
RO Cost, $/yr
EDI Cost, $/yr
Total savings, $/yr
Before Minimum
Water Network
MWN with inject in Single
Treatment Unit
MWN with inject in
Multiple Treatment Units
As a conclusion, water reuse injected should be maximized at the downstream of water treatment
units and going upwards. A case study on semiconductor plant has yielded an increase of cost
savings of 20.8%.
Contaminant concentration, ppm
Costs per unit time for freshwater
Costs per unit tile for wastewater disposal
Desionised water flowrate
FEDI new
New electrodeionisation flowrate after analysis
Freshwater flowrate
FFW new
New freshwater flowrate after analysis
FMMF new
New multimedia filter inlet flowrate after analysis
Mass load
number of purity intervals
Parts per million
Tonne per hour
(C) Persatuan Saintis Muslim Malaysia (PERINTIS)
PERINTIS e-Journal
Special Issue on Science for Sustainability
December 2011; 1: Page 81 of 81
Deionised water
Multimedia filter
Minimum Water Network
Reverse osmosis
Ultra filtration
The authors would like to thank Malaysia Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation
(MOSTI) and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia for the financial support.
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(C) Persatuan Saintis Muslim Malaysia (PERINTIS)
PERINTIS e-Journal
Special Issue on Science for Sustainability
Author Index
Author Index
Abd. Hamid, Mohd. Kamaruddin
Abdul Manan, Zainuddin
63, 72
Gani, Rafiqul
Ghadimi, Pezhman
Hanafi, Nur Hashimah
Hassim, Mimi H.
Jahidin, Nor Zalmiah
Mat Saman, Muhamad Zameri
Mohamed Adil, Mohamed Azam
Mohd Daud, Salwani
Mohd Yusof, Noordin
Noordin, Noraini
Rashid, Ezan Ezuani
Shuib, Ap Dr. Adibah
Sin, Gurkan
Wan Alwi, Sharifah Rafidah
Zainol, Mohammad Said
63, 72
PERINTIS e-Journal
Issue on Science for Sustainability
December 2011
Keyword Index
Keyword Index
bi’ah salihah
Chemical Processes
Constitutional issues
energy minimization
fuzzy logic
Graphical User Interface
Graphical User Interface (GUI)
human development
Inherent Healthier Design
Integrated Process Design and Controller Design
Islamic law
Maximum water recovery
17, 63
network flow model
Occupational Health
payback period
solar systemgrid-tied PV
sustainable development
sustainable manufacturing
Sustainable product
Systematic Model-Based Methodology
PERINTIS e-Journal
Issue on Science for
Keyword Index
Treatment unit
Water Cascade Table
Water minimization
Water Pinch Analysis