Competition Identification, Kona Gold Coffees

Competition Identification, Kona Gold Coffees
From the Census Bureau’s County Business Pattern, the SCAA, and the
research of the Yellow Pages, we have located 11 companies in Hawaii in our
industry. Alphabetically these are Hualali Slopes, Kauai Mountain Coffee,
Kealakekua Farms, Kona Bayline Coffee, Maui Wowy Coffee, Mauna Kea
Coffee, Molokai Coffee, Namakua Coffee Processor, Regal Kona Coffee, and
Sandwich Isles Cofee. For this 11 companies, the population of Hawaii,
1,186,602 plus another 157,810 daily tourists, yields a population per capita for
each competitor of 122,219 and a factor .083 of the population per business.