Attention college students: Are you interested in a career in the natural sciences ? 

Attention college students: Are you interested in a career in the natural sciences ? CANCAS is a community of undergraduate students and faculty advisors from institutions all around North Carolina. We may be from different institutions and student organizations, and perhaps even different dis‐
ciplines of science and math, but we have a lot in common. By sharing our common interests, we can sup‐
port each other in our research and career pursuits.
The Collegiate Academy of the North Carolina Academy of Science is
looking for members and Campus Liaisons to increase CANCAS awareness.
Campus Liaison DuƟes include:
Encourage par cipa on of their student bodies and organiza ons with CANCAS. Stay in touch with CANCAS through News Notes, Facebook and a endance at the Fall Workshop and NCAS Annual Mee ng. Recruit new student members from their home ins tu on. If you are interested in joining and/or
serving as a Campus Liaison for
CANCAS contact Dr Erin Lindquist,
For more information visit:
or find us on Facebook!